Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave
Surf 13 years ago 481,177 views
Paddle over to for more surfing stories Professional big wave surfer Jamie Sterling hopped on a plane with a mission to find and surf decent waves in the great lakes. At Beaver Bay in Duluth (lake superior), Minnesota amongst freezing cold temperatures, Sterling was able to surf some remarkably big waves despite being in an actual fresh water lake. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
10. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave
20. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave
30. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave
No matter how we break this down specifically... that is effin huge for lake surfing
and he was actually out there
every wave they got was filmed and I dont see a reason not to include it then talk about it
50. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave
100. comment for Surfing in the Great Lakes - Red Bull New Wave