UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!

DISCUS AQUARIUM FISH!! I loved sitting back and watching how the team at uncle sams unbox and add their discus. Some of it is different than i would do, but there was some interesting things to learn here and of course, its always nice to see SO MANY DISCUS! Wes, Darwin and casper are good friends of mine. I will entirely vouch for them if you need a reference on where to get discus. You can check them out on Facebook to buy some: https://www.facebook.com/UncleSamsDiscus/ LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Check out all of my discus videos: https://goo.gl/Nva3Bv SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS

UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 447

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 721,440 views

DISCUS AQUARIUM FISH!! I loved sitting back and watching how the team at uncle sams unbox and add their discus. Some of it is different than i would do, but there was some interesting things to learn here and of course, its always nice to see SO MANY DISCUS! Wes, Darwin and casper are good friends of mine. I will entirely vouch for them if you need a reference on where to get discus. You can check them out on Facebook to buy some: https://www.facebook.com/UncleSamsDiscus/ LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Check out all of my discus videos: https://goo.gl/Nva3Bv SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS

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Most popular comments
for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I loved sitting back and watching how they unboxing and add their discus. Some of it is different than i would do, but there was some interesting things to learn here and of course, its always nice to see SO MANY DISCUS! Wes, Darwin and casper are good friends of mine. I will entirely vouch for them if you need a reference on where to get discus. You can check them out on Facebook to buy some: https://www.facebook.com/UncleSamsDiscus/
Priya Bailur
Priya Bailur - 7 years ago
it is Did or not
Dominick Fede
Dominick Fede - 7 years ago
The king of DIY, how many gallons are those fish tanks and how many fish can you keep in them?
Anderon James
Anderon James - 7 years ago
i wonder how they keep the water in the tanks so clear. do they exhange the water every 3 days or something like that or using some filtration system i don't know? I mean after unboxing them
Dragonflail - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Thank you for the reference. I am looking to purchase 8 Tanks worth to start a breeding program. I TRUST You. So I trust them.
Aqua King
Aqua King - 7 years ago
Mabel Nazario no it isn't the discus have a different ph than a betta does and discus become much larger than Betta's do. Definetly a bad idea.
Mabel Nazario
Mabel Nazario - 7 years ago
The king of DIY discus with bettas...that is posible???
Joseph Mckeon
Joseph Mckeon - 7 years ago
Aquarium Azores Ok
Aquarium Azores
Aquarium Azores - 7 years ago
Watch my aquarium videos and subcribe :D
nsk gaming
nsk gaming - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
Ricky Htet
Ricky Htet - 7 years ago
The king of DIY where did you buy
Arianna Silva
Arianna Silva - 7 years ago
i have 2 blue dempseys, 1 fire mouth, 2 gold sebrums, 2 oscars, 1 peacock and 2 blood perrots, they are gorgeous fish to have...
Arianna Silva
Arianna Silva - 7 years ago
how much do they sell them for?
Gustav Gans
Gustav Gans - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Discus? Never! i love beauty and Action...so in my Tank swimms Blue Dempsey, Oscar and Green Terror !
Alan Hsu
Alan Hsu - 7 years ago
The king of DIY v
Jacob Chrem
Jacob Chrem - 7 years ago
beautiful fish I just didn't like how they kept the fish in the bag water for so long. Doesn't the water from the bag become toxic from the ammonia the second it hits the air outside the bag? I'm pretty sure you made a video on it.
dogzvids 1
dogzvids 1 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should get a flower horn cichlid
bobspineable - 7 years ago
The king of DIY can discus be kept with other fish and if yes, what kinds.
Dakota Campbell
Dakota Campbell - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hey man I just picked up a 56g column tank. any ideas for this build? just a thought. thank you
Valdemar Jørgensen
Valdemar Jørgensen - 7 years ago
Pniko atm is still used. Yes bar is more common and a better term. But trying to explain it to someone who doesn't understand, atm can often be easier to use, imo
Pniko - 7 years ago
Valdemar Jørgensen I believe "bar" not "atm". ATM is a slang reference CE to Bars, 1 Bar being sea level.
Valdemar Jørgensen
Valdemar Jørgensen - 7 years ago
Pniko yes exactly
Pniko - 7 years ago
Valdemar Jørgensen That much change would be minor, now lower it several hundred feet and pressure would happen a little bit.
محمد العبدان
محمد العبدان - 7 years ago
what method they used to do temperature acclimation ?
BigRalphSmith - 7 years ago
They were acclimated. It was just done using a method other than the float method.
محمد العبدان
محمد العبدان - 7 years ago
unboxing fish and drop it in aquarium without heat acclimation is a sin in this hobby lol
Anjan Shakya
Anjan Shakya - 7 years ago
Does this mean you are back to keeping discus?
patrick H
patrick H - 7 years ago
Mia animals101 it's a little different when you're receiving 500 fish at once. these fish have also been stuck in those bags for a long time so it's best to get them in fresh water ASAP.

lots of people say that drip method is best and I tend to agree. I've only worried about using the drip method on my nicer cichlids because pH varies a lot and my tanganyikan tank sits around 8.5 pH.

if I'm not using the drip method, I'll at least let the temperature adjust then put a net over a bucket, drop the contents through the net and put the fish into the tank.

all in all, it's a somewhat controversial topic.
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 7 years ago
i thought you said it is very important that you acclimate fish befor you put it in the tank
Jeyaprakash Christopher
Jeyaprakash Christopher - 7 years ago
The king of DIY It was a Great experience.. Thanks
Valdemar Jørgensen
Valdemar Jørgensen - 7 years ago
Lovering the water level seemed to work, you can't tell just from that video though. And doing it the way he does would definitely not tell you WHY it works. I will believe it works, sure, the dude is experienced and I'm not.
But I do know a little about how pressure works. It's about 1 atm at the surface of the water (pr definition'ish). It would be 2 atm at 10 m under the water. How tall are those tanks? Like 40 cm. 40 cm out of 10 m is 1/250, and you only lower it buy half the hight of the tank. That means you are lowering the water pressure with 1/500 atm, or 0.2 %.
The pressure could wary more do to location or weather than that.
Yannis Batzekos
Yannis Batzekos - 7 years ago
Valdemar Jørgensen
Valdemar Jørgensen - 7 years ago
You might want to tell you friend that lowering the water level to lessen the pressure makes no sense at all.
Pniko - 7 years ago
Isaac Waters Pretty sure his tests would show amonia. So if nothing wrong with results an amonia burn is the last problem. Plus the fish will either turn more white or darken from burns. Would look like fish rot early stages.
P4WS0205 - 7 years ago
+Subi_2D it may have been ammonia burn, I'm not sure but it is a possibility, look it up
Subi_2D - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I had 4 discus that were growing very well and suddenly they all got sick and died they had white fuzzy stuff on their eyes and sides, can u explain why this happened? I checked the ph levels and added water frequently... thanks Joey.
P4WS0205 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY So funny the way they just lay on the bottom
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Wilmer Hernandez always something new to learn!
Wilmer Hernandez
Wilmer Hernandez - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Seeing them lower the water levels to relieve pressure was something I found quite interesting.
jackspdicey 1
jackspdicey 1 - 7 years ago
all of those discus are absolutely amazing
Ron Mercer
Ron Mercer - 7 years ago
The king of DIY This video was just absolutly outstouding! I defiently liked seeing all the fish! I love watching all your content keep up the great work!
Geckos 'N Stuff
Geckos 'N Stuff - 7 years ago
ok how about you go jump to the moon now
Hamish - 7 years ago
reply to me and i'll jump the moon
cats are the BEST
cats are the BEST - 7 years ago
I want that blue big fishy
Junior Hunter
Junior Hunter - 7 years ago
They don’t have stores like this where I live :(
Sosse_Ente Rainbow 6 Siege
Sosse_Ente Rainbow 6 Siege - 7 years ago
Sowas ist doch Tierquälerei
Fire TV Stick Advisor
Fire TV Stick Advisor - 7 years ago
Sure is alot of fish cruelty going on here. It's ok for you, you're not a fish.
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
Fire TV Stick Advisor
What's cruel?
Allison Barry
Allison Barry - 7 years ago
I'm wanting a red white and blue tank.
Charlene Ebuenga
Charlene Ebuenga - 7 years ago
they dont acclimate?
picsart east editing
picsart east editing - 7 years ago
Good good my name zaid khan don dj
Megan Annaliese
Megan Annaliese - 7 years ago
I don't know how I got here. I'm supposed to be studying. I don't even own any fish. I didn't know this was a type of fish. This is the 5th video I've watched. Oh god

10. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!

Marianne Synnøve Johannessen
Marianne Synnøve Johannessen - 7 years ago
Oooh No
AnnMarie Renaud
AnnMarie Renaud - 7 years ago
Golden Melons, Albino Pigeon, Red Melons, Golden Pigeons, and Red Pigeons, Red Turquoise, Red Whites :)
x Sablix x
x Sablix x - 7 years ago
These fish are beautiful
MPWALL - 7 years ago
Man was that ever wild watching. It's so gratifying to watch them successfully make the shipping process, and finally being put in something much better for them.
jet kyomi
jet kyomi - 7 years ago
Thanks for this. I'm loving all your videos. Always something new to learn. I'm going back to the hobby after watching your videos. Got inspired by it. Thank you. Keep posting.
shounen852 - 7 years ago
Do stores usually acclimate the fish before they put it in the tanks?
rocksully - 7 years ago
What about temperature acclamation, and water shock?
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen - 7 years ago
I drove here last week and got 3 amazingly large discus for an unbelievable price!!! This is my forever go-to discus facility
julien guillotreau
julien guillotreau - 7 years ago
comment passer commande
2easymode - 7 years ago
So jelly

20. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!

