A series of short documentary films featuring the creation of giant Nature Aquarium layouts by Takashi Amano, exhibited inside Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Sky Tree Town, is now broadcasted at ADA View. (4 Episodes) The episode 2 features making of 7m tank layout!

TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Vol.2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 160

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 1,104,596 views

A series of short documentary films featuring the creation of giant Nature Aquarium layouts by Takashi Amano, exhibited inside Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Sky Tree Town, is now broadcasted at ADA View. (4 Episodes) The episode 2 features making of 7m tank layout!

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Most popular comments

Chin MoMo
Chin MoMo - 7 years ago
bigo live - Tube
bigo live - Tube - 7 years ago
Wang Xiaofei
Wang Xiaofei - 7 years ago
Amazing! can't find a word to describe this amazing tank!!
홍방자아웃돈통아웃 - 7 years ago
TeENoi T
TeENoi T - 7 years ago
Matthias Müller
Matthias Müller - 7 years ago
dont know why its so hyped diesbt even look so good
aquarium & fish FAN
aquarium & fish FAN - 7 years ago
giant aquarium
peter yeung
peter yeung - 7 years ago
It is sad we had to destroy real nature to appreciate artificial nature. Mr. Amano was doing a fine job though. RIP
Mielkam Alkindi
Mielkam Alkindi - 7 years ago


Martin Martin
Martin Martin - 7 years ago
what's the background music ?
Luis Alberto Silva Gonzalez
Luis Alberto Silva Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Loi Yong Sheng
Loi Yong Sheng - 7 years ago
such delicate work,admire him for a long time now but sadly he passed away
Dante Daniel Marcenaro Silva
Dante Daniel Marcenaro Silva - 7 years ago
deberian traducirlo al español
Oscar Marfori
Oscar Marfori - 7 years ago
Styroform boards used as spacers for the base of the rocks is not a good idea because it has tremendous bouyancy, no wonder the rocks started to move as soon as the water is filled in
Danie Berrotera
Danie Berrotera - 7 years ago
montaras otro videos algun dia porque son vellos tus acuarios
Danie Berrotera
Danie Berrotera - 7 years ago
te felicito vale ases muchos acuarios muii bellos bueno dios te bendiga y te tenga en su gloria cristo te ama tu eres un hijo de DIOS TAKASHI tus acuarios son los mejores
DeeEl - 7 years ago
I like how he relies on his staff for information
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson - 8 years ago
That iMovie stock music though
Adhi AWE
Adhi AWE - 7 years ago
and fcpx
B. Jonathan
B. Jonathan - 8 years ago
is the fish made in china?


smiler - 8 years ago
this guy knew his stuff
Bijuu007 - 8 years ago
Omg this noob... see 2nd degree... all part of body don't perfect..
Bijuu007 - 8 years ago
Nop, nooob, eyes also don't perfect
Bijuu007 - 8 years ago
Percfecto don't exist..
BigVtheVanity - 8 years ago
Firman Pradana
Firman Pradana - 8 years ago
this is Perfecto XD
Firman Pradana
Firman Pradana - 8 years ago
Bijuu007 you just lost your finger?? imagine people who even don't have hand and feet
Bijuu007 - 8 years ago
Firman Pradana nop, noob... gesture body, hand, finger don't perfect
Firman Pradana
Firman Pradana - 8 years ago
Bijuu007 your body is perfect. two hands, two eyes, two feet, two ear..
Bijuu007 - 8 years ago
Firman Pradana perfect don't exist..
Spakito - 8 years ago
Come to see my world first Japan s m8, you ll be chocked.... Christmas dead line
MerksX209A - 8 years ago
I hate to say it, but that girls belt was definitely made in China.
Steven Farah
Steven Farah - 8 years ago
Looks like GODZILLA'S FINS!!
J T - 8 years ago
Have fun trimming this


