7 Essential Knots You Need To Know

Aside from tying shoes, a lot of people don't know, or need a refresher on tying knots. Knowing these knots will get you through most situations you will encounter, and they are the ones I use most often. The knots covered in this video are: Square Knot (Reef Knot) Clove Hitch (Builder's Hitch, Tied in a bight, and at an end) Sheet Bend (And Double Sheet Bend) Bowline (Tied two ways) Figure 8 loop (Tied 3 ways) Round Turn + Two 1/2 Hitches Taut-Line Hitch In Depth Knot Videos Bowline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X8drKsdf5E Figure-8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdBWBbrjOio Official website, blog, and online store. www.inner-bark.com Join me on social media to be up to date on the latest projects, news, and giveaways. Facebook- www.facebook.com/innerbark Twitter- www.twitter.com/innerbark Pintrest- www.pintrest.com/innerbark Instagram- www.Instagram.com/innerbark

7 Essential Knots You Need To Know sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2661

Sailing 9 years ago 6,357,234 views

Aside from tying shoes, a lot of people don't know, or need a refresher on tying knots. Knowing these knots will get you through most situations you will encounter, and they are the ones I use most often. The knots covered in this video are: Square Knot (Reef Knot) Clove Hitch (Builder's Hitch, Tied in a bight, and at an end) Sheet Bend (And Double Sheet Bend) Bowline (Tied two ways) Figure 8 loop (Tied 3 ways) Round Turn + Two 1/2 Hitches Taut-Line Hitch In Depth Knot Videos Bowline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X8drKsdf5E Figure-8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdBWBbrjOio Official website, blog, and online store. www.inner-bark.com Join me on social media to be up to date on the latest projects, news, and giveaways. Facebook- www.facebook.com/innerbark Twitter- www.twitter.com/innerbark Pintrest- www.pintrest.com/innerbark Instagram- www.Instagram.com/innerbark

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Most popular comments
for 7 Essential Knots You Need To Know

Shayne Sim
Shayne Sim - 5 years ago
As a high rise window cleaning the figure 8 and I also like to use an alpine butterfly a fair bit as well. Great video thanks
Thanos - 5 years ago
These knots suck!! There's so many other's knots out there that are much more valuable! These have to be the top 7 nonprofitable knots!!
ahb boc
ahb boc - 5 years ago
appreciate the vid, +1 thanks!
Alexey Pyatkoff
Alexey Pyatkoff - 5 years ago
Dislike from colorblind!!!!))))
Eddie Martinez
Eddie Martinez - 5 years ago
Welcome to another installment of "Why the hell is this in my recommendations"
Owl - 5 years ago
Im high and I don't know why Im watching this video
Eddie Martinez
Eddie Martinez - 5 years ago
c fedyszyn
c fedyszyn - 5 years ago
Well done. Very clear. Thank you.
salman Bajwa
salman Bajwa - 5 years ago
Thanks .... you did great...... nice tips and also shot cuts
TheGrindeveryday - 5 years ago
You must’ve been a Boy Scout

10. comment for 7 Essential Knots You Need To Know

No videos with 100 subscribers Oh yea yea
No videos with 100 subscribers Oh yea yea - 5 years ago
Just HANGING around in the comments
PumpJack McGee
PumpJack McGee - 5 years ago
Tried one for bondage but now my nuts are on the upside of my arse.
SKEF syamsul
SKEF syamsul - 5 years ago
@5:40 is fisherman knot
inserts furry joke
Manorama Bara
Manorama Bara - 5 years ago
Very good video. Explained very nicely❤
Alucard - 5 years ago
Great demonstration, clean video, well explained, but would love some use examples.. Guess I'll just try the knots and see which one fits what I'm trying to do
Iya Mhere
Iya Mhere - 5 years ago
Its tatical , is a good channel
Buildin' Whatever
Buildin' Whatever - 5 years ago
You did the clove hitch wrong
The Noodle Warrior
The Noodle Warrior - 5 years ago
I must say these knots definitely look impressive and I am willing to use them on most occasions.

However, if my life or anything of great value rides on these knots, I still prefer my kind of knot that I can't undo even with pliers.
Quel M
Quel M - 5 years ago
Didn’t know anything about tying different knots.
Thank you YouTube recommended videos.
mixolydian2010 - 5 years ago
Clove hitch is also used in rock climbing for a secure non rotating knot on belays to a spike, which i have come across in quarry climbing. I have also used th e bowline in rock climbing to secure myslef to the rope through my harness. i have also seen it in making corn dollies were the straw is bundled and secured with the hitch before the dolly is started.

20. comment for 7 Essential Knots You Need To Know

Liyana Mp135
Liyana Mp135 - 5 years ago
Tnx sir i am proud of you
- 5 years ago
I still know how to do the hangman's knot till now
Banting Gamer
Banting Gamer - 5 years ago
michael glaser
michael glaser - 5 years ago
timber knot. But you should really seek help.
M14lvr - 6 years ago
Great list but should include double fisherman imo
John Clark
John Clark - 6 years ago
Great knots but SLOW DOWN. We are watching because we are new to these knots and want to learn them- not to see how well you know them.
Me - 5 years ago
John you dumbass
XTacos4DinnerX - 5 years ago
Just change the playback speed to a slower rate.
William Kauffman
William Kauffman - 6 years ago
Great knots by a poor teacher. He goes way to fast and doesn’t give clear instructions
AsofohenMalik - 6 years ago
Great video but I found it too fast for a total novice like me, slowing it down repeating the steps would be great for a total beginner like me. Great video though thanks
Daniel Castillo
Daniel Castillo - 6 years ago
This makes me want to buy rope.
Peni Lomu
Peni Lomu - 6 years ago
More secure to know this way

30. comment for 7 Essential Knots You Need To Know

Raven North
Raven North - 6 years ago
Not sure if this is just wording... But every resource I've used, including various levels of training has what you call the "loose end" as the Working End, and what you call the "working end" as the Standing End.
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
yup you right, its a my bad
Andy Hayes
Andy Hayes - 6 years ago
Christian Jericho Quitalig
Christian Jericho Quitalig - 6 years ago
So useful thanks
FoxyAlphaRogerTango - 6 years ago
Trucker's hitch would have been a good addition.
drus - 6 years ago
Always put safeties on square knot and bowline
get bent
get bent - 6 years ago
Good vid Innerbark! I use the bow line commonly for work and play!!
aljun dating
aljun dating - 6 years ago
now you're not a sissy
JFroMG - 6 years ago
why would you use the "round turn + 2 1/2 hitches. you can just use a bowline a lot easier and quicker or even a clove hitch and a safety
Vineetha Suresh
Vineetha Suresh - 6 years ago
A superb useful video
Dala Ibrahim
Dala Ibrahim - 6 years ago
Learned these in scouts heh
When you reach the second flooor ._.
When you reach the second flooor ._. - 6 years ago
I like to experiment with ropes and try to tie it in ways I’ve never done before and make sure I haven’t been taught
juan gonzalez
juan gonzalez - 6 years ago
You can cut this down to the clove hitch, bowline, and taught line. Really useful especially to know those three.
lot maakchos
lot maakchos - 6 years ago
Dayum baby, you got some nice hands. You ever think about doing some modeling work on the side?
Derek Mills
Derek Mills - 6 years ago
A useful knot to teach would be the truck driver's tie'down i.e. a slip loop, pass around a fixed point, back through the loop and haul to tighten on the load, then tie off with 2 half hitches on the bight. Definitely the most useful knot I ever learned to keep stuff secure on a trailer for instance.
88SouthernMan - 6 years ago
Already know these thanks fer nothing
Josh Thomas
Josh Thomas - 6 years ago
Nice video. I suggest you update the video to 8 knots, the additional being the running bowline.
southern shop
southern shop - 6 years ago
very well done subbed
cassy senda
cassy senda - 6 years ago
Love it i got an idea how to knot..
Slizz Nights
Slizz Nights - 6 years ago
What are some of the knots in my headphones called?
Michael Daray
Michael Daray - 6 years ago
Those loops are called half hitches

50. comment for 7 Essential Knots You Need To Know

WmMaine - 6 years ago
Published three years ago and over 6 million views. That is impressive. Oh, the information about the seven essential knots ain't bad either. Nicely done.
ScouterStan - 6 years ago
All 7 knots tied correctly! This is one of the few knot tying videos that is correct on YouTube. Good Job! YIS ⚜
arron bingham
arron bingham - 6 years ago
I suck at knots
Aloke Surin
Aloke Surin - 6 years ago
Great instructional video - clear, concise, and easy to follow.
Thomas K
Thomas K - 6 years ago
I cannot knot those knots
Welton Wyrick
Welton Wyrick - 6 years ago
nix33xin - 6 years ago
What kind of rope did you use? Parachute or else? what kind of rope did you use? Which is best for knot practice? @InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
Its an accessory climbing rope, id suggest something thicker so it's easier to untie.
shield707 - 6 years ago
@5:29...made it look easy... It's KNOT...
shield707 - 6 years ago
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
Works every time! Try a Marlin spike tho :)
RockerKid360 - 6 years ago
Looks useless
Captain Cornhole
Captain Cornhole - 6 years ago
A great variation of the Clove hitch is the constrictor if you want a clove hitch that will not come undone by itself ever. I would say that 2 of the most useful knots are missed. The fisherman's knot to tie two ropes together, which can also be easily modified into a barrel knot on a bite. The most useful knot I've found is the alpine butterfly. You can use it to remove damaged sections of rope so that the rope is still useful, it creates loops on the rope to create multiple anchor points for other ropes or places to clip gear and you can use it as an anchor. The most important thing to know about knots is to use the right knot for the application. There are a lot of them that will work, but one works best. Make sure you select the proper knot because in some cases an improper knot may look identical to the proper knot and the knot will fail. In some circumstances this could end in death, a prime example is if someone uses a slipknot instead of a barrel knot on a bite and choose to hang from that knot. Both will look identical, one will fail one won't. Great video though, lots of very useful stuff here. A little added note to everyone who doesn't know knots, the bowline is the knot tugboats use to pull large ships. You can put an incredible amount of strain on that knot and it will always be easy to untie, unlike figure 8 which is significantly harder after the knot is loaded.
Forrest Outdoors
Forrest Outdoors - 6 years ago
Great Video and Keep up the good work....

