Tropical fishing 8 years ago 392,021 views
This week has been a rough one! My incoming fish were delayed for over 2 days, and the results were not great. I saved a lot, but lost a bunch of fish as well. Instagram @msjinkzd Website and stocklist: Facebook: Buy me a coffee:
10. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!
20. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!
30. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!
Good luck
So the airport didnt call why am i not surprised.
All my fish are dead
50. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!
Fish came down with ich and I don't understand how to treat them ive already lost 7 fish
100. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!
You said that you are using mature tanks but are still doing large water changes. IMO, a mature tank doesn't need large water changes. Personally?
I no longer do water changes. My freshwater and saltwater tanks are mature and healthy, my filters are healthy, my fish are healthy. The only "water changes" I have done in more than a decade are to replace the water I use when cleaning filters and to add trace elements back into my systems.
How are the borneo suckers? :(
Such a relaxing effect fish have on humans.
Also, what's their scientific name? I'd like to do some research so that if I get the money I can get some :D
also can i over filter water? i use a Fluval 303ghp and 2 power heads for current, and a whisper 800 with biowheel....i have 23 fish and my water is ph of 5.5 to 6.5 and my ppm run around 100 with using RO water... i also have a 18 watt 790 gallon air pump connected to 6 airstones. all for 20 gallon fresh water...BTW. MY WATER HAS ZERO SMELL AND IS CRYSTAL CLEAR, I HONESTLY THIS I COULD DRINK THE WATER..
Great job !!!!! Could not believe how cool you were with your shipment. You are all about the fish and that is what it takes in our hobby. GREAT JOB !!!
fedex/ups/usps transaction. The flights got messed up, then paperwork
didn't match- that is the sellers fault.
did you ever find out what the mystery fish are?
It's amazing there were so many that did make it.
Your enthusiasm for what you do and how you share it with us here is quite touching.
Thank You
David From Canada
On a happier note, I noticed this morning one of my shrimp is berried. First time!
Here's hoping they all pull through! Can't wait to see those Kubotai's go up in your shop!
Do the best you can do and keep on keepin' on.
Glad for the rock shipment and the credit on the dead fish.
At least it wasn't all gloom and doom.
Looking forward to the next video!
Hope things get a little smoother.
Good luck and I hope the rest survive! You really gave it all you could give!
I am so sorry you had to endure this. I especially hate it for the fish. I know it made you sad. You are "wonder woman"!
You handled this with such grace. I don't think I could have.
You are a rock star in my eyes.
My wish for you is only excellent days ahead. Hang in there!
Your passion and the way you take very seriously the science of fish keeping is very inspiring to me as a newbie. Thanks!
I've just come across these, I thought since you ship they may interest you! (breathable bags) science behind this is 100%
Not been a good week for me this week, upgraded the cichlids and left one big bully peacock (red zebra) in a tank alone, he's having time out, I thought the others got on well but unfortunately today, I found my blue boy ( Sciaenochromis ahli/electric blue hap) badly beaten up, he has a lot of scales missing and muscle showing on his side. I've quarantined and treating him, he's still feeding so fingers crossed that it justs looks worse than what it really is..
My apologies. Does your husband have a social media presence - be it youtube, twitter, instagram, tumblr, an email etc? Thank you for your time Rachel
Loving Kubotais!
Do you have any tricks for catching the borneo suckers? They are quite clingy.
Just cannot reiterate strongly enough how greatly I admire the breadth and width of your knowledge. Sincerely. And beyond that, the value of your skills to people who exist across all levels of experience in aquatic management. The advice you offer is always sound and solid and for what it's worth (which I know isn't really a lot) you're one of the few humans on this planet I'd trust 100% to look after my tanks.
Which is saying something: I'd have let wolves babysit my kids, and pirates guard the family treasure :o)
And are those other fish giant rasboras?
with your tlc i have hope stay well
ps drink a cup of java for me
I did my usual 90% water changes on my tanks on Sunday - and I didn't overfill any of them on to the floor. Spouse very happy!
My Sewllia lineolata sucked onto my hand for a few seconds while I was gravel vacuuming - a first!
One of my albino LF bushy noses (over 3 yrs old), has started to increase its points on its rack (to borrow the deer terminology). Some of the bristles have split into 8 points or more. Looks sooooo cool! The other male has longer bristles, but only 1 or 2 points.
Are they compatible with Neons, guppies, rummynose tetras, glolight tetras, cherry barbs ?
What's that yellow fish? You called it something like Cuba tie? It looked really beautiful.
but i am clad you shared it with us keep on smiling and remember without the bad the good never seems that important take care cant wait to see your update vid on the fish in the shipment
positive: I'm building a 3d background for small Asian stream tank.
another note. did you figure out what those big mystery fish were?
I can't think of anything especially good that happened with my fish this week but nothing bad (knock on wood) has so I'll take that as a good thing.
Chin up and get some rest ;-)
You really put things into perspective. It's really eye-opening to see the ups and downs of the hobby. Hope things turn around soon! And I thought I had it bad when all my ludwigia repens died ;"(
I hope next time they'll be alive!
I never have ordered fish before!
Anyways...great video!
Thumbs up!
My shrimp had fry this week!
( our first batch ever!)
So that's my good news to share.
Hope things get better immediately, if not sooner.
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Sorry for Your losses
besides . you had those crabs on video once... don't know the name....