Simple Reef Tank Setup Thriving With AI Prime LED Light

My simple 40 gallon breeder reef tank is thriving with one - just one - AI Prime LED light. I don't dose, I just do small water changes about once a week and let the tank do its thing.

Simple Reef Tank Setup Thriving With AI Prime LED Light sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Reef tank 8 years ago 28,199 views

My simple 40 gallon breeder reef tank is thriving with one - just one - AI Prime LED light. I don't dose, I just do small water changes about once a week and let the tank do its thing.

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Most popular comments
for Simple Reef Tank Setup Thriving With AI Prime LED Light

Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
Everyone has a mp10 is it really that good for the price?!?
Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities - 7 years ago
Great video - thanks for making it! debating on what lights to get and I am really eyeing the Prime LEDs
Andrew  Anaruma
Andrew Anaruma - 7 years ago
Lookin good I remember watching u set this tank up
Steven Delgado
Steven Delgado - 7 years ago
ive read 84° is ideal for most sps. I see you dont keep much sps though. I guess it helps speed up metabolic processes and in turn growth of corals.
stuart jarvis
stuart jarvis - 7 years ago
help i am new to this can anyone tell me how to set up my a1 prime hd on an none android hp computer
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 7 years ago
Sorry, I don't understand the question. What type of operating system are you using on your computer? Do you have a cell phone you could use? I set mine up using my iPhone.
ChandraLimbuOfficial - 7 years ago
Nice tank. Could you please send me your AI prime HD setting to I am struggling to get the right setting. All corals are closed for at least 2 months now.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 7 years ago
Sorry I missed this. It was in my spam filter. I'll work on getting you an export of the settings this afternoon or tonight when I am at a computer.
tom Robert
tom Robert - 7 years ago
how Many of those lights would I need for a 220
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 7 years ago
+Tom Robert that I don't know. They make them in larger sizes for bigger tanks. You'd probably need 5-6 of these single puck lights for on that size.
YT Advisor
YT Advisor - 7 years ago
absolutely amazing channel and very nice videos, I subd and left 1 big Like, visit my channel and let's support each others.
TheOldLookOutLodge - 7 years ago
are you wearing eyeliner?
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 7 years ago
no...i've just got long/dark eyelashes. I get asked about them quite a bit.

10. comment for Simple Reef Tank Setup Thriving With AI Prime LED Light

Nelson Aviles
Nelson Aviles - 7 years ago
What kind of fish is tobby
Brett Schneider
Brett Schneider - 7 years ago
Nelson Aviles a Toby pufferfish
Brett Schneider
Brett Schneider - 7 years ago
What filter and what protein skimmer? I plan to do something similar to this.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 7 years ago
+Brett Schneider I have the EShopps hang on back protein skimmer, model PSK-75H. I use a marineland penguin 350 but many say that the biowheel on it should be removed.
Karl Douglas
Karl Douglas - 7 years ago
amazing tank !!! am to into malawi and been scared to make the next step would you benn able to tell me the dimensions of your tank? thanks karl
Ryan Simmons
Ryan Simmons - 8 years ago
some tips to knock that algae down. I have the ai prime hd. set your red and green down to 5-10% white at 10-15%. and use phosphate reducing filter pads. The algae thrives on different spectrums than the coral.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 7 years ago
+Ryan Simmons thanks man!
Rico's Reeftank
Rico's Reeftank - 8 years ago
I subbed. looking good keep up the good work man
Gunnar Jones
Gunnar Jones - 8 years ago
do yourself a favor and get rid of the sand sifting starfish. All they do is eat your live sand, I mean think about it, what are they eating? I don't know why they still sell these things purple linckia is way better
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Gunnar Jones thanks for the tip. I found a new home for it 2 months ago
Cuban Pete
Cuban Pete - 8 years ago
Hi, I have a 40 breeder as well and planning to buy a AI prime HD. Do you think I can get away with using the 12" solid mount and the prime hd over my tank and have good coverage?
Cuban Pete
Cuban Pete - 8 years ago
Thanks , I will try that.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
I really think it will work. Just know which corals need a lot of light and place them accordingly
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Just found the channel, tank is looking good..... Happy Holidays....
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Rad Perez thanks! Have a happy new year
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
Algae is due to it being a relatively new tank it will clear up
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks! I went in and removed the rock and scrubbed it off in a bucket of the tank water when doing a water change.
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
What size tank is this? How deep and wide? I have a 45 gallon 24 in wide by 21 deep ( front to back) and 19 in deep will it work for me it looks like it
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
It should work. This is a 40 Gallon breeder tank.

