How to Remove Nitrites, Nitrates and Ammonia From A Freshwater Aquarium
Pets & Animals 14 years ago 185,322 views
Here are some recommendations on how to remove nitrites, nitrates and ammonia from your freshwater aquarium. If you have any other problems or would like help with your freshwater aquarium, please visit my blog at:
Freshwater fish, have not evolved to breathe salt. Fish use a biological process by the name of "osmosis" to regulate their internal water and mineral balance. Adding salt causes the fish to dehydrate, as osmosis tries to clear the body of salt. Salt is a freshwater toxin and its use in the freshwater aquarium is scientifically out dated. For anyone who wishes to use salt, please read this list of complications.
Salt takes up molecular space in the aquarium, leaving less room for free oxygen
Salt is a toxic chemical and an irritant, it causes fish to produce extra slime, which can also inhibit breathing
Salt will alter electrolyte balance and homeostasis. Homeostasis is the bodily base line all living things need to remain healthy (think of it as factory settings)
Salt deposits in the organs of fish, unable to excrete the toxin, and poisons the organs even up to two years after salt use
Ich parasite is no longer salt responsive. To osmotically kill the parasite (what adding salt technically does) you will likely kill your fish first)
Bacteria are saline sensitive, but not all. So unless you have a microscope to identify said bacteria - do not attempt to treat with salt
Salt is not a chemical free treatment, salt is an alien chemical irritant and is much more toxic to freshwater fish than any over the counter medication ever could be.
Freshwater fish dehydrate, suffocate and drown in slime at the addition of salt
It does not improve osmosis or relieve stress. It causes stress and strains osmosis
Salt will not cure ich, anyone who has claimed it, the heat treatment has killed the parasite, not the salt. However ich is becoming heat resistant and using heat, you could potentially wipe your tank of fish, depending on sheer luck
Fish have evolved for millions of years to carry out osmosis perfectly, they do not in the last fifty, suddenly need salt to do it.
Google can only give opinion, anecdotes and myths unless you look at the scientific literature available. To do that you need to know what to look for, where, and understand the technical wording. Everything else is just someone's opinion
10. comment for How to Remove Nitrites, Nitrates and Ammonia From A Freshwater Aquarium
The theory here is that the salt is replacing carbonate. I do not know if it's an adequate replacement or not. Unlike salt, carbonate will help plants and will buffer the water to prevent pH variation.
Some parasites won't thrive in salty conditions, but this is sort of a different issue.
Do you know the different between Aquarium salt vs Epsom salt? When my flowerhorn get sick then one of the fish guys at the Hobby fish place told me to separate the sick fish to different tank and use the Epsom salt therapy for my fish which is one teaspoon for every 10gals. Are they the same or different and should I use it regularly to make my fish healthy. Thank you....
I do 50% water change every 2 days for a week now. I do not see any difference. I clean the gravel with the vacuum. How long should do that to see a difference ? What should I do? Thanks
but should I still add nitrifiers after each water change
20. comment for How to Remove Nitrites, Nitrates and Ammonia From A Freshwater Aquarium
30. comment for How to Remove Nitrites, Nitrates and Ammonia From A Freshwater Aquarium
There is a product made by Seachem called "safe", it is exactly like prime but power form, does 2000-20000 gallons plus, and is only $12-20. A lot more economical and is a lot more concentrated then liquid prime.
I just watched another video and it says Salt is really good for your fish in a lot of ways! I am pretty sure my tank is low because I have forgot to add salt, so I added a little tonight!
Any way to test salt levels?
Do fish typically swim in aloe vera? Deosn't sound natural to me.
You might have overstocked your tank initially, its best to only add a couple fish at a time to an un-cycled aquarium. If this is not the case then just be patient and continue with frequent water changes as it can take possibly up to 8 weeks to fully cycle your tank. Best of luck to you (:
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