YESTERDAY; Music by Arya Safakish FOLLOW ME on on on

Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5152

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YESTERDAY; Music by Arya Safakish FOLLOW ME on on on

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Most popular comments
for Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS

Liam Van wyk
Liam Van wyk - 7 years ago
I live there !!!!!
soapie - 7 years ago
Those high guys made me laugh so much. The only world I could make out is “motafuckaa” lmao
Jjhoop C
Jjhoop C - 7 years ago
FeatPablo17Gaming - 7 years ago
Lara LandX
Lara LandX - 7 years ago
I had no idea you could surf.... then I watched your vid here...
Lara LandX
Lara LandX - 7 years ago
dude... trying to get out of a wetsuit is hard... try it in a carpark full of surfer dudes when you have boobs and you can't flash them.... yeah. that's HARD LMAO
plica06 - 7 years ago
Casey vlogs were so good in this era !
yoav klein
yoav klein - 7 years ago
I have surfed there is it South Africa near cape Town?
-ICe_- ICEY - 7 years ago

10. comment for Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS

This Natural Journey
This Natural Journey - 7 years ago
Nice one great work love the drone footage
Donovan McClellan
Donovan McClellan - 7 years ago
your leash is on the wrong foot you kook
chloe tucker
chloe tucker - 7 years ago
Cobus Willem
Cobus Willem - 7 years ago
I live there
Connors video
Connors video - 7 years ago
I live in cape town muzinberg is not in the Indian ocean its in the Atlantic oceane
Robert Schaefer
Robert Schaefer - 7 years ago
Sees the title- everyday in straya
STL Fila
STL Fila - 7 years ago
Please....if there’s a god, eat this douche.
Surfer Boy
Surfer Boy - 7 years ago
I think I saw table mountain is that cape town
Dear Me Bro
Dear Me Bro - 7 years ago
I live in south africa near johannesburg like an 1 hour away
Nikolas OnBerg
Nikolas OnBerg - 7 years ago
Whey didn't you go too kommetjie to surf

20. comment for Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS

Im-_ Matty
Im-_ Matty - 7 years ago
Cormac Clancy
Cormac Clancy - 7 years ago
Great Video like if u agree
good fellah
good fellah - 7 years ago
Homeboy wasn’t scared of swimming w sharks but he was scared of some nigga in his window lmaoo
David Polley
David Polley - 7 years ago
Fun fact: Shark repellent was invented by Julia Childs. True Story!
Rachel Dobbins
Rachel Dobbins - 7 years ago
This is one of Casey's best vlogs. Bring back Dan the Director.
Steven Ruppe
Steven Ruppe - 7 years ago
Killing it, Casey. You tell stories very well--do keep at it!!
Donald Mackay
Donald Mackay - 7 years ago
it for sharks looks sharky
T Lunsford
T Lunsford - 7 years ago
Dude looks like that rapper that does humpty hump. For real
The Journey
The Journey - 7 years ago
Ive always wanted to surf there! I will some day
GreatFratsby - 7 years ago
leash is on the wrong foot you fuckin kook.

30. comment for Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS

Techical Hate
Techical Hate - 7 years ago
Man, I love living in Canada. Go out on a good day and you can have the whole place to your self
Oskar Johnson
Oskar Johnson - 7 years ago
Casey is such a genuinely nice guy
Gavin Coetzee
Gavin Coetzee - 7 years ago
I live in cape town
Matthew - 7 years ago
Could someone tell me, which camera is he using?
Richard Robinson
Richard Robinson - 7 years ago
beautiful footage
PATRICK STAR - 7 years ago
It's called the OCEAN
Angelika Schriber
Angelika Schriber - 7 years ago
Dylan Bellard
Dylan Bellard - 7 years ago
While at the beach. I was looking so hard to spot a shark. Lol
Jon Cody Guillory
Jon Cody Guillory - 7 years ago
Boring af
Emily Liu
Emily Liu - 7 years ago
Casey struggling with the wet suit is the story of my life.
Dan Sullivan
Dan Sullivan - 7 years ago
Pierce Rands
Pierce Rands - 7 years ago
Surfing with *GREAT WHITE SHARKS- (in a hundred mile radius.) Oh yeah and I'm mainly taking drone shots when I'm not *SURFING THE GREAT WHITE (wash).
Sasha Kulda
Sasha Kulda - 7 years ago
Those were baby waves
GLITCH OUT - 7 years ago
When you coming back to SA?
Summer Sanders
Summer Sanders - 7 years ago
That dude definitely sounds like he's been surfing a while.
Pier Stein
Pier Stein - 7 years ago
KraxtOG - 7 years ago
I paid a guy 2 Mil to teach me how to surf yet he didnt know how.
Vlog Botha
Vlog Botha - 7 years ago
Hey Casey, loved your Cape Town vlogs. When are you coming back? All the best!
Colonel ice Cream cone
Colonel ice Cream cone - 7 years ago
To be good at something you have to be bad first
Manuel Rodriguez
Manuel Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Suscribe to my Chanel please

50. comment for Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS

Guy Tsur
Guy Tsur - 7 years ago
he is so amazing
Solomon E
Solomon E - 7 years ago
Don't do drugs
Zeb Murphy
Zeb Murphy - 7 years ago
He had his leash on the wrong way
crockettaustin - 7 years ago
this made my dick hard ;)
Grow Where You Are Planted
Grow Where You Are Planted - 7 years ago
Don't do drugs.
Lifewithshaun Motivation 2
Lifewithshaun Motivation 2 - 7 years ago
my all time favorite Casey Neistat video
airsoft emilio
airsoft emilio - 7 years ago
I feel you I've done that before. Surfing with sharks, spearfishing with sharks, and free diving with sharks. They can definitely be annoying
BumFrogzz - 7 years ago
Finally he did something better then going on planes
BumFrogzz - 7 years ago
Start of video him trying to get out of a stray jacket
Noah Volynsky
Noah Volynsky - 7 years ago
Charly Imsel
Charly Imsel - 7 years ago
This is not a Vlog, this is a little MOVIE every day!!!

Great stuff !!
maarcheen - 7 years ago
Georgia LaChance
Georgia LaChance - 7 years ago
Any other Aussies groms here?
babolatpdtp - 7 years ago
Where does Casey get all this music from for his time lapses and drone shots?
TJ.thebomb. silly
TJ.thebomb. silly - 7 years ago
7 31 biceps
Elle Surfs
Elle Surfs - 7 years ago
Gio Pandas
Gio Pandas - 7 years ago
You Should Do A Collab With The Funk Bros
Sean Wortley
Sean Wortley - 7 years ago
absins - 7 years ago
DAMN. Casey. These new drone shots are just DAMNly good.
Sean Hodge
Sean Hodge - 7 years ago
Your like in 24 inches of water, you had a better chance stepping on a sting ray. Should retiltle your video crappy, crowded Mush burger surf
saymyname - 7 years ago
The music and droids makes your videos 10x better!
Matt Rubin
Matt Rubin - 7 years ago
Damn I feel so patriotic when people like this guy comes to my home town, so unfortunate I didn’t see you☹️ ps like if you watching this in July 2017
samiamisme - 7 years ago
How do you work a drone while surfing? Cool shots at the beach. You were brave to go in in spite of the black flag and a billion shark warnings all over the place.
Kate Boonzaier
Kate Boonzaier - 7 years ago
when you recognize everything in the video... heck i've even surfed there :')
Bonnie_Supertramp - 7 years ago
RGMG - 7 years ago
There is no way I would ever get in that water with Great White Sharks swimming around....not for $1,000,000.00!
Chris Salesy
Chris Salesy - 7 years ago
OK, let me get this straight , DON'T do drugs, but DO surf with sharks? I reckon you're crazy lol
Captain Gnarkill
Captain Gnarkill - 7 years ago
I've seen almost all of Casey's vids, but this one is one of my favorites!
Ruchika Batz
Ruchika Batz - 7 years ago
What's that for a song?
Noah Costine
Noah Costine - 7 years ago
SHOOTR - 7 years ago
So they didn't even surf..
TripleThreat Gaming
TripleThreat Gaming - 7 years ago
What country is this in
Kyle Brown
Kyle Brown - 7 years ago
TripleThreat Gaming south africa
Philipp Du Plessis
Philipp Du Plessis - 7 years ago
I live in SA
Andrew Holmes
Andrew Holmes - 7 years ago
Your intros are super cool give me tips how to make good intros
Andrew Holmes
Andrew Holmes - 7 years ago
Please give me a shoutout plz I'm your biggest fan and how's franni and candis doing
Just a guy Bob
Just a guy Bob - 7 years ago
Surfing is fun
Matt Shooter
Matt Shooter - 7 years ago
Should be called trying to surf with every other human
Fishn Roks
Fishn Roks - 7 years ago
pitty he didnt get eaten . would never have to listen to you again !
Von Schwetz K
Von Schwetz K - 7 years ago
in what part does he surf with great white shark? i guess its another youtuber not worth following.
Itz May
Itz May - 7 years ago
The intro of this video :D
Glenn Dobson
Glenn Dobson - 7 years ago
i feel like you fly everyday
Christian Dossett
Christian Dossett - 7 years ago
One of my favorite vlogs of yours Casey
John Egan
John Egan - 7 years ago
Damn Casey, your surfing videos need more of you surfing...we want to see you catch some waves, dude! Cheers, John ;)
Mike Dancy
Mike Dancy - 7 years ago
so the wife had to fly home alone with the baby? That doesn't seem too fair..
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
where is this cool spot? ;)
C Johnson
C Johnson - 7 years ago
nice video
Jonathan Watson
Jonathan Watson - 7 years ago
These videos are awesome and entertaining but casey seems like a pain in the butt to live with
Lucas Dawson
Lucas Dawson - 7 years ago
individual pause behave yndsokw opportunity arrest.
All American Fishing
All American Fishing - 7 years ago
Wish you would have gotten eaten
Charlton Carswell
Charlton Carswell - 7 years ago
I wish so badly that your wife would be more of a trooper in supporting you. Sorry, Casey, it is none of my business. But I do know what it is like to be married for 25 years and hoping that the spouse would come around and be my #1 fan! Love you, dude!

