Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks

Subscribe Now: Watch More: Setting up a 10-gallon aquarium is something you can do on your own, but it does require you to follow a few important steps. Set up a 10-gallon aquarium with help from an aquarium professional in this free video clip. Expert: Paul Endtricht Bio: Paul Endtricht has kept aquariums as a hobbyist since age 10, and has been working with them professionally since 2002. Filmmaker: Elizabeth Hong Series Description: Setting up an aquarium or fish tank in your home is very similar to owning other types of pets - you need to make sure that you're following directions and taking care of the tank to keep the fish inside as happy as possible. Get tips on aquariums and fish tanks with help from an aquarium professional in this free video series.

Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 242

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 347,920 views

Subscribe Now: Watch More: Setting up a 10-gallon aquarium is something you can do on your own, but it does require you to follow a few important steps. Set up a 10-gallon aquarium with help from an aquarium professional in this free video clip. Expert: Paul Endtricht Bio: Paul Endtricht has kept aquariums as a hobbyist since age 10, and has been working with them professionally since 2002. Filmmaker: Elizabeth Hong Series Description: Setting up an aquarium or fish tank in your home is very similar to owning other types of pets - you need to make sure that you're following directions and taking care of the tank to keep the fish inside as happy as possible. Get tips on aquariums and fish tanks with help from an aquarium professional in this free video series.

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Most popular comments
for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks

Brandon Dulacka
Brandon Dulacka - 7 years ago
So slow. Edit should be about 2 mins.
Josh the inflatable guy
Josh the inflatable guy - 7 years ago
Um I am new to the hobby will a blue whale fit in the tank thanks and where do I get one I thought China could hook me up!?
Unquality Videos
Unquality Videos - 7 years ago
Instructions unclear, dick got stuck in filter...
joy in wonderland
joy in wonderland - 7 years ago
Will my baluga whale fit in this? He's out grown his 2.5
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
Teeth sucking.
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett - 7 years ago
Real rushed job
ArcticFox28 - 7 years ago
Looks like Ben Affleck.
justin Bentley
justin Bentley - 7 years ago
what type of sand did he use
BigBassAddicts - 7 years ago
How much does this all cost ?

10. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks

SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
This dude kinda talks like Obama.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 7 years ago
Kutahti - 7 years ago
AnarKie - 7 years ago
count how much he says "many"
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 7 years ago
He sounds like Jeb Bush
Adam Sean dubstep
Adam Sean dubstep - 7 years ago
YOU HAVE SILVER DOLLERS in the giant tank behind you. Im getting a few or somthing
Kaige Monroe
Kaige Monroe - 7 years ago
you said that you should have used the plants I don't poop head
Connor Zerka
Connor Zerka - 7 years ago
Kaige Monroe What? He said you can use artificial plants IF YOU CHOOSE. And really? Poop head?
Lasheda Little
Lasheda Little - 7 years ago
hi monkeys
Denna Marie Valdez
Denna Marie Valdez - 8 years ago
Ya he looks like obama
Cyc Crush
Cyc Crush - 8 years ago
Please answer in a 16 gallon freshwater tank can I add saltwater sand *need to look beautiful. thanks

20. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks

jvr cj
jvr cj - 8 years ago
that set up looks like it's for a dessert pet
BrunoTheHamster - 8 years ago
What about cycling and testing the ph level?
Sam Eden
Sam Eden - 8 years ago
how much weight can the glass hold?
Sam Eden
Sam Eden - 8 years ago
how much weight can the glass hold?
Sam Eden
Sam Eden - 8 years ago
galaxy star 1 us gallon weights 8.something pounds so i have a just about 100 in my tank...
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
100 lb when it's filled with water :)
Sam Eden
Sam Eden - 8 years ago
galaxy star ok so 100 lbs in a 10 gallon tank. but what do you mean about staining the floor?
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
A ten gallon would be 100 pounds, a wood table with 4 legs is the best after iron that stains your floor.
Zmi Benyamin
Zmi Benyamin - 8 years ago
when do u fill tank with water and put the fish in?
Jeron Wong
Jeron Wong - 8 years ago
Zmi Benyamin fill the tank with water but don't add the fishes first.Dont buy the fishes first.Prepare your tank for cycling and once it's good then you add the fishes.Acclimate them first before placing them freely into the tank.If you buy betta fish,you don't really need to cycle the tank but it's better to do so.In my case I don't cycle the tank for my betta fish and he's living fine:)
SharkByte - 8 years ago
Will a 6 foot long shark such as myself fit in this tank?
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
I have 16 tiger sharks in my 0.25 tank intended for Berta but it suits the sharks
ashley - 7 years ago
SharkByte yes it would I have 4 great whites in mine
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
lol nope your a shark you see me? I'm the cloud that's above you

