Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave

Paddle over to for more surfing stories Professional big wave surfer Jamie Sterling hopped on a plane with a mission to find and surf decent waves in the great lakes. At Beaver Bay in Duluth (lake superior), Minnesota amongst freezing cold temperatures, Sterling was able to surf some remarkably big waves despite being in an actual fresh water lake. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Surf 13 years ago 481,177 views

Paddle over to for more surfing stories Professional big wave surfer Jamie Sterling hopped on a plane with a mission to find and surf decent waves in the great lakes. At Beaver Bay in Duluth (lake superior), Minnesota amongst freezing cold temperatures, Sterling was able to surf some remarkably big waves despite being in an actual fresh water lake. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave

Dave smith
Dave smith - 7 years ago
Jets on the skill tester....
Peter Linn
Peter Linn - 7 years ago
The storm that brought down the Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior clocked in 30 foot plus seas. Unusual but definitely possible on the Great Lakes. Look up Great Storm of 1913 also to get a feel for just how dangerous the lakes can be.
Andrea Dennis
Andrea Dennis - 7 years ago
That is freshwater?
convex - 7 years ago
Andrea Dennis yerp. And thousands of feet deep
Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 7 years ago
Man, that is hard-core as hell! Look at the ice hanging off his hat when he get out. Far out, man.
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 7 years ago
Yeah, this certainly is not the North Shore of Ohau.
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
wow that was real surf way to go
Crypto Simon
Crypto Simon - 7 years ago
These are some proper waves for a lake
Dan - 8 years ago
Ive been out in the same spot, around Knife river, but we hit some 20' massive breakers in Beaver bay about 7 years ago that almost sucked the life outta you after 15-20 minutes, too cold
Butchzzilla - 8 years ago
I surf Lake Michigan. We get some decent waves. Sometime I'll have to try Lake Superior. But honestly, when I travel to surf, it's warm ocean waves.

10. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave

Lucas TV
Lucas TV - 8 years ago
You get to surf with no worries of sharks or jellies
atmosphere Adr
atmosphere Adr - 8 years ago
You can compare the great lakes with the Mediterranean sea, no tides, deep water and roughly the same size. Big difference is the water and air temperature and the salt water.
UBF Underground Boxing Federation
UBF Underground Boxing Federation - 8 years ago
fawkn epic bra
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
Good waves for bodyboarding.
matthew ziranek
matthew ziranek - 8 years ago
Damn, and I thought the Atlantic was cold over here! I'd NEVER go ice surfing but it's awesome that there are guys like you who are crazy enough to do it so the rest of us don't have to!
Dear: You
Dear: You - 8 years ago
Looks to me like a huge waste of time surfing icy mush burgers. Red Bull would have to pay me allot.
Striker - 7 years ago
Jose Antonio If you catch it on a good day it is warmer than the ocean
Jose Antonio
Jose Antonio - 8 years ago
but it is very chilly
Marcel Lirette
Marcel Lirette - 8 years ago
must not be a real surfer. Who wouldnt want to surf a day in fresh water just because
Brett Holt
Brett Holt - 8 years ago
Maybe they could have snagged a stealhead out there eh!
gabriel bay
gabriel bay - 8 years ago
Those waves are beautiful, I can not even believe that it is a lake
Jon Horvath
Jon Horvath - 8 years ago
Best lake waves I've seen in a video !
Papa Surf Productions
Papa Surf Productions - 9 years ago
Great video. Thanks. Get some 8 mm boots dudes. Feet will not get cold.

20. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave

Oscar Morales
Oscar Morales - 9 years ago
I also do surfing on Lake Superior and I still do it in the winter (on days the lake isn't frozen). The water is cold but a few minutes beening in the water its quite enjoyable.
ExplodingToiletProductions - 9 years ago
haha thats some cool stuff haha
Cal Crappie
Cal Crappie - 9 years ago
The "Norwegian Riviera" i.e. Minnesota's North Shore. Good clean shark-free water! I would imagine there are some totally undiscovered places on Lake Superior that are even better than this.
Alex Moen
Alex Moen - 9 years ago
+Cal Crappie awesome post...
Julio Gomez
Julio Gomez - 9 years ago
I pass
Brother Dunne
Brother Dunne - 9 years ago
Great vid!  Have you surfed anywhere on the North Shore of Superior?
d'Etroit Ultramann
d'Etroit Ultramann - 10 years ago
It's understandable why the Great Lakes aren't referred to as "oceans" or "seas" (because those are usually defined as being saltwater), but really, they deserve a different title than "lakes", as anything large enough to generate its own weather is in another class entirely.
Johnny Hammer
Johnny Hammer - 9 years ago
+d'Etroit Ultramann Well said.
LordDeathspit - 10 years ago
This is amazing. As a native of Michigan I'm am stunned people surf these cold waters but I dig it fellas. And for the people around the globe wondering why they're seeing a lake kick like this it's because the great lakes are huge. To your eyes they'd look no different than an ocean. Waves, sea gulls and you can't see land on the other side. Just dark blue water.
Benjamin Wasylina
Benjamin Wasylina - 6 years ago
It give you a perspective of how big the ocean is
LordDeathspit - 9 years ago
+d'Etroit Ultramann yep. And no jellyfish or stuff that can eat you. Lol
d'Etroit Ultramann
d'Etroit Ultramann - 10 years ago
It's a pretty common reaction from first-time coastal visitors I meet: a look of surprise, and a comment of how they knew the Great Lakes were big, but didn't expect them to look THAT big, where they appear & act like an ocean...that same vast panorama of an infinite-looking blue expanse, the sandy beaches/rocky cliffs, seashells, dune grass, seagulls, and waves. The most instantly-obvious difference to those who know both? - no ocean smell.
LordDeathspit - 10 years ago
+Bri Swifty Yea it's crazy.
Bri Swifty
Bri Swifty - 10 years ago
I remember the first time I saw the lake there is no end in site its huge. It's crazy.
Adam Armstrong
Adam Armstrong - 10 years ago
E Wilkie Stoney Point good job bro not too much longer and your paradise will be lost 
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 9 years ago
...why would you worry about stoney then ? makes no is short, live it up and share waves, enjoy and protect the nature of the surf. rejoice.
CJ Gamer
CJ Gamer - 9 years ago
+E Wilkie Thats all you bro. You can have it. I think i'll stay put here in Costa Rica.
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 9 years ago
+Adam Armstrong   so then when are you coming to surf here adam ?
dji zzah
dji zzah - 10 years ago
incredible for any human being to paddle out in that frigid environment, dude deserves a medal. As an australian I never would have thought a lake could produce waves that size.. Four foot maybe??
Ducati Drew
Ducati Drew - 10 years ago
Wow! Saw smaller waves in Lake Erie.
Livinghighandwise - 10 years ago
Erie is the shallowest of the great lakes and because of this it can produce some of the largest waves (and some of the worst undertow an currents..). While I'm not a surfer, I used to visit Presquile in Erie PA with my parents every summer as a kid and remember swimming in waves 6 - 10 feet a few time..

30. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave

Aaron Kennedy
Aaron Kennedy - 10 years ago
Very cool. I do not feel so bad being here in the mitten after two decades of surfing the Pacific. I guess.
Nick Vevang
Nick Vevang - 10 years ago
bamf surfers, some surfers take on 30 foot waves while others take on 20 degree water
SJfin - 10 years ago
So gnar
ersurfer - 10 years ago
Blaise Michna
Blaise Michna - 11 years ago
look at that double overhead at 48!! crazy!!
CJ Gamer
CJ Gamer - 9 years ago
+Torrey B I'm calling it head high to overhead. Def not double overhead, but still impressive for a lake.
Torrey B
Torrey B - 10 years ago
lol that's not double OH smh....
Josh Cundiff
Josh Cundiff - 11 years ago
To everyone questioning the double over headers you heard it from a pro big wave surfer I don't think he needs to exaggerate the size of the waves he surfs
dakine400 - 11 years ago
Well he did over exaggerate! Shame on him!
Aspie Otaku
Aspie Otaku - 11 years ago
Thats crazy keep forgeting its a lake and not the Ocean LOL Its crazy knowing a lake has waves like the Ocean but then again its a really big lake to the point its like a mini fresh water ocean!
George Mackey
George Mackey - 11 years ago
How isnt this double overhead! go to second 48 and tell me it isn't double overhead, thankyou bunt1691
SJfin - 10 years ago
No doubts as to the size of the surf.  more just playing devils advocate.  I've heard waves described by so many different standards.  I figured this was as good a place as any to get this put to bed lol
George Mackey
George Mackey - 10 years ago
+SJfin even if you were 7 ft surfing that wave, it would still probably be double overhead
SJfin - 10 years ago
I guess I never really thought about the fact that most pro surfers are like 5 ft tall.... haha


