How To DESTROY Algae in 30 Seconds (Get Rid Of Aquarium Algae FAST)
Pets & Animals 8 years ago 357,160 views
AQUAPROS Shirts (THANK YOU!) ► Awesome Algae Scrubber ► TOP SECRET PROJECTS 20 ml into 1000ml makes 2% solution 50ml into 1000ml makes a 5% solution Sorry for the mistake, either concentration will work- the 5% solution may work faster! Like This Video? Give It A THUMBS UP! 👍 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! Get Our FREE 15 Aquarium Tips ➨ Daily Pics and Vids on Social Media! Instagram ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Check Out Some Playlists: DIY ............► Fish ..........► Science ....► Plants ......► Reviews ...► Popular Videos You Might Like: DIY Project .......► Aqua Science ...► Plant Profile .....► Fish Profile .......► Review ..............► Some Of My Favorite Stuff Fish Food .........► Project Pump....► Heater ...............► LED Light ..........► In This Video: Today its all about destroying algae in your aquarium. Bleach dips are a proven and safe way to get rid of all types of algae in your fish tank. MUSIC: Thanks For Watching Guys!!! Don't Forget To 👍 The Video!
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20. comment for How To DESTROY Algae in 30 Seconds (Get Rid Of Aquarium Algae FAST)
30. comment for How To DESTROY Algae in 30 Seconds (Get Rid Of Aquarium Algae FAST)
He dips his algae covered plants in diluted bleach (20 cups of water, lid full of bleach) for 30 seconds.
Then he rinses all the bleach off and puts the plants back in. :)
-fleck algea grows on grass, use a magnetic brush.
-hair algae clings to plants, and need even more real plants to starve them out. -and keep it from growing back.
-staghorn algae looks like crazy bacteria tentacles or some kind of fractal nervous system. increase your water current a bit and or elevate the lamps from the surface of the water where it tends to grow near the light.
i been doing this for a very very long time, and most of my tanks use mud substrates for superior plant growth, so my water is high nutrient. having strong over growth of plants help starve out a majority of the algae.
-AND QUIT OVER FEEDING YOUR TANKS FFS!!!! The freeborn nutrients are what's causing your algae growth.
Video is 13 minutes long and it's not a 30 second fix...
fucking clickbait..
50. comment for How To DESTROY Algae in 30 Seconds (Get Rid Of Aquarium Algae FAST)
There is absolutely no safe way to completely prevent or stop the growth of algae.
Once it starts to grow in an aquarium, it does so very rapidly. A small patch of algae can triple in size in a few days. Algae is a primitive form of plant. Like any plant, algae require food, light to survive.
Anyway, never use tap water unless it first goes through reverse-osmosis!
100. comment for How To DESTROY Algae in 30 Seconds (Get Rid Of Aquarium Algae FAST)
The UV Steralizer also works good on Marine water taken from the ocean as this is loaded with marine algae spore, without UV the incoming water only increases the algae problem.
Remember be it fresh water or marine you only need to use it on incoming water, Not on the aquarium system running full time as UV will also kill some of the good bacteria needed in your aquarium.
Just a note about Bleach, do your plant dipping outdoors as breathing fumes from bleach can permanently damage your lungs.
How about the 8 fucking other hours breaking down, cleaning & rebuilding your rig?
for about 30 seconds, without moving your eyes, remove the green paper. You should see a redish after image on the white paper. This is the opposite color to green.
So in theory, this might be whats happening.
The green in the tank will certainly help to make the little red seem brighter than it actually is.
Removes the leaves that has algae, if you have nutrients and CO2 the plant will recover within a week or so.
The basic way of not get algae is to have stable levels of nutrients in the water. Regular weekly 30-50% water change and then add PMDD nutrients mix.
But I will try this bleach on pumps, stones and some slow growing plants that will not take cutting so well. So thanks for the tip.
I agree that dipping can be a very useful technique, but it is NOT safe for all plants. Some species do not tolerate it. An older well-rooted specimen may tolerate it where a new shoot of the same species might not. The type of algae makes a difference too. As you showed, some types come off easily but some stick like ticks. Some of the latter even leave wounds on plants.