Btw nope you need 3000 gallon for dat, make sure you use Seachem LOL
SharkByte - 8 years ago
+Sanjana Dhabbala >:)
Sanjana Dhabbala
Sanjana Dhabbala - 8 years ago
+SharkByte Awe...
SharkByte - 8 years ago
+Sanjana Dhabbala ...mmm... nooooo... I am a dolphin
Sanjana Dhabbala
Sanjana Dhabbala - 8 years ago
Left shark is that you?
Radiation - 8 years ago
"many many"
Jason Dunbar
Jason Dunbar - 8 years ago
Does my water need to be just below the filter where the water comes out? So it drops down and makes a waterfall type effect so it makes bubbles and also helps aerate the water? Or can it be filled clear up to where the water is coming out and flowing equally which means it's not making any bubbles anymore it just pushing water around. without bubbles is it aerating anymore? I didn't like it dropping and splashing and making a mess all over my clear glass lid
Kenny Ryman
Kenny Ryman - 8 years ago
how many fish can you put in a 10 gallon tank?
Matt Soltesz
Matt Soltesz - 8 years ago
Kenny Ryman well if you get tetras you can have ten but if you want a beta you'll can only have one
ron foreman
ron foreman - 8 years ago
+Madison Slaughter the one inch per gallon only applies to small fish that stay small. Just be aside and Oscar gets 15 dosnt mean you can keep it in a 15 gallon aquarium. Do ur research before starting an aquarium
Madison Slaughter
Madison Slaughter - 8 years ago
A rule I learned is "one-inch per gallon," so if the fish you plan to get is two inches when it's full grown, then it will take up two gallons of the tank. Though, the decor you put in the tank may take up a gallon or so, so keep that in mind.
I agree with Adolfo though, you should do plenty of research on the fish you want, before buying it to see if it would live comfortably in your tank. :)
Adolfo Palacios
Adolfo Palacios - 8 years ago
Depends on what fish
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
He didn't mention cycling the tann
Jeron Wong
Jeron Wong - 8 years ago
If you buy betta fish don't need to cycle the tank.They are very tough but it's better to cycle a tank before putting fishes inside.I didn't cycle the tank for my betta fish and he's still living just fine.
Wario - 8 years ago
I didn't do the cycle I've always clean the gravel every week . and none of my fish had died for 3yrs.
Mia Thompson
Mia Thompson - 8 years ago
+Tiny budgie Ok Thanks a lot!
Tiny budgie
Tiny budgie - 8 years ago
+Mia Thompson basically you set up your tank and let it sit with (no fish) for about a month but you can speed the process by buying bacteria in a bottle usually labeled bio start you can type into YouTube the nitrogen cycle.
Mia Thompson
Mia Thompson - 8 years ago
Hi there. I couldn't help but notice your comment (I always read the comments below videos to see if there is anything else I need to know) and was wondering what you meant by 'Cycling The Tank'. I am new to the fish-owning world and was wondering if you could explain what this means and what it does for the fish. Thanks!
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago

30. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks

Kazz - 8 years ago
Close your eyes and listen to this man. I hear Obama in some parts, and Jeb Bush in others.
Kazz - 8 years ago
lol wtf it seems so long ago, but its only been 6 months? Damn, i set up my 10 gallon around the same time i posted this comment and now im on my 55 gallon lol, converting it to either a reef tank or 50% water vivarium with poison dart frogs lol
BrunoTheHamster - 8 years ago
X HybridAenima X
X HybridAenima X - 8 years ago
+Kazz haha
Kazz - 8 years ago
+Charlotte Weston $20 says he didn't even read this, he's too busy running the country
X HybridAenima X
X HybridAenima X - 8 years ago
+Kazz besides, how do you get insulted by such such a comment? it's funny.
Kazz - 8 years ago
+Lucifette rip
X HybridAenima X
X HybridAenima X - 8 years ago
+Lucifette lol me? nah.
Raccoon Eyes
Raccoon Eyes - 8 years ago
lol what.. i'm sure this dude is insulted at that comment.
X HybridAenima X
X HybridAenima X - 8 years ago
Oh my...
Tam Lewis
Tam Lewis - 8 years ago
Iwas thinking about getting sand but i was told they can inhale it so would my african dwarf frogs. would you recommend using this and will thr animals injest the sand.
Jeron Wong
Jeron Wong - 8 years ago
Tam Lewis use gravel
blancolirio - 8 years ago
Well..he did forget to tell us to rinse things out a bit first, especially the filter cartridge, ya know, to get the carbon dust out. Would be good to mention about preparing a little better for the arrival of the fish, like adding beneficial bacteria for better success. His presentation is a bit too basic for me. Get as much good information to have the tank as ready as can be for the arrival of your little fishies, newbie friends (I am a newbie too)! This is such an interesting hobby.
Happiness Rocks
Happiness Rocks - 8 years ago
That is exactly what I was thinking the whole time!
corinahachem pufi1975
corinahachem pufi1975 - 8 years ago
i just got a leddy 40
Bitter_Lemon - 9 years ago
Idk why but I think this guy sound like Jeb Bush
Ethan Thompson
Ethan Thompson - 9 years ago
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
that doesn't look like a 10 gallon. I have a 10 gallon tank and it's way bigger than this one. when I put my hand in it, the water comes up to my elbow.......
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
+Jesse Florian lol
Madame Hagfish
Madame Hagfish - 9 years ago
I have a 20 gallon and you gave a perfect description on how high the water level goes
FabLlama Gaming
FabLlama Gaming - 9 years ago
Wow he is really good at this
FabLlama Gaming
FabLlama Gaming - 9 years ago
I am getting a Black Molly. 2 of them.
Lewis Moore
Lewis Moore - 9 years ago
You didn't show how to open the box.
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
will bowen Open the box
Wario - 8 years ago
Lewis Moore Bro you made me choke on my cookie
Bitter_Lemon - 9 years ago
+will bowen a few packs of dynamite should do the trick
will bowen
will bowen - 9 years ago
I know I'm having trouble with that part, any suggestions?
Roma kulyk
Roma kulyk - 9 years ago
I have the same aquarium
CanineGrowTime - 9 years ago
Also I have fancy goldfish and 78 degrees is really too warm for them. They aren't tropical fish...
CanineGrowTime - 9 years ago
78 degrees is OKAY if you're growing baby goldfish - but about 72 degrees is more preferred in general I'd say.
Cindy99765 - 9 years ago
Yeah I believe they are cold water and prefer temperatures around 65°F
CanineGrowTime - 9 years ago
He's all goofy. Well at least he got it done!
Justin Ewal
Justin Ewal - 9 years ago
a black background is the best it make everything stand out your fish and plants and other things you might have in it i have a black background on my 55 gallon and looks amazing i recommend it
Justin Ewal
Justin Ewal - 8 years ago
+Brenner P they are so good
Brenner - 8 years ago
+Justin Ewal Agreed. I have Black Backrounds on all my tanks.
Victor Lance
Victor Lance - 9 years ago
i need some help should i have my tank filled to the point its touching the filter or lower
Danial khan
Danial khan - 8 years ago
joel mathew
joel mathew - 9 years ago
I really want a red tailed black shark but my tank is cold water
Chasen Occhiogrosso
Chasen Occhiogrosso - 9 years ago
Curtis Lee
Curtis Lee - 9 years ago
Laughing jack it is time for you to go back to school to learn how to spell....
Evilkitty - 9 years ago
Will this work with a 20 gallon?
justin johnson
justin johnson - 9 years ago
+Evilkitty if you are getting a 20 gallon tank you will need to get a ston ger filter than what it is for so 20 gallon tank 40 gallon filter
GeckoDan - 9 years ago
+Keanu Delamper because that's such a stupid question
Keanu's Aqua life
Keanu's Aqua life - 9 years ago
Of course it will work, he is just messing with you.
Evilkitty - 9 years ago
JacksonFowlerTV - 9 years ago
+Evilkitty No.
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
ive got a 10 gallon tank ready good to go can anybody recommend me any fish that can live a full life in a 10 gallon tank? from my research a gold fish is a no no as I learned they need a huge tank
Callea S
Callea S - 7 years ago
Jr Maldonado a beta 1 male or 3 females
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
Jr Maldonado Zebra danios, mollies and guppies.
Cindy99765 - 9 years ago
Dalmatian mollies
Dwarf gouramis
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago
I would recommend a few guppies and maybe a few corys too
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 9 years ago
+Jr Maldonado
What about a Betta. I have a ten gallon aquarium with a Betta and 2 corys. They have been doing fine for a little over a year now.
joel mathew
joel mathew - 9 years ago
I heard tetras work well but I dont have a fish yet Im waiting a week so dont take my advice
Laughing jack
Laughing jack - 9 years ago
do you really need a heter for a 10 gallon tank and your house tempacher is 72-75
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
+Laughing jack 3rd grade spelling ..
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago
No prob m8
Laughing jack
Laughing jack - 9 years ago
Ok thanks
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago

50. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks

Donald Veeder
Donald Veeder - 9 years ago
how not to set up a 10 gallon tank
Matthew Gallagher
Matthew Gallagher - 9 years ago
its not that bad - 9 years ago
Instead of showing close-ups of the man's face you should show more closeups of the equipment.
Elleanna L.
Elleanna L. - 9 years ago
How many pounds of sand did you use for the tank in the beginning of the video?
Faith Sarah
Faith Sarah - 7 years ago
1pound of substrate per gallon
Brenner - 8 years ago
+Elleanna L. 10 is the default.
Mr.Noah - 9 years ago
Man this guy is so clumsy and awkward. Lol.
Thisdino Guy
Thisdino Guy - 7 years ago
Mr.Noah your just jealous of how good he's doing
Drugstore film is the best
Drugstore film is the best - 8 years ago
+Red Rebel " You can't do better " isn't a valid critique, nut wad. Roger Ebert isn't making Oscar winning movies, now is he?
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
+Red Rebel so true
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
are you an aquascaper?
Eric Diaz
Eric Diaz - 9 years ago
He did a good job.
Mr.Noah - 9 years ago
+Jr Maldonado Please refrain from typing your thoughts. It makes my brain hurt to read the utter nonsense you spew from your mouth. Thanks!
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
+Mr.Noah haha that first comment you typed "lol" like if that's suppose to be funny. so if anything your the awkward person herecuz nobody would be laughing at your comment. please fix your sense of humor.
Red Rebel
Red Rebel - 9 years ago
Typical person infront of a screen monitor judging like they can do any better...
Mr.Noah - 9 years ago
+Jr Maldonado Thanks. I didn't ask for your crummy opinion but got it anyway. You're the type of person who expects everybody to just shut up and not comment or critique anything. Get a brain.
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
not really I bet you cant do a better presentation than him .. your the type of people who expects everybody to be a perfectionist in front of the camera
Jörg - 9 years ago
What I noticed in most fish tanks in the United States are plastic plants, mostly in pink and blue. Why do most Americans use them? Are live plants hard to get?
Live plants take an important part in the biological system in a fish tank, they provide oxygen for the fish and can reduce algae and so on.
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago
This is coming from an American, because we're lazy. Most people don't want to take the effort of actually taking proper care of their fish.
Snacks All Day
Snacks All Day - 9 years ago
+Zejole In America, a lot of people use plastic plants because they want the aquarium for decoration purpose only. This store, and many other fish stores probably sell live plants and the equipment needed to operate a planted aquarium properly.
The Cinephile Maniac
The Cinephile Maniac - 10 years ago
I have a 10 gallon as well and have 4 decorations, 3 plants, and 2 shells (not too big). Is this enough decor for my tank? Also, I'm thinking about getting one of those jellyfish to put in the tank, but the water is already filled up so how would I be able to put it in the tank?
josepepe07 - 10 years ago
what if u showed me the final product it would be better than just showing ur face all video long. !!
Colby Sneaker
Colby Sneaker - 10 years ago
Wow some places have chlorine in there water from tap... I'm blessed i live in maine then
░The Obsolete Soul░
░The Obsolete Soul░ - 10 years ago
That filter reminded me of that one scene in Nemo... X'D
Maddie DuSavage
Maddie DuSavage - 7 years ago
░The Obsolete Soul░ it does
Sarah's World
Sarah's World - 9 years ago
+░The Obsolete Soul░ Haha:)
I love Nemo!
Epic Loco Films UK
Epic Loco Films UK - 10 years ago
Do you need a heater in a coldwater aquarium? I won't be keeping tropical fish.
Adrianne Barlow
