A series of short documentary films featuring the creation of giant Nature Aquarium layouts by Takashi Amano, exhibited inside Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Sky Tree Town, is now broadcasted at ADA View. (4 Episodes) The final episode is explanation of 4m and 7m tank by Takashi Amano. Sumida Aquarium -- the Challenge of managing the world's largest Nature Aquarium →http://youtu.be/r50d7WkIMTA

TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode sentiment_very_dissatisfied 74

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 903,035 views

A series of short documentary films featuring the creation of giant Nature Aquarium layouts by Takashi Amano, exhibited inside Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Sky Tree Town, is now broadcasted at ADA View. (4 Episodes) The final episode is explanation of 4m and 7m tank by Takashi Amano. Sumida Aquarium -- the Challenge of managing the world's largest Nature Aquarium →http://youtu.be/r50d7WkIMTA

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Most popular comments

Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 7 years ago
Where's the over stocked police at?
Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 7 years ago
Would a fluval u2 be ok to filter these tanks?
sambo123ish - 7 years ago
Makes a fantastic looking tank , then adds the shittest fish possible
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 7 years ago
What plant is he using for the grass?
Eduardo Knox
Eduardo Knox - 7 years ago
Ridho Hasan
Ridho Hasan - 7 years ago
Varala Nikhil
Varala Nikhil - 7 years ago
I love this.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Really amazing aquarium great work..
Nextgengamer Jc
Nextgengamer Jc - 8 years ago
That is a beautiful tank OMG I would love one like that

10. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode

yudik rizky
yudik rizky - 8 years ago
Are he used real plants?
Melisa Foe
Melisa Foe - 8 years ago
beautiful... goos job sir
Jukka Jamukka
Jukka Jamukka - 8 years ago
RIP Sensei
Spencer does random stuff
Spencer does random stuff - 8 years ago
I don't like this tank
Lisa - 8 years ago
Better with butterfly koi
ML- Aquaristik
ML- Aquaristik - 8 years ago
Beautiful tanks.
YE MAN - 8 years ago
Simply BeautifulPeace
archie saren
archie saren - 8 years ago
oh I love this very peaceful and relax while u watch the aquarium landscape
Fgar NY
Fgar NY - 8 years ago
How is this doing in the end of 2016 any update ?
Josh Bonty
Josh Bonty - 8 years ago
Ohh read your comment wrong. I think all the tanks are still up and running and looking great I heard!
Josh Bonty
Josh Bonty - 8 years ago
Fgar NY he sadly passed away :/
aboomination - 8 years ago
Those are some happy fish :D

20. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode

Robert Hanbury
Robert Hanbury - 8 years ago
he should pay his employees more. they do all the hard work.
Bryan Tabares
Bryan Tabares - 7 years ago
They make low wages across the board. Its a cultural thing, not just isolated to ADA. I know this from being close friends with those who knew him personally for a long time. He was very much a rockstar and carried himself that way (attitude, persona, habits, anything you'd expect from a "rockstar") he died a millionaire but most if not all of his employees receive modest wages.
Courtney Bellis
Courtney Bellis - 8 years ago
Robert Hanbury I'm pretty sure they would gladly do this for free. This guy is brilliant... it's a shame he has passed away.
Panagiotis F
Panagiotis F - 8 years ago
Robert Hanbury how do you know there pay gradr
Ghee calliou
Ghee calliou - 8 years ago
4:05 took my breath away.
kanatapaw - 8 years ago
i went here last year, it was amazing.
EL CANTANTE LAVÓE. - 8 years ago
Yo había visto acuarios lindos y salidos de otro mundo , pero estos si son salidos de otro universo ... Excelentes
rajasree ajith
rajasree ajith - 8 years ago
Kirito VF
Kirito VF - 8 years ago
I Rate Your Comments
I Rate Your Comments - 8 years ago
The way these tanks are stocked I find detracts from the aesthetic. I understand why small species are used I just think there are too many species in each tank and it looks cluttered to my eye. less variety in fish would look more harmonious.
I Rate Your Comments
I Rate Your Comments - 8 years ago
+Candyfloss Many of Amano's aquascapes are beautiful and he really is knowledgable of aquatic plants, but sometimes for some of his tanks I feel like he just phones it in, so to speak.
I Rate Your Comments
I Rate Your Comments - 8 years ago
+Candyfloss I second that. Also, it really threw me off seeing the tank at the top of the stairs not being framed into the wall, it really detracted from what could have been very been a very strong impact.
Candyfloss - 8 years ago
+vagingo I actually don't like the grey brick background. The aquascapes are all about creating nature, but the man made background I feel is a loss in aesthetic.
waqas shaikh
waqas shaikh - 8 years ago
what music is used in this video?
lhlhllglglhlglglgllglfllglglflfiilfflflglglflflgl - 8 years ago
Is there a new video of the layout?
but2star - 8 years ago
His last wish ' to be buried inside an Aquascape aquarium.
markbatch - 9 years ago
Only just realised he had passed since i left a post.

