13 Year Old Boy Bitten by Bull Shark During Surf Contest

Date of Video: April 4, 2014 This video documents the second shark bite that occurred during the NSSA East Coast Championships in New Smyrna Beach Florida. After being bitten by a large shark, Jonathan paddled out to warn the others then caught a 5 point wave to advance out of the heat. The video was taken, not knowing that the bite had occurred. Thank you to Redd, Volusia County Beach Patrol and everyone who immediately jumped in to help on that day.

13 Year Old Boy Bitten by Bull Shark During Surf Contest sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2288

Surf 10 years ago 3,740,202 views

Date of Video: April 4, 2014 This video documents the second shark bite that occurred during the NSSA East Coast Championships in New Smyrna Beach Florida. After being bitten by a large shark, Jonathan paddled out to warn the others then caught a 5 point wave to advance out of the heat. The video was taken, not knowing that the bite had occurred. Thank you to Redd, Volusia County Beach Patrol and everyone who immediately jumped in to help on that day.

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Most popular comments
for 13 Year Old Boy Bitten by Bull Shark During Surf Contest

Koz Scarface
Koz Scarface - 6 years ago
that was not a dolphin dorsal fin.
Drastic - 6 years ago
Dolphins are known to protect humans they are caring animals
Pick my profile
Antoinette Webb
Antoinette Webb - 6 years ago
Awesome video glad the boys okay
Days not as a turtle Mee
Days not as a turtle Mee - 6 years ago
Poor boy

Thanks so much Dolphin!! THANKS DOLPHIN

Did that dolphin die?
Neptune - 6 years ago
Holly molly macaroni
Chreint GG
Chreint GG - 6 years ago
he is now 17 - 18 ?
Ashley Espinoza
Ashley Espinoza - 6 years ago
Definitely dolphins saved that kids life
Blaze - 6 years ago
damn i just realised that humans have no use on earth if anything we're a screw up without us earth would be perfect with us we're making global warming killing animals and removing trees i swear earth would be so much more pure without some human beings

10. comment for 13 Year Old Boy Bitten by Bull Shark During Surf Contest

Michael Kirst
Michael Kirst - 6 years ago
Dolphins. The protectors of the sea.
Kitaaun - 6 years ago
im 13
Lil Ski
Lil Ski - 6 years ago
Where was this at?
Tori R
Tori R - 6 years ago
This is why I applaud surfers so much - not only is it incredibly difficult they understand the risks and respect that they are in the sea creature’s territory. This kid in particular didn’t even panic and alerted his friends - he was raised right!
Pagan Posse
Pagan Posse - 6 years ago
Proof we are connected to these awesome creatures...
Bonniegirl722 Aj
Bonniegirl722 Aj - 6 years ago
I know for a fact the dolphins were protecting him. What a remarkable young man putting aside his own safety to warn others.
shister snapped
shister snapped - 6 years ago
Who tf stays in the water while there's blood gushing out of them? Tf
Dd Rr
Dd Rr - 6 years ago
April 4th is my birthday) :
Fightless Bird
Fightless Bird - 6 years ago
I've been telling my mom I wanted to try this for years now...But I guess Just Dance isn't that bad after all :).
21 savage bank
21 savage bank - 6 years ago
Love dolphins

20. comment for 13 Year Old Boy Bitten by Bull Shark During Surf Contest

GermanCliqueSpam - 6 years ago
Am i here as the only one that loves sharks? I'm literally wearing a shark hoodie and cuddling a shark plushie rn lol
Also I'm so unbelievably sorry and terrified for the boy and i fuckin love dolphins but yea idk
OH NO - 6 years ago
I came here to see the shark in action :/
clmcal 44
clmcal 44 - 6 years ago
The dolphin was definitely protecting him. What a beautiful animal.
I’m glad the shark didn’t hurt the boy too much and he only needed stitches
Lit Unicorn
Lit Unicorn - 6 years ago
2018 Anyone?
Slohands - 6 years ago
Thankfully the great white dolphins weren't having it.
TheToilet Bomber
TheToilet Bomber - 6 years ago
I went surfing with my brother and it was his first time and we saw a small shark swimming and I almost stepped on it
Shane Burke
Shane Burke - 6 years ago
I catch bullshark and large mouth bass in the same river
Pforzheim Bezirk
Pforzheim Bezirk - 6 years ago
Feels sad that animals save our lifes and humans murdering dolphins...
Tatjana Bilic
Tatjana Bilic - 6 years ago
At was a dolphin behind him and a shark next to him I think
Annabelle T Naidoo
Annabelle T Naidoo - 6 years ago
I’m surprised they let him go back in bleeding.

30. comment for 13 Year Old Boy Bitten by Bull Shark During Surf Contest

Jess Leahey
Jess Leahey - 6 years ago
Dolphins often stop shark attacks because if there's one there's normally more, and they'd be attracted by the blood. Dolphins would rather not have the feeding frenzy because they're at risk of danger, and it also scares away food they may be hunting.
Chris Chu
Chris Chu - 6 years ago
A "large bull shark"? It was a very small one, otherwise his leg would have been gone. Bite marks tell the truth.
Jvcko - 6 years ago
i just wasted 3 minutes of my life
Luke Owen
Luke Owen - 6 years ago
Alycia K
Alycia K - 6 years ago
He looked really calm after being bitten by a shark. I got stung by a baby jellyfish and cried for an hour.
valderja - 6 years ago
Where were the three dolphins? What a load of bollocks. He could have done more damage to himself with his own fingernails.
jennifer garcia
jennifer garcia - 6 years ago
Omg. That’s crazy!
csnyder820 - 6 years ago
Who ever was filming this didn't see that big ass fin sticking out of the water???
A.L. Johns
A.L. Johns - 6 years ago
humans are not made for water
Erik Fisher
Erik Fisher - 6 years ago
Like Florida doesn’t suck enough
Spongebob Schwanzkopf
Spongebob Schwanzkopf - 6 years ago
Schade. Ich dachte, die kleine Ratte stirbt.
Роман на моноколесе
Роман на моноколесе - 6 years ago
Опасно очень с акулами плавать.
Hulk Trash
Hulk Trash - 6 years ago
“Large bull shark” Lololol kid’s toothpick leg would’ve been severed entirely if the shark was bigger than about 4ft
Liberty Justice
Liberty Justice - 6 years ago
This is amazing! So glad the dolphin was there
Mario Maxy
Mario Maxy - 6 years ago
He’s grind head from so many girls rn from that story
canani #
canani # - 6 years ago
Ven una aleta y tiene que ser de un tiburon jajaja
Domonic Slaughter
Domonic Slaughter - 6 years ago
Seems like they need a better place to surf and have competitions lmao, everyone is getting bite there
shawn170204 - 6 years ago
Wow thank god he was ok
SAJEDMUNIR - 6 years ago
Thejax2234 - 6 years ago
Fake as fuck why didnt u show the bite it's a fucking dolphin

50. comment for 13 Year Old Boy Bitten by Bull Shark During Surf Contest

shaun davies
shaun davies - 6 years ago
You swim in the sea looking like a seal, a shark doesn’t know that it sees the shadows and shape of its favourite meal.
nervouspenguins - 6 years ago
I see this video is a year or 2 old. I hope jonathan is still surfing. Brave lad to want to warn his mates despite what ha happened.
ali g
ali g - 6 years ago
What a great kid to think of warning others before even knowing how hurt he may have been himself. I’m glad it wasn’t a hungry bite. Best of luck kid
Eddie Fury
Eddie Fury - 6 years ago
Thank you Dolphins!!!
Mike Allan
Mike Allan - 6 years ago
Click bait.. mostly text
Laurie Mcguiness
Laurie Mcguiness - 6 years ago
Haha dumbass white kid
pbaylis1 - 6 years ago
Dolphins are just amazing
ll Kasper ll
ll Kasper ll - 6 years ago
Bullshit. I bet the dolphins bit him by accident and then made up the shark story to cover their asses and protect their reputation.
It's a conspiracy, I tells ya!
xoDayPlays - 6 years ago
Usually if there are no dolphins or seagulls then it means there are sharks about. I definitely think the dolphins stayed to protect.
Cura James
Cura James - 6 years ago
Dolphins are known to protect
Joyce Chivis
Joyce Chivis - 6 years ago
You can always trust a dolphin to protect you from sharks!
Liang Yao
Liang Yao - 6 years ago
God's grace.
Isabela - 6 years ago
I hear jaws theme
kirra - 6 years ago
I love dolphins
Jade - 6 years ago
That bull shark definitely didn't want to eat him. That's an inquisitive behaviour called mouthing that pretty much all sharks do. It's like a kid not knowing what something is and wanting to touch it and grab it. Problem is, they don't have hands, so sometimes a curious shark may take off the limb they are mouthing. This boy is so lucky.
Charley Tank
Charley Tank - 6 years ago
congratulations Genius for covering up the end at 3.28
Kyle Kennedy
Kyle Kennedy - 6 years ago
No blood. No video of shark attacking him. Fake as hell
Osamah - 6 years ago
Dolphin man best friend... But not the other way around
Ligma Balls
Ligma Balls - 6 years ago
The kids got some good luck in his side .. sucks he got bit but he didn’t die or lose a leg, when he’s older he should get a dolphin kikckin a sharks ass tattoo on that leg
Ted Anderson
Ted Anderson - 6 years ago
That could have been a dolphin dressed as a shark getting back at us for aquariums that are pretending they are not doing SeaWorld type shows by saying some hokie lame quasi scientific stuff during their shows like, "and now the animal behavioral scientist is asking the dolphin to turn on his back and wave it's flipper, this helps the veterinarians when they need to administer needed medicines to the dolphins, and it's not just an animal trick used to entertain you 3 times every day during these performances. We are not exploiting these caged animals by forcing them to do repetitive tricks for food, rather we are helping educate the public by providing the dolphins with enrichment and learning opportunities. Dolphins have learned to see through this crap and now they are dressing like sharks to get back at us by attacking surfers.
Aaron Crowden
Aaron Crowden - 6 years ago
Looks like a dolphin bite. Bull shark surely would of did more damage than that.
ChrisNYPilot - 6 years ago
The Mythbusters tested this, Sharks are AFRAID of Dolphins. They won't come near if a Dolphin is around.
Tracy - 6 years ago
A)that's why that beach is known as shark capitol
B) yes the dolphins were protecting him.
Dolphins saved my mother from sharks at Cocoa Beach in 1964.
Riley Rook
Riley Rook - 6 years ago
NSB.. Shark attack capitol of the WORLD.. Ive seen some large shark out there before.
Shireen Hendricks
Shireen Hendricks - 6 years ago
Dolphins are guardian angels maybe. Wow brave boy.
ama123455667788 - 6 years ago
It wasnt a bullshark
Rydwan Fee
Rydwan Fee - 6 years ago
This is fake so it did not happen
Jerry Lee Kersey
Jerry Lee Kersey - 6 years ago
Im always amazed at surfers or anyone that goes into the ocean. You can tell them over and over and they know there are sharks but somehow they go anyways....DUH...
Bull Dog
Bull Dog - 6 years ago
craycrayunicorn rainbow farts
craycrayunicorn rainbow farts - 6 years ago
Jason Murphy
Jason Murphy - 6 years ago
dolphin had to be shielding him.what beautiful creatures they are and humans slaughter them by the millions.makes me sick
Nick wilson
Nick wilson - 6 years ago
I think the Dolphins did it with his little baby teeth. Damn nature you scary
studentjohn36 - 6 years ago
Bull sharks are at the top of their game in murky, low-visibility water. They can't see that you're not a seal, but they have little to fear when taking a bite to see if they get lucky.
_ - 6 years ago
Scott Souder
Scott Souder - 6 years ago
It clearly was NOT a LARGE Bull Shark. You can see by the bite it was a juvenile at best. He is lucky it wasn't one that was 3 or 4 meters. He wouldn't have a leg if it had been a large one.
Joe Matheny
Joe Matheny - 6 years ago
Large bull shark my ass. A large bull would've ripped his leg off. That was a baby something and those were 2 dolphins protecting him.
Alexia Pearl
Alexia Pearl - 6 years ago
Brave kid! :D
Lynette Dundon
Lynette Dundon - 6 years ago
Dolphins to the rescue !
Travis Odermatt
Travis Odermatt - 6 years ago
Good thing I went back and read I thought the dolphin fin was the shark right by him .
Corey Mullis
Corey Mullis - 6 years ago
Why was it that whoever filmed the shark, didn't say a word to anyone? I can't believe nobody else has commented on this, but then again theirs people who think dolphins are better then people so...
Priya - 6 years ago
I don't understand, if people are knowing there is shark still why they r going?
markissable - 6 years ago
New Smyrna Beach is shark bite heaven! Check the facts....
g Bush
g Bush - 6 years ago
That wasnt a shark fin it was the dolphin...give one source where a shark comes back in to bite a surfer again.
Brad Whitaker
Brad Whitaker - 6 years ago
Bull Shark?? More like Bull Shit!! A Bull Shark would have torn his fucking arm off!!!
Fantomas646 - 6 years ago
Fun fact, New Smyrna is the shark attack capital of the world.
Will O
Will O - 6 years ago
how do you know it was a bull? i see a blacktip.
JPR ELECTRIC - 6 years ago
thats amazing 2:55
Joshua Bowser
Joshua Bowser - 6 years ago
Looked like 2 sharks swimmin by him
hard truth around
hard truth around - 6 years ago
Paul G
Paul G - 6 years ago
regarding the dolphins , I believe that for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.