Adrianne Barlow - 9 years ago
+Epic Loco Films UK u need a heater for tropical fish if you live in sub-tropical regions where it snows, but if you live in tropical regions then you won't need one
Alexander Ortiz
Alexander Ortiz - 10 years ago
Most likely
Epic Loco Films UK
Epic Loco Films UK - 10 years ago
+Alexander Ortiz
I know, but someone I read somewhere that a heater was essential but it must of been about tropical fish.
Alexander Ortiz
Alexander Ortiz - 10 years ago
I think you answered your own question..
Michael Pesek
Michael Pesek - 10 years ago
Can i have one tiger oscar alone and a algea eater in this tank?
Michael Pesek
Michael Pesek - 9 years ago
I have upgraded to a 40 gallon
Snacks All Day
Snacks All Day - 9 years ago
+Michael Pesek No. A 10g tank is way too small for a tiger oscar. You can put the two fish together but I would recommend a 55g tank minimum. Oscars grow very large and can live healthier in a bigger tank.
Mauricio Nava
Mauricio Nava - 10 years ago
Did the hood come with it
Drew B
Drew B - 10 years ago
thank you
Aiden Tolomay
Aiden Tolomay - 10 years ago
If all I have now is a guppy and a platy, can I get a swordfish and 1 more guppy?
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago
Yes (I know this comment is a year old)
CBA - 10 years ago
Luckily my house is insulated enough that my tank is at a constant 77 degrees, even in winter. The fluorescent light also contributes some heat. So a heater wasn't necessary for my tropical tank.
I currently have 1 Gold Dust molly, 1 Black molly, 1 black fry, and 3 Serape Tetras.
I wanted another fry but the Tetras gobbled them up so quickly, which is precisely what I wanted them to do anyways.
Edwin Kable
Edwin Kable - 10 years ago
What fish tank light do you recommend for plants ?
CBA - 10 years ago
Fluorescent is white light that is sufficient for plants to use for photosynthesis.
musicalmarion - 10 years ago
lol... remove the filter from the packaging..OK
Rebecca Johnson
Rebecca Johnson - 10 years ago
You're suppose to rinse everything in water first! They must be clean for the fish before actually putting it in the tank!
Red Rebel
Red Rebel - 9 years ago
I think the video is only a basic tutorial and not an actual aquarium installment...its kinda awkward to show that cleaning process without even putting any water or fish in it.
Taylor Russell
Taylor Russell - 9 years ago
It was probbly made in a factory and touched by a lot of people I say always rents the Decor and substrate
Snacks All Day
Snacks All Day - 9 years ago
+Rebecca Johnson Not always true. Depending on where you are buying from, you can usually just put the decoration in the tank and fill it up. Adding dechlorinator helps clear out any toxins in the water. Just let the water begin its nitrogen cycle. After 3-7 days add a starter fish or two and you can achieve an established aquarium. The only reasons I can think you need to rinse everything in water first is if it the decoration had been soaking in bleach or other harmful chemicals. Also, if you want to avoid cloudier water with a gravel substrate. Rinsing isn't absolutely necessary.
Zeanpea - 10 years ago
In a 15 gallon tank could u put in
3 guppies 2 plateis 1 cory catfish and 2 or 3 neon tetras someone plz help me plz plz plz
Joe Guinness
Joe Guinness - 10 years ago
jo - 10 years ago
would have been nice to actually see the objects he was instructing on rather than him & tank in background :(
Turgo MC
Turgo MC - 10 years ago
What kind of fish would you put in here?
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 10 years ago
guppies, endlers, platies, small tetras like neons glow light or rummy nose, also dwarf puffer, dwarf gourami, sparkling gourami, gobies, white cloud moutian minnows, rosey red minnows, small corey cats and otos, american flag fish, small killifish, bettas, and posibly a single paradise gourami.