Belated sympathies to his family and much respect for the great works he completed as a leader & legend in the aquarium industry.

R.I.P Takashi Amano

peace M

30. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode

DutchAquariumZone - 9 years ago
Love his aquariums, just magic :) R.I.P. great master.
Jesse21 - 9 years ago
mesvissen Aquarium
mesvissen Aquarium - 9 years ago
Fish Tales
Fish Tales - 9 years ago
The Master of all Planted tanks will be sorely missed,
his talent has made Tropical aquariums come to life
in a more natural setting. Rip Mr Amano, a true advocate of
our Hobby.
Roger Gomes
Roger Gomes - 8 years ago
Sure Fish Tales! A master !, unbeatable in the concept of nature,
with really natural aquariums !.
Gerjan Van Boggelen
Gerjan Van Boggelen - 9 years ago
Just into scaping hobby but his tanks are amazing and impressive
CATBALCA - 9 years ago
muhammed sidik
muhammed sidik - 9 years ago
p give number
Lady BonaFide
Lady BonaFide - 9 years ago
Kyle McAndrews
Kyle McAndrews - 10 years ago
Planted aquariums like this IMO put the majority of saltwater set ups to shame...
DREQUIM - 9 years ago
+Kyle McAndrews LOL Yeah.... but there are salt water plants.... and people can make gr8 SAA, if they dont just choose clown fish....
Lawrence Winfield
Lawrence Winfield - 10 years ago
It's better than 70% of the tanks I've seen in my 10 years messing with fish !!
ritter89 - 10 years ago
Toss a few Oscars in there or some of the other larger Cichlids and they'd get busy rearranging the tank in no time. Is a planted tank impossible with the bigger fish? Seems like these elaborate and highly aquascaped aquariums are always stocked with very small schoolers or shrimps and other delicates. The fish almost seem incidental at that point
nick dalton
nick dalton - 8 years ago
Greymom P
Greymom P - 9 years ago
Many of Amano's tanks, this one for instance, are planted to appear like landscapes not aquascapes. Having larger fish in them would take away that illusion. By keeping the smaller fish in it, the planting stands out more.
Helveteshit - 9 years ago
+ritter89 The reason people use small fish for tanks in the Aquascape hobby is for Scale. A small fish in comparison to a tank gives a better impression than a giant fish. You would need a lot larger aquarium to give the same sense of depth and impression as smaller fish do with their schooling and numbers. Also, most of the algae eaters are generally smaller size fish while all predator fish are the larger ones and you also got the fact that the larger fish poop larger so it takes time for plants/bacteria to break down and can potentially make a build look bad. WEll, that is not experience but theory.

But the main point of smaller fish is to leave a sense of scale and impression. A small human to a skyscraper gives a better impression to human achievement than a giant in skyscraper. Aquascaping is about creating a living art that gives an impression and leaves a sense of " Ah, I want to sit and view this ".

