Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks
Pets & Animals 11 years ago 347,920 views
Subscribe Now: Watch More: Setting up a 10-gallon aquarium is something you can do on your own, but it does require you to follow a few important steps. Set up a 10-gallon aquarium with help from an aquarium professional in this free video clip. Expert: Paul Endtricht Bio: Paul Endtricht has kept aquariums as a hobbyist since age 10, and has been working with them professionally since 2002. Filmmaker: Elizabeth Hong Series Description: Setting up an aquarium or fish tank in your home is very similar to owning other types of pets - you need to make sure that you're following directions and taking care of the tank to keep the fish inside as happy as possible. Get tips on aquariums and fish tanks with help from an aquarium professional in this free video series.
10. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks
20. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks
Btw nope you need 3000 gallon for dat, make sure you use Seachem LOL
I agree with Adolfo though, you should do plenty of research on the fish you want, before buying it to see if it would live comfortably in your tank. :)
30. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks
Dwarf gouramis
What about a Betta. I have a ten gallon aquarium with a Betta and 2 corys. They have been doing fine for a little over a year now.
50. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks
Live plants take an important part in the biological system in a fish tank, they provide oxygen for the fish and can reduce algae and so on.
I love Nemo!
I know, but someone I read somewhere that a heater was essential but it must of been about tropical fish.
I currently have 1 Gold Dust molly, 1 Black molly, 1 black fry, and 3 Serape Tetras.
I wanted another fry but the Tetras gobbled them up so quickly, which is precisely what I wanted them to do anyways.
3 guppies 2 plateis 1 cory catfish and 2 or 3 neon tetras someone plz help me plz plz plz
Not all of the fish at once of course and certain paradise gourami's will get too big for a 10 gallon tank. Most common ones, red and blue, and albino are fine though.
Glad to help.
100. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks