Sailing 7 years ago 344,917 views
The ULTIMATE way to travel. Ever thought about sailing around the world? For the inexperienced and those on a budget it's totally do-able. We share our 8 hot tips to help get you on your way. Read a bit more into it in our blog! Don't forget to like us on Facebook! Follow us on Instagram: Subscribe to our new sexy website for blog posts and updates! Song Credit: 00:00 Adam Yoo - Divine FAQ What cameras do we use? BIG CAMERA: OTHER BIG CAMERA: HANDY CAM: GOPRO: DRONE: What software do we use? Premiere Pro
P.S. Have you heard from Bilgey lately??
Well, at least he found a slice of happiness in that tackle box ;)
Its been really good not being mauled by gigantic pelagic fish as much but I still live in constant fear and am dragged behind their boat for days on end. It gets cold. It gets really cold at night time. Whenever the sun is setting I get this horrible dread that I will be attacked from the depths by some gigantic creature. Sometimes Riley jumps in the water next to me and drags himself along beside me and I'm thinking "Why the f*&k would you do that.?" I don't know if he thinks he is keeping me company or if he wouldn't expect someone onboard to do something he wouldn't but to be honest it kinda freaks me out a bit.
I suffer from anxiety, but I'm seeing someone about that, the winch handle. Shes an elderly professional and has been giving me such compassionate and profound advice about my role in the universe that I have decided not to untie the Improved Clinch knot above my head but I'm still having the recurring dream where I'm left in the sun for days on end and go all crackly.
I'm covered in scars now and I'm getting on a bit in lure years but at least I've met a nice little skirt to keep me company in the tackle box. Its a hard life but I'm ok.
10. comment for SAIL THE WORLD ON A BUDGET (8 TIPS)!
much love and fair winds merry Christmas are the luckiest people in the world
20. comment for SAIL THE WORLD ON A BUDGET (8 TIPS)!
30. comment for SAIL THE WORLD ON A BUDGET (8 TIPS)!
We bought a series of boats and fixed them up and sold them. Our sweat equity after 15 years has us in an ocean capable 32 footer bought and paid for on a limited budget. Whether in a million dollar catamaran or a free salvage boat, we all wake up under the same sky. Make a plan, push through your fears and have that adventure before they pat you on the face with a spade... Love to Riley and Elayna from your friends in Canada. See you out there some day.
50. comment for SAIL THE WORLD ON A BUDGET (8 TIPS)!
And Shared on my FB feed
Fair winds and following seas my friends :)
or as we say in Austria: "Immer eine Hand breit!"
I'm sorry I just can't understand it :/
Thank you!
Where do you get the money from?
100. comment for SAIL THE WORLD ON A BUDGET (8 TIPS)!
Not, that is, until I caught sight of the butt floss in the thumbnail ...Aha! Sailing video.
One of the best reads I've had. A lot of life-lessons.
First on a two week two week systembut who knows! it really feels like breaking free.
My boat is close to Marseille, so a nice point to start!
happy journey and if i ever meet u guys that would be great
Step 1: Buy some stocks on the stock market.
Step 2: ?????
Step 3: Sell your stocks with profit.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 until you reach step 5.
Step 5: Become rich.
Step 6: Buy a boat.
Be safe!
Ps. Still click baiting Elenas butt? That's o k if her butts featured in the vid but.. it's a long term branding trust thing ..
Nick, Brisbane.
PPS. Have you seen plukky 'sailing into freedom'?
keep it up.
enjoy life a little more everyday.
thanks for the hard work .
Wild animals are bound by their instincts & have limits to their ability to reduce the suffering of other beings. As humans we have the ability to make a choice... we can live perfectly healthy while at the same time reduce killing to a minimum and therefore reduce an animals stress (like being hooked on a line in the mouth).
When I was a child I was fishing on a wharf and when I went to cast my line, a dog behind me grabbed the bait and swallowed the hook. It started jumping around and yelping... a disturbing thing to see as a 10 year old! A random guy that was around the wharf cut the line and rushed the dog off to the vet. I'm not sure what happened to the dog. When telling that story to people they often feel so sorry for the dog. Since then I've often wondered what the difference was between catching that dog or a fish. Both animals don't want to be hooked. They both will suffer.