100. comment for 13 Year Old Boy Bitten by Bull Shark During Surf Contest

K It
K It - 6 years ago
Wow this is the beach that is known for the highest number of shark bites in the world! Why would they have a child competition out there. That's insane!
Julie Labelle
Julie Labelle - 6 years ago
Brave kid. Thanks for sharing.
Alan Yammaine
Alan Yammaine - 6 years ago
Lucky littte fucker
Max Miesen
Max Miesen - 6 years ago
Animals are just too good for this world, meanwhile humans fuckin everything up
Liz Knight
Liz Knight - 6 years ago
1 the shark bit and let go
2 he could have carried on coming back and bit the others. It didnt
Good shark
Justin Metcalfe
Justin Metcalfe - 6 years ago
This July I was with my friends kayaking in Mutiny Bay when two Orca swam under us at a high speed. Immediately we saw a large shark leap out of the water. The two adult Orca and a baby Orca circled us. The female Orca held a large piece of flesh for us to see, in its mouth as if offering it us, and then disappeared only about 3 to 5 feet away. Channel 4 later reported a Great White carcass washed ashore near the Norwegian Point County Park in Hansville, Washington. I nearly shit myself when I saw the 16 ft. shark.
darren guest
darren guest - 6 years ago
Pmsl....ahh the dolphins where protecting him, his gran loved dolphins I think it was his gran watching over him, it’s a sign...
Charles Joseph
Charles Joseph - 6 years ago
Look at a shark attack map of USA. So many red dots on this beach. No thanks!
MysticKorblox - 6 years ago
WasabiTheFennekin - 6 years ago
At least he didn't panic. Because the shark was near him and he was laying still once the shark left he would be rescued.
SAVAGE308SNIPER - 6 years ago
Lame ass video. It would have been good if he died.
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
Yikes, that's harsh, I am glad he lived...
Byron Callahan
Byron Callahan - 6 years ago
I think the shark was preventing the dolphins from raping him.
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
Interesting theory
Dogge Dogge
Dogge Dogge - 6 years ago
Faaake as fuck
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
nope, not at all.
Disco69 - 6 years ago
You go in the water...Sharks in the water...Our Shark..."Farewell and adieu to you fare Spanish ladies".....Gonna need a bigger board...
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
true true
keita F
keita F - 6 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
Yep, da best.
Grace Brown
Grace Brown - 6 years ago
If there's dolphins in the surf, does that mean a shark is likely nearby?
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
No, not really. Usually we just see one or the other, however hard to know what is under the water.
Grace Brown
Grace Brown - 6 years ago
We don't deserve dolphins.
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
hehe, they are cool!
Maddie Green
Maddie Green - 6 years ago
What is up with sharks and 13 year old kids??
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
They taste like chicken.
Bodyboarding Chronicles
Bodyboarding Chronicles - 7 years ago
Doll Friend not dolphin!
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
Marylou42 - 7 years ago
No mercy for shark attack victims AT ALL !!!
SurfAllDayA1A - 6 years ago
no mercy needed :) It was a good experience.
NightcoreXX Dreamcore
NightcoreXX Dreamcore - 7 years ago
Wow..... for every bad thing, there’s always a good one.. in this case it’s the dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Neither the shark bit or the dolphin was bad, both were good.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Chance Pemberton
Chance Pemberton - 7 years ago
Great information and a big thank you to the dolphin.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes and yes.
Mythical Llama
Mythical Llama - 7 years ago
This is why I hate beaches
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
How about the Jelly Fish stings?
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Me too!
CrimeLime - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
No need to praise them, just throw them a fish.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yep, that is the STOIC way.
•Alexia• Baligad•
•Alexia• Baligad• - 7 years ago
Plot twist the shark saved Jonathan from the dolphins XD
(I am just kidding no hate please)
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hehe, I like it!
StrangerWolf - 7 years ago
That's why I love dolphins they are hero's and adorable!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
YES indeed/
J M - 7 years ago
Looked more like a dolphin attack to me.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hehe, the teeth were definitely a bull shark, easy to tell.
Rob  Atkinson
Rob Atkinson - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
nope, it was in the paper if you want to check (Florida Today, 3 surfers bitten at surf contest)
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
There are 3 dolphins swimming close to that 13 year old boy. He's bitten by a bullshark during a surf contest at New Smyrna beach, FL.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
2 other kids were bitten on that same day, it is really not that big a deal.
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
The bullshark and the dolphin's deep encounters are very horrific that the facts know Jonathon won't believe about New Smyrna beach. He swam with huge waves until 3 dolphins came to rescue Jonathon from getting mauled to death by bull shark.
Ruby Diamond
Ruby Diamond - 7 years ago
I wish I could live with dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
You can try.
BMXOPHY - 7 years ago
It doesn’t look like a dolphin’s fin though.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
All kinds of fins on that day, dolphins, tarpon, sharks. It was a fish party.
Mr Whomp Ass
Mr Whomp Ass - 7 years ago
He sure can milk those tiny waves. Good one kiddo.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yep, no bite is a good day
Jimmy Rizzle
Jimmy Rizzle - 7 years ago
We r here to watch the video not read
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Too late.
Youtube Jarred 333
Youtube Jarred 333 - 7 years ago
Oh no don't do that
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Do it!
Harrison Mercieca
Harrison Mercieca - 7 years ago
I love seaweed
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
He's fine.
Ramjet164 - 7 years ago
Or maybe sharks & dolphins both happen to live in the ocean where this kid was surfing?
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
We like them both.
isaac savaiinaea
isaac savaiinaea - 7 years ago
Thanks Jonathan for bringing the shark our way....
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
You are welcome.
Kaneki Y
Kaneki Y - 7 years ago
Dolphins the light of see. Discussing ass sharks need to die. Even though I love seeing sharks get huge because I want them to grow back to megalodon size.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Sharks , Sharks, Dolphins, Sharks.....
Skilled_V2 - 7 years ago
I love dolphins
Jun Kim
Jun Kim - 7 years ago
Release the Chinese!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
CHAL KIE - 7 years ago
click bate bullshit. i want blood
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
That makes you blood thirsty.
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
why didnt they paddle in ? . that was a dolphin .fin . .lucky they are not hurt worse or dead . the biologists are wrong . sharks target humans . period . wake up
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
LMAO right on
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
No honor in paddling in.
Peggy Roberts
Peggy Roberts - 7 years ago
phones are cute go to Google Chrome and look at this Pinky the dolphin
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Cute dolphins and puppies.
Peggy Roberts
Peggy Roberts - 7 years ago
I mean dolphins are cute go to Google Chrome and look at Pinky the dolphin
Peggy Roberts
Peggy Roberts - 7 years ago
it was not a dolphin it was a shark
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
It was a dolphark
Rodel Dulos
Rodel Dulos - 7 years ago
im very impress of the dolphine......i love dolphine
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Me love dolphin.
Rodel Dulos
Rodel Dulos - 7 years ago
im very impress of the dolphine......i love dolphine
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Me impress dolphin.
Evan Rose
Evan Rose - 7 years ago
The more I know people, the more I love dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They know you know more people that dolphins.
Not so pro Gamer
Not so pro Gamer - 7 years ago
Lucky it wasn’t deep or he would’ve attracted the whole neighborhood.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
It did.
Michael Kelligan
Michael Kelligan - 7 years ago
Dolphin clearly struck the shark in the side that was quite obvious! Yeah,you gotta love dolphins!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
It was an underwater battle, perhaps.
Juan Killian
Juan Killian - 7 years ago
That is nothing big baby
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
We agree.
calibomber209 - 7 years ago
Angels come in many forms!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hmm, supernatural, interesting idea....
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
I hate shark So I am scared
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
Thank you for giving me an answer
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
shark, Shark, SHark, SHArk, SHARk, SHARK!
Samsun55 - 7 years ago
Dolphins are heroes!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Heroic stoic, or bro-ick!
Tamara Rose
Tamara Rose - 7 years ago
Shark:almost kills boi:
Dolphin:slams head:
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
CMG - 7 years ago
Surfed NSB my entire life and have been bumped only twice by sharks out of the thousand times I have seen them in the water. We get all kinds of sharks with a lot of spinners and . Imo a bll shark would not have let go so quickly. Bottom line is that if you are not a fish you pretty much have nothing to worry about. As soon as the shark realizes their mistake they usually let go.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
so true, so true
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
dolphin babies are called water chimps.
Matt S
Matt S - 7 years ago
If that's had been a Bullshark there would of been a lot more damage than that probably a adolescent Bullshark maybe? Thankfully the boy was ok!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
It was a bull shark, happens all the time at the inlet,
Brooke Andrews
Brooke Andrews - 7 years ago
Good dolphins I love dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Dolphins good, good, betta
Meme Face
Meme Face - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for him
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
WHY? Nothing bad happened.
kenndogg - 7 years ago
That was just God!!!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
or nah.
phako - 7 years ago
the only thing that matters is that he is okay and we have a new hero
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Tira Hunter
Tira Hunter - 7 years ago
That's amazing I thought it was a myth but dolphins really do save humans from shark attacks and sharks are scared if them because I searched it online I don't know the full details but the dolphins poke them in a spot by their stomach and it hurts them so the shark swims away
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
VMon - 7 years ago
That dolphin :o the dolphins saved him
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Family Fun !!
Family Fun !! - 7 years ago
What potatoe was this filmed on
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
sweet potato
Skyla Toscano
Skyla Toscano - 7 years ago
Man his lucky the dolphin was there if I was attacked by a shark I would hope a dolphin would help me
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
or nah
will l
will l - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Leila Sensontic
Leila Sensontic - 7 years ago
That's why I never go to the ocean..._ swimming pool is fine.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Malu Basic
Malu Basic - 7 years ago
Wow thank God for the dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks the specific god Neptune.
Amelia Reagan Wright
Amelia Reagan Wright - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They love each other until they hate each other, it is an evolution
Laetitia Wong
Laetitia Wong - 7 years ago
I love sharks!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
me too
Lindsay Vance
Lindsay Vance - 7 years ago
Very very scary how you are ok
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes., thanks for asking, just stitches and some tendon damage. Just won the NKF Junior Men's Pro a month ago.
babi Azevedo
babi Azevedo - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
du nah, du nah, du du du du JAWS
Staple Soap
Staple Soap - 7 years ago
0:59 nice typo at the "attackoccured" part really spiced things up!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks or nah
Mom Mom
Mom Mom - 7 years ago
dolphins willaleays protect u if ur hurt(maybe)
The Golden kai
The Golden kai - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh in a wheel chair sucks I'm feel so bad for that guy
Bold and Brash
Bold and Brash - 7 years ago
New hungry shark is looking great so far
StereoThrilla - 7 years ago
Fake and lame
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Fake... No, Lame...perhaps.
Jeffums - 7 years ago
Not sure why sharks are scared of dolphins, they could easily bit the fuckers open.
Liam Craigie
Liam Craigie - 7 years ago
Shouldn't they of fucking warned them
E.t Sold drugs
E.t Sold drugs - 7 years ago
50 cal for the life gaurd.
Dope360 Gomez
Dope360 Gomez - 7 years ago
1like =1save from a dolphin
matt lehnardt
matt lehnardt - 7 years ago
what a rinky-dink bite from a 4' shark.
matt lehnardt
matt lehnardt - 7 years ago
that wasn't a dolphin fin. they look more curved like a surfboards keg. that sucker was triangle shaped.
dreamfallxx - 7 years ago
This is why I love dolphins!
Sten La Faille
Sten La Faille - 7 years ago
A Bull shark? Man that kid got lucky!
Ahmadpro999 Ahmad
Ahmadpro999 Ahmad - 7 years ago
In the past I were in the beach a shark almost bite me and the dolphin saves my life
jungkookah /BTS
jungkookah /BTS - 7 years ago
bless dolphins
stepping razor
stepping razor - 7 years ago
It's worth the drive from Orlando and any other surrounding area within 75 miles. I GUARANTEE!!!
stepping razor
stepping razor - 7 years ago
Take your whole crew there and surf New Smyrna inlet the waves are the most consistent in Florida.
stepping razor
stepping razor - 7 years ago
New Smyrna inlet is home to the best waves on the east coast of Florida. Everyone should go there and surf when they get a chance!!!
KingGames Studio
KingGames Studio - 7 years ago
Dolphins are like HUMANS BUT ARE BETTER
Bifoulmeou Bifoulmeou
Bifoulmeou Bifoulmeou - 7 years ago
Trump what did we tell you about biting kids
Trump support 02
Trump support 02 - 7 years ago
This is so fake
by charlotte
by charlotte - 7 years ago
I like turtles
Snippy Doggo
Snippy Doggo - 7 years ago
Sorry. Wrong Video. This is serious.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
He was back in the water the day the stitches came out. Just won 3 junior men's pro titles in the last 2 years.
BobJnr07 - 7 years ago
You know sharks has two fins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
True, depending on how you define fin.
tottalyamazingyoutuber 123
tottalyamazingyoutuber 123 - 7 years ago
I don't need dolphins my defenceive attack against sharks is shiting my self
tottalyamazingyoutuber 123
tottalyamazingyoutuber 123 - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A ikr its amazing it gets in there face and stuff
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes, that is a good defense.
Mqrcy_ - 7 years ago
Gnarly dude
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Princess Simbulan
Princess Simbulan - 7 years ago
You'r a hero dolphine
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Ha Bulb
Ha Bulb - 7 years ago
See, this is why I don't go in the ocean. Cuz I don't wanna die.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Seems like sound logic, or nah.
Janice Van Horn
Janice Van Horn - 7 years ago
That is an amazing video and story.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Unicorn why Sophie :D :D AA
Unicorn why Sophie :D :D AA - 7 years ago
Bull shark go away I hate you shark
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes indeed.
Unicorn why Sophie :D :D AA
Unicorn why Sophie :D :D AA - 7 years ago
Man I love unicorns not SHARKS why I'm watching this ??
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
ever seen a shark with a unicorn horn?
Nessie J
Nessie J - 7 years ago
I believe it. dolphins have been known to protect humans. And bull sharks from what I have read and seen are known to attack anything even a human. rather than swim away after realizing it wasn't their typical prey they will usually sense the blood and continue ferociously trying to finish what they started. I have heard that bull sharks are the culprits of the majority of shark attacks in the world, contrary to popular belief that it is the feared "dreaded great white". I may be wrong on my information. But this is what I've read and seen in the documentaries I've watched. glad Jonathan made it out with a flesh wound and didn't lose his leg. or his life and it was most likely dolphins that saved him I believe that too. they will ram the sharks cartilage body with their noses.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Dolphins rock for sure.
Zsolt Balint
Zsolt Balint - 7 years ago
I love dolphins because of this
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Me too!
diana syuhada
diana syuhada - 7 years ago
I love dolphins ! Dolphins are the one who should eat evil humans and sell their body parts.

