Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse


Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse sentiment_very_dissatisfied 145

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 1,051,475 views


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Most popular comments
for Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

Himea Shiori
Himea Shiori - 7 years ago
All HC cuba or baby ters ?
Epic Crobat
Epic Crobat - 7 years ago
Relaxing video, but word font is very small and almost inconspicuous. Watching from a mobile device like a phone it's hard to see them. I didn't even notice until I replayed. Most people though would rather flip to the next video than lose another 6 minutes of their time. I can see why their were so many questions or complaints in the comments.
Shiv M
Shiv M - 7 years ago
That looks great! How would you clean the fish poop out of the substrate without ruining the look?
r0 - 7 years ago
how many litres/gallons?
[EDIT] 11 litres (
Aaron Simon
Aaron Simon - 7 years ago
Liked your video, but when I saw how rude you were to everyone in the comments section, I thumbs-downed it. Will not be recommending to others.
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
I love it. Beautiful!
Burbing Berries
Burbing Berries - 7 years ago
Where are the fish?
Cannon Blast
Cannon Blast - 7 years ago
awesome man love it
xSean145 - 7 years ago
Never seen HC used like that!! Very nice!!

10. comment for Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

Auronfan02 - 7 years ago
we need more timelaps videos
Auronfan02 - 7 years ago
haw can someone dislike this? amazing scape!!!
The Anonymous one
The Anonymous one - 8 years ago
it looks good
Gustapo Gomez
Gustapo Gomez - 8 years ago
i came here for the comments. I was not disappointed. Dumb ass people never fail to amaze
Brenda Morris
Brenda Morris - 8 years ago
Liked & subbed
Liam Hannam
Liam Hannam - 8 years ago
Can someone tell me how long these things last? I like the idea of making one and never having to touch it, but obviously it will need a clean
basiskit - 8 years ago
can you have fish in it?
Adrian Verhalen
Adrian Verhalen - 8 years ago

NOTE: possibly dumb

do you have to clean this tank ever again ? or do the plants and the soil you used and the coal which acts as a filter keep it clean as long as you have the tank ? because I'd love to have a turtle or a snake of some kind in a tank like that ! with the fish a semi aquatic tank like that is breathtaking!!]
Handiga Pratama
Handiga Pratama - 8 years ago
Really apreciate your work. This is need high passion, patient, time and hard work. Good work bro.
Tomasz Zimnisz
Tomasz Zimnisz - 8 years ago
Massacre micro aquarium and goldfish. Stop bother these fish !!!!

20. comment for Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

Mastersabersmen - 8 years ago
Absolutely beautiful! What Co2 equipment do you use?
Mastersabersmen - 8 years ago
Long story: Ka-Boom? XD I didn't realize that you don't have to have co2. Well regardless.. The tank is amazing! I'm looking into getting into aquascaping. But I'm gonna put some fish in there.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 8 years ago
Mastersabersmen I don't use any CO2 equipment, because I don't have any planted tank at home :) The tank in the video was not mine, it was created by my friend Dawid Staś. And there was no CO2 installed - it's a long story... :)
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 8 years ago
Lots of baby tears
Jhendka P.
Jhendka P. - 8 years ago
Ben Donaldson just like my ex wifes diet.
Elvire Lisi
Elvire Lisi - 8 years ago
house cat
house cat - 8 years ago
This is beautiful! thank-you for sharing it, great for inspiration.
FlummyGamesNBD - 8 years ago
Im new to this stuff. Just got really into it recently. Can someone explain how you clean out a planted aquarium? like what happens when the bottom of your tank gets dirty, like that white sand?
Owen Meschter
Owen Meschter - 8 years ago
Any fish inside?
Sebastian Coe
Sebastian Coe - 8 years ago
wouldn't the plants just die, being underwater?
Varekai0723 - 8 years ago
Sebastian Coe They're aquatic plants.
KING RIDER - 8 years ago
This is original tree and gashh
dahun76 - 8 years ago
how do you clean the tank?
Electric Sheep
Electric Sheep - 8 years ago
Forza Ragazzi
Forza Ragazzi - 8 years ago
fantastic !
what is the brand of filter?

30. comment for Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

ZainyZia - 8 years ago
I really love the ground cover plant, do you know what it is called?
American Horseback
American Horseback - 8 years ago
ZainyZia Guys chill it's a plant
American Horseback
American Horseback - 8 years ago
ZainyZia Guys chill it's a plant my goodness
thedarklord2006 - 8 years ago
Audrey Mantel he did... In the video
Reagans Ghost
Reagans Ghost - 8 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV You're a fucking asshole. Have some respect for your viewership.
Audrey Mantel
Audrey Mantel - 8 years ago
Would have taken less time to just type the name of the plant. 1st and last video Ill watch from you
Chris Design
Chris Design - 8 years ago
he didn't reply to all the requests but just this one .... u a moron .... the world doesn't need ppl like you ...
TheDuecer - 8 years ago
Right? cool channel, too bad the creator is a dick :P
GeNiOoHaZeL - 8 years ago
Don't apologize to someone that's being rude to you, he didn't even tell you anyway.
Miss Mac
Miss Mac - 8 years ago
No need to be rude...
ZainyZia - 8 years ago
My apologies, I skipped through some of it and did not see the part that mentioned the plants
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 8 years ago
It's written in the video. I suggest you start paying more attention to what you are watching.
Romar Bernabe
Romar Bernabe - 8 years ago
what kind of fish could go in that tank
Handiga Pratama
Handiga Pratama - 8 years ago
Donald trump
Dana Sterritt
Dana Sterritt - 8 years ago
papijelly - 8 years ago
how wopuld you then clean that tank. Because you can really use a water vacuum pump./
Maria Garza
Maria Garza - 8 years ago
dude ur handsome n you like to do this kinda stuff, muah
PopicalGold - 8 years ago
how could u see this dude's looks like ? lol
Too Chill For This
Too Chill For This - 8 years ago
would you like a glass of water
Marc Benoe Raguindin
Marc Benoe Raguindin - 8 years ago
Can you really attach an HC on the Driftwood?
Capt Eric Bergeron
Capt Eric Bergeron - 8 years ago
Great video, thumbs up. Cheers from sunny Sint Maarten in the Caribbean.
JewelQueen10 - 8 years ago
What filter did you use?
Mens Haircuts
Mens Haircuts - 8 years ago
Wow the aquarium itself idk...
MrRollingstone2518 - 8 years ago
how did you attach the plant to the driftwood? can u recommend any other plants with driftwood?
Seda Şeyli
Seda Şeyli - 8 years ago
where can i buy that plant?
Charles J Gartner
Charles J Gartner - 8 years ago
Damnnn... very pretty. I have a three gallon vintage (steel framed something or other, meta-steel? whatever) that I want to do something cool with. I'm definitely going live plants and minimal fish... maybe a few rainbow guppies, and shrimp and some snails to clean up. Any advice apreciated.
Chitra Yuvaraja
Chitra Yuvaraja - 8 years ago
Very beautiful tank one of the best aquascapers
Cubano2031 - 8 years ago
Great video,can you tell me where i can buy the soil and plants that you use for this tank,i really want to do my first natural plant fish tank,thank you
Jose Ramos
Jose Ramos - 8 years ago
how mich does cost to hqve and to mantain an acuarium like these ones
daft mell
daft mell - 8 years ago
the aquarium itself idk...
daft mell
daft mell - 8 years ago
the running costs are depending on the anmount and type of fish that you have but i would say like 30-50 bucks
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 9 years ago
just BEAUTIFUL i would live it as a shimp tank
sami yemeyahni
sami yemeyahni - 9 years ago
Well this is cheating! Nothing has grown in the tank; all the plant came already mature.
Lps fantasy_night TM
Lps fantasy_night TM - 7 years ago
Sheiokee wait there are seeds? xD
Sheiokee - 7 years ago
do you buy aquatic seeds to make your aquarium ? x) I also call "cheating" buying your own glass tank instead of creating your own glass !
FOHorsemanship - 7 years ago
How is that cheating? Most of the plants you buy are already mature...
UberAlex - 9 years ago
hitam putih
hitam putih - 9 years ago
what size the tank?
Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar - 9 years ago
excellent work
jas kaur
jas kaur - 9 years ago
Love this great work.
Haleem AH
Haleem AH - 9 years ago
how many gallons?

