Untamed and Uncut - Double Great White Attack
Surf 16 years ago 2,188,529 views
See the 10 Most Shocking Animal Attacks EVER: http://animal.discovery.com/videos/untamed-uncut-animal-attacks/ In a truly rare event, an unfortunate surfer gets attacked by not just one, but two sharks at the same time...and lives to tell the tale!
A guy named Shannon. Far out.
10. comment for Untamed and Uncut - Double Great White Attack
20. comment for Untamed and Uncut - Double Great White Attack
Karma just gave this lad a warning about something that only he knows.
We ALL know when KARMA strikes us.
30. comment for Untamed and Uncut - Double Great White Attack
"this doesn't look like a seal?"
OR they were juveniles and were learning, but the fact remains they could have easily killed him but chose not to because they realized the creature they were investigating was not a threat//food source,
if sharks always considered humans a food source there would be thousands of deaths weekly,
i've only had one experience, off the coast of new jersey, with a large shark and i will never go into or onto the ocean again,
50. comment for Untamed and Uncut - Double Great White Attack
Got to respect them though, it is their home x
Shark 2: Nah mayt ive clearly got right of way
Shark1: Ye fokken wot mayt??
Shark 2: im catching this shit.
Shark 1: Ye fokken dropped in on meh ye kook ass bitch!
3 at the bottom of the wave and the 1 at the top
1st attacking shark was drunk on humans and the 2nd shark was
the 'shark tender' & was just sayin;"sir-I think you've had enough..' and
called a whale shark to take him home to his wife...
100. comment for Untamed and Uncut - Double Great White Attack
First of all, sharks accused during ww2 were oceanic whitetips, not great whites. Two, there's no proof of that even happening. Not one photo, zero evidence. Those sailors drank salt water which makes you hallucinate. Unless you got some solid proof that sharks ate those sailors I'd love to see it. I love how people point fingers without having any evidence. Shark diving industries make over 200mill year. If sharks were that dangerous people wouldn't be swimming with them. Movies make people dumb. Do real research and not take movies like jaws serious.
Wanting extinction on two species, that's a sign of a bastard of a human being right there.
Nuke the whales and the sharks!
You never see that with any other creatures on Earth. The human race was made on land, yet we claim the ocean because we believe we can do anything. As such the sharks are now at risk, because if they attack us, they need to be killed for public safety. This isn't fair on them, they do what they have done for millions of years. It is us who puts ourselves in danger, yet they pay the price. Very few people are like this man, where they respect the creatures they are interacting with or attacked by. These animals attack us out of misidentification, and surfers are the common targets for Great Whites.
Of course, but it's a contentious issue and generally the state governments side with pro-culling advocates, particularly in Western Australia, where there's still a policy to cull large sharks spotted near areas used by surfers and swimmers. It's disgusting.
I declare shenanigans!
idk guess he holds his balls in another sack strapped behind his back
And I don't go into the water often myself because I live in southern germany. ;)
@david m simply ... why ...?
What's your problem dude??
Surfing o Jaw
NA he not gonna dit there just gonna hv a friendly cup of tea together
How can it be rude, if he does not believe in god?
I'll say that your "great big comeback" is just as rude as his comment. And it's fine if you believe in a 2000+ year old book, but not everybody does. Just saying.
we're about LOVE nor hate ok -& JESUS was the only perfect one, cuz He as half man yes but also GOD.. the Son of God & part of the holy Trinity, which I CAN'T prove but that's Y we call it. it's called our FAITH, however it's all in the bible ok what I'm saying to u here, & there's AO MUCH EVIDENCE that the bible IS for real, that what & who r in the bigle on u as u r with me but people like U frustrate me & I feel sorry for u, & u need prayer so I pray for people like u...Look, there is such a thing as "good fortune" yes, for those that don't have God in their lives & those that do even.. but if ya have our Lord (yes OUR, cuz U were created by & loved by the same God, it's just that not every1-like people like Uis going to have the FAITH to believe in Him, or to even care) -yea if God is in your heart, in your life than then it's HE that will save & protect u & is in the miracle working biz....I kno from personal experience, He's saved my life many times that I could've or should've been dead cuz of my own fault or some freak thing that happened, could give many examples of where it HAD to be God...(but I'm not leaven an even longer comment here lol cuz for starters I'd be wasten my time with someone like U who I can just tell is close-minded & has no faith, sorry)...I just kno that I kno that GOD is REAL, I've had a personal encounter with Him. Also, I think it's so silly & ridiculous how anyone can think that all of this world& the animals -& US humans who r such an amzing put together being -how it could've happened from some -big "BAAANG" lol or that we came from apes or an cavemen, and/or an ameba -cuz WHO created that/those things huh? there HAD TO BE a supreme being cuz they could've just appeard, ok & the sun, moon, oceans, SEASONS, ANIMALS & US -COULD'VE have just come about cuz of some big thunder, some big bang-combustion. So yea take this as a learning lesson, just some constructive criticism here K? Do not make ignorant & rude comments like U did -posts with the kinda questions as u gave mewithout expecting a great big comeback, a response that's too biiiig for U..& u not being able to back it up with a good argument yourself -as I just did, which WE KNOW that u can't. But anyway whatever, take care ok, & GOD BLESS YA. : ) hehe