This week has been a rough one! My incoming fish were delayed for over 2 days, and the results were not great. I saved a lot, but lost a bunch of fish as well. Instagram @msjinkzd Website and stocklist: Facebook: Buy me a coffee:

DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 500

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 392,022 views

This week has been a rough one! My incoming fish were delayed for over 2 days, and the results were not great. I saved a lot, but lost a bunch of fish as well. Instagram @msjinkzd Website and stocklist: Facebook: Buy me a coffee:

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Most popular comments

Amaya Fuller
Amaya Fuller - 7 years ago
That was a rough week! You handled it amazingly though.
Trevor ThreeHundred
Trevor ThreeHundred - 7 years ago
Question not sure if did video on them.or have them i have dwarf gournami not sure spelling lol. I wanna put small piece of driftwood in. What to do to get the driftwood ready.go into the tank and does it make my water greenish brown color. M8ne really clear not sure if worth putting it in.
no9071 - 7 years ago
Aww, upset when she said she had a husband. That body woooo. BUT I feel the pain
MrUnshyGuy - 7 years ago
What’s the name of the green tetras you showed?
Danny Gunzuluz
Danny Gunzuluz - 7 years ago
Wow baby girl you gotta send me videos of you in motion, you’re fine as hell.
Taylorr Rose
Taylorr Rose - 7 years ago
Shouldn't you quarantine be fish and introduce them into the tank slowly? To prevent spending anything to the older fish???
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Unicorn Pixi
Unicorn Pixi - 7 years ago
Im so sorry I am now subscribed and giving likes
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago

10. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!

Mika Chan
Mika Chan - 7 years ago
oh wow i am so sorry to hear about that...did u get ur money back? that sucks, love ur channel btw
Bob Finkenbiner
Bob Finkenbiner - 7 years ago
who was the airline carrier? did they reimburse you for your loss? will you ever use them again?
Annabella Laws
Annabella Laws - 7 years ago
wanna say thanks for your awesome advice :) also.. wanna say i LOVE your hair and how you've done your eye makeup.
Jakob Merker
Jakob Merker - 7 years ago
What was the name of the small fish with the green/jellow stripe? Where you lost 4? I could not understand
Lexi - 7 years ago
I'm sorry for all the loss. I found you from Joey's channel! DIY aquatics or something.
Lexi - 7 years ago
Oh I mean King of DIY.
Zielony z baniakiem
Zielony z baniakiem - 7 years ago
Hi Rachel. J'm very sorry for what happened to your fish last year. Could you write the name of the caridinas from your video (13:46) please.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Caridina gracilirostrus- pinnochio shrimp
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
How do you clean your filters, for example like an aqua clear filter with various things in I️t? Do you take them out and wash them or?
09092008harrison - 7 years ago
Ow. O
Samanyu S
Samanyu S - 7 years ago
haha nice
Samanyu S
Samanyu S - 7 years ago
you re bad

20. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!

Ezzbra - 7 years ago
U look soo edgy
Christopher Schmitthausler
Christopher Schmitthausler - 7 years ago
Since when did Pink get into keeping fish?
phenosin1 - 7 years ago
Nice outfit.
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
I think I’d have a heart attack worrying about these fish being shipped. There’s some fish I cannot find in my local stores (like killifish, no one has them) but I’m so scared about the shipping. I mean how far away can I order from with having the fish safely arrive?
Steven Nashington
Steven Nashington - 7 years ago
thanks for being so informative. im not into fishes but your videos are very interesting
Saber Fareeq Fitness Coach
Saber Fareeq Fitness Coach - 7 years ago
you are so cute .
Laurent Lieser
Laurent Lieser - 7 years ago
Did you never acclimated your fish correctly by letting them be used to the temperature and the water of your area ? I always saw you introduced them directly in your tanks...
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
i have a dedicated video, as well as references as to why I do things the way I do and how exactly I do it.
GoldfishRescueofWisconsin - 7 years ago
Anyone know what she uses to stack her 10 gallons
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
My husband fabricated my racks for me from plans I drew up. I am pretty lucky to have a welder/fabricator as a husband.
Ethan Gerrard
Ethan Gerrard - 7 years ago
The stress was written all over your face must be tough. Thank God you saved a lot, very sorry about the lost fish but to be honest with what you had to deal with I take my hat off to you I would have cracked under the pressure. Well done Rachel ! Regards. Ethan.
spoopy spoop
spoopy spoop - 7 years ago
Okay I know this has nothing to do with the video but I absolutely love your hair
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago

30. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!

necro easy
necro easy - 7 years ago
Theres no air in the bags. That was messed up, those extra fish in the box didn't help matters any.
Good luck
So the airport didnt call why am i not surprised.
Abigail F
Abigail F - 7 years ago
This is why I look up to you. You know when to stay calm and collected in situations like these; a great reminder. Thank you for the learning experience.
Michael Riley
Michael Riley - 7 years ago
That's a terrible loss of life though, shipments for animals must have a higher priority!
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 7 years ago
Give an invoice to the shipping company!
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
They should have used that powered that gives oxygen if they are traveling long hrs my local fish store uses them they ask me if I want some in my bag if I am traveling far
CAL JACKSON - 7 years ago
Hi there, I was just wondering, when you do water changes,do you treat the new water before adding or do you let it sit for a few days to get rid of the chemicals added by the water company ?. I've always been advised to set a bucket of water aside for 24hrs prior to adding.
sherickoos - 7 years ago
Kudos to you Rachel. You handled the situation so well.
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 7 years ago
I've been struggling a lot with this. Isn't it very unethical to be a fishkeeper? Fish go through a great deal of suffering. Not just by shipping, but also seeing fish mistreated in aquaria of uninterested keepers or unawareness. It's heartbreaking the amount of suffering fish go through. Also have seen very shocking things how fish are kept in certain stores as if they objects. It's very upsetting. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks!
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 7 years ago
Fair enough. Thank you for taking time to answer!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
keeping pets in general is unethical if you think of it that way- look at animal shelters, puppy mills, reptile breeders (row upon row of snakes and reptiles in shoe boxes), etc. For me, its about doing things as ethically as possible. Occasional DOA shipments happen, but I also house, breed, rear and sell thousands of really healthy fish many of which have habitats that are critically threatened in the wild and some species which are only maintained through folks like me and other fishkeepers.
NHUT TRUONG TV - 7 years ago
Sad day! condolence with you
laptopsaysno - 7 years ago
Oh no! Frig!
voom666 - 7 years ago
Awesome informative video Fish Lady U ROCK!
Bor Taj
Bor Taj - 7 years ago
300,666th keep up the good work
John’s tanks and more.
John’s tanks and more. - 7 years ago
Man, that really sucks.
Hypercube Extrusion
Hypercube Extrusion - 7 years ago
Push me to the edge
All my fish are dead
Jeff Arab
Jeff Arab - 7 years ago
Dam that is sad i,wpuld go nuts too haha but still they should know better and also expedite the orders
YouTubeer U
YouTubeer U - 7 years ago
why do you order them this way? isnt it encouraging ppl to just ship these poor creatures like this ?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
:) I just like to show the not so glamorous side of this business sometimes too! Welcome!
YouTubeer U
YouTubeer U - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary oh ok, i didn't know that.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
that is how fish are sold from overseas from exporters/collectors. It is not the norm to have this happen, but it is not unheard of either.
Mysterious Box
Mysterious Box - 7 years ago
what type of fish were they? The green ones, some kind of tetra? they look really cool
Torrey Jones
Torrey Jones - 7 years ago
Couldn't you take the losses up with the shipper? I mean, when the shipper damages a package, they are responsible for the replacement of the damaged product. Would that also not apply to fish as well?
Torrey Jones
Torrey Jones - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Torrey Jones no. Not generally
Lysergzwerg - 7 years ago
i had the same problem a few months ago... the mailman handed the box with the fish to the shop in my house on thursday... he didnt leave a note, the shop didnt tell me.. then the weekend came, and on tuesday they told me there is a box for me... in the result, only 1 minifish was alive... nearly a hundred dead... and nobody payed for the loss....
Lysergzwerg - 7 years ago
yes, you are right, i wrote i wrong... poor fish...
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 7 years ago
I'm more upset about the suffering of the fish than your money, to be honest.
appe abbe
appe abbe - 7 years ago
just so yall know fish dont have lungs

50. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!