50. comment for Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

Tee Johnson
Tee Johnson - 9 years ago
Also how did you get the plants on the wood ?
Tee Johnson
Tee Johnson - 9 years ago
Thank you ! You did a great job
Sen P
Sen P - 9 years ago
hey how did you make that tree ?
Bear GryIlz
Bear GryIlz - 9 years ago
nice fish tank with no fish
VintubeShOt won
VintubeShOt won - 9 years ago
what is the Name of the plant which is on the tree ?
Chong Li Herng
Chong Li Herng - 9 years ago
Nice video
MMC Mostly Minecraft
MMC Mostly Minecraft - 9 years ago
soooooooo perfect
AsianTheDomination - 9 years ago
i wish i wish upon a fish
Tropical Tank UK
Tropical Tank UK - 9 years ago
nice video! looks great!

I have a 28l tank! take a look if you get the chance! thanks

sub and liked!!
Anthony Morales
Anthony Morales - 9 years ago
Anthony Morales
Anthony Morales - 9 years ago
Cinema Cinema
Cinema Cinema - 9 years ago
cool aquarium bro!
Cinema Cinema
Cinema Cinema - 9 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV ok ty :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 9 years ago
+Аквариум мечты
As far as I know - no, he doesn't...
Cinema Cinema
Cinema Cinema - 9 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV he has a blog?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 9 years ago
+Аквариум мечты It's not mine - I was only filming the making of it :) The designer is David Staś from Poland :)
James Hicks
James Hicks - 9 years ago
what kind of fish could go in that tank?
FOHorsemanship - 7 years ago
No this tank is too small for fish... Only shrimps fit in this tank.
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 8 years ago
Guppies and platy
devisissy1 - 8 years ago
This is a perfect size for a dwarf puffer.
Mochi - 8 years ago
Not fish, maybe shrimp.
AlexanderKrah - 8 years ago
+James Hicks monkey fish maybe a small shrimp
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 9 years ago
+James Hicks I don't think any fish could. The tank is too small for fishes to feel well in it. I'd go for some freshwater shrimps instead.
Prateep Sham
Prateep Sham - 9 years ago
what type of air pump/stone is used here ? i can't seem to find it in my local fish store
Prateep Sham
Prateep Sham - 9 years ago
+Hunter Julian Oh my bad... thanks for the info tho :3
Hunter Julian
Hunter Julian - 9 years ago
+Prateep Sham that is a co2 generate
Kyrie Irving
Kyrie Irving - 9 years ago
I want to start up a 50gal fish tank but I can't find any tanks around my area less than $100 U.S do you know any websites that has low prices and can ship it?
Edwin Ramirez
Edwin Ramirez - 9 years ago
Petsmart has a 40 gallon tank for 40$
sarah mae
sarah mae - 9 years ago
I want to do this so bad!! Its absoloutly stunning
Hunter Julian
Hunter Julian - 9 years ago
+sarah mae Yes i believe the person is to keep the plants moist and hydrated
sarah mae
sarah mae - 9 years ago
btw are you just spraying water in?
Дима Озеров
Дима Озеров - 9 years ago
что за трек ????????????????
Thomas yates
Thomas yates - 9 years ago
Sooo. umm...what is the point of doing this?
Ben Gopez
Ben Gopez - 9 years ago
+Thomas yates To help and give us aquarium starters (or designers known as aquascapers) on how to create beautiful ideas like this.
DoboFPV - 9 years ago
What kind of the plant pls send answer :)
Ryan Aguiar
Ryan Aguiar - 9 years ago
what is he using as a backround? some form of frosted looking sheet?\
DeepFriedFuzzball - 9 years ago
OK, the second half of this video, for those who want to know, the song is called 'Touch The Sky' by Jonathan Atkinson. Not 'Eko' which is the first half. But reagrdless, beautiful aquarium :)
Pha Nguyen
Pha Nguyen - 9 years ago
what type of Co2 is that?
MultiEntertainmentHD - 9 years ago
Awesome  Tank
AQUAPASS - 9 years ago
It's just beautiful :)
Jeannie Michelle Phillips
Jeannie Michelle Phillips - 9 years ago
You make it look so easy.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 9 years ago
+J. Michelle Phillips (Risingthunder) Good luck! :)
Jeannie Michelle Phillips
Jeannie Michelle Phillips - 9 years ago
Well I'll keep working on mine and maybe I'll get that good.
Jeannie Michelle Phillips
Jeannie Michelle Phillips - 9 years ago
+Hunter Julian I wish mine would be. I bought some seeds to grow myself but I'm having a lot of problems getting them started in a spare tank so I don't hurt my little guys (my fishes). If anyone know a good way of growing the plats from a seed, please share.
Hunter Julian
Hunter Julian - 9 years ago
+J. Michelle Phillips (Risingthunder) The person has probably been doing this for years and decided to show us how they do it. And they do it so well if i might add.
Specki der Specksteinspezialist
Specki der Specksteinspezialist - 9 years ago
Katie Gander
Katie Gander - 9 years ago
The two substrates you used are an unusual name... I'd like to buy the same kind online, is there a more common name or something more descriptive you could give me?  I really love your video, thanks for posting.
Destra Valujira
Destra Valujira - 9 years ago
Do you have a tutorial video for making a Bonsai tree with Xmas moss? If not, do you know where or how to do it?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 9 years ago
+Katie Gander Hey, sorry for such late reply. I don't know if these substrates can be bought online outside of Poland / Czech Republic. They don't have any other common name - just Karel Rataj Old Bed and Profi Soil.
timbit pashov
timbit pashov - 9 years ago
How the hell do you clean that
Isabelle231ify - 9 years ago
t Ak
t Ak - 9 years ago
how do you place the carpet moss on the ground carefully so it doesnt end up floating?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 9 years ago
+Akira Touya Exactly as you said - carefully :) (and you can put some substrate over it, to add some weight)
Justin - 10 years ago
MarchGirl36 - 10 years ago
It's beautiful
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 10 years ago
What would make this tank perfect would be some tetras in a decent size school and some shrimp!
Pablo Combothanassis
Pablo Combothanassis - 10 years ago
awesome !!
Eddie Baker
Eddie Baker - 10 years ago
Nice set up! I didn't see you set up a a Co2, Those look like HC. How are you able to do that without Co2? What is your total wattage on your lights?
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 10 years ago
How big is the tank dimension wise
Юрий Гранков
Юрий Гранков - 10 years ago
Bravo!!!!! That's where the real politics of the soul!
Ozilla - 10 years ago
What kind of plants are those?, and is that black sand doing something to the plants or is it just to make it look more beautiful in landscape?.
Andreas Steiro
Andreas Steiro - 10 years ago
Very cool! Would be fun to see a fish swim around in the end :)
Leonard Dueck
Leonard Dueck - 10 years ago
i love this look but could i do it like not underwater if so how
jackal5573 - 10 years ago
very good  :)
DeMishMIsh - 10 years ago
Looks fantastic!!!! but how did you attach those plants to the wood? and if you used some kind of specail glue,wont it stop the plants from well,growing further?
DeMishMIsh - 10 years ago
thanks alot :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
chad hill
chad hill - 10 years ago
are those real or fake plants? I just got my very first fish tank ..29 gallons and im trying to decide if I should put real of fake plants in my tank.
heyiamsven - 9 years ago
+Akkoz Ettan Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' attached to Driftwood
Akkoz Ettan
Akkoz Ettan - 9 years ago
Nunca Sabe
Nunca Sabe - 9 years ago
+Mike Rodriguez Natural like that 70's pube bush! Bwahaha!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Of course they are real!! Aquarium with fake plastic plants is not an aquarium - it's just an artificial decoration, to which plastic fish would fit best.
ItsRansomDaw - 10 years ago
this was very hard to masturbate to
ALOK KUMAR Pattnaik - 8 years ago
+Jess Rogers Lol. well said.
Jess Rogers
Jess Rogers - 9 years ago
+ItsRansomDaw My recommendation: Get yourself a handful of Viagra every time you want to look at any fish tank; first time please go to a Public Aquarium....
BigRalphSmith - 9 years ago
Speak for yourself. That fan brush is HOT!
Martin Urban
Martin Urban - 10 years ago
Ou! Nice work! ;-)
TobiDeLafayette - 10 years ago
Where did you get the tree? was it bonsai, a pre-made tree or, or did you buy it already completed

please make a video on how to make trees in the tank as well as moss covered mountains :)

TobiDeLafayette - 10 years ago
ok...i'll check it out thanks 
ThatOneGeckoGuy - 10 years ago
Exo Terra's website is where I find mine
TobiDeLafayette - 10 years ago
ok thanks ...where can i buy cheap driftwood
ThatOneGeckoGuy - 10 years ago
He use drift wood and then added the moss
DavidVella98 - 10 years ago
can you put crystal red shrimps in this type of aqua scape? Thanks
Conor - 10 years ago
What would you use for the water if you didn't have a mature aquarium?
zell chow
zell chow - 10 years ago
Hi i like to ask what kind of lights are they using? Can i just use normal LED light to grow these plants ? Or must i buy those expensive 'tropical' lights?
prince gerald
prince gerald - 10 years ago
A really brilliant video, thanks for sharing.