2easymode - 7 years ago
Need to go shopping at this place
Swazi Hitler 27
Swazi Hitler 27 - 7 years ago
i am from singapore lol
Pawan Bhadhoriya
Pawan Bhadhoriya - 7 years ago
pigeon with red eye want to buy that.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Unboxing 500 fish pancakes.
Turd Muffin
Turd Muffin - 7 years ago
so i guess you don't believe in acclimating your fish?
SuhailiMalik - 7 years ago
They are all gorgeous. I'm from Malaysia btw :)
Ray C
Ray C - 7 years ago
Awesome. Miss being in the fish biz. These guys are right around the corner from me.
Nathan Patrick brown
Nathan Patrick brown - 7 years ago
Soooooo coool!!!
Azymut z3
Azymut z3 - 7 years ago
Having one of each color would be so nice!
Allison Barry
Allison Barry - 7 years ago
they are all so pretty. How can you choose? beautiful fish

30. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!

Henrique Sousa
Henrique Sousa - 7 years ago
20 dolars? Here in Brazil on almost every shop, a adult of one o those costs like R$250. That's like $95 dolars or so.
Shari Bice
Shari Bice - 7 years ago
Just stunners! Amazing look into how importers bring Discus and unbagging them.
Haidhir Ahmad
Haidhir Ahmad - 7 years ago
From Singapore here!
Legend RockPlot
Legend RockPlot - 7 years ago
One guy says put them in upright the Asian looking guy just chucked them in :S
Arsenic Angel
Arsenic Angel - 7 years ago
Decorative sea pancakes
Braden - 7 years ago
i thought the ones my work had were amazing jesus these are good
Judy Hughes
Judy Hughes - 7 years ago
Darwin is a name of a cartoon human fish kid thing tats orange. Amazing world of gumball
Maria Rimmele
Maria Rimmele - 7 years ago
How do they feed all of them
Bjj91 - 7 years ago
This guy talks to much and has his face on screen to much...
Spicy Memers
Spicy Memers - 7 years ago
I'm not an expert on fish but shouldn't you acclimate them?
Nilanthi Alamale
Nilanthi Alamale - 7 years ago
Leslie Gillman
Leslie Gillman - 7 years ago
I love the one Discus that they were joking around about saying they shouldnt sell it, It kind of looked like a rainbow to me.
Venusschamp Champvenuss
Venusschamp Champvenuss - 7 years ago
denver denver
denver denver - 7 years ago
lets feed them
Britney Evans
Britney Evans - 7 years ago
Wild luguna cross? Turquoise and red turquoise. i think you said and the wild pigeon ones are beautiful. What is the life expectancy on one of these. Would you ship to Winnipeg?
Astig_mo_william - 7 years ago
what if the champion dint make it? :S
Brooklyn Johnstone
Brooklyn Johnstone - 7 years ago
The guy in the blue is so rough he’s like throwing them in like there nothing !!!!!
ray tobing
ray tobing - 7 years ago
Wooww this channel is addictive!!! Thanks man you made great vids!!!
Mr Hyde
Mr Hyde - 7 years ago
Love how neat and clean the tanks are, setup is perfect, the fish are gorgeous
Lindsey Johnson
Lindsey Johnson - 7 years ago
They're so calm out do water

50. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!

Caramel_Namwan - 7 years ago
Omg their adorableeee
rayrayray brooks
rayrayray brooks - 7 years ago
Why are they dead?
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
rayrayray brooks Only 1 died. The others looked dead because they were probably medicated to be more docile, and were most likely tired.
Da SKY gaMer PS4
Da SKY gaMer PS4 - 7 years ago
where is this at
Me4fun - 7 years ago
i don't keep fish but when i hear singapore i like the video
Flip Baller
Flip Baller - 7 years ago
Those guys looks like Filipinos
Nathan Stark
Nathan Stark - 7 years ago
Are either of the bins that they put them in between unbarring and placing them in the tank medicated? I saw the bottle sitting on the counter of their unloading station and I'm really curious to know. If so what are they using?
Scott Mountcastle
Scott Mountcastle - 7 years ago
Absalute awful way to handle the fish
Chunara Yash
Chunara Yash - 7 years ago
you flowerhorn video
Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
New fav fish
jerryfosterrott38122 - 7 years ago
I want some of those fish...
Amin Redzuan
Amin Redzuan - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i actually live in malaysia and hv never seen discus as beautiful as these. Maybe cuz im stil a student tho.Great vid as always and glad to be the 6500th like.
Krenz fernandes
Krenz fernandes - 7 years ago
Does anyone kno which is the last video of joey regards to discuss fish
Umberto Tucci
Umberto Tucci - 7 years ago
you missed an important step at the begining...and that is slowly pour sone of the water from the thank you have chosen, into the bucket where the new arrivals are. That will reduce the shock you give them as you damp them into a new tank with a completely different parameters...such as temperature and ph and hardness
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Umberto Tucci that wouldnt work here, since they have been in a bag, and they have so many fish, its important to get the fish out of dirty water as quickly as possible so thet dont die of ammonia poisoning etc.
Ron Douglas
Ron Douglas - 7 years ago
I don't get how these fish survive for days in plastic bags with no filtration or air. Than they place them in a tank of new water with no time to adjust to the new water or temperature.
Iceace Urbano
Iceace Urbano - 7 years ago
Hey joey do the discus is agressive
Apurba Sahoo
Apurba Sahoo - 7 years ago
Is it possible to ship this discus fish to India??
Reefish keeper
Reefish keeper - 7 years ago
thats dead
arincon2025 - 7 years ago
what is with the bad words joeeeeee!!!!!!!!
Jenna Reeder
Jenna Reeder - 7 years ago
Wow such beautiful fish. I'd love to start an aquarium but these probably aren't the best beginner fish, eh?
Alex Florczyk
Alex Florczyk - 7 years ago
just wondering, why did they have 500 discus fish?
Santosh Lal Shrestha Santosh Lal Shrestha
Santosh Lal Shrestha Santosh Lal Shrestha - 7 years ago
are they live
Logan Delucio
Logan Delucio - 7 years ago
If you watch this whole video upside down its hilarious
Simply Potato!
Simply Potato! - 7 years ago
Rudy Magallon
Rudy Magallon - 7 years ago
the owner are they filipino?
Drakken - 7 years ago
How much was 500 of discus
Kelly Feuerstein
Kelly Feuerstein - 7 years ago
Are they a Freshwater or Saltwater Fish ??
edgy 13 year old
edgy 13 year old - 7 years ago
freshwater kelly
Rhianna Kruse
Rhianna Kruse - 7 years ago
10:09 Why are they lying down flat
CathyGo - 7 years ago
Neat. I'm thinking about getting my first discus from these guys. They are only about 6 hours away from me so I'm thinking about driving it with the crazy heat here in Phoenix, AZ.
MOHIT KUMAR - 7 years ago
and how to match the temperature
Clorox bleach
Clorox bleach - 7 years ago
My father LOVES discus fish ,he has like 20 of them in his aquarium
Clorox bleach
Clorox bleach - 7 years ago
edgy 13 year old not really , he do it for fun . I tried helping him and discus is not that difficult to mantain
edgy 13 year old
edgy 13 year old - 7 years ago
Your dad is an expert at fishkeeping then
Shoman Blues
Shoman Blues - 7 years ago
Watching this is a reminder of what is wrong with the fish industry. Very sad really. Those fish have never known freedom. Never known the beauty of natural surroundings. The only thing wrong with them is they have been living enclosed in glass, and bright lights. No smell of mud, or vegetation. You have a love of your animals... You will eventually know what I'm talking about.
Keep in mind I loved that time in my life.... But grew out of it. The salt industry is even more closed. Just letting you know my true feelings,, Not spaming you and certainly not condemning what you enjoy. I spent hours, days and months collecting in Florida, Owning a fish shop, building huge custom tanks. I had the first insurance policy in Florida for custom tanks and maintenance. Enjoy but you said you contemplated your hobby and the loss of your rays. Rays are special. Octopus are special. After a while it dawns on you
Shoman Blues
Shoman Blues - 7 years ago
So glad I'm not doing that anymore.,,, but Loved it at that time and remember the feel required to work with them efficiently and safely.
NeotropicalFauna - 7 years ago
From what country and breeder did you get your discus?
Hasan Jamil
Hasan Jamil - 7 years ago
why the hell are you dying to add some more water in those tubs while taking them to the tanks?
Christopher Howell
Christopher Howell - 7 years ago
Has this video been edited from it's original form? On the walk through there used to be a bit about a Heckle discus which I really liked. I even looked there up on the website. I just watched that part of the video twice last night and didn't see it.
MiiaTime - 7 years ago
i thought you was supposed to get them used to the temp of the water of the tank before you just throw them in there
Laura Jackson Strickland
Laura Jackson Strickland - 7 years ago
How did they get away without floating them?
Enkii Muto
Enkii Muto - 7 years ago
Fish took some time to come, kept on the bag, guy turns the bag on shallow water and grabs with his hands outside the water.
...Isn't this too much stress on the fish?
seliva11 - 7 years ago
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
seliva11 Los Angeles, California
Akayo Yt
Akayo Yt - 7 years ago
geoffrey smith
geoffrey smith - 7 years ago
every body is prob wondering why they dont acclimatize the discuss but my guess is they have been in the fish room for an hour so the temp in the tanks is the same in all the tanks ;)
Chuy That Kid
Chuy That Kid - 7 years ago
How ironic I was helping put fish in bags for my church's carnival
Chuy That Kid
Chuy That Kid - 7 years ago
1:29 looks like the fish were dead lol
Aquarium Azores
Aquarium Azores - 7 years ago
Watch my aquarium videos and subcribe
Maria Nagelkerken
Maria Nagelkerken - 7 years ago
the fish at 14:03 has a little hart on it's body
Shadow - 7 years ago
This is so sad to watch the guy in blue juct chucking them in and the fish hitting the bottom of the tank :(
Bárbara R
Bárbara R - 7 years ago
this is like ''you put them GENTLY and STANDING in the water''
Nex guy just trhow them at it and the poor fish just... flops into the water and sink
Arjun Pun
Arjun Pun - 7 years ago
I went from guppy to angel to goldfish to discus to saltwater.
SlytherinMcFluffle - 7 years ago
You didn't accumulate them or whatever it's called
Mj Bv
Mj Bv - 7 years ago

100. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!

ibrahim ali
ibrahim ali - 7 years ago
very good maintaince
Elisa De Schepper
Elisa De Schepper - 7 years ago
wait so how did you guys manage to skip out on acclimatising the discus before dropping them into the tanks?
Patricia Kloeppel
Patricia Kloeppel - 7 years ago
beautiful fish loved the unboxing i would get 2 of every type and they have to be mail and female lol
Mimi P.
Mimi P. - 7 years ago
this is so fascinating to watch
trinitysmate - 7 years ago
That eruption at 14:00
Hannah McElhose
Hannah McElhose - 7 years ago
I totally want cobalt and blue Diamond like two of each
Chris Cruz
Chris Cruz - 7 years ago
Do they sell online?
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
Chris Cruz
The Gab Show
The Gab Show - 7 years ago
They looked dead in the beginning cuz they were just laying on their sides not moving
Dra Liene
Dra Liene - 7 years ago
I like whats gentle for them with the discus and what is gentle for me with my fish.
I can't do that I would feel so bad and I don't know why lol

I think I feel they're more sensitive than they really are. However, they love me. They even let me pet them.
KAZUTO Kirigaya
KAZUTO Kirigaya - 7 years ago
Why does he keep saying "Eh?" Now?
HEKTIC458 - 7 years ago
The fish look almost dead when they come out of the bag
Stephany Arias
Stephany Arias - 7 years ago
I hate how one guy is super careful and is taking care of them properly and they guy just does the opposite of what you are supposed to do by throwing them in like they are nothing
Nathan Hawk
Nathan Hawk - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that thought the Discus were dead when he first started unboxing them?
dikshyam keerpah
dikshyam keerpah - 7 years ago
they look death
Patel Devang
Patel Devang - 7 years ago
sir can you spplied discus in india
Patel Devang
Patel Devang - 7 years ago
whats the prize of thise fish
0Juneau0 - 7 years ago
Grand Champion : 7:25, ;)
Sihaan Zaman
Sihaan Zaman - 7 years ago
they look like their dying
Meroloppa - 7 years ago
I think that you should take bigger care of your fish.
SettOfTheBrightSky - 7 years ago
Nabudochonozora Królik they lost 1 fish out of 500. they're taking good care. when dealing with that many fish if you went too slowly the fish toward the end would be feeling it way worse
Lisaa - 7 years ago
any1 tell me what colour they are i thought they had to put them in tank right way up but he is just throwing them in side ways and quick
Hajer Abada
Hajer Abada - 7 years ago
At 21.49 do you see the heart?!?! So cute!
hayleypc123 - 7 years ago
How many if any fish would he expect to lose in this shipment?
SettOfTheBrightSky - 7 years ago
hayleypc123 they lost 1 out of 500
God - 7 years ago
1:44 i was thinking, they're dead
JustPets - 7 years ago
When they get poured into the draining tank my first thought was are they dead why aren't they moving
jessica lamarre
jessica lamarre - 7 years ago
How big are those holding tanks??
Dat_GirlKaykay - 7 years ago
Where do you get them from im looking for some
Julie Tran
Julie Tran - 7 years ago
The Deamon
The Deamon - 7 years ago
weird. like fish astronauts.
Cédric Arn
Cédric Arn - 7 years ago
you put your bad hands on eyes of discus fish!
Jason Green
Jason Green - 7 years ago
can anyone tell me why they paint the background red?
It's Barbie Bitch
It's Barbie Bitch - 7 years ago
Jason Green so the colour on the discus stands out more
ASHERUISE - 7 years ago
Those fish are hilarious. :D
Carla Mae Melecio
Carla Mae Melecio - 7 years ago
Tidal aquatic
hai chen
hai chen - 7 years ago
wow! 500 discus…………
Dennis Jay
Dennis Jay - 7 years ago
Thanks fo showing us this. I sure leaned how the pos do it. I have 30 discus coming for my 730 gal. discus tank. I will house some of them in my hospital tank and some in my quaentine tank and tansfe them ove when they are ready. Thanks.
Dennis Jay
Dennis Jay - 7 years ago
Sorry for all the typos. My keyboard is dying and did not realize the "r" does not wok. Sorry!
Jakkie Tea
Jakkie Tea - 7 years ago
I could go in there and look at all the beautiful fish for hours. This really makes me want some but I've heard they're fragile.
Shreedhar Shah
Shreedhar Shah - 7 years ago
are there dead
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
Shreedhar Shah They lost 1 out of 500 fish
cutebabyJ17 - 7 years ago
"Are you made bro" lol! That one discus was so mad!
Jainal Jabrik
Jainal Jabrik - 7 years ago
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett - 7 years ago
I could not touch the fish ew
Philipp Meinhardt
Philipp Meinhardt - 7 years ago
so geht man nicht mit Diskus um....typisch Amerikaner, keine Kultur
princessannika1996 - 7 years ago
wieso was ist den falsch dran?
Fabella Tourette
Fabella Tourette - 7 years ago
Philipp Meinhardt von den 500 fischen ist nur einer gestorben. Den Fischen geht es eindeutig gut.
Sayantan Roy
Sayantan Roy - 7 years ago
Wes told us how to handle the fish delicately..and in the entire process he cautiously handled them ..proves how much he loves discus..
but darwin is the person who tosses the fish up and picksup them like mere non living creatures..common dude they are alive..i knw ur professional still show a lil mercy..
KING OF DIY Joey might have felt the same way too..as he kept on asking " will it be okay.."..

Nyway loved seeing so many discus..
Ian Cannell
Ian Cannell - 7 years ago
I like the volcom shirt
Wayne Bradford
Wayne Bradford - 7 years ago
wow that was amazing can they live with other fish or is it best to keep the tank all the same
Prince Albert
Prince Albert - 7 years ago
where are they shipped from ?
Joseph - 7 years ago
Why fish In Australia are so expensive
ray life vvlogs
ray life vvlogs - 7 years ago
I bet when the fish are getting taking out of the bag they are like "yeaaaaaaaa a slip and slide "!!
Eashu H
Eashu H - 7 years ago
Very nice discus fishes
Hobby DIY
Hobby DIY - 7 years ago
Hello I'm from Brazil. I got some hackel records and one of them is lying on the bottom of the aquarium about ten o'clock. It remained for 24 hours within the case subject to high ammonia and other malicious factors including lack of oxygenation. I fear he will not recover. What can I do?
Keane Tan
Keane Tan - 7 years ago
I didn't know that my country Singapore, the fish was so beautiful
Michael Lou
Michael Lou - 7 years ago
the albino blue platinum is absolutely beautiful, especially the biggest one in the group that stood out because it is dominant and courageous....wow.
Champion Discus Co.
Champion Discus Co. - 7 years ago
what size is his tanks
Miroslaw Horaczko
Miroslaw Horaczko - 7 years ago
Do I see well . Those stands are made of wood ?
Colton Hartmaan
Colton Hartmaan - 7 years ago
haha at 5:00 i thought he was throwing a fish at first
Jonathan O.
Jonathan O. - 7 years ago
What is a good price for discuss
Bass Jedi¿ 0
Bass Jedi¿ 0 - 7 years ago
i want the grand champion of Singapore
Chris Mintjes
Chris Mintjes - 7 years ago
What was bugging me the most was the one guy saying to handle the fish with care and putting the big ones vertically into the water.
And then the next guy just drops them in like that...
The Capn Porridge
The Capn Porridge - 7 years ago
I work in a LPS and we charge waaayyyyy too much for our discus
Shiratama Reptium
Shiratama Reptium - 7 years ago
Oh cool.
This video is very interesting for me !!!
THX The king of DIY :)
NY - 7 years ago
NY - 7 years ago
which species and name?
sarah jane wilkinson
sarah jane wilkinson - 7 years ago
Wow This Is Awesome, must of taken ages. to unload 500 Discus. BEAUTIFUL
DanSan382 - 7 years ago
what are the sizes of those holding tanks he is using? I'm starting some new tanks and they look like the perfect size
BigRalphSmith - 7 years ago
30 - 40 gallons (not including all the water volume in the large filter systems).
Tri Sumarnoni
Tri Sumarnoni - 7 years ago
good brother
CappyBara - 7 years ago
When I heard Singapore I really perked up, I didn't expect to hear my country's name here.
Savage King
Savage King - 7 years ago
All the fish looks like they were dead at first.
andres G
andres G - 7 years ago
He doesnt have a web page to that i can buy?
andres G
andres G - 7 years ago
Hey you dont have a web page to buy some discos
BigRalphSmith - 7 years ago
Deep Dish Reef
Deep Dish Reef - 7 years ago
I'll always admire discus as a reef keeper, what a prized fish. always the show piece
Ruth Mersburgh
Ruth Mersburgh - 7 years ago
Blue Diamond
Jason M
Jason M - 7 years ago
I would love to see how he does water changes and maintenance, and a tutorial on how he build the place.
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
Wow! This was super interesting and so cool to be able to see a behind-the-scenes look at the process! I need some discus...
zioro1235 - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics I am going to breed some maybe in a couple of months after I am done breeding my betta fish if you want to buy some discus.
XxInfinity_Wolf - 7 years ago
you have some beautiful ones too! Those classic leopard made me stare at a paused screen gawking for a few mins! they are stunning!
A'jah Parks
A'jah Parks - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics and now look, you have some!!! Lol
Arzu Topuz
Arzu Topuz - 7 years ago
you feeding another fishs?
John Lavoie
John Lavoie - 7 years ago
How long can a fish live out of water
Asish Peravali
Asish Peravali - 7 years ago
I would just keep a bunch of blue diamonds with a black background. Also, waiting for a time lapse of the sea dweller chichlids Joey. Hope u make it happen!
Nibbles TheSquirrel
Nibbles TheSquirrel - 7 years ago
I LOVE the albino ones!!
Lily Rose Cabrera
Lily Rose Cabrera - 7 years ago
I'm curious, why don't you guys acclimate the fish? Does it have to do something with how they are packaged?
Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 7 years ago
you got thatvright. ammonia cant really spoil the ph of the water when theres c02 in the bag, and opening the bag caused the c02 to leave, once it left, the water ph can change so drastically that just tenperature acclimating them and placing them in is considerably lesser than having them burn in the ammonia. so thats basically why they didnt try acclimating them to the tank parameters
Nasser Feed
Nasser Feed - 7 years ago
Well I hate behind the scenes of this business cuz it makes me feel bad for the fish
P. Vargas
P. Vargas - 7 years ago
Out of curiosity, what should one expect to pay for grand champion discus? Beautiful fish
Taylor - 7 years ago
They're all free! Omgz.
Ressa Saylon
Ressa Saylon - 7 years ago
hello! i need help
Taylor - 7 years ago
Cierra Allen
Cierra Allen - 7 years ago
Casper is one good looking guy Along with the guy in the sweater!!! how I would kill for a date!!! wwwwwwwwooooooooooohhhhhhh
Fatih Alan
Fatih Alan - 7 years ago
Do you sale discus tu Turkey how can i order
Taylor - 7 years ago
Kamilla Kristoffersen
Kamilla Kristoffersen - 7 years ago
Animal abuse
BigRalphSmith - 7 years ago
Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 7 years ago
whaaaaat? go away
Blobble - 7 years ago
4:43 voicecrack
Aka Panda
Aka Panda - 7 years ago
This video makes my acclimation steps seem unnecessary.
Robert Caccamo
Robert Caccamo - 7 years ago
Hi joey love your videos I want to ask you I didn't see the guys acclimating the fish they just took them out of the bags and put them in the tanks
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Robert Caccamo personally, I acclimate to temp by floating but that's it. I have a video explaining the science behind it.
Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 7 years ago
Love this video!
Thank u man!!!
Petru Lupas
Petru Lupas - 7 years ago
Hi Joey,