There is plenty of large fish that can be used if you want to be creative but the sense of depth and impression would make the tank a lot larger and especially DEEPER in width than height. To make that fish swim between objects and such.
junito1957 - 10 years ago
+ritter89 forget Oscar dude they are diggers , and why do people always think of having large fish for large tank, you will never get the effects that lot of small fish will have in a large tank , it make everything even bigger , you put large fish the tank will look smaller , want to have fun with Oscar put then in a 2000 gal pond
spliffjam - 10 years ago
Eugenio Angel Estevez Ramires
Eugenio Angel Estevez Ramires - 10 years ago
Echo de menos el montaje técnico tipo de filtros toda la equipamiento luces ect...  me parece lo mismo de importante  que el trabajo paisajista y en cuanto a los peses creo que se busca un equilibrio biológico
Hanzoh D Ninjas
Hanzoh D Ninjas - 10 years ago
Batbileg Enkhbold
Batbileg Enkhbold - 10 years ago
Don't understand why he always use small fish in his tank.I think big fish looks better.
Kris Martin
Kris Martin - 7 years ago
Batbileg Enkhbold if u know anything about the hobby
Katrina C
Katrina C - 8 years ago
As well as maintaining scale, he understood the balance between fish load and plants ability to clean up after them. Children also have immense wonder at seeing "lots of fish". He understood this well. He never forgot the innocence and amazement children had. Beyond his breathtaking design skill, he kept his eyes open to the wonder of a child's mind.
Goblinchief123 - 8 years ago
I personally prefer large schools of tiny fish over a few big ones.
I love the brighter colors, and the schooling.
LJS African Cichlids
LJS African Cichlids - 9 years ago
i agree about 6 black diamond cichlids in there would look amazing with the use of wood and rocks with some anubias plants
junito1957 - 10 years ago
+Batbileg Enkhbold large fish will make the tank smaller , he trying to created a fresh water like reef tank ,or a piece of the Amazon
Jamie Holloway
Jamie Holloway - 10 years ago
Because bigger fish usually aren't Good with plants and it's to create scale in the tank
Адекватник Пессимист
Адекватник Пессимист - 10 years ago
Круто !
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Martinez - 10 years ago
Those tanks are overcrowded, only enough room for 1 betta and a snail in each.
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Maybe 2 snails even. If you're willing to do the extra work you could go crazy and do 2 Glofish and a snail. The Glofish will give it a very natural look.
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 10 years ago
I see your jest sir
zeetran - 10 years ago
those fish live in a manison!!
David Marquez
David Marquez - 10 years ago
Such beautiful works of art, love it!
markbatch - 10 years ago
such a great tank, much respect to Takashi Amano …