100. comment for Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS

Patrick Foster
Patrick Foster - 7 years ago
I didn't know Casey had any friends that were real people and not rich as fuck.
Toph H
Toph H - 7 years ago
why do they make wet suits black so it looks like there's a hundred seals out there surfing. why don't they make them blue or something
Snowy Grainius
Snowy Grainius - 7 years ago
yep this is "surfing" alright
RockyIsNotHere - 7 years ago
is it just me or was the guy who worked at the surf rental shop look alot like Collins Key?
Joanne Devine
Joanne Devine - 7 years ago
Nice Aussie Blue hat!
Reys Mahoko
Reys Mahoko - 7 years ago
you are a stupid poes# left winged cuntfish
David Dobrick
David Dobrick - 7 years ago
Don't black people ever stop embrass the rest of the black world
Jack - 7 years ago
I went to muizenberg this year and when me and my brother went into the water the shark alarm went off after 10 minutes of surfing aha
Group Skate
Group Skate - 7 years ago
All of the cars in the backgrounds are red and white
Wild Thing_28
Wild Thing_28 - 7 years ago
Candice reminds me of Matts wife Meredith From demolition ranch
SquareBear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
SquareBear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 7 years ago
People in the comments are upset Casey wasn't eaten by Great White. Lol
Jaskaran Singh
Jaskaran Singh - 7 years ago
Caseys vlogs are amazing...
Jack Townsend
Jack Townsend - 7 years ago
"an awf banana aw somethin"
Alex Oravetz 2
Alex Oravetz 2 - 7 years ago
what 6;52
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
ben gravy is much much better...!
Sergio Beltran
Sergio Beltran - 7 years ago
Did anyone else think it was weird that the passenger seat was on the left side
Life is Priceless academic tutorials
Life is Priceless academic tutorials - 7 years ago
Welcome to South Africa!
Guy Klaassen
Guy Klaassen - 7 years ago
What music part exactly from Arya Safakash. Love it! There is a impresive load of Safakash 's music published on Sound cloud. Which is the exact part / section?
Timothy Sulivan
Timothy Sulivan - 7 years ago
shark appetizers ur good!
Coda Matrix
Coda Matrix - 7 years ago
Cassidy S
Cassidy S - 7 years ago
0:01 Thats how I get dressed everyday thank you for noticing
The California Natives
The California Natives - 7 years ago
Well I mean there ARE sharks in the ocean.
MoBench25 - 7 years ago
This guy looks like Sean Penn !!!!!
Debbie Major Photography
Debbie Major Photography - 7 years ago
Stupid video - there are NO sharks to be seen
Gavin Coetzee
Gavin Coetzee - 7 years ago
I come from Cape Town
De Gee
De Gee - 7 years ago
please keep swimming with the sharks!! maybe one day you will be eaten by one you talentless douche!
tim sullivan
tim sullivan - 7 years ago
One of his best vlogs I think
pro gamer 88
pro gamer 88 - 7 years ago
I like pussy and you
James van Wyk
James van Wyk - 7 years ago
i live there
Reza Javaherbin
Reza Javaherbin - 7 years ago
Oh my kookfest. Lol.
Aidan ward
Aidan ward - 7 years ago
Weird music
CRAZY MANGO111 - 7 years ago
7:33 the muscles tho
Artemis Entreri
Artemis Entreri - 7 years ago
The fucking advice is : "Swim, surf, surfski, or kayak in groups" This basically means, "There going to get one of you at least, but at least you'll have a lower chance of being the one." DUN UDN DUNNNNNNNNN
Artemis Entreri
Artemis Entreri - 7 years ago
then when you get there and see like hundreds of people the average consenses seemed to be, "COME AND GET US YE FUCKING SHARKS!"

Beach News Today, "Only three people eaten on Tuesday, There were 5 on Wednesday, 4 on Sat. and Sun, its a pretty slow week, the sharks must be well fed."
marsmac123 - 7 years ago
change the title of ur vid, its misleading
Thinus Brink
Thinus Brink - 7 years ago
Atlantic ocean... the indian and atlantic ocean meets at L'agulhas(the southern most tip of South Africa)
Seppo Taalasmaa
Seppo Taalasmaa - 7 years ago
first casey video i ever watched :) been watching ever since!
Neil Swartz
Neil Swartz - 7 years ago
gotta love south africans accents
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
6:49 tupac spotted high
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
This barry Guy is dope
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
Like all his conments
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
This Barry benson Guy is a genius
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
Thats crazu
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
Param Singh
Param Singh - 7 years ago
the smell was of the jizz he spilled over in car during sex
SleightofHand - 7 years ago
Us Capetonians sound so unique over a mic.
Panda Clears
Panda Clears - 7 years ago
Not you you piece of shit.
Fingermanant1234 - 7 years ago
super kook!
Alexander Cowell-Vu
Alexander Cowell-Vu - 7 years ago
awwww you should go to Llandudno not muizenberg!
Fritz Hermanns
Fritz Hermanns - 7 years ago
like if there wasn't even one great white sharks
Rivalry Gaming
Rivalry Gaming - 8 years ago
did you use a gopro?
Teresa Karr
Teresa Karr - 8 years ago
I can't believe you assholes got past the street people!
Luke Ourednik
Luke Ourednik - 8 years ago
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ozzy Guy
Ozzy Guy - 8 years ago
So...where were the Whiteys? What a fucking bullshit artist...
Giovanni Galasso
Giovanni Galasso - 8 years ago

Interested in being protected while your in the ocean? Fill out this survey!
KiP CLiPS0 - 8 years ago
7:32 caseys been hitting that synthol hard
Benoit Gaubert
Benoit Gaubert - 8 years ago
Whats the name of casey's friend?
Noel - 8 years ago
3:45 - I hate that as well, when someone fro Britain or Ausi is explaining something they actually say "you know" more than they freaking explain! XDD
Ethan Hulgaard
Ethan Hulgaard - 8 years ago
Ethan Hulgaard
Ethan Hulgaard - 8 years ago
Im convinced that guy was high
rurururu - 8 years ago
wheres the shark then?
TomC - 8 years ago
the guy on drugs at 6:51 didn't say can i have some money, he said "hey muddafukka fun a ni**a with crime needy black scum" if you listen carefully thats hat you can hear
devin pena
devin pena - 8 years ago
Scariest part of vid is seeing them drive on wrong side of road. Lol
deepspace28 - 8 years ago
Wow ....... hilariously bad comedy.! welp Terrible taste sells :>good luck boys :) keep up the bad work lol........ your generation is fucked .... colorful wonky cheese at best ........ I expected more from the title .
HÃĆKÉRŻ_ BÈÀT_23 - 8 years ago
There's not many sharks
HÃĆKÉRŻ_ BÈÀT_23 - 8 years ago
I go surf there every day lol
Diamond - 8 years ago
I live there and thats an awesome surf spot
austin harper
austin harper - 8 years ago
everyone going to beaches when i only got season passes for 6 flags and white water s
JoeyBroey - 8 years ago
how do u get good music?
SenneffRules - 8 years ago
Casey neistat at is such a kook when it comes to surfing he shouldn't even surf gives all us real surfers a bad name
Cherno Provider
Cherno Provider - 8 years ago
U stupid dumb shit where are the sharks ?
Frank Rahmatallah
Frank Rahmatallah - 8 years ago
i have a house in South Africa and i go Surfing in Muizenburg every day im there this video makes me so happy
Thresh - 8 years ago
Türkiyeden Selam
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
TOTAL HAOLE hahahaha
Ryan Jew
Ryan Jew - 8 years ago
Trey L
Trey L - 8 years ago
OML those waves were so clean. RIP FLORIDA WAVES (When they are around)
Jeylani Thiam
Jeylani Thiam - 8 years ago
That guy on drugs
Jeylani Thiam
Jeylani Thiam - 8 years ago
He going to get eaten by a shark
Scottie Sanchez
Scottie Sanchez - 8 years ago
this guy goes on the best adventures.
Kim Söderholm
Kim Söderholm - 8 years ago
Dude whats the songs name from 5:40 i cant find it on the safakash list.
Nizaru - 8 years ago
fucking ass houl
Nizaru - 8 years ago
where is the sharks
Dim Sun
Dim Sun - 8 years ago
yea if I'm going to surf with the whiteys I'm at least going to surf waves that are worth it. no that bullshit lol. fail.
ZVŸ - 8 years ago
hope your wife is getting dicked down by some black guy since you're always gone
Cool15hd - 8 years ago
LMAO that guy who was on drugs "can I have some mone plz"
harryye77 - 8 years ago
7:27 holy moly check out dem guns
Blumpboy - 8 years ago
Dan kinda looks like the Dan from Slow Mo Guys
Sophie TM
Sophie TM - 8 years ago
Nice sharks..
Peter Bowman
Peter Bowman - 8 years ago
Sean Penn look-alike.
Caio Carvalho Music
Caio Carvalho Music - 8 years ago
no surf, no shark, just an idiot trying to get more internet followers
Verynooby117 - 8 years ago
I love sufing in Muzenburg
Connor Blake
Connor Blake - 8 years ago
where were the sharks
Nikos Ioannou
Nikos Ioannou - 8 years ago
Blind Cut
Blind Cut - 8 years ago
I will sub to anyone who likes this comment and subs back
Yareli Banuelos
Yareli Banuelos - 8 years ago
@7:05 lmao..."dont do drugs" lol
Rikki - 8 years ago
That candice hug was so cute i watched it like 5 times
Danny Lucido
Danny Lucido - 8 years ago
hello random human scrolling down the comment section!!!!!!!
Luka Božič
Luka Božič - 8 years ago
i will subscribe to every One who subscribe to Me
THE SETUS - 8 years ago
hahaha!! the guys on drugs lol
Mfhairstream - 8 years ago
Cool place. I lived in Clifton for awhile. Muizenberg beach the water was a bit warmer.
Caleb Sulkin
Caleb Sulkin - 8 years ago
At 7:30 look how big his mussel is
Corson Greig
Corson Greig - 8 years ago
This is on my birthday!!
malthus101 - 8 years ago
Oh man I would pay $$$$$ to see Casey get ripped apart by a great white.