MIchal Lisiecki
MIchal Lisiecki - 7 years ago
it really sucks that your fish died :[ :-[
Elizabeth Herr
Elizabeth Herr - 7 years ago
So sorry for your loss! Keep on going, don't be discouraged. You're such a strong woman!
P.LOKOE UNO - 7 years ago
thank's for posting and sorry for your your fish room..cheers from your hair btw..
MsCnote1984 - 7 years ago
That's awesome that you were willing to lose money in order to save the fish that could be saved. Sorry for your loss.
Jess _Animals
Jess _Animals - 7 years ago
i think your great but maybe next time move the camera to where we can see the unboxing because i'm new to this and cant tell what your talking about
Eileen J
Eileen J - 7 years ago
I have a question my
Fish came down with ich and I don't understand how to treat them ive already lost 7 fish
the AMBIVERT - 7 years ago
"worrying about the fish first is the most important" love ya :)
Eyekan Notspel
Eyekan Notspel - 7 years ago
I'm new to the fish hobby and I just bought a 20 gallon tank could anyone help me with ideas for what fish to put in it
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 7 years ago
Do your homework and read, read, read. You are a beginner, so take a beginners fish like zebra danio. They are strong and will survive all the mistakes you will make.
Ninja k
Ninja k - 7 years ago
I just have a ten gallon and it brings me stress. Lol i though it suppose to make me calm.
Siddhant Tyagi
Siddhant Tyagi - 7 years ago
What was that white stuff that you cut a piece of and throw in tank..
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Siddhant Tyagi it is a chemical media called polyfilter
The Man
The Man - 7 years ago
she is the biggest Guppy I have seen.
The Man
The Man - 7 years ago
but good job with caring for those fish.. :)
Tracy S
Tracy S - 7 years ago
I used to think that owning and operating a tropical fish store would be a fun way to make a living. Receive the fish, care for the fish, sell the fish--right? After seeing yours and Aquarium Co-Op's videos, I can see how it isn't all fun and games. So many variables, and so many things that can go wrong.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
aww, thank you!
Justin Rosales
Justin Rosales - 7 years ago
That Mystery fish looks like Giant Danios
Darth Sarkoa
Darth Sarkoa - 7 years ago
i have some questions about dwarf gouramis as that will be my next fish i keep so can you teach me a few things rachel i have a 10 gallon was thinking 2 males idk if thats a bad idea but was going to go with a powder blue and the fire red
百合•希望 - 7 years ago
I'm really sorry bout your loss...
MuggzyDubzy - 7 years ago
what gauge is your septum ring? i have two a 14g and 10g
MuggzyDubzy - 7 years ago
niiiiiiiiiiiice! thats the only way to go XD, my piercing never even pierced a 10g septum until he did mine XD.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+MuggzyDubzy 10g
Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne - 7 years ago
I like how she walks away dramatically each time she says another con of shipping. I really do feel bad for her though, its outrageous how shipping companies just treat live fish as any ordinary package.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Michael Byrne this was air cargo, unfortunately then a courier service
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Josephine Maldonado an excellent reason. Good luck
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Josephine Maldonado hahahah welcome!
Rotsuoy - 7 years ago
You're a beast woman, I swear. To be able to endure such a huge lost and then power through the next day with so little sleep, is pretty awesome.
porcelain - 7 years ago
human remains?? why would they be transporting/shipping human remains?
Kayla Beveridge
Kayla Beveridge - 7 years ago
any type of military, ashes, state to state funeral arrangements etc
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
We don't always die where we want to be laid to rest.
Mike Crimson
Mike Crimson - 7 years ago
Please stop copying Joeys thumbnails
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Joey made this thumbnail for me ;)
jonathan sarson
jonathan sarson - 7 years ago
You make some amasing videos and I love how authentic you are as a person.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
MiiaBournewold - 7 years ago
would be cool if anyone was able to identify those mystery fishies
JGO - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is that big one in the back?
JGO - 7 years ago
have you ever used aqua safe it helps relive stress in the fish
Gabby Johnson
Gabby Johnson - 7 years ago
I have never owned fish and just found this video in my recommendations but this was such an interesting video! Sorry about all the lost ones :(
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Gabby Johnson thanks gabby
BrutalRiotGirl01 - 7 years ago
Wow, I'm sorry this happened to you and your fish.
Matchi - 7 years ago
Just discovered you're channel ^^ Sorry about the fish. Glad I just found you're channels, you seem great!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
thanks :)
Matchi - 7 years ago
(also your hair is pretty :P)
Jimmy Ponciano
Jimmy Ponciano - 7 years ago
id smash
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
That ass 10/10
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
I feel so sorry for you , did I end up getting any money back formthendead owns and how any made it ?
Kim Den
Kim Den - 7 years ago
I feel so bad
KennedyEbony - 7 years ago
Poor lil' guys. ;_;
lars præst
lars præst - 7 years ago
Really bummer about your fish. however what fish is in the background at 16:30 it looks pretty cool
lars præst
lars præst - 7 years ago
Yea that was the one it was the first video of yours i watched and thought what a peculiar fish ^^
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
the gar? That is a tropical gar
Apple Hoe
Apple Hoe - 7 years ago
Funny it says I late
John Kendrick
John Kendrick - 7 years ago
how does one ship a fish the right way air supply wouldnt it desolve after a certain time
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
that is why you do 1/3 water to 2/3 air :) Best bet is for overnight service, though often folks have great luck in 2-3 days (and sometimes even more)
tori the lion lover cutie
tori the lion lover cutie - 7 years ago
can you do a live stream rachel?
tori the lion lover cutie
tori the lion lover cutie - 7 years ago
c: ok i can wait
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
i have been thinking about it!! Just not sure when
Reyna Glover
Reyna Glover - 7 years ago
Tim F
Tim F - 7 years ago
Great attitude, all things considered.
roy marquez
roy marquez - 7 years ago
Did you lose money because of dead fishes.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Samantha Smith
Samantha Smith - 7 years ago
she's so calm about this, I would've been so mad about it id have probably exploded. after I took care of the fish anyways.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I only appeared calm because I had to be to get the fish put away and on the road to recovery.
ItsSimplyJessie - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry! I would love to do something like you in the future. I love what you do! :)
Ariel XD master XD
Ariel XD master XD - 7 years ago
i feel so bad for yall that your fish died :(but i wish you can band them for killing your pretty fish
aussieaeromodeler - 7 years ago
which airline was the carrier ? .....United ? (sarcasm intended)
frankie4257 - 7 years ago
used to do it myself ... but it's a risk you take self shipping
It is sad to see the dead ones.
Mikey McDowell
Mikey McDowell - 7 years ago
Were you on Aquaria Central forums from 2004-2011? Something tells me you gave me a lot of priceless fish keeping advice on those forums way back when I lurked them nearly every day.
Mikey McDowell
Mikey McDowell - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary that's awesome. It was cool to see another mohawked person who was into fish (I've since lost mine). Great stumbling on you on here, sorry I stumbled on what looks like a very stressful video.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
absolutely was, worked for that forum for many many years.
J Goetz
J Goetz - 7 years ago
just subscribed