i want one lol

peace M

50. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode

Jonny Bravo
Jonny Bravo - 10 years ago
The "Landscape" is beautiful, no question about it, but the fish i dont like. He should also focus on the final picture with the living fish inside the tank and not only on the arrangement of rocks and plants. There, just in my opinion, are too many and too small fish inside the tank, which, as to the size of the tanks, lets the fish look like dirt particles.
Maybe it would be better without fish at all, like the japanese Stone gardens.
But as i said, just my opinion.
Jonny Bravo
Jonny Bravo - 10 years ago
I will put you into a discussion about Islam i do have with a few ppl. You will see the difference is the style of discussion. Pls take part if you feel so...
Jonny Bravo
Jonny Bravo - 10 years ago
+Piterszczyk I agree with you on the first and second point 100%.
Only difference that makes a difference is the way the difference is settled!
we can discuss about fish or god, as long as you respect my opinion and dont want to cut my head off, i guess it is cool!
Piterszczyk - 10 years ago
+Jonny Bravo
Difference in opinions is not always a good things- for example I can't possibly see any positive aspects of differences between people's opinions when it comes to religion ;) I agree with one thing though- it's impossible to say that this guy (Takashi Amano) is the best. This is art, where strict criteria doesn't exist. It's like saying that Beethoven was a better composer than Mozart, or vice versa.
Jonny Bravo
Jonny Bravo - 10 years ago
best... well, i dunno, but i do not hate...for what??
There are enough idiots on YT hating... nonono.. i just expressed my opinion, that less, but bigger fish would (again IMO) fit better.
Some might argue that takes the focus away from the landscape, some might agree...
lucky, we all have different opinions and thoughts, or the world would be very boring.
Good we here talk to each other in a cool way...
Jamie Holloway
Jamie Holloway - 10 years ago
He is the best don't hate his work it's amazing the scape is more about the plants
The fish are a added bonus
Piterszczyk - 10 years ago
I totally agree. I have a similar approach- landscape has to be perfect before the fish go in. I bought a new tank a week ago but I don't have time time just now to set it up (final year at the university), however when I get some more time in the second half of December I'll get the landcape and planting ready, and the fish will follow at least a month later, probably longer, like in the end of January. The only thing I'm not happy about is the size of my tank, as it is only 115l/30gal (biggest I could get for my tiny flat), but when you are a student you don't really have much choice in terms of the flat size...
Jonny Bravo
Jonny Bravo - 10 years ago
it is great fun and also very relaxing... hahaha dont u think??
Jonny Bravo
Jonny Bravo - 10 years ago
believe me or not, but i got an empty aquarium next to me right now for more then 7 weeks...
all finished.... with pump, water, plants and all, but i didnt put not a single fish inside till now....some plants in the front grew to much, some in the back too little...i cut, relocate, correct, clean... and all.. till i feel it is balanced... before that i will not even think about fish...
Jonny Bravo
Jonny Bravo - 10 years ago
ok...i do valid your point!
But i think we both do understand the nature of aquascaping in a different way..
For me not the fish and also not the landscape is important..or maybe both are important...each is nothing without the other and only together they form the final image..and that, at least in my op, should look as natural and beautiful as possible....
which can only be archived
 when everything is in balance!
Piterszczyk - 10 years ago
+Jonny Bravo
also- keep in mind we watch from the distance, when they show a close-up view it looks much better. It kinda reminds me of the natural aquatic ecosystems, where you have plenty of fish of different sizes- the whole area seems alive.
Piterszczyk - 10 years ago
+Jonny Bravo
Discus are so magnificent that they take the attention away from everything :P
Jonny Bravo
Jonny Bravo - 10 years ago
my point exactly...just in my opinion, much fewer and a little bigger fish, like Discus, but only a few would fit better.
Piterszczyk - 10 years ago
+Wylie Coyote
Thats the whole point of aquascaping- not to overpower the landscape with fish, but to highlight it.
Wylie Coyote
Wylie Coyote - 10 years ago
+Sung-Taek Lim
No it wouldn't, Angels or Discus would still look small in such an aquarium. It's just Amano focuses on the plants and hardscape more than the fish. He's an aquascaper.
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 10 years ago
I prefer small fish in my tanks. I'm no Amano, but the smaller fish emphasize the hardscape and the plants. 

Amano had Autums Angels in his own private aquariums. These are the most amazingly beautiful fish, but when they grew to full size, it somehow made his tank look smaller. 
bloodlucky - 10 years ago
Agreed with Sung if he chose larger fish the environment would look too disproportionate
DMAN D - 10 years ago
takashi amano inspired my fish tank 
MMODoubter - 11 years ago
Beautiful tanks, but a very bland selection of fish. It's like he didn't want them stealing the show.
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 10 years ago
Well mate, if you dont think Cardinals, Rummynoses, clown loaches, Neon and Bosemani Rainbows etc are not colourful...I don't know what what to tell you :)
MMODoubter - 10 years ago
I like big angels, too, but you asked about colourful fish.
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 10 years ago
You have seen Amano's personal tank? There's some footage on youtube of his full grown Autumn Angels. They do look spectacular in large tanks. Which I think is the issue. They become the focal point, not the aquascape. 
MMODoubter - 10 years ago
You asked what he could put in for colour.  Even natural strain discus would be a big improvement over the tiny fish in there.

It's obviously not about balance, as the fish get lost in such a big tank. It wouldn't look much different with no fish in there at all.
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 10 years ago
Personally. Im not a fan of discuss. I think Altumn Angels are by far the more beautiful out of the two, even without the colour range. again, a personal opinion, but I don't like line bred colours. I prefer natural. I watch a lot of ADA videos, and I can't recall any line bred colours in their tanks. I think they all have their wild colours. 