No matter how we break this down specifically... that is effin huge for lake surfing
HopelessDoom1 - 10 years ago
+Torrey B I think Jamie Sterling has a good grasp on what double OH is, so even if we never saw one in this video, I'll take his word for it. He is surfing a wave whose face appears well over 6 feet at the 39 second mark, and OH is anything over 5 feet, IIRC, to account for surfer's crouching, so 10 feet is double OH if I'm right.
Torrey B
Torrey B - 10 years ago
lol that's not double OH no matter how you measure it...that's like 6-7 tops! maybe 1 foot OH... 
Aaron Kennedy
Aaron Kennedy - 10 years ago
+SJfin Yeah, but no one really does measure it that way, except in Hawaii.  
SJfin - 10 years ago
Isn't wave height measured from the back? Double overhead face would mean just overhead realistically.
Andrew Prescott
Andrew Prescott - 11 years ago
where on the great lakes is this duluth 
FoShizzle713 - 11 years ago
So sick
Steven Nelson
Steven Nelson - 11 years ago
Good thing Sterling is a big wave guy because he can't do a turn at all.  And double overhead?  He's the next GMAC.
gangsterboogie - 9 years ago
Post a vid of your hack attack. I wanna see you snapping your Jordy Futures in half when you bury your rail Brody.
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 9 years ago
+Steven Nelson ...come up and surf with us all here Steven us how you do it.
madmiguelh2o - 11 years ago
Impressive for a lake no doubt. but double overhead my left testicle!
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
:48 was a double overhead wave face. You can mail me that testicle
CJ Gamer
CJ Gamer - 9 years ago
+George Mackey His buddys in Hawaii are laughing their asses off at the double overhead comment.
Sean MacDonald
Sean MacDonald - 9 years ago
+George Mackey
and he was actually out there
George Mackey
George Mackey - 9 years ago
+dakine400 well jamie sterling(real surfer with knowledge and experience) says in the video it was double over head 1:23
Sean MacDonald
Sean MacDonald - 9 years ago
every wave they got was filmed and I dont see a reason not to include it then talk about it
chicagoPTer - 9 years ago
+madmiguelh2o You know, just because it wasn't in the video doesn't mean there weren't double overhead waves...
GreenSkyFalling - 10 years ago
its Wisconsin double, the rules are different for winter on the lake bud.
dakine400 - 10 years ago
not double over head how many times do i have to say this any real surfer with wave knowledge and experience will agree!
George Mackey
George Mackey - 10 years ago
do you not see the waves in this video?!?! 
dakine400 - 10 years ago
lol, keep telling yourself that! surf some real waves with real surfers and then get back to me on double overhead!
GreenSkyFalling - 10 years ago
+dakine400 well I paused it at 43 seconds and it looked like a Michigan maverick to me mofo. 
dakine400 - 10 years ago
+GreenSkyFalling absolutley not!!!!
GreenSkyFalling - 10 years ago
0:44 seconds  is double over head
Sean MacDonald
Sean MacDonald - 10 years ago
I really think it was I mean it was at least pretty close but it was really sloppy and mushy making it look smaller than it is
madmiguelh2o - 11 years ago
I never said it can't be. I said the waves in this video are not double overhead. I see one or two a couple feet overhead. My testicle gets nothing.
George Mackey
George Mackey - 11 years ago
actually their can be and has been double overhead, at Frankfort, lake Michigan and at Stoney Point, lake Superior. so pay your testicle 
Reno Makani
Reno Makani - 11 years ago
Sic Jamie
Peter Todenhagen
Peter Todenhagen - 11 years ago
Actually jerky, the smallest great lake by surface area is Lake Ontario, not Erie. I do agree though that they are huge and they look and act more as oceans than lakes.
Eliot Metherell
Eliot Metherell - 11 years ago
The Dead Sea is tiny compared to Lake Superior and Lake Superior is very small compared to the Caspian Sea ( 371,000 sq km/143,200 sq mi). Superior also has an average depth of only 480ft/147m compared to 690ft/270m..
Loukas Bethea
Loukas Bethea - 11 years ago
Damn right Jake!
Loukas Bethea
Loukas Bethea - 11 years ago
Hey buddy... The smallest Great Lake, Lake Erie is bigger than the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea surface area is tiny compared to the smallest Great Lake. The Dead Sea surface area; 810 km2 (310 sq mi) Lake Erie 9,910 sq mi (25,667 km2) Research the things you aren't sure about. And the largest, Lake Superior; 31,700 sq mi (82,100 km2) That's fucking HUGE!
Loukas Bethea
Loukas Bethea - 11 years ago
*basically *bottom
Loukas Bethea
Loukas Bethea - 11 years ago
bunt1691 - 11 years ago
Stony point is a tougher wave than pipe. I lived in Wahiwa, It doesn't challenge, neither does Sandy under 10 ft Hawaii scale.

50. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave

bunt1691 - 11 years ago
Ps in the end, a very good professional surfer was challenged here. By overhead, occasionally double waves. Why not give a tad of respect to a place that lights up 15 days a year. Gotta be patient, but trust me, beaver bay is a learning center other than storm waves.
Dear: You
Dear: You - 11 years ago
dude has fukin icesickles hangin from his hood..
bunt1691 - 11 years ago
look at 48 seconds haters. tell me that ain't double overhead. They get much cleaner on a ground swell at stony point, and swell out for over a day. Still often overhead, with a 8-10 second period. Watch unsalted. just an antidote, but it shows the clean swell.
bunt1691 - 11 years ago
Wright attitude you left with.
snowboardman420 - 11 years ago
lol never snowboard, I dont ride with girls cause they hate the cold like you.
Penny Webster
Penny Webster - 11 years ago
yeah they get pretty brutal during storms and in the winter
Mohag - 11 years ago
Yup its a small fresh water ocean basicly. This lake sank the SS Edmund Fitzgerald. It was a big ass 729 ft long freighter and this lakes waves broke it in hafe and sank it to the bottem.
Liam Grieve
Liam Grieve - 11 years ago
Its awesome to have some videos from my area for once!
Andrew Hurst
Andrew Hurst - 11 years ago
Hands and feet frozen? Not sure about that. My hands are the warmest parts of my body when I get out of the lake. 7 mm mittens ftw!
James Biederman
James Biederman - 11 years ago
For those of you who doubt this, watch the movie unsalted.
Chris Moon
Chris Moon - 11 years ago
yes, huge lakes!!!!
TheSnowaddict - 11 years ago
i wish someone was surfing marblehead lighthouse with me monday! nothing like surfing overhead windswell in ohio and getting dragged in the current through rocks! It was 30-35 knots for like 3 days straight, gnarly bloody fun.
Matt Bertram
Matt Bertram - 11 years ago
Yeah man! The great lakes are huge. When looking at superior its just like the ocean in that you can see the other side.
Kenneth Ward
Kenneth Ward - 11 years ago
That was so chill brah
Mathias Klingemann
Mathias Klingemann - 11 years ago
yeah if you go to lake superior in the fall months sometimes waves get bigger than 10 feet.
Hélène Filion
Hélène Filion - 11 years ago
Nice to see a salt surfer come to our Lakes! I surf Huron mostly and Canadian side of Superior but never that big yet!! "fingers crossed"
Matt Walter
Matt Walter - 11 years ago
right on dude, well there big enough to create surfable waves. and thats all that matters... regardless of the minor details
TheCrazydude500 - 11 years ago
Yes, great lakes around Michigan can see waves that big and sometimes bigger.
Jimmy Lee Motta
Jimmy Lee Motta - 11 years ago
Freakin' awesome!
Eliot Metherell
Eliot Metherell - 11 years ago
They're not that big mate. The lakes are too small to be seas. There are some other inland 'seas' which are actually lakes like the Dead Sea.
Ch0plol - 11 years ago
Yeah, the Great Lakes are big enough to have this kind of weather. I'm sure lakes in other places have them too.
TeViiNz - 12 years ago
you gotta really love it to surf when its that cold
Matt Walter
Matt Walter - 12 years ago
pure wind swell... I've noticed the best waves really happen just after a large storm and the wind calms down... thats when you get the "cleanest" you can on the lake. But really these lakes arent lakes they are inland seas... they are big... theyve just been called lakes for the longest times... But if you ever come here you will see these are seas ...
hoforeal - 12 years ago
the world`s worst place to surf
August Barrett
August Barrett - 12 years ago
Wow, either these guys are the worst surfers to ever hit the lakes, or the editing in this is really horrible--no one is ever on a wave for more than a half a second.... Did any of these guys ride a whole wave or were they incapable? Or do 1990's influenced vid editors still think it's cool to not show someone actually surfing for more than a fraction of a second? Get with it guys! Riding a whole wave--from drop-in to kick-out--is actually more engaging and entertaining th n a fr ct on o th pic
Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith - 12 years ago
Double overhead?? Maybe if your 2ft tall..! That is pretty funny..
SonicrabChicago - 12 years ago
I surf almost every weekend in chicago. love surfing the lakes!
SwiftNPainless - 12 years ago
Wade H
Wade H - 12 years ago
raydar987 - 12 years ago
That's a cold ass honkey!!
Jake Therrien
Jake Therrien - 12 years ago
Dude I lived in Michigan and surfing in Lake Michigan and Superior is so much different from the ocean. It makes you appreciate surfing a lot more then being in super crowded surf with a bunch of pissed of people. Fresh water surfing is where its at.
NewportLocalBra - 12 years ago
Not double overhead. Fuck those waves are way to cold. I would try surfing one of the lakes if it picked up a hurricane swell for sure though.
David - 12 years ago
you would still get it with one and time . im tired of telling people this the caribbean can give you hypothermia 90 degree farenheit in 24hrs so 32 degree water +less than 15 minutes no wetsuit with one obviously you have more time
David - 12 years ago
parallel to shore
MRxDAZZLE - 12 years ago
lake superior, Its like an ocean...
peckawoodd - 12 years ago
There were definitely at least a couple approaching DOH that day
Pablo Driesmans
Pablo Driesmans - 12 years ago
Cameron Watkins
Cameron Watkins - 12 years ago
are these waves actually in lakes
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 12 years ago
...old ? it's the fountain of youth !
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 12 years ago
...SToNeY PoiNT is called the cleanest wave in the great lakes (check out Vince Deurs 'Unsalted' movie) the winter, in 33 degree water.....dig it.
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 12 years ago
...low pressure systems spin counter clockwise, and when then move west to east right over duluth mn. , mostly in the winter, often with blizzard snows, over 25 knts. NNE, they kick up waves......the farther away the spin, like up near canada, the longer the fetch....longer the fetch, the cleaner the wave.....otherwise you can't surf on a lake.
bunt1691 - 12 years ago
44 seconds double overhead. I've seen triple, at that spot......hey, it's just a lake, lol. You would die....and it does swell, in glass, overhead.
larris pie
larris pie - 12 years ago
holy shit that s cold icicles on his hoodie!
michael metro
michael metro - 12 years ago
probably so cold
jmg1685 - 12 years ago
dude, this is lake superior. I'm sure when he was out there they seemed double overhead. You are also forgetting that you're a bystander watching a video and were not there. Stop hating, I'm impressed with this video to say the least.
lovelymartyr - 12 years ago
It doesn't
lovelymartyr - 12 years ago
Better than Hossegor,Mundaka,Portugal, a little place called the Canary Islands ? You are on glue ,kid.
etx313 - 12 years ago
Michigan! F YEAH!
lovelymartyr - 12 years ago
because it's not good.
Freebird Rising
Freebird Rising - 12 years ago
But it's fresh water, so you better bring a thick piece of foam...

100. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave

giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 12 years ago
yeah thanks i watched a video about it. its pretty gnarly!
juxier - 12 years ago
there is , its been surfed
guitarsurfer2010 - 12 years ago
on the hood of his wetsuit, his headgear Look at 1:40 Aloha from Hawaii
clarkewi - 12 years ago
What do you mean on his hood.......
Dylan Skelley
Dylan Skelley - 12 years ago
I love this video
Jinkinson sasa
Jinkinson sasa - 12 years ago
Why do they cut these things like this? I just wanted to see one good wave uncut from beginning to end. All we see are one cutback then flash to another wave.
Taylor Baker
Taylor Baker - 12 years ago
not better than obx man hahaha. i love it here
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 12 years ago
would there be surf in antarctica? because there is so much water between antarctica and anywhere else which some big swell must be able to form.
guitarsurfer2010 - 12 years ago
icicles on his hood ! ! !
notrylan - 12 years ago
yeah 20 knot current. mm hm
António Coiso
António Coiso - 12 years ago
lol not true
Rotten Sporty
Rotten Sporty - 12 years ago
rasta this is stupid
piealec1997 - 12 years ago
can someone explain to me how waves form in these lakes? Are there actually ground swells in the lake that move or is it usually just wind swell?
MrThirteen1 - 12 years ago
yes it dose advertise something. The beautiful lakes we have up here!
Matt Walter
Matt Walter - 12 years ago
Of course they are rideable dude! A lot of the times it is super wind blown and is fairly junky yes, but we get a good 10-15 times a year really good perfectly barreling waves like you would see on a good day in the ocean. But the dudes that surf and skim the lakes are mainly just stoked you can do it here and that it can get really good sometimes. Its a sick vibe, thats what makes it so good, everyone is just amped when there is even 4 foot waves!
Matt Walter
Matt Walter - 12 years ago
Yes, Lake Superior has seen 30 footers
Matt Walter
Matt Walter - 12 years ago
Right on dude, either way all our Great Lakes get some decent sized waves
Eaacker - 12 years ago
Actually Michigan-Huron is connected by the Straits of Mackinac and is at the same elevation. Technically they are one lake, and combined have a bigger surface area than Superior.
jordin bragg
jordin bragg - 12 years ago
you must have never surfed s-turns then.
Jacob Hignett
Jacob Hignett - 12 years ago
Haha this is bigger than a lot of stuff I have surfed on Oahu... And a lot colder...
Matt Walter
Matt Walter - 12 years ago
We get super intense winds from upper parts of Canada which cuts deep on our Great Lakes, really there not lakes dude there inland seas. There pretty freaking big ecespically Lake Superior which is the biggest of them all. Biggest season for us is Winter when the water is warmer from the summer and the cold air just cuts in the water like nuts. We love it man! Cold is more of an adventure!
Matt Walter
Matt Walter - 12 years ago
Great lakes represent! Sick vid
Stoned~Chocobo - 12 years ago
how the hell does a lake make bigger waves than most places on the ocean?!
surferboy347808 - 12 years ago
im so glad the water here in hawaii is warm
James Simmo
James Simmo - 12 years ago
Yes, definitely double overhead..... :S
Zach Herman
Zach Herman - 12 years ago
LOL look at his hood at the end of the sesh
Stanislav Khaylov
Stanislav Khaylov - 12 years ago
davis911228 - 12 years ago
no shit... look like fun waves
1BigRocket - 12 years ago
My nipples froze just watching this...
ppettet - 12 years ago
Dude youre so wrong. When you love doing something, it doesnt matter how cold it is, if theres good waves you go out. If its stormy you go out! Surfing is a passion not a publicity stunt
Shinichi Sato
Shinichi Sato - 12 years ago
Please show us your footage of GoPro Movie on board and Movie from land simultaneously.
hugh jarman
hugh jarman - 12 years ago
i thought that ice on this head was some new go pro mount lol
TheNAOer - 12 years ago
what song is this?
sambar02 - 12 years ago
holy sheet
KGero478 - 13 years ago
Other big ships lost on the lakes include: Carl D. Bradley, lost to storm on Lake Michigan, November 18, 1958 and the Daniel J. Morrell, lost to storm on Lake Huron, November 29, 1966. The Bradley sinking claimed 33 of 35 sailors, the Morrell, 28 of 29 sailors
Braden Meyers
Braden Meyers - 13 years ago
who noticed the icicles on his head
Matt Cusack
Matt Cusack - 13 years ago
i think the period for these waves is like a second
AussiefromleDoubs - 13 years ago
This is amazing! Double over-head waves on a lake? Fresh water? How does that feel? Imma try the Mediterranean fo sure....!! I live quite close
ian akers
ian akers - 13 years ago
Haha no camera man will get in that water!
Robert27962 - 13 years ago
Was that jizz on his hoodie?