First of all: thank you for all the awesome DYI videos that you published, I have actually learned a lot!
I have one question about this video: why is Wes importing only discus and not setting up a few breeding pairs?

I know it's about personal choices and all that, but I am very curious to hear his story. Importing 500 discus is not an easy peocess, so, I am thinking, with his setup ... breeding may not be a more difficult process.

Thank you,
Genovacide - 7 years ago
I wonder what farm those came from...hard to find a good wholesaler
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Genovacide uncle sams is a wholesaler. The people in this video.
Tristan Collins
Tristan Collins - 7 years ago
The second grand champ kind of has a heart spot on it, to the top right. @21:50
Anil Biswas
Anil Biswas - 7 years ago
nice vedio
Nick Faulkner
Nick Faulkner - 7 years ago
Why don't they have to acclimate them all?
Carlos Ordoñez  Chavez
Carlos Ordoñez Chavez - 7 years ago
wooou you have amazing discus congratulations, my question is $20 .. $25 dollars for one discus ? i wont, you can send too Mexico.? saludos
Taylor - 7 years ago
Sorry, I can only send you prices telepathically. I don't use e-mail.
Carlos Ordoñez  Chavez
Carlos Ordoñez Chavez - 7 years ago
Taylor men can you send me list of cost please
Taylor - 7 years ago
I hope you're joking, lol.
Ing. Elvis Matute
Ing. Elvis Matute - 7 years ago
scarfacedo - 7 years ago
awesome !
Nafesa Sarkar
Nafesa Sarkar - 7 years ago
we're all alive fish or some were dead
Faeruz Maulana
Faeruz Maulana - 7 years ago
WOW!!! in my city fish market, 2-3 inch blue diamond discus only cost $3,5 hahhaha
evander Norris
evander Norris - 7 years ago
the fish is to good
cindy - 7 years ago
beautiful fish. I checked out the website, didn't see any for 20$ :(
First Time Reefer
First Time Reefer - 7 years ago
Hey Joey i think this is nearly the BEST video on the internet
Loveumielle - 7 years ago
where did all that discuss came from?
Taylor - 7 years ago
Taylor Swift
Chuck Horne
Chuck Horne - 7 years ago
Wow! Kind of flys in the face of the need for acclimation and the notion that discus are super delicate!
Clayton Horne
Clayton Horne - 7 years ago
Wes something something something golf ball through a garden hose,
Pat O
Pat O - 7 years ago
Got to say my favorite are the more traditional discus I really like the red turks, blue diamonds, & red checkerboards. Of the newer school fish I love the gold melons.

If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd start a discus breeder business the following day. Absolutely loved the tour. Thanks Joey.
Laurence Provencher
Laurence Provencher - 7 years ago
Please bring some to Canada :D :D
Laurence Provencher
Laurence Provencher - 7 years ago
Nope! In California! I checked
NB Relics
NB Relics - 7 years ago
Laurence Provencher bruh thats in canada
ian fields
ian fields - 7 years ago
Cool stuff that's a lot of fish
Miguel Bastos
Miguel Bastos - 7 years ago
more discus more discus!
RoboTekno - 7 years ago
That Darwin guy was kind of rough on some of those fish when compared to the other guy who was dropping fish in the tanks right side up and making sure they didn't bump into the walls of the tupperware containers :-(

Either way, 1 death out of 500 is a very good survival rate. Hopefully they all find good homes.
fısh F
fısh F - 7 years ago
very very nice !!
JOSH MODELS ! - 7 years ago
Hi I have a problem I have archery barb with a bit of a pea in it mouth what do I do this is urgent thank you
JOSH MODELS ! - 7 years ago
JOSH MODELS ! - 7 years ago
Cherry barb
владимир Поляков
владимир Поляков - 7 years ago
Super !!!!
Nathalie en zoo
Nathalie en zoo - 7 years ago
I love the "purple" ones :-)
Nathalie en zoo
Nathalie en zoo - 7 years ago
at 7:09
Nathalie en zoo
Nathalie en zoo - 7 years ago
Nice clean tanks! Beautiful fish :-)
владимир Поляков
владимир Поляков - 7 years ago
Супер!Когда-то из Польши также возил.А поляки получали из Таиланда.
swagtron69 - 7 years ago
why am i watching this
max parsons
max parsons - 7 years ago
The reason there in their side is because they have being sedated and need the oxygen to recoop lmao who are these guys hahahaha
billforigno - 7 years ago
Alenquer, or other wild strains with similar markings to them as my favorites. A school of them. Easy. They're traded for a little over $140 / head here in Australia, once every blue moon or so. Might be a goal of mine someday after I scrape up $1k to $1.5k for a 90x50x50 cm planted project (not for Discus).
Moschi Tabby
Moschi Tabby - 7 years ago
Are all of these captive bred or captured from the wild?
Hillary for President
Hillary for President - 7 years ago
I would like to see a genetically modified fluorescent glowing discus glofish in every color.
Imagine a fluorescent glowing green discus glofish, a hot pink discus glofish and a purple discus glofish.
Mangesh Saroj
Mangesh Saroj - 7 years ago
DIY : Can Discus be kept with albino Tin foil Barbs??
awaken93 - 7 years ago
I love this channel
drake smith
drake smith - 7 years ago
Joey I am looking at new fish right now mostly predatory fish and I love the bowfin but can't find any solid answers on what size tank to have or how big they get.
Anthony Sterling
Anthony Sterling - 7 years ago
I want details on this guys filter set up !
Anthony Sterling
Anthony Sterling - 7 years ago
I really want to do this type of setup
MN Silver
MN Silver - 7 years ago
pretty awesome video congratulations!!!
DirtyNaan54 - 7 years ago
So interesting,, what about shock?? How does that work?
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids
CO-MTB - Lukes Fish Vids - 7 years ago
hey joey can you please do a shoutout to my coming soon channel please and thanks
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 7 years ago
wow great video and the prices are unbelievable
Jess Day
Jess Day - 7 years ago
when taking them out of the package right to the tank, is PH not important?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
when you open a bag after being in shipping for awhile there will be a ph swing ammonia spike.so it's best to get them in clean water as soon as possible.
Alex Clinton
Alex Clinton - 7 years ago
what is the PH level that these beauties are kept at????????
Solomon Wharton
Solomon Wharton - 7 years ago
Joey can you please start a pond with koi In it?
tex torgeson
tex torgeson - 7 years ago
I like the air stones they have where can I get them
Mike Sam
Mike Sam - 7 years ago
What fish can work best with a female Red Ear Slider with a shell length of almost 6 inches. I'm a beginner in the aquarium community and love semiaquatic turtles and want to add fish that she will not attack. I have her in a 40gal tank with a fluval 306 filter.
Mike Sam
Mike Sam - 7 years ago
Matthew Buberniak I've got 6 2" goldfish in the tank and she hasn't stacked them. So I guess no pond fish can be safe right?
Matthew Buberniak
Matthew Buberniak - 7 years ago
Michael Samaniego nothing
That Random Fish Guy
That Random Fish Guy - 7 years ago
love your videos man
Javier Garcia
Javier Garcia - 7 years ago
Hey Joey!!
What color and kind of paint is that red that they show in the back of their tanks ??
Marcus Figuerroa
Marcus Figuerroa - 7 years ago
Why are they all passed out?
Clayton Corder
Clayton Corder - 7 years ago
Quick question. I have 8 guppies a small angel fish a dwarf gourami and 7 neon tetras. Is this a good amount?
stinky fanny
stinky fanny - 7 years ago
I wonder if any of them die on the journey.
Ashara White
Ashara White - 7 years ago
If I ever did these beauties, I would actually want more of the Albino's. I love albino fish.
Briar Fox
Briar Fox - 7 years ago
How come this type of fish doesn't flop around like others? When they took them out of the bag and into the little bin they almost looked dead. Surprised me! Then just started swimming around in the tank.
Kawaii - 7 years ago
Briar Fox when fish are shipped they are given a medication to make the docile and less prone to shock. they're basicallyatoned right now
Fries - 7 years ago
Briar Fox would hazard a guess to shock, they don't look like they want to do much then just lay there in the shallow water :(
Do Nguyen Thanh
Do Nguyen Thanh - 7 years ago
why do they put the fishes to their water immediately? The new environment in their water may not suitable to the fishes?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
because the bag water becomes toxic once it hits air so they need to get them in clean water as quickly as possible.
Ron Swanson
Ron Swanson - 7 years ago
Woooooooo! NADA Chicago shirt! lol.
mousa kishek
mousa kishek - 7 years ago
guys how u choose the background color for discus
Huggy Bear
Huggy Bear - 7 years ago
I appreciate people have different ways of introducing new fish... However (with a fair amount of experience), I would have the lights dimmed and buckets with drip feeds from the tanks to reduce stress. Having said that, he has a great set-up and some beautiful fish.

