Hydrogen Peroxide Dosing In Reef Tank

I dosing 3% hydrogen peroxide because of my blue tang have a pop eye. So because i have some green algae on the rocks, i hit them with the hydrogen peroxide, because it kills algae also.

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Reef tank 7 years ago 7,995 views

I dosing 3% hydrogen peroxide because of my blue tang have a pop eye. So because i have some green algae on the rocks, i hit them with the hydrogen peroxide, because it kills algae also.

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Most popular comments
for Hydrogen Peroxide Dosing In Reef Tank

Gabor Antal-Szotyori
Gabor Antal-Szotyori - 7 years ago
Ebben a videóban tulajdonképpen mit csinálsz?
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
Gabor Antal-Szotyori Elimenéting zöld alga
Christian Gyurity
Christian Gyurity - 7 years ago
kegyetlen jó a zene! jól választottál!
rebeka 8
rebeka 8 - 7 years ago
mi a címe??
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
Christian Gyurity Köszi
Arno P.
Arno P. - 7 years ago
Szia! Először is hadd mondjam el, hogy nagyon örülök a csatornádnak én is tengerizek már nagyjából 3 éve :) Viszont magyar leírást esetleg nem tennél a videóid alá? Sajnos ez a hobby itthon nem a leggyakoribb (ami részben érthető is az árakat tekintve...) ezért nagyon kevés anyag van fent a neten magyarul az angollal meg személy szerint én is úgy éppeg csak eldöcögök :)
További jó akvarizálást! :)
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
Arno P. Szia jó lessz magyarul halas csatorna. Többen is kérték. Neked is jó halacskázást. Nezd a zsiros deszka csatornám, ha elkészült a halas csatorna, ott rakok fel egy értesítő videót. Kösz hogy benéztél.
RUSLANAT OD - 7 years ago
what's the dosage and is it safe for invertebrates and corals/anemones?
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
RUSLANAT OD I realy dont want to take any responsibility for your tank. I was set up a tank for experience and put there fish with ich, but that was not work. The dose was to low to kill the ich. The dose what can kill the ich, is to strong fos any fish or corals to stay in for more than 30-40 min. So that is why i dont find the way to work inthe display tank. The dose for the bucket method is 50ml. 3% h2o2 to 10 liter water. 30 min later take out the fish to a new water. This dose if you do not remove the fish or coral, will kill all of them. So in the display will need a 100% water change, plus the beneficial bacterias will probably die also. i did my research, and thrust me its no product what is work in the display tank, so don't waste your money. If you can set up a qt, and cure your fishes there, and left the display fishless for 3 months, that can be the best option, in the qt you can cure you fishes in 7 days, but the display need 3 months to die out all the ich.
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
RUSLANAT OD Omg. Its many. You have other tank, or a qt to move the anemones?
RUSLANAT OD - 7 years ago
Reef Hobby 11 fishes, 3 large tangs, flame angel, large wrasses and clowns
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
RUSLANAT OD omg i heard that anemone can freak out from a really small dose. How many fish you have in the tank?
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
RUSLANAT OD Corals looks like can take it, but i also don't have all kind of corals, so its hard to tell you.
RUSLANAT OD - 7 years ago
Reef Hobby thanks for reply. I just fighting ich, tank gull of corals and anemones, 125gal. Looking for the best solution.
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
RUSLANAT OD Hey. I can not answer, because i dont have any shrimp, and i heard its bad for anemone, so if i dose my tank, i move my anemone to the nano cube.
Reefgrrl - 7 years ago
This was really interesting. How is the blue tang now? And the algae?
Cesca's Reef
Cesca's Reef - 7 years ago
Nice video  :)
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
Cesca's Reef Thanx

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