100. comment for Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 10 years ago
Screw u I hate u -3-
Yev Zakharov
Yev Zakharov - 10 years ago
This discourages me somewhat. The dwarf tears alone in this setup would cost over $100. How are you able to get a hold of so many HC?
Vasillas Mikael
Vasillas Mikael - 10 years ago
That was a good set-up ma'am :D a perfect place for a green dragon scale betta :)
Katheen Miller
Katheen Miller - 10 years ago
OMG was that u ? Ur re just every where. Your like John Findley, way up there. I am so impressed.
Kaye. WOW !!!!
Katheen Miller
Katheen Miller - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV. I sure got u mixed up with some one else, but I like Ur humor, And Alot of ur work. Thanks for responding. Just trying to get all this Google thingie do I can understand it. Have a new add. This one just Dosen't go through on everything. New :
Why I did such a long name ??? Don't sound real bright huh !! Haha
Katheen Miller
Katheen Miller - 10 years ago
Oh Oh siebe Vu, I thought u were texting me.Sorry ! Kaye
Katheen Miller
Katheen Miller - 10 years ago
Did I Make this.... Only in my dreams. Haha, I just admire it so much. Thanks for asking
siebe Vu
siebe Vu - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV she wants to know of you made this scape ;)  
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Hehe, not sure what you mean, but still very glad that I've made you impressed ;P
SkylineChorusDenver - 10 years ago
Really beautiful. How do you clean the tank? Are you able to use an aquarium vacuum (syphon), or is that even necessary with the bed of plants?
West Coast Grow
West Coast Grow - 10 years ago
Very cool
Ezekiel Amaterasu
Ezekiel Amaterasu - 10 years ago
I love watching these videos. I find them very relaxing.
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
Ezekiel yes, but glad when they don't choose Rock Music : )
F.O.X - 10 years ago
So are those trees real or not they sure looks real but u addet the roots lather so
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
+Alexander Faltesek
It wasn't mine, I was not the designer of this tank. I was only filming the work of Dawid Staś. As for Hemianthus, it was provided by polish online shop
Alexander Faltesek
Alexander Faltesek - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV Where do you buy your Hemianthus callitriochides? 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
The "tree" is just a fragment of driftwood, covered with Hemianthus callitriochides.
sdlgnpcc - 10 years ago
How do you maintain the tank?
Shouda Sanuwar
Shouda Sanuwar - 9 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Carefully ;P
victor chen
victor chen - 10 years ago
where do you get these plants? what shop?
pooplicker420HD - 9 years ago
Kmart usually has them
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 10 years ago
Awesome. Tank. About to scape a nano tank I just ordered
Lieneke Verburg
Lieneke Verburg - 10 years ago
Are you sure that this is a Blau Cubic 31x18x24?  it looks like it it bigger???
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Yup, I'm pretty sure :)
Aitor Alvarez Mena
Aitor Alvarez Mena - 10 years ago
awesome dude
Katheen Miller
Katheen Miller - 10 years ago
That's. Such a realistic scene, but the tree is really the eye catcher for me anyway. I love to see someone recreating miniature trees. Beuitful Creation. Thank you for sharing. Hope there's. a video somewhere how u did your tree.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Of course there is, look in my other videos for "How to make underwater trees" or sth like that :)
xxSourWingxx - 10 years ago
Hi, do you know what type of HOB filter ithat is?
Six Beers In
Six Beers In - 10 years ago
Looking to set up a tank just like this actually and this vid plus the tree building answered a lot!
Awesome work. 
Let me ask, will my tank lid LEDs give off enough UV to feed the live plants?
Also how do you clean the bottom of the tank with the plants there?