100. comment for DEAD FISH! Shipping DISASTER!

J Goetz
J Goetz - 7 years ago
Just came by your chanel....awesome
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
sagatbalrog - 7 years ago
Why should human remains get priority over live fish. That's stupid.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I think it has to do with them being transported in a timely fashion- no one wants a dead body sitting around an airport freight room.
Brightest Gamer
Brightest Gamer - 7 years ago
I feel so sorry for the fish
Sam Schreiber
Sam Schreiber - 7 years ago
wow is that a gator gar in the back? sorry bout the fish
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
tropical gar :) and a cuban gar
#logang4life queen
#logang4life queen - 7 years ago
i looove her hair style
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+sis vs. sis pranks thanks
Nightraven Alchemist
Nightraven Alchemist - 7 years ago
Your fish room is super cool! :O I wanna be like you some day <3
Alyssa Parham
Alyssa Parham - 7 years ago
did you figure out what random fish they where?
Alyssa Loyet
Alyssa Loyet - 7 years ago
can you do a species spotlight on the borneo suckers please
dziegan - 8 years ago
nice fish room
beany Thompson
beany Thompson - 8 years ago
stuff like this is why i refuse to ship fish their lives are too important to me
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
if the exporteres (which was the case here) refused to ship fish, we would all largely be very very limited on what we could keep
RheigaShio - 8 years ago
this made me really sad..
Jared - 8 years ago
also the carrier should be completely liable for this. they lost live product. it happens yeah but that doesn't change what they caused!!
Jared - 8 years ago
Feels weird to hit the thumbs up :( thank you for this video! you did a good job with the walk through in a hard to handle situation. I will definitely subscribe and follow you to!!!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I get irritated, figure out what I was sent, and complain- often grumbling under my breath. It does mean someone else didn't get their fish. I don't send them back. These fish were imported from overseas, shipping twice for that distance and in such crowded bags would be a death sentence.
pete sampson
pete sampson - 8 years ago
I'm a bit confused (Confused is, arguably, my best thing!).