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube page for upcoming giveaways.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 6 years ago
great. all i need is some rope.
Leszek Chruściel
Leszek Chruściel - 6 years ago
Usman P
Usman P - 6 years ago
Baayi tis vede yo Miy wadsup Sand u Me 9249821844
Ted Sevilla
Ted Sevilla - 6 years ago
Very impressive I hope you do very well in the future you're video is excellent
Ballpark Franks
Ballpark Franks - 6 years ago
Fast as crap you hope but Belinda I got you
Samuel Caron
Samuel Caron - 6 years ago
Great content, great image quality and great choice of music.
caahacky - 6 years ago
On the sheet bend - which one would be the thicker line? Thanks
caahacky - 6 years ago
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
The one bent in half, thinner line goes through the eye and wraps. If the diameters are wildly diffferent, wrap more (your mileage may vary)
Dave Mello
Dave Mello - 6 years ago
Great Video ! Clear Instructions !
Subtle Nature
Subtle Nature - 6 years ago
Most instructive, best video I've seen in a while! Well done! I just realized..its crochet!!!!!
LexFloyd - 6 years ago
Very clear and articulate, thanks. Although the crime thriller music makes it a bit creepy...
al leggs
al leggs - 6 years ago
#7 knot is a variation of the fisherman's sliding knot
Just some guy
Just some guy - 6 years ago
Knot bad
tech things by SA
tech things by SA - 6 years ago
nice explanation
loved it
EL G - 6 years ago
You tie them knots like a sissy.
Bryan Sanchez
Bryan Sanchez - 6 years ago
I needed this
Bryan Sanchez
Bryan Sanchez - 6 years ago
I needed this
Earliana Bailey
Earliana Bailey - 6 years ago
instructions unclear currently tied to train tracks
game changer
game changer - 6 years ago
Which knot would be the best for attaching a camping hammock to trees, as it has to be strong enough to hold body weight
Matthew Kendall
Matthew Kendall - 6 years ago
I think a slipknot is more useful
scott stokes
scott stokes - 6 years ago
good, but you missed the rolling half-hitch
al leggs
al leggs - 6 years ago
The sheet bend is the knot you need 2 know when tying sheets together. When tied securely using the sheet bend the tied sheets will not come apart.
Prisoners escaping and needing to lower themselves from a high perch will want 2 learn this knot. However sheets can tear, inmates be careful & use caution when escape becomes necessary.
Layarion - 6 years ago
wish you could better explain in what situations these knots excel.
Jim Cook
Jim Cook - 6 years ago
I came across this purely by accident but I’m pleased I did. Well done!
JL Murph
JL Murph - 6 years ago
The last knot is tied to itself similar to how a prusik knot is tied to another rope.
JL Murph
JL Murph - 6 years ago
Excellent video and explanation. Thanks
stephen odell
stephen odell - 6 years ago
Note: one factor in choosing between a square knot or the sheet bend if a heavy load or a lot of strain always go for the sheet bend. The square knot well jam and it is a nearly impossible to untie. And now you know how to tie a a figure 8 knot you have no excuse to tie a over hand knot. Tight hitch is also called a rolling hitch. A modification of it is called a stopper hitch and is used in tie up huge ships. This is the best teaching video on this subject I have ever seen and I have forgotten more knots then most have ever learned.
Tiarnan Bonnes
Tiarnan Bonnes - 6 years ago
I haven’t watched the video yet but is there a noose in the video cus I need to no how to tie that
Sam Uel
Sam Uel - 6 years ago
Sheet bend knot was missing
AllOffroad 4x4 Adventures TV
AllOffroad 4x4 Adventures TV - 6 years ago
great video, very informative
yod bod
yod bod - 6 years ago
The British merchant navy uses only a few knots ,all of which can be found in the Bosuns manual.
These knots have been tried and tested over thousands of years not just for securing but for ease of tying in very adverse conditions..The bowline is a sheet bend and two lines can be joined as if tying a bowline without the loop.
A clove hitch is dangerous when making fast to an irregular object
A round turn and two half hitches is the best overall securing knot.
Agate2000 - 6 years ago
Very well done fantastic tutorial.
Kurt Schmidt
Kurt Schmidt - 6 years ago
Couple things:

1) Never use the reef knot as a bend
2) The tautline hitch, well, is an ambiguous name. As shown, it's good around a spar. See also the Midshipman's Hitch. The 2nd turn is above the first, giving the standing part a nice twist under tension.
Mike Payne
Mike Payne - 6 years ago
What about a double bowline? It's quick and easy. When used on a tow rope hooked to a typical tow hook on a pick up it's much stronger.
mark gutsche
mark gutsche - 6 years ago
All of these knots can be used to tie up illegal immigrants at the border
Kim Him
Kim Him - 6 years ago
Which knot do I use to tie my shoes?
Johnnyrag12 - 6 years ago
What type of rope is that
Ivans bod
Ivans bod - 6 years ago
Sheet bend(dubble) is also used for flags. Bowline for lasso?!

100. comment for 7 Essential Knots You Need To Know

Takingout thetrash
Takingout thetrash - 6 years ago
Serial killers thumb up this video
Mc Ruff
Mc Ruff - 6 years ago
+Super Ducky Well it wasnt as much as he didnt get the joke he more was offended
Super Ducky
Super Ducky - 6 years ago
+Mc Ruff he didn't get the joke
thats why
Mc Ruff
Mc Ruff - 6 years ago
+Super Ducky How is the a woosh?
Super Ducky
Super Ducky - 6 years ago
+Subtle Nature r/woooosh
Epic get trolled noob Epic
Epic get trolled noob Epic - 6 years ago
Didn’t know I had to explain a joke but since we’re here my joke was a suicide joke
lobmin - 6 years ago
@Subtle Nature why
Subtle Nature
Subtle Nature - 6 years ago
f96 - 6 years ago
We saw this when I was a Boy Scout, and When I saw the (or you’re a sissy) everybody in the scout was like, yeah true.
Norbert Pecheq
Norbert Pecheq - 6 years ago
Great !! I must confess I know just two knots : One on my boots and second is this one for hang myself....both are very usable as well...
Carson Murray
Carson Murray - 6 years ago
Nice, very good presentation of some great knots. For reference, these are the current required knots for Boy Scouts, minus the lashings. The figure 8 is not required but is taught
WeAllFamily - 6 years ago
Love the video but which one is a nose?
demetrisv08 - 6 years ago
Where can I buy this type of rope to practice
MegaJohnhammond - 6 years ago
what about a noose?
Joe Pieczynski
Joe Pieczynski - 6 years ago
Thanks for the lesson. Is there any way you could comment on the tie down method shown in this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcnBk1EvrXE&lc=UgxRlqGUXURipLu6-MN4AaABAg Some are calling this a clove hitch, but I disagree. Thanks.
binkyxz3 - 6 years ago
Midshipman's hitch is similar to but superior to tautline hitch. I would have included highwayman's hitch, also.
Rishi Menon
Rishi Menon - 6 years ago
i did knot know this. thanks for the video
Westley Howard
Westley Howard - 6 years ago
Isuckfortnite Bot
Isuckfortnite Bot - 6 years ago
Your fucking quick bowline is absolute shit
Cheryl van Hauen
Cheryl van Hauen - 6 years ago
It was the last one I had forgotten as I often need to tie down securely on my roof rack ..practicing now. Thanks!
Hagen Gilbert
Hagen Gilbert - 6 years ago
Thank you great video. Suggestion, possible to do it from a first person perspective?
Waxeye - 6 years ago
On the last one, also known as adjustable hitch, three passes gives a bit more grip
Trash Bino
Trash Bino - 6 years ago
or your a sissy XD
Kenneth Burlingham
Kenneth Burlingham - 6 years ago
Awesome knots
Kenneth Burlingham
Kenneth Burlingham - 6 years ago
I can't take it anymore..
i only knew that the figure 8 as u call it in English was used at the end of other knots for safety like at the end of a glove hitch for example (only with one rope).
Dave Kent
Dave Kent - 6 years ago
It was a well done video, and he did mention, at least once, making sure that everything is lying flat (correct term "dressed"). But, he only seemed to be dressing the top part that was visible in the video after he had finished tying it. I noticed that at least twice I could see that there was an unnecessary cross over of the lines on the underside of the knot (or bend).
It should be noted that a consequence of tying any knot in a line lowers the working strength of that line. It further lowers the working strength to have any line cross over that is not required by the knot.
Still, very well done.
omar oyt
omar oyt - 6 years ago
it's not the knots it's the rope TBH
Travis Smith
Travis Smith - 6 years ago
Good video not too slow and not too fast. You eplain well and I like that you use different color ropes really helps
Repent & Believe
Repent & Believe - 6 years ago
2 fast
Dr.Nadeem Qamar
Dr.Nadeem Qamar - 6 years ago
Love u
Event Horizon Productions
Event Horizon Productions - 6 years ago
Summary of this video:

"Here's knot #1 that's not a regular not that you should know"

"Here's knot #2 that's not a regular not that you should know"

"Here's knot #3 that's not a regular not that you should know"

"Here's knot #4 that's not a regular not that you should know"

"Here's knot #5 that's not a regular not that you should know"

"Here's knot #6 that's not a regular not that you should know"

"Here's knot #7 that's not a regular not that you should know"
TJ Ellis
TJ Ellis - 6 years ago
I am 100% knot interested in this video. This is Knot useful information. I do knot care . Knot for me. I will knot subscribe.
TURKOGLU 06 - 6 years ago
Hi which one is better for suicide? Bowline or is there a better method?
Polymathic Perturbations
Polymathic Perturbations - 6 years ago
"Release the Big Dog!" (Black Rifle Coffee add)
cnghiem67 - 6 years ago
Nice clear video that is easy to follow. Learned a couple nice things. Would have liked other knots though. Agree with rock climbing buddy who said why bother learn the bowline when the figure 8 is a much better knot with less chance of mistake. That is why rock climbers use them. Constrictor knot better than single hitch because less chance of slipping as you put it on. Also better alternative to taunt line hitch that is stronger. (Learned on another YouTube video.). Great tip from a female nurse colleague is to make knots quick/easier release by bending end and making it a loop instead of pulling the end through. So simple, can't believe I did not think of it earlier.
Murtaza Ali
Murtaza Ali - 6 years ago
knots are useful but difficult
javier martinezpulido
javier martinezpulido - 6 years ago
mil gracias,
Bill G
Bill G - 6 years ago
Very clear and I will practice using you instruction, thank you.
Steven Jennings
Steven Jennings - 6 years ago
Awesome informational educational video experience Y'alls my life is now complete
Neretaire Amenhotep
Neretaire Amenhotep - 6 years ago
Great refresher!!!! Ty
Juan de los Ríos
Juan de los Ríos - 6 years ago
Thanks, great tutorial. Do you recall what was exactly the rope you used in the video?
blipco5 - 6 years ago
The most important knot is the balloon knot.
arkahoot - 6 years ago
That is a great video!
Kevin Hicks
Kevin Hicks - 6 years ago
Aaaannnnddd....don't EVER use a reef knot for ANYTHING.
Halm Stad
Halm Stad - 6 years ago
i do knot understand this
Jim Thompson
Jim Thompson - 6 years ago
Great video. Thanks for posting.
diana lynn ward
diana lynn ward - 6 years ago
graham skilling
graham skilling - 6 years ago
Square knot also known as a reef knot
Karun Devvarma
Karun Devvarma - 6 years ago
Ben Paul
Ben Paul - 6 years ago
This is horse shit

You need to know reef knot

And hangman’s noose

If you have hangman’s noose you have blood knot as well

Oh and just like a Normal knot like you tie your shoes with

Truckies knot as well, that’s super handy

That’s four knots, it’s all you need
Caleb Morgan
Caleb Morgan - 6 years ago
Yay, I’m 7 for 7! I’m not a sissy! Seriously, tho, nice video bro. I’ve used every one of those many, many times as an arborist these past 20 years. Started with the taut line hitch for nearly a decade, but found the Schwabisch to be a better friction knot. Easier to tie and doesn’t bind under my weight like the old TL. Three loops up, then one down so that the bitter end and running ends are parallel. If they are opposite, like a clove hitch, that’s ok too, but it’s called something else.

I was also glad you mentioned dressing the knot. Most trouble people have untying knots are because they’re poorly dressed and sloppy
Shayaq Raza
Shayaq Raza - 6 years ago
Last one is suicidal
Jhazier Gonzalez
Jhazier Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Out of seven I got 5
Douglas Delia
Douglas Delia - 6 years ago
Watching at 1.5x speed makes the music sound amazing
Winnie Wild
Winnie Wild - 6 years ago
Loved your concise demonstration!
mathesai ramakrishna
mathesai ramakrishna - 6 years ago
thank you for your saying this subject
Danny Fubar
Danny Fubar - 6 years ago
Thank you for sharing, appreciated.
Livid Lover
Livid Lover - 6 years ago
Seems like a concise vid. I just was knot following well enough and unsuccessful getting the knots to work like he did.
PSYCHOO16 PSYCHO - 6 years ago
Simply in awe of the knots
ImNoBSING - 6 years ago
Ohh thanks! I did knot know these ;)
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
You better knot make jokes like that again.
madan verma
madan verma - 6 years ago
कोन सा भाषा बोलाथस यार येला छत्तीसगढ़ी मे गठान कथे भाई......
M B - 6 years ago
If you can't tie a knot tie allot.
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
First time I heard that was from a fellow lady Ranger
JUDALATION gamestrodamous
JUDALATION gamestrodamous - 6 years ago
How do I tie a noose?
Allan Gaudette
Allan Gaudette - 6 years ago
Man, the best knot tutorial I've evvver seen! enforces my boyscout days. subscribed
Mohamed Nasser
Mohamed Nasser - 6 years ago
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
CreditDebitCards CostYouMoney
CreditDebitCards CostYouMoney - 6 years ago
Lots of knots-very good and nice to know...thanks for posting!
Clarence Amayun
Clarence Amayun - 6 years ago
Thank you
Gartt - 6 years ago
i cant be the only one who thinks tying a noose is useful
Dayta - 6 years ago
even tho its well explained how to do them what i miss in those kind of videos are ... the reason for why this knot is used in a particular case and not the other knot . since when it comes down to every single knot is like -> its beeing use outdoors and aroudn the house (so outside and inside guess what thats everywhere) its not even a difference to at the end of the day not even worth mentioning since it doesnt seperate it from anything else its like saying .. this knot is beeing made with colored robes and also non colored ones. it has no meaning. what i think should be shown why certain knots are not working in a nother situation demonstrating why it has to be this and not another knot what made this or that knot beeing the best for certain situation otherwise its just like ... ok i can do all those things with just one knot that does the same thing all the others do. i hope you understand what part i feel is missing in those videos
Fiery Wolf - Levi
Fiery Wolf - Levi - 6 years ago
there is only one knot i need to know
Düellocu Aga
Düellocu Aga - 6 years ago
Ryuhitsuya 21
Ryuhitsuya 21 - 6 years ago
No noose?
Scott Bradley
Scott Bradley - 6 years ago
Boooooo! Didn't include the Constrictor knot or the trucker's hitch! Both are more useful on a daily routine than a figure 8 follow through (meaning absolutely zero ill intent to the figure 8, just most people don't climb on a daily routine) you are sissy if you don't include those knots. Constrictor for finding poles or for tying a bag closed. The trucker's hitch (or one of the many variants) for securing a trailer.
Matt McNeil
Matt McNeil - 6 years ago
Aren't a sheet bend and a bowline the same knot?
Edward Falk
Edward Falk - 6 years ago
This is a great video. Very clear and very good choices of which knots to feature. Kudos for NOT showing sheepshank, overhand, or other bad but popular knots.

Sheet bend is also good when the ropes are the same diameter. In general, the sheet bend is almost always a better choice than a square knot.

Taut line hitch is also used in aviation to tie small planes down.
Sudstah - 6 years ago
88k viewers talking about knots!
benji07 - 6 years ago
The cover hitch isn't a knot... It's a hitch
RAMPRAVESH Kumar - 6 years ago
Nice video
. Jason
. Jason - 6 years ago
I feel like I don't need to know how to do any of these.
Tim Johnston
Tim Johnston - 6 years ago
like to see you do a knot I seen once at a fishing wharf where after a big gale the lines were singing tight except for this one guy who could just grab a part of this knot and pull it and it was free.. No matter how tight the boats were pulling on it, he could get it loose in seconds.. da ya know that knot. that would be worth the while. Towing for one..
Hey Superman Look
Hey Superman Look - 6 years ago
For impatient people like me who want an index so they can quickly go to the knot they particularly wish to see..

