Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More

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Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More sentiment_very_dissatisfied 107

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 218,839 views

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Most popular comments
for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More

Ricardosr - 7 years ago
Can I keep a crayfish with Molly's and swordtails??
simon sharp
simon sharp - 7 years ago
Hatchet fish in an aquascape ? Jumpy jumpy...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
simon sharp you can put a glass top or some kind of cover on your tank.
Hers Vs His gameplay
Hers Vs His gameplay - 7 years ago
what water parameters do galaxy rasboras need?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Hers Vs His gameplay most water parameters will work. 6.5-8.5 pH. Just want some minerals in the water. non buffered water, such as RO water will need to be reconstituted with minerals
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping is excited to announce their partnership with BucePlant!
When ordering type "ADU15" into the code section and you will get 15% off of your first Plant order, so make it count!
To get to their website click on the BucePlant link that I have provided below!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
I wish I could. I don't really have much experience with those. Some experience with shrimp and a couple gobies
Dench LoRd
Dench LoRd - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping love your videos man, but I think you should do one on freshwater Gobys, African dwarf frogs and the different kind of shrimp!
HeyYouSlavesGoHangYourOwner - 7 years ago
Apistogramma Borelli is not a large fish bro.
jeff johnson
jeff johnson - 8 years ago
Chinese alge eaters only work when young,they than will destroy your aquarium and possibly kill your other fish.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
jeff johnson that's right. That's why I posted to do your research before purchasing at the beginning of the video. They will work well with Anubias, Java fern and bolbitis ferns in a Cichlid aquarium. Not all planted tanks have to be delicate aquascapes. This was a general video for many types of hobbyists. Thanks for watching.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
wanted to do a low maintenance planted tank.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
just dont really want any floating plants..afraid that it will be messy
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
was thinking of guppies
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
that would be good for a small tank.

10. comment for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More

Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
do I need an assorted variety of algae eating fish in a planted tank? I want to make a planted tank with fish that wont
outgrow a 10 gallon tank.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Oto catfish and Amano shrimp will do well.
GlibMgO - 8 years ago
2:30, that is one FAT corydora catfish XD
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
hahaha, yeah I guess it is!
Billy_BillyBoy - 8 years ago
Wish I could have a planted tank. Severum wouldn't be too willing though lol
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Haha, yeah it may not be the best bet. Maybe just use java fern and Anubias and see if that works.
Fowerhorn Fish
Fowerhorn Fish - 8 years ago
so great!
rohitb3 - 8 years ago
My Community tank(75 Gallon)
1.Algae Eaters - 2 x Chinese Algae Eater(Yellow)
2.Scavengers - 12 x Albino Corys , 4 x Clown Loaches
3.Surface Swimming fish - 2 x Blue Gouramis , 4 x Angelfishes
4.Small Shoaling Fish - 12 x Serpae Tetras , 4 x Rosy Barbs , 2 Penguin tetras, 3 x Black Widows
5.Exotic fish - 1 x Black Ghost, 2 x Silver Sharks

Note - Mixing Fin nipping Serpaes with tiny Cory Cats -not a Good idea. These Corys cannot move away fast enough to avoid getting their Fin nipped. i dont wanna give either of them back so i just feed them well. This keeps the fin nipping to minimum and gives the Corys resistance against diseases. 10 of the 12 Corys have half their fin nipped at all times. I also keep the water clean with weekly water changes not avoid diseases.

- Planning to get 2 more Rosy barbs and 4 more Penguin tetras soon to add to the shoal. However im not getting a good sized Penguin tetra in any store. The 2 i have in my tank are full size.

-Anyone thinks more than these 48(+6 planning to buy) would fit in a 75 gallon? ;)
bosnakedisniksic - 8 years ago
Good luck catching them lol
rohitb3 - 8 years ago
+Sir Ratman Havnt faced this problem till now. But if it happens, i will give them back to the store.
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
Hmmm... Say goodbye to your fish because if that Chinese algae eater gets hungry it will eat the gel on the fishes scales and kill them
Anders Persson
Anders Persson - 8 years ago
Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Anders “AnpeX” Persson AHHH!! haha I know, I know. I forgot many! I even forgot Rainbows! But this is a good list for beginners.
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 8 years ago
Hello again sir!!