You said that you are using mature tanks but are still doing large water changes. IMO, a mature tank doesn't need large water changes. Personally?

I no longer do water changes. My freshwater and saltwater tanks are mature and healthy, my filters are healthy, my fish are healthy. The only "water changes" I have done in more than a decade are to replace the water I use when cleaning filters and to add trace elements back into my systems.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I am an importer/retailer. I am not stocking my tanks as a hobbyist would. I am adding hundreds of fish at once. I always do weekly water changes on any aquarium though, as it is the only way to dilute the accumulated of hormones, wastes, etc to maintain a dilute TDS, which is important for many of the species I want to breed, not just keep.
Alex Brown
Alex Brown - 8 years ago
I'm so happy to see that you care for the fish. Too many people treat animals as just a means.
Neko Fluff
Neko Fluff - 8 years ago
"...he's swimming around like a helicopter...." I really can't :)
Funny Guy
Funny Guy - 8 years ago
I'd never buy from that company again. I bet they screwed you on purpose
Elise Kelly
Elise Kelly - 8 years ago
Poor fish losing their lives because of someone else's mistakes ):
Lizzie In Shadows.
Lizzie In Shadows. - 8 years ago
1st video I've ever seen with this girl and all I could think was OMG I love her hair. I was watching this because I had just gotten some bad mollies ghost shrimp and ivory mystery snails that died within 24 hours :/ my creamsicle mollies lived though
Super Chan
Super Chan - 8 years ago
Kool looking fish it arrived so late I hope most of your fish will make it
Sarah Becker
Sarah Becker - 8 years ago
Not to sound creepy. I remember seeing you on Fish Forums. You rock! Good luck nice to see you on Youtube.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Sarah Becker probably means you are doing things right!
Sarah Becker
Sarah Becker - 8 years ago
Tpt and MFK. I was going to buy some fish from you but ended up not getting any new fish for a long time.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Sarah Becker *mfk
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Sarah Becker awesome! Tpt, mfj, or ac?
Jenny Rei
Jenny Rei - 8 years ago
How horrible :( So sorry for those little guys and you!
Mikeoo - 8 years ago
You got a big ass thumps up
D S - 8 years ago
I appreciate your optimism. It's hard and frustrating, nothings worst than being excited for fish, and then them showing up dead.
Spiffier Hunter
Spiffier Hunter - 8 years ago
did u get to keep the surprise fish ?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
yes. considering throwing themin my shellie tank for activity
Jess Day
Jess Day - 8 years ago
Hi, I know it really sucks to get a big dead shipment I know the broker says don't worry about but not only r the poor fish dead but now ur out big bucks for shipping. Anyway  I recently started watching ur utube posts because I recently set up a 50 gal for my grandson. Most of my life since I can remember iv had fish. 15 yrs ago I opened a wholesale fish and reptile supply and sold to shops around the Dallas area. Iv been away from fish for about 10 yrs now but my grand kids seem to have the bug too. I don't know why but Iv never had the problems iv had with this tank. its only been up two wks some of the fish I gave to my grandson about 2 yrs ago but they were in a 2 gal tank and doing well. The new tank looked good up to about 3 days ago the fish started to die, iv tried everything I know and now its cloudy and white stuff all over the gravel. I wish I could send u a pic. fish r swimming around like they have bladder issues. iv tried clear water chem. stress coat, salt, even amoxicillin water change and it looks worse today. any advice?  Please thank u. Jess
Nicole Louise
Nicole Louise - 8 years ago
First time I've ever watch one of her videos and I dont know what it is but I absolutely love her!!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Nicole Louise thanks and welcome
Fish Bros
Fish Bros - 8 years ago
what is the name of your company
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Invertebrates by msjinkzd,
C Bizz
C Bizz - 8 years ago
Tonya D Flores Ent
Tonya D Flores Ent - 8 years ago
That sucks, poor fish!
Korean Reefer
Korean Reefer - 8 years ago
You look scary. Don't hurt me please.
Korean Reefer
Korean Reefer - 8 years ago
+Rachel O'leary okay~ :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
then don't be rude
vorkev1 - 8 years ago
you would have less of a lose if they flash froze them. I never deal with mail order tho my self when I did deal with fish I would buy local yes sometimes I did have to drive almost 2 hour to get what I needed but it was worth the drive.
vorkev1 - 8 years ago
