Mick Fanning vs. Italo Ferreira - FINAL - Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach 2018

Mick Fanning battles Italo Ferreira in the Final Heat at the 2018 Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach. #WSL Subscribe to the WSL for more action: https://goo.gl/VllRuj Watch all the latest surfing action of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves. Heats on demand, event highlights and exclusive interviews, right here on the WSL's Youtube channel. For More Visit: http://www.worldsurfleague.com/ Like the WSL on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsl Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/wsl Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/wsl Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Worldsurfleague Follow our Tumblr: http://wslofficial.tumblr.com/

Mick Fanning vs. Italo Ferreira - FINAL - Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach 2018 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Surf 6 years ago 61,421 views

Mick Fanning battles Italo Ferreira in the Final Heat at the 2018 Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach. #WSL Subscribe to the WSL for more action: https://goo.gl/VllRuj Watch all the latest surfing action of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves. Heats on demand, event highlights and exclusive interviews, right here on the WSL's Youtube channel. For More Visit: http://www.worldsurfleague.com/ Like the WSL on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsl Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/wsl Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/wsl Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Worldsurfleague Follow our Tumblr: http://wslofficial.tumblr.com/

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Most popular comments
for Mick Fanning vs. Italo Ferreira - FINAL - Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach 2018

Sean W. Hanley
Sean W. Hanley - 6 years ago
I thought Mick’s turns were much more drawn out and precise looking.
virtual saitama
virtual saitama - 6 years ago
virtual saitama
virtual saitama - 6 years ago
Mick! my ídolo
Adam Noce
Adam Noce - 6 years ago
Great battle.
The dude abides
The dude abides - 6 years ago
Fanning throwing HUGE spray it hit me in so cal!!!
The dude abides
The dude abides - 6 years ago
Mick got robbed! So if I do 3 backside off the lips and claim it like a jackass I get to win that's b***** ! And why do all the Brazilian Surfers hop when they try to get around a section? I hate it soooo bad it looks like crap .don't they know you can turn rail2rail and get just as much speed if not more watch the OP Pro,Tom Curren does it over and over again. Even though the nickname is the Huntington hop Curren never hopped he turned rail to rail through the flat sections why did the Brazilians always hop? I f#!@n hate brazo show off pride crap!!!!
Hungo - 6 years ago
I remember young Mick when he was a grom dropping in to say gidday back when i was working at Coopers,great kid,id see his dad and bro Ed down the Hoey having a few beers after work ,nice people, great family .
Mick well done mate you made something great of yourself in this life,not an easy thing to achieve but you did it well and with absolute class !! You will be sorely missed by all fellow countrymen! !!
Italo your like a fine wine buddy getting better each year ,like Mick your always a heat i look forward to watching ,just brilliant ! Keep doing what you do and the world championship will be yours !!
Andre Farias
Andre Farias - 6 years ago
Parabéns Italo, surfou muito. Mick, congratulations for everything, you are an example of competitor, a monster and an example of human being!!! Congrats and cheers!!!
extremetee - 6 years ago
Mick seems like a nice guy but it will be nice not seeing his boring safety surfing massively overscored anymore!

10. comment for Mick Fanning vs. Italo Ferreira - FINAL - Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach 2018

Sean Kearney
Sean Kearney - 6 years ago
Did fanning get robbed??? I'm not sure.
The dude abides
The dude abides - 6 years ago
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 6 years ago
I don't know man; i thought the scoring was all over the place in this event but i could be wrong.
Tim Blizzard
Tim Blizzard - 6 years ago
WSL SHAME!!! Mick got Robbed!!!! Judges wanted a Brazilian champion! That 4 was easily a 9.5!!!! Its all a conspiracy!!! Wah wah wah!!!!
Sergio Henrique
Sergio Henrique - 6 years ago
Filipe não perdeu para o Ítalo, nem o Medina!! A WSL vai frear os dois a todo custo, pois eles surfam mais que todo mundo!! Deixaram o Ítalo pois sabem que ele é inofensivo!! O Medina foi roubado durante toda sua carreira, simplesmente porque tem orgulho de ser Brasileiro e não lambe o saco da WSL !! Aquele nove do Ítalo contra o Medina não valia nem 7,50!! Palhaçada total!!
Sergio Henrique
Sergio Henrique - 6 years ago
Mauricio Wanderley Pra mim o Medina vai ser sempre melhor que qualquer um!!
Mauricio Wanderley
Mauricio Wanderley - 6 years ago
brasil levou 2 nos ultimos anos, e ano passado vai dizer que medina tava melhor q john john?
AstuciaSkateBoard - 6 years ago
Muita festa para Fanning, mas Italo pegou as melhores titulo bem merecido ,, BRASIL na fita,..
AGATH0R - 6 years ago
I cant believe u guys are replacing lowers with the surf ranch, wsl ur retarded
Fernando Formiga
Fernando Formiga - 6 years ago
Deu ate vontade de chorar ! #CheersMick ! Ídolo ! Que bateria !
Oleg Ostapchuk
Oleg Ostapchuk - 6 years ago
krusher74 - 6 years ago
broken foot.
Carlos Maurício ̈ Carioca ̈
Carlos Maurício ̈ Carioca ̈ - 6 years ago
segura os brazucas.
Erik Kudrna
Erik Kudrna - 6 years ago
The edit was terrible. Come on WSL you can do better!
CbadOside - 6 years ago
Haha. WSL fail.