Shedz Channel
Shedz Channel - 13 years ago
@3daywkend pfft!
Shedz Channel
Shedz Channel - 13 years ago
@Wrkncacnter777 is that so? wow!
theblazer - 13 years ago
Par N
Par N - 13 years ago
ostutzo - 13 years ago
Of course it gets big... large body of water + strong winds = big surf ! BUT does it get clean ? (serious question... it would be great to see a video of big clean surf on the great lakes)
Chris Clark
Chris Clark - 13 years ago
@3daywkend oh yeah overhype that bastard even more SICK bro.
josiahsixkiller - 13 years ago
@suppaduppa5 Sure but wait around for the 40 footers and you'll be in serious trouble
OldManArmyJonno - 13 years ago
I am sure Minnasotan surfers are gutted you won't be there Suppaduppa. I am glad you miss the point of surfing, that means more waves of all kinds for the rest of us in Scandinavia, the UK, The Great Lakes, South East Asia in the Monsoon and all the other spots that take just too much love of surfing to do.
Kaleo Delatori
Kaleo Delatori - 13 years ago
sick how there's waves, but I think it's pointless going through all that cold just for a crap wave
Tcav - 13 years ago
@53johnnyb thats how i do it :)
hitthecouch - 13 years ago
It's snowing and 20 out and lake Erie is supposed to be 6 feet tomorrow! Hell yeah!
JacobMatan - 13 years ago
the ice formed on the hood of his wetsuit when he gets out!!!
53johnnyb - 13 years ago
So to escape a rip current you swim straight to shore right?
andrew08x - 13 years ago
That is so sick, those waves are perfect
jerseyRJ - 13 years ago
thats BS man..... friggin lake gets better waves than the Atlantic
toby blake
toby blake - 13 years ago
I'm a medium size, average Swede, and I just go fishin in the big lake after the snow's thawed. When I go surfing I do that in the summertime, too. And like normal people, I GO SKIING IN THE WINTER. Great surfing I'll say, if you like scraping the ice off yer fin before ya go in. bbbbbbbbbbboB
WhatRofl - 13 years ago
@hitthecouch Yeah I completely understand, where I live is a coastal area, that barely ever gets cold, and theres good waves that I could go out in just boardshorts, so you can't blame me for thinking this is a little crazy :p I'd probaly do the same if I was in a similar situation
hitthecouch - 13 years ago
@WhatRofl We're landlocked and at times it sucks. If I had the option to move to the coast I would. Surfing in ice cold temps is all about being passionate about it or whatever your sport is. You know it's something that burns inside you when our options are few. Hell, it was 25 Fahrenheit (Idk the metric temp) today and I went mountain biking on a frozen trail out of pure love for the sport. I guess you could say some of us are a little crazy.
WhatRofl - 13 years ago
@hitthecouch Yeah I know that I'm not saying that Red Bull made a bad decision or the surfers are stupid, I'm just saying personally theres no way I would do that, especially considering I live in australia where the coldest the water pretty much ever gets is 16 at the coldest.
jkid4141 - 13 years ago
hey that looks fun....oh wait theres ice on his suit nevermind
hitthecouch - 13 years ago
@WhatRofl People often don't have the option to travel to those places and have to work with the lake waves where they live. Red Bull made the vid in the lake because it's different and unique.
skipast75 - 13 years ago
Great Video. Surfing in the cold is for the experience. We get waves here like this in the spring and fall too. In the Fall, the water is usually warmer then the air temp. This spot is just north of Duluth. There are several other spots too. Stoney Point is usually the best. Park Point beach right in the city can get good, and is all sand. But the Under toe can be scary if the outer sand bar breaks.
HudsonvileHolligans - 13 years ago
I surf here in grand haven michigan i love it,,,,
WhatRofl - 13 years ago
personally I don't think its worth it copping those freezing cold temperatures, I mean don't get me wrong those waves are good but, nothing perfect, travel to hawaii, or indonesia same kind of waves but warm.
88railman - 13 years ago
minnesota canadian border
m ra
m ra - 13 years ago
you guys are legends...good on you.
Ryan Rowe
Ryan Rowe - 13 years ago
Those waves look pretty clean. I bet they were freezing balls tho
Jeremy D513
Jeremy D513 - 13 years ago
go figure... maybe u can surf anywhere :-)
nyyankees4296 - 13 years ago
how often are there waves
matti1804 - 13 years ago
Nothing better then a good dive in that lake every morning. :D
Stuart Grant
Stuart Grant - 13 years ago
@808bayside They're called the great lakes for a reason. More ships have been lost to just Lake Superior, where they were surfing, than to the Bermuda triangle, possibly most famous being the Edmund Fitzgerald.
chulieho - 13 years ago
that was epic.great surfing jamie.
Nicholas Boville
Nicholas Boville - 13 years ago