Stuart Xu
Stuart Xu - 10 years ago
never understand how did you stick the cuba onto the substrate................
aye_påpi. - 10 years ago
where do you get aquariums?
Monstradamus23 - 10 years ago
+Ajani Amedee There are pet shops in America
armo armanyak
armo armanyak - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV а растения у вас натуральные? 
aye_påpi. - 10 years ago
i live in america so...
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
+Ajani Amedee In a pet shop, maybe?
Mike More
Mike More - 10 years ago
Where is the update of this tank pls ?
Srta.TacoMal - 10 years ago
You make it look so easy!
dablocishot77 - 10 years ago
tank looks so badass..
Louise Taube
Louise Taube - 10 years ago
wow! beautiful.
terry willett
terry willett - 10 years ago
awesome tank 
MandarinCat - 10 years ago
How do you clean a tank with a delicate aquascape?
Zaklong - 10 years ago
Beautiful tank, good job on the aqua scape. For all the dislikes and haters you guys are just jealous POS.
RaRdEvA - 10 years ago
what illumination do you recommend for it? did you use CO2 diffuser or there no need? did you grow all the plants or bought them?
Chris Atkins II
Chris Atkins II - 10 years ago
is a gas CO2 required for something like this or can we get away with liquid like flourish?
mrperecz - 10 years ago
Hi! I really love how easily you make this little beauty. I'm just qurious when the plants are they not grow into the middle of the "road"? Or you just cut them? How do you stop them? Thanks!
Traci Llewellyn
Traci Llewellyn - 10 years ago
Great vid I love the tree thing and how many gallons is the tank
Kheang Nou
Kheang Nou - 10 years ago
where can i purchase all this stuff?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Online, probably.
alex rodrigo
alex rodrigo - 10 years ago
I really like this concept. Thanks and I will do this at home.
alex rodrigo
alex rodrigo - 10 years ago
I'll make 1 soon :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Great! :) How about making a video about it?
Vivi Rácz
Vivi Rácz - 10 years ago
I would like to recommend you the following app for aquarium maintenance:
Luka S
Luka S - 10 years ago
the tree is flimsy and will float up
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
It hasn't, you're wrong.
P H - 10 years ago
It would be helpful if you could post your materials in ABOUT section for reference. 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
+P H
I's not me who created the layout. I've only filmed the process of creating it - the aquascaper was Dawid Staś from Poland :)
P H - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV Everything you annotate in the video, along with the plant species and anything else that might help someone replicate the aquascape you've created (that way one would not have to pause the video to write it down).  It really is an excellent setup you've created and the time lapse is extremely helpful.  Thanks.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
What materials?
Gary Hsu
Gary Hsu - 10 years ago
So cool.
Death - 10 years ago
simon falicon
simon falicon - 10 years ago
Nice! I like this aquscape !
Chris Najarro
Chris Najarro - 10 years ago
I want to aquascape but not sure how do i need a specific filter and lighting to aquascape?
Mike More
Mike More - 10 years ago
+Nate K
he was asking for light and filter only.. no ?
Honestly, any light will work, even a standard 40w bulb... but if you want the best growth rate, yes multiple light specter LED will be way better, and i dont whats the size of your tank but they can be cheap cheap cheap, there is LOT of brands, i bought very good ones FINNEX brand on amazon, id try classified ads first.
Chris Najarro
Chris Najarro - 10 years ago
Yes +Srta.TacoMal i would recommend led lights they work best and give off a stronger ray of light. Light from the sun wont do much even if your tank is close to the window.
Srta.TacoMal - 10 years ago
+Mike More
I already have a light setup (I'm repurposing an old fish tank,) which just has a basic fluorescent light. Do I need to purchase a light more suited for plants? My room is pretty bright on sunny days, but the tank is far from the window, so I worry about natural light reaching it.
Nate K
Nate K - 10 years ago
+Mike More going to cost more then $60, that amount of HC is going to cost you $40 alone, then the co2 setup...
Mike More
Mike More - 10 years ago
For this tank size, its easy and cheap.
Filter + light, good setup with 60$ US, or 200$ US for overkill snob setup.
OA - 10 years ago
why 2 different substrates?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Because the first one is with fertilizer, and the second one, the upper one, is for covering it, so it doesn'e have any additives. It prevents the fertilizer from the lower layer to "leak" into the water column.
Lars Vegas
Lars Vegas - 10 years ago
nice fishtank bro!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
It's not mine, I've only filmed the process of setting it up. The aquascaper is Dawid Staś.
Gustavo Fuhr
Gustavo Fuhr - 10 years ago
No CO2?
It'sJustMe - 10 years ago
but when will you add the turtle? ;)
IsItSoWrong - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV YES, DO IT.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
But will it blend? ;)
Vincey Lee
Vincey Lee - 10 years ago
What kind of for a tank like with those plants/trees? Do those grass whatever they call plants/trees/grass grow? Please rely back whenever you got the time to.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
+Vincent Lee
Mate, tell you what, do some research over the internet, there are literally zillions of websites and forums dealing with fishkeeping for beginners. Just enter "how to start an aquarium" in Google, and you'll have good point to start to look for answers to your questions.
Vincey Lee
Vincey Lee - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV i want to know if those planets/trees/grass grow the way you do it or just in general because what some want to do that with fishes? Do they also sell it with tree/planet/grass already made/grown for you to just put it the tank? What are they all call? What kind of fish can live like that? Is it hard to care for a tank like that? How you care for a tank like that? I'm Minnesota USA. Where are you from? Hope you can help me out? I freaking love fishes but don't know much at all about fishes. Right now i'm into small fishes like store bought ones. I love "Gubbys, Tetras, Bettas, Goldfish, Kois & many others not sure of as of right now. Hope it made sense to you this time around with all these fish question? What is the smallest tank that still good for those planets/trees/grasses with fishes in it? What is the largest tank that is good for those plants/trees/grasses with fishes in it?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
I'm not sure what is your question... What do you want to know? I can't understand it from what you've written...
Ginno Mendoza
Ginno Mendoza - 10 years ago
what is the plant that you use on that tree?
yellowintheGhetto - 10 years ago
Is that gravel or like some kind of special soil? if so what brand?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Is it possible for you to READ what I've written in the video? All infos are given on screen.
LaxBboys - 10 years ago
Magic!  Wonderful aquascape!
Peace Bro
Peace Bro - 10 years ago
looks like any betta would love that tank
Syakir Ahmad
Syakir Ahmad - 10 years ago
Lyn' Aquariophilie
Lyn' Aquariophilie - 10 years ago
Wow, beautiful tank!
I'm french youtuber and I like your videos! :)
Jessica Noguera
Jessica Noguera - 11 years ago
how do you clean it 
Chemist x Physicist
Chemist x Physicist - 11 years ago
Awesome love the outside nature feel of it
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV cool thanks 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Here's a video showing how it was done: Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV Do you guys tie up the plants to the driftwood to make it look like a tree?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, looks like a bonsai tree ;)