Thank u MR. Dolphin and MS. Dolphin
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Ambervel - 7 years ago
King Possum
King Possum - 6 years ago
slow mo is cool when you can see the bite not when it shows nothing at all. I doubt he was even bit. sure he may have went to the hospital at some time for another reason but you've not shown in this video that he was bit. @SurfAllDayA1A
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Slow Mo seems more cool-er-er
Turbotonio - 7 years ago
Damn that dolphin saved his ass, that certainly is a shark fin (either a dorsal or tail fin) heading right towards him. He was gonna be lunch.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Almost dinner, it was late afternoon.
Sophie Lemelin
Sophie Lemelin - 7 years ago
dolphins are almost always good luck
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I agree!
FzK Snipper
FzK Snipper - 7 years ago
Dolphins aren't anything i meant they're such a sweet animal but they're just an instrument of God to save lives.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
uh, okay...
Ellie X Modz
Ellie X Modz - 7 years ago
When I was coming back of the boat and I seen a fin I said to my dad what the hell is that a shark in he was like no it just a dolphin and I was so happy because I never seen one before
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
happy fin times.
It's Meg
It's Meg - 7 years ago
Who else guessed 2009?
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
IgoKat - 7 years ago
The shark just wanted the fame and got a lil jealous.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They got it.
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
The shark was just curious by what the boy was and as humans explore with there hands sharks explore with there mouths. if he didn't want to risk getting bit he should have rethought surfing because from underwater humans look like the silhouette of a seal. If you look in to shark behaviour sharks are actually very shy docile creatures, curious yes, but aren't we all? They are very misunderstood and I hate when people just assume they are evil, violent killing machines.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Sharks are really cool, we like them.
Jasmin Kim
Jasmin Kim - 7 years ago
This beach is known for sharks. Why swim here risking danger when many beaches that don't really have sharks? Not worth the risk or are you that stupid?
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Well worth the risk.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
He is totally fine and still surfing.
Winkelried V.
Winkelried V. - 7 years ago
Stupid surfer and parents..
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
hmm, not the case, but whateverrrrr.....
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
So many faces!
Samuel Johnston
Samuel Johnston - 7 years ago
Shit clickbait
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Well, I don't think so.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
hehe, jump in, its fun
The bitch that watches Hentai
The bitch that watches Hentai - 7 years ago
I didnt see any sharks....Lots of whales tho
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I saw a mermaid and an octopus.
Sweetbutterflykripperino - 7 years ago
Came for the shark. Dolphin stole the show
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
True true
TonTon Narc0
TonTon Narc0 - 7 years ago
awesome dolphins the beast fish in the world :D
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Stuart Cole
Stuart Cole - 7 years ago
Let's thank the dolphins by putting them in a tank and throw them fish
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hehe, yeah that is like dolphin torture, pretty barbaric.
Curious Guy
Curious Guy - 7 years ago
Why don't we have a shark free zone by setting up large net(s) up to 200 feet or more so everyone can enjoy without fear?
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
The ocean is dangerous, no amount of safety stuff can change that. If fear is your thing, the ocean is not the place to be.
Jon R
Jon R - 7 years ago
Stupid ass kid, get back to shore already. Your blood in the water is endangering everyone.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
New Smyrna. Surfing there is dangerous no matter what. Folks get bitten there all the time, it's really common. 3 bitten that day, one before, one after Jonathan. If you get in the ocean you consent to a shark bite. It's not a safe place. The strange idea is that the ocean is safe in any way. to start with. Take the bite, that is what life teaches us.
sandybabyist - 7 years ago
I don't like sharks
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
hmm, not sure why.
Priscilla Saunders
Priscilla Saunders - 7 years ago
I bet this is fake and maybe they took a video and used it so it can look real. The only shark attack that is real was the attack with Bethany Hamilton when she lost her left arm
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Not fake, 2 others were bitten on the same day, I site the newspaper article. This is actually very common in FL.
Taylor Miller
Taylor Miller - 7 years ago
Thoughts while watching this:

"A dolphin?? YESS IT SAVED HIM"
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
He surfed in rather than swimming.... It was a crazy day for sure.
Cheryl Phillips
Cheryl Phillips - 7 years ago
them dolphins did save him three of them can kill a shark easy his bite would have been alot worse but the shark seen the dolphins I believe that whole heartily them dolphins saved his life they followed the shark watch the fins what a beautiful thing not the attack of course but the dolphins helping him it has happened before ..God bless this kid and the dolphins if they weren't there would have been alot worse. ..
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Dolphins rule, sharks drool, is that what you mean?
snow kissed 33 msp
snow kissed 33 msp - 7 years ago
I have been bits by a great white
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Did it hurt?
Beachesareawesome 145
Beachesareawesome 145 - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Nope, shark bait!
Alessandro Delpiano
Alessandro Delpiano - 7 years ago
If I would ever do anything like that I would by some shark repellent
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
For sure, 4 shore
Alessandro Delpiano
Alessandro Delpiano - 7 years ago
hahaha yeah for sure
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
No need, take the bite.
Go Away
Go Away - 7 years ago
yeah great idea kid gets bit by shark and y'all let him swim around well his leg is bleeding like hell!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hehe, funny, but strange.
jewel s
jewel s - 7 years ago
Omg love dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Me too.
DarkEvanS47 - 7 years ago
one fucking dolphin dorsal ???? hahahahah
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes, dolphins and more dolphins. Sharks? hmm...
Cherie Brunetta
Cherie Brunetta - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They are cool.
Gymnast101 Gymnast101
Gymnast101 Gymnast101 - 7 years ago
He was so lucky
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Things happen, that's all.
Gymnast101 Gymnast101
Gymnast101 Gymnast101 - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A what do you call it
Gymnast101 Gymnast101
Gymnast101 Gymnast101 - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A ?
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
True, very true.
Ghost Walker
Ghost Walker - 7 years ago
i think jesus sent the dolphins to protect him from the shark.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks be to Neptune, God of the ocean and ruler of sponge bob.
wayber dertfed
wayber dertfed - 7 years ago
Lmfaoooo there was no dolphins you bunch of retards
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They were mermaids, I think we have established that.
Osvaldo Rodriguez
Osvaldo Rodriguez - 7 years ago
You could tell he rammed the shark away
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hehe, maybe.
Gabriel Cundari
Gabriel Cundari - 7 years ago
That was a just a test bite aye, lucky
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Or it was a friendly bite, just saying hi!
Gooniessss - 7 years ago
Plot twist, he was actually bitten by the Dolphins and the Shark was protecting him. I knew those Dolphins were smiley faced assassins :)
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Maybe he was bitten by the shark, who bitten by a dolphin, who was bitten by a mermaid, who was bitten by god (Neptune).
Śávàgé Bìśćùít
Śávàgé Bìśćùít - 7 years ago
He's good at surfing
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks! BEST COMMENT on this video in a while.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Mermaids, what about mermen?
penny stevens
penny stevens - 7 years ago
at that moment God camd to save him sent those dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
or nah...
TurrentGames - 7 years ago
We need to eliminate sharks
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
That will be tough to do, why would we do that?
Eek! The Cat
Eek! The Cat - 7 years ago
This is funny. When we are watching horror movies the victim is always looking to the other side and we are like "idiot...look to the right, to the right. Omg, in movies people are always in situations that in real life would be different".