that's not what I am referring to you need to find local or with in the time you are willing to drive places that do wholesale fish the best ones are places that bread their own or buy in such bulk that they can offer you wholesale. Buy me I have the one place witch I told you of that can most times beat the price I can order most stuff fore and a nother place 45 min form my house that breads some stuff and sells it cheaper them wholesale for instance last time was doing stuff with fish I was able to buy local tiger barbs for ).25 each chost shrimp for 1 cent each and guppies in bulk lots of 200 for $3 them are the three things I would be able to resell the most but I would get other fish just as cheap sometimes cheaper I never liked to deal with angle fish but if I bought them in lots of 20 or more I would get then for $1 each but mind you this was quite a few years ago.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+vorkev1 unfortunately, driving to Singapore, Thailand, Peru, Colombia, India, etc is not a viable option lol
Jean Myers
Jean Myers - 8 years ago
what state are you in i would be interesred in buying that gar you have behind you in this video would not want to ship if close i would pick it up
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
me? he has a home should I sell him :) Much appreciated though. they will also pick up
Greywind92 - 8 years ago
Is there a reliable site for buying fish in Ontario/Canada ? And what do you use for antibiotics?
grayson ford
grayson ford - 8 years ago
Oh no! Although, I was happy to find you are successful on youtube. I recently lost the last Tylo I bought from you in 2011 or 2012! And found you by accident on yourtube. Subscribed! <3
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+grayson ford aww, nice to see ya!
John Warren
John Warren - 8 years ago
What a tragedy, I feel for you.
Irritable Jon Syndrome
Irritable Jon Syndrome - 8 years ago
you know...this infuriates me. your business suffers now. and does that shipping company care? hell no. they'll go on making millions whether you give them business or not. that makes me so mad. I'm sorry. you don't deserve this.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Jon Dillon it's part of doing what I do, my story is unfortunately not unique
mcgecko - 8 years ago
My gold fish died he live through hell time 5 through out his life but I brought goodness kindness and joy to him he lived for 4 years. I'm happy for him and I hope all of your fish get better
FlowingDepths - 8 years ago
You're very level headed! thanks for the video, and for the wisdom with understanding sometimes bad things happen.
Animals Trees
Animals Trees - 8 years ago
my snail had babies
Austin Nehrenberg
Austin Nehrenberg - 8 years ago
very scary
RouRou - 8 years ago
But why do you drop the snails like that? Doesn't their shells break :(
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+RouRou no, or I wouldn't do it
allison Smith
allison Smith - 8 years ago
Rachael I loved your video so sad for your losses...question we bought and prepped the tank for 2 Bala sharks now sadly my son had gotten ahold of food and dumped a large amount ..We.tried to get out as soon as possible but hubby did a water change but the next day they were both.dead? overfed? we just had got them . the water was warm butt hubby didn't treat it or test ph he just threw them in(tap water) now another time same thing happened with our.Angel fish..hubby filtered and got most out and they are fine but he.didn't change what do you think.happened,,is it possible they were already sick from the pet store
allison Smith
allison Smith - 8 years ago
thanKs yes it's out of reach now and what could we have done to fix the ammonia?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+allison Smith probably ammonia. Put the food up out of reach
RyansAquarium - 8 years ago
this is off topic, but a tattoo video would be awesome rachel!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
ha, maybe in a live stream.
Hellish Underwater Harmonica
Hellish Underwater Harmonica - 8 years ago
good job! UK watching.
Sally Ann Beck
Sally Ann Beck - 8 years ago
how sad.. i always cry when i lose fish.. i have guppies, angles, loaches , blonde clown pleco and african dwarf frogs.. love your hair btw. lol
Jason Yonker
Jason Yonker - 8 years ago
I feel so bad for you
FISHbruvz - 8 years ago
The fish u didint order are giant danios, really hardy, and pretty big
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+FISHbruvz they are a species of giant danio
Lexi Rose
Lexi Rose - 8 years ago
I have a 3,000 gal here in Canada, was looking to build a greenhouse around it and grow coral to resell? Do you think this would work? If it means taking less from the reef I'm willing to try, or even a breeding tank for fresh water.
Lich Gulk
Lich Gulk - 8 years ago
DEEZ NUTS - 7 years ago
