Most Popular Aquarium Freshwater Fish for Beginners
Pets & Animals 10 years ago 258,946 views
I've made a quick guide here on the top six most popular aquarium fish of the freshwater habitat. Hopefully this can give some of you beginners a good guy on what fish you might be able to go out and buy. I also give some good fax on how to take care of the fish and some misconstrued information that is out there for a lot of beginners. And remember this is my opinion on what I think the top and most popular freshwater aquarium fish. This is not including cichlids because I feel that's a totally different group of aquarium owners. I'm a believer that intermediate fish aquarium owners turn to cichlids. I'm aimed at trying to touch base with all beginners looking at the beginning stages of fish aquariums here. Let me know if you have any questions regarding these fish in the comments section or you can jump over to fish aquarium geeks forum.
10. comment for Most Popular Aquarium Freshwater Fish for Beginners
20. comment for Most Popular Aquarium Freshwater Fish for Beginners
30. comment for Most Popular Aquarium Freshwater Fish for Beginners
nope, no eggs at all just little baby fish
Guppies have live birth? Wow, I thought they laid eggs tucked away somewhere.
Congratulations! I don't suggest smoking that many cigars though, it could kill you. ;-)
How many babies did they have? One can always use a spare tank.
50. comment for Most Popular Aquarium Freshwater Fish for Beginners
and as u can see the bettas in this video are fine with no torn fins so I guess they are fine
but the down sides are the wild caught fish for the hobby are often getting over harvested even when we have a really good captive bred fish of them.also if we can't breed the fish in our care then maybe it's not a good idea to keep that fish.also if their kept in a very poor environment like so many new people to the hobby do or the ones who want to get little jimmy a first easy,cheap pet then no.