Better luck next time!
Lennard Datema
Lennard Datema - 8 years ago
malthus101 did you just thumb up your own comment?
malthus101 - 8 years ago
ps - thumbed down, video not watched.
adsfg adsa
adsfg adsa - 8 years ago
where is he
Trey Hunter
Trey Hunter - 8 years ago
Idk if Casey still does Q & A's, but if so, can anybody tell me how to ask him a question?
Trey Hunter
Trey Hunter - 8 years ago
youtube comments? email? social media?
Masrizal Mastor
Masrizal Mastor - 8 years ago
sempoi baq ang
Atif Momin
Atif Momin - 8 years ago
please come to india!
The Disney Company
The Disney Company - 8 years ago
Candance is emotion-less she never shows emotions except for just being serious and the only time I've ever seen her been happy is when casey was leaving to new york
Corey Berg
Corey Berg - 8 years ago
7:30 biceps be popin
Joshua Sollitt
Joshua Sollitt - 8 years ago
Where the fuck were the sharks
LC. For
LC. For - 8 years ago
6:50 is the funniest shit ever
john hansen
john hansen - 8 years ago
Who clicked on the video because it said GREAT WHITE SHARKS
Bryan S
Bryan S - 8 years ago
well it nice to see you even knowing i just started watching you
Elias Tassani- Prell
Elias Tassani- Prell - 8 years ago
Why did you go "surfing" on that day- the surf was horrible? And why did you surf on white waves? I have never seen somebody surfing worse than you. It is embarrassing.
Joshua Cowell
Joshua Cowell - 8 years ago
Elias Tassani- Prell he knows he can't surf idiot
Swagoo 21
Swagoo 21 - 8 years ago
Rob Bergh
Rob Bergh - 8 years ago
its sick seeing dan here as well as mr ben brown !
H j Studios
H j Studios - 8 years ago
Use a fucking short-board not a long-board
Macca MACCA - 8 years ago
H j Studios hahahahh yer true
Sachin Tribhuwan
Sachin Tribhuwan - 8 years ago
omg sooo beautiful...<3
Ruan Van der Westhuizen
Ruan Van der Westhuizen - 8 years ago
K Z - 8 years ago
Does anyone know what that guys hat is called
Peter Sebestyen
Peter Sebestyen - 8 years ago
Sean Kearns
Sean Kearns - 8 years ago
a better tittle would be "poser ass poser poses."
JTM - 8 years ago
good tittle surfing with great white sharks where were the sharks ah
just to get more views...
Wes Oshea
Wes Oshea - 8 years ago
what beach
Jasensei - 8 years ago
His friends accent is so chill
Chaotic Lora
Chaotic Lora - 8 years ago
"you know" it's like one of the most south African things you can say.
E Green
E Green - 8 years ago
Were you on the movie nerve and a fail dare person because you look familiar.
SoterPop - 8 years ago
Go to cape cod a lot of sharks around those parts
owlsley5 - 8 years ago
First class piece of crap video. One day he will meet a real 14 foot great white and that will be that.
Noah Costine
Noah Costine - 8 years ago
what kooks
Vincent Van Zyl
Vincent Van Zyl - 8 years ago
01:57 Muizenberg is not the Indian Ocean. It is the Atlantic
Harry Debenham
Harry Debenham - 8 years ago
you put your leggy not he wrong foot but awesome vlog
Ruby Tilden
Ruby Tilden - 8 years ago
Yeah he surfs a lot leash on wrong foot BAHAHAHAHA
xXCodStrikeRXx - 8 years ago
where are the fuckings whites sharks?
mazzoza19 - 8 years ago
Is that Alex Demitriato
John Lloyd
John Lloyd - 8 years ago
Your bacon hair is kind of annoying.
fromthawell - 8 years ago
Visually amazing area + Casey Neistat = amazing visuals filmed amazingly.
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 8 years ago
thank fuck this kook is not here in northern cal!
Allen Wang
Allen Wang - 8 years ago
your wife is tired of u
MWXYT - 8 years ago
I know.
Julius Ceasar
Julius Ceasar - 8 years ago
Sifa Hema she cant its his money
Sifa Hema
Sifa Hema - 8 years ago
+Cancerous Aids she could take half of his, & then the games begin
Neese - 8 years ago
My ass Casey is a fuckin millionaire.. She would never get anything better.
Sifa Hema
Sifa Hema - 8 years ago
Allen Wang my ex wife exactly the same
Gavin Murray
Gavin Murray - 8 years ago
pranks tv
pranks tv - 8 years ago
francin is so prettyyyyyyyy
Christian Iding
Christian Iding - 8 years ago
I was in that surf shop
ASMR Narwhals
ASMR Narwhals - 8 years ago
6:46 what are they saying
Carla backster
Carla backster - 8 years ago
hello random person scrolling down the comment section!!!!!!:))♡♡♡
Augusto Barrantes
Augusto Barrantes - 7 years ago
Clukinallday - 7 years ago
Hi there other random person scrolling down the comment section!
FreeOrcas - 7 years ago
youhan younen
youhan younen - 7 years ago
holy shit how did you know
Alex Martinez
Alex Martinez - 8 years ago
Hey there
Sverre Paasche
Sverre Paasche - 8 years ago
Henry Hudson
Henry Hudson - 8 years ago
lily backster hi
Hotheadblue Life
Hotheadblue Life - 8 years ago
lily backster I thought you saw me for some reason
Gearbox - 8 years ago
oh Hi there
Ahmet arda
Ahmet arda - 8 years ago
1:17 çok iyi be diyor adam türk zencilerden lan :ASFAsf
foolish spider
foolish spider - 8 years ago
i wanted to see you but i missed you
Joshua Louw
Joshua Louw - 8 years ago
hey casey, did you like South Africa? would you ever come back?
Hari T
Hari T - 8 years ago
5:15 is it just me or does that green flag look like blue?
surferjo - 8 years ago
CROMiha Tv
CROMiha Tv - 8 years ago
Hari T and the red looks pink
Alex G H Sansbury
Alex G H Sansbury - 8 years ago
Is anyone else rewatching all of Casey's old videos just for something to do now he's stopped daily vlogging?
Trevor Nichols
Trevor Nichols - 7 years ago
Amna Ghanayem
Amna Ghanayem - 7 years ago
Alex G H Sansbury Yeah
Jake Breder
Jake Breder - 7 years ago
Nah I have shit to do during the day
Hawkeye Maf
Hawkeye Maf - 7 years ago
hes back to vlogging
ZackG32 - 8 years ago
Moddestcoot 440
Moddestcoot 440 - 8 years ago
Alex G H Sansbury yeeeeeaaaaaaa
Dale Davies
Dale Davies - 8 years ago
this suks
Blaise Bach
Blaise Bach - 8 years ago
this vid sucked total dick! dudes a kook, didn't see one shark not to mention ur leash was on the wrong foot stay out of the water
matthew tomlet
matthew tomlet - 8 years ago
Kylie Healey
Kylie Healey - 8 years ago
Surfing the whitewash, is not surfing with Great Whites!!
V cape Town
V cape Town - 8 years ago
aaaaaahhhh love seeing these scenses of my beautiful hometown!!!!
Julius Ceasar
Julius Ceasar - 8 years ago
OSCARTB maybe you know, south Afrikca?
ster - 8 years ago
OSCARTB are you stupid?
Conor Jeffrey
Conor Jeffrey - 8 years ago
2:02 sharke like sparky from clash royale like if you laughed
Walzlo - 8 years ago
just because there are sharks in the ocean it doesnt mean u swam with them
Riley O'Rorke
Riley O'Rorke - 8 years ago
thanks for wasting my time.
LiL DRizZy7
LiL DRizZy7 - 8 years ago
I'm from South Africa
matthew tomlet
matthew tomlet - 8 years ago
xD that's so funny dan is way to chill!
María Orcoyen
María Orcoyen - 8 years ago
Only stupid guys......
Gettin Things Done Music
Gettin Things Done Music - 8 years ago
Wow, this is why I hate the typical NY douche nozzle.
Nils Bachmann
Nils Bachmann - 8 years ago
Where are you guys surfing? (I know its south africa but where?)
igor hadad
igor hadad - 8 years ago
Nils Bachmann
johnnste1 - 8 years ago
Nils Bachmann Muizenberg
Riaz Khan
Riaz Khan - 8 years ago
I am from there
demjr87 - 8 years ago
Bro, why would you title your crappy, boring surf video this. There were no sharks, much less great whites.... I love surf videos, say you were going for a "surf video, which probably should have been the title, it was still a sh*t surf video. You're a loser, and you wasted my valuable YouTube time. I hope you actually get mangled by a great white for this deception.
Moo01100 - 8 years ago
fuck off
Buffalonie - 8 years ago
Roses are red violets are blue u promised a shark so fuck u
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 8 years ago
no more cred.
Daniel Silva Lopes
Daniel Silva Lopes - 8 years ago
não dá pra entender uma única maldita palavra do que ele fala, você olha a legenda e nem assim dá pra assimilar, é muito diferente, fala tudo enrolado.
Victoria Kinzie
Victoria Kinzie - 8 years ago
Daniel Silva Lopes q
WarmWatermelon - 8 years ago
This is a well made video but that doesn't detract from the fact that this guy is the biggest kook to be suited in neoprene
bilal dicali
bilal dicali - 8 years ago
fuk ,where is the fkg fisch?
Wake Up America
Wake Up America - 8 years ago
next time you film with sharks......hang a porkchop around your neck first! douchebag.
ZG Squad
ZG Squad - 8 years ago
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Notice anything, no sharks.
wonderland78 - 8 years ago
really repressing the urge to comment, but can't any longer. Candice is the most miserable person on youtube. Why else would Casey enquire "are you gonna miss me?" coz he knows deep down that she's not bothered either way. Poor guy.
Temetyly - 8 years ago
She just doesn't seem to be showy about it, at least on the vlog, so he's sorta teasing/playing with her when he asks. She just doesn't perform for the camera (in strong contrast to Casey).
Roger Wire
Roger Wire - 8 years ago
Nicely filmed.
Daisy Star
Daisy Star - 8 years ago
Comment for the vlog!
Yuey Boak
Yuey Boak - 8 years ago
Dan is a seriously smart dude... don't do drugs...
Yuey Boak
Yuey Boak - 8 years ago
Can drones go underwater?
Vaughan Lundin
Vaughan Lundin - 8 years ago
Classic South African day lol
Barry Barry
Barry Barry - 8 years ago
Manipulative sensationalist!!!... nil moral value whatsoever!. I now understand the term "like attracts like".
Deathrape2001 - 8 years ago
Even the sharks don't wanna' eat his stinking kike mongrel terrorist ISIS RAPEugee pimping azz HAHAHA "WOO BILLARY!" ~ clown
KingExe - 8 years ago
7:05 is the best part
Christian Tyrrell
Christian Tyrrell - 8 years ago
plez gimme some money
Rajas Patil
Rajas Patil - 8 years ago
come to __Indai
merkavah4 - 8 years ago
"Holy shit, a sticker" - shark.
Emerald Green
Emerald Green - 8 years ago
Hillary Clinton is a shark and you support her. I am not surprised you swim with the sharks
Manu Gmz
Manu Gmz - 8 years ago
Grow up.
HypotheticalTM - 8 years ago
Does Casey not run out of space in his passport?
Sebastian Glenn
Sebastian Glenn - 8 years ago
This is my all time favorite vlog
lexow - 8 years ago
Totally agree with you.
I am always coming back just to watch this vlog.
Caleb Betteridge
Caleb Betteridge - 8 years ago
Yep, its just great
Sebastian Glenn
Sebastian Glenn - 8 years ago
Caleb Betteridge it's such a well put together and entertaining vlog. Not only is it hilarious, caseys friend makes it so much better, I would love to see more of him.