I'm happy with my decision to stop fishing.... sure other fish might eat them, that's the way of nature....but as a human who wants to lesson suffering in the World I'll continue down this path because it makes me feel better.
Thanks for the discussion mate ;)
Some boats are made to cross oceans, others are made to sail on lakes.
Also consider the hull design, some boats are designed to race, some to cross oceans, they have very different properties.
About crewing:
To have realistic chances for crewing overseas, you should have at least some skills in sailing, and experience from different conditions and more than one type of boat.
Having some kind of training in sailing skills (coastal navigation, marine radio communication, survival, first aid etc.) dramatically increases your chances for a crew position. Having documents of formal training in these areas is even better. (a skipper licence from your national maritime authority, or the International Pleasure Craft Operator's Certificate of Competency, SRC marine radio licence etc.)
Your "crew chances" can be increased further if you have training or skills in some special areas like fixing diesel engines, electrical systems, computing/data networking, plumbing, cooking/food hygiene (provisioning), or if you have language skills that are useful in the cruising area.
About being paid for sailing:
In most cases the crew pays their part of the food and fuel costs. Some yacht owners may pay the crew's food and other expenses for the duration of the trip, sometimes even flights.
To actually earn money by working as a crew is possible mostly on yachts which are registered for charter (or other commercial use). To be able to work as a crew in such yacht, one must have a formal training and STCW Basic Safety Training Certificate.
It is too much trouble to learn French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Since the kids already had exposure to English, they more-or-less adopted as the lingua franca. All pilots must learn English.
The Australians are so far from Western counties that they rarely learn another Western language.
Love the old footage.
Certainly plan on being on the water sometime soon. Come to Cape Town.
Which has no moment in it that should cause crying.
Many happy tears! Love this channel, love watching you both sail + grow.
Happy sailing guys
I´m a huge and longtime fan of yours and I´d like to chip in for once.
It´s a mere suggestion to make your upcoming episodes, even more great!
My passion is storytelling as a cinematic experience. Yours is to sail the world and to document a living while doing it. Cool!
I´m a retired filmmaker, so make sure you read my comment, with a pair of 1970´s sunglasses and some 80´s hip hop!
Not so much your videos in general, but in this episode specifically, it´s like it could have been even more.
Watching it felt a bit like a “mile-stone video” for you guys and for the journey that is SLV, but it was´nt lit!
My suggestion to the video, is simply to add detailed information from the blog post, into the video.
Merge them together, maybe not 50/50, but at least 20/80.
There is a history and accumulated knowledge in the footage and the episode was fairly well edited. Each of these hilarious cut-aways are priceless and the fun spans years of a visual storyline.
But if you suddenly want to do an epic video on a story, combined with your own blogpost, make your videos accordingly. There is a huge “story” and visual potential!
Adding graphics, texts, drawings, edit techniques or something.
Talk bubbles
A “when or where” graphic.
A quick peak, funny, informative and visual lower third.
The year - The country or sea - The particular situation - Names or info on the people in the shot- The wind and weather
Text with the actual websites you promotes.
Maps visualizing the particular journey.
Adding info to each clip, enhancing it with folklore and flavour, for a more dense experience as a viewer, is a must!
Anyway, my point is, some people say; it is not supposed to be art, it is supposed to be finished.
Sure, in some cases, but I´d rather say; Wait… Wait, just a bit and get the final details and silver linings to connect…
Or you could solve it, by sending the final edit of an episode to @Qosikim and he will deliver the graphics! ;-)
Happy sails and thanks for your effort and awesome videoes!
I did sail Los Roques in a SWAN once :-)
If you are from a EU-country, (ab)use the new roaming rules and get a extra large data package on your current subscription.
You could also get a 4G wifi router and buy prepaid data cards. Italy and Croatia has worked pretty well for me but not Greece.