0:14 square knot
0:53 Clove Hitch
2:13 Sheet Bend
3:13 Bowline
4:17 Figure 8 Loop
5:43 Round Turn - 2 Half Hitches
6:38 Taught Hitch
John Ames
John Ames - 6 years ago
it's funny that a guy who puts in the title "or your a sissy" also has perfectly waxed hands and trimmed nails as if he just went to the spa for the day before shooting the video, did you get a facial while you were there too?
Perktube1 - 6 years ago
You lost me on the figure eight thru a closed loop. But the rest was great!
Tetsu H
Tetsu H - 6 years ago
Thanks !
basil abedallah
basil abedallah - 6 years ago
Can any of these work when using cheap plastic rope?
Noob123 fortnite Lol you mad
Noob123 fortnite Lol you mad - 6 years ago
3:38 = suicide
Crown Arboriculture
Crown Arboriculture - 6 years ago
We rely on ropes and knots every day as climbing arborists. This video was straight out of the handbook from back in school. Very informative and well done. Lol I’d love to know who the hell disliked it and why.
jack watkins
jack watkins - 6 years ago
You know I really enjoyed your video. Hell the only two nights I know how to tie, are for tying fish hooks on, and I don't even know what they're called. My son work for asplundh for a few years, and then moved into transmission power line Construction. He ties all kind of knots and they work good I reckon. He gets up in the top of a tree or top of a pole and get up there and swing around and I don't reckon he's ever fell. He used to show me how to tie those knots but he was trying to do it fast and I guess I just couldn't keep up. But hey, just like I say that was a great video and I've saved it and now I can use my Hercules rope and don't have to cut the nod off every time! Oh I'll also be able to use the rope instead of chain and binder! Thanks and good day
Kevin Horn
Kevin Horn - 6 years ago
boo sissy shaming
Justin PH
Justin PH - 6 years ago
I though the same rope you used for the loop on the square knot was for the left over right loop...
My dad told me this because he is a mountaineer...
The Mysterious
The Mysterious - 6 years ago
When your new girl a freak so now you gotta take boy scouts lessons again but on yt
David Edgar Quiroz
David Edgar Quiroz - 6 years ago
Ur mising one knot ....ima nut on u lol tht one right there
uruiamnot - 6 years ago
Knot Impressed
Lake M
Lake M - 6 years ago
The Bowline and Slipknot are the only ones you need for tieing shit down!
Junjun - 6 years ago
No hangman knot? My fave one
George - 6 years ago
Why is the music so eerie?
Robo Masti
Robo Masti - 6 years ago
Amazing videos with awesome editing✌️✌️
alvin mercado
alvin mercado - 6 years ago
why your hand is so fast i hate the video
John Walker
John Walker - 6 years ago
Good, well laid out instructional video - could have made it eight with my favourite sheepshank (used to shorten a length of rope without cutting it).
Dennis Morris
Dennis Morris - 6 years ago
Knot tying proficiency fascinates me.
Ed Reynolds
Ed Reynolds - 6 years ago
TERRIBLE, right off the bat! This is to pass a skill on to others, right? Why are you showing hands opposite us? So you're showing how someone ELSE'S hands would do it? How are we supposed to manipulate the lines with someone else's hands? And who's going to remember that, or want or need to remember how SOMEONE ELSE'S hands do it? And what's left and what's right? Who's left and who's right? Then, you start flipping lines over one another BEFORE you explain what you're doing or going to do. Who would watch beyond that point? You've already boogered-up and confused any explanation and proven that you don't know how to pass on knowledge. Done. Thumbs down.
Ed Reynolds
Ed Reynolds - 6 years ago
Contrary to the square knot rhyme that everyone has heard, which is "right over left, and left over right", these hands actually do "left over right and right over left". That reversal may work fine here, but it totally guts the rhyme. And using someone else's hands? Using a perspective that you yourself cannot duplicate (unless you start off by saying, "first, get someone else to tie the knot"), you might as well show someone else's feet tying the knot.
Cha Due
Cha Due - 6 years ago
Thank you and great video
Rocke Bryers
Rocke Bryers - 6 years ago
I believe the last knot, the Taut-line hitch, is shown incorrectly.
DormantIdeas NIQ
DormantIdeas NIQ - 6 years ago
...and the slip knot, one of the most important, is missin', and the super most important a 'plastified' small chart you keep in your house, in your vehicles, on your key chain... as you will never remember hardly a one when you need it! but, hey! thou shal not bash the messenger. because your smart phone may prove to be useless at the very time!
MyCousinV1nny - 6 years ago
"Or you're a snowflake". Great video!
Lee McGann
Lee McGann - 6 years ago
The nice thing about the bowline is it won’t slip out & you can untie it, no matter how tight it has been pulled.
Anjar Basuki
Anjar Basuki - 6 years ago
Ronnie O
Ronnie O - 6 years ago
Great Thanks much!
hirundine - 6 years ago
Thanks, for a good selection of well-tied knots. You mention climbing? So, suppose that is your point-of-view background? Anyway, thanks again for an entertaining 8 mins.
Sokol - 6 years ago
Practiced this with a pair of headphones, GF's gonna be maid untying 7 knots.
Sean Michel
Sean Michel - 6 years ago
Captain of tieing knots
palisage - 6 years ago
Double fisherman's and trucker's hitch
Paul Correia
Paul Correia - 6 years ago
Great job teach, u must have been in the navy, or popeye is your uncle, very good info. Tks.!!
Jada Ferguson
Jada Ferguson - 6 years ago
Some of these were way to hard to do
OFFSITE88 - 6 years ago
Camera angle is wrong. It's difficult to follow what you do because you're facing your audience.
William Reynolds
William Reynolds - 6 years ago
Very informative and well explained. Thank you.
Stephen Rigsby
Stephen Rigsby - 6 years ago
I think your bowline is wrapping around the trunk of the tree in the wrong direction. You should end up with the line end on the outside of the loop formed by the knot not on the inside of the loop.
Adam S
Adam S - 6 years ago
Nice video. How do you stop the rope end from slipping out of the knot. Mine often does even when tied tightly. I usually put a big knot at the end, but is there another way
Andrej Jesenovec
Andrej Jesenovec - 6 years ago
Sheet bend is the same as bowline.
Hamid Muslem
Hamid Muslem - 6 years ago
nice work.
Bobby Doran
Bobby Doran - 6 years ago
whats the rush man? Pausing and rewinding effort.. dislike from me
William Barnes
William Barnes - 6 years ago
Fantastically informative. I intend on forcing my 16yr old to watch this video several times. As yesterday he was incapable of tying our pit to her run line.
David Standley
David Standley - 6 years ago
I have some work to do this weekend and will rely on this. Thank you. Great video.
Douglas McIntyre
Douglas McIntyre - 6 years ago
Why is bowline pronounced "bow-lyn" rather than "bow-line"? Anybody? I'm guessing it goes back to a pronunciation used in Britain.
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
Like many nautical terms, they evolve over time (accelerated by alcohol consumption and different accents). Take for instance gunnel/gunwale because of gun ports on the deck of naval ships.
Abd Noury
Abd Noury - 6 years ago
Wow I was too close to be a "sissy" , you saved my life :/
joe Recto
joe Recto - 6 years ago
55 years ago, I inherited my Father's 1944 copyright ( Doubleday) " The Ashley Book of Knots". To this Day, I still have it, and refer to it often.What an Excellent Book! I use Rope, and Cordage in many of my Recreational, and Professional activities.
rredhawk - 6 years ago
I remember some of these from Boy Scouts (Pioneering Merit Badge). Sheep Shank was another one they taught us but can't remember what it is used for.
AstroSurge - 6 years ago
Reef knot
Left over right, right over left bam.
I'm a kid.

I go to scouts hehe
zuhn - 6 years ago
Just tryin to hang myself found how too just saying thanks before I hang myself thankd
Republic Galaxy
Republic Galaxy - 6 years ago

P.S - The is nothing square about it.
Hassan alkash
Hassan alkash - 6 years ago
Great and useful vid,
Thanks for sharing
Rakshan Mitresh
Rakshan Mitresh - 6 years ago
Please tell and give fisherman knot and round turn and two half hitches please send it faster I have an scouts and guides examinatiob
TilDeath1776 US
TilDeath1776 US - 6 years ago
Gotta splinter while tying knot, also got dick stuck in granny's knot. Need more direction asap
Cory Ave
Cory Ave - 6 years ago
And kids also loved these knot tying.
allen bold
allen bold - 6 years ago
excellent clear video
Meat Face 156
Meat Face 156 - 6 years ago
Thanks for this video. Very useful and helpful
bella wang
bella wang - 6 years ago
we profession pp pe twist rope , braided rope. if you want to know more , can email me :shirley.zhang@dtltrope.com or add my whatsapp : +0086 15263901538