Caleb Betteridge
Caleb Betteridge - 8 years ago
dude I literally was thinking the same thing... I think its one of his best
pakistan muser's
pakistan muser's - 8 years ago
Which camera did you use
wade whitear
wade whitear - 8 years ago
Next time you down in Cape Town, hook me up, I can take you stand up paddling(surfing)
RORY Banana
RORY Banana - 8 years ago
just joking or am i
RORY Banana
RORY Banana - 8 years ago
I live in cape town
Giacomo de Gasparis
Giacomo de Gasparis - 8 years ago
My hood!
Ray Cisneros
Ray Cisneros - 8 years ago
what a fucken total moron
Rusty Recoil
Rusty Recoil - 8 years ago
Some sick shots of Capetown
Luqman Darries
Luqman Darries - 8 years ago
Lol dan picking him in a tazz, shame on you dan I would have been ok with a golfie
Isabelle Gait
Isabelle Gait - 8 years ago
that other man's voice is weird
Luqman Darries
Luqman Darries - 8 years ago
Because he's not american?...also he could be high lol
Isabelle Gait
Isabelle Gait - 8 years ago
that other man's voice is weird
Jean Smit
Jean Smit - 8 years ago
wish I knew u were here!! please come back soon!!!
Jean Smit
Jean Smit - 8 years ago
wish I knew u were here!! please come back soon!!!
heyzeus023 - 8 years ago
It's a good thing that he's white or else his family might not ever see him again once he leaves.
Marco grunenberg
Marco grunenberg - 8 years ago
AGAIN!!!Welcome again to South Africa
David Rosales
David Rosales - 8 years ago
Hahahahahaha, Casey this friend of yours need to be in a comedy movie, make my day xD :D
L.D 2
L.D 2 - 8 years ago
Fuck u u did not swim with sharks
William Fortin
William Fortin - 8 years ago
Looking for subscribers
YoungAndDumb - 8 years ago
Why does everybody keep Hating in the comments. Like come on get a life. This video was great.
anthony kuhnke
anthony kuhnke - 8 years ago
not knot no5 ha ha see what I did
anthony kuhnke
anthony kuhnke - 8 years ago
Happy birthday even if its no5 your birth day
AmSha Nova
AmSha Nova - 8 years ago
How r u getting some of these shots like from the air
Gymnastics Söphie
Gymnastics Söphie - 8 years ago
Renae Bepler a drone
Ryan Boddington
Ryan Boddington - 8 years ago
I checked in at that same spot in July
Ryan Boddington
Ryan Boddington - 8 years ago
Cape Town?
Yellow Guy
Yellow Guy - 8 years ago
Misleading title
Gun Damn
Gun Damn - 8 years ago
elementneon - 8 years ago
That looks like a "killer" beach to surf at
SUZY Quee - 8 years ago
7:32 Popeye arm!!
Inspire - 8 years ago
That smells like an off banana.
BrickGamesFun - 8 years ago
Yea...Dont do drugs.
Caitie Bird
Caitie Bird - 8 years ago
You are always on planes
TOTSTER BOTSTER - 8 years ago
I live in south Africa
Uneil Joshua Alcala
Uneil Joshua Alcala - 8 years ago
Don't do Drugs!
SGT Peri
SGT Peri - 8 years ago
OMFG I am planning to do this sooo bad!!!!! ;)
nicole taylor
nicole taylor - 8 years ago
who else only watched the video because they saw that he wasn't wearing glasses
Luke Volker
Luke Volker - 8 years ago
Bizu - 8 years ago
DUDE!!!!! I have to say....I've seen some shit films posted here on youtube...and for the first time in 8 years, watching your truly need to go into filming and editing...your camera shots, steady cams, go pro cams, drone!!!! best I've seen on youtube everrrrrrrr   great vid mate :) ty
Liam Kuchta
Liam Kuchta - 7 years ago
dude you should be a summarizer
Bryce Tyler
Bryce Tyler - 8 years ago
Bizu he was in filmmaking
Jason Karl
Jason Karl - 8 years ago
Ok, I'm definitely not one against using hyperbole. But really come on man, This guy is a Kook in every since of the word
Samir Patnaik
Samir Patnaik - 8 years ago
He actually came from filming and editing. He had a HBO show before this and has produced movies that won him big awards.. He hated that his film had to go through so much bureaucracy before the audience saw it, so he hopped onto youtube.
The World According To Lisa
The World According To Lisa - 8 years ago
Love love loved this vlog xxxx
BoardSport Freaks
BoardSport Freaks - 8 years ago
What a great video !
We we´re in Bali for a few weeks and made a video which was very sophisticated..
Wanna go back there after this !
Greetings from germany :)
Toni Demarco
Toni Demarco - 8 years ago
he should make video editing his career this shit is amazing
The Ultimate Wealth
The Ultimate Wealth - 8 years ago
Toni Demarco it is his career.before youtube he made hbo series
Samuel Jones
Samuel Jones - 8 years ago
You owe us a shark attack video you attention whore!
John MDM
John MDM - 8 years ago
Casey was kind of complaining there. Unusual for him
Mike Diesel
Mike Diesel - 8 years ago
eat by a shark "you can have my drone" lmfao...I want to snowboard with this dude in Oregon hit me up
TheLunarLumen - 8 years ago
3:24 This guy is a wanking idiot! "It looks sharkey"? Really?
juan fco muñoz rodriguez
juan fco muñoz rodriguez - 8 years ago
which song is heard in minute 12??
juan fco muñoz rodriguez
juan fco muñoz rodriguez - 8 years ago
cual es la musica del minuto 12??
david brandon-cox
david brandon-cox - 8 years ago
rene contreras
rene contreras - 8 years ago
Why aren't you making movies Casey? you got skillz!
dirty - 8 years ago
6:46 dont do drugs
Snakedoctor O'Reilly
Snakedoctor O'Reilly - 8 years ago
oh my gosh...I just figured out who he looks like..He looks like Kreacher from Harry Potter!! Look it up!
Comethy Troll
Comethy Troll - 8 years ago
OMG hahahahaha you IS BAD!!! xDDD
tasteegold7772 - 8 years ago
yeah yeah yeah..real easy to be "brave" when theres 1000 other surfers just feet away from you..NOW go into that same ocean all alone with no one on the beach..guaranfucking teed you'll never do it
Howrodraw Howtodraw
Howrodraw Howtodraw - 8 years ago
Astro Gamer
Astro Gamer - 8 years ago
My question is who flied the drone
Stephen Rapson
Stephen Rapson - 8 years ago
some drones can be set to follow
1567billy - 8 years ago
Alex Modricky flew
Alex Modricky
Alex Modricky - 8 years ago
Charlie Gilchrist
Charlie Gilchrist - 8 years ago
i saw u there
LIquid - 8 years ago
That dude sounds exactly like leo in blood diamond haha
Jared Bone
Jared Bone - 8 years ago
Anyone from South Africa
Michael Scalisi
Michael Scalisi - 8 years ago
7:30 bruh ur biceps
Tyler Clark
Tyler Clark - 8 years ago
hahahahha 6:46
Dr. Gonzo
Dr. Gonzo - 8 years ago
I was digging the music that was playing durning the surf session.
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 8 years ago
lol noobs
Stryke - 8 years ago
every video anew I'm wondering how the hell that marriage is working :D
R m b
R m b - 8 years ago
I hate you rn. :/
LadyChanterz - 8 years ago
I've surfed there! Love Cape Town! Wish I seen a shark though..
Lakes Skies
Lakes Skies - 8 years ago
7:28 damn he been working oht
Zakirah Hakim
Zakirah Hakim - 8 years ago
yes to me the saddest part you saying goodbye to gorgeous Francine and Candice.
Jungle Strider
Jungle Strider - 8 years ago
casey should show him hugging candace more. its really cute. <3
Andrew Holman
Andrew Holman - 8 years ago
have they ever kissed on camera? I want to see that.
tevia lim
tevia lim - 8 years ago
Jungle Strider totally, the minute casey hug her after he wore that sweater I was like awwww omg they're so cute and sweet
Rench isaac soriano
Rench isaac soriano - 8 years ago
that intro though
Daniel Suh
Daniel Suh - 8 years ago
U r in SA?!?!?!?
EBLITZR - 8 years ago
7:30 Pasha??
Renato Quiñe Fernández
Renato Quiñe Fernández - 8 years ago
He's always using clickbaits, but I forgive him for the amazing content quality
matt robinson
matt robinson - 8 years ago
safer in the sea than on land in sa bru"
Boris Chang
Boris Chang - 8 years ago
Your old lady is a hoot!
David Terrasidius
David Terrasidius - 8 years ago
Hahaha! Wtf?
Anthony Giarrusso
Anthony Giarrusso - 8 years ago
the title sucked me into a bad vlog Idgaf bout lol
Hair and makeup tutorials with Olivia
Hair and makeup tutorials with Olivia - 8 years ago
It looks like fun
Hair and makeup tutorials with Olivia
Hair and makeup tutorials with Olivia - 8 years ago
Why would you swim with great white sharks
brodawg camelfist
brodawg camelfist - 8 years ago
Hey, my names Dan, and this was uploaded on my birthday. Glad you didn't get eaten by sharks man.
Diego Jimenez
Diego Jimenez - 8 years ago
You're editing effects are very creative and always cool to watch
Alona Ballard
Alona Ballard - 8 years ago
One of the best shot blogs ever. The footage you captured with the goPros and the drone-- everything - Amazing
Mees - 8 years ago
muizenberg is in dutch micemountain
Jimbob Jones
Jimbob Jones - 8 years ago
Correct, many Dutch names in Cape Town. Well, after all the Dutch found it in 1652.
Campbell J-M
Campbell J-M - 8 years ago
Dude. Duude. Duuuuuuuude.
Brandon Hozey
Brandon Hozey - 8 years ago
how is this guy so rich?
Hulk - 8 years ago
I'm not a fucking fish, quit baiting me.
Christi007 - 8 years ago
Casey , I have a question please. Is the man in the film at 8:58 a bodyguard? I understand a lot of people have bodyguards for protection. thanks
Tom Flood
Tom Flood - 8 years ago
Christi007 triggered
Christi007 - 8 years ago
+Nico Myburgh
First of all...I was addressing Casey , not you. Second, when I responded with where I got my information from, there was no need to be sarcastic with "I have lived here my whole life...blah, blah, blah". I was simply responding to your statement with where I gathered my information.  I was kinda shocked you were so rude. In the US we also have security companies that drive around, etc.,.. he seemed to be more specific.  Regardless, while you may be right, you may also be wrong.....You can't speak for everyone in Cape Town no more than I can speak for everyone in the city where I live. Casey stated he felt it was a dangerous area/place and he can have his opinion. For future reference though, when somebody is asking another person a question, maybe you shouldn't assume you are the spokesperson for someone else.
Nico Myburgh
Nico Myburgh - 8 years ago
+Christi007 what he actually should have said is a security company they just drive up and down our roads protecting the houses. and also respond to house alarms that go off I was born in cape town and have lived here my while life I think I know how things work here
Christi007 - 8 years ago