I have a question for you that I need an answer to!!

I set up a tank for my GBR's to breed in but the alkalinity and ph keep dropping.
Alkalinity after a water change, 3 days later drops to 20 ppm
And the ph drops to under 6.0.

The water source here is:

7.6 ph - 7.8 ph
Hard water 100 ppm
Alkalinity is 100 ppm

3 days after a water change it drops and eventually drops to
alkalinity 20 ppm
Ph under 6.0

It's a miracle grow, organic potting soil substrate 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch thick.
I capped it with 6 mm gravel for 11 weeks then last week capped it again with
2 mm to 3 mm gravely rocks that I use in both my other tanks but they are not dirt tanks.

I put Dolomite on the bottom with broken oyster shells with red Ammaco organic clay for iron. then put the soil on top of that. Then the Gravel/rocks, etc... a little bit of dolomite was sprinkled on top of the soil before I layed the gravel.

Tank is now 12 weeks old. but started to go through 2nd ammonia cycle after I recapped it with at least 2 more inches of 2 mm to 3 mm small gravel to cap it good.

Fully planted with annubias, fox tails sword plant and a few others with horn wort on top floating.

I was using Seachems' neutral regulator 7.0 water conditioner for the first few water changes. Then recently switched to prime the last few weeks.

I took my fish out due to water swings, ph and alkalinity drops.

P.s. plants are beautiful, green, lush, growing fast.

Any thoughts as to why the ph and "ESPECIALLY" the alkalinity is dropping so far??

Thank you!!
Ordinaryname - 8 years ago
im starting up a planted tank and need some help with the plants
wcf93 - 8 years ago
what would you say about peacock gudgeons?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+wcf93 Well my LFS always sells them, but I don't have much experience with them, whether they eat plants or not. I don't think they do.
AquariumKids - 9 years ago
Nice! Just subbed :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+AquariumKids.com Thanks for watching.

20. comment for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More

23tonylawrence - 9 years ago
Where are the Rainbow fish.  They are awesome in a planted tank.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+23tonylawrence I know, I know I am mad that I forgot them. I love Rainbow fish and have owned many before. They just slipped my mind. Thanks for watching.
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 9 years ago
water slaters (assellus aquaticus) eat all kinds of filament like algae, exept marimo, with vigor, but spare live plants, exept for moss. well, if enough food is provided, and the little buggers have an appetite! any but the tyniest fish will eat them, but they make great cleaners in a nano/shrimp tank, and look quite interresting.
Getthat Cornouttamyface
Getthat Cornouttamyface - 7 years ago
Cuda FX f
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Cuda FX That is interesting. Yeah it would be cool to see different types in the same tank. Maybe you could even do little Amphipods, and maybe even the shrimp may catch some from time to time for a little snack. I also catch a lot of Amphipods and the fish go nuts! Well Rainbows and African Cichlids do.
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 9 years ago
it's surprising how unknown water slaters still are in the hobby and trade, concidering the trend to nano tanks, and that they can be found in almost any pond in temperate climte (and occasionally as live food). they are incredibly hardy too, and there is quite some variation in color, grey brown being the norm. i have seen completely white pigmented, ebony, translucently unpigmented, reddish, to almost pitch black. so there is some interresting potential for selective breeding. (all in one colony started from ones collected from one garden pond)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Cuda FX Yeah those do look pretty cool. That would be fun to have in a shrimp tank and watch those plus the shrimp just zip around. Thanks for the added tip. The community will benefit! Thanks for watching.
Joe Harris
Joe Harris - 9 years ago
hey! love the vid! come check out my channel just starting it back up and would love some advice and tips from any and all of you guys! thanks!
MotoChase - 9 years ago
Would you think it would be safe for a male beta to go in with a fire mouth cichlid? And can I put an angelfish in with both of them?
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 9 years ago
+Aquatic Variation had to move him
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 9 years ago
+Vexom 13 watch out this the firemouths you buy, small one stressed out my 4 inch Oscar in a 55
MotoChase - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping I did some more research and I think I'm going to get a German blue ram, because they're compatible
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Vexom 13 the Firemouths can be really territorial, so I am not sure about that idea. It may even kill an Angelfish. And it depends on how big your tank is and how many Angelfish or bettas you have vs say one firemouth.
Sk2PPer - 9 years ago
All epalzeoryncus are terrible algae eaters... and the Chinese algae eater is a carnivore that will attack your fish. this list is lame and inaccurate!!
Alek Koomanoff
Alek Koomanoff - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Sk2PPer At the beginning of the video I clearly wrote a disclaimer saying "Research all fish before purchasing" Thanks for watching...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Sk2PPer You are only partially right. Both species when adolescent do eat diatoms and biofilm. As they get bigger they stop eating diatoms so much and look for food, and become aggressive. And to clarify did I ever say that these types of fish have to be housed with other small fish? NO!
You can have plants with Cichlids and Chinese algae eaters do well with African Cichlids Cichlids and plants. I never said they have to be housed with small Tetras.