20. comment for Simple Reef Tank Setup Thriving With AI Prime LED Light

CheapGuy FishTank
CheapGuy FishTank - 8 years ago
cool setup man I don't really go by the books can't afford it but a sump will clear all that algae with 24hr lighting and u gain more water volume and also help with temp
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
or buy GFO reactor it works with me and lower your lights to maybe 85%, I have AI Prime and AI Prime HD too.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
use green/blue algae remover I think it's Ultra Life at amazon.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Lovebetta thanks for the tip. I'll look it up
Alex McCann
Alex McCann - 8 years ago
Very jealous of your fish room. Looking behind you there can see all the toys, very cool. What's on the other side of the wall on the opposite side of the room, could you do an in wall tank and have your filtration setup in that room? Also, I've had two Long Nose Hawkfish before, both jumped to their deaths, so watch out for that.
Alex McCann
Alex McCann - 8 years ago
Should check out the Aluminum 80/20 products. I'm starting a 25 gallon nano build, using the aluminum T slots for a stand frame.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Hey Alex, thanks for the comment. Speaking of the cool toys...I have an RC Car channel where I play with them. LOL. There really isn't a wall from the garage to the house that is idea unfortunately. The best wall goes to our dining room, but it has our HVAC and water system on it. The other goes to a narrow laundry room and the others go outside. Thanks for the tip on the Hawkfish. I heard someone else had that problem. I'm probably going to get rid of that work bench eventually and make a large stand with sump under it for a 6 foot long tank.
8 Bit Aquarium
8 Bit Aquarium - 8 years ago
Cool you sound like Dr. Steve Brule
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Paradise Reef lol. I've never heard of him. I'll have to google it.
8 Bit Aquarium
8 Bit Aquarium - 8 years ago
Creative Fish Studio It means that you're both a gentleman and a scholar.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Paradise Reef I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.
Nicholas Herbst
Nicholas Herbst - 8 years ago
looks like you could use more surface agitation. that will help with ph. and temp. the mp10 would really help
Nicholas Herbst
Nicholas Herbst - 8 years ago
get ride of the sand sifting starfish they will eat all benefiting bacteria specially since it's a shallow sandbed. he'll end up dying and you might not find him. the algae is part of the nitrogen cycle. get a handful of astria snails and blue leg hermits
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Nicholas Herbst I just bought 12 more snails yesterday. I think you are right about the sand sifting starfish. Need to find him a new home.
Northwestern Reefer
Northwestern Reefer - 8 years ago
Nice tank! I have subbed to your channel
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks Jeff! Just subbed you back.
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 8 years ago
great job on the reef tank and I love your editing style and transitions.