Actually, a few years ago when he and Candice were dating he went to surprise her at her family home in Cape Town.  He mentioned when approaching her house that he had to be careful because her family had an armed guard.  He also stated that it was dangerous there.  So that is where I got the impression that the gentleman I saw in a particular shot may have been her families armed guard.
Nico Myburgh
Nico Myburgh - 8 years ago
It's not, I am from cape town and no one has personal bodyguards here. you will find that only in deep Africa
Echo McDuction
Echo McDuction - 8 years ago
He will not be hurtl
Garrett Duncan
Garrett Duncan - 8 years ago
what country is he from bc his car steering wheel on the right side
ELIZABETH DURHAM - 8 years ago
I love the music in your videos Casey
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
surfers dont do shit for black ppl or society
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
+david dave
ha, gotcha there! you knew that the story i said (about the CEO) didnt make any sense, yet it was in the same situation as what you were saying about surfers, so that means that you werent making any sense! get educated kid XD
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
what if i dont react anymore how abou tthat
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
+david dave
but seriously, you're saying that surfers dont do anything for society, well what if a CEO of a major company wants to surfer? does that all of a sudden mean that he doesnt do anything for society?
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
you dont have to do anything just dont think you are worth anything cause you not.
Cerwyn - 8 years ago
Nobody has to do anything for "society".
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
+david dave
im guessing that you think that skaters, skydivers, snowboarders, and anyone else who plays a sport, doesnt do anything for society either?
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
you dumb comparing rolling blading to society. surfers live a dumb livestyle who dont do shit for soctiey or other people. i gave u a surfer the chance to prove otherwise and you couldt say shit. next!
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
+david dave
you clearly are cuz i just asked you a question and you didnt answer it, but anyways, saying that surfers dont do shit for society makes no sense AT ALL, its like saying that all vegans hate roller blading, it make 0 sense.
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
+Bernard Walters i am replying on questions here
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
who's avoiding the question now?
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
+david dave
ok then, what makes you so great, what do you do for a living hmm??
Bernard Walters
Bernard Walters - 8 years ago
+david dave could you just stop searching for a reason to be angry ?...your comment was out of place and you keep trying to keep it alive
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
dont talk to me about  'life'' surfers are dumb assholes.  
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
+david dave
where did you hear this from? because ive surfed my whole life and i dont avoid shit, thats like saying that skydivers end up going into the military... it makes no sense
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
surfers avoid society
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
+david dave
still avoiding my question..
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
the only thing that makes sense is society.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
+david dave
lol why did you even post this comment? it makes no sense
david dave
david dave - 8 years ago
In relation to?
Lachy - 8 years ago
Have you got any idea how many black people surf?
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
that made 0 sense what so ever
DeathInANoose - 8 years ago
Bernard Walters
Bernard Walters - 8 years ago
shocker, they dont have to do anything for black people or society
Reppercent - 8 years ago
George bush does not care about black people
.....l - 8 years ago
Total kook. Stay out of the water.
Kirsty Esdale
Kirsty Esdale - 8 years ago
The African accent<3, am i right?
Bernard Walters
Bernard Walters - 8 years ago
Southern Africa*
only people in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe seem to have this accent
pixie - 8 years ago
there weren't any great white sharks in this video. what the fuck???
luke mccartney
luke mccartney - 8 years ago
fucking kook, good work putting your legrope on your front leg dumbshit
RonnieBavs - 8 years ago
+luke mccartney I don't have time for you anymore, muted
RonnieBavs - 8 years ago
+luke mccartney well it's one of his first time surfing, so lay off, and u don't need to cuss every other word, hope you don't rage like that out in the water
luke mccartney
luke mccartney - 8 years ago
fuck sorry smartass, pretty sure there the same thing you fucking dumbass, come to australia and listen to how many people call it a leash you fucken homo, what does g in your profile picture stand for? Gaycunt
RonnieBavs - 8 years ago
It's called a leash, kook
hunter Braun
hunter Braun - 8 years ago
Suns out guns out @7:33
Adyanna St Amand
Adyanna St Amand - 8 years ago
I feel like this is one of the only vlogs that i've  seen where Candise actually smiles and is happy. Whats up with that? shes married to a YOUTUBER! if anything, she should be more happy when the camera is on. she never smiles:(
Manus_k40 - 8 years ago
start looked like a Harlem shake start lol XD
Ozaly - 8 years ago
who the fuck shoots these drone videos
Kuro Senpai
Kuro Senpai - 8 years ago
First of all, Im not sure why this video is recommended to me. Second, well since it got recomended to me, might as well watch it. Might have a good content SINCE HE WAS SURFING WITH THE GREAT WHITE SHARKS. Nope, once i have finished watching it, i just realized i just got lied. Wasted 10 MINUTES OF MY PRECIOUS TIME which IS CONVERVTED TO ADS MONEY and GIVEN TO THIS YOUTUBER.
gabby Gonzales
gabby Gonzales - 8 years ago
Bobby C
Bobby C - 8 years ago
God is the reason why there aren't more shark attacks
Annabel Furton
Annabel Furton - 8 years ago
I love that first song ::DDDD
The stoners palace
The stoners palace - 8 years ago
How does he get those helicopter view shots? when they were driving to the beach
Jordan Orcutt
Jordan Orcutt - 8 years ago
Теодор Наков
Теодор Наков - 8 years ago
mmm no
Kazz The Artiste
Kazz The Artiste - 8 years ago
the phantom 4 drone has a follow me feature
The stoners palace
The stoners palace - 8 years ago
+PANtomine Mad drone driving skills lol
hey man
hey man - 8 years ago
+Elias Gonzales he got shit tons of footage when they were done and looked through it for videos with two distinct surfers together, making the audience think that was himself and Dan, the video of the car will have been the drone being controlled from inside the car.
The stoners palace
The stoners palace - 8 years ago
+Weekly Covers i had a feeling it was the drone but then how would he be surfing and flying the drone at the same time
Weekly Covers
Weekly Covers - 8 years ago
With his drone. The drone has the function to follow him on his own :)
NikFlicx - 8 years ago
That friend is funny
CatholicDad 69
CatholicDad 69 - 8 years ago
ok that 7:10 guy has the gayest cringeist voice or accent i have ever heard
The Wright Family
The Wright Family - 8 years ago
Im weak asf at 6:55 omg
Jacob Meza
Jacob Meza - 8 years ago
That guy Casey was surfing with was so chill the entire time hahah, even when those guys came up to his window
jhon chiasson
jhon chiasson - 8 years ago
Where are the sharks?
Owen Quinn AKA Autismo
Owen Quinn AKA Autismo - 8 years ago
6:44 they censor out "Shit" but not fuck
Benjamin Steele
Benjamin Steele - 8 years ago
Damn Casey, you are a legend mate.
Jay Parikh
Jay Parikh - 8 years ago
i find the lack of sharks in this video disturbing
upscale gaming
upscale gaming - 8 years ago
Let get this comment to a even amount of likes
MagiCC Panda
MagiCC Panda - 8 years ago
Zero is even I think.
Red Eyes Always
Red Eyes Always - 8 years ago
Uh can you shut he fuck up.... Thanks
Chloe Espay
Chloe Espay - 8 years ago
swimming with a great whit must be scary
Becca W
Becca W - 8 years ago
I love how much he loves his family
Becca W
Becca W - 8 years ago
+Soul0Stealer 1267 no I seriously love how much he loves his family. I only just started watching him but it's apparent and I like that
Jack Leigh
Jack Leigh - 8 years ago
+Soul0Stealer 1267 no it's not sarcasm, Casey genuinely loves his family and will do anything for them. just watch his draw my life, it's one of the best, most-inspiring videos on all of youtube.
Bboybolt - 8 years ago
is that sarcasm? I really don't watch his vids so...
Alexandre Marinho
Alexandre Marinho - 8 years ago
Tommy Mcknew
Tommy Mcknew - 8 years ago
I just went surfing here 2 weeks ago on vacation
Logan Truett
Logan Truett - 8 years ago
congrats you got your money
Sam Flame
Sam Flame - 8 years ago
"Don't do drugs"
No kids, do the right drugs and not in excess.
Brian T
Brian T - 8 years ago
Who gives a shit about the title?! South Africa bruh!
Kanga - 8 years ago
candice is his wife right ?
Bernard Walters
Bernard Walters - 8 years ago
white floss
white floss - 8 years ago
first class!
white floss
white floss - 8 years ago
how does he get those aerial shots? is that a drone or a helicopter? pretty cool if he's got a drone outside the car as he's driving.
white floss
white floss - 8 years ago
The drone for me..
Aidan Maddock
Aidan Maddock - 8 years ago
The drone has a prebuilt function that allows it to follow the subject or the controller at a certain height and/or distance.
white floss
white floss - 8 years ago
Tot so. Wow. Awesome to see how fast and how high they go. Of course Neistat buys the best would guess
Kevin - 8 years ago
Aidan Stott
Aidan Stott - 8 years ago
Cool vid of RSA ! I'm from Durban ! Up the coast from capetown !
Skibble nanners
Skibble nanners - 8 years ago
Wtf is casey all of a sudden RIPPED?!?!, 7:29
XD TwinZ TV - 8 years ago
is that in south africa
Bernard Walters
Bernard Walters - 8 years ago
yes it is
Rhys Ivory
Rhys Ivory - 8 years ago
Casey should come to Australia.
diana. - 8 years ago
and i get scared of seaweed touching me.
DroneOn11 - 8 years ago
Please don't put that stuff in vlogs.
Mr.Pat - 8 years ago
Super respect for white shark!!! I never ll do surf where they are..ahahah :)
Jaiden raykash
Jaiden raykash - 8 years ago
The shallows.....