Go make your own video that is way better if you feel so inclined to be critical.
Sk2PPer - 9 years ago
flying fox is not a viable algae eater!!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Sk2PPer they do eat diatoms when they are adolescents. It isn't like Oto cats actually do a very good job either. Nor do SAEs. Amano shrimp, Florida flagfish- which you decided to ignore that I put that in the list do a way better job at eating algae, but that doesn't nullify that SAEs, and flying foxes do eat algae when they are adolescents. My Oto cats and SAEs do a horrible job now that they are older.
Alexis Treese
Alexis Treese - 9 years ago
Watch this introduction video about my educational AQUATERRA channel please!:)))

ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Alexis Treese Very nice! and thanks for sharing with us.
YouTube Hero
YouTube Hero - 9 years ago
So do all Molly's and guppys eat algae?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+short-gaming-clips they will eat thread algae. A lot of fish will snack on thread and hair algae, they are better alternatives to guppies, such as amano shrimp!
Talon C
Talon C - 9 years ago
No rainbow fish?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Talon C I know, I know, I am pissed as well. I don't know why I forgot. I love Rainbows and have owned many. I see you are a rainbow freak by your thumbnail.
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 9 years ago
Wicked breakdown G
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More Thanks dude! I hope it helped out some beginners.

30. comment for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More

Tropical Fish Guides
Tropical Fish Guides - 9 years ago
How's this for stocking a 120L tank? 30ish gallons I think
4x Opaline Gourami
4x Dwarf Gourami
5x Boesmani Rainbows
15x Cardinals
3 or 6x Corydoras
1x Synodotis
1x Pleco
Please tell me your thoughts
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Tropical Fish Guides Gouramis can get a long with Rainbows, but a tank that size you may want to choose one or the other. 5 ranibows + that many Gouramis might be too many fish, and the fish may feel crowded. 5 rainbows with 15 Cardinals, 3 Corys, and a pleco with the catfish would be plenty. Or sub the 4 Gouramis for the 5 rainbows. It just seems like an awful lot of fish for a 30 gallon tank.
Soma Ghosh
Soma Ghosh - 9 years ago
can I keep goldfish in planted aqurium
Alek Koomanoff
Alek Koomanoff - 8 years ago
Soma Ghosh poo
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Soma Ghosh Yes, you can get java ferns and Anubias and tie them down to rocks. Those plants are hardy, and can handle the Goldfishes behavior.
Christina M
Christina M - 9 years ago
I pick fish according to their colors. Feng shui recommends no red fish in a section of the house with too much fire, so can't do the red shrimp. I like my pure white cory catfish I bought today. Their color goes well with the house. I hope they do a good job cleaning up after my goldfish. They seem busy so far.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Christina M That is a great method. Haha, too much red can get a little crazy. I often think people use too many red plants, but that is just my taste. I really want to just get basic neon tetras at the moment. haha. thanks for watching.
Ivory Queen
Ivory Queen - 9 years ago
Great video! very informative
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Ivory Queen Thanks for watching! Glad you liked the vid. :)
MrHoney2U - 9 years ago
Awesome vid.
almcloud - 9 years ago
cool fish
Mendy Werner
Mendy Werner - 9 years ago
Aren't doctor fish illegal?
Mendy Werner
Mendy Werner - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping oh, thank you.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Mendy Werner I am not sure, maybe in some states. We are able to order them into Utah.
Barefoots Child
Barefoots Child - 9 years ago
That was a perfect video Dave....colorful, informative, entertaining, and original.
It was just I needed.
So glad you always think outside of the box.
Party on dude. :-)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Barefoots Child Thanks yo! Glad you liked this vid. just though it would help out some beginners, and others. Some kid kept bugging me, LOL, so I decided to help him out. Everyday- Dude!! Do a video on planted tank fish! Dude, do it! LOL
X3N - 9 years ago