20. comment for Mick Fanning vs. Italo Ferreira - FINAL - Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach 2018

Honório Rebello
Honório Rebello - 6 years ago
Now i chance to say: Brazilian team came very strong for this seazon, Italo, Medida , de Souza , Dora and for sure Toledo... and as i said before. About Italo he surfed well, when the see was heaviest than condition presented at the final, and " the goof " showed very strong turns, brave floaters and only time i saw a wrong was in second wave at the finish, what allowed Fanning get closer but he keeped focused and strong. Congrats ìtalo great perfomance inside the water, keep rocks!
liamLG MC
liamLG MC - 6 years ago
And William Cordoso
Enzo Nolasco
Enzo Nolasco - 6 years ago
Mike Rodrigues too !
Henry Maurice Landemare
Henry Maurice Landemare - 6 years ago
Get Free 2500 Instagram Followers Giveaway at http://instagramfollowers.party It really works now!
Guilherme Bezerra
Guilherme Bezerra - 6 years ago
Mick is monster !!
Marcelo Klein
Marcelo Klein - 6 years ago
Sad because Fanning has left..
Carlos Andres Medrano
Carlos Andres Medrano - 6 years ago
fuck these judges, its almost like they have never surfed a wave in their lives. Backhand snaps were the only thing italo did and it got him a fuckin 9!. Fuck of with this bullshit, everyone knows that backhanded snaps are the easiest move to do is surfing. Get new fucking judges
Demarkuz kuzin
Demarkuz kuzin - 6 years ago
Cheers Mick!!!!!! Miss ur turns
Beatriz Costa
Beatriz Costa - 6 years ago
This heat was intense... #CheersMick, gonna miss you a lot!!! ♥
traql - 6 years ago
Tim Blizzard
Tim Blizzard - 6 years ago
ehlc I think he means what he does after the tour, stupid
ehlc - 6 years ago
Jason Marshall micks retired stupid

30. comment for Mick Fanning vs. Italo Ferreira - FINAL - Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach 2018

josh miller
josh miller - 6 years ago
Cheers mick
mitchell powell
mitchell powell - 6 years ago
terrible edditing you missed all the waves
bodhi tree
bodhi tree - 6 years ago
Will miss those final heats with Mick shredding.
Wayne Dawson
Wayne Dawson - 6 years ago
See ya mick
Leo Ito
Leo Ito - 6 years ago
Congrats Italo!! Parabens!! Mereceu!! Mick Fanning, you're a monster!!! Forever White Lightning!! Surf Legend!
MrDeadsurfer - 6 years ago
Italo takes no crap from the whitewater. He stands out from the crowd.
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 6 years ago
3:44 Lol! It sure was a Fanning love fest over there. He deserves it, but it was a bit over the top imo. Did you guys also notice that as soon J.J. Florence didn't land those airs; NOBODY was doing airs anymore. Really conservative surfing, even on that end section..
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 6 years ago
Yeah i guess; but i could have sworn they started doing airs here a few events ago. Same thing with J-bay though, also a powersurfing wave, but Toledo changed that this year for sure. I just like to see powersurfing combined with airs.