Recorded by vlog camera
I’m WithFord
I’m WithFord - 8 years ago
Casey, does it bother u that ur wife is always grumpy with u?
designamk1 - 7 years ago
You'd understand if you were South African ;) shes not grumpy theres just no sugar coating anything here, get straight to the point ;)
tF6U - 8 years ago
ok butt also why does it annoy you? your opinion about their marriage is irrelevant
Juan BF
Juan BF - 8 years ago
that's probably why they go well together
Paul van de Loo
Paul van de Loo - 8 years ago
still annoying as fuck....
Shroud Rehab
Shroud Rehab - 8 years ago
No he loves her and that's just her personality she's not actually pissed at him lmao
Zac Taylor
Zac Taylor - 8 years ago
Dan was super smooth with those Africans ay brooh when he like closed the window and rested his elbow on the lock was smooth you know that's how you do it
Isaiah Nava
Isaiah Nava - 8 years ago
shut up grom
Scott Warwick
Scott Warwick - 8 years ago
SupaHotFiya - 8 years ago
fish are friends, not food.
Random10 - 8 years ago
someone pls id this music for me. I can't find it.
The Hidden Passenger
The Hidden Passenger - 8 years ago
applause safakash, awesome tune!!
FerroSpace - 8 years ago
hackman55able - 8 years ago
Barney's don't surf. New title for video "Kook Thinks He is a Surfer, Not!"
Jean Groenewald
Jean Groenewald - 8 years ago
Oh no not the berg how brave wtf
Aeroism- - 8 years ago
Why does Casey's GF/Wife (idk which one) always looks so mad and/or bored?
Jacob Estrada
Jacob Estrada - 8 years ago
"Just ride the wave bro"
Zane Cole
Zane Cole - 8 years ago
"It's like if Instagram had a sharky filter"
Von Heiser
Von Heiser - 8 years ago
that moment when you can't explain a smell in your car. lol I've been guilty of that too many times.
blunted60 - 8 years ago
Sweet Kiki831
Sweet Kiki831 - 8 years ago
Well you survived without the stickers!
Voxel - 8 years ago
Gabriel Gill
Gabriel Gill - 8 years ago
thats boys drive
Luiscifer Luis
Luiscifer Luis - 8 years ago
0:30 Tarantino!
Johnny Massacre
Johnny Massacre - 8 years ago
Misleading title D:
Skibble nanners
Skibble nanners - 8 years ago
Try searching up obbsesion song
DRE - 8 years ago
don't know if you found it yet but it's SAFAKASH - Applause (II)
raz benyamin
raz benyamin - 8 years ago
6:46 doe
Gargi Oza
Gargi Oza - 8 years ago
Whats the song during the surf scenes?
Tan Alper Saygılı
Tan Alper Saygılı - 8 years ago
darude sandstorm
DRE - 8 years ago
SAFAKASH - Applause (II) :)
Pocket Rocket Red10
Pocket Rocket Red10 - 8 years ago
you look like a less attractive younger Sean Penn, and he's not even attractive
Diogo Vaz
Diogo Vaz - 8 years ago
I love how his friend just rolls the window up without saying a word when the black guy asks him for muuuunnii
Miss Asiatica
Miss Asiatica - 8 years ago
I read the title and I started cringing so bad lmfaooooo sharks are my biggest fear
Pratik Gedam
Pratik Gedam - 8 years ago
The Green Flag isn't Green (it's blue). The Red flag isn't Red (it's pinkish). WTF! Is this that "Dress" thingy all over again?
Joel Owers
Joel Owers - 8 years ago
leg rope is on the wrong foot
Sebastian de Arantes Oliveira
Sebastian de Arantes Oliveira - 8 years ago
C-C-C-CLick Bait, Get your Click bait here!
Cam - 8 years ago
What the fuck did I just watch.
Sarah Barela
Sarah Barela - 8 years ago
The drone footage in this vlog was unreal
Nicola Douglas
Nicola Douglas - 8 years ago
ha haha,loved his battle with the wet suit:-) I'm just like that when I dress my self in the morning!
Question everything
Question everything - 8 years ago
All the morons saying clickbait , you are all retarted. when you are driving on the highway and see a car you just say car car car. lick me.
anthony kuhnke
anthony kuhnke - 8 years ago
+Donald Trump so hi ive heard you love hillary
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 8 years ago
what do you mean negro ho smokin dro lil boosie fat Paulamolu lookin ass bih
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 8 years ago
lol that made no sense...
Callum Ross
Callum Ross - 8 years ago
+Newy rat bait
max gantiez
max gantiez - 8 years ago
ChrisDavenport Shoots
ChrisDavenport Shoots - 8 years ago
Was that supposed to be an argument?
Steven Rogers
Steven Rogers - 8 years ago
@6:46 hahahaha that shiet was funny
Carter Pewterschmidt
Carter Pewterschmidt - 8 years ago
How did you film at 3:06?
Noemie Beland
Noemie Beland - 8 years ago
Why are people obsessed with is video?!
kokemf - 8 years ago
Wow bait at it's finest!!! Congrats for that...2million plus visits of a 10 minutes vid titled 'Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS', just one fucking minute of let's say surfing and not a bloody shark on the whole video, go to the aquarium lier and at least you'll have it!! yes shark infested waters we all know and yes he's surfing hmmm worst thing is that's a great video but as a holidays in south africa or someshit like that, a day in cape town should say the title. But 3million plus of delude followers may not be wrong..? know how it looks a shark right?? That thing flying with the drone is called sea gull don't confuse it with a shark people....
MultiTaskin - 8 years ago
King of Vlog?
missie linn
missie linn - 8 years ago
Wow you guys have got some guts
That Stykz Guy
That Stykz Guy - 8 years ago
This video should not be called surfing with great white sharks. There isnt a single shark. CLICKBAIT
Ambitious Types
Ambitious Types - 8 years ago
Good to know, I'm out!
Shane Bryant
Shane Bryant - 8 years ago
click fucking bait
Kailu M
Kailu M - 7 years ago
yeah but theres been shark attacks there
veedubjunky - 8 years ago
boo hoo
MissionAnimation - 8 years ago
more like fish bait
KRAZY8 - 8 years ago
pure genius
Lou G
Lou G - 8 years ago
Michael Swampy thank you. I was totally thinking that!
Michael Swampy
Michael Swampy - 8 years ago
shark bait... ooh...ah..ah
ICE Sniping
ICE Sniping - 8 years ago
Shane Bryant well aren't you a ray of sunshine
Shane Bryant I have one leg because of that ocean screw off
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 8 years ago
islam is everywhere even on this doods channel, they are the beggers and they are everywhere ............................................         SNAKE HIM<TAKE ALL HIS WAVES..!!!!!!!!!!!!
Landan Rainey
Landan Rainey - 8 years ago
+MrJohnjets124 I think that is a great idea!