I really like your video thumb up. Your one of the few that talk about fish(s) in a planted tank. Maybe you could elaborate on one to two fish, different snail and shrimp per video. Plus their were a few fish that were left out (yes, too many for one video). Also I would like to see for example pH differences from discus to guppy and the plants they live with, breeding, laying eggs on a plant's leaf, Moss for fish fry to hide. Fish(s) that should not be in a planted tank. My silver dollar will eat any plant i put in the tank, including Java fern.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Xen Master Thanks, I could probably do fish that shouldn't be in a planted tank, but only have experience breeding African Cichlids. I don't really know much about breeding of tropical fish to be honest, and there are other videos out there that will demonstrate how to do it.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
Nice video Dave.
I personally think that aquascaping limits our choice for fish.
It's kind of a mindset, thinking first of the scape and getting fish suited to it.
As oposed to a fishkeeper mindset where you design your tank to keep the fish you want.
But with a little research there's still alot of fish out there suited for a planted tank.
My choice depends on what design, my current mountain scapes obviously have small fish to increase the sense of size and scale, besides it looks amazing to see them swimming in the middle of all the rock work.
For bigger fish like angelfish, i normally go for a very lush jungle aquascape.
I just haven't done anything like that for some time now.
One thing i always get for my tanks a good cleaning crew, otto catfish, alot of shrimps and some cory cats will do wonders at keeping things clean.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac That is true, we really just wish we had all kinds of tanks, from delicate and fancy aquascapes, to giant jungle tanks like you see at the local aquarium! Gotta catch 'em all!
Eugenio Vazquez
Eugenio Vazquez - 9 years ago
Really appreciate the educational course you're given to the planet tank people community
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Eugenio Vazquez Thanks for watching.
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 9 years ago
Very well put together list, now got me wanting them all. Fired Up!!!
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 9 years ago
Fish on the brain lol
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Slim Tim Thanks Time! Fired Up!!! In the membrane! LOL
HybridHerps - 9 years ago
Also, and this isn't a criticism of the video more a criticism of the hobby, I think we all need to do a better job of listing out what fish are and aren't possible in planted tanks and expand our minds when thinking about fish in the planted tank. Most people like doing their planted tanks with small community fish and that's all fine and dandy but I personally like keeping oddballs and more peaceful cichlids like electric blue acara, geophagus, electric blue jack dempsey, blood parrots, rainbow cichlids, and cryptoheros in a planted tank. Heck, I've seen people keep really nice planted set ups with severums, silver dollars, and oscars and tin foil barbs (of course, their plant species options were super super limited but the tanks were still lush and just had to be creative about what species to use and how...ferns and anubias can go a long way honestly) as well as planted tanks with swords and lotus and the like that housed monster cichlids like red head cichlids and even a planted tank with a full grown midas.

Obviously not all fish are compatible and not all fish are compatible with all plants, but I get a little bored seeing everyone doing planted tanks with just cardinals, rummy nose, and rams....I like those fish don't get me wrong but we can't be afraid to experiment with different types of fish and styles of planted tanks otherwise this all can get a little dull. I mean, I assume as well that most planted tank people got into the hobby through traditional fish keeping and not traditional horticulture, so I always find it a little sad when people lose the fish side of a planted aquarium. And hey, why not try stocking something exotic and unusual in a planted tank? Personally I'd love to one day have a really large planted tank and have a school of glass knife fish cruising around, or even do a monster of an iwagumi tank and have its main inhabitant be a black arrowana.