Marckpick - 11 years ago
Bravo, veramente bravo!!!
Marckpick - 11 years ago
Could you show me the aquarium today?
Marckpick - 11 years ago
ahahahaah :-)... ok ok...!! 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, thanks :) (and remember that I'm not the aquascaper - I've only filmed the work of Dawid Staś :) )
Jacqui H
Jacqui H - 11 years ago
Wow thats art
Matt Hardi
Matt Hardi - 11 years ago
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
My pleasure, as usual :)
Luke Gauthier
Luke Gauthier - 11 years ago
can anyone give me an estimated cost on how much an aquascape like this would cost?
Timothy McElwain
Timothy McElwain - 11 years ago
eamonn ponce
eamonn ponce - 11 years ago
fantastic like it
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks :)
IGI - 11 years ago
nice, i like it
Cichlid Munga
Cichlid Munga - 11 years ago
has to be one of my favourite scapes on youtube
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, great! :)
petrisko machino
petrisko machino - 11 years ago
indra aditya
indra aditya - 11 years ago
i really like your layout for this tank... buat i want to ask something
HC on driftwood ? can u tell me your secret about growing HC on hardscape ?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No secret. It was attached by fragments of garden wire. Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium
Kevin Mattingly
Kevin Mattingly - 11 years ago
Really likes this !!!
Andrew Sanders
Andrew Sanders - 11 years ago
looks amazing :) does this have co2 pumped into it?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
At the end of the video (05:29) you can see the CO2 diffusor installed in the back right corner. So yes, there was CO2 supplementation. However, this tank didn't last for long - Hemianthus was overheated in boxes, during transportation, and it didn't survive... :(
Mohemmed Akhil
Mohemmed Akhil - 11 years ago
hello sir where can I buy this type of plants? plz give me details
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Try pet shops in your country. This is usually the best place to look for aquarium plants.
nannsii2009 - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Aaa, indeed! :) Of course, now I understand! :) Exactly, it looks like a bonsai, you're right :)
nannsii2009 - 11 years ago
like a Bonsai or old japanease tea Manners or Zen Thinking.It is beautiful.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmm, not sure what you mean... :)
Richard Welder
Richard Welder - 11 years ago
As pedras e planta são de resina? 
Cyrus Irunthispark
Cyrus Irunthispark - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+hillernius No, HC probably won't grow on driftwood for a longer time. It was attached by fragments of garden wire: Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium
hillernius - 11 years ago
could you tell me, how do you fix the plants on the wood? and do they grow normal in this position?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, that's right :)
Peter Seifert
Peter Seifert - 11 years ago
Wow, very nice.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :) (but I only did the filming, I'm not the aquascaper :) )
ItsCtmh - 11 years ago
What's the name of this song?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
The music is called "Eko", composed by Jonathan Atkinson, and is availble from
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Just remember that I'm not the designer of this tank :) I was just filming the work of Mr Dawid Staś :)
Techno Tikum
Techno Tikum - 11 years ago
very very beautiful :-) well done!
Troels Bruun
Troels Bruun - 11 years ago
How much CO2 do you use to keep the HC growing?
Cassidy Cook
Cassidy Cook - 11 years ago
Can you make a list of where you can buy everything from?
Vladimir Pavelka
Vladimir Pavelka - 11 years ago
DelorienAz - 11 years ago
what fish could you keep in there and how do you clean it?
saibot dleh
saibot dleh - 11 years ago
as we say: hammer geil! only thing i´d like to ask: wich songs are this
trigunner54 - 11 years ago
definetly subscrie anyway what fish can i keep with cherry shrimps?
trigunner54 - 11 years ago
markiki ramirez
markiki ramirez - 11 years ago
Where can i buy the tree?
LupusInVideo - 11 years ago
This aquarium, which is ideal for fish?
leeransetton - 11 years ago
i didn't wash the substrate the rock and driftwood are in use for over a year..
Enverex - 11 years ago
Did you wash the substrate and any other stones/rocks first?
kingkong7299 - 11 years ago
HC... Dwarf baby tears. A more demanding plant. Usually needs co2 and highlight
kingkong7299 - 11 years ago
What type of sand it that?
leeransetton - 11 years ago
thanks! I will buy the Seachem Purigen.
theBioHouse - 11 years ago
ChemiPure is not recommended for planted tank. I read that they take away nutrients from the water column needed for plants. A lot of planted tank hobbyists that I know of use Purigen.
leeransetton - 11 years ago
Is ChemiPure planted tank safe? Thanks :)
setitoffmusic - 11 years ago
What moss are you using for the tree and to carpet the aquarium? Also what substrate is used? Thanks
theBioHouse - 11 years ago
You could use Seachem Excel (chemical CO2) to dose your nano aquarium. HC will have a carpet growth, but it will be slightly leggy and very tedious (seriously take forever to grow via Excel only).
theBioHouse - 11 years ago
The yellowish water may be caused by the type of driftwood you have in your aquarium. Some woods will tan your tank, and some won't. Activated carbon usually gets rid of this issue; However, my personal favorite is Seachem Purigen. Purigen polishes the water and it's planted tank safe! Look into the Purigen via Seachem website and they will tell you how to reuse Purigen too! Good luck!
leeransetton - 11 years ago
It's been 2 weeks since I planted... The water are only yellowish now, not cloudy :( Any advice? :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Can you write in English...? I'm not sure what you mean about the shrimps :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It was not me, the designer was Dawid Staś :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, I know :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What do you mean by "never"...?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I'm not sure if HC can grow nicely without CO2. Tablets are only a substitute, if you want the real thing then get yourself pressurised CO2 system.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Fish were added later.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's not me, I was only filming. The designer is Dawid Staś. And the rock is ADA Manten Stone.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Cloudy water is quite normal at the beginning. Nothing to worry about, after few days the cloudiness disappears :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It was not me, I was only filming :) The designer is Dawid Staś.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Great! :) That is my purpose - to inspire people :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I was only filming, I'm not an aquascaper :) The designer was Dawid Staś :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Were added later.
gahooleowls - 11 years ago
No fish
PetrKyd - 11 years ago
Mazec moc se ti to povedlo.
John Geary
John Geary - 11 years ago
Totally awesome! I wish you could set one up for me!
nerdplay - 11 years ago
i bought an aquarium after watching these vids. =)
OMFGBard - 11 years ago
That was such a good looking aquascaping you did
latoya stevenson
latoya stevenson - 11 years ago
I have a fish tank from tanked
leeransetton - 11 years ago
How did you filled the aquarium without making the water cloudy? after i slowly filled my aquarium with water (using ADA Amaznia II) the water were cloudy and a bit yellowish. cool video, BTW! love your work!