Croatia: "VIP" about 10€ for 20 gig data/week
Italy: Vodaphone "Total giga" 45€ for 60gig / month (shared on 30 day/ 30 night 24:00-07:00)
Both these have speeds that makes it possible to even watch netflix from the boat if you want.
In Greece I tried Tazamobile and it didn't work very well, made have to change the route and go earlier to Italy
Got to get ready for hurricane Irma.
From your fan's here in central Florida
Good on ya.
More overboard must haves: Fully charged handheld VHF radios always on you when topside sailing (until the lines are tied up) and a fanny pack with the good life saving stuff when outside at night or in any good wind (day or night). We had a whale hit our keel on a calm sunny afternoon and could have just as easily ended up in the water instantly. A handheld really helps because you can see and direct the boat but they can not see you even in daylight quite often and with only a 1 foot chop. But hey, you only live once.
BTW, were you both getting over a long party night? Your eyes tell the happy story :-)
Hope y'all are somewhere safe and far away from the foul weather Fla is experiencing
You guys are Modern Day Pirates.... Stealing Hearts in Your Wake!
Inspiring Others to follow their Hearts and Dreams Beyond Horizons Far & Near!
Share a Glass of Wine, And Together We'll Cheer!
And you might find that you acclimatize better than you think you would.
Remember above all you two are the story, the locations are awesome but hundreds of thousands of people watch because of YOU. We care about how you get along, we like to see you kiss and smile. We want to know how you prepare that tuna you just caught. We want to know how much things cost, and how you keep comfortable on your awesome new home..all those details might seem minor to you, but the little details are what make for a great story. Your relationship is the star of the show..and we always want more!
Keep the great videos coming!
This should get you a lot of views.
Stay safe and continued good fun!
simple shit. plus of course people wont watch an asshole lmao
Revising Ohm's law and studying a basic electronics primer is a good start.
Learn electrical safety, mains power, radio & radar's dangers - and ESD protection before you actually touch anything. Even 12 Volt stuff can have dangerous voltages inside.
Got to know how to discharge capacitors safely.
Once you can take a piece of equipment apart and put it back together in the same condition without stray charge damaging it or yourself you start learning fast.
Just learning to use a multimeter & soldering iron, how to recognise and test the different components, their failure modes and relative likelihood of failure can take you a long way.
Many failures have happened before and are known faults. Searching the web, phoning or emailing a friendly service engineer can help a lot.
Circuit diagrams & service manuals are sometimes available as .pdf's online or cheaply on ebay.
Can almost get an education from YouTube too - lots of videos showing repair of electronic stuff.
Stay safe :)
Read This book Called "Surviving the Savage Sea" by Dougal Robertson!
A Catamaran Sail boat is "NOT" the Ideal Ocean Vessel for reasons of Capsizing or Pitch poling! Elaynas and Rily Have been very lucky to do what they have been doing, Very Romantic!
But All that aside, Free spirited Sailing is A wonderful life style for A few!
Have you received an email from Alfred?
Seriously--I was glad to see you going back to tried & true promo. My girlfriend says that the right Riley pic works just as well as clickbait for her as a fetching Alayna bum view does for the boys.--so consider your female fans!!!
I was part of a 3 man crew sailing a King40 from Key West to Kemah, Tx and found ourselves in the outer bands of Harvey because our weather radar was down and the ships we contacted along the way said nothing about a hurricane. It was only by chance and/or luck that we got a freak signal on a cell phone that let us know the weather we were in was way more than we thought before we got any closer to home. We were able to make the Louisiana coast finally, but it could have gone different very easily...
we all have to look out for one another out there in the beautiful blue.
This was one of the best videos you have done when it comes to explaining your travels and tips. More of this type of video would be great, ie. cooking, sail repair and maintenance, daily diary stuff, etc. More about you and your feeling about the life you have on the boat, with B roll of the scenery and location stuff. The production values were great and it was nice and calm, please carry on. Cheers
You should do a "How to make a viral video."