Harry Chen
Harry Chen - 6 years ago
The Square Knot does not seem to be strong enough to link two lines. Disappointing.
Geoffrey Hattersley
Geoffrey Hattersley - 6 years ago
The first knot is more commonly known as REEF KNOT anywhere else in the world.
Jeff Hambleton
Jeff Hambleton - 6 years ago
Great videos. I just wish you'd go slower. It's frustrating trying to play back over and over.
bun bon
bun bon - 6 years ago
Woooof! Thang God I'm not a sissy!
me me
me me - 6 years ago
Well I’m a sissy anyway....lol
John Brown
John Brown - 6 years ago
Best knot video I have seen. Thank you
Adrian train
Adrian train - 6 years ago
Bowline is pronounced "Bow Line" so like a bow in bow tie and line is like Drawing a straight Line..... not Bowlin like you're saying. Sounds like bowling........ you definitly miss pronounce or miss use alot of your knots...... not bashing on you, just saying...
BleedingRaindrops - 6 years ago
Great video, though I was taught that last knot differently. I was always taught to make the tail the same direction as the loop.
Robert Brunston
Robert Brunston - 6 years ago
Very good
John Limongello
John Limongello - 6 years ago
I suck at remembering these
Richard Tester
Richard Tester - 6 years ago
Great video I knew 5 out of the 7 knots, but the two I learned were awesome
Go CPNG - 6 years ago
Peep The Music
Kevin the 'Center Venter'
Kevin the 'Center Venter' - 6 years ago
I did KNOT know this
you2tooyou2too - 6 years ago
Notice the bowline looks exactly like the sheet-bend. Also if improperly loaded (to stretch the bite) bowline, sheet-bend, and square-knot, all open(sink) into slip-knots.
The Clove hitch is 2 identical half-hitches, side by side.
The Taught-line finish is just a slightly modified clove hitch on a slip-knot.
All critical use nots should be backed with snugged half-hitch or overhand, even if they are 'slipped'.
irishtoffee 1
irishtoffee 1 - 6 years ago
Very useful, thanks
KingPrintmaker - 6 years ago
Umm, i think i was technically a sissy before this video.
Stephen Odell
Stephen Odell - 6 years ago
I like this guy. he shows you how to tie the knots.
speedskis777 - 6 years ago
will that James Bond music cue every time I tie it correctly
Flabian - 6 years ago
The 7 knots:
- Square knot 00:06
- Clove hitch 00:47
- Sheet bend (+ double sheet bend) 02:06
- Bowline 03:06
- Figure 8 loop 04:08
- Round turn + two 1/2 hitches 05:39
- Taut-line hitch 06:32
Dave Max's
Dave Max's - 6 years ago
Buy a Boy Scout Handbook.
TheBoostedBass - 6 years ago
I'm assuming by " figure eight loop " you mean a figure eight in a bight
Eric Portillo
Eric Portillo - 6 years ago
7 nots you need to no
Janice Lareau
Janice Lareau - 6 years ago
There's no video I keep opening it to play and there's no play button on it to play it
RTD - 6 years ago
Excellent instructions
inixio11 - 6 years ago
very neatly done. Good job.
Haider Ejaz
Haider Ejaz - 6 years ago
number 1: noose
varsha tilavat
varsha tilavat - 6 years ago
Coleen West
Coleen West - 6 years ago
I don't understand... Why are there so many different types of knots involved in sailing? Why not always use the same one (presumably the one that holds the knot best)?
Rajendra Bhosale
Rajendra Bhosale - 6 years ago
really nice work!
ukspizzaman - 6 years ago
I learned the slip knot when I was a kid. Dunno why.
kuma - 6 years ago
Good informative video. Clear, simple & to the point. Thanks for that. BTW, you have a great speaking voice.
10 Mil
10 Mil - 6 years ago
A noose is better than the last knot
WalkMrJ - 6 years ago
5. is a woven figure 8. And you've found a really neat use for it. But the knot itself is used to tie off a cut line to prevent fraying and to prevent the rope from coming free (like you see in the movies). Also, in your last attempt, if you didn't twist the line, you wouldn't have had the twist in your final product. Tie it right or don't use it.
themonkeydrunken - 6 years ago
I thought the two half-hitches were supposed to be in opposite directions. Can you confirm which way is right?
eirini Moussiadou
eirini Moussiadou - 6 years ago
I know all of this cause i am going sailing
Ramnarayan Shukla
Ramnarayan Shukla - 6 years ago
Good works
HOLTZ SURVIVAL - 6 years ago
In my industry we call the "round turn 2 half hitch " knot , a pipe hitch !!! However we loop the pipe at least 5 times ..
666medojed666 jirka
666medojed666 jirka - 6 years ago
number 8 hangmans noose
mrbigheart - 6 years ago
this is awesome!!
James Brownmiller
James Brownmiller - 6 years ago
Very good video presentation!
Alin Catana
Alin Catana - 6 years ago
I needed the last one (no. 7).... Thanks!
jagadeesan vediyappan
jagadeesan vediyappan - 6 years ago
Kevin Barry
Kevin Barry - 6 years ago
How about a sheep shank?
outdoorzone - 6 years ago
Your clove hitch demo was great and recommended but the single sheetbend is not good as it needs to be replaced with the double sheetbend which is much better! The tautline is a great knot I recommend the others are optional and not really necessary as the bowline can replace many of those!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Roland Kovalenoks
Roland Kovalenoks - 6 years ago
I was so surprised that I actually knew all these knots yet I used to do commercial fishing back in the day
Sameer Pradhan
Sameer Pradhan - 6 years ago
Thanks bro.I want to learn more tricks from u,so can u plz,.....
AlexanderTheGreat - 6 years ago
The last one is one of my favorites as well
Touka Kirishima
Touka Kirishima - 6 years ago
actually it's 8
sknight11b - 6 years ago
I need a knot that is stong enough to pull with and easy to release. I’m pulling a conveyor belt with a truck and tired or cutting bad knots
YeezyMania 350
YeezyMania 350 - 6 years ago
Not how you tie a clove hitch
Just Dew It!
Just Dew It! - 6 years ago
Taut line is hands down the best around-the-camp knot. Nice vid
me maw
me maw - 6 years ago
Finally have a use for a few feet of loose paracord now. Thanks m8
J Gallagher
J Gallagher - 6 years ago
LOL...he repeats himself describing the use of each knot...they are all for "boating, outdoor, and around the home"—the only one that had a practical example was the axe handle, the rest aren't clear how they are used. He also doesn't explain terms like bight, jamming, dressing...which seems odd since this in supposed to be an introduction to basic essential knots.
Debee DiMenichi
Debee DiMenichi - 6 years ago
I'm trying to tie a kudzu vine to a hook in the ceiling with fishing wire. I'm using it as a curtain rod and the gnarled vine is too heavy on one side. What knot do you suggest?
chesshooligan 1
chesshooligan 1 - 6 years ago
In summary, all knots are used for boating/sailing, outdoor, home & garden.
Radman SA
Radman SA - 6 years ago
Cool! Thanks for sharing such a good clear instructed video
GrimReapeter - 6 years ago
is this just normal paracord you used?
Walking Trek
Walking Trek - 6 years ago
Very interesting video
Christopher Young
Christopher Young - 6 years ago
A hitch isn't a knot
Figure 8's weren't dressed correctly.
world free
world free - 6 years ago
These knots are taught to Scouts and Guides specially for various purposes
Paul A
Paul A - 6 years ago
5:46 This one is dangerous. If you pull with your weight it goes.
lynx yellow
lynx yellow - 6 years ago
You may think of demonstrating the buntlilne - deceptive simple but works well, and adding one more turn in the inner loop turns it to one that is as functional as a taut-line hitch.
Bryce Strong
Bryce Strong - 6 years ago
Outstanding. Very professional and easy to understand. Where did you purchase the rope used?
forgotten57 _
forgotten57 _ - 6 years ago
I never really learned how to tie knots so I was self taught but they never lasted long so I did the best things

Search it up and boy it was handy
Chasengunz Outdoors
Chasengunz Outdoors - 6 years ago
Enjoyed the video. Keep up the hard work. Be blessed
Eider Joselito Chaves C.
Eider Joselito Chaves C. - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Barbara G
Barbara G - 6 years ago
Great video, I learned a lot from this and thank you for posting it.
J Shysterr
J Shysterr - 6 years ago
It's so useful to know all these knots.  I only know how to tie my shoes.
lynx yellow
lynx yellow - 6 years ago
I practiced knot tying and this one shows the different ways of doing clove hitch or figure eight.
ripperr roo
ripperr roo - 6 years ago
Congratulations for tying the knot!
Dub Siren
Dub Siren - 6 years ago
perfect, thank you !
Todd Bollinger
Todd Bollinger - 6 years ago
Thank you, InnerBark Outdoors, and thank you, Boy Scouts.
402RFC - 6 years ago
doing video instruction should be from the instructors point of view for all the instruction
Lovell Rodriguez
Lovell Rodriguez - 6 years ago
2012truth1776 - 6 years ago
The Double Sheet bend, created the - Pi- symbol, interesting.....
Jacob - 6 years ago
Best knot tying video on the internet!
Amy Luna Manderino
Amy Luna Manderino - 6 years ago
"or you're a sissy?" Fragile Masculinity Alert
yeetus that fetus
yeetus that fetus - 6 years ago
The only knot I need is a hangmans knot
AntumDeluge - 6 years ago
I need to practice that taut-line hitch. Looks like just what I need.
ii_ _bubblegum
ii_ _bubblegum - 6 years ago
I know all these I'm in the sea cadets and I can tie all them in 10 seconds
S D K Sadhana
S D K Sadhana - 6 years ago
Thank you
Easy to understand
Well explained
BigBrown Dad
BigBrown Dad - 6 years ago
True story: I had no belt today and my pants were falling...so I bought paracord and used the Taut-line knot. Thank you. Great knot.
David Madison The Guardian
David Madison The Guardian - 6 years ago
Appreciate this video. Learned a faster way to tie that bowline; and then learned about the taut line knot. Still working on figuring out how to tighten that taut line when I have it where I finally want it.

