Snorkeling in Eilat - Red sea
Snorkeling 7 years ago 1,744 views
Vacaciones en Israel - noviembre 2017 Snorkeling in the read sea -Eilat, Israel in the Gulf of Aqaba - one of the world's top diving destinations.
Snorkeling 7 years ago 1,744 views
Vacaciones en Israel - noviembre 2017 Snorkeling in the read sea -Eilat, Israel in the Gulf of Aqaba - one of the world's top diving destinations.
45 likes 61,313 views 15 years ago
Amazing girl name Moria that i meet under water snorkling in coral beach Eilat Red Sea.
10 likes 2,702 views 7 years ago
freediving and snorkeling Eilat Red sea coral reef
45 likes 61,313 views 15 years ago
Amazing girl name Moria that i meet under water snorkling in coral beach Eilat Red Sea.
The "Snorkeling in Eilat - Red sea" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Thanks for sharing! If you have time, please check out my freediving c hannel, I dive in Australia, showcasing the local marine life there
Where you travelling here? any tips in getting around Eilat?
Hi, thank you for your comments, the fish you are referring to is an Acanthurus sohal, or Sohal surgeonfish