Then...here we are lol. Shark just about take that dude board and surf a wave for itself while dude is looking to somewhere and have no idea. Just like in horror movies lol
I only cant understand how that other dude didnt see that big double dark tail out of the water while came in direction of the dude.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
uh, ok...
Random Videos
Random Videos - 7 years ago
What??! They killed dolphins why? Because jonathan is helped by dolphins? You should be thankful because dolphins save jonathan, and thankfull jonathan is safe in that contest!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks, everything and everyone is fine. ;)
Pamela Pizza
Pamela Pizza - 7 years ago
Dolphin definitely helped him. I am a shark lover also. Most of the time a shark mistakes humans on surfboards especially as seals. He barely had scrapes compared to the damage a bull shark can do but man what a hell of a story he has to tell.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I like your comment and agree.
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
The dolphins saved his life , a BULL shark will keep feeding til theres nothing left so lucky you can see dolphin Ram the shark
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
That is actually not true about bull sharks despite what you have heard. We see shark bites all the time and it is almost always one and done.
Simply Erin
Simply Erin - 7 years ago
Sorry , but I can clearly tell that's not a sharks dorsal fin .
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Well. the bite was very clear and the doctors all confirmed it was a bull.
book of ken bigest fan love them
book of ken bigest fan love them - 7 years ago
did he die
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Nope, he is just fine and was actually bitten again, that time only cut his shorts.
mythoughtwhatyousay1 - 7 years ago
That surf boy should thank dolphins protect him from shark attack. I love dolphins lot because dolphins protective people.. I'm here to stop kill Dolphins, not necessary to kill Dolphins..Dolphins are blessed that Dolphins save people..I already petition to stop kill Dolphins ...
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Do you speak dolphin? How do you say thank you in dolphin. Petitions don't help dolphins. If you want to help dolphins get a degree in marine biology and invent something that actually helps them. Petitions just make you feel like you are helping when you are actually only feeding your own ego.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness - 7 years ago
This is from soul surfer
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Sharkman 42
Sharkman 42 - 7 years ago
Wow that's shocking
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Well, not really. Very common there.
The Twist 27
The Twist 27 - 7 years ago
That's legendary and yea that's why the dolphins were there
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks. It was a good day.
so is he doing anything to help out dolphins from fishers. Hope this thought him a valuable the lesson like the lesson of not being selfish but helpful.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Nope, why would you assume he or anyone else is selfish. Any chance you look for selfishness because you are so familiar with it?
TheBigGuy3380 - 7 years ago
Duck diving a wave. That's exactly how a seal moves. Either that or the shark was pissed off by his mediocre surfing skills.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
You typed a couple very minor put downs (example: mediocre, politician), then say I am quick to be offended. I am not offended. By the way, diving in San Francisco sounds incredibly fun. Where do you do that?
TheBigGuy3380 - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A So your saying just because this isn't the Farallon islands that a shark could not mistake him for a seal? It happens all the time. Yeah and not a put down, but way to jump on the offense so quick. You should be a politician. I scuba dive off San Francisco coast all the time so sharks interest me.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hehe, nice try at a put down. I suppose your below average knowledge of where seals live reflects a deeper inadequacy that moves you to troll on the internet.
Silver_ Fox
Silver_ Fox - 7 years ago
How did he stay so calm after being bitten? He's lucky the dolphins were there, as well as the bite wasn't too bad.
Silver_ Fox
Silver_ Fox - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A Yeah, but I'd be scared to death if a shark bit me. Good on him for staying calm.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
He was calm because he is calm, assessed the situation, not that bad, no need to freak.
Obi wan Kenobi
Obi wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Dolphins still try to rape people.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I see your point, no pun intended.
Obi wan Kenobi
Obi wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A kinda
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes, but can you blame them?
Brayden - 7 years ago
This is why dolphins are my favorite animals
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They are cool, that's for sure.
kieran shooter
kieran shooter - 7 years ago
I've been to that beach and swam in the ocean... didn't know how shark attack prone it was...
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes, lots of sharks there.
Pat Higgins
Pat Higgins - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Not fake, check the news paper article reference, it is actually a very common event in New Smyrna. Not really that special.
FireGod 1124
FireGod 1124 - 7 years ago
I hope the dolphins are okay
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They are fine...
Dusan Stojkovic
Dusan Stojkovic - 7 years ago
i love how this is not fake
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yep, it's not fake, also not really uncommon at all.
Ksowell0905 092673
Ksowell0905 092673 - 7 years ago
your gonna need a bigger surfboard
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
We have one or 2 bigger ones...
Gage Bragewitz
Gage Bragewitz - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
He was very relaxed actually, while getting stiches he asked several times if they could make it so he could paddle out the next day, the hospital required the wheel chair, it was their policy, he walked to the car.
jritch789 - 7 years ago
Very brave young man and did extremely well at handling the situation.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks, I appreciate the kind words.
korpakukac - 7 years ago
Dolphins are amazing creatures defending humans for no reason. Yet Japanese mass-murder dolphins every year... fml...
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I would like folks to not kill dolphins as a general rule.
korpakukac - 7 years ago
Google Taiji Hunt.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
We like dolphins, are they still killing them?
Weird Mike
Weird Mike - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
It is true.
Ricky Bachman
Ricky Bachman - 7 years ago
Juvenile bull shark but a bull shark nonetheless
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
yes, glad it was a juvenile...
Eric Gunnison
Eric Gunnison - 7 years ago
Dirty water, summertime, churned up surf means....sharks and russian roulette.
Eric Gunnison
Eric Gunnison - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A Don't play.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Place your bets.
Amy Greufe
Amy Greufe - 7 years ago
how do you know it was a bull shark and not another shark? We only see the dorsal fin.
Sarah J
Sarah J - 6 years ago
A big bull shark are you ducking kidding me! Its a probably a nurse shart lmao. I say this based on bite pictures
Chad Guthrie
Chad Guthrie - 6 years ago
I got bit by a bull at NSB 04/20/07, it left teeth in my hand which the surgeon saved for me. I sent them to the international shark attack file at the University of Florida they confirmed the type and size of shark. They also told me bulls account for 95% of the bites there during spring as they get very aggressive for some reason when the shark pups are being born.
Jüngkøökîë_BTS - 6 years ago
Probably because of the bite
Clay Lepchenske
Clay Lepchenske - 6 years ago
+Insta honestly, believe the topic was simple shark types and their regions. Nobody would deny it wasn't a bull shark
Insta - 6 years ago
I mean if they were lying about it.. wouldn't they have said it was a great white anyway? lol
read1986 - 6 years ago
+Alicia Morgan who is they?
Clay Lepchenske
Clay Lepchenske - 6 years ago
Becauas FL is full of bullsharks or tiger. Not a great white like here in SF bay area, they love that ice water.
Jefferson Sims
Jefferson Sims - 6 years ago
It was a bullshit shark
Omar Attia
Omar Attia - 6 years ago
Amy Greufe ur right the dorsal fin was big I’m not sure what kind of shark was that
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 6 years ago
Corey Mullis it was in the Atlantic
Lehmann Peters
Lehmann Peters - 6 years ago
In Florida if you're not over a reef and in the surf by shore it's most likely a bull shark.
Corey Mullis
Corey Mullis - 6 years ago
Bull sharks are in the gulf as well, and I think that's where this took place.
Victor England
Victor England - 6 years ago
Because it was mooing. If it was roaring, it would've been a tiger shark.
Andrew Novak
Andrew Novak - 7 years ago
Amy Greufe Shark tail fin and dolphin dorsal fin.
Alicia Morgan
Alicia Morgan - 7 years ago
They don't just guess. Some time tooth fragments are found. Not all sharks have the same teeth
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
The doctors at the hospital see a lot of bites and said it was definitely a bull shark from the width of the tooth holes, shape of the mouth.
Aprath - 7 years ago
His "cuts" made me crack, crack open a cold one with the boys
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Good plan.
alex parshin
alex parshin - 7 years ago
it means his time is not coming yet.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Ene Chan
Ene Chan - 7 years ago
aquaman must have sent the dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
He did, he and King Neptune worked it out with sponge bob.
capsize friendship
capsize friendship - 7 years ago
that's awesome he showed them that there was other sharks and he needed to get out with them....
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes, it was an Anthony Jeslnik Shark Party.
Rian Grubb
Rian Grubb - 7 years ago
well I love sharks
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
So do we! dew WEE
Jon Mongiello
Jon Mongiello - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
RAVEN - 7 years ago
most people killing shark for money! and shark killing people for revenge/food ._.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
or nah.
kimmy Chavez
kimmy Chavez - 7 years ago
i'm studying about aquatic animals and well i had to read this book and well i found out that if u are getting attacked by a shark dolphins come to attack the sharks and they would protect you from anymore harm
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They seem to want to get involved, not sure it is that complex though.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Here is another choice, don't feel bad, feel good. Everything ends well, nothing to feel bad about.
clearly mira
clearly mira - 7 years ago
whoever disliked has no heart
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Lamborghini Ferrari
Lamborghini Ferrari - 7 years ago
2:45 Well thankfully this bite wasn't very powerfull.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
True, that was good.
Eliza B
Eliza B - 7 years ago
I hate bull sharks
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They taste like cat food....
fv margot
fv margot - 7 years ago
New Smyrna Beach shark attack capital of the world and it's going to continue to get worse because National marine fisheries service has destroyed the shark fishery in this country I read a lot of comments about people saying that so many sharks are being caught but that's not true at all not in this country people who are out on the water know the truth that the sharks have reached levels that we have not seen in my lifetime and it's about to get a lot worse because the sharks that I catch are all pregnant with plenty of food in the water and this many sharks reproducing there's going to be a lot of sharks very soon every year you're going to see more and more shark attacks
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Wow, I kinda tend to agree but don't really know. I can tell you I see no shortage of sharks in the water. The waters here are filled with sharks.
Sam Jackson
Sam Jackson - 7 years ago
He's So calm
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks, nothing to stress about.
da_wild _ash0w0
da_wild _ash0w0 - 7 years ago
oh no
Chris Torres
Chris Torres - 7 years ago
I think dolphins sometimes protect human cos mermaids my look like us
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
tantan tan
tantan tan - 7 years ago
They dolphinitely tried to protect you
better2gether - 7 years ago
Plot twist, the dolphin but him
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hehe, brutal dolphin attack
charles riggs
charles riggs - 7 years ago
Dolphins, our friend, Sharks, not our friend.
Emi Danle
Emi Danle - 7 years ago
if you beat water and swim like a fishing bait, there is a strong probability to attract hunters. surfers forgot this simple rule.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
No, we know it, just willing to take the risk.
Riley McKee
Riley McKee - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
squirt squirt
llZEROllMagic - 7 years ago
I rlly love dolphines
Avery 01925
Avery 01925 - 7 years ago
He's very lucky that he wasn't very injured and that there were those dolphins blocking the shark from any more damage
Jenna Van De Pol
Jenna Van De Pol - 7 years ago
Dolphins are such beautiful creatures, elegant and gracefull. They are thanked by many for saving human kind. I LOVE DOLPHINS. THEY ARE ALSO REALLY CUTE.
BoxFoxLand - 7 years ago
Humans fear sharks fear dolphin fear death
Miranda Salinas
Miranda Salinas - 7 years ago
Were was the other two
Jimmy Gilmore
Jimmy Gilmore - 7 years ago
I have heard of dolphins doing this behavior.... and yes God I love Dolphins protecting us idiot humans
Chloe Taylor
Chloe Taylor - 7 years ago
I hate when people blame the shark for the attack because the water in the ocean is Sharks home so when we go swimming where intruding their house it's not as if we see them walking down the street near our house now Do we this i why I feel like we should blame it on the people at the shark
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
How about there is nothing to blame, things just happen? By the way, it is both the shark's and our home, not just the shark's home. Get with the home team...
Motoroil - 7 years ago
surf in shark infested water... Darwin award?
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Drive much,? Much more dangerous, by far. Are the handing out the Darwin award for that also?
Alexroro - 7 years ago
Dolphins 1 - 0 Shark
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Game over.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
True that.
Professor Plzcheese
Professor Plzcheese - 7 years ago
this video is all hearsay because i only say him swim next to a fin and him with tiny bite marks. no dolphin.
Professor Plzcheese
Professor Plzcheese - 7 years ago
The video doesnt line up with the story man
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
uh, ok... But nah.
Uday Klein
Uday Klein - 7 years ago
Fijn dat die dolfijn er was
Onluda Motol
Onluda Motol - 7 years ago
100% fake
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
100 percent real. There is an article in Florida Today with substantiates it.
Nevaeh Bailey
Nevaeh Bailey - 7 years ago
He surfs bad
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
bad as in good...
Cp Lu
Cp Lu - 7 years ago
Omg! I would not let my son surf like that! Oh hell no!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Son of a ....
Ipeyton - 7 years ago
He didn't even get bite
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
So be it.
sam333 - 7 years ago
boring I wanted to see it bite him in half
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Wishful thinking.
King Shifty
King Shifty - 7 years ago
don't fuck with dolphins
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
or nah!
Leeng Su
Leeng Su - 7 years ago
i think the boy was bite by bull shark
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
he was.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
bad as in good?
skotiskiller - 7 years ago
Dolphins actually don't give a shit about people.The very very few times they were recorded driving off sharks that were close to humans happened cause dolphins were trying to protect themsleves and their offsprings.Human were just lucky to be near them.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
True, just animals.
Tina Johnson
Tina Johnson - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
No it's actually real, look it up.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
So Shweet
Lejla Bilalovic
Lejla Bilalovic - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Bianca playzz
Bianca playzz - 7 years ago
so cute the dolphin saves that's why I really like dolpins
Migue byte
Migue byte - 7 years ago
I think he was attacked by the dolphind.. the wound matches more round dolphins teeth than shark teeth..
Alyssa Maldonado
Alyssa Maldonado - 7 years ago
May god bless dolphins
Tracey Lynn c Falconer
Tracey Lynn c Falconer - 7 years ago
you're very good luck the dolphin was there
Paodicila *
Paodicila * - 7 years ago
Well,at least the bite Mark wasn't that bad!
Laura Gamer/Volgs
Laura Gamer/Volgs - 7 years ago
1 like: help the boy
Subscribe : no Dolphins will be killed
Reply:help every animal in the sea
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
yes indeed.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
yes indeed.
Nola - 7 years ago
Dolphins are the real mermaids of the ocean.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
mermaids are cool....
Kevin Geraldez
Kevin Geraldez - 7 years ago
what lake is this at?
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
lake Atlantic.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
it wasn't that bad.
Jeanna Theis
Jeanna Theis - 7 years ago
Glad he was ok and not badly harmed.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Mia Lia Sia
Mia Lia Sia - 7 years ago
Oh nooooo :'(
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Jennie - Taehyung Kim
Jennie - Taehyung Kim - 7 years ago
there's was 2 omg it so sad
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
yep. but not very sad.
Jordan Berry
Jordan Berry - 7 years ago
Wow thank God there wasn't serious damage.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
yes indeed.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
it was a shark
Alternative Headlines
Alternative Headlines - 7 years ago
I bet the dolphins were in on it. Never trust a dolphin.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I agree. Animals are animals. Some are better than others.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Sweet and yet still animals.
franniebee - 7 years ago
he is an amazing surfer
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks, we appreciate the compliment.
Jogaming - 7 years ago
Dolphins are so polite
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
You might say that... Or they are curious animals.
Amy Belmontes
Amy Belmontes - 7 years ago
i was onced attacked by a great white shark and free willy and nemo came to help me. Fish are friends not food.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Sweet, are you sure king kong wasn't also there?
Wan Firas Naufal
Wan Firas Naufal - 7 years ago
you should be grateful because that's not an alligator
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I am grateful it wasn't a polar bear.
Mitz - 7 years ago
How can it possibly be a shark tail fin if no dorsal fin is visible? If the tail fin is visible the dorsal would also be visible.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
no idea...
Ellie PlaysMsp
Ellie PlaysMsp - 7 years ago
Wooow he has 2 sit in a wheel chair just he has tiny marks on him
Alicia Morgan
Alicia Morgan - 7 years ago
I'm sure you would be a badass and dance out the door after getting bit! I love people that criticize a situation they know nothing about. I would have died of a heart attack from seeing the shark. I wouldn't even have any marks on me. Just an exploded heart
Ellie PlaysMsp
Ellie PlaysMsp - 7 years ago
oh right
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
That was a hospital thing, they didn't want him to tare the stitches.
Soi Dog
Soi Dog - 7 years ago
Don't ever swim / surf in dirty water. Zambezi shark territory.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks but no thanks.
Makaveli Records
Makaveli Records - 7 years ago
sharks seem wary of dolphins and whales even though they are much bigger preditors
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes, they do.
Grace Gerry
Grace Gerry - 7 years ago
the dolfins are goodies we shall never eat them because the protected him and if we eat them it won't be kind the dolfins are on our side of the force I rest my case
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
uh ok...
adult hitler
adult hitler - 7 years ago
miracle form god! <3
adult hitler
adult hitler - 7 years ago
why not? god made those creatures out there bruh <3
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Or nah.
Matt and Abb
Matt and Abb - 7 years ago
once you see dolphins look out
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Look out for a good time.
Wan Yee
Wan Yee - 7 years ago
Lucky boy save by dolphins. I like dolphins much
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Saved, well kinda.
Alpha Wolf
Alpha Wolf - 7 years ago
I love dolphins and dolphins saved us from sharks all the time
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Dolphins rock, its true
ocram palevu
ocram palevu - 7 years ago
he can kill you
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
ocram palevu
ocram palevu - 7 years ago
dount go in that water
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
yes, yes.
Nemwot Fanizet
Nemwot Fanizet - 7 years ago
welcome to Earth
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks, we are from earth actually.
Yhang Azelleb
Yhang Azelleb - 7 years ago
so nice
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
ShidoSGamingChannel - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes, that's right.
Daniel Naylor
Daniel Naylor - 7 years ago
When the crap did he get bit.I never saw any blood!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
About 3 years ago at the East Coast Championship.
Jaymz z
Jaymz z - 7 years ago
so you just gonna record him huh
btw he's a good surfer
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I didn't even know he was bitten until he got to the beach. He paddled back out after the bit and the waves break about 100 yards out.
it's your girl syd
it's your girl syd - 7 years ago
you are him am I talking to u
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
SwEg NuGGeT - 7 years ago
Bro it's such a shame that we abuse animals so bad yet they still protect us from death
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Hehe, we...
HayHayIsCrayCray 1256
HayHayIsCrayCray 1256 - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Cool, our number 1 reason also.
Katherine Uribe
Katherine Uribe - 7 years ago
The bull shark has the most testosterone of any animal in the animal kingdom, more than a bull elephant! They're particularly aggressive predators, going back, bite after bite, where as a Great White usually takes a single exploratory bite, then retreats. This young man was extremely lucky!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Well that is what they will tell you during shark week, but we can tell you that almost never happens. 2 other people bitten that day and they were all minimal. Don't believe the hype.
Robert Lee
Robert Lee - 7 years ago
and this is why Miami Dolphins was my favorite football team as a kid
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Go Fins, Except the Bucs are better. Pirates.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Liltiger Sniper
Liltiger Sniper - 7 years ago
frostfire i know ur channel
BEAST MODE - 7 years ago
dolphins are the best
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They are cool.
klique73 - 7 years ago
I love dolphins they are very intelligent animals and i do believe they were helping him!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yes. They are cool.
dannycool59x - 7 years ago
Just one bite mate!!!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
One was enough... Luckily it wasn't that bad.
Szalay Zsiros
Szalay Zsiros - 7 years ago
i saw the shark át 2 9
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yep, he saw it up close on his leg.
J Vlogger
J Vlogger - 7 years ago
dolphins are the best
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They are cool, true.
Olivia King
Olivia King - 7 years ago
I know not everybody believes this but wow God was really with that boy
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Sounds good.
Im Stud
Im Stud - 7 years ago
The kid ended up losing that contest.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
He advanced out of the heat and was knocked out by the shark.
carz club
carz club - 7 years ago
dolphins are better then humans
Sean B
Sean B - 6 years ago
Sven, don’t you think that is true?
CM/Blink F
CM/Blink F - 6 years ago
Dolphins are rapists
FinalShadow17 - 6 years ago
+Abraham Lincoln lol no humans are not the only ones who kill with no purposeful meaning
Amando Abreu
Amando Abreu - 6 years ago
Slightly more prone to raping and using carcasses as sex toys, but sure.
DogWatcher - 6 years ago
They are probably better writing English as well.
Corey Mullis
Corey Mullis - 6 years ago
That's just a dumb comment
Heaven J
Heaven J - 7 years ago
In what respect?
master Small Vlogs
master Small Vlogs - 7 years ago
I love dolphins but that's your opinion
mami Ruby
mami Ruby - 7 years ago
I can only change my name every 90 days
I can only change my name every 90 days - 7 years ago
Pieter VR
Pieter VR - 7 years ago
Do you know Dolphins participate in group rape to assert dominance, masturbate with the body of dead fish and suck on pufferfish to get high?
Ignigknok - 7 years ago
Neil Strike nah not true at all. Did you not watch this video lol. Im sure that shark did wht he had to just to survive lol. Same with vicious dogs, bears, cougars, lions , spider, snakes.... pretty much any creature other than human will attack for little to no reason. Idk maybe youve had your ass kicked to many times by humans or ive been bitten to many times by animals... either way, we dont see eye to eye.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln - 7 years ago
I agree 100%. As a matter of fact, all animals are better than most humans. They do what they do to survive. Humans are the only creatures that will murder another for no justified reason. Humans lie, cheat, steal and commit a slew of other crimes giving no thought to the victims and have no compassion when we all have the ability to be compassionate. Humans choose and calculate to do harm to one another. Animals just try to survive. We create so much trash and hurt our own environment. I will include myself on the pollution and hurting out environment.