bimosalexandres - 8 years ago
what a dream tank, i want have one at my hum, but the tank itself already bigger than my house lol
Jazz Maker
Jazz Maker - 7 years ago
that's is highly unrealistic unless you are a student studying abroad
Angga Pramudya
Angga Pramudya - 7 years ago
bimosalexandres u should live in a tank maybe
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 8 years ago
Absolutely beautiful!
Eduard Arzadon
Eduard Arzadon - 8 years ago
I am so wishing to have one of these in my room...ived been watching this over and over again because its very beautiful and inspired creation...Sir who ever you are thank you for this wonderful Video..
Harun Korkmaz
Harun Korkmaz - 8 years ago
Bu akvaryumda balıklarla beraber ben bile yüzerim. :O
Maarten Janssen
Maarten Janssen - 8 years ago
The best aquarium designer in the world
Sveinn Sigurður
Sveinn Sigurður - 8 years ago
Masterpiece, sublime.
telcom6661 - 8 years ago
not his best work
Hypicraft Hyu
Hypicraft Hyu - 8 years ago
that moment when your mom told you to clean this tank ....
Angel Gonzalez
Angel Gonzalez - 8 years ago
it aint great at all didnt execute the idea
Aquarim Fish
Aquarim Fish - 8 years ago
Rajendra Biswas
Rajendra Biswas - 8 years ago
japanese are so disiplined
SS SS - 8 years ago
cleaning this tank would be a NIGHTMARE !
Eric Lin
Eric Lin - 7 years ago
Plants are great nitrate removers, and like Jowen said, its most likely automated water changes.
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
Not really, let the livestock do the interior cleaning, since it's such a massive tank it probably has automated water changes, maintenance would really just be feeding the fish and trimming the plants for the most part.
Whoa - 8 years ago
where are the sharks
Lorenzo Scarciglia
Lorenzo Scarciglia - 8 years ago
L00PS - 8 years ago
RIP Takashi Amano, You will be missed...
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Jim Morgan
Jim Morgan - 8 years ago
93 ppl are goldfish owners ...

My dream tank right there guys
Arthur G
Arthur G - 9 years ago
I'm curious, do these folks dose with Co2? What kind of filtration do they have? Water changes frequently?
Arthur G
Arthur G - 8 years ago
+L00PS [League of Legends
Hmm...very interesting. Appreciate the info!
L00PS - 8 years ago
+Arthur Grande They use a surface skimmer filter that leads to a sump. They don't really need to dose co2 because they put powders and mixtures under the aqua soil. Also, ADA aqua soil is good enough to get the plants to grow.
sakthi saravanan
sakthi saravanan - 9 years ago
awesomely awesome. .
Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey - 9 years ago
20:35 song name please..


Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 9 years ago
Would love to see platys in this big tank size, Color catches your eyes.
Andri Sofiyanto
Andri Sofiyanto - 9 years ago
hontou ni sugoi nee :3
ChingRoarz - 9 years ago
Holy shiz!! he just died in August 4th 2015?!?! rip...
Titas Halder
Titas Halder - 8 years ago
oh no
Alexus TM
Alexus TM - 9 years ago
So DRAMATIC but I like it cuz it's so big!
kaiju - 9 years ago
rest in piece
Salem Alryashi
Salem Alryashi - 9 years ago
Mohammed Laden
Mohammed Laden - 9 years ago
bigwuzz - 9 years ago
yyyyyyyyyyeeeahhh nice
InfantrymanEJB - 9 years ago
Mema Cordobes
Mema Cordobes - 9 years ago
Que hombre tan pesado, todo el tiempo con las manos en los bolsillos o cruzado de brazos, dirigiendo con ese laser. En 22 min de video solo se lo ve menos de un min con una planta en la mano...
Yuan Cruz
Yuan Cruz - 7 years ago
se entendería la queja si fuera un acuario mas pequeño.. pero al ser un acuario gigante mm no tanto
Mema Cordobes
Mema Cordobes - 8 years ago
Y que tiene que ver jeeee
restorationsolution - 8 years ago
es el diseñador
yakup yüksel
yakup yüksel - 9 years ago
japonlar kadar işini titizlikle yapan başka bir millet varmı acaba ?
Михаил Якунин
Михаил Якунин - 9 years ago
Как здорово!!!
Pierre Sev.
Pierre Sev. - 9 years ago
Garfian Gantara
Garfian Gantara - 9 years ago
SICK !!!!!!
中家了 - 10 years ago
Can anyone tell me the name of the background music?
John MacTaggart
John MacTaggart - 10 years ago
what are the rocks?
zz3OPEN - 9 years ago
Unzan stone.
NiTr00xX FUD
NiTr00xX FUD - 10 years ago

