Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More
Pets & Animals 9 years ago 218,839 views
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10. comment for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More
outgrow a 10 gallon tank.
1.Algae Eaters - 2 x Chinese Algae Eater(Yellow)
2.Scavengers - 12 x Albino Corys , 4 x Clown Loaches
3.Surface Swimming fish - 2 x Blue Gouramis , 4 x Angelfishes
4.Small Shoaling Fish - 12 x Serpae Tetras , 4 x Rosy Barbs , 2 Penguin tetras, 3 x Black Widows
5.Exotic fish - 1 x Black Ghost, 2 x Silver Sharks
Note - Mixing Fin nipping Serpaes with tiny Cory Cats -not a Good idea. These Corys cannot move away fast enough to avoid getting their Fin nipped. i dont wanna give either of them back so i just feed them well. This keeps the fin nipping to minimum and gives the Corys resistance against diseases. 10 of the 12 Corys have half their fin nipped at all times. I also keep the water clean with weekly water changes not avoid diseases.
- Planning to get 2 more Rosy barbs and 4 more Penguin tetras soon to add to the shoal. However im not getting a good sized Penguin tetra in any store. The 2 i have in my tank are full size.
-Anyone thinks more than these 48(+6 planning to buy) would fit in a 75 gallon? ;)
I have a question for you that I need an answer to!!
I set up a tank for my GBR's to breed in but the alkalinity and ph keep dropping.
Alkalinity after a water change, 3 days later drops to 20 ppm
And the ph drops to under 6.0.
The water source here is:
7.6 ph - 7.8 ph
Hard water 100 ppm
Alkalinity is 100 ppm
3 days after a water change it drops and eventually drops to
alkalinity 20 ppm
Ph under 6.0
It's a miracle grow, organic potting soil substrate 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch thick.
I capped it with 6 mm gravel for 11 weeks then last week capped it again with
2 mm to 3 mm gravely rocks that I use in both my other tanks but they are not dirt tanks.
I put Dolomite on the bottom with broken oyster shells with red Ammaco organic clay for iron. then put the soil on top of that. Then the Gravel/rocks, etc... a little bit of dolomite was sprinkled on top of the soil before I layed the gravel.
Tank is now 12 weeks old. but started to go through 2nd ammonia cycle after I recapped it with at least 2 more inches of 2 mm to 3 mm small gravel to cap it good.
Fully planted with annubias, fox tails sword plant and a few others with horn wort on top floating.
I was using Seachems' neutral regulator 7.0 water conditioner for the first few water changes. Then recently switched to prime the last few weeks.
I took my fish out due to water swings, ph and alkalinity drops.
P.s. plants are beautiful, green, lush, growing fast.
Any thoughts as to why the ph and "ESPECIALLY" the alkalinity is dropping so far??
Thank you!!
20. comment for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More
You can have plants with Cichlids and Chinese algae eaters do well with African Cichlids Cichlids and plants. I never said they have to be housed with small Tetras.
Go make your own video that is way better if you feel so inclined to be critical.
30. comment for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More
4x Opaline Gourami
4x Dwarf Gourami
5x Boesmani Rainbows
15x Cardinals
3 or 6x Corydoras
1x Synodotis
1x Pleco
Please tell me your thoughts
It was just I needed.
So glad you always think outside of the box.
Party on dude. :-)
I personally think that aquascaping limits our choice for fish.
It's kind of a mindset, thinking first of the scape and getting fish suited to it.
As oposed to a fishkeeper mindset where you design your tank to keep the fish you want.
But with a little research there's still alot of fish out there suited for a planted tank.
My choice depends on what design, my current mountain scapes obviously have small fish to increase the sense of size and scale, besides it looks amazing to see them swimming in the middle of all the rock work.
For bigger fish like angelfish, i normally go for a very lush jungle aquascape.
I just haven't done anything like that for some time now.
One thing i always get for my tanks a good cleaning crew, otto catfish, alot of shrimps and some cory cats will do wonders at keeping things clean.
Obviously not all fish are compatible and not all fish are compatible with all plants, but I get a little bored seeing everyone doing planted tanks with just cardinals, rummy nose, and rams....I like those fish don't get me wrong but we can't be afraid to experiment with different types of fish and styles of planted tanks otherwise this all can get a little dull. I mean, I assume as well that most planted tank people got into the hobby through traditional fish keeping and not traditional horticulture, so I always find it a little sad when people lose the fish side of a planted aquarium. And hey, why not try stocking something exotic and unusual in a planted tank? Personally I'd love to one day have a really large planted tank and have a school of glass knife fish cruising around, or even do a monster of an iwagumi tank and have its main inhabitant be a black arrowana.
My point is, we in this hobby seem to get very obsessed with having our tanks follow a certain trend and there is a habit of shutting down planted tank ideas that are valid ideas before they even start due to preconceived notions about what a planted tank should be. Now if you excuse me, my high tech planted tank with a bunch of funky stems and my bichirs and other large fish needs a prune and a water change.
Bah, I think we just need to diversify, because I'm getting tired of seeing the same kinda tanks over and over again with the same fish over and over again. I'll be over here collecting wonky plant species and varieties while keeping an eclectic mix of fish. (I'll also currently be a little sad because I just tried buying 2 male boesmani rainbows like what you had and then realized that they were not large enough to mix with my other fish...I now have 1 and threw the other into an overstocked grow out tank...that might be the one downside to doing oddball fish...figuring out who works with what and who is big enough now and who needs to still grow is always a bit of a gamble).
Also, geez, what were those Geo's gunna do? Sift some sand here and there...with proper flow they wouldn't be burying anything and they really only sift lightly...if they were breeding and truly digging deep that'd be another story though. How are those geo's doing (do you still have them, I forget). I definitely want to try them and some other cichlids that I haven't tried once I get a bigger tank. I also need another EBJD in a planted tank because that was just fun haha.
I did the Geos with plants, and I figured that they would get sand on some of the plants, but if you place the rocks in the right place they tend not to uproot the plants. I didn't even think about how you weren't supposed to do it. Sometimes your prideful ignorance is a blessing. LOL. People were going crazy, and couldn't believe that I did that, or pulled it off. I just thought, well why not. LOL
I think do a Tanganyika tank with ferns, anubias, bolbitis, wood, rocks, and Tanganyika Killifish would be awesome. And probably shell dwellers at the bottom. You could still aquascape the tank. Why can't Tanganyika aquascapes be a category? I saw one tank in the IAPLC results that had tons of leaves and litter on the substrate and it looked like a black water biotope. It also received a pretty high ranking. As far as aquascaping goes I really didn't think it fit in with that scene, so I was surprised the judges liked it, and I am glad that they did.
they will happily snack on things like cardinal tetras,danios etc....and they will also munch on plants,often.
ghostfish are also predatory fish,and will tear smaller fish apart.
50. comment for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More