Ok, maybe a faulty memory with regard to Bells!
Tim Blizzard
Tim Blizzard - 6 years ago
Its bells dude, no one wins it with airs. Critical power surfing is what bells has always been about. Airs haven't changed that one bit.
Aint1S - 6 years ago
Well, it's not the storybook ending that we all wanted. I think he left a little on the table to END it at Bells Bowl and nowhere else... Wonder where Mick will pop up next!
Aint1S - 6 years ago
I just watched it again, it is sad and the announcer is just raking everyone over the coals with the way he's talking...
Tim Blizzard
Tim Blizzard - 6 years ago
Still pretty fucking good. I cant believe he made the final! I'm sad he's gone.
Speeeeed - 6 years ago
Playing favorites anyone? Constant praise for Fanning throughout and very little to say for Ferreira.
Gregory Baillie
Gregory Baillie - 6 years ago
It's little wonder I would rather watch paint peeling than corporate surfing. Bad surf, even worse commentary, especially the guy with the ridiculous and irritating American accent, Farreira was boring and lucky, Fanning was ripped off as he took more risks and looked the better surfer for it. Gotta grease that Brazilian market I guess. Yawn.
The dude abides
The dude abides - 6 years ago
Seventysounds first of all Mick is a legend so I think you got me confused secondly you can tell somebody sucks at Surfing by the way they answer which tells me you've never surfed windansea you've never surfed the North Shore you've never surfed Goldie you've never surfed jaybay, in my surfing career I started surfing the bud tour at 16. What were you doing at 16 besides popping pimples and filling socks full of your jizz? I've surf more hours then you've been alive you awesome local Legend! If you're not a pussy what we're going to do is post videos I'll post a video of me surfing you post a video of you and we'll let the YouTube viewers decide who surfs better? That sounds fair.
Seventysounds - 6 years ago
the dude abides (sic) you're an asshole scotrum, go to hell sofa surfer.
The dude abides
The dude abides - 6 years ago
Seventysounds go eat a bowl of dicks. Then learn how to surf
Seventysounds - 6 years ago
Gregory Baillie, you're wrong, I was a surfer in my teens and I still live in front of the beach. I confess it was not great things on the waves, after all in the early 70's no one my age was. I stopped surfing soon after they invented the boards with a fish tail and after that, I only came back up on a board in the middle of the 80's, a little in 1997 and then around 2012. Interesting that surfing, as well as walking bike, you do not unlearn ...but of course you will surf more or less what you already knew ...anyway, stopped but I always accompanied and kept the love for the sport. And golf is perhaps the most annoying and drowsy sport there is, let me out of this.
Tim Blizzard
Tim Blizzard - 6 years ago
You're shitting me, you sound like a Brazilian fan. That surf was great, Mick is a fucking legend and Itallo won. Don't be like them dude. Take it on the chin, like an Aussie.
Gregory Baillie
Gregory Baillie - 6 years ago
You've probably have never been near the ocean, can't surf and love golf, go grab your putter.
Gregory Baillie
Gregory Baillie - 6 years ago
Ha ha good point.
Seventysounds - 6 years ago
You must skip a few years, we are in another time... compare the surf of John John, Medina, Jordy, Toledo, Julian, Ferreira, Michel, Frederico, among others with that of great surfers like Mick and see that the attack is different, the surf is another. The big guys we all love are giving place to new generations and they are bursting and making surfing more dynamic, radical and non-conventional. Fanning was ripped? More risks? Don't make me laugh! And sorry...my English is also bad and weird, imagine me talking ... lol ... so maybe you want to speak Portuguese so I can laugh a little, but I will never be annoyed by such bullshit.
harry blake
harry blake - 6 years ago
Not only did you watch it but also commented and reviewed. Hypocrite much?
CbadOside - 6 years ago
Gregory Baillie
Nothing is worse than watching soccer/football or basketball.
Marcelo Klein
Marcelo Klein - 6 years ago
Bullshit. Ital made good attack in backside. That was fair.
Kawai Marks
Kawai Marks - 6 years ago
surfjabroni - 6 years ago
Gregory Baillie i
Agus PR
Agus PR - 6 years ago
Bravo Italo!
Ashton Bark
Ashton Bark - 6 years ago
Best of luck with u Michael
XX XX - 6 years ago
DMB Animations
DMB Animations - 6 years ago
coulda taken 2 decent waves before it finished, surely he's kicking himself
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 6 years ago
bruh it litterally says womens in the finals
Aint1S - 6 years ago
that is something isn't it, I quit wondering just how these things happen...
judd liliha
judd liliha - 6 years ago
Jules Lacoste
Jules Lacoste - 6 years ago
Paige Torney
Paige Torney - 6 years ago
12,812,961 views - 6 years ago
bit of a error in the title but anyway
Cristiano Castro
Cristiano Castro - 6 years ago
Brazilian storm mais uma vez!!!!
Luke - 6 years ago
Cristiano Castro #3rdworld

50. comment for Mick Fanning vs. Italo Ferreira - FINAL - Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach 2018