I love surfing the great lakes, but this video really shows how much less power great lake waves really have....did you see how slow he was going and how lethargic his turns were on those big waves!!!! Still surfing though!!!! Kudos to Red Bull for showing people that with passion the possibilities are endless and major props to Sterling for coming out here and checking it out!!!!!
Michael S
Michael S - 13 years ago
what? there's waves in lakes? wow.. how little knowledge i know
aejhbj12 - 13 years ago
what board is he using
roly4642 - 13 years ago
These people of a metal Passion
salmmonster - 13 years ago
@MrTommy123g Isn't this in Minnesota?
MrRedskins0021 - 13 years ago
michigan is a beautiful place to live in. When i retire i'm going to move to michigan
Romulo Lora
Romulo Lora - 13 years ago
VAF.. olha o gelo na cara dele!! porrrra! se 5 graus jah congela imagina - .....
tommy gately
tommy gately - 13 years ago
gotta love michigan
peckawoodd - 13 years ago
I have a new respect for the Great Lakes.
AT M - 13 years ago
@germantaco34 jealous much? you wish you could kill it like that dude. but keep hating dude; i'm sure it will get you far in life bro.
Liam Aharoni
Liam Aharoni - 13 years ago
@germantaco34 so y r u watching this
drew cook
drew cook - 13 years ago
or you could go someplace warmer...
88railman - 13 years ago
@noordkant don't know that board but if you surf lake waves i highly reccomend the channel islands pod, not the best for choppy but if its clean there's nothing better
Maurice Boelens
Maurice Boelens - 13 years ago
these guys are the bomb!
CHazz Y
CHazz Y - 13 years ago
@germantaco34 totally agree with you
Clement - 13 years ago
I lived there for a year and I missed surfing so bad! I always thought there could be some good surfing in that lake but it's so damn cold!! Amazing video!
Matt P
Matt P - 13 years ago
boo cold water
noordkant - 13 years ago
That board looks great for mushy waves. Could you give mne the specs of that board?
steve Dalpe
steve Dalpe - 13 years ago
Red Bull is a heart attack in a can Drink Zija for real energy
TheIceHoler - 13 years ago
love aussies
love aussies - 13 years ago
Nice ..
ohzee - 13 years ago
Red Bull Staff, could you please give me a job?
jakeherbertjake - 13 years ago
where were the double overhead waves?
Isaiah Kamoe
Isaiah Kamoe - 13 years ago
looks warm
Beau Bibeau
Beau Bibeau - 13 years ago
@myuinca freshwater.
joshcannonball - 13 years ago
@Rory99M 6/5/4 with 7 mil boots and gloves. it's not so bad.
Harvey Sanders
Harvey Sanders - 13 years ago
@myuinca fresh
TohaBgood2 - 13 years ago
what the fuuuuuck?!??! -20 F Dang, that must have been cold :DDD
Justin Greene
Justin Greene - 13 years ago
where are the locals---- here we go ---sell out---go back to your home break, tom curren would have SCHOOLED your ass-- this is a big sell-out---- any asp could do this---GO HOME---SHOW A LOCAL RIPPING----- BRING IN THE WORLD TOUR---LETS SEE THAT-----
whatfur - 13 years ago
Fresh water.
Margaret Urquhart
Margaret Urquhart - 13 years ago
Are the great lakes fresh or salt water?
ho bra
ho bra - 13 years ago
god i love my home hawaii
Rory Mannion
Rory Mannion - 13 years ago
i just looked up 20deg Fahrenheit, cause didn't how cold that was, apparently thats -6.67 degrees celsius. How is that possible to surf in, I think I'm hardcore in 7 or 8 degrees celsius. what kind of wetsuits do they use?
Eli Colgan
Eli Colgan - 13 years ago
Love the smile on his face at the end. Living in Maine I know the feeling. Surfing in cold water is a true test of your soul.
moeterbank - 13 years ago
<-- check out ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Syrionn - 13 years ago
Not a real man till you have ice hanging off your swimsuit.
Red Bull
Red Bull - 13 years ago
@NickMAI2Y "6pm in the morning" by jr kong
Ascension Visuals
Ascension Visuals - 13 years ago
@irvine646464 buoyancy doesn't because the moment that cold water hits your giblets you'll ghasp and sink lol :P Even on a 80% humid day that water can never be warm enough to really enjoy... still amazing place to see, though. Take a trip in July. The lake effect will offset the intense humidity we get here.
Coconut_Meat - 13 years ago
When I lived in Marquette, MI, I would go to the black rocks to watch the waves during storms. In November and March, there were many times when they would be 10 to 14 feet. If you are really lucky, you can get 20 plus foot waves out there in November, March and possibly early April. I kind of miss being able to head to the black rocks to watch the waves during a storm. P.S. Lake Superior is an inland freshwater sea.
Jordan Smeltzer
Jordan Smeltzer - 13 years ago
home of Northern Michigan University, and the current holders of the world record longboardin/skateboard parade.
Cian Mark
Cian Mark - 13 years ago
haha icicles on ice hood :D :D