Great stuff and highly useful.

Figured out that the sheet bend can easily be converted to or from the square knot or the reef knot.
avrumi solaimani
avrumi solaimani - 6 years ago
lol u failed at the sheetbend u got to wrap around the long end side
Claude Bussieres
Claude Bussieres - 6 years ago
I hadn’t practiced my knot-making in quite a while. This guide will be handy now that I am a boat owner. Thanks for this!
Man Kind
Man Kind - 6 years ago
i will be ready for zombie survival now!
Red Eye
Red Eye - 6 years ago
The 6 is what most people use. Ive seen number 7 used for primitive rope trap.
Brother Kash
Brother Kash - 6 years ago
Basically they're all used in sailing, outdoor, garden and home lol!
Joe MeLampy
Joe MeLampy - 6 years ago
Is the 6th one, the “Round Turn + 2 half hitches”, also known as a backhand hitch?
David Lomm
David Lomm - 6 years ago
Wouldn't the Bowline Know be pronounced as "Bow-Line" Knot ?... Like,... Tying a knot into the Bow Line of a boat to secure the Bow ?
grantorino2009 - 6 years ago
Simply outstanding.
अतिसुन्दर व आकर्षक गांठें ।
धन्यवाद जी।
Caitlin StyPayHorLikSon
Caitlin StyPayHorLikSon - 6 years ago
jacky chan
jacky chan - 6 years ago
Thanks for training
Anglish Sam
Anglish Sam - 6 years ago
Thanks for this knowledge.. Sir
Stupid Lucas
Stupid Lucas - 6 years ago
You forgot the nuse
Envy West
Envy West - 6 years ago
Testing myself:
Platte knoop
Dubbele achtknoop
Dubbele paalsteek (i think)

I remembered 5 out of 7. Not too bad
Matthew Tullis
Matthew Tullis - 6 years ago
Sapper, you are a no go at this station
Carla Araujo
Carla Araujo - 6 years ago
Awesome video thanks for sharing
bumboclat - 6 years ago
Nice explanations! Why did you not include the marlinspike and the prusik? I find those two super useful
Raaj Parkour tutorials
Raaj Parkour tutorials - 6 years ago
Great Sir
Maravarman Manoharan
Maravarman Manoharan - 6 years ago
very much helpful Thanks
DJay J
DJay J - 6 years ago
Finally a video that shows a correct taut line hitch!
Shadow Blade
Shadow Blade - 6 years ago
Where is the slip knot
Shadow Blade
Shadow Blade - 6 years ago
Reef knot also can be easily done with only 1 rope
BrokenCurtain - 6 years ago
Personally, I prefer the constrictor knot over the clove hitch. It's so much more secure.
D'lish Donut
D'lish Donut - 6 years ago
I feel like the bowline knot is all you need for most of the functions demonstrated.
rintusss rintusss
rintusss rintusss - 6 years ago
I have learned these during my school days..in BHARAT SCOUT AND GUIDE....
These are really really useful knots..
Thank you for sharing these ..
Good demonstration brother
Tad Richard
Tad Richard - 6 years ago
Two things make this the best video on knots I've seen: 1) You explain the purpose of each knot. E.g. The sheet bends is used to join two lines. 2) You show the knots in context. E.g. How to tie the clove hitch around a post with an exposed end; how to tie it around a post without.

Great job.
Dan The Outdoors Man
Dan The Outdoors Man - 6 years ago
Thank you guys for taking the time to make this very easily understood great job
AJohnson0325 - 6 years ago
The alpine butterfly is a really handy one too even if you are not a climber. There are literally whole books written just on how to tie knots because there are so many.
Douglas McIntyre
Douglas McIntyre - 6 years ago
Thanks for an excellent "how-to" video.
Pretty Prudent
Pretty Prudent - 6 years ago
Is this a Joke? These knots are not even secure.
Steve Koschella
Steve Koschella - 6 years ago
The tautline hitch is one of the best, but most poorly applied knots, and one of the most common to fail. It is important to determine the degree of friction your cord possesses. If you have "slippery" cordage you may need to apply a third starting turn, and then ensure that you cinch the knot well before employing it.

I usually end the knot with a slip knot rather than pulling the cord right through. This allows for quick release regardless of how tight the knot becomes. But with very low friction cordage I always use prussick loops.
Naveen.lic5855 Sati
Naveen.lic5855 Sati - 6 years ago
It is too good and helpful for me becoz I am going to tritiya sopan
Dave Stansfield
Dave Stansfield - 6 years ago
Taut-Line is my favourite. I like to use it while camping as it has so many uses.Tents, tarps, or anything else requiring a line to be tightened. Very easy to loosen also.
Kirai - 6 years ago
Great video. Clear and well recorded/positioned. This was very useful for every1 no matter which situation they get into
Isomer Mashups
Isomer Mashups - 6 years ago
Wait... is a taut-line hitch also a noose? XD
Isomer Mashups
Isomer Mashups - 6 years ago
Why the hell am I watching a knot-tying video at midnight?
JosefKKafka - 6 years ago
A really good and clear presentation. Also, the "Chat" is kept to the bare essentials. Thank you.
Jim Carter
Jim Carter - 6 years ago
This excellent, covers the essentials.
Roman Blanks
Roman Blanks - 6 years ago
What's the best knot to use to securely tie someone to a chair?
Please let me know quickly - they are about to regain consciousness.

Joking aside, very helpful video, good clear demonstrations. Thankyou.
Junb Gurung
Junb Gurung - 6 years ago
Good job I learned from this clip thank you.
Choco Lanai
Choco Lanai - 6 years ago
I want to know a knot use for hanging myself
Ofbaserion - 6 years ago
Unintentional asmr.
Roger Whittle
Roger Whittle - 6 years ago
I hate to be 'pickie', but I don't think the Rolling Hitch (Taut Line Hitch) was quite right? We used to do it this way for years, until an ex Sea Scout from Dublin showed us we had it wrong. ('We' being Scout Leaders who teach knots and lashings to our kids.) In the same orientation as the film, you go round the object (tent peg, eye bolt, whatever) and do your first half hitch around the standing part. The second half hitch should cross the first and 'squeeze into the notch' between the half hitch and the working end. To the left of the first half hitch. If you have it right, it should sort of 'click' into place. Finish it as per the film, with a half hitch to the left of the crossover. They both work, but this way makes 'a lock' that is less likely to slip - unless you want it to.
I like the 'twist twice' to get a Figure Eight - I'll use that in future - and well done for the Double Sheet Bend (rarely mentioned and very useful) and the Follow On Figure Eight.
Shane Miller
Shane Miller - 6 years ago
A taughtline hitch has 4 loops , not three. Try the blacke hitch instead. It doesnt unroll like the taught is prone to.
Shane Miller
Shane Miller - 6 years ago
A proper clove hitch is followed by 2 half hitches.
DeathDragon7050 - 6 years ago
For the last one just tie a noose it’s easier
Michael Wanyo
Michael Wanyo - 6 years ago
Thank you for this
SNAFU - 6 years ago
fuck you
Anthony Johnston
Anthony Johnston - 6 years ago
tacnical smart
tacnical smart - 6 years ago
Sopab video fand
Plague Doctor
Plague Doctor - 6 years ago
No quick release knots or knots that are easy to untie after bearing a large weight? I don't think you thought through the "essential" part very well, and may in fact have landed on "knots I like" or "knots I use for my specific hobbies". Not very smart m8.
Aerospace Engineering 1
Aerospace Engineering 1 - 6 years ago
Anuradha Patil
Anuradha Patil - 6 years ago
very good ..useful information
Rhys Beer
Rhys Beer - 6 years ago
Whats the best knot to keep tention on the rope and hold for a long period of time.
Paulo Gutierrez
Paulo Gutierrez - 6 years ago
XD for the last one I had to view it on slow mo in order to make it
AnteConfig - 6 years ago
I wonder if tying knots is something that ninjas studied.
Emre Türker
Emre Türker - 6 years ago
Thank you very much. Perfect explanations.
Daniel Andrews
Daniel Andrews - 6 years ago
I don't know if it's a difference in terminology but during your clove hitch demonstration, you said "pass the loose end over the working end" which is different to what I've been taught through years at sea, and I'm quite sure it's wrong. What you call the 'loose end' is actually called the 'working end/part', and what you're referring to as the 'working end' is actually the 'standing end/part'. It's a small mistake but if I was to explain these knots to somebody who had previously watched this video, they'd probably be confused.