Not all of the fish at once of course and certain paradise gourami's will get too big for a 10 gallon tank. Most common ones, red and blue, and albino are fine though.
Lucas Melanson
Lucas Melanson - 10 years ago
Thank you this was helpfull
Vivienne  Damone
Vivienne Damone - 10 years ago
JOSHUA COSTELLO - 10 years ago
izzy rose
izzy rose - 10 years ago
He failed to mention that you should rise gravel and decor in HOT water before putting it into to your tank. To remove anything harmful that might be on it.
izzy rose
izzy rose - 9 years ago
That is correct. I was say that only if you put fish in the tank right away, by using quick start (a lot if people use this to set up there tanks so they don't have to wait and since they didn't cycle the tank first some harmful things could still be on the tank, filter, or decor). If is a fresh water tank that you are setting up, you do a water change every one to two weeks. The time required to filter out the tank so that it is ready for fish is 48 hours to a week and most people who are starting out wouldn't think to do a water change. Also I myself would take extra precautions and wash the ever thing to reduce the possibility of anything harmful being transferred to the fish or other things that may be in the aquarium. Everyone has there own opinion on how to set up a fish tank I was just sharing mine.
Snacks All Day
Snacks All Day - 9 years ago
+izzy rose You don't have to rinse all gravel. It depends on where you buy it from, what you're putting in the tank, how big of a tank, and how much gravel. You can put gravel straight into the aquarium fill it up and let the water cycle through a filter. You'll probably be doing a water change before adding fish to help the bacterial cycle establish properly so usually when you do that you'll pull out anything harmful in the water.
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
That looks like same good filter I want one
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
Yes a 20gallon it's ok for tow blackmoor
Jimmy Salas
Jimmy Salas - 10 years ago
+francisco galindo if your talking about moors as in the black goldfish, they might just survive.From what I know the minimum should be 29 gallons. 2 isnt much and I think you can squeeze them by if its only them.
Krishna Hurpal
Krishna Hurpal - 10 years ago
what is the black edge on the top of the aquarium made of ???? and where can i get it??????
izzy rose
izzy rose - 10 years ago
Your welcome!
Glad to help.
Krishna Hurpal
Krishna Hurpal - 10 years ago
+izzy rose thnksss rose ;)
izzy rose
izzy rose - 10 years ago
When you buy an aquarium it should come already on it, I've never seen one separate.
francisco galindo
francisco galindo - 10 years ago
is a 20 gallon fish tank good for two black moor fishes? PLEASE ANSWER
Stephanie Nelson
Stephanie Nelson - 10 years ago
A 20 gallon would be okay to start with if you get the goldfish small. However, once they get bigger, which they will, I'd recommend upgrading
Orbital Tube
Orbital Tube - 10 years ago
man you look like harrison ford
janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
Chanelle - 10 years ago
Backrounds also stick with water
Joshua Small
Joshua Small - 10 years ago
cool put some fish in next time
Dominic Kelly
Dominic Kelly - 11 years ago
How much does all of that cost?
ANIMAL CRAZY - 11 years ago
U really like rocks hahah
Katsumi Violet
Katsumi Violet - 11 years ago
Your video on cute fish bowl idea has bad go and delete it
Hani Ismail
Hani Ismail - 11 years ago
no fish?
Joshua - 11 years ago
I live in Dallas County :)
Jacob - 11 years ago
Don't we have to wash out the decore?
Im Squeaks
Im Squeaks - 11 years ago
There's many many lol
Ben Do
Ben Do - 11 years ago
you need stuff to make the water safe. its in liquid form look it up
Ryan West
Ryan West - 11 years ago
very good, helps me out a lot!!!
WaterDragon185 - 11 years ago
lol I read your comment at the same time he was saying it LOL haa @GreenMonkeyLover1
GreenMonkeyLover1 - 11 years ago
"many many many... many many many... many many many..."
DragonWithaMonocle - 11 years ago
only if you treat it with fish water conditioner.
JUAN Alvarado
JUAN Alvarado - 11 years ago
Is sink water okay?
THE sTRanger
THE sTRanger - 11 years ago
nice! thanks.
Arsenic Annie
Arsenic Annie - 11 years ago
crazyfireball11 - 11 years ago
That filter looks like the one from Nemo, Aye?

100. comment for Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks

Amalia M
Amalia M - 11 years ago
uuuhh, aye?
Abbas Kingston
Abbas Kingston - 11 years ago
I like you
Filming_with Repti_herpz
Filming_with Repti_herpz - 11 years ago
TeamBiscuit - 11 years ago
TeamBiscuit - 11 years ago

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About Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks

The "Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums & Fish Tanks" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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