Ryan Kay
Ryan Kay - 8 years ago
what does her shirt say
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Ryan Kay Malawi goat fund
Jake AF
Jake AF - 8 years ago
I love how positive, yet realistic, you are in this difficult situation. Issues of this nature happen sometimes to business owners, but it takes a lot of maturity and understanding to respond to them the way that you did. I can tell you care for these fish, and I'm glad to see that this situation is working itself out, at least financially. Hopefully you don't have to deal with something like this again!
metallicaxxx420 - 8 years ago
So do you get compensated from the shipping company at all or is it just a "too bad" kind of thing?
metallicaxxx420 - 8 years ago
Jeez it that ever frustrating. Goes with the territory I guess though. Nice vid and good luck with future orders. Looks like all your fish are in good hands.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+metallicaxxx420 it's a too bad sort of thing
Brick Squash
Brick Squash - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear the news. Off topic, but what are the white organisms on the glass in the top left? Thanks and I hope your survivors survive!
Remy sometimes
Remy sometimes - 8 years ago
I want a fish so bad I love them so much
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 8 years ago
Sucks that this is the first video of yours I'm watching, I'm so sorry about your fishies. :(
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Hecci666 thanks!
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary I love your hair by the way!
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary Poor stressed bubs, I'm glad you could save some. Watching the update next. :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Hecci666 most are doing well now, just that one bad of death. Thanks for the support
Allina Chilafoe
Allina Chilafoe - 8 years ago
Aren't you suppose to let the bag float in the tank so the fish can get use to the temperature difference?
K.juliana - 7 years ago
Allina Chilafoe there is different ways to let the fish use to the temperature.
Allina Chilafoe
Allina Chilafoe - 7 years ago
dan kachiros
dan kachiros - 8 years ago
you handled that very well for a fish lady
Sambath Heng
Sambath Heng - 8 years ago
Hint. easy way. First check temperature 50-70C and check h2o. water h2o turn blue go dead fish, yellow is neutral water.  Best green is clear water help lived fish.   bags bottle in tank fish. let 30 min. then fish out bag. add not much salt. salt pitch in tank fish t
sKiLLz 311
sKiLLz 311 - 8 years ago
damn, sorry for the loss of all those fish! i would be super pissed.
CJ VDH - 8 years ago
xSean145 - 8 years ago
watching this was sad. sheesh! I get devastaded if only ONE of my small cardinal tetra or even mosquito rasbora dies in the tank. Cant imagine getting my fish like that only to find out they are all dead.
Shiny Unown Playz! R.I.P Gabe The Dog
Shiny Unown Playz! R.I.P Gabe The Dog - 8 years ago
my dream fish for an aquarium (in my home) would be a jellyfish!
Ed 87
Ed 87 - 8 years ago
thanks for the tips on rescuing fish Rachel, was really interesting to see you work through it.
How are the borneo suckers? :(
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Edward Stedman doing great!
ManLik3Trust - 8 years ago
Unlucky rachael
debbie foster
debbie foster - 8 years ago
The fish you did not order...what did they end up being?
ooXChrissieXoo - 8 years ago
I like how you just took the fish you didn't order, and put them in a tank. They look cute with their eyes.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
THey are Microdevario kubotai, and yes :)
komodo496 - 8 years ago
An espi! still my favorite fish in my 55 thank you for the obsession! sorry for your loss i am glad you are close kinda! keep it up!
Lawrence Winfield
Lawrence Winfield - 8 years ago
Hello NURSE!!
jerrimy seavers
jerrimy seavers - 8 years ago
Was a great honor meeting you when you were in Winnipeg MB Canada. I know how you feel I've ordered fish and shrimp from stores across Canada 3 times and each time have had casualties due to courier services negligence. Good luck
Scuba Diver
Scuba Diver - 8 years ago
OMG it's Rachel!! I LOVED your talk you gave here with Spencer! Come back to Winnipeg!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
There are talks for next year, either for DFO or AWS, or both :) Biggs is scheming!
Nekesha Crawford
Nekesha Crawford - 8 years ago
I wish you the best. I hate that happened.
Maddy Fairytail
Maddy Fairytail - 8 years ago
Hey! This is my first vid of yours, and let me just say, your hair ROCKS.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Maddy Fairytail thanks maddy
Jason Polen
Jason Polen - 8 years ago