30. comment for Simple Reef Tank Setup Thriving With AI Prime LED Light

Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
great tank man. i love it when ppl show that this hobby can be done very easy and cheap. i'm subbed up to get more of the action. i do have a biohome diy reactor in some of my vids it helps a lot i think k1 media and an air pump
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks Paul. I'm learning, but it has been a great tank for a while until I started to get the unwanted hair algae. I need to spend some time on the tank during the extra days I have off over Thanksgiving.
TLee - 8 years ago
Very Nice bro!! Sub'd
Fab. Gabriel
Fab. Gabriel - 8 years ago
How did you frag the hammer coral? In interested in fragging my frog coral.
Nice video btw
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
I used a dremmel with a diamond tipped cutting wheel. All the frags are doing really well.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 8 years ago
FYI, any metal alloy above the reef tank= long term problems. I would remove any excluding reef lights. Good luck.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Yes. I moved a lot, but need to move the rest.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Nice tank and equipment. Check out my nano reefs in my channel. Subscribed.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
+Creative Fish Studio Oh OK. Thanks!
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Will do. I was already subbed, but need to go back and watch more of the videos.
jonas martin
jonas martin - 8 years ago
keep the temp around 80 that will fend off ich
jonas martin
jonas martin - 8 years ago
No problem it's a tip I learned from a buddy of mine
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tip. 80 is the goal temp right now since I can control it. When I get a bigger tank, I'll have to get a chiller to run in the summer.
Connor McLendon
Connor McLendon - 8 years ago
Not totally sure that the lighting was the cause of the chalice/plating monti bleaching out. The amount of light over you tank is very minimal. To put it in perspective i keep a mixed reef in a 10 gallon innovative marine nuvo aquarium with the prime hd and im running through the middle of the day 100% on my blue spectrums with 35% on the white and have good growth through all of my corals. Not to mention that the light it only about 8 inches over my tank. There are some great resources in online threads about schedules for lighting and good light placement. Not to mention you will enjoy the colors in the tank 10 fold if lit properly. The tank looks great comparatively to my first set up! For hair algae i would recommend with CAUTION an emerald crab. I personally have never had an issue with them in terms or coral or fish but some have. Besides tangs they are arguably the best consumers of hair algae in the hobby!
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Connor McLendon
Connor McLendon
Connor McLendon - 8 years ago
Creative Fish Studio I wouldnt get too down on yourself about algae. Many people consider the cycle as a short thing. I truly believe tanks are not totally cycled until about the first year. Then everything gets easier. Keep up the good work man. Welcome to one of the most rewarding and frustrating hobbies in the world haha
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks Connor! I think I'll boost my light. I actually got the settings for my light sent to me from an experienced reef keeper who has the light on a similar tank. I admit to not knowing too much about it...though my initial setup after reading forums was pretty close...though I was at 100% blues as well. I do have an emerald crab in there who has already molted and decent size now. I was told to get an urchin which i have to keep directing to the hair algae. Something is not right in my chemistry though I've checked it and taken water in to get check and it is pretty spot on. I'm lost for what to do about it
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
jesus your algae is ridiculous..
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Yeah. I mentioned it. It came out of nowhere. Still trying to figure out why it came on so strong.
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
a beautiful aquarium, I liked a lot, thank you for sharing, visit my first aquarium, and give me your opinion
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks! I took a look and subbed.
Alvaro Ramos
Alvaro Ramos - 8 years ago
Separate corals! One rock zoas other lps etc!! Cool videos. I had a 90 reef for 5 years!! Sps, anemones, leathers, LPs, clams etc etc✌
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tips. I'll look at the placement again.
Alvaro Ramos
Alvaro Ramos - 8 years ago
Quick info: pulsing xenias are not recommended. They would and will take over your tank!! Zoas can grow quick and once they start spreading. They could kill other corals!
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
I will look at moving my Zoas off the middle rock and to the back where the others are. The Xenias are on a rock of their own that isn't near the other rocks. So far it hasn't spread, but I do need to frag it to thin it out.
Nano_Joe - 8 years ago
How old is your tank? Very cool set up!
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks. The tank is almost 6 months old now.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Simple is the best cause you'll take care of it and not break the bank. Great vid..
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
I agree completely!
Vinh Chung
Vinh Chung - 8 years ago