Panos Tabourlos
Panos Tabourlos - 11 years ago
what kind of "rock" do you used????
Karen Palacios
Karen Palacios - 11 years ago
There isn't any fish!!! :(
Amitkumar Sahachowdhruy
Amitkumar Sahachowdhruy - 11 years ago
can himianthus callitrichoides survive without co2..... I want to build a NANO tank but not sure whether I can get a carpet like grass effect without co2 system.....also please let me know if I can use co2 tablet instead of the co2 system....
luciocrasso - 11 years ago
bonito acuario y no se si alcanzo a ver una gamba??!!!
Jacob Lira
Jacob Lira - 11 years ago
Check out my channel and tune in to see my planted aquarium. I am gonna to later make videos of making a cichlid tank later on. Hope to see you there.
mlaiuppa - 11 years ago
How come there are never any fish?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No worries :) "BB"...? Anyways, in fact you even don't need much current - there is a natural circulation and exchange of the substances between the substrate and the water. I have only air-driven filters in my tanks, so no strong current, and yet the filtration is working fine :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
There is nothing bad about the water being a little bit murky at the beginning. After a day or two it will clear itself :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Try my other video "Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium", there are some tips :)
rancekane - 11 years ago
Its so beautiful. Absolutely lovely.
kewan1990 - 11 years ago
such a nice job i wish i could do something like that to my aqua 40 do you got any tips if i want to try to make something like this ?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Of course you can start the cycle only with water. Even more - you can start the cycle even when having tank with only clean, gravel substrate, filled with clean water, straight from the tap. And I tell you even more - you can start the cycle, and have effective biological filtration, even without a filter! :) I know what I'm saying, because I'm doing it all the time :)
tristan - 11 years ago
I was amazed when you added water to the tank. It was crystal clear! Quite the opposite in my case, can you give me some tips? When I added water to my tank, the soil was still dry.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Water from mature aquarium contains bacteria and various dissolved minerals, which help to start biological balance in the new aquarium.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Easy - you don't :) There is no need for vacuuming when there are no fish, or very little amount of fish :)
superSFX1 - 11 years ago
Beautiful! I want to try this but I have a dumb question.... How do you vacuum the gravel in this set up?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
There are many plants which grow well without CO2 supplementation - Microsorum pteropus, Elodea, cryptocorynes, Anubias, Vallisneria, Ceratophyllum, Java moss and other mosses, Echinodorus - these are the ones which come into my mind at the moment :)
ChingHern Tay
ChingHern Tay - 11 years ago
Do the plants need alot of Co2? if not what kinds of plans that does not need alot of Co2?
melf chepo
melf chepo - 11 years ago
pero en ninguno de tus video ss veo peces por que no hay ??'????
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yup, that's true :)
peacereka - 11 years ago
beautiful design! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Plants were provided by Polish online shop roslinyakwariowe(dot)pl. HC was originating from Karel Rataj aquarium plants culture (you can find his page using Google)
Jonathan Garcia
Jonathan Garcia - 11 years ago
Thats true and where did you buy the HC in containers
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I think it can be done in every aquarium :) It's just a matter of creativity :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
As far as I recall it was about 2 containers 10x15 cm.
Jonathan Garcia
Jonathan Garcia - 11 years ago
How Much HC Did You Use
Jonathan Garcia
Jonathan Garcia - 11 years ago
How HC did you use ???
Jonathan Garcia
Jonathan Garcia - 11 years ago
Where can you buy these aquariums??? And would I be able to do this in a fluval spec v or fluval flora tank ????
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
You plant them in small clusters, and the substrate granules must be small. Alternatively, you can spread some substrate over clusters of HC after planting them, this should also keep them in place :)
soysushi - 11 years ago
How did you plant the carpet of the hc. Mine floats to the top. If i tried planting them into the soil. They have to be in clusters.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's done with the use of garden wire. Check list of all my uploaded videos - just next to this one is another one, entitled "Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium?", and you'll see how it was done :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's done with the use of garden wire. Check list of all my uploaded videos - just next to this one is another one, entitled "Aquascaping - How to make trees in planted aquarium?", and you'll see how it was done :)
Benin Churchil
Benin Churchil - 11 years ago
How you managed to plant them in the wood ? awaiting for you reply ..
Benjamin Liker
Benjamin Liker - 11 years ago
How did you attach the HC to the driftwood?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey, it's written in the video, time 0:43, didn't you notice that? It's Hemianthus callitrichoides.
Florian Schober
Florian Schober - 11 years ago
Hallo, could you tell the name of the plants you used. :) thx a lot.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
OK, got it :)
Ve Mo
Ve Mo - 11 years ago
Really nice job! Did you get those rocks from outside on your own or did you buy them somewhere? I'm having trouble finding the perfect rocks for my aquascape.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Maybe you could look for some driftwood in the wild? Are there any water bodies around your area?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What is restricting your access, then...?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
This substrate is available in Czech Republic, Poland, probably also in other European countries. Anyway, Karel Rataj has his own online shop, so maybe they will send you the substrate. Where do you live?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks :) I hope people will be inspired by me, filming tanks like the one arranged by Dawid :)
Ondan Ryan
Ondan Ryan - 11 years ago
that was amazing
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, 300 liters planted tank sounds very interesting :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Of course it is possible :) It is possible to set a far larger tank :) Why were you asking?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yup, that's how such plants are fertilized when attached to driftwood - by water column dosing :) Anyway, HC didn't survive long - it was already a little bit "boiled", because the containers in which it was sold must have been subjected to sunlight... Another words, HC was sort of dying when we did the aquascape. And at the moment I'm not sure if David bought another set of HC, or decided to use another plant :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What do you mean? Are you asking if it's possible to set a 300 liter tank at all...?
DarkSkys25 - 11 years ago
I'm interested in knowing how long the HC Cuba survived on the tree. Tank still up? I guess you just do water column dosing?
Patrick Kneller
Patrick Kneller - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