James Lewis
James Lewis - 6 years ago
Cristiano Castro italo levou o sino
Gabriel S
Gabriel S - 6 years ago
#CheersMick você foi uma lenda, despedida de honra, reconheceu a vitória do adversário e foi digno.
Gabriel S
Gabriel S - 6 years ago
Melhor da etapa venceu, Italo destruiu
Egon Aszmann
Egon Aszmann - 6 years ago
Juke Long
Juke Long - 6 years ago
Some ugly women
berniedmj1 - 6 years ago
I hate it whenever Potts commentates. Hire Brad Gerlach or Shane Beschen or Barton Lynch or CJ Hobgood or Rob Machado or Mick Fanning now that he is retired. Let Potts commentate the QS if you really need him.
van wray
van wray - 6 years ago
Potter is great. Pete Mel is terrible.I know he's not in this segment, but man Mel is most annoying.
berniedmj1 - 6 years ago
Bryan Totten no he doesn’t. His logic doesn’t make sense. Example. A surfer is getting super shacked, steps closer to the nose, & off his tail traction pad to get more speed while pumping in the barrel trying to make a section or to make it out. The surfer realizes he’s going too fast & notice that the wave is staying open. So he drags one or two hands to slow down. So what does Potts say? Stepping closer to the nose helps you slow down in the barrel. WTF?!? I even asked Brad Gerlach about that on instagram. He said, “Don’t get started!” I also asked Shane beschen on his how to stall two hands in the barrel. He answered my question about slowing down in the barrel but he didn’t answer my question about Potts logic. If Potts was right, then Shane would’ve confirmed that Potts is right. But he didn’t even answer it.
Don’t get me wrong, Potts was a great surfer & that’s about it. Commentating, not so much. He’s bias AF! When a super star surfer makes a mistake, he says it’s ok & it’s just a warm up wave & he/she is sinking his/her feet into the wax. When it’s not a super star surfer, then it is a mistake. If you want somebody describe maneuver to a T, go back to my first post & hire one of them.
krusher74 - 6 years ago
ever comp within his first 10 seconds of commentary he;s said the same shit he says every comp. wow!
ezrhino100 - 6 years ago
are you kidding? pottz is the best, all the way around.
MrDeadsurfer - 6 years ago
Hire Timmy Carvahlo, aka "Mr. Velzyland" or da mouth.
Bryan Totten
Bryan Totten - 6 years ago
there are a lot of people who like Martin maybe the same might not be said for you eh?Martin is clear and describes ever manoeuvre and surfer brilliantly
upsidedahead - 6 years ago
Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 6 years ago
Yeah but at least he can make whole sentences, unlike his commentary partner Joe.
Such AnSuch
Such AnSuch - 6 years ago
berniedmj1 pottz is all wrong for this,antagonistic and fairly unlikable tbh.
Harvey Kid
Harvey Kid - 6 years ago
All time great
Ember Ezzy
Ember Ezzy - 6 years ago
Ember Ezzy
Ember Ezzy - 6 years ago
Two aussies made it to the finals

Only one won though :(
R3l3ntl3ss - 6 years ago
Cheers mick great career so far loved watching you since your first title
Leon Cummins
Leon Cummins - 6 years ago
James Seal
James Seal - 6 years ago
Same to you poppet. Get Me tO 1 MilliOn SubZ
Leon Cummins
Leon Cummins - 6 years ago
how good to see you here james!
James Seal
James Seal - 6 years ago
Hey Leon x
phu cue
phu cue - 6 years ago
Ahhhhh......what a bunch of bullshit ! They where over scoring mick the whole contest ! Why not just give it to him !
Carlos Andres Medrano
Carlos Andres Medrano - 6 years ago
yup italo literally did the same move the whole contest, and its not a complicated move and they were dropping him fucking 10 for that shit even when he would not complete the fucking wave. WE NEED FAIR AND UNBIASED JUDGES OR THIS WILL NEVER BE CONSIDERED A SPORT
Lorde - 6 years ago
dee browne you gay?
dee browne
dee browne - 6 years ago
Lorde yes. So?
upsidedahead - 6 years ago
He was simply being rewarded for bringing his safety surfing A game
Old School Burn Out
Old School Burn Out - 6 years ago
I was thinking the same thing just quietly.
Lorde - 6 years ago
dee browne you high?
dee browne
dee browne - 6 years ago
phu cue and I bet you claim when you fuck your mum
dee browne
dee browne - 6 years ago
phu cue I bet you are a Brazo. Wanker.
Mr.Y - 6 years ago

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