Dilophosaurus - 10 years ago
3:25 XD
alex 805
alex 805 - 10 years ago
does he ever used discus in his aquariums?
Pedro Teodoro
Pedro Teodoro - 10 years ago
Pedro Teodoro
Pedro Teodoro - 10 years ago
k fixe :)
Pete Chun
Pete Chun - 10 years ago
he can use cadd program and a 3 d printer.
Robert Werner
Robert Werner - 10 years ago
What kind of stone he used ?
please answer...
zz3OPEN - 9 years ago
Unzan stone.
Francisco Zamorano
Francisco Zamorano - 10 years ago
Acuario tan grande para esos pequeñines, yo.metería ciclidos!!!
Paid Shill
Paid Shill - 10 years ago
is there no pump / filter etc? is this why there are so many plants?
nueveforever - 9 years ago
if you watch till the end you will see the filtration. it uses a overflow system that goes to the sump like most reef aquarium tank would use.
Karel Jaruska Pikl
Karel Jaruska Pikl - 10 years ago
ADA Takashi Amano nádhera
Mr.GTA5 MOD - 10 years ago
Vanz75 - 9 years ago
+Mr.GTA5 MOD ata 'o uata' !
James chin yuen Lee
James chin yuen Lee - 10 years ago
With so much man power + custom made in japan... this tank will cost a BOMB
Janet Maloney
Janet Maloney - 10 years ago
that is just gorgeous....and what a job!...well done, fantastic patience...
Janet Maloney
Janet Maloney - 10 years ago
I'd like half of the patience required here Kobe :)
Endymion766 - 10 years ago
Amazing aquarium. The live plants make a big difference and the fish do behave more naturally. 
Genç Kemalist
Genç Kemalist - 10 years ago
lucky fishes
Todd Johanson
Todd Johanson - 10 years ago
Way to many fish
OnlineBackupServices - 10 years ago
+Mike More
too many youtube backseat experts. If your prefer lower numbers of fish then that's fine - but don't start trying to get sciency and saying it's overstocked etc. They are very small fish with low bio-load. Fishes can be concetrated like this and they do concetrate in small areas inthe rivers. There is plenty of water there to dilute the waste. Probably a massive sump too.
Jamie Holloway
Jamie Holloway - 10 years ago
It's 7m long that's a fine amount of fish
Mike More
Mike More - 10 years ago
Ammonia, no, its calculated im sure, and remember, if they fail, theyll suicide, so no

But yes, aesteticaly, thats way too many fishes, theres no groups, theyre all blended, theres like 2000+ hah
twas brillig
twas brillig - 10 years ago
tetra paradise
Eighth Wonder
Eighth Wonder - 10 years ago
I love at the end. the fish look like birds flying in an open field. the blue fish crowding near the rocks look like tropical birds
jurwat - 10 years ago
Japanese treasure
jurwat - 10 years ago
Japanese treasure
Wagner Rafael Da Silva
Wagner Rafael Da Silva - 10 years ago
k soze
k soze - 10 years ago
un capolavoro
Lucas C
Lucas C - 10 years ago
2,475 gallons. :)
bsug mugs
bsug mugs - 10 years ago
wow...very beautiful!!
Ben Nakajima
Ben Nakajima - 10 years ago
its just another a freshwater tank. if its a reef tank, different story.
Duck Manson
Duck Manson - 10 years ago
Just another freshwater tank? That is exactly what this is not.
Sander Bauwens
Sander Bauwens - 10 years ago
Beautiful tank!
ailton gea
ailton gea - 10 years ago
Sem dúvida um gênio e uma pessoa abençoada !! Muito lindo esse tanque.
TheCrankinguru - 10 years ago
My Hypselecara temporalis would have destroyed the setup in less than two days...
タバコ タロウ
タバコ タロウ - 10 years ago
Anita Lee-Yu
Anita Lee-Yu - 10 years ago
is a WOW factor!!...excellent job!!..thnx for sharing!!
BestComment1992 - 10 years ago
I love this guy
nick davies
nick davies - 11 years ago
This is my dream tank.
ZnEaKySpyNL - 11 years ago
What kind of stones are those?
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez - 11 years ago

