848 likes 212,879 views 11 years ago
http://brs.li/2partdosing So why do they call it two part when there are really three parts? Why can't I mix...
634 likes 96,148 views 9 years ago
Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below....
194 likes 44,232 views 9 years ago
Tips on how to dose a lps and sps reef tank using two part and jebao dp4 dosing pumps. Im currently using brs two...
295 likes 28,918 views 8 years ago
In this video I will cover what dosing is, when, why, and how much to dose, simplified to help those newer to the...
190 likes 21,160 views 8 years ago
35% Hydrogen Peroxide http://amzn.to/2B4Uqqd My poor betta got fin rot. This is walstad bowl, and while the bowl...
33 likes 12,887 views 9 years ago
Introducing the NEW Aquascape Automatic Dosing System for Ponds and Fountains! Maintaining optimum water quality is...
848 likes 212,879 views 11 years ago
http://brs.li/2partdosing So why do they call it two part when there are really three parts? Why can't I mix...
194 likes 44,232 views 9 years ago
Tips on how to dose a lps and sps reef tank using two part and jebao dp4 dosing pumps. Im currently using brs two...
295 likes 28,918 views 8 years ago
In this video I will cover what dosing is, when, why, and how much to dose, simplified to help those newer to the...
102 likes 9,448 views 9 years ago
http://www.ReefDVMs.com http://www.Facebook.com/ReefDVMs We like to help explain the differences between the...
35 likes 8,534 views 10 years ago
Quick How to dose alkalinity, calcium and magnesium in a reef tank. Ideal water parameters: 9dkh Alkalinity 450...
36 likes 8,114 views 9 years ago
2 part dosing techniques and why to always dose the same amounts of Alk and Ca to maintain stability in your reef...
The "Hydrogen Peroxide Dosing In Reef Tank" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.
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