Also depends on how long the fish have travelled in the bags.
Steven Bones VO
Steven Bones VO - 7 years ago
"Batik" Is actually pronounced BA-TAKE, and not BA-Teek. It's a Malay word referring to a type of traditional design. :) Fantastic Discus btw!!!
Saarah Khan
Saarah Khan - 7 years ago
I loved this video. It was so exciting to see what happens behind the scenes. ❤️❤️
austin irwin
austin irwin - 7 years ago
When they go into shock I thought that would be from water temp. When my friend gets new fish he keeps them in the bag and puts them into the tank so they get use to the water
I Pleedafif
I Pleedafif - 7 years ago
Joey, I think you need a grand champion in your life. The fish of Kings.
Dakkor32 - 7 years ago
That was amazing! I really want a Discus tank now.
Steve Finestone
Steve Finestone - 7 years ago
Super video. One of the best tank setups that I have seen. The colors of the Discus make me want to set up a Discus tank.
Big Mac
Big Mac - 7 years ago
I hope you counted lol jk.
Rabiddonky - 7 years ago
DALE!!!!! thats me haha
minhhai kim
minhhai kim - 7 years ago
I swear to god that the title said biscuit
James Wang
James Wang - 7 years ago
if I want to buy some can I come over to pick by hand
chuck - 7 years ago
Joey thanks for posting that video, it was simply amazing, and where else would someone be able to see something like that. That was without question the best looking discus I've ever seen.
Raashid Khan
Raashid Khan - 7 years ago
Hey, if u r looking to setup a new discus aquarium, then I would recommend u to do planted discus aquarium.
Rafael valerio
Rafael valerio - 7 years ago
All fillipino
Logan Donovan
Logan Donovan - 7 years ago
Like litle waffles!
Kyle Heine
Kyle Heine - 7 years ago
This video just inspired me to set up a discus tank! I've been trying to decide what to do with my 150 gallon 6 foot long tank, and now I know!
flexico Flex
flexico Flex - 7 years ago
Free the fishes!
Soumyodeep Karmakar
Soumyodeep Karmakar - 7 years ago
why u guys are not giving enough water in that plastic box? the discus are not looking happy
Where can I email you about shipping your fish to me?
I used to have a black and blue one it cost me £25 for 1 FISH!!
347PJS - 7 years ago
i love discus and now that nano tanks are more popular i would love to see a dwarf discus in the future
Keeping IT Fishy
Keeping IT Fishy - 7 years ago
where can I get one of those hanging airstones.
Ge Raf
Ge Raf - 7 years ago
Why not reduce the water level in the tanks for the bigger fish before putting them in the tank to reduce the pressure so they are not so shocked?
Chad Leach
Chad Leach - 7 years ago
Can you do a estuary aquarium? I really like the idea of a salt to brackish to freshwater setup but have no idea if that is even possible.
The Horseless Headsman
The Horseless Headsman - 7 years ago
I made the mistake of showing my daughter this particular video, now she wants Discuss, simply because they're pretty and more importantly they're leopard print
stephkimener - 7 years ago
I would get a variety. Love all the colors golden and red checkerboard are my favorite. Love the albino blue diamonds!! Looks like a drive from San Diego to LA is in order!!! Grrrrrreat prices! Also, the names and classifications have been so hard for me to determine. This video helped beyond tremendously! Thanks Darwin! & Joey!!
Valtra Kernow
Valtra Kernow - 7 years ago
the first tank of blue diamonds are stunning
Brayden G.N
Brayden G.N - 7 years ago
is it ok to put the discus in the tank upside down? at 15:47
lizzyanthus1 - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for making this video!  I really enjoyed watching the unboxing!  It was so exciting!  They were gorgeous fish!  I could spend several hours there just looking and admiring all of their fish! 
It was funny just as you said, would you choose all one kind or a variety,  I was thinking the very same thing to myself!  :)  I think there are way too many beautiful ones to choose just one type.  I'd have to go with a variety.
southbound1969 - 7 years ago
Out of the 500, how many did not survive?
R.E.M. - 7 years ago
Fatih Alan
Fatih Alan - 7 years ago
İ want to order discus can saomebody help me pls
Taylor - 7 years ago
Fatih Alan
Fatih Alan - 7 years ago
Hi from Turkey how can i order discus from your company could you ship to Turkey i would ilke to produce could u contact with me
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 7 years ago
Love this video
nederlands100 - 7 years ago
its so sad how these get shipped.. my god
Markus - 7 years ago
que envidia, aqui en mexico cualquier disco de los chicos costaria arriba de los 800 pesos, de los grandes el doble unos 1600 pesos yo creo y todo por los gastos de importacion mas la ganancia de los provedores que son unos ratas careros mas la ganancia del acuario en cuestion, pufff, y ahi uno de los grandes 25 dolares?? que super precio!!
gary tan
gary tan - 7 years ago
awww. I'll never visit such shop. it may look nice in the shop. when u get them home. they probably have a high death rate.
CΞNK TR - 7 years ago
the don't aclimate the discus!!??
Mica - 7 years ago
Cactus = Cacti
Discus = Disci ?!?!?
White Knight
White Knight - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ~ watching these beautiful discus unboxing must have drove you nuts! It's about time to get yourself some.
kane9138 - 7 years ago
Why do they look dead
Danny b
Danny b - 7 years ago
those green guys at 24:30 :0
zzzBauRzzz - 7 years ago
please, add russian subtitles
sKiLLz 311
sKiLLz 311 - 7 years ago
are there really that many discuss lovers out there?
Monica R
Monica R - 7 years ago
i could sit in that room for hours, such beautiful fish
ajaz shah
ajaz shah - 7 years ago
out of 500 how many dies during transport or after delivery
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+ajaz shah 1
Orchidomania - 7 years ago
the one with the full face patterns 21:50...has a heart shape near the fin ..too cute!!!
Marcus Reyes
Marcus Reyes - 7 years ago
love this video...
PiddlingFish77 - 7 years ago
Does he keep them as a hobby or does he have a business selling them?
BigRalphSmith - 7 years ago
Dennis Maley
Dennis Maley - 7 years ago
Where can you buy these fish at
Stews Aquariums
Stews Aquariums - 7 years ago
i think he called them albino attack worms the yellow ones and the wild first generation are my favorites. And the blue diamonds because i have some already still one of my favorite
Stews Aquariums
Stews Aquariums - 7 years ago
omg theres so many beutiful fish i wouldn't know what to buy
Stews Aquariums
Stews Aquariums - 7 years ago
excellent vid mate thanks
tam - 7 years ago
The unboxing portion of this video makes me miss working in an aquarium store.
Lord Twaddle
Lord Twaddle - 7 years ago
I love some of these color morphs but I just don't trust my skills for keeping them
Alvaro 32
Alvaro 32 - 7 years ago
No acclimation?
Iron City Rob
Iron City Rob - 7 years ago
Amazing video. Really enjoy the behind the scenes.
Ramon - 7 years ago
Aloha from Hawaii!  See all these Beautiful Discus makes me so envious.  We cant even ship certain stuff to this island because its illegal!
3rr0r San2
3rr0r San2 - 7 years ago
No games Yes life
No games Yes life - 7 years ago
So many plastic wasted! Well at least you guy recycles the box
AnnieTube - 7 years ago
I'm quite new to this are discus fresh water fush or not
Aqua Gods
Aqua Gods - 7 years ago
hands down albino blue diamonds same species tank. I love that super creamy.
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 7 years ago
and does this guy have a website to the discus in here that he sells?
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 7 years ago
Wow, I mean I knew discus were big but I had no idea they could actually get that big haha, beautiful fish.
Jeanette Fleckenstein
Jeanette Fleckenstein - 7 years ago
Thank you Joey for filming and thank you guys for giving us a peek behind the scenes! What an awesome thing to be able to see! You guys are quick, efficient, and have an amazing eye for colors! Thanks for sharing!!
IMJ CT - 7 years ago
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
Darwins those guys who do it so much that they don't care about hurting the fish
Champion Discus Co.
Champion Discus Co. - 7 years ago
what tank size do they use in the shop...all same size?
MightyZocalo - 7 years ago
These guys have a rough process.
Ernesto Espra
Ernesto Espra - 7 years ago
Wow there all gorgeous
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
My YouTube hasn't worked for a month and I tap on your video and it worked is this a sign that I should watch more of your videos
perry de gouveia
perry de gouveia - 7 years ago
All of one type, all those albino blue diamond
crazy808ish - 7 years ago