+JACK 07 If he wants him to go to one of the best colleges let him get all the money he can get. It would do great for the world if his child could go to college and become some great person. (scientist or something)
JACK 07 - 8 years ago
MrJohnjets124 hes literally using his kid as the excuse. Think about howmuch college costs and this guy makes like 2k minimum every video
MrJohnjets124 - 8 years ago
He stated a hundred vlogs ago or so that his vlogs are gonna be monotized so that he could pay for Owen's college tuition.
Landan Rainey
Landan Rainey - 8 years ago
No it's not he is like a director and other things. All of his videos are unmonitized.
Landan Rainey
Landan Rainey - 8 years ago
None of his videos are monitized
Scott Warwick
Scott Warwick - 8 years ago
haha not really... ive been chased outta here by great whites before 6 times
ItsZachTV - 8 years ago
Did you expect a literal great white to come up and surf with them....?
letsogich maric
letsogich maric - 8 years ago
true but casey makes really really good videos anyways
Ragnar - 8 years ago
don't cry, it's his job
JACK 07 - 8 years ago
+Rylee M But he didn't actually encounter a single shark. If you went swimming in the sea where sharks can be but dont encounter one you wouldnt say "i swam with sharks" you would say "I went swimming in a place sharks could be but didnt encounter any" this guy obviously just wanted clickbait for more money. Its obvious.
{Pastel} {Rylee}
{Pastel} {Rylee} - 8 years ago
Technically it is true because he was swimming in the ocean where sharks also swim.......and he also says he tries to make his videos as click bait as possible
dr01d - 8 years ago
Man, I've done the wetsuit dance inside the lifestyle showers so many times!
maximus7042 - 8 years ago
What's the song name in 5:40 ?
Comicat - 8 years ago
Casey have u ever seen soul surfer?
Audberto Velez
Audberto Velez - 8 years ago
I don't get way you always wearing sunglasses!!! way?? don't you like your eyes looks???..
Eduardo Castillo
Eduardo Castillo - 8 years ago
Wow I thought only America had black people crack heads but no...there's all over the world!
Joey Gale
Joey Gale - 8 years ago
He should've gone to Jeffrey's bay
Noah Marlow
Noah Marlow - 8 years ago
Someone tell me what watch he was wearing. I want that watch.
Tom Gunn
Tom Gunn - 8 years ago
Surf Editing Media
Surf Editing Media - 8 years ago
where are they
Andrew Ferguson
Andrew Ferguson - 8 years ago
Surf Editing Media
Surf Editing Media - 8 years ago
what beach
Ryan Austin Dean
Ryan Austin Dean - 8 years ago
South Africa.
Tom Gunn
Tom Gunn - 8 years ago
south africa but he pives in ny
Luisina Casirola
Luisina Casirola - 8 years ago
Tom Groom
Tom Groom - 8 years ago
You've got your leggie on the wrong leg
Robyn Van Lieu
Robyn Van Lieu - 8 years ago
They drive on the wrong side of the road.....
Mexi Pro
Mexi Pro - 8 years ago
+Alec Miller most countries drive on the right side
Alec M
Alec M - 8 years ago
Are you an idiot?! In other countries they drive on the left side, not the right in the US
Uncle Willy
Uncle Willy - 8 years ago
I live there in Cape Town
jman - 8 years ago
so he doesnt live in ny?
placid renegade
placid renegade - 8 years ago
I come here to read the sycophantic comments.
Squid - 8 years ago
Didn't see a single shark ya cunt.
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
Laught me almost dead 7:05
VibeZ - 8 years ago
Can you do a meet up in Cape Town sometime
Sheri For
Sheri For - 8 years ago
you put the most incredible music in your video's you have the knack my friend god bless you and your stunning fam
Tauriq Cumberbatch
Tauriq Cumberbatch - 8 years ago
i have the same drone :D
mendez31971 - 8 years ago
who subscribes to this rubbish . stop making this man rich by subscribing
King Cobra
King Cobra - 8 years ago
He says it's cold there, I would be happy to switch and have him come to Ontario
Kinu Grove
Kinu Grove - 8 years ago
So this was the first Casey video I ever watched. I'm watching it for a second time now and all I can say is Casey thank you for posting your life and being the coolest guy on the internet.
Michael Kaye
Michael Kaye - 8 years ago
+CaseyNeistat You're music makes me feel like i'm lagging
Sherwood Studios
Sherwood Studios - 8 years ago
the words at 5:28 should be made into a gif
Cailin McRae
Cailin McRae - 8 years ago
Dan has got to be the best example of every person from Cape Town ever.