'Working part' - The active part of a line tying a knot
'Standing part' - The inactive part of a line
blake murray
blake murray - 6 years ago
WAY to fast, for a beginner like me there knots are exactly what I need but your going at a a pace 3 times as fast as I go. Good knots, bad video.
me maw
me maw - 6 years ago
blake murray you could always just slow the vid down
fred video
fred video - 6 years ago
Doom Smythe
Doom Smythe - 6 years ago
Fuck u
David Mujirishvili
David Mujirishvili - 6 years ago
Thank you now I can hang myself easier
Subtle Nature
Subtle Nature - 6 years ago
Oh grow up
MerlinsJester - 6 years ago
The Carrick Bend trumps the Reef Knot. It doesn’t jam when wet, and compromises the strength of the lines it bends much less.
Nick Dawn
Nick Dawn - 6 years ago
One of the things that is beneficial with these knots often not said is that besides of how effective they are, they are easy to take apart. They don't bind like regular ones.
Stanislav Bonev
Stanislav Bonev - 6 years ago
Please have this video removed!!!
Bout knot eight shown are wrong!
Please take precautions!
Someone will die because of YOU!!!
Marc Burzynski
Marc Burzynski - 6 years ago
you are doing the bowline knot incorrectly
Huntz Kushe
Huntz Kushe - 6 years ago
The knot gods have spoken!!
FLORIDA MAN - 6 years ago
I can’t even tie my shoes and im 30 yrs old. Still wearing velcros
rigman031977 - 6 years ago
Thilly Thailor that is the #1 reason I prefer a good pair of boots.
PPP AAA - 6 years ago
Hey genius, how many loops are you dealing with. Thumbs down hombre!
Phenomenon Gaming
Phenomenon Gaming - 6 years ago
U forgot the most essential one,
The noose
Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly - 6 years ago
This video will explain everything to you technically and give you the %'s of strength etc.
Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly - 6 years ago
The clove hitch is not a knot. The sheet bend is not a knot.
btw there are two different bowlines. One is slightly stronger than the other. Innerbark I leave it as an exercise to you to learn and you should explain to people the difference and the % difference in strength.
Evan Price
Evan Price - 6 years ago
Bowline is easily the most important knot to know
chesshooligan 1
chesshooligan 1 - 6 years ago
I disagree. The square knot allows you to tie your jumper (sweat shirt) around your waist without it falling, and has many other uses in everyday life. Most people don't sail, and the bowline is very rarely used in climbing. Even the prusik, which isn't included in this video, is used a lot more often in climbing than the bowline.
Jeffrey Crawley
Jeffrey Crawley - 6 years ago
Just learn the sheet bend - it's the SAME thing only on a bight.
PartiZAn18 - 6 years ago
"The King of Knotsć
Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly - 6 years ago
Yes definitely the most important and applies to so many different situations.
Adrian Reimer
Adrian Reimer - 6 years ago
Quite usefull. Knot.
DeathRunner7564 - 6 years ago
0:14 square knot

0:53 clove hitch

2:13 sheet bend

3:13 bowline

4:16 figure 8 loop

5:45 round turn + two 1/2 hitches

6:39 taut-line hitch

hope this helps
ahb boc
ahb boc - 5 years ago
liar -don't try to claim technical claims here...
Mick Stupp
Mick Stupp - 5 years ago
The Lyons Moving and Storage guy who brought our furniture to us in 1965 taught by dad and me what he called a 'mover's knot'.  It's the same as a round turn, but instead of tightening down on the hitches, he spaced the loops 3 to 5 inches apart.  It requires at least 3 hitches though ... and 4 or 5 if the rope is slippery nylon. The beauty is it is loose and unties quickly because the loops are separated and spaced apart from each other.  Most useful knot ever.  It NEVER will slip or cinch up on you... useful when tying something down or pulling on something.
Kevin Stempien
Kevin Stempien - 6 years ago
+Dan Kelly well the average person doest know the difference I doubt people are searching for hitches you need to know
Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly - 6 years ago
Note that he calls all of them knots which is incorrect.
Ben Nutley
Ben Nutley - 6 years ago
I swear sailors must be the most bored people on the planet coming up with so many thousands of knots.
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
Yeah, look at celtic knots!
jeremy branham
jeremy branham - 6 years ago
Thanks Andy! This is good stuff
John-lee Swann
John-lee Swann - 6 years ago
Excellent easy to follow guides. Well done.
Sunil Garje
Sunil Garje - 6 years ago
Where did you get your rope from ?
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
The rope store. Kidding. I got a length of this stuff at a climbing shop near me old place on the edge o' town.
SPIRIT DOT - 6 years ago
Boss man, you are demostrating the knotting methods waaaaay to fucking fast!! Thanks though.
Erlend Jørgensen
Erlend Jørgensen - 6 years ago
Too fast. I can't follow
H reyes
H reyes - 6 years ago
MWTC comes to mind whem i saw this..without the prusik and fishermans knot i think
TheVJProduction - 6 years ago
This beard miraculously grew out of no where on my face after watching your video. Now im ready to concur all the 7 oceans.
Science 2020
Science 2020 - 6 years ago
Why isn’t there a noose? Not for hanging, but for boating
Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly - 6 years ago
I think you mean a splice. You can learn that in 5 minutes.
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 6 years ago
Never needed a noose for the type of boating I did, but we did use a monkey's fist for a mail line.
Shahma Chulliyan
Shahma Chulliyan - 6 years ago
this video very help for my guides ts exam
Robert Windmeyer
Robert Windmeyer - 6 years ago
I always had trouble finding the right knot to use during various situations, thank you so much.
Tributary House Ltd.
Tributary House Ltd. - 6 years ago
Neat, my tenure as a boyscout is easily justified.

Remember when boys used to learn boy shit by doing boy shit out where it's dirty and nobody bitches about safe spaces and being offended?? Oh... I've offended somebody by calling knots "boy shit"?? Better bitch about it in a safe space.