You ever thought about putting antidepressants in their water? They look like they need it.
TheHerpsKeeper - 7 years ago
I love animals (especially fish), they are so interesting
Pancake Ninja
Pancake Ninja - 7 years ago
Those air pumps create more current than my wavemaker
Liam Davidson
Liam Davidson - 7 years ago
Ow my god I love Discus
James D
James D - 7 years ago
all of those fish are amazing!
koukimiester - 7 years ago
Wild strain!!
Nelson Stetson
Nelson Stetson - 7 years ago
why don't you have to float them
Harrison Mundschutz
Harrison Mundschutz - 7 years ago
Why are they not worried about temperature shock?
Ryder Jones
Ryder Jones - 7 years ago
I LOVE fish
Patrick Ang
Patrick Ang - 7 years ago
to be honest they look a lot like pumpkin seed sunfish where I can catch anywehre.
Big Jay
Big Jay - 7 years ago
Patrick Ang. that actually is so true!
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 7 years ago
Hey Joey.. that was so cool.. thanks for taking us along!!
Julia Barnhill
Julia Barnhill - 7 years ago
I feel like the atmosphere of this store is really nice and it was cool to watch a video of just some people all together getting excited about fish. Makes me feel as if I was there too
Tai Truong
Tai Truong - 7 years ago
What waste of perfectly good fish bags...
BigRalphSmith - 7 years ago
I once heard a drug addict say "what a waste of perfectly good needles".
He's no longer with us.
GIBBIE GIBSON - 7 years ago
I would do a different colours
Mmm - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed seeing this process. If I had the patience and talent to keep fish I'd get a variety of colors. But I prefer the solid colored ones like the melons and blue diamond to the ones with the brown spots.
My JunkAcount
My JunkAcount - 7 years ago
I would get Darwin but if i can't than The golden ones are gorgeous.
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 7 years ago
this kind of made me sad they didnt acclimate the fish and left them in the amonia water this is not how joey would transfer these fish no wonder one died
DutchClawz - 7 years ago
Mia animals101 1/500
viper express
viper express - 7 years ago
Great video as always !!! I like the red pigeons !!!
Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson - 7 years ago
I have wanted to get into Discus for awhile. This blew me away. Now I need em.
Bilal Sayed
Bilal Sayed - 7 years ago
please setup your own betta fish tank with the various types of betta fishes and breed them...!!! can you do it?
Bilal Sayed
Bilal Sayed - 7 years ago
diamond discusses they were beautiful
KaitlynMarie - 7 years ago
please do more videos with discus!!!! theyre so beautiful !
George Calderon
George Calderon - 7 years ago
livelaughForte - 7 years ago
Where do they get their fish from?
aquarium addict
aquarium addict - 7 years ago
cool video and awesome fish. feel like their is a lot of Un needed stress for the fish in the way they Un bag them tho.
Jonathan Naylor
Jonathan Naylor - 7 years ago
very cool. i know nothing about them how fast do they grow.
Darth Valius
Darth Valius - 7 years ago
My favorite discus was the one that was unbagged at 17:00 don't know what its called but its beautiful.
Reed Blend
Reed Blend - 7 years ago
Hell nah . That's to little water . They can't even stand . And not even using nets
Syafeeq Said
Syafeeq Said - 7 years ago
due to my extensive binge-watching of fish videos, i know the 'plop & drop' method is better due to the water in shipping bag
Ed Courtney
Ed Courtney - 7 years ago
Awesome video! Awesome, awesome, awesome. Thank you for making this video!
Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 7 years ago
unbelievable, beautiful
Jimmy C
Jimmy C - 7 years ago
Multiple commercial breaks? Really
Brandon Winslow
Brandon Winslow - 7 years ago
ItsAlleged - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, what is your personal opinion on their rack system? I notice it doesn't look like they have the strength of yours. The cross beams seem to be supported by just screws. I'm building a fish room and want it safe, but also wouldn't mind saving on cost a bit. Looks like their racks would take a whole lot less lumber.
ItsAlleged - 7 years ago
Their air pump must be absolutely massive
Franz von Köller
Franz von Köller - 7 years ago
Hey! Are you ever gonna keep discus again? I'd love to see what you do with discus. I loved the video, I would get some snow whites, some cobalt blues and maybe the albino cobalts, make a nice color theme. If not I'd go with domesticated wild types in a large biotope tank
Bartosz Pucilowski
Bartosz Pucilowski - 7 years ago
Thank you J. this was really interesting video ;-)
Martha Negrete
Martha Negrete - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for these beautiful fish.. They all seem so traumatized because of their transport.
shue xiong
shue xiong - 7 years ago
I've always liked discus. This video makes me want them even more now.
Gerardo Cervantes
Gerardo Cervantes - 7 years ago
awesome video love the color on those fish
Matryx Michaelz
Matryx Michaelz - 7 years ago
well I'm tossed up between the turquoise, and the red checkerboard varieties. all are beautiful though. thanks for sharing
Jacoby Blake
Jacoby Blake - 7 years ago
i need this fish
Hong Koon Lim
Hong Koon Lim - 7 years ago
that,s a great video, nice to see it been unpack and the condition they come in.
edward eskridge
edward eskridge - 7 years ago
where link can I order some from????
Justin vK
Justin vK - 7 years ago
That's a lot of plastic that gets used to ship these fish
Lourdes Ramírez
Lourdes Ramírez - 7 years ago
can you do a vidio on red blood herawuana
Yanksfan23 - 7 years ago
Great video......I d get a variety for sure, IF I could afford them. Gorgeous discus, amazing that there was only 1 casualty!
ItsAlleged - 7 years ago
15:46 Well.. While that is dropping it in "vertically," I don't think that was what he meant.
TORISH GAMING - 7 years ago
hi im geting a fresh water tank about 10 to 20 gallons any fish you think i should get
ad78 - 7 years ago
Looks like a filipino gangsters. Where is this?
Kevin Selva
Kevin Selva - 7 years ago
So cool to see this "behind the scenes" stuff.
TheLovatt123 - 7 years ago
A feeding video would be great
Floyd Morey
Floyd Morey - 7 years ago
nice video that was pretty cool I think I'd go with just red melons I've had a variety and now I'm not feeling it ☺
Blake Eliason
Blake Eliason - 7 years ago
When they're tring to stand up they look like they are high. I laughed way too hard
SJacksonUCMO - 7 years ago
Those blue diamonds were gorgeous.
AddMan Camerhan
AddMan Camerhan - 7 years ago
Cool fish. Is that a safe setup for the tanks. What's the shear Spec on them screws?
Francis Lauro Cellona
Francis Lauro Cellona - 7 years ago
they didn't acclimate them :O
PRFishGirl - 7 years ago
Beautiful just beautiful
Alex G.
Alex G. - 7 years ago
I really hope you got to take some home with you! although I'm sure you have your hands full already.
crackerjacker4 - 7 years ago
Are these wild or farm raised?
phorty89 - 7 years ago
Interesting background painting schemes. Never thought of doing red for turq based fish but it works. Generally it seems they do pigeon based fish in white.
Logan Eisenhart
Logan Eisenhart - 7 years ago
I'd get 4 diamond blue and 4 yellow
AJs Realm
AJs Realm - 7 years ago
more shell dweller videos
Boo The Rabbit
Boo The Rabbit - 7 years ago
that grand champ is a beautiful fish
Muhammad Pope
Muhammad Pope - 7 years ago
So is it actually possible to keep deep pressure fish like angular fish?
Francisco Traverzo
Francisco Traverzo - 7 years ago
the Grand Champion and the red melons were my favorites
Cheezay Ballz
Cheezay Ballz - 7 years ago
For some people who wonder why they do not acclimate the fish with water drip method or something similar.
That's why:
During transit your fish is excreting ammonia and CO2. The CO2 built up within the shipping water helps to keep the pH of the water low. In water with a lower pH, ammonia is much less toxic than the same amount of ammonia would be in a high pH environment. As soon as you open the shipping bag, CO2 begins escaping into the air, and the pH of the shipping water can quickly rise. As the pH rises, it can cause pH shock and also causes the ammonia built up in the shipping bag to become exponentially more toxic. If you open the shipping bag and attempt to gradually acclimate your new fish to your aquarium water by pouring some aquarium water into the shipping bag over a period of time, you are potentially exposing your new fish to irreparable damage. Simply float the bag for 10-20 minutes to match the temperature, open the bag and quickly transfer your new fish into your aquarium with your hands, and discard the shipping water. (source: solid gold aquatics)

