125 Gallon Reef Tank System Walk Through With Chris Henry (Lets Talk Tanks)
Reef tank 10 years ago 49,675 views
Join me as I chat with Chris Henry on camera about his 125 gallon reef tank. Other Videos of Chris Henry's 125 Tank Chris Henry's 125 GALLON REEF TANK!!! http://youtu.be/WweLOCU9fRo Chris's 125 gallon reef tank/new corals http://youtu.be/URvWC2rfosA Join our Facebook Groups and Forum: Addictive Reef Keeping http://www.facebook.com/groups/centraloregonreefkeeping/ Addictive Reef keeping Forum: http//:www.addictivereefkeeping.com Addictive Freshwater Keeping http://www.facebook.com/groups/356365874395270/ Addictive Aquaculture http://www.facebook.com/groups/308376609263349/
10. comment for 125 Gallon Reef Tank System Walk Through With Chris Henry (Lets Talk Tanks)
My question is will there be any risk with the weight of the tank plus water plus I've sand and live rock??
With the amount of money involved particularly with reef tanks last thing I want is to splash out on it all and it causes the floor to give way. As it would not be fair on my wallet or the fish that I buy.
Any advice would be welcome. Trying to avoid the 500-1000 pound survey engineer cost
20. comment for 125 Gallon Reef Tank System Walk Through With Chris Henry (Lets Talk Tanks)
Thanks for watching.
Thanks for tour!
30. comment for 125 Gallon Reef Tank System Walk Through With Chris Henry (Lets Talk Tanks)
Yeah I built the sump cause I wasn't happy with what was on the market for the price. Why buy when you can build?
Thanks for watching.