Par N
Par N - 13 years ago
Gr8 Lakes - gr8 Waves ! ( :
Brohana - 13 years ago
i wanna surf
UnReel Rc
UnReel Rc - 13 years ago
Tom Krznar
Tom Krznar - 13 years ago
OMG this the second redbull video that I've seen and still no name of the song??? Go see how people are freaking out for the song on Grete Eliassen's ski jump video! thumbs up if you want redbull to give out the song!
RobertGoulet298 - 13 years ago
Hell yeah! Colder than NE, with some size!!
Ty Cooper
Ty Cooper - 13 years ago
hey you guys wanna go surf in antarctica? k
kristofvanzeir - 13 years ago
there goes my secret surf spot! dude
xieper - 13 years ago
That is one big ass lake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (excuse my surprise... we don't have lakes like that in the UK)
TheDwill1234 - 13 years ago
Duluth mn REP
matt mcdowell
matt mcdowell - 13 years ago
WTFhappenedWITHyou - 13 years ago
THE FUCK! SO, COLD! He had fucking ice on his face at the end lmao!
spiritro06 - 13 years ago
they always put awesome music on their videos but never link them in the description :(
biagix - 13 years ago
Song Name???
machineguntongue - 13 years ago
That is way too cold for me, but truly amazing. He must be in super good shape with a crazy metabolism. Bet his first warm drink or hot shower felt like heaven.
208Brando - 13 years ago
Dont have to worry about sharks!
rooney1004 - 13 years ago
YES!!!!! From a true Michigander, thanks for the exposure Red Bull. Lots more to see here in the great lakes. Hope you come back soon.
thekillerz12345 - 13 years ago
i herd viewer 309 is gay.
Fischer Films
Fischer Films - 13 years ago
I totally know where some other fantastic places are on Lake Superior for surfing. A little more north in canada tho.
kallan02 - 13 years ago
man thats nuts its probably too cold for the fish
Mark Dacosta
Mark Dacosta - 13 years ago
you know he's having fun when he has icicles coming down from his fucking head. RedBull never fails to impress me. (:
OMGCBAs - 13 years ago
@WOLVErRYAN LOL Just turn it over
pacmania09 - 13 years ago
Surfing in a Lake, I wouldn't. What are beaches for... WTF.
Christopher Wallace
Christopher Wallace - 13 years ago
Hey, I saw Jamie Sterling in a surf vid of peru. I think the Icicles hanging off of his hood at the end of the vid is one of the most extreme things I have ever seen
titleist65 - 13 years ago
@RichPrepKid8888 wow you are so intelligent, it's a great thing you decided to bless us with your knowledge because everyone was wondering why they were wearing wetsuits
Lucrestyle - 13 years ago
Derek Walker
Derek Walker - 13 years ago
ipushmybike - 13 years ago
xSamxStormx - 13 years ago
Nice man, you're awesome... must be cold as shit..... a real trooper here
regard60 - 13 years ago
i dont get it, you go to surf freezing conditions, when you can just go to indo which is warm double over head and barrelling
Oliver Willis
Oliver Willis - 13 years ago
this is legit my grandma lives there she saw opeople surfing
xAssAsSiNSpr33x - 13 years ago
what wetsuit was that
Luke c
Luke c - 13 years ago
He should come and surf the irish sea in winter, absolutely standard weather, Suck it up.
ypetrik - 13 years ago
@PostDrummer no it just shows how bad ass that dude is.
sam maxwell
sam maxwell - 13 years ago
@Tnesjed i dunno the air is cold enough haha
Xico Ferreira de Carvalho Ortega
Xico Ferreira de Carvalho Ortega - 13 years ago
Matt FitzGibbon
Matt FitzGibbon - 13 years ago
i like the icicles on his wetsuit
Etienne Labrie
Etienne Labrie - 13 years ago
That Is Awesome!
Alastair Norman
Alastair Norman - 13 years ago
@jonasandtheranger ty
Supa - 13 years ago
Sinistaar - 13 years ago
@NuclearTestSubject Superior.
frankieb234 - 13 years ago
A shitload of respect!!!!
pHaTdProductions - 13 years ago
@redbull get yourself a partnership =)
Jamie Ramsay
Jamie Ramsay - 13 years ago
holy smokes, waves like that in a fuckin loch... crazy shit
Adam Coulter
Adam Coulter - 13 years ago
What lake was this?
DOUBL3SCOOP - 13 years ago
icicles from your wetsuit is the sign that its rather chilly?
Kyle L
Kyle L - 13 years ago
nicckalass williepea
nicckalass williepea - 13 years ago
@famousgirl9x9 its a massive lake.
LouiiAndKass - 13 years ago
Freakin' awesome.!
Red Bull
Red Bull - 13 years ago
@HorschtMo Party.
famousgirl9x9 - 13 years ago
There are waves that big in a lake????? wtf.
Nick Sacré
Nick Sacré - 13 years ago
red bull is on a upload spree
Carl Magnus
Carl Magnus - 13 years ago
fuck, that looked cold! :O respect!
Jack O'flynn
Jack O'flynn - 13 years ago
this us nothing like club penguin :(
Maximilian Pruckner
Maximilian Pruckner - 13 years ago
240p FTW! :D

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About Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave

The "Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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