100. comment for TAKASHI AMANO × SUMIDA AQUARIUM Vol.2

BrandonNforever - 11 years ago
First of All, he's like the manager telling the employees what to do, so i don't see anything wrong with that... That's a system that we see here on a daily bases in North America or Europe but why are people from these regions complaining the most when other parts of the world runs by a similar system??... Also, culturally speaking, Japanese are perfectionist, they are very detailed oriented... That is why customers don't mind paying extra bucks when products states "Made in Japan"...
Antonius vd Klis
Antonius vd Klis - 11 years ago
Amano knows to sell his stuff, nothing more. Like Heineken and Coca Cola. That guy is way over estimated, some rich friends and bloob he get famous. Come on! A aquarium  suppose to be a biotope in your house for the animals you put in and that feel happy, like in nature. The last thing he is thinking about are the fish. For me, a poor guy... Lost the idea completely...
Romulus - 10 years ago
an aquarium is not 'supposed' to be anything. it's whatever you want it to be. for him, it is art and the fish are strokes of brilliant paint. to each his own. he is known for a reason - he does this better than anyone.
philip bultereys
philip bultereys - 11 years ago
Nice aquascape here
I've created a couple of months ago an aquascape valley (see link below)
Metalfishead - 11 years ago
I wonder how big this tank is, like how many gallons
pacovl46 - 11 years ago
Again, he's the boss and they're his workers. I don't see how this makes him Steve Jobs!
sublogic - 11 years ago
It's just a giant iwagumi, the hardest part about this aquascape is the planting of the carpet plants to ensure the structure isn't soiled they use people to do all the hard work as they hang upside down to plant these things.
sublogic - 11 years ago
The guy is building aquascapes, not buildings, not iPhones. What he's doing is similar to landscaping, only the real landscaping involved here is planting the carpet plants into the soil, any aquascaper can tell you that. The rocks and the amazonia aren't that tough to do, he just makes it look hard because he's doing it on a grand scale while he instructs others to do all the hard work.
pacovl46 - 11 years ago
On the other hand it's pretty simply. He's the boss with the vision and they're his workers and do as they're told. I don't see what 's wrong with that!. If they don't like it they can quit and make their own tanks and try to get famous themselves.
pacovl46 - 11 years ago
You don't honestly believe that he wasn't there every second it took to create those tanks to instruct his slaves, do you?! ;-)
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
Just because they do the grunt work does not mean they could achieve an aquascape this beautiful on their own. Amano's vision is what makes it beautiful.
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 11 years ago
i ll bet they throw out the left overs of plants .......
Alias Smith
Alias Smith - 11 years ago
Less is more and more is less it is overdone in my opinion. the layout of the stones are wery nice
Andy M
Andy M - 11 years ago
go tell an architect to build a building with his own hand lol
koushinproductions - 11 years ago
That's why he'll never be able to lead subordinates, let alone be at the top.
SirDuckferd - 11 years ago
His job is to do the aquascaping and arranging. How can he do that if he can't see it from the front? He's also getting a bit older at this point, I don't think I'd make him lift the rocks.
sublogic - 11 years ago
He's like the Steve jobs of aquascaping. They do all the work, and he gets all the credit.
Shane Lee Loy
Shane Lee Loy - 11 years ago
maybe so he can get a good perspective on the aquascape
David Lienardy
David Lienardy - 11 years ago
errr , are u know how large a tank you need for big freshwater fish which can be u to 1m or more.. that's not quite good tank better use big pond u know
bokopholia - 11 years ago
why is nt ammano getting down and dirty ? hes just pointing there with a laser what a duesch !!!!
Andrew Finlay
Andrew Finlay - 11 years ago
I think one massive school of one type of fish would of looked better then lots of different fish but the tank is amazing
United.States.of.Akrasia - 11 years ago
DIY buddy!
ThePlaceOfHope - 11 years ago
I like the small fish in the tank. It makes you look closer into the scenery so you can really enjoy it and the fish.
kaaayd - 11 years ago
Not only is it about the layout... IMO it's a better environment for smaller fish. Remember this is where they will live. The bigger they are the less living space they will have.
S. H. Fu
S. H. Fu - 11 years ago
too artificial
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
love his sense of humor
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