Now I'm sad. I'll go tie some knots and beat shit with an axe.... if it doesn't make me smile, it'll at least make me ripped!
Nick Efstathiou
Nick Efstathiou - 6 years ago
In your video you use two different color ropes which makes it so easy to follow, thanks.
uday sharda
uday sharda - 6 years ago
I thought knots we're difficult but these knots seem so easy
Сергей Алешкевич
Сергей Алешкевич - 6 years ago
Восьмерка с перехлеснами!
Gary Norris
Gary Norris - 6 years ago
boashna - 6 years ago
I am all knotted up amazing
Tyler Campbell
Tyler Campbell - 6 years ago
Great video was looking to learn about loops and tying knots. You should use it on objects so that we can see how effective they are
Amazing 10
Amazing 10 - 6 years ago
4:19 strong
Bobby Peru
Bobby Peru - 6 years ago
ight but how do u tie a n o o s e my guy
Chitla.Vijaya Sagar Reddy
Chitla.Vijaya Sagar Reddy - 6 years ago
Chrisdent619 - 6 years ago
Just subscribed! Great stuff cant wait for more
Brendan Quirke
Brendan Quirke - 6 years ago
Lukeamania - 6 years ago
I'm going to watch this video and practice until I have them all memorized. I'm going to the Boundry Waters this summer and I want to know all these.
Spewedonyou - 6 years ago
Great presentation and clear instructions. Nice job.
Wilson Quelnat
Wilson Quelnat - 6 years ago
Im Zinox
Im Zinox - 6 years ago
A little too fast my dude
Louis Drexel
Louis Drexel - 6 years ago
The reef knot- for reefing a sail. Reefing a sail means taking a section of sail and tying It Off to the boom or mast to reduce its size in the Advent of a storm.
Patrick Ramos
Patrick Ramos - 6 years ago
How to Knot
How to Knot - 6 years ago
Excellent presentation, very clean and organized!
DonutsRYummy - 7 years ago
Cool that last one is like a more advanced slipknot
Matt Josephson
Matt Josephson - 7 years ago
I cant like this video enough! Great explanation and filming. I wish I took the small amount of time to learn these before, very useful stuff here, no more double overhand knots for me! thanks!
MountaineerOutdoors - 7 years ago
Hey guys please subscribe to my channel if you’re interested in Outdoors, learning about survival skills, and or enjoy fishing, reviews Etc. I will start doing shoutouts at the end of my videos! Please subscribe Thanks!
jaramaya hayes
jaramaya hayes - 7 years ago
Great video I’m a Eagle Scout and I now teach my Boy Scout troop knots
Beyond This
Beyond This - 7 years ago
Very well done video and instructions. Nailed it. Thank you
Lynda Payne
Lynda Payne - 7 years ago
I make a bowline from a slip knot. Is fast and makes the bowline more usefull.
Yves Tessier
Yves Tessier - 7 years ago
Tengooda - 7 years ago
Warning about the sheet bend: it is NOT easy to undo if the rope has experienced a very heavy load. I use a portable winch for hauling timber that exert a force of up to 1000 Newtons (aka one tonne) with a 12mm diameter non-stretch rope. I generally use bowline knots for joining and have never had any difficulty in undoing them however high the load - it is always easy to do so. Today I decided to use a sheet bend to join two ropes together because it is slightly simpler and quicker to tie a single sheet bend than using two bowlines - but I found it very difficult to untie the two ropes. After about five minutes of struggling I had to resort to using a metal hook to prise the ropes apart.
So, maybe the sheet bend is easy enough to undo if the load is small, but it should not be used where the applied load is very large.
chesshooligan 1
chesshooligan 1 - 6 years ago
1,000 newtons is not one tonne.
1 newton = 1 kg * 1 m/s^2
1 kilogram-force = 1 kg * 9,8 m/s^2 = 9.8 newtons
1 tonne = 1,000 kgf = 9,800 newtons
DontFear Respect
DontFear Respect - 7 years ago
Great explanations, I think a few examples would have been good
ronnie doorzon
ronnie doorzon - 7 years ago
i use alot of those knots, but never knew how they were called.
0MindSwept0 - 7 years ago
Most of these are pretty simple, but I had to speed up the video to make it watchable
Rex & Meh
Rex & Meh - 7 years ago
I am in Boy Scouts so this is very very useful
The elephant In the room
The elephant In the room - 7 years ago
With the music I though I was getting a mission briefing in the Vietnam jungles
Nizo Dizo
Nizo Dizo - 7 years ago
I like your knots but I need knots that can be easliy untied. I am not made of tie money you know.
Pravin Shety
Pravin Shety - 7 years ago
It is Fantastic. My Son learnt from this video.
TooRouxlsForKaards - 7 years ago
Okay but where's the noose.
Russel Walker
Russel Walker - 7 years ago
Excellent presentation of useful knots. However I can't ever reccomend actually using the clove hitch and its always worth mentioning that in a sheet bend the two tag ends (end parts) should end up in the same side. Also a double sheet bend should be preferable to a square knot (reef knot) and a zepplin preferable to that (if both lines are the same diameter).
Arther Casillas
Arther Casillas - 7 years ago
3:14 Bowline
s6th - 7 years ago
Fantastic! Great selection of knots, great explanations with nice bright colours and depictions of the tying process without some dudes hand in the way. Something to share around for sure.
Guddu Sahu
Guddu Sahu - 7 years ago
Whatsapp no send me plze sir i send u picture plze hep me how make this 91 8087171486 my whatsapp no
Brian Foster
Brian Foster - 7 years ago
The square knot is also known as the surprise slip knot. Enough pressure in the wrong way will force the unwanted change. It's not a good knot. It just looks nice because of symmetry
Annemarie van Riet
Annemarie van Riet - 7 years ago
nice, Ilike it.
lazynut - 7 years ago
Non of this knots ever be use for. Sooo useless.
Chewy Frog
Chewy Frog - 7 years ago
Perfect beautifully presented knots and nice fingernails too.
/b/ Tard
/b/ Tard - 7 years ago
The noose is the only one I need...
DaZZlAck385 - 6 years ago
u still alive man?
Radhey Lal
Radhey Lal - 6 years ago
/b/ Tard and
edi - 7 years ago
2 of them I didn't know and 2 I dislike, because they are unreliable (bowline and the combination of two ropes). I missed a self tightening loop and a hitch that can be pulled in the direction of the poles end without slipping off. Also a quick release hitch would be a good addition.
Ben Zun
Ben Zun - 7 years ago
All my scouts know these knots
Here to hear
Here to hear - 7 years ago
Great video! I believe I've been working the "forget me knot" too much. Great to review.
Love2Wander - 7 years ago
Good info thanks for sharing
RandomPokecenter - 7 years ago
The bowline is perfect for when you think life is getting too hard
John O
John O - 7 years ago
Very clear and easy to understand, learned a lot. Thanks!
utomo pandu
utomo pandu - 7 years ago
Elsa Livazo
Elsa Livazo - 7 years ago
The best video of all.
Mate ,10 seconds of the video you allready show the knots.
Many of then last 12 minutes approximate.
At half of the video still talking and talking stupid things that have nothing to do with the knots.
You explanations is a pleasure tho watch. Sorry for my English and thank you.
André Carré
André Carré - 7 years ago
Très belle demonstration bravo ,vu par un connaisseur .
strange lee
strange lee - 7 years ago
These are great! They will be very useful for my hobbies.
What knots would you recommend for wrists and ankles?
Also, what sort of rope can carry an electrical current and is machine washable?
Thank you.
MEEP MEEP - 7 years ago
why do i need to know 7 if i only wanted to hang myself ?
Thomas Wilson
Thomas Wilson - 7 years ago
a clove hitch needs tension applied to both ends to stay tight. using it to tie a boat to a pier piling may result in a lost boat. it was mainly used in sailing ship days to secure rat lines to rigging.
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 7 years ago
For your application you mentioned, a round turn and two half hitches would be my weapon of choice.
Skrr Drippy
Skrr Drippy - 7 years ago
I have a problem. My mom is trying to push my hairline back in my sleep. Is there a knot I can do that is very hard to undo, but possible to untie?
Skrr Drippy
Skrr Drippy - 7 years ago
I’m tying the strings on my hoodie.
CArlos L
CArlos L - 7 years ago
Hanz Flackshnack
Hanz Flackshnack - 7 years ago
Sitting hear with some nylon rope. Took me about an hour and a half to commit all seven to memory xD. The video is clear and concise. Your help is greatly appreciated
InnerBark Outdoors
InnerBark Outdoors - 7 years ago
Now go impress the shiznet out of people!
Kay Sutton
Kay Sutton - 7 years ago
Thank you, haha I now have rope all over the couch, but great learning
Musketeer of Mountains M
Musketeer of Mountains M - 7 years ago
Essential Knot You Need To Know

John Gonzalez
John Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Could use this video for welding
Mawo Duffer
Mawo Duffer - 7 years ago
You can hitch with a noose but it would wear down the Rope because it can tighten and loosen.
Use the taught line hitch.
Sim Won
Sim Won - 7 years ago
knots r beautiful
whitepride1004 - 7 years ago
If you're trying to teach people who've never tried these knots before you're moving a tad too fast. At times I can't even see what you're doing.
Cross Spice
Cross Spice - 7 years ago
Learning how to hang myself
John Frederikson
John Frederikson - 7 years ago
Great job; thanks. J.
shorea27 - 7 years ago
Hello. What's the difference in application for the last 2 knots? I'm confused as they both seem adjustable. Thanks.
Netzah - 7 years ago
Massive Respect
Knot? OwO what's this?
CbyS Paracord and More
CbyS Paracord and More - 7 years ago
thank you
Pendelton Whiskey
Pendelton Whiskey - 7 years ago
This is a great video, you've done an excellent job of very clearly showing what you're doing. I've been a merchant mariner since the late 1970's and I would like to add a couple of items for those trying to learn knots. Practice a knot one at a time. Don't move on to the next knot until you have the first one down. Once you feel you have the first one down add the second knot and tie them both till you have both down pat ect. There are memory tricks for remembering that say that you want to repeat them daily for a while and then skip a day for a while then skip two days and so on and when you can skip a couple of weeks and tie it with no difficulty it's yours forever. (or until you reach the age of about 60). One other thing, ALWAYS back up a clove hitch and a rolling hitch (which is just a clove hitch with extra turns) with a half hitch otherwise a clove hitch will come loose. There's no law that says you can't follow almost any knot with a half hitch just to be sure it holds but with the clove (and rolling) hitch it's a must.
visitor971 - 7 years ago
The first method of clove hitch.. exactly what i needed.. extremely simple knot to use yet so awesome.. thank you so much!
Mrhero 0510
Mrhero 0510 - 7 years ago
what is the point of wrapping the rope around the pole before the 2 half-hitch?
Minde Herbert
Minde Herbert - 7 years ago
The "sissy" comment is offensive and unnecessary. And it's not a term that any Boy Scout with character would use. Using it in the video really takes away from the content. Maybe consider omitting it?
Adrian Booth
Adrian Booth - 7 years ago
safranpollen - 7 years ago
first class demonstration, thanXXX !
overcast201 - 7 years ago
figure 8 loop is so useful when using a chair,,it doesnt break easily when you jump off
Big Si
Big Si - 7 years ago
Why so many dislikes? Its a straight to the point educational useful vid, some people are just too hard to please!
Minde Herbert
Minde Herbert - 7 years ago
Maybe due to his use of "sissy"? Unnecessary and offensive. Not a term a Boy Scout with integrity and character would be encouraged to use.
Damion Hallstrom
Damion Hallstrom - 7 years ago
Love the video. . . but there is some definite propaganda for the Ad before hand.. . holy cow what a crock of shit that commercial was.
Diamond Bullet
Diamond Bullet - 7 years ago
That's not a two half hitches both lines that you use for the half hitches should come out the same side and I should know I have to it to younger boy scouts and the boy scouts handbook even says that
Dustin Jones
Dustin Jones - 7 years ago
Best knot video I have ever seen. Helped my son greatly when learning these knots for Scouting. Thank you.
Wumpa Games
Wumpa Games - 7 years ago
knot bad!
Zanzubaa1 - 7 years ago
I watched "swoop around working end and rotate wrist until my stupid brain got it".
FireStormGaming - 7 years ago
I'm writing an eBook on basic survival skills and techniques and was wondering if I could link your video in my book?
Jerry Liu
Jerry Liu - 7 years ago
Hello,We seek partners in the United States, Europe, Canada, the Middle East and Australia.www.sdjsrope.com
ethan stewart
ethan stewart - 7 years ago
Great video.New subscriber earned
morgan painter
morgan painter - 7 years ago
Excellent video. Clear and concise and done slowly so all can see.
You deserve a ten of ten for this.

The taut line is my choice for tensioning tent tie downs, and adjusting tarps over tents or equipment.
Addam Siewdass
Addam Siewdass - 7 years ago
I am dumb
Addam Siewdass
Addam Siewdass - 7 years ago
I remember when I was five my dad tried to teach me one of these and I tied the knot and I realized I tied my two hands together and I couldn't take it out until my dad came and when he saw me he laughed for a while and then he removed the rope from my hands.
Katie - 7 years ago
1. Nick Wilde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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