Iceland Aquascape 150 Liter Planted Aquarium 2016 | Aquascaping
Pets & Animals 9 years ago 18,250 views
This video is of a nature aquarium Aquascape by Adu aquascaping. Adu aquascaping is an artist that resides in Utah who specializes in advanced aquascapes. This Aquascape is a symbol of Iceland. Only a artist representation and of course manifestation. Aquascaping is a very rewarding hobby because it is very challenging. I hope you enjoy the Cinematic video of my 40 gallon nature aquarium Iceland Aquascape that I designed in 2016. Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by
Really like your videos btw ;)!
10. comment for Iceland Aquascape 150 Liter Planted Aquarium 2016 | Aquascaping
20. comment for Iceland Aquascape 150 Liter Planted Aquarium 2016 | Aquascaping
30. comment for Iceland Aquascape 150 Liter Planted Aquarium 2016 | Aquascaping
Thanks for watching.
Que musgo será el que forra las rocas del acuario? en inglés no lo se escribir i no se que variedad de musgo es? gracias de antemano un saludo! !!!!!
great video and great aquarium!
i saw here in the comments that you use 2bps c02
but i would like to ask what is the lighting ratio of watt to liter, and what kind of lamps are you using.
in addition, did you use any glue when putting the mosses? i saw you brushed them onto the rocks, is it enough for them to hold tight on the rock and not coming off?
by the way, i find the off focus frames a bit too long in this video, maybe i'm the only one, just an advice.
I just glue them on using cyanoacrylate super glue gel. It seems to do the job quite well. And I am dosing fertilizers minimally to the water column, and not using any soil. Just the sand.
Just slow down and enjoy the effect. A few people said they loved those scenes including my nephew. :) Thanks for watching.
Can you check out my tank, any tips are greatly appreciated!
With your photography , this an easily pass as some Thai landscape .
love the way it comes out to seem like it's one big rock nice dude!
50. comment for Iceland Aquascape 150 Liter Planted Aquarium 2016 | Aquascaping
The lights have really nice color rendering. I mean really nice. Better than any LED I have used or seen out on the market...
Yeah the wood was a distraction.
I have no nutrient based substrate in this current scape. I am only using a mixture of ADA La Plata and Colorado sands. And minimally dosing the water column with DIY ferts and Aquavitro- I only use this line because I won a bunch of bottles. After they run out I am going back to all DIY fertilizer solutions, which I only minimally dose to the water column.
I usually use Marfied Controsoil Aquasoil, but as of now they recently pulled their Aquasoil from Amazon and their website is down. I don't know what is going on, but I hope they start selling in the US again.
What are you doing with this one with light,co2 and nutrients?
You're using alot of mosses but i can't see that requiring a super high-tech setup.
Maintenance keeping those mosses clean a looking good may give something to keep you busy going forward.
I added a few more rocks to the back left side of the canyon, which added more depth. With this layout I don't think it is necessarily a good thing to be able to see the horizon line. Once I cover up the horizon line it adds more depth. Crazy because some tanks have a lot of depth with the horizon line incorporated into the layout. Either way, this scape isn't supposed to be scaled way way out like some massive mountain scene. It is more like a 100-200 foot tall hill or cliff face for example.
Yeah the maintenance with the mosses and all of the rocks is crazy. Just have to wave my hand everywhere and catch everything that I can into the net.
I am running it just the same as the last tank- high light, 2bps CO2, and minimally dosing the water column.
Thanks for watching man.
After watching this a couple times and looking at some photos of the lava fields. It has changed my opinion. I'm looking forward to the Progress
you can't rush something to get this effect. Watch some videos
on how to use Java moss and other planting ideas it really cool. Nice scape.
i hope mine looks just as good when i do mine this year....
That would make it look ultra real