It's like the internet word 'surfing'.... Were you aware it actually means to ride upon a board on a wave?? ...
Haha just fucking with you.
When your asking where to start, what do you mean?
I also know of a 37 foot Colvic Victor which is under 25k
Both are UK Irish prices. Actually you can take off 10% and say Price in euro.
Either of these boats are capable of blue water sailing and you can even beach a HT
Avanti nel vento.
I wouldn't trade the years I spent sailing for anything. It didn't hurt my career. I may go out again once my kids are out of high school.
If you have the desire for something, pursue it. Be it sailing, starting a company, making and marketing Utube videos...
Or if you prefer the 9-5 security and the white picket fence or whatever that translates into in your culture do that. But realize these are choices.
Which is the point really isnt it! I mean they are sucessful youtubers doing WHAT? Sailing around the world in a boat. So sucessful they are more popular then the americas cup. The sailing came first BEFORE the videos which came about kind of by accident. But if they were sucessfull you tubers doing dry wall installation I doubt Outremer would have even heard of them. As it is the ratings for Beneteau go up and down each year as the sailing season comes and goes but the overall pattern is reversed for ONE type of Beneteau. the cyclades! which then drops off this year? Do you have any reason to suppose why that is true?
You don't have to score a sweet deal to afford to travel like this and like they said in the video the cheapest way is to simply crew aboard someone's boat.
Sell the house don't sell the house. Buy a boat don't buy a boat.... ultimately the choice is yours and if you can't do it don't blame anyone else but yourself if you wished you had. SLV's job is to inspire those who really want to or are intrigued by the possibility.
Second they are actually buying their Outremer according to a plan they thought up themselves. They didn't win it in a lottery!
Also OTHER PEOPLE ARE doing the same thing! R+E just popularised it but people have being doing it for years. and some people have also died at sea or been killed by pirates. so what? some people fall down the stairs or are hit by cars when walking their dog.
Ill say it again the odds are NOT higher than winning the lottery! You can buy a boat for say 20k capable of going round the world. some people prefer to spend 20k in a month on a cruise ship . Whatever floats your boat.
But having some secure regular income is a good idea.
And they are not telling people to sell their home for a pipe dream. More like "rent your home for 2k a month ( if you can) and sail round for 1.5 k a month"
and many people in my country are in negative equity. I know of people who paid 650k for a house and can not get out of the mortgage and the house dropped to 400k. At lkeast the prices are beginning to clime but they are stuck with that house in that place for 30 years unless they sell up. Now maybe a boat would also lose value but at least they can move if they want.
I'm also thinking of young guys out there who googled "sailing" rather than "pokemon" and found our channel. I'm talking to everyone of course but sometimes its the younger lads. You don't need a $100,000 yacht to go on an adventure and if I was 20 I know what I would be buying instead of a car. Do a trade, figure out how to repair boats when they break, travel, learn french or spanish or both and work at different places around the world. Rigging, electronics, we met a young girl who was making a killing in the Caribbean scraping hulls with SCUBA.
For the rest of us, lets hope facebook launch those internet baloons.
I guess what I'm saying is that as a very long term "life" goal its achievable.
I think it is so achievable for most people. You just can't have the house as well.
This is a link to a blog post I did.
Also Adventures Adrift as well as Gone with the Wynns have posted budgets and expenses to their websites. I can tell you that the range is very wide. You can live on as little as you want or as much as you can and that's just true for anything.
There is a section on books in the sailing guide I did a while ago. Its free mate. Enjoy.
This is my plan for next year!!!
Buy a cheap smaller keel boat and sail for a couple of summers before buying that bigger boat for your world travels.
Learning the basics in this cheap boat (that won't break the bank if you break the boat) will gain you the experience to take better and safer decisions.
Also it is a way to dip your toe in to check it is really for you and any family you aim to travel with.
Hope this helps!
Thank you. A guy the other day was asking why Elayna wasn't playing guitar because the editing shouldn't take more than an hour! I nearly fell off my chair, the outside one, which is dangerous because there is ocean nearby.