Thumbs up if you give zero fucks about the hot asian bitch that is providing their commercial funding of the video
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
these guys know what the fuck they are doing. LOTS of money went into the tank itself not even including the rock and plants and substrates used to make it this glamorous
pogi09282805724 - 11 years ago
it's not about the fish! It's about the layout!
Crenshaw Punch
Crenshaw Punch - 11 years ago
Lucky fishes :)
ScreamingForClemency - 11 years ago
i so wish i could drop just 1 adult p bass in there.
Imagine being a fish in that aquarium :) , its like the Beverly hills of fish tanks. They must be some happy fish!
Mrmich5371 - 11 years ago
this is too beautiful and too costly for my home :)
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 11 years ago
This time the rocky outcrops without the greenery took centre stage. In the end they needed a colony of big fish to set it off. I am always waiting to see big fish merged with these type of systems such as Oscar, Arrowana, Pacu, African Tiger Fish they only need about 15 fish no bigger then 6 inches to 9 inches or so. With these tanks I wouldnt rush or need to vacation on the beach, cruise out of town often its all right in your own place.
Rasakins - 11 years ago
Yeh. I checked his website and prices. We're looking at a $150k-$250k tank. But i'm surprised at the cheap fish he put inside. I'd have put discus or something. I'll make the same thing in a reduced scale to fit my budget. :D
freekitten-o00o - 11 years ago
結論:世の中、カネ! 金、カネ、かねええええええええええええええええええええ!!!!!
Saigaijin69 - 11 years ago
It looks nice of course but pretty boring compared to a reef tank. It's more of a contest in monotony than anything to do with tank-keeping. Every time I go into the shops here in Tokyo, the guys in the nature tank areas are only talking about how many hours it took them to do this or that or how much their new light, plant, soil cost them.
willlee780 - 11 years ago
is pretty but anyone can do it given the tools.
Chousakan - 11 years ago
There is about $18k of lighting alone on that tank, the whole thing would be ludicrously expensive, even more so with Amano involved.
Peter Mooney
Peter Mooney - 11 years ago
How much would somthing like this cost.... More than a a car?
Hzk LH
Hzk LH - 11 years ago
le meten puro pez feo T_T
barrie jenkins
barrie jenkins - 11 years ago
simply fantastic
Jason - 11 years ago
Amano is a genius
azaquarium123 - 11 years ago
It is for Mr. Amano considering he's built a very lucrative business around aquascaping aquariums and selling supplies. There are companies in the U.S. and all over the world that will setup planted tanks and reefs for you so, yes, this is a profession.
Layon 007
Layon 007 - 11 years ago
muito lindo
DanielOnGuitar - 11 years ago
Are you on drugs?
Who ?
Who ? - 11 years ago
really man? they made the styrofoam as base under those rocks, and you still think styrofoam will float? like really man? really?
Robert Rainey
Robert Rainey - 11 years ago
So very beautiful!
twas brillig
twas brillig - 11 years ago
Is this a profession in Japan?
rubik1975 - 11 years ago
Anzu Miyazaki
Anzu Miyazaki - 11 years ago
Since the rocks are not perfectly flat on the bottom, that wouldn't work. It's used as a base to keep them in position of standing up, since the styrofoam will give way slightly to edges and such. It's also harder to fine tune the height with something like a paver, rather then a foam that can be cut to a specific height with a knife. Plus the weight would keep it down anyway.
Shrimpsroyal Curvers
Shrimpsroyal Curvers - 11 years ago
Verry nice as always!!!
cutehampstead - 11 years ago
Styrofoam ! Crazy choice
DanielOnGuitar - 11 years ago
I'm not sure you understand what I'm talking about, it's @ 12:58. Also there is no "800 pound rock" anywhere in the video, you would need a crane to lift such a boulder rock that heavy.
aquaticpimp - 11 years ago
Your a boss amano =] always very nice
Siwulam - 11 years ago
Happiest fish ever??
Siwulam - 11 years ago
pretty sure a 800 pound rock on top of a little piece of Styrofoam will make sure it doesn't float :)
C - 11 years ago
Water is too cloudy
GJL Creative Studios
GJL Creative Studios - 11 years ago
I'm so sick of the brooklyn accent too. They was they say "tank" bugs me. lol
DanielOnGuitar - 11 years ago
styrofoam floats in the water, it is therefore not a good choice as a base, use pavers or something heavy instead.
PiranhaAction - 11 years ago
very nice done tank
iBoYube - 11 years ago
wow i want
Vince H
Vince H - 11 years ago
Wow. These guys are hardcore. Really badass tank.
hoah - 11 years ago
fish soup
Ike D
Ike D - 11 years ago
The best, I wish I see inside his mind as he creates a tank start to finish.
feddim - 11 years ago
rừng dưới nước
Mikaël Yang
Mikaël Yang - 11 years ago
So beautiful... Does anyone know the song at the end (20:25) ?