My point is, we in this hobby seem to get very obsessed with having our tanks follow a certain trend and there is a habit of shutting down planted tank ideas that are valid ideas before they even start due to preconceived notions about what a planted tank should be. Now if you excuse me, my high tech planted tank with a bunch of funky stems and my bichirs and other large fish needs a prune and a water change.
darrel stinkmeaner
darrel stinkmeaner - 9 years ago
+hybridherps I've been wondering that as well. I have a pair of redheads who are just starting to breed, and boy, do they dig ALOT! I always have to reach in and replant some hygro, nesea or lotus, but the A. barteri and amazon swords are always completely unaffected. if you're gonna keep big cichlids, choosing hardy plants will save you an arm and a leg; not to mention lots and lots of planting.
HybridHerps - 9 years ago
Didn't both Tom Barr and Oliver Knott do live planted nicely scaped african cichlid tanks? But yah, this years ADA results just looked like a lot of red plants and wood....like not even one dutch tank? Like that's still pretty conventional and it wasn't even there. Plus, I find most of these scapes are loosing the spirit of what an aquascape is about, which is replicating nature...making something picture perfect isn't natural at all, its nice and it has its place but I hate how that's becoming not just the predominant style but also close to the only thing. Plus it creates a very large divide between beginners and people with big budgets who are experts and know exactly how to do everything down to the small details. Most people start off with the wrong everything and slowly find a balancing point between what they were doing before and where they want to be. Like no one starts this hobby with the right light, substrate, and plant choices, most get plants that are too difficult, in quiet the wrong substrate, with not the right light, and a really weird assortment of fish. And those guys sure as hell don't have the time or money to be going for all of these super fancy super hardscaped planted tanks that have one or two really hard and small species and that's it.

Bah, I think we just need to diversify, because I'm getting tired of seeing the same kinda tanks over and over again with the same fish over and over again. I'll be over here collecting wonky plant species and varieties while keeping an eclectic mix of fish. (I'll also currently be a little sad because I just tried buying 2 male boesmani rainbows like what you had and then realized that they were not large enough to mix with my other fish...I now have 1 and threw the other into an overstocked grow out tank...that might be the one downside to doing oddball fish...figuring out who works with what and who is big enough now and who needs to still grow is always a bit of a gamble).

Also, geez, what were those Geo's gunna do? Sift some sand here and there...with proper flow they wouldn't be burying anything and they really only sift lightly...if they were breeding and truly digging deep that'd be another story though. How are those geo's doing (do you still have them, I forget). I definitely want to try them and some other cichlids that I haven't tried once I get a bigger tank. I also need another EBJD in a planted tank because that was just fun haha.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+HybridHerps Amen, Amen, Amen! I am so glad you said it. To be honest I wasn't even aroused by the ADA results. I mean, yeah they are cool, but they really aren't the Be-All and End-All of planted tanks, or fish keeping. I noticed something really odd about all of those tanks, which used to not be the case. They had no fish!! There are no fish! It used to be you would see fish, now they are just pumping the tank full of CO2 and getting it up and running as fast as they can. It really isn't about planted tanks, or fish keeping. It is about making photographs with plants. I see more photography influence than I do anything else. Ironically I uploaded my video about fish on the same day as the results. I am sure nowadays they are just taking the fish out of the tank for the photo, or at least I hope so. I had one hobbyist telling me that my tank was cool, but I needed just one main type of fish, and that I had too many oddballs and strays. I went and looked at a picture of Amano's giant tank in his house and he only had 3 Rummy-nose in the entire tank, they were total strays. He also had tons of different types of fish in his tank. A home aquarium should be about passion, and fun, not about conforming. On the Facebook group Planted Tanks there is a guy that shares photos of his Arrowana tank, which is heavily planted too. It looks super awesome. I would love to have some giant wild nature tank (like you see at a public aquarium) any day over an overly stuffy, pristine aquascape. Honestly I may be getting bored with trying to progress only in the aquascaping direction. Sure, I can keep the YT name and keep fine aquascaped tanks, but I think I may start venturing out and getting even more oddballs!!! and hopefully someday doing a robust wild nature tank.

