skipping school to go to the beach & surf
Surf 6 years ago 186,583 views
skipping school to go to the beach & surf... jk it was actually a school surf day with my class! this was out beach day for our gone boarding class! get ready with me, go to school, drive there, we almost got a flat tire, showed you my merch, and just had a fun beach day! what do you want my apparel to be? take the survey and lemme know! main channel: YES LETS BE FRIENDS SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram- hannahmeloche Twitter- hannahmeloche Snapchat- hannah_meloche Tumblr- hannahmeloche Pinterest- hannahmeloche Vsco- Hannah Meloche Spotify- HannahMeloche Dote- hannahmeloche (use the code "hannah" for $ off) i love you and appreciate you guys so freaking much. thank you for taking the time out of your day to watch and grow with me on my journey! SO much love, Hannah
me, taking a breathing treatment because my nose is so stuffy: trust me i wouldn’t if i wasn’t
10. comment for skipping school to go to the beach & surf
going surfing today *even though i have no idea how to and i’m at a beach with no waves
you’re not cool if you go surfing once
20. comment for skipping school to go to the beach & surf
30. comment for skipping school to go to the beach & surf
50. comment for skipping school to go to the beach & surf
so yeah you could say we had a similar fun chill high school
WHY does the gopro footage look like an ad for a “swimming club” in college
100. comment for skipping school to go to the beach & surf
i wish i could go surfing :(
btw anyone wanna be yt friends? like the comment and reply done once u subbed and i’ll sub back!
tell me if ya wanna be friends or how i can improve!! btw I'm a youtuber + insta: nspa_jay ❤
Im down to support one another! Just comment:)
Im down to support one another! Just comment:)
Im down to support one another! Just comment:)
Ps: I’m a new youtuber and it would mean Sm if u guys could sub to me and check out my latest vid!
'Don't drive too fast'
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Looks like a goddess
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Edit: I'm not saying her life is perfect, just saying that one day I would want to be as successful as her and as free, being able to travel alone and have fun with my friends!! Nobody's life is perfect :)
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