So yes animals are better than humans generally. Not better than all but generally speaking.
carz club
carz club - 7 years ago
Daniel Naylor
Daniel Naylor - 7 years ago
john devlin that means there better than u
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
That's crazy. No way.
2mwillis - 7 years ago
If the dolphins really knew what cock suckers human beings are to their species that dolphin should of taken the kid out and drown him instead of save him.
SOX - 7 years ago
cannot know if it is true, though knowing the emotional intelligence of dolphins it can be for sure!!
anyway, it is so beautiful to think this really happened... :-)
SOX - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Not sure about emotional intelligence, but they seem to help humans for some reason. It definitely did happen.
Chloe Clarke
Chloe Clarke - 7 years ago
if it wasn't for that dolfinne the boy would be dead
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
perhaps, perhaps not.
Svetlio Stoychev
Svetlio Stoychev - 7 years ago
Esto no es normal?! Como puede ser tiburón q muerde chico en océano.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Mkai i
Mkai i - 7 years ago
hes lucky it was just a very very small bite, i might not even consider it a bite maybe just a scratch
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
No such thing as luck. hings just happen.
Anime Addiction
Anime Addiction - 7 years ago
Dolphins are amazing I've always loved them
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
they are cool.
Princess maddy
Princess maddy - 7 years ago
me too
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
blitzrule - 7 years ago
stupid kid, he should know if he was bleeding, sharks will be attracted because of the blood, he should have come to shore asap!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
I guess that is what you would have done... Not in our nature.
ronald munoz
ronald munoz - 7 years ago
i feel like we need to reterm "shark attack", to something more like "inquisitive shark contact". lol. sharks don't really intentionally bite people, and when they do, we really don't have an appealing taste since we're pretty far away from their natural food chain, and we provide very little in terms of wht they would consider to be valuable nutrition. we're not near fat enough which would provide very, very, little energy they need to survive, and i would bet that the protein our muscles are made of would be hard for them to digest as well, not to mention that things tend to taste like the food that is regularly consumed in their diet, and we pretty much eat like complete shit, especially when you include all of the processed foods, artificial flavors and or sweetners, basically all the garbage that we, collectively (as a society), consider to be food. lol
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Wow, you seem to know alot about the nutritional value of people.... I agree that it was not an attack, just a bite.
Cristiano Alves
Cristiano Alves - 7 years ago
is not bullshark!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
It sure was, very distinctive bite pattern and mouth shape. The doctors in NSB know the difference since they see so many.
Friskyy - 7 years ago
Big bullshark probs 4ft small and the big thing behind him was a dolphin and the thing next to him was the bullshark
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Maybe a bit bigger but you are close, the mouth pattern of the bite was pretty big.
mother66 - 7 years ago
New Smyrna is the shark 'attack' capitol of the world. Most are just nips, like this.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
True that.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Snakes definitely.
Kyle Zura
Kyle Zura - 7 years ago
He's one brave kid
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
dean birnie
dean birnie - 7 years ago
Large shark... come to South Africa so you can learn the definition of "LARGE". Glad the kid is alright though!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Thanks, we have great whites here, but they are very mellow.
Placid Fawn67
Placid Fawn67 - 7 years ago
Wait what the boy wasn't even crying
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Yeah, he never cried. That's true. Asked the doctor if he could surf the next day but the doc said no.
surfinmuso - 7 years ago
Sorry, but that was not a dolphin dorsal fin, that was another shark.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Could be, but there were lots of dolphins in the area also.
fishing ORATA FRA
fishing ORATA FRA - 7 years ago
wow...great dolphin!
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
mr biscuits
mr biscuits - 7 years ago
no shark attack on cam here.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Ok, I guess you would know....not
MichaelMick - 7 years ago
Don't get in the ocean. Same concept as not getting off the highway in the south or west sides of Chicago.
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
Chicago is more dangerous.
Arlet Ugarte
Arlet Ugarte - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
GrottyGrub - 7 years ago
This is why I will never go more than 10 feet in that water
SurfAllDayA1A - 7 years ago
They can still get you 10 feet out...
Theblueeye - 8 years ago
But I hope your leg is better
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Thanks it is better.
Theblueeye - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but that is not a shark bite trust me I know
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
It is a shark bite.
Jaquido - 8 years ago
Why tf was he just sitting there if i got bite i would of paddled back ti the beach like the flash not ohhh look i got bite hmmm
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
If you have to ask you will never know.
Okc 35
Okc 35 - 8 years ago
those looked like paper cuts y was he in a wheel chair
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
yep, that's the deal, only Shark Tooth cuts, Got any?
Bull shark
Bull shark - 8 years ago
That's why you stay out of my territory
Bull shark
Bull shark - 8 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A jk bro we cool
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Hayley Helm
Hayley Helm - 8 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Franklin truong
Franklin truong - 8 years ago
Memories to dolphin
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Dolphins r cool.
CrafterZ Co.
CrafterZ Co. - 8 years ago
How did get here.....
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
uh what?
Pete Schweaty
Pete Schweaty - 8 years ago
What the story doesn't tell you is that after the dolphins scared away the shark, the boy and those three dolphins went to a quiet part of the beach and made sweet love to each other.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
I guess it will be a mystery...
Bam Bam82
Bam Bam82 - 8 years ago
wow crazy video...
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Just a day in the life.
Mary MEMlendon
Mary MEMlendon - 8 years ago
So glad he is okay! That could have been really way worse.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Thanks for the positive vibes! So true, it wasn't a very bad day at all. Learned alot.
Eryn Happ
Eryn Happ - 8 years ago
This is why dolphins are my fav animals
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
I agree!
spu3 - 8 years ago
Unless it was a dolphin impersonating a shark. They say dolphins are clever.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Both dolphins and sharks, we were there.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
It is a dolphin and a shark.
Mr. Iguana
Mr. Iguana - 8 years ago
Personally the only sea animals I fear are sharks and sea lions
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
and surfers?
Kevins Knives
Kevins Knives - 8 years ago
Surfing or fishing, the only time shark and/or dolphin have approached me within arms length is when their natural food source was also there. But in YouTube land the dolphins are summoned by magic to ... oh, fuck it; believe what you want.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
We know dolphins aren't gonna save anything. They are just sea creatures, not magical. :)
Kevins Knives
Kevins Knives - 8 years ago
You miss the point? People wanna believe dolphins (or whatever animal) are there to save humanity 'cause they obviously have nothing better to do. Surfing Space Coast 25 years... Jellies are the biggest bitch. But you have fun worrying, I'll continue to enjoy myself.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Until you get bitten its all just talk.
SHELDON AMANTIAD - 8 years ago
it was like the dolphin was his guardian angel
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Good way to look at it. :)
SheepEatingDuck - 8 years ago
He got bit by a saltwater catfish. Nothing to see here...
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
I like that!
Gelina Ann
Gelina Ann - 8 years ago
Awww I'm glad that those dolphins smelled you were bleeding and stayed to protect you!!!! They are so incredible!!!
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Thanks, they are awesome!
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
So true.
Danijel B-Bburic
Danijel B-Bburic - 8 years ago
Danijel B-Bburic
Danijel B-Bburic - 8 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A np
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Delusional_ Bunny
Delusional_ Bunny - 8 years ago
its not that bad
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Also true.
ABS-CBN Fanatic 2008
ABS-CBN Fanatic 2008 - 8 years ago
uploaded on my birthday
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Wow! Got a shark bite while you were biting bDay cake.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Next time don't surf in murky water. The shark can't see well if your a seal or not.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Well, we surf in any water that has waves... No seals in Florida...
CutieGirl4Life - 8 years ago
People water or oceans are dangerous. See how dumb people are
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Hehe, maybe obeying your fear is the odd choice.
Crysta Nikiforov
Crysta Nikiforov - 8 years ago
brave kid.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Thanks, I am his Dad and would agree.
DougHarts - 8 years ago
Are people really buying this crap? You are telling me that a kid was bitten by a bullshark and stayed in the water and finished the competition? This is not a hip pointer or a charlie horse. You get out of the water. Stupid...
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
He did not finish the heat. However after the bite, he paddled to the outside, caught one in to advance out of the heat. He wasn't able to continue in the contest due to all the stitches.
wet hotdog
wet hotdog - 6 years ago
people suck
Omar Attia
Omar Attia - 6 years ago
Lieutenant Dan WE ALL KNOW THAT
Omar Attia
Omar Attia - 6 years ago
maleka58 I AGREE
Omar Attia
Omar Attia - 6 years ago
Lieutenant Dan
Lieutenant Dan - 6 years ago
People kill people to so...
water lake
water lake - 6 years ago
The truth is that is a less amurikan savage who live in our planet earth. Not trying to sound racist, just the truth.
Corey Mullis
Corey Mullis - 6 years ago
Who kills them?
Isaac Smith
Isaac Smith - 6 years ago
Cheyenne K. People kill everything
Cody Cobb
Cody Cobb - 7 years ago
Dolphins gang rape others for dominance and fuck dead fish they are one of the only other living thing to get sexual pleasure so dolphins are not so cute and cuddly when you think of what they do
- su su
- su su - 7 years ago
dolphins can be dangerous too, and why only defend dolphins? other innocent animals get slaughtered too. i hate people like you.
mike - 7 years ago
eternal infinity
eternal infinity - 7 years ago
Are you a vegan Pandas R Us!?
Noctdevil C
Noctdevil C - 7 years ago
Japan kill Dolphins. Those they can't trained after capturing them from wild. I heard there's a undercover footage some guy taken secretly.
Zsolt Balint
Zsolt Balint - 7 years ago
Yeah cause they protect humans why on eath would they kill dolphins
Cheryl Phillips
Cheryl Phillips - 7 years ago
I seen footage where they trap hundreds of dolphins near the waters edge it's so sad I was crying so hard there was soooo much blood they were just hitting them drowning them it was horrible I don't know the name if the documentary it could be the cover like the guy said ..it's very graphic I'm warning you it hurts to watch
Cheryl Phillips
Cheryl Phillips - 7 years ago
yes their meat is even in tuna if you eat tuna buy dolphin safe it says it on the can...
Swamp Yankee
Swamp Yankee - 7 years ago
Princess maddy Sorry but as a commercial fisherman in the N. Atlantic i know for a fact in a span of a month + thousands die in our gillnets. more than amy other non-target species. sometimes closer to shore you can easily have a 100+/- dead sharks, threshers, blue, mako, whites, you name it. whale sharks, basking sharks, seals, and an horrific amount of loggerhead, leatherbacks, Kemp Rids, green, and probably others that I'm not familiar with. add to that list many seals and a ton of sturgeun(sp?). Worst of all, when these animals move into this area, our target fish(monkfish/goosefish) are almost gone and the price is WAY DOWN. In other words, it doesn't & shouldn't happen yet even local scientists are unaware of the area or extent although all protected species and all marine mammal encounters have to be reported by law but in thousands of incidents I've never see a call made but have seen gov't observers turn around while a body was dumped back over. Not flinching. i no longer fish. that said there are clean fisheries, caring fishermen, and ways to avoid this result of greed.
Danatile - 7 years ago
LilCookiezzz yes people kill dolphins, watch the cove
LilCookiezzz - 7 years ago
Why would people kill dolphins they help us why would we kill them
Princess maddy
Princess maddy - 7 years ago
Megan Twaits your right she is lying
Princess maddy
Princess maddy - 7 years ago
Pandas R Us! they don't kill dolphins
Megan Twaits
Megan Twaits - 7 years ago
Pandas R Us! people do not kill dolphins your lying
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Humans are awesome and so are sharks and dolphins too, you don't have to choose. :)
maleka58 - 8 years ago
Yes humans a very messed up! Al life deserves respect. Look at what they do in
flee2321 - 8 years ago
aCk0916 klein um people Kill whales and all kinds of fish and dogs and cats and cows and horses and pretty much everything.
G LOOMIS - 8 years ago
aCk0916 klein that's a good question.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
bittasweet symphony
bittasweet symphony - 8 years ago
so basically he is now nathan from southpark
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
maleka58 - 8 years ago
Well done for not panicking. Most surfers respect the sea and all its creatures also knowing that they might get bitten.
Ador Malong
Ador Malong - 7 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A wasn't that bad??? You're nuts.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Yes, respect and common sense. Sometimes bad things happen, but it really wasn't that bad.
maleka58 - 8 years ago
Hey A sensible answer. But then you are obviously are surfer and respect the sea in all its glory :)
Carys R
Carys R - 8 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Yep, par for the course.
RippinLipsFishing - 8 years ago
Looks like a blacktip or a spinner shark to me.
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
The doctors told us it was a classic bull shark tooth size and pattern/mouth shape.
Gregory Santilli
Gregory Santilli - 8 years ago
ReaperMC, and interesting name, considering your view of this situation.
So name the parts of the ecosystem, read predators, that feed on the sharks off Miami?
Let's see. Great Whites come to mind. They are coming back, big time.
Protected speices.
Don't hang much in Florida.
What eats bull sharks in Florida?
Nothing except man.
What you have is an out of balance ecosystem, with animals that breed many, and quickly, and will destroy their own ecosystem, by over eating the area.
Sharks start biting humans by mistake, or overpopulated.
I realize that the current comments about sharks being over fished are correct, but not in Florida, and not by a couple guys with bang sticks.
The people killing massive amounts of sharks are the Japanese, for their fins, and they cut them off and throw the rest of the shark overboard.
These are the same people that are killing whales, and don't care what other countries suggest.
Frankly I'm fine with sinking all the Japanese whaling ships, and 99% of the shark fishing boats, and using the US Navy to enforce it.
That's what your teachers are talking about, not some guy that wants to get a few waves, and knows killing a shark or two will drive off a lot of other sharks in the area.
Culling of out of control animals is the logical result of a lack of predatory animals for those overpopulating animals.
o e
o e - 8 years ago
Oft sieht man von weitem schon, ihre Rückenflosse aus dem Wasser ragen, aber viel surfer achten nicht drauf. habe die Beine einige Meter weit rechts und links im Wasser baumeln, wissen das da grosse haie sind machen es aber trozdem
Harlem in the gym Best
Harlem in the gym Best - 8 years ago
I love dollfins
Marco - 8 years ago
luky guy
sharon chai
sharon chai - 8 years ago
Only small bite..haha....lucky his leg still attached. Big shark attack them....lololol
jorge pearl
jorge pearl - 8 years ago
why dolphins save humans? humans eat them
Ted in Japan
Ted in Japan - 8 years ago
jorge pearl it's instinct for them to protect things from sharks , they might be doing with other animals too
Harlem in the gym Best
Harlem in the gym Best - 8 years ago
jorge pearl a know thay. DONT
Joe Joe H
Joe Joe H - 8 years ago
jorge pearl The dolphin probably bit him.
Nat Alaevanh
Nat Alaevanh - 8 years ago
There was only one bull shark and one dolphin luckily the dolphin was there or it could of be worse
zүσηιx - 8 years ago
NatA 1.3 ikr the shark.could've finished him by snapping his head but the dolphin didn't let him
Ahmed G.
Ahmed G. - 8 years ago
Here's an idea; don't surf in Shark Infested waters!
Secr3t - 8 years ago
every beach in the world have sharks maybe small sharks, sharks longer out in the ocean or just sharks that nobody sees
Mighty Wolf 09
Mighty Wolf 09 - 8 years ago
Seems like a dog bite him 3 times
scottfraser5000 - 8 years ago
i live in australia and i live with sharks,poisonous spiders,crocodiles,snakes and im just in love with getting attacked by these things
Juuuleez - 8 years ago
''a large shark'' retard
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
What have humans done to deserve such kindness from dolphins? we eat them and sell their body parts for money. Maybe back in the day when we were mermaids we made a pact with them or some shit
get rekt
get rekt - 7 years ago
They don't know that dumbass
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
Paul Sack k these r the things you say to your best friends not the internet say you are trying to get a job a your boss finds this stuff then um I don't think your getting the job. I know that you deserve your own opinion and everything it's just expressing it on the internet leads to a big pile of mess
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
Paul Sack hey dude I was trying to get through to the other dude about different opinions on the religious thing but just swearing because u can seems a little no a lot over the top.
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
Princess maddy would you let your child watch a video of a shark attack you wouldn't want your poor child to think that sharks are evil u want to help the world evolve by explaining to him that sharks are just misunderstood.
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
Lilia Rodriguez human beings
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
treble fox some countries eat them along with SHARKS WHICH R GOOD AND PPL THINK THAT THEY R EVIL AND THEY ARE NOT AND NOW THEY R GOING TO GO EXTINCT. Sorry I'm very protective of sharks.
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
Lyle Rallos you have no proof it's real. have you seen god perform these acts? Have you met Jesus? Where u there when two of every animal boarded Noah's boat? No. Then stop picking on this bloke who simply has a different opinion to u I will admit that mermaids are a bit out there but if I told you 10-20 years ago that dinosaurs had feathers you would have fallen on the floor laughing. Look u can call him simple minded as we could call you for the opposite reason we haven't seen God so we find it hard to believe he exits. you just believe what you have been read out a book which takes faith which I'm sure is important both of our situations make sense so can we stop arguing because "God" made us different please.
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
Lyle Rallos now that's not fair everyone is entitled to there own opinion. Also if your God is real he abandoned us therefore he doesn't deserve our love in my opinion, but as I just said everyone is entitled to there own opinion.
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
Pandas R Us! Everyone has a different opinion. That's why there r wars, cause all the ppl think they r right and want everyone else to believe them. Religion is a dangerous thing. It starts wars.
Cat McKillion
Cat McKillion - 7 years ago
Paul Sack yeah humans don't deserve anything. And I would love if our ancestors were actually mermaids and mermen that would be so cool.
rastko dragic
rastko dragic - 7 years ago
Paul Sack you must be the stupidest human on this planet just go kys. if it was sarcastic then its ok.
DJ AMAC - 7 years ago
Distressed Person I think it's been said that it's impossible to time travel in the past.
Distressed Person
Distressed Person - 7 years ago
DJ AMAC Because we our knowledge isnt enough, we havent discovered a way to travel through time. Though highly unlikely, it is still possible in the future. Everything is a possibility, even the impossible.
DJ AMAC - 7 years ago
Distressed Person
Some things are just impossible in this world. But everyone has a different perspective of life. If anything might be possible, why can't humans go back in time?
Distressed Person
Distressed Person - 7 years ago
DJ AMAC like i said, the world we live in is mysterious, it's vast. Anything, even the most impossible, is, possible. I do believe there is an omnipotent being, but i dont believe in religion.
DJ AMAC - 7 years ago
Distressed Person
How would that be possible though. It doesn't really fit together. I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in him.
Distressed Person
Distressed Person - 7 years ago
DJ AMAC What if there is? The world is a big place. Assuming that there is no god is way too arrogant.
DJ AMAC - 7 years ago
Paul Sack
What kind of scientist believes in God? Lol
DJ AMAC - 7 years ago
Lyle Rallos
There is no such thing as God. There has never been any proof that he exists. No human being can have that much power to create a world. It's literally impossible. The Bible just tells you what you want to hear.
DJ AMAC - 7 years ago
Pandas R Us!
God's creation? Do you actually believe that? Who was God's parents creation then?
Geoffrey Levine
Geoffrey Levine - 7 years ago
Except for the Japanese, I'm pretty sure most people love dolphins and agree that they're are top 10 smartest animals.
nikki arezzi
nikki arezzi - 7 years ago
Paul Sack lmao
Zarah Rose
Zarah Rose - 7 years ago
Just Rinat k
Just Rinat
Just Rinat - 7 years ago
Please keep in mind that we are following the footsteps of any animal put in our position. If dolphins became as developed as we currently are, they would hunt for trophies and follow in our exact footsteps.