Are you running all channels to 92% on ai prime? Some said that if you turn down the red and green to below 30% it will not cause so much algae growing.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Vinh Chung no. Just the UV, Violet and Deep Blue. Blue at 72%. Green and Deep red at 10% and Cool White at 32%. I'm also 17" above water.
finatics - 8 years ago
simple can be good! tank is looking good , I just subbed...check out my channel
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
I like simple :) Both in layout and upkeep. lol. Thanks for the sub. I'll check out your channel tonight
Gabriel Whiteford
Gabriel Whiteford - 8 years ago
Your tank looks great! Looks like your off to a great start, only one thing a blue tang needs at least a 100 gallon tank :/ I am sure like the rest of us reef keepers you will get an upgrade :)
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Gabriel Whiteford yeah. I try to point out the blue tang in every video and my plans. If I can't find the large tank I'm looking for, I'll re-home it. As for the power head, I was lucky and won it in a raffle. I totally see the value in it. I didn't open it for a few weeks as I thought about selling/trading it, but I'm glad I put it in play. Thanks for checking out my channel.
Gabriel Whiteford
Gabriel Whiteford - 8 years ago
I got to the end of the video and heard what you said about the hippo, glad you know :) I am glad to see you went ahead and got a vortech on your first tank, it took me to long to find the wonder of those power heads!
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
dude I've talked with you on your RC channel. I didnt know you were into fish as well?
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Sure is addictive! Thanks for the offer. I'll definitely reach out.
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 8 years ago
Its addictive, if you ever need help feel free to reach out. Ive been in the hobby a long time and I'm in the VB area. Good luck!
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Yeah man! Just got back into it this year. In fact...this tank took over my RC workbench. I'm not using my other bench for RC stuff.
Dude-Dude Petty
Dude-Dude Petty - 8 years ago
lol. like ur style sir. love a simple tank
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks man! I haven't built a reef before, so I just kept rearranging things until I liked it. Not sure it is stacked best for maximum amount of coral, but I like the rock scape...and may have to live with less room for corals. :)
I hope to go bigger soon anyway, so I realize that it will change.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 8 years ago
Longnose Hawk is looking good! Was a favorite of mine until it jump. Grats on the tank. Everything does look very well. Loving the editing style in your videos.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 8 years ago
Wow. Thank you for the support. Longnose is easily top 5 favorites of mine. Seriously upset when he jumped. I think it was my fault though. Traveling alot and wasnt able to have a reliable feeding schedule when I did so. Im sure he jumped out of hunger. SUBD. Really looking forward to seeing all your tanks and videos progress.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thank man! I really dig your channel. Watched a ton of your videos in a row when I first started this tank. I wasn't sure about the Longnose Hawk, but my boys wanted it and it would do alright in the tank. Really has a ton of personality and is now one of my favorites.
Shane Phillips
Shane Phillips - 8 years ago
Good start! Get rid of that BioWheel filter ASAP, it's not good for reef tanks. Look at the aquaclear instead.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Shane Phillips interesting. I hadn't read this before. I'm going to test it. Haven't had nitrate problems yet, but maybe I should at least remove the wheels.
Shane Phillips
Shane Phillips - 8 years ago
Creative Fish Studio
Nitrates factory if you keep the wheels.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
+Shane Phillips what's not good about the Bio-wheel for reef tanks? I'm just curious.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Shane Phillips I've modded what's inside the filter. I have an aquaclear/fluval on another tank. I've got phosban, carbon and media bags in mine.

50. comment for Simple Reef Tank Setup Thriving With AI Prime LED Light

PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
That was great and it looks great too
Jorge matheus
Jorge matheus - 8 years ago
I'm really glad one of your videos showed up in my "sugested videos"! Your work on the aquariums is awsome, specially the aquascaping. Keep up with the good quality of your work and videos and soon the 150 subs will be 150K!
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks Jorge! That is very encouraging to read. Glad to hear you like the videos and my tank.
Micah Whalen
Micah Whalen - 8 years ago
Great video. Tank looks great.
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks Micah! I'm really glad that I was talked into trying a saltwater tank
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
great job on your growth of your channel really great job on the reef very beautiful thanks for sharing
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
Creative Fish Studio yes its so much fun here and great people i love you guys hard work and effort you do to get vids out considering our daily routine like jobs etc
Creative Fish Studio
Creative Fish Studio - 8 years ago
Thanks Deon! I'm having fun with the channel and meeting new people on YouTube.

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