These days, before I dip something I haven't tried to dip before, I remove a leaf or two and test dip first, to see how it will respond. Some things tolerate short dips but won't survive longer ones. Some won't tolerate dipping at all. I use whatever natural control measures that are possible. These include manipulating the lighting intensity and duration and algae eaters, such as Nerite and even Mystery snails where they suit; also Otocinclus catfish where possible, but with them, you really want the algae to grow so they have proper food to eat, so Otos are better for maintaining a balance than as a removal crew. But even algae eaters won't eat every type of the stuff. They generally seem to prefer softer, looser algae types.
So far, I've learned about a few plants that can't be dipped. For example, I grow many Hygros; some very common, one or two rarities. As yet, no Hygro has survived a dip, no matter how brief or weak, nor have any of the Cryptocoryne species I've tried, as well as Valisnerias and 'Giant pellia' ( Monoselenium tenerum ). I have found the odd plant where the green growth is killed but the roots survive, growing a new plant with time.
I had a gorgeous, very large Hygro pinnatifida that was outgrowing a 30G tank. It was going up for sale until I discovered most of it had patches of black brush algae all through. Within 24 hours of a 20-second dip (very weak bleach ), the entire mass of this lovely plant vanished, excepting for a bit of sludge here and there.
For undippable plants, l clear by hand for the algaes that come off clean like thread alga does. With the fuzzy, felt-like type that locks whatever it touches into a solid mess, I remove everything en masse.
Another tank of mine has been growing an alga I've never seen before since I set it up a few weeks back. It's a blackish green colour, but looks nothing like black brush algae. Rather, it looks like heavy cotton thread floating among the leaves. A chunk of this stuff feels exactly like wet cotton thread, but while it's easy to pull off long pieces, the ends are very firmly attached to the leaves. I believe the lights are too close to the surface, but at this time I have no way to raise them, so I keep a close eye on things.
Now I tend to just remove algae infested plants unless it happens to be something I can't easily replace, in which case I'll clean off as much of the algae as possible and try to grow cuttings in a separate tank, hoping for some clean new growth.
Anubias and Echinodorus ( swords) seem to tolerate dipping well, but some algae appear to cause permanent damage where they were attached. At best it's unsightly, at worst it may kill the leaf in time. Black brush algae left some big Anubias leaves with edges that looked very moth-eaten after dipping.
Not all heroes were capes.
It's not like anyone had to pay to see this video and you were all free to stop watching at any moment.
Poor things.
I've also had good results using Hydrogen Peroxide at 3% strength either spot treated or drop water level and spray directly. This also seems to murder the leaves of Vallis and the more tender Crypts.
with no dechlorinator huge amount will make the fish gills bleed
you have no idea how much experience i have in fishkeeping
2) ive always done bleach dips when i recieve plants in the mail (roots and all) for 3 minutes and havent had significant side effects
3) "light black" haha same
2) you can bleach dip roots, I just dont (personal choice) I didnt mean to never dip roots just came off that way in the vid.
3) lol, I fail :p
I have a 7gallon tank with 1 anubias coffefolia n 1 Nana n 1 java fern n 4 stems of cabomba..I dose 10 ppm nitrate n 1 ppm phosphate n 20 ppm potassium n 0.5 ppm iron....light is 11 watt pll light with reflector...wit co2 1 bubble per 4 seconds....recently I noticed plants leaf edges turning black n old leaf turning dull black...wat am I doin wrong...but its not bba me out....thank u
And to fight algae, you need stable levels of light and nutritions. Algae spores are in a healthy aquarium, so no way of getting rid of them. But different species of algae like different conditions. So when they occurs, the algae will start growing fast, and outgrow the plants.
Shrimps are also god algae pest controllers.
But this is basically the same as using H2O2.
It might change the pH a bit, so depending on what kind of fish you have. But most likely nothing will bother them, more or less like a water change.
Spring water? Not much plant nutritions there. Might want to consider PMDD if you have plants that doesn't grow good.
that algae looked like someone had thrown a wig in your tank.
keep up the good work.
Curious if you'll find a most precise/scientific explanation!
20 ml into 1000ml makes 2% solution
50ml into 1000ml makes a 5% solution
Sorry for the mistake, either concentration will work- the 5% solution may work faster!
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The algae likes fast changes in nutrition levels, and this schema will stabilise the nutrition levels (the water change will remove excess nutrients and adding new after will see to that there are at least as much so the plants get what they need).
Worked great for me.