I did the Geos with plants, and I figured that they would get sand on some of the plants, but if you place the rocks in the right place they tend not to uproot the plants. I didn't even think about how you weren't supposed to do it. Sometimes your prideful ignorance is a blessing. LOL. People were going crazy, and couldn't believe that I did that, or pulled it off. I just thought, well why not. LOL
I think do a Tanganyika tank with ferns, anubias, bolbitis, wood, rocks, and Tanganyika Killifish would be awesome. And probably shell dwellers at the bottom. You could still aquascape the tank. Why can't Tanganyika aquascapes be a category? I saw one tank in the IAPLC results that had tons of leaves and litter on the substrate and it looked like a black water biotope. It also received a pretty high ranking. As far as aquascaping goes I really didn't think it fit in with that scene, so I was surprised the judges liked it, and I am glad that they did.
HybridHerps - 9 years ago
Wait, rainbow sharks eat algae?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+HybridHerps Encyclopedia of aquarium plants, and a bunch of online profiles.
HybridHerps - 9 years ago
What book did you use?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+HybridHerps Well, that is what the internet and my book say. I guess they probably just graze on fuzz like a Tropheus or something.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
I am not saying to put a Festive Cichlid in your pristine aquascape. This is more of a list of names so people can see a fish that they admire and be able to look it up and research it. Many beginners need and want a list of fish with pictures that can be put in a planted tank. There are many different types and sizes of planted tanks, so keep that in mind.
shizdank - 9 years ago
awesome sauce!!!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+shizdank Thanks bro!
IFG - 9 years ago
Great video. Very well put together. Awesome for community tank enthusiast.
IFG - 9 years ago
Right!! Lol lol
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+The Inquisitive Fish Guy 71 Exactly! You get it! haha. People need to remember there are different types and sizes of planted tanks. Just depends on what kind of planted tank you want to have. Thanks for watching man. I am not saying, yeah put a Festive Cichlid in your pristine aquascape. haha.
DeMishMIsh - 9 years ago
Festivus cichlid is a TERRIBLE thing to add to a planted tank that has small fish.
they will happily snack on things like cardinal tetras,danios etc....and they will also munch on plants,often.
ghostfish are also predatory fish,and will tear smaller fish apart.
HybridHerps - 9 years ago
+DeMishMIsh I'm not sure I've heard of festivums being plant eaters but I suppose it is possible. I feel like I've seen them kept in planted tanks...granted maybe not with super rare or soft stems but the plants I think most people keep might be just fine with them. Although I will agree they wouldn't work with the small fish but I don't think the idea of the video was to be a catch all of what can go into a planted tank together, but rather be a thing of "here are some ideas for fish that can work with live plants" for the viewer to then do some research on and bounce around what fish they like and be a starting point for research.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+DeMishMIsh I knew someone would bring this kind of thing up, but you must remember that there are many different types of planted tanks. I didn't say that all these fish can be kept together, or with every type of plant. Gouramis will also pick at HC and mess it up. Just depends on what type of tank you are going to have. This is just a list of fish and pictures that beginners will appreciate. It will make it easier for them to look up and research a fish that they admire. Thanks for watching.
Ruben - 9 years ago
Very nice man.
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
Very nicely put together informational video.

50. comment for Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium - Algae-Eaters Shoaling Fish And More

Georgi Georgiev
Georgi Georgiev - 9 years ago
Emperor Tetras are not so good for planted tanks. They don't eat all the plants but if they like one it's gone for a day :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Georgi Georgiev That may be true for some plants. Had them and they never touched my plants. This is a community tank type video, and there are many different types and sizes of planted tanks, so we must keep that it mind. Thanks or watching man.
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
cool im setting up my fist planted tank know soo this is good
ThatLaurenGal - 9 years ago
Brilliant list xx
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+ThatLaurenGal Thanks!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
I know, I know, I forgot Glo-Fish.
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 9 years ago
Great vid
darrel stinkmeaner
darrel stinkmeaner - 9 years ago
Great list, these are all awesome fish.

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