The only thing we can do, which we do, is minimize the impact of our destructive behaviors and ensure that they do not cause worldwide catastrophes.
Jimmy Gilmore
Jimmy Gilmore - 7 years ago
I have to agree, over all the human race is destructive, natural resource destroying, dirty and basically a bacteria to this beautiful planet that existed long before idiot humans came along.
Humans = Bacteria
Someday we will figure out all we are is bacteria
Distressed Person
Distressed Person - 7 years ago
No human deserves to live on this planet. And honestly about that religion talk . . that was just 9/10 best argument i've ever seen.
JIm Bob
JIm Bob - 7 years ago
Paul Sack That's a very broad statement. It's like blaming normal people for ISIS's deeds because they kill people. SOME people out there might go and kill dolphins and sharks around Asia or Africa, but that's not everyone on the earth, and you're making it sound like everyone is guilty for that. And, I don't think dolphins as a species would hate all humans because of a bad encounter.
Sonia G
Sonia G - 7 years ago
Oh God, have you seen the documentary 'The Cove'? The way the Japanese treat Dolphins is HORRIFIC. In fact the way ALL mankind treat Dolphins is disgusting. We don't deserve to be on this planet.
Jimmy Gilmore
Jimmy Gilmore - 7 years ago
I agree Paul
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 7 years ago
AlwaysFunm Is there an english version of that story you can link me to?
jusus Jimenez
jusus Jimenez - 7 years ago
Paul Sack xd
Pamela Giles
Pamela Giles - 7 years ago
papadopoulos O3O
AlwaysFunm - 7 years ago
The story that I heard is that they was humans before from Atlantis.When the destruction water flood came and make this race disappear,some of the Atlantis fall in love with water,so God turn some of them in dolphins.Every time they saw humans they fall in love with our shape of beings cuz they miss it..Also there is a story that they move the dead drawn body's to the waterfront instead of the waves(like we think).
EarthIsA BigNigga
EarthIsA BigNigga - 7 years ago
Pandas R Us! Science and logic. =/= God's creation. Nothing proves he's real and nothing proves that Jesus is real, apart from some scriptures that were probably a bedtime story
Anastuski Tripic
Anastuski Tripic - 7 years ago
Paul Sack sharks are scared of there pointy noses so they run its like when u cry from a sibling you will keep running away and they will always pick on u so dolphins are crazy nice
Phil Dawson
Phil Dawson - 7 years ago
Paul Sack no we don't. me personally never. parasite jive turkey mother humper cunts that need bathing in acid do .
William Monopoli
William Monopoli - 7 years ago
That's right
Xavier Armstrong
Xavier Armstrong - 7 years ago
This was hilarious. Goodnight.
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 7 years ago
+Branden tube I really wish they didnt, save a creature like you from drowning? bad idea. Damn you people are nothing but an infestation
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 7 years ago
+papadopoulos O3O I know that some scientists believe in god that is fully within their rights to. I am however not one of those scientists. I am a med student, nothing more or less
FunForSameer - 7 years ago
Paul Sack Well then God bless mermaids
Princess maddy
Princess maddy - 7 years ago
don't say that little children might be reading that Iike me and that swearword is not good to say to kids and it is food to say because children might copy you and say it too
Dayana 123
Dayana 123 - 7 years ago
Paul Sack dolphins save us you jerk
papadopoulos _hoe
papadopoulos _hoe - 7 years ago
Paul Sack do you know than a lot of ciencist believe in god? science doesnt contradict the bible so... an really mermaids? jesus and you say thats science...
papadopoulos _hoe
papadopoulos _hoe - 7 years ago
wtf mermaids? tha fuck? and dolphins? there are people who eat them? tha fuck? that not normal but seriosly mermaids?
Orange Username
Orange Username - 7 years ago
Paul Sack lol ur joking right?
myOZone - 8 years ago
Lyle Rallos only retard here is you for falling for this guys 8/8 b8

