UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!
Pets & Animals 7 years ago 721,440 views
DISCUS AQUARIUM FISH!! I loved sitting back and watching how the team at uncle sams unbox and add their discus. Some of it is different than i would do, but there was some interesting things to learn here and of course, its always nice to see SO MANY DISCUS! Wes, Darwin and casper are good friends of mine. I will entirely vouch for them if you need a reference on where to get discus. You can check them out on Facebook to buy some: https://www.facebook.com/UncleSamsDiscus/ LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Check out all of my discus videos: https://goo.gl/Nva3Bv SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS
lots of people say that drip method is best and I tend to agree. I've only worried about using the drip method on my nicer cichlids because pH varies a lot and my tanganyikan tank sits around 8.5 pH.
if I'm not using the drip method, I'll at least let the temperature adjust then put a net over a bucket, drop the contents through the net and put the fish into the tank.
all in all, it's a somewhat controversial topic.
But I do know a little about how pressure works. It's about 1 atm at the surface of the water (pr definition'ish). It would be 2 atm at 10 m under the water. How tall are those tanks? Like 40 cm. 40 cm out of 10 m is 1/250, and you only lower it buy half the hight of the tank. That means you are lowering the water pressure with 1/500 atm, or 0.2 %.
The pressure could wary more do to location or weather than that.
What's cruel?
10. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!
20. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!
30. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!
50. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!
Keep in mind I loved that time in my life.... But grew out of it. The salt industry is even more closed. Just letting you know my true feelings,, Not spaming you and certainly not condemning what you enjoy. I spent hours, days and months collecting in Florida, Owning a fish shop, building huge custom tanks. I had the first insurance policy in Florida for custom tanks and maintenance. Enjoy but you said you contemplated your hobby and the loss of your rays. Rays are special. Octopus are special. After a while it dawns on you
...Isn't this too much stress on the fish?
Nex guy just trhow them at it and the poor fish just... flops into the water and sink
100. comment for UNBOXING 500 DISCUS aquarium fish!!!
I can't do that I would feel so bad and I don't know why lol
I think I feel they're more sensitive than they really are. However, they love me. They even let me pet them.
but darwin is the person who tosses the fish up and picksup them like mere non living creatures..common dude they are alive..i knw ur professional still show a lil mercy..
KING OF DIY Joey might have felt the same way too..as he kept on asking " will it be okay.."..
Nyway loved seeing so many discus..
And then the next guy just drops them in like that...
This video is very interesting for me !!!
THX The king of DIY :)
Thank u man!!!
First of all: thank you for all the awesome DYI videos that you published, I have actually learned a lot!
I have one question about this video: why is Wes importing only discus and not setting up a few breeding pairs?
I know it's about personal choices and all that, but I am very curious to hear his story. Importing 500 discus is not an easy peocess, so, I am thinking, with his setup ... breeding may not be a more difficult process.
Thank you,
If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd start a discus breeder business the following day. Absolutely loved the tour. Thanks Joey.
Either way, 1 death out of 500 is a very good survival rate. Hopefully they all find good homes.
Imagine a fluorescent glowing green discus glofish, a hot pink discus glofish and a purple discus glofish.
What color and kind of paint is that red that they show in the back of their tanks ??
Also depends on how long the fish have travelled in the bags.
It was funny just as you said, would you choose all one kind or a variety, I was thinking the very same thing to myself! :) I think there are way too many beautiful ones to choose just one type. I'd have to go with a variety.
Discus = Disci ?!?!?
He's no longer with us.
That's why:
During transit your fish is excreting ammonia and CO2. The CO2 built up within the shipping water helps to keep the pH of the water low. In water with a lower pH, ammonia is much less toxic than the same amount of ammonia would be in a high pH environment. As soon as you open the shipping bag, CO2 begins escaping into the air, and the pH of the shipping water can quickly rise. As the pH rises, it can cause pH shock and also causes the ammonia built up in the shipping bag to become exponentially more toxic. If you open the shipping bag and attempt to gradually acclimate your new fish to your aquarium water by pouring some aquarium water into the shipping bag over a period of time, you are potentially exposing your new fish to irreparable damage. Simply float the bag for 10-20 minutes to match the temperature, open the bag and quickly transfer your new fish into your aquarium with your hands, and discard the shipping water. (source: solid gold aquatics)
And in this case, they don't need to adjust the fish to the water temperature because they heat the room and not the aquariums, and with the boxes standing there for while, they already have the right temperature.
Actually, he wasn't "just tossing them in".
When someone who knows what they are doing goes about their task, It might appear that they are being careless to the inexperienced eye but that is perception, not reality.
but shipping makes it to where the most you can do is try to get them to a simlar tempture.but drip or basicly any method that requires you to open that bag is dangerous cause there is a chemical reaction that happens once the bag water touchs fresh air.
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Great video!!
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There's no internet contact information and being Seattle, US, it simply doesn't make sense to get long-distance phone service for one call.
Might it be possible for you to simply relay what I'm searching for, and have Wes or one of the guys respond via my email +michael alexis???
Mike in Seattle