Amano no longer uses big fish in his scapes. Im sure it would have something to do with balance of the fish size to the aquascape. Amano is all about balance. 
MMODoubter - 10 years ago
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 10 years ago
Curious as to what you would in there?

For colour, I don't think there is anything more he could put in there. 
Antonius vd Klis
Antonius vd Klis - 11 years ago
2.00 min. Wood design in tank is nice, but not exceptional good. Its also easy to let grow some plants on the wood. Background is socks! Did he buy old wall paper or so?
Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 7 years ago
Antonius vd Klis yeah like you know more about this subject than Amano did...
Antonius vd Klis
Antonius vd Klis - 8 years ago
Rude comments?
Panagiotis F
Panagiotis F - 8 years ago
Antonius vd Klis learn to write before typing rude comments
stanchung69 - 11 years ago
It's a granite wall and part of the place's design.
Design - 11 years ago
That tank is hugeeeeee!
Design - 11 years ago
Mr. Amano is thee man!
Sal Bevins
Sal Bevins - 11 years ago
Yeah i would say so. 
philip bultereys
philip bultereys - 11 years ago
Nice aquarium
My aquascape you can find in video below
Aquascaping valley Part 6
Thai Tran
Thai Tran - 11 years ago
please make an update sine over 1 year had past
arapima gigas
arapima gigas - 11 years ago
Mr Amano the only man in the world with a 48inch pair of tweezers
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
I love you too!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Noodles37UK - 11 years ago
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
Noodles37UK - 11 years ago
Things changed for me when I went into this pub and saw the tank they had. The tank was laid out so the viewer's attention was DRAWN into the display. The trick is to keep clutter down, and arrange the angles ( long bits of wood and big rocks ) so they interact and compliment eachother. A lot of it is down to a lucky break which also inspires you and at that point you just see it start to come together and you know you are onto something. You wake up next day and know if it's good or not.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
I think he likes the small schooling fish because their small size makes the aquascape and the tank look larger, and more majestic. Having a large fish in there or many large fish could detract from the beauty of the aquascape. That's just my theory, though.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
I get what you're saying, but with ingenuity, aquariums of almost this caliber can be created. I've done nice aquascapes with just pieces of wood I found in the woods behind my house and some plants. I think ingenuity and an eye for artistic balance is more important here than a wad of cash, because I've seen some people that definitely had nearly unlimited funds have shitty looking tanks, and people like me, with very little funds, have nice tanks due to thinking outside the box. Or aqaurium.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
I know!!!!!!!! I've created some nice aquascapes without dumping hundreds of dollars into anything. Your tools are all around you. I found a broken piece of wood that had grown with a vine wrapped around it in a spiral, thereby leaving a spiral dent in the wood. I nailed it to a flat board, buried the board under the gravel, and tied java fern around the top, so it looks like a spiral bonsai tree as a centerpiece for my octagon tank. It's beautiful. Not Amano level, but it is def. nice.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
Not really. I think nature aquarium is quite accurate. It doesn't claim to be the perfect picture of the natural underwater environment of fish. Instead, it more mimics a forest, a grassy meadow--NATURE!
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
I would give anything to be one of his fish. Or even just his student. I have the highest respect for this man. He is not an aquarist--he is an ARTIST. End of story.
Arek Woj
Arek Woj - 11 years ago
too much fish .... it's fish soup not aquarium...plants very byoutifoul