And in this case, they don't need to adjust the fish to the water temperature because they heat the room and not the aquariums, and with the boxes standing there for while, they already have the right temperature.
Cheezay Ballz
Cheezay Ballz - 7 years ago
Never said it does
Primo Primo
Primo Primo - 7 years ago
That method doesn't work for saltwater lol
Iwan Wirawardhana
Iwan Wirawardhana - 7 years ago
Aah thats why... Just now i just asked the question but proceeds to delete it because of your comment. Thanks so much for the information
Lamboguni L
Lamboguni L - 7 years ago
Cheezay Ballz wat abt the pH of both water? Don they hv to chk tat too? pH shock?
Sea Sparkle
Sea Sparkle - 7 years ago
awwww discus are so derpy looking
Hydro Guy
Hydro Guy - 7 years ago
My name is Michael and I have a 29 and a 10 gallon aquarium I'm only 12 and hope that I can be in the fish hobby like you are! And also when are you going to do a update on your red Arawana did I spell that right? Oh and I loved the blue diamond
David diaz
David diaz - 7 years ago
I like the wild discus they have great colors and they would try to camouflage with the plants better
Yannis Batzekos
Yannis Batzekos - 7 years ago
feast !!!!
Josh North
Josh North - 7 years ago
I'm new for keeping fish so please explain... is dumping fish out with no water for a min or two safe? the guy did it and I was just wandering. thanks
Dragon Tamer Reptiles
Dragon Tamer Reptiles - 7 years ago
The most beautiful Diskus' I have ever seen!!! Such a cool experience! Very nice! I'm blown away but some of these fish!!!
louverdudski - 7 years ago
I like how gentle they handle the fish
AnalogX64 - 7 years ago
Great video never seen anything like this and poor 1 little guy didn't make it out of the 500 ;(
A&Z Aquariums
A&Z Aquariums - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for showing this. You're right, I may never get to see that in person. This was very kind of you. They have a beautiful setup and Discus fish.
Cr7 Mes10
Cr7 Mes10 - 7 years ago
some of the small ones looks like angel fish
CyniuxD - 7 years ago
These fishes looks hardly alive
funnyjordan1998 - 7 years ago
$20 for discus?? Looks like we know what the next tank build is for
marvin julien
marvin julien - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish do they ship out of the US
JW Collect
JW Collect - 7 years ago
Awesome fish. Please do a video on how the tanks are setup, filtration, air, how they do water changes, etc. thanks
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
or importer
Just A Normal Gamer
Just A Normal Gamer - 7 years ago
Says we place them in the water upright and gently but then just tossed them in
Al B
Al B - 7 years ago
It's crude but they'd be perfectly fine..
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 7 years ago
They lost 1 out of 500 fish. I think they know what they are doing. That's greater than 15 thousand dollars worth of live fish and they only lost about $30 worth.
BigRalphSmith - 7 years ago
Just A Normal Gamer
Actually, he wasn't "just tossing them in".
When someone who knows what they are doing goes about their task, It might appear that they are being careless to the inexperienced eye but that is perception, not reality.
carollol - 7 years ago
24.49 looks like a negative of photo, Very cool!
White Star
White Star - 7 years ago
what kind of fish for a 1 gallon tank?
15 Gaming
15 Gaming - 7 years ago
White Star Yeah no problem! Fish need filters, correct temperatures, tank levels and a whole lot more. Diet proper tank mates etc.... Its confusing at first. My first community tank was 5 female Betta fish! Start simple and work your way up!
White Star
White Star - 7 years ago
i c, thanks man. I used to have fish when i was kid but they always died, i thnk its cus we didnt have a filter or something :(
15 Gaming
15 Gaming - 7 years ago
White Star 1 inch of fish per gallon of water minimum. Anything else is cruel. Those "tiny fish" will grow
White Star
White Star - 7 years ago
I want like those tiny tiny fish, what is minimum size tank?
15 Gaming
15 Gaming - 7 years ago
White Star None. 1 Gallon for 1 inch of fish. Barely even enough room for one. At the very least a Betta. Even that is cruel.
Sharon Wyly
Sharon Wyly - 7 years ago
White Star Shrimp. Too small for fish.
kevin skaggs
kevin skaggs - 7 years ago
Great looking discus
Amy Mandeville
Amy Mandeville - 7 years ago
I think they are all beautiful. I'd have a mixture of all of them. Thanks for the video!
Vichai Xiong
Vichai Xiong - 7 years ago
Why didn't he float the fish?
Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw - 7 years ago
So is aclimating fish a myth
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
no.if you can you should do it.