Love that you showcase our beautiful city so brilliantly, Casey! Thank you :)
Exter - 8 years ago
I didnt see great white sharks
Campbell Deavin Mears
Campbell Deavin Mears - 7 years ago
Exter if you lived south africa you would understand
Thomas Dennison
Thomas Dennison - 7 years ago
Exter you don't see them but they are there I've surfed there before
Exter - 8 years ago
+Tyler Sutherland ok lets end the discussion now,thanks for having a civil discussion :)
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 8 years ago
+Anime x Games (EXTER) However, if you're in the African Savanah Wildlife Preserve for example, and you spend a night camping where there are known to be prides of lions like there are known to be great white sharks at Muizenberg, them you can say you camped 'with lions'.
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 8 years ago
+Anime x Games (EXTER) Given that the Lions are in the enclosure and are completely separate from you, you are not among the Lions so no. And I don't know about where you camp, but I'm pretty sure the bear population in any given area where one would camp in is not dense enough to properly say you're 'with bears' wherever you go camping. You don't camp in places where there is such a high likelihood of bears being in the immediate vicinity of you, that you're among bears.
Exter - 8 years ago
+Tyler Sutherland so by your logic i can go to a zoo where there are lions and run and call it ' Running with LIONS'? Or better yet camping in a forest where bears are commonly seen and call it 'Camping with BEARS'?
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 8 years ago
+Anime x Games (EXTER) They were likely 'accompanied by' or 'in the company of' Great White sharks just by being at Muizenberg.
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 8 years ago
+Anime x Games (EXTER) I didn't misunderstand anything. With does not mean immediately next to. Given that great white sharks are likely in and around that surf spot at any given time, it is not false to say that they were 'surfing with' great white sharks, since they were in the vicinity of (With) great white sharks.
Exter - 8 years ago
+Tyler Sutherland you're misunderstanding my point,the title contains the word 'with' however he wasn't surfing 'with' any great white sharks,so the title is false.
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 8 years ago
+Anime x Games (EXTER) There is a very high likelihood that there was a great white shark within 500 feet of where they were surfing. And just because you didn't see it because it wasn't caught on camera doesn't mean that they weren't around, and it doesn't give you the right to call him out on being a liar just because he didn't happen to catch a shark on camera.
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 8 years ago
+Anime x Games (EXTER) Any shark attack victim will tell you that they didn't see a shark until the shark bit them them. It's very rare that you see a shark that attacks you. It's not like sharks exist on some other plane of reality and only pop into this dimension right as they take a bite out of your leg or arm or some shit. The shark that bit the person was obviously around, and just because they didn't see them until they were being bitten doesn't mean they weren't there before that.
Exter - 8 years ago
+Tyler Sutherland the title of the video is 'Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS' however I didn't see any great white sharks that he was surfing 'with'.
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 8 years ago
That break (Muizenberg) is notorious for them. It is legitimately the surf spot with the highest concentration of the sharks anywhere in the world. Great White sharks love that break, hence all the sharkspotting signs and the business with the flags and the helicopters they use to find sharks. That place is a really popular surf spot, but it is full of Great Whites, and just because you don't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there.
David K
David K - 8 years ago
Fernando Tallie
Fernando Tallie - 8 years ago
I've met Dan before, such a kiff ou
Lays Guerrero
Lays Guerrero - 8 years ago
Casey is completely restless. Really don't know how Candice deal with him... XD
BTB President
BTB President - 8 years ago
Some people miss understand the title as he was surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS it is just that you could not see them.
Cingo in HD
Cingo in HD - 8 years ago
Ur videos r ass
Toastie ™
Toastie ™ - 8 years ago
almost a year vlog 361
Danknug - 8 years ago
Why is your wife so so unhappy, she seems so miserable 100% of the time.
O Templeton
O Templeton - 8 years ago
those ridiculous cape town accents. come to durban if you want to surf.
m wright
m wright - 8 years ago
As a surfer myself, I would fucking LOVE to see casey doing as much surfing as time he uses on the boosted board. Ben Brown is allg tho
Max Maximus
Max Maximus - 8 years ago
Best vlogs ever... Never get tired of them
Quint Hubbard
Quint Hubbard - 8 years ago
you suck
Stefano Baschiera
Stefano Baschiera - 8 years ago
this my country!!! love videos like this, but there a lot of sharks but not as many as Miami
Leighton Rubins
Leighton Rubins - 8 years ago
Talifurn - 8 years ago
And there is no sharks... juste a way to get views _' go to hell and there is about 2mins of surfing ... for 10mins of vid enjoy !
Carl F. V. Iversen
Carl F. V. Iversen - 8 years ago
all i got out of this video was "Dude" and cool drone shots
Steven M. M.
Steven M. M. - 8 years ago
Several times in the last 3 vlogs I've found myself in aww by those Drone Shots! Awesome footage!
Roberto Suárez
Roberto Suárez - 8 years ago
That´s the pure life folks! Which place is that exactly? Thanks
Rebecca Sylvester
Rebecca Sylvester - 8 years ago
The weird colonial vibes of SA always freak me out
Bernard Walters
Bernard Walters - 8 years ago
Candace just comes from a rich family...South Africa is not like this....YOU WILL ofcourse see tons of white people(we make up 8% of the population)
Nancy Gordon
Nancy Gordon - 8 years ago
How much is this guy spending on flight tickets alone. You can feed half of the African continent. Stop starvation in Africa. He wouldn't be able to shoot these quick videos without flying. Regular day at the office. Last time I flew was 10 years ago. The last time before that it was another 10 years ago. 1/4 Billion just for those Boeing planes how cheap can flying be.
used flipflops
used flipflops - 8 years ago
this guys a muppet
Jean-Paul - 8 years ago
I live in South Africa and i LOVE it when people I watch are affiliated with our BEAUTIFUL country
Cobus Willem
Cobus Willem - 7 years ago
Me tooo
Skye Ludbrook
Skye Ludbrook - 7 years ago
I love our country
Campbell Deavin Mears
Campbell Deavin Mears - 7 years ago
Jean-Paul me to one of the most pretty countrys in the world
WhoaDude! - 7 years ago
Jean-Paul I hate it here... It's cold and the Western Cape is going through a drought so obviously it's a great country.
Vuh - 7 years ago
except those guys who were doing some nyaope shit. they embarrassing us yuck.. other than that SA is a great place and lucky to be studying here. I'm a Mosotho from Lesotho.
WhoaDude! - 7 years ago
Jean-Paul I live in SA too :D which part I live in Caoe Town Sunset Beach...
Dan Crankshaw
Dan Crankshaw - 8 years ago
I moved to new Zealand 4 years ago but i still call South Africa home
Johann Badenhorst
Johann Badenhorst - 8 years ago
I couldn't agree more !
ShavdezProductions - 8 years ago
It gives me an unhealthy amount of pride
VibeZ - 8 years ago
Me too
King Cobra
King Cobra - 8 years ago
Do you want to switch and you come to Ontario so I can go to Africa
Peter Lại
Peter Lại - 8 years ago
sb tiltle
Deniz Yanik
Deniz Yanik - 8 years ago
Wauw, sometimes I wish I had a drone for making such shots.
jonathonlovesmusic - 8 years ago
sick music share! (Arya Safakish) Thanks
Koen de Bliek
Koen de Bliek - 8 years ago
tip : put your leach on your back foot:) your awesome , koen
Amani B.
Amani B. - 8 years ago
Surfing with clickbait!!
LaDolcevita - 8 years ago
Strange relationship.. They act more like friends than lovers..? Hmmmm?
rryder994 - 8 years ago
Well, I'm bummed............thought we'd see a few finny friends, with the aid of the drone.

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About Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS

The "Surfing with GREAT WHITE SHARKS" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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