Attila .Godolley
Attila .Godolley - 11 years ago
Mr Amano with all due respect , your aqua scaping is amazing and your knowledge of plants and visual dynamics is amazing , i would love to see some of that translated to your selection of fish species.
ILTK - 11 years ago
I'll agree that these scapes are beautiful, but natural? Hell no. These are the words of people that have never traveled and seen the natural habitats, they will never look _anything_ like this, dead leaves all over, debris scattered around, sticks, twigs and all kinds of mulm everywhere. "Nature aquarium" is just a marketing phrase, "Japanese garden aquarium" or something would be more truthful, but these marketing names are carefully selected to play on the feelings of the easily manipulated.
RMB787983 - 11 years ago
You see, I'm all for artistic endeavour pertaining to aquascaping et al, but Mother Nature already provides us with said beauty in this regard. These beautiful aquaria are an applied exercise in Bio Mimicry. Nothing wrong in that of course. Aircraft too, for example, are a the result of Bio Mimicry. It's all about bringing the otherwise hidden scenes of nature's underworld into the home. I applaud this fellow's endeavours in this regard.
RMB787983 - 11 years ago
I'm wondering as to the size of the filtration devices. Beautiful aquascapes!
MotionTSG - 11 years ago
Err because we don't all have a bottomless bank account to throw at it that's why. Creation and ambition will only take you so far and unfortunately the remainder of the journey takes real hard earned.
Noodles37UK - 11 years ago
" I tried to express the deep primeval forest by creating an open space in the central part for emphasizing the perspective " . Why can't more tank owners think like this? I keep seeing retarded moronic rubbish online. They have no sense of creativity nor ambition.
Assistedsoul - 11 years ago
beautiful .
Larry Seus
Larry Seus - 11 years ago
being a pet fish in there would be awesome :)
PlantedAquariumFan - 11 years ago
what if you want to trim the foreground plants? :O
Prince Rhem
Prince Rhem - 11 years ago
Fish heaven?
adarkerlink - 11 years ago
damn that tank is stunning e.e just add a pair of discuses or angels,they would look good there!
Moe WeST
Moe WeST - 11 years ago
You are the master O_Q
dion Maas
dion Maas - 11 years ago
Ey check my channel to see my fish tank, nice tank btw
Ryan - 11 years ago
This guy looks like a japanese version of Cesar Millan!
Rasakins - 11 years ago
What was the thickness of the glass used? 3 inches? 6inches? :D
paul j
paul j - 11 years ago
mystiqueboutique - 11 years ago
so beautiful !!
dong bok kim
dong bok kim - 11 years ago
"TAKASHI AMANO×SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode"。駄菓子天野上の墨田語クァリュムの特別さに感動しています、おそらく世界の中でベストNumber1水草水槽に恵まれた実現の威容にデダンハウル感じている1995年4月韩国のソウル观赏鱼インテリア发行人代表金熙道先生と参観団に同行した韩国の全南顺天金东福ナイアガラ水族館の代表として当時の東京に加えなんて人が異なる場合訪問した記憶が新しいです。
dong bok kim
dong bok kim - 11 years ago
"TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode ." 다가시 아마노상의 수미다 어콰륨의 특별스러움에 감동입니다 아마도 세계중에서 베스트 Number 1 수초수족관으로 웅장한 자연실현의 위용에 대단하을 느낌니다 1995년 4월 韓國의 서울 觀賞魚 인테리어 發行人 代表 金熙道 先生과 참관단으로 동행한 韓國의 全南 順天 金東福 나이아가라 수족관 대표로 당시 도쿄 외에 니이가다를 방문했던 기억이 새롭습니다.
TORSTEN Müller - 12 years ago
Wahnsinn !!!! Aber hier in Deutschland würde man an den Stromkosten zu Grunde gehen !!!
john creasey
john creasey - 12 years ago
bavariacaesar - 12 years ago
D - 12 years ago
Grassland and stone bomb one
Fazihuzzamaan Rasheed
Fazihuzzamaan Rasheed - 12 years ago
wendigolycan - 12 years ago
It's only a matter of money ... Give me that budget and you'll be surprised...
Vince H
Vince H - 12 years ago
Who paid for all this?
LaxBboys - 12 years ago
thousands of dollars! May I swim with ur fish!?
Aarón Becerra
Aarón Becerra - 12 years ago
amazing, but i live in mexico
Tropicindo2012 - 12 years ago
Amazing!! I wish I own that tank :thumbup:
MrTurritos - 12 years ago
you can't see it but there are very large wires of awesome holding everything together
Lorenzo G.
Lorenzo G. - 12 years ago
you can go on his sight to find more information on his creations.

100. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Final Episode

William Henzler
William Henzler - 12 years ago
2019freddie - 12 years ago
you did that all yourself......
Darkbarett92 - 12 years ago
good vidéo!!!
Dongbin Liu
Dongbin Liu - 12 years ago
just1boronut - 12 years ago
Q Valdee
Q Valdee - 12 years ago
The fish are happy :)
CheeseBon - 12 years ago
theres probably $3000 worth of cardonal tetras in that tank O_o
Kamster - 12 years ago
And here I felt proud for throwing my betta in a betta bowl.
mrchinee25 - 12 years ago
this tank could do with some Discus:)
TheBigBob - 12 years ago
i hate you takashi amano
quan tran
quan tran - 12 years ago
akendrum - 12 years ago
Wow, absolutely amazing! I can't imagine what that big one will look like in a year, that's crazy!
Preecha K
Preecha K - 12 years ago
I can't put this fish tank in my apartment.
F. Biff
F. Biff - 12 years ago
Richie T.
Richie T. - 12 years ago
well I have to admit the second tank aquascaping does look land based but if you research amazonian biotopes you would find that his tanks emulate their habitats
peaceful harmony
peaceful harmony - 12 years ago
it so bueautiful....if i was rich, i have somebody maintain one of these in my big fancy house.
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
If size is the issue here I can send you some links to bigger aquariums... That however is not the point. I've seen more impressive nano-tanks
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
Your point is moot! Size, really? I am surprises you claim to be a marine biologist, what is your area of expertise?.. Public aquariums have completely other prerequisites than private aquariums. In the video he has 15 minions doing everything for him and handing him plants given his resources I know a whole lot of people that would do much better... Also I'm not worried for the plants this is just fine for them, it is the tetras like the Phenacogrammus interruptus that need more flow..
Maverick Quartero
Maverick Quartero - 12 years ago
I looked at the aquariums you recommended. Some are nice, but do not provide enough space for the type of fish. Remember, the environment plays a huge role in the health of the fish. Having a large aquarium isn't enough. Look at zoos. There is a reason they are made to mimic a natural environment. As a reference, I am a marine biologist for public aquarium. I have creating planting tanks for 20 years. The tanks you mentioned are nice, but not healthy.
Maverick Quartero
Maverick Quartero - 12 years ago
Fish are not found in glass containers in the wild. They are used to seeing a lot of vegetation. Overall, the plants are very good for the health of the fish. Removing toxins from the water while providing oxygen for the fish. Dead plants provide food for the invertabrates while also providing nutrients for the living plants. The plants are there to provide a natural environment for the fish.
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
Fine, master of what ever... But natural enviornment???... Come on, tell me where you would find those land scapes under water? Anything but natural.. trying to mimic lanscapes on land quite evidently!
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
Perfectly in balance? It depends on what you mean... Had I'd seen this in someones garden on dry land I would have thought it was cute.. perspective, framing, focal points etc... These "vistas" do not need to be aquariums.. he refers to some of the plants as ferns.. In a vivarium then you can use ferns.. that's fine. This is just misplaced and a waste of resources.. Also the Tetras are not "in ballance" to little flow has made them high..Classic error... The fauna should have center stage
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
I'll wrtite a few statements here and you tell me if you agree.. 1. The landscaping, perspective framing etc. is the most important thing! 2. His knowledge about plants and especially fish is not that great since they play little part in his plan. They're just green stuff that go on the roots and rocks.. and chuck some small fish in there since it supposed to be an aquarium. 3. The fish he has chosen are more than aparent arbitrary to his landscape.
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