CO2 is not a must. People get great results with very weak light and no additional fertilization, too :) Check Google for "low tech aquarium", for example. There should be some useful links in the search results. Besides, I use only 2x1W LEDs over one of my 60-liters tanks, with lots of Vallisneria and about 20-30 Danio erythromicron, no fertilization, no CO2, only feeding and water changes, and the plants are doing great. They don't grow, but they don't die, either, so I don't need to trim :)
Fidel Marcus
Fidel Marcus - 11 years ago
Thanks for the info, I was wondering is CO2 generally a must have with planted aquariums? I'm sorry my experience is only with Reef Tanks
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey, it is written in the video :) Substrate - Karel Rataj "Old Bed" and "Profi Soil", and the plant is Hemianthus callitrichoides. CO2 system is also used, and as for the fertilizers - I don't know yet, because the tank was started exactly when I was filming, so now it's about 2 weeks old - too early to add any fertilizers.
Fidel Marcus
Fidel Marcus - 11 years ago
Hi, may I ask what these plants are? the type of substrate used and if what's used to keep them alive, ie; CO2 or fertilizer? thanks.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, it is :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, I like your awatar here on YT ;) (the cat & the goldfish)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
almcloud - 11 years ago
very nice vid!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I was not the one who arranged this tank. It was Dawid Staś, aquascaper from Poland, so if the tree would make any trouble - it would do it to Dawid, not to me ;) Anyways, there were no problems at all, the tree was put deep into the substrate and reinforced by stones, and that's it - it was standing there even without filling the aquarium with water :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Niee, stało to całkiem nieźle, po wciśnięciu w żwir :)
Lugia007PLn - 11 years ago
Trochę chwiejna ta konstrukcja.
SeriMoSway - 11 years ago
It's lovely! What I want to know is, how much trouble that tree in the corner actually gave you? :) It looks like it was very stubborn and loose.
Josema Perez Soto
Josema Perez Soto - 11 years ago
Im 13 years old jajaja
Josema Perez Soto
Josema Perez Soto - 11 years ago
I like a puffer fish for your tank! Its cool!
Josema Perez Soto
Josema Perez Soto - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV, I like your videos! Im subscribe . Sorry for my vocabulary, Im spanish jaja, Bueno, que soy español :-)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I work in iMovie 09 on a Mac computer :)
Omar Kabbani
Omar Kabbani - 11 years ago
cool :) What computer program did you use to create the timelapse? I have just finished my second aquarium/aquascape and wanted to post a similar vid. cheers
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Nope, because I don't have enough time to edit the "aquascaping" videos... ;/
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :) Maybe there will be some opportunities in the future to make more videos like this one :)
Omar Kabbani
Omar Kabbani - 11 years ago
I've seen most of your vids. This is one of the better ones. Good Job.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmmm, never had this species in my tanks, so I don't know if I like it or not :) I like all fishes, however ;) (and all living things, actually :) )
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, no worries ;)
Josema Perez Soto
Josema Perez Soto - 11 years ago
Aquascape, sorry xD
Josema Perez Soto
Josema Perez Soto - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquariumTV , do you like Botia Morleti?
Игорь Стешенко
Игорь Стешенко - 11 years ago
A magnificent movie! Thank you!
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 11 years ago
I love CPDs have shoal of 12 of them in my planted tank. No luck with breeding them. Do you have separate channel dedicated to your breeding videos?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I breed Celestial Pearl Danios (Danio margaritatus). I don't want to make any new videos about my fishroom, because I already have millions of overdue videos made two years ago... :/ Not mentioning the newer ones... I simply don't have enough time to edit them all... :/
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, it's actually quite easy to recreate this layout - everything is shown, I mean the process of creating it... :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 11 years ago
I had no idea that HC can be attached to driftwood, gonna try this in my nano. What fish do you breed yourself? Why not make film of some breeding project?
Nausiicraaft - 11 years ago
Nice tank and great video! :) Furthermore it is really interesting to see how aquascapers make their tank step by step!
victor HAO
victor HAO - 11 years ago
What is the grass?
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 11 years ago
Really nice, take some patience for sure
Jared T
Jared T - 11 years ago
I could try and do a scaping video, if you think it's good enough ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, thanks! :) The tank is very good, so the video is hopefully interesting :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Maybe try some online-shops with plants...?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :) It's awesome tank, that's why :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, depends if I will be able to find more aquascapers who would like to do presentations like this one :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, it's a nice plants, that's true :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I only recorded :) The author of this aquarium is Dawid Staś from Poland :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I do have a lot of tanks, but none of them are planted. They are just breeders with gravel and filters. I'm not an aquascaper, I'm a filmmaker. Tank presented in the video was arranged by Dawid Staś, aquascaper from Poland :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I'm not an aquasacaper or aquatic-planter, I'm a filmmaker :) I can give you advise on filming, but for aquascaping you should use forums like "ukaps(dot)org", "plantedtank(dot)net" or "aquaticplantcentral(dot)com" :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
W czasie filmowania akwarium było właśnie zakładane. Czyli zbiornik pokazany na filmie jest w trakcie zakładania, i świeżutko po założeniu. Za ok. 2 tygodnie jadę znowu do Dawida, sfilmować update. Fauny na razie żadnej w akwarium nie było, a co Dawid tam wpuści to jeszcze nie wiem :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, it's not possible to have a nice planted aquarium without doing some maintenance, mate... :)
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 11 years ago
I wanna use those plants but I don't wanna do all that propagation trimming cleaning etc...
Profezor Snayp
Profezor Snayp - 11 years ago
Ile dni ma już ten aranż? Jak aktualnie wygląda? Jaka znajduje się w nim fauna?
FINEM1000 - 11 years ago
oooo beautiful I want to do a planted (15l) but am new to this could help me with that????? thanks
River Birzer
River Birzer - 11 years ago
Did you make this? Do you actualy have any tanks?
Metalfishead - 11 years ago
Did you make this? Or did you recorded?
MrHoney2U - 11 years ago
really enjoyed this. HC is quickly becoming my favorite plant
Jared T
Jared T - 11 years ago
Please do more videos like this :)
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 11 years ago
Awesome video
0skarful - 11 years ago
Háblale en inglés, sino no te va a entender.
Cleme Castejon
Cleme Castejon - 11 years ago
hola, como consigo un plantado asi amigo... me peudes ayudar ....que necesito, soy del peru... y me gusta mucho los peces.. te invito a ver mi video...
Cleme Castejon
Cleme Castejon - 11 years ago
hola amigo donde puedo comprar plantas para mi acuario, en mi ciudad de cajamarca no ay muchas plantas, solo venden plantas artificiales :(
@quaHolic - 11 years ago
Looking good ;-)
IxRazzors - 11 years ago
very very good