seriously how do you fall for such a troll. it was painfully obvious he was joking about the mermaid thing.
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+treble fox Clearly you havent been keeping up with world events
treble fox
treble fox - 8 years ago
We do not eat or sell dolphins. They do however get caught up in nets and die and some fishermen kill them instead of throwing them back in the water.
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos Yea but I dont follow it blindly like you
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos Now isnt the bible against that kinda talk?
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos Can you send me a bible so I can rip pages out of it and wipe my ass with it? Ill read some non fiction instead while I shit so that I can actually learn about something that doesnt involve the moronic corners of the human mind
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos Not in my library
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos The bible proved that god exists as much as the harry potter books proved that wizards exist
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos No one has proved he exists and no one has proved that he doesnt. I just wanted to skip all the certifiable religious philosophical nut talk
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos But how can that be true if god isnt real?
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+aCk0916 klein Yes, I do. And I also know that scientific fact changes all the time. And that god couldve created all of this. Although I love science and believe in it more than that religious shit, Im hoping some bible nuts will agree with me
Cheyenne K.
Cheyenne K. - 8 years ago
Paul Sack two questions:
1. Where exactly are you getting your logic from?
2. Do you know anything about how Earth and everything on it was created?
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+aCk0916 klein Not true. Your mums ass was made from something that isnt from this dimension
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Richard Weed Did he touch your naughty place?
Burr Anderson
Burr Anderson - 8 years ago
I was once hooked on Lithium ,but now I'm hooked on Jesus.
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos No, I heard he was a good guy though
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
+Lyle Rallos Purely theoretical
Cicky Main
Cicky Main - 8 years ago
dolphin saved him from losing limbs, wow they're something else!
Andrew Burke
Andrew Burke - 8 years ago
no that was a shark fin not tail im a expert the dolphin was the shark tail
Eisonhawk - 8 years ago
of deffo keep lathering add using up more all of that good clean soap y'all
TodaysRealHealth - 8 years ago
Thats why i do not eat ever again commercial fished fish. Especially tuna. As so many wonderful human life saving dolphins end up dying in the nets with them. Even if you never go in the ocean, you could end up going down with a plane. Think about it.
Oddysseas - 8 years ago
Not just dolphins die in those nets, lots of sharks also and other sea dwelling creatures.
D-Dog Vlogs
D-Dog Vlogs - 8 years ago
Why'd you pick there......seriously
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Great waves for Florida.
Cringe Nerds
Cringe Nerds - 8 years ago
Matthew J
Matthew J - 8 years ago
those were dolphin fins
Frenite - 8 years ago
+Matthew J Subscribe to me and I will subscribe to you.
Whatever ok
Whatever ok - 8 years ago
dolphins are known to protect their peers during a shark attack they hlp humans sometimes too
Ethan Jelly Nugyen
Ethan Jelly Nugyen - 8 years ago
BikeRidinManiac - 8 years ago
bull sharks  bite more people than all other sharks
Budok Nano
Budok Nano - 8 years ago
mike carr but loan sharks are more dangerous
Lit Brit
Lit Brit - 8 years ago
mike carr not the shark in the shallows?
EJP - 8 years ago
KittyGamerTV maybe she has been diving for too long. now they consider her one of their own, family.
EJP - 8 years ago
mike carr maybe people should learn to stop braking into their home
Miriam Fuentes
Miriam Fuentes - 8 years ago
mike carr sharks don't attack much where I live. My teacher is a Diver and swims near sharks but they don't bother her
kishmish64 - 8 years ago
I spent one month on the sea border Pakistan / Iran i use to feed dolphins some of the fish I caught but whenever I went swimming they never came too close u tip one morning atleaat 6 dolphins started spread swimming around me . I got bit scared didn't know why they were going crazy . When I got out of the water I saw a shark being attacked. By the Dolphins . Amazing simply amazing
TodaysRealHealth - 8 years ago
Awesome story.
Mixer,Lovatic,Jauregui Jaguar
Mixer,Lovatic,Jauregui Jaguar - 8 years ago
At least the guy didn't have any permanent damage
Nezzero - 8 years ago
he is so lucky the shark just bit down and didn't rock tide to side. bet you the shark just thought he was a seal
adam butterfield
adam butterfield - 6 years ago
The shark was probably wondering what he was, sharks explore the world with their mouth
TodaysRealHealth - 8 years ago
I never saw any seals on that beach???
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
I think it was not trying to resist when the bite happened. Let the bite happen. Also, no seals in Florida, maybe a tarpon.
Roblox Gaming
Roblox Gaming - 8 years ago
Good surfing
Blonde Loser
Blonde Loser - 8 years ago
This wasn't even that bad :/ like he just had deep cuts people have lost friggin limbs
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
All is well that ends well.
MiNo Elit3
MiNo Elit3 - 8 years ago
SurfAllDayA1A is
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
Utter Silence
Utter Silence - 8 years ago
Stay yo ass home.
M T - 8 years ago
Wow he's Lucky to actually survive a shark bite!
Katie Clarity
Katie Clarity - 8 years ago
Sharks don't actually like the taste of humans, it probably bit him because it thought he was a seal and when it realised he wasn't, left him alone
Moto Shark
Moto Shark - 8 years ago
Majority do survive the bite. The most deadliest animal in this world is a mosquito. Million people died each year from them. 19 sharks attacks a year, one person dies from attack every two years. 37 people die from lightning strikes. People watch too many movies. Sharks aren't as "dangerous" as some believe.
Claire S
Claire S - 8 years ago
Poor kid
Katelyn Walker
Katelyn Walker - 8 years ago
What country is this
Moto Shark
Moto Shark - 8 years ago
Florida, US.
Miahorseriding - 8 years ago
dolphins are so nice!
Alliechan06 - 8 years ago
Omggggggg noooooooo I am crying for him
Beth Foreman
Beth Foreman - 8 years ago
He okay now just some scars xx
AJ F - 8 years ago
he's like bitches gon love this!
SurfAllDayA1A - 8 years ago
It wasn't that bad.
the_real_abby 06
the_real_abby 06 - 8 years ago
Omg yes
Uncle bill's slave
Uncle bill's slave - 8 years ago
amazing surfer!
Finleyz GAMING
Finleyz GAMING - 8 years ago
Sharks scare me but there also my fav animal I like them but I don't like swiming with em

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