I left three links as a reply to you former comment as examples... Concidering how much this must have cost you could have gone WAY better.. I mean WAAAY better.. But he only seems intereted in creating landscapes.. You can see that in the fact that he just talks about perspective, framing etc.. The only thing he actually seems to know something about is the sand.. aparently the most important thing... Everything else is just plants and wood.. fish not even mentioned.
Maverick Quartero
Maverick Quartero - 12 years ago
He has been building aquariums for quite some time. There is a reason why people visit his gallery in Niigata and attend his courses. He may not have elaborated about the uses of the fish and invertabrates in the aquarium, but each creature in the nature aquarium has a purpose for being in that environment. You should do a little more research because everything in that tank is in balance.
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
What are you talking about..? Jealous implies that I would like to have this awful tank... not so, besides I'm not a hater.. Let me show you a couple of tank to really admire: youtube.com/watch?v=pxoIKD4jnCU youtube.com/watch?v=eI3WfE_K5fg youtube.com/watch?v=xppXsB6yKAg At best Mr Amano is a landscaper.. he should stick to designing gardens on land.. this is, more than a little, an insult to a great hobby!
CossiTD - 12 years ago
You Sir make my tank looking like its full of sewage
Mel Ketchum
Mel Ketchum - 12 years ago
O. Crooij
O. Crooij - 12 years ago
This is magnificent....... My tank is smaller. How do you claen it ???
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
Why is he talking about this like it is on land? Grassland and forrest? Dear Mr Amano you have completely missed the point.. If you wanted this you could have made terrariums or vivariums, the fish and water have aparently no meaning for you. . As an aquarium this is awful.. Yor grassland stone scape needs much more circulation! Please stick to LANDscaping and leave this to people who know aquariums... The bigest waste of money and fail I've seen in a long time!
Richie T.
Richie T. - 12 years ago
All the haters just need to fall back, this guy is undeniably a master at aquascaping and mimicking the natural environment of aquatic creatures. To be a fish in his tank would be heaven!
Bob Nugget
Bob Nugget - 12 years ago
interesting.... takashi amano may be renowned as the best aquascaper, and this may be why everyone is saying "amazing!" I personally do not like his setup, and think that they actually look crappy. this makes me think of how many people REALLY like his work, and how many like it because it was made by him.
Finder Keeper
Finder Keeper - 12 years ago
Bow down to the Lord of Aquascaping!
Finder Keeper
Finder Keeper - 12 years ago
Wild Cuipeua Discus
Wild Cuipeua Discus - 12 years ago
Slender Hemiodus
CarlosBrabo - 12 years ago
what about being a fish and live your whole life on it?
GREDDYTRB - 12 years ago
At 2:34 does anyone know what type or name of fish with the half black striped
Eric Wooten
Eric Wooten - 12 years ago
I would love to be a fish and explore this tank through a fish's eye.
Wahyu Widyasmoko
Wahyu Widyasmoko - 12 years ago
damn true :D i imagine that we have the "abilty" to buy this wonderful aqua... bring it home... considering the size of this tank, i would love put my alligator spatula inside...:D 1-2 months, the plant is grow crazily the spatula shit spread all over the place.:( God..i really hope that mr. amano staffs is still live at that time
Kooshal Chowachand
Kooshal Chowachand - 12 years ago
very nice but how to clean it afterwards???
franco Francisco
franco Francisco - 12 years ago
esto esra para peces neon y peces disco waa pero aun asi esta bien chingon muy bonito acuario saludos.
saxzw - 12 years ago
Thanks for making my fish tank look like a piece of garbage mr. Amano.
TheAaronVo - 12 years ago
what type of moss is that on the rock? 5:02
Vito - 12 years ago
Looks like I'll have to make a trip to Japan.
fishforme2 - 12 years ago
Fantastic work! Great!!
sharkl11 - 12 years ago
For the Stone tank, what does Amano use for foreground?
sammers f
sammers f - 12 years ago
ok very true!!!
sarocco1 - 12 years ago
with larger fish the aquariums would loose their landscape-effect and not be as harmonic as it is now. this is a planted nature aquarium, not a monsterfishtank :)
Lucy Vana
Lucy Vana - 12 years ago
2 guyz distroyed their aquariums already....i'll do it also but i'll press a LIKE for sure!
sammers f
sammers f - 12 years ago
beautiful beautiful tanks but I wish they had cooler, larger fish!
Dionicio Rojas
Dionicio Rojas - 12 years ago
This is awesomeness!!!!

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