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Why no aquarium has a great white shark

189,299 likes 18,831,748 views 8 years ago

Many have tried to keep a white shark in captivity. Here's why that's so difficult. There are several aquariums...

Pets & Animals

Making a Tide Pool Aquarium!

85,592 likes 17,745,960 views 8 years ago

Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! Watch More - On this episode of Coyote’s...

Tropical fishing

Stunning Aquarium & The Best Relax Music - 2...

22,559 likes 10,921,965 views 9 years ago

Relaxing music and beautiful Fish Aquarium. Helps Relax & Fall Asleep FAST! 2 hour long. Music for relaxation,...

Pets & Animals

Kids at the Aquarium: Compilation

31,303 likes 9,604,333 views 9 years ago

Sometimes the aquarium can be fun. Sometimes the fish and animals just don't want to behave. SUBSCRIBE TO AFV...

Shark videos

Great White Shark At Aquarium ! LOL Surprise...

11,257 likes 7,339,185 views 6 years ago

LOL Surprise dolls are going to the aquarium! Wow they are going to check out the pool with color changing fish! The...

Shark videos

Shark Attack : Tube through an Aquarium :...

14,549 likes 6,199,571 views 8 years ago

Take a HD POV aboard Shark Attack where you tube through a shark filled aquarium. Thanks for watching!

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to Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

Pets & Animals

Making a Tide Pool Aquarium!

85,592 likes 17,745,960 views 8 years ago

Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! Watch More - On this episode of Coyote’s...

Pets & Animals

Kids at the Aquarium: Compilation

31,303 likes 9,604,333 views 9 years ago

Sometimes the aquarium can be fun. Sometimes the fish and animals just don't want to behave. SUBSCRIBE TO AFV...

Pets & Animals


14,980 likes 4,961,745 views 12 years ago

Expert videographer Ivan Mikolji takes you on interesting freshwater journeys to secret locations in tropical jungles...

Pets & Animals

HOW TO: Build a simple aquarium filter TUTORIAL

7,342 likes 2,489,969 views 13 years ago

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► A cheaper and more...

Pets & Animals

Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium

3,384 likes 1,993,658 views 14 years ago

For further information please visit Please note that we cannot answer questions via...

Pets & Animals

Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)

3,631 likes 1,955,817 views 12 years ago

Like my FACEBOOK page at - you will help me in developing my television!...

About Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

The "Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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