but shipping makes it to where the most you can do is try to get them to a simlar tempture.but drip or basicly any method that requires you to open that bag is dangerous cause there is a chemical reaction that happens once the bag water touchs fresh air.
Ja Ved
Ja Ved - 7 years ago
Heya can you do a video on arowana and how to care and keep em properly plz
justogetarep - 7 years ago
Some beautiful fish but I was amazed to see they didn't acclimatise any of them not even the show fish. I guess when you deal with that many animals you become a lot less precious about them
ThatOtherGuy - 7 years ago
When I first saw the title I was like, "you got 500 discus? Where tf are you going to put them all!?" but nvm. Lol
Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark - 7 years ago
White with the red eye, Red body with the white forehead, yellow body with the white forehead, maybe some of the checker patterned ones... I do love the blue on them too. I'd get multiple varieties of the fish, not just one type. Not unless I had a monster display tank and could have it so I had large amounts of them.
nekesha clayton
nekesha clayton - 7 years ago
I have a new love for the discus. This was so fun to watch. Thanks for posting.
CookieGuy97 - 7 years ago
$20-$30 for those highend discus :O They ship to the UK? haha but yeah I think if I could I would go for a variety to show what amazing colours are available.
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 7 years ago
this was amazing thanks
Baharuddin Anwar
Baharuddin Anwar - 7 years ago
I love Discus
David Vo
David Vo - 7 years ago
Putting straight in the tank like that won't shock them?
BraydensBettas - 7 years ago
whats the smallest and cheapest freshwater ray?
BraydensBettas - 7 years ago
what about teacup rays?
Cole Boi
Cole Boi - 7 years ago
BraydensBettas reticulated ray -they get 14 ish disc size cost 80-120ish and need a tank size of 180g for adults
hi - 7 years ago
Anarchy - 7 years ago
Are discus hard to keep? And big a tank do you need for two?
Alex Hutchinson
Alex Hutchinson - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, I am thinking about getting an 33 gallon or an 47 gallon tank and having some fish in it. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for fish I could use. I was thinking about angel fish but apparently they can be aggressive. do you have any suggestions?? Thanks.
Deep Blue
Deep Blue - 7 years ago
So cool!!
bill sandford
bill sandford - 7 years ago
Why do they handle in stead of net ? Do they make sue ph is the same in the bag as in the new tanks ? This video is cool. Makes me want to buy a discus
Dominique Kollars
Dominique Kollars - 7 years ago
Very nice fish i would love to set up an aquarium just for Discus if they are like those ones.
ルリ - 7 years ago
put him in standing straight up proceeds to slowly fall down
Wolfie The Werewolf
Wolfie The Werewolf - 7 years ago
The grand champion looked like a lepord or cheetah
SomewhatNiceFellow - 7 years ago
Great video. Thanks Joey. I'm sure those guys know how to handle their newcomers, but I was surprised to see how they double-handled them - first they put them from a bag into a bigger container and then into a smaller one before placing them into tanks. I felt like it was an unnecessary stress for fish.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Wow no acclimation??? This is how fish get treated behind closed doors, obviously they were being careful because Joey was there but come one are you gnna be that careful with 500+ fish. Grab em Move em Toss em and Throw em. Thats how it is.
aliciacb8284747274 - 7 years ago
So you'd rather keep them floating in ammonia?
Arsenic Angel
Arsenic Angel - 7 years ago
There's not a huge amount of need for acclimation for fish being shipped, they were in poly boxes probably lined with heating pads so temp would've been fine and depending on how long they've been in those bags it's probably safer to plop em straight in because of the amount of oxygen and the waste in the bag.
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Las MiLLpass the plop and drop method is more effective when shipping fish. The room was heated, and the boxes were probably there for some time, so the water in the bag and tank wouldve been close, or the same temperature.
Al B
Al B - 7 years ago
That smells fishy..
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
they've probably been temperature acclimated.but you really don't want to keep them in that bag water once its been open because a dangerous reaction happens with the air causing ph swing and ammonia spike.plus the longer they stay in those vags the more stressed they become.
Marcus Teo
Marcus Teo - 7 years ago
Las MiLLpass they will be careful because the fishes cost a bomb man haha
Sirus - 7 years ago
now you got me into discus.
patrick kossewski
patrick kossewski - 7 years ago
why are they floating like that i dont understand
Random videos 94
Random videos 94 - 7 years ago
The two grand champions and some blues and reds.
Alexandre Kulp
Alexandre Kulp - 7 years ago
Coolest channel on youtube
مملكة العلوم
مملكة العلوم - 7 years ago
ارجو تشريفكم بالاشتراك في القناه
لمعرفة كل ماهو غريب عن عالمنا
sphone1 rdk163
sphone1 rdk163 - 7 years ago
can you make a tank update becase you hot so match new things
sphone1 rdk163
sphone1 rdk163 - 7 years ago
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 7 years ago
wow I wonder what the retail value of these 500 discus is? ALOT I'm sure
Charlie Gorden
Charlie Gorden - 7 years ago
Justin Foulk
Justin Foulk - 7 years ago
The albino red cover! Stunning
Melinda Zavala
Melinda Zavala - 7 years ago
Wow! Very beautiful discuss, I would definitely get a verity of them their all so beautiful I'd like one of each!
Great video!!
EZ-Life - 7 years ago
Как можно выбрать среди таких красавцев? Это невозможно! Хочу их всех!
Josh Dennis
Josh Dennis - 7 years ago
from a fellow canadian man love your videos new into the aquarium hobby really want to get into discus your vids have taught me alot thnx for all the help
Ida Holck
Ida Holck - 7 years ago
21:50 in it's pattern there is a shape that looks like a heart
Metallican91 - 7 years ago
This video officially makes me want to setup my new tank for Discus!
SachiMochi - 7 years ago
I got notification. unbox 500 discuss. I was like no way, Joey going to have 500 discus aquarium at home. I got palpitations with excitement. Then the video turns out to be its unboxing a store. Heart rate went back to normal rhythm.
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
do they ship these fish out using 1 day shipping? also what did they use for air? i usually do the quick grab and close method to try to trap as much air in the bag as possible.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+MasterAquatics ask them. Link is in the description
Skeleton Dance Crew
Skeleton Dance Crew - 7 years ago
Which filter you are using in this tank ?
Ed DaVinci
Ed DaVinci - 7 years ago
uhmmmm.... favourite.... mayyybe yellow checkerboards, dunno... Anyways, I cant go to places like this one, because Id go nuts and considering my wage I cannot afford going nuts.
Goldfish lover117 termanator
Goldfish lover117 termanator - 7 years ago
I recently started a discus tank
Justin Moro
Justin Moro - 7 years ago
can I keep discus fries in Fluval edge 12g? with fluval 106 as a filtration.. just until they start to grow
FAG098 - 7 years ago
lol I like how he kept trying to call them wilds but you called him out on it.
Pniko - 7 years ago
FAG098 In order to be wild breeder would need to replicate that environment or catch from wild. I find few breeders replicate the rivers.
MrCladowicz - 7 years ago
that was sweet
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 7 years ago
1 reply to me= you like discus
1 like on this comment= you love discus
1 subscriber to my channel= you care for all your pets
1 report on this comment = you die in a hole
1 pin= you and your family will never get sick ever
1 share of this video= you will get 1 million dollars
1 like on the video= you love harrambe
1 dislike on the video= you killed harrambe
1 report on the video= you'll start a zombie apachalips
1 positive comment on video= you will survive a major desaster
1 negative comment= you die in a car crash
watched the whole video= you'll do something great one day
Haris Vasilakis
Haris Vasilakis - 7 years ago
I honestly thought that it was a 500 DOLLAR dicuss!
jhowarth1974 - 7 years ago
He just said "Jack".. I'm going to assume these are Jack Wattley Discus? ie.. the king of discus?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+jhowarth1974 Not at all. That's a pretty common name.
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 7 years ago
amazing discus are they wild caught or were they bread
drkingslend - 7 years ago
Awesome stuff man, I definately prefer the more wild type patterned discus, like turquoise, heckles and snakeskin. And dont really like keeping a variety of them, just seems so artificial like a fancy guppy
Mucless - 7 years ago
powerfull !!
H Ca
H Ca - 7 years ago
What if you breed the champion and the other full face one
last9emperor - 7 years ago
Awesome video Joey!
Pa. Fish Preacher
Pa. Fish Preacher - 7 years ago
Awesome video and FISH Makes me want to get some Discus for sure!
jason wu
jason wu - 7 years ago
huh I didn't get the notification or see the video in the subscription
ffishfinger - 7 years ago
Very interesting and calming to watch. I'm surprised he held them out the water so long, that doesn't stress them out?
ffishfinger - 7 years ago
happytroll 247 really?? I didn't think they could be out of water that long without being damaged or something
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 7 years ago
ffishfinger thats nothing compared to what fisherman and other fishkeepers do
cybastu - 7 years ago
great video
Alex Perez
Alex Perez - 7 years ago
red and gold melons
Bella Stead
Bella Stead - 7 years ago
That show one had a perfect heart on its side!!
Lucas Fletcher
Lucas Fletcher - 7 years ago
Joey, I'm curious as to why discus breeders/sellers all seem to use a centralized sump system with their tanks verses using sponge filters and drip systems like livebearer or cichlid breeders? Water parameters perhaps? Temperature?
South Paw and Southern
South Paw and Southern - 7 years ago
who stopped watching at 10:45 when grand champ propped up...
CrazyBirdyBird - 7 years ago
7:07 Discus looks O.O
Andrew Harrison
Andrew Harrison - 7 years ago
All though i love some of the crazier varieties, im a huge fan of wild discus i don't know somthin about them is just stunning:)
Aspen Edwards
Aspen Edwards - 7 years ago
beautiful fish
Davy Bruneel
Davy Bruneel - 7 years ago
No acclimation? No dripping them to get used to their new water? If my boss saw me doing that in the shop where i work; id be fired in a sec.
Snow - 7 years ago
so if the temp is the same as in the bag i should just throw the new fish in the tank? (without the bag water of course)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Davy Bruneel if I saw your boss drop acclimating freshwater fish, I probably wouldn't shop at his store.
Da Coach Lou Martinez
Da Coach Lou Martinez - 7 years ago
would love a varitiy of them ,, Awesome ,,
Chandan Venkatesh
Chandan Venkatesh - 7 years ago
what and how does he feed them all?
NeverLift - 7 years ago
That was cool!
Shreyash Bangera
Shreyash Bangera - 7 years ago
u should try flowerhorn fish
At Yo
At Yo - 7 years ago
wow man that's pretty dope.... keep it em coming
Father Merrin
Father Merrin - 7 years ago
All I have is Discus...
JK Park
JK Park - 7 years ago
Wow! They all amazingly beautiful!
Stephanie Phillips
Stephanie Phillips - 7 years ago
can you do a video about backgrounds That are good with discus?? i thought black because it would really make the colors pop. we have a debate happening here. lol
YourBrother - 7 years ago
I share the same passion with weed
Gaina - 7 years ago
That was really interesting, thank you.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Is the water pressure problem only an issue with large flat fish like the discus or will it be a problem for all large fish?
Nancy Ware
Nancy Ware - 7 years ago
So how many are you getting? LOL. Ideally, I would get the variety of colors, and get the albino for each,, if money and the space to keep them were no object.
prathamesh vichare
prathamesh vichare - 7 years ago
Sam Sam
Sam Sam - 7 years ago
I would LOVE to work there
Kurt Scoville
Kurt Scoville - 7 years ago
I love the heart shape pattern on the one.
Stefan Lewis
Stefan Lewis - 7 years ago
Second grand champion from Singapore insane colour with a heart shaped pattern on it loved
Fish Adventures
Fish Adventures - 7 years ago
Anyone else notice the red heart shape on the show discus from Chicago? It would go for more if you pointed that out!
Dirk - 7 years ago
Whatttt?? This didn't show up in my sub box I've never had this happen to me before
michael alexis
michael alexis - 7 years ago
hey Joey, I noticed via website that 1fish2fish sells several varieties of gouramis. I'm looking for 3, Colisa Fasciata, Skakeskins, and the elusive African Bush fish.
There's no internet contact information and being Seattle, US, it simply doesn't make sense to get long-distance phone service for one call.
Might it be possible for you to simply relay what I'm searching for, and have Wes or one of the guys respond via my email +michael alexis???
Mike in Seattle
Kiet Nguyen
Kiet Nguyen - 7 years ago
Awesome video Joey.
The4014Gamer ForTheWin
The4014Gamer ForTheWin - 7 years ago
Are discus salt water?
Hung Phantasm
Hung Phantasm - 7 years ago
So cute watching them just plop on to the floor, their like excuse me but let me er slowly lay down
Brandy Hiller
Brandy Hiller - 7 years ago
They ship to Canada ya??
gl777 - 7 years ago
I thought Discus is sensitive with water, there is no temperature or water pH settling before putting into the tank...
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
I'm. Overwhelmed I'd spend hours trying to choose just 6, just wow!
Uliemm151 - 7 years ago
That grand champion is absolutely gorgeous. So vibrant and deeply colored.
Zethma - 7 years ago
I want Blue Diamonds
The Fish Fanatic
The Fish Fanatic - 7 years ago
That is an amazing facility! Were they running sumps or a central filtration system? Wow!
Angel M.
Angel M. - 7 years ago
WOW! I would be in heaven...
Zethma - 7 years ago
The other Dicus in the other tanks are like "What is going on over there?"
Brandy Hiller
Brandy Hiller - 7 years ago
just beautiful. I've always wanted discus I fell in love them years ago. Just so hard to find in stores. Good to know I can buy them online. I'm starting a saltwater and then definitely a discus tank!
Vanspilla - 7 years ago
Shrek - 7 years ago
how many galleons do one of these beautiful fish need
Shaffeeq Teemul
Shaffeeq Teemul - 7 years ago
I like the wild generation discus. They look natural and do awesome in planted tanks or amazonian biotopes tank, with some corycats and some cardinal tetras :D
MrKazuma52 - 7 years ago
I probably liked the stripped ones the most and would want a variety of those if I ever set up a discus tank
Natural Caridina
Natural Caridina - 7 years ago
7:07 the fish was like ` OOOoooòoooo
Spirlas bacon
Spirlas bacon - 7 years ago
I just fist bumped the air when I saw you uploaded another vid... your videos are contagious!
Miss Mia(:
Miss Mia(: - 7 years ago
How much do these fish run price wise?
Jimi182 - 7 years ago
Miss Mia(: watch the video they talk about pricing
Eric j
Eric j - 7 years ago
Miss Mia(: they can be 60$ to 2000$.
Supergecko8 - 7 years ago
Simply Amazing, what a sight

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