DUng TRan
DUng TRan - 11 years ago
quá đẹp
davidtsubi - 11 years ago
Amazing... great job..
Cyproduction - 11 years ago
Wow is all I can say
alin razack
alin razack - 12 years ago
nice awesome...
Reeky Xiong
Reeky Xiong - 12 years ago
This video was not made to please you.
VHITHICKO ARTS - 12 years ago
Like The Boss!
Joeri Van Dessel
Joeri Van Dessel - 12 years ago
thats what i call a Tank! nice :-)
Giovetty7 - 12 years ago
Fuck this! I'm gonna smoke some weed!
melissa decker
melissa decker - 12 years ago
GHJFGJKGH - 12 years ago
this guys is annoying
flexy jerkoff
flexy jerkoff - 12 years ago
and she has pig posture
Krisztián Pintér
Krisztián Pintér - 12 years ago
dat girl is very ugly cmon guyz u could find a better one...
Kirk Lewis
Kirk Lewis - 12 years ago
amano is kind of a pain in the butt!!
Fisch Zimmer
Fisch Zimmer - 12 years ago
wow that is so beautiful <3 20:30
Zero Boom
Zero Boom - 12 years ago
Coie Fish
Coie Fish - 12 years ago
Kudus to Japanese ingenuity! Bravo.
Plamen Angelov
Plamen Angelov - 12 years ago
HardyAquariums - 12 years ago
those fish are waay luckier than paris hilton's dog
F. Biff
F. Biff - 12 years ago
Hats off to the ADA staff for hanging during the planting stage. Beautiful tank to bad I will never get to see them in person but thanks for sharing!
smallfaucet - 12 years ago
wow this blew my mind!!!
kumarsa108 - 12 years ago
How can anyone not like this?
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
Wow amazing video! those fish are in the best home money can buy.
KissChicaDelMar - 12 years ago
Везет тем рыбкам, что попадают к Такеше :) Живут в такой роскоши и просторе!
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
All this setup and you keep tetras? This is not zen this is the opposite of visionary... Extremely disappointing!
Justin Burns
Justin Burns - 12 years ago
i honestly don't think he is some sort of visionary, more like a guy with a ton of money who knows what the fuck he's doing.
Sheety33 - 12 years ago
Very cool, its like an art putting an aquarium together.
E Hushpuppy
E Hushpuppy - 12 years ago
ty for english subs!
Aestivus - 12 years ago
Unzan stones - as the subtitle says ;)
PaNdeM0niuM - 12 years ago
fish HEAVEN!
Doxforded - 12 years ago
WOOOW this tank is beutifull, but the girl is very stupid!
Joseph Gonzalez
Joseph Gonzalez - 12 years ago
I went through watching half of the video until realizing there was subtitles...........
mrate010 - 12 years ago
waw nic job Mr. Amano. can you tell me please the cost to make like this aquarium and where i can get like this tank. what kind of filter you used for this aquarium.
muvinbird - 12 years ago
Wonderful! It takes some experience to see how something like this looks in 2-3 months, not just in the moment. Hats off for you mr.Amano!
sLyone777 - 12 years ago
its big but its ugly
turkeyguy0 - 12 years ago
there aren't many of us with 10k to just drop into aquariums.
Tuan Pham
Tuan Pham - 12 years ago
it so nice.
ChessPieceKnight - 12 years ago
Think of it this way: The hobby has room to expand, and for new "stars" to rise in different types of naturescapes, as you suggest. Amano is the groundbreaker, now we need to search for other master aquascapers. :)
Bruno Garcia
Bruno Garcia - 12 years ago
84Infinity - 12 years ago
Screw the tv shows Tanked and Fish Tank Kings. I want Mr. Amano to get a tv show, on either Nat Geo, or Animal Planet!!
84Infinity - 12 years ago
I wonder if Mr. Amano is Yakuza......
danpandapotan - 12 years ago
i wish i have one...
luke macaulay
luke macaulay - 12 years ago
think maybe glossostigma on the floor which amano basically discovered as an aquarium plant which ive tried and only had success with when using co2 and the short grass could be similar to a grass ive used without co2 in a 585ltr discus community called sagitaria tennulus it grows to about 15cm max
luke macaulay
luke macaulay - 12 years ago
thats pure amano so so good thinks hes writing for pfk magazine at the min
le840latiti62 - 12 years ago
magnifique titi62
tikusrabun - 12 years ago
9929kingfish - 12 years ago
I like the Geisha
Filo011 - 12 years ago
8:08 wat is that small plant they zoom into called?
karlikdiscusfarm - 12 years ago
very nice and very good work.
proto35 - 12 years ago
those small fish have sooo much space. I bet they lose their crew every now and then XD
sarocco1 - 12 years ago
amazing tank, will be interesting to see it later on :)
Harish Sriramalu
Harish Sriramalu - 12 years ago
I always wonder why Discus fishes are not used in Mr. Amano's tanks. They would look so beautiful in this nature aquarium..
Sarazanas - 12 years ago
This is by far the most beautiful Nature Aquarium I have ever seen in my life. I think about travelling to Tokio! :) Congratulations.
admest wai
admest wai - 12 years ago

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