ive bought fish from you and emailed you many times, i had no idea you had a channel!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Jason Polen only for the past year :)
Neela Long
Neela Long - 8 years ago
Love this channel!
Such a relaxing effect fish have on humans.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Neela Long thanks Neela!
jon fraer
jon fraer - 8 years ago
if you gte a 1:1 creditv you woukldnt be out of $1000 in the bottom line the future of course.
jon fraer
jon fraer - 8 years ago
YouTube is definitley not paying enough to be worth it.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I don't get a credit for freight, bag fees, box fees, the driver costs, etc. Even with a credit for the fish, I lose out on all of that, and have to pay it again for a future order.
Zamiiz - 8 years ago
God that suck!! That sounds so frustrating. I'm so sorry, those poor fish :- (
wow -
wow - - 8 years ago
I'm a new subscriber and I just wanted to thank you for having such a big heart. you really care about your animals and it made me want to support your channel. I look forward to watching and learning more.
Jojo Sagewitch
Jojo Sagewitch - 8 years ago
The only reason I disliked the video is because I personally disagree with the whole breeding and transporting of live beings. It's my opinion, it may not be correct but it's just how I feel, I prefer to see animals in their natural environment, working with the beauty and the tragedies of Mother Nature etc etc, I am a vegan not just by diet but also by lifestyle and personal philosophy. HOWEVER, I LOVE the way you treat the fish once they are with you. You truly have their best interests at heart, the fact that you would rather get them straight into tanks instead of waiting another 5 minutes to photograph them, is wonderful. You will willingly loose money purely so that your fish don't have to bear another moment in that toxic environment. Whilst I feel the whole scenario could be avoided by not transporting fish, selling fish, etc etc, its heartwarming to see you have been up all night caring for them, doing everything in your power to help. You are knowledgeable, caring and hardworking and despite my opinions on the business of transporting and selling live beings, you are awesome in what you do. Hats off to you lady!
James Wang
James Wang - 8 years ago
do u have gupp to selling...
James Wang
James Wang - 8 years ago
OK thanks
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+James Wang I don't work with guppies
Silver Gem Accents Sophisticated Brilliance
Silver Gem Accents Sophisticated Brilliance - 8 years ago
I used to have my own fish import business so I can understand the stress but I don't understand why you are just spilling out all the water and dumping them in the tank, am I missing something? What acclimation are you doing?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Nope, here is the video explanation:
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 8 years ago
Those shrimps, are they fully freshwater - like would they breed in fw, or are they like amanos? If they breed in fw, how would you rate their algae eating compared to amanos - do they eat similar types of algae, could they possibly replace the more difficult to breed amanos in the hobby as the best algae eating shrimp (you had mentioned them being great algae eaters, so that's why I'm wondering), or do they specialize in different algae than the amanos?

Also, what's their scientific name? I'd like to do some research so that if I get the money I can get some :D
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+GreenGo's Fish&Inverts I will be doing a species spotlight in the near future
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 8 years ago
Um, haha, you pretty much answered all my questions in your next video on this. Could they replace amanos, though, or do they eat different algae? I hope you don't cover that in the third video that I'm about to go watch lol (been a busy few weeks, so I'm catching up on my watch later list)
Rob St.Helen
Rob St.Helen - 8 years ago
wow, you are one calm mama.... i can tell that you care very much for all of your fish, not too many places would goto the length that you did. my hats off to you, and what is even more impressive is your showing your kids that hard work just doesnt mean 9-5 sometimes you have to put in extra hours, again, my hat is off to you!
Collin Fenstemacher
Collin Fenstemacher - 8 years ago
OH NO!! I'd be pissed!
Yesit'sJess - 8 years ago
Man, that sucks! You seem to really care about your fish. I hope to become as knowledgeable about fish as you one day. I'm not quite a beginner, but I still have A LOT to learn.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Yesit'sJess so do i! That is what I love about my hobby
Brien steve
Brien steve - 8 years ago
do you have pictus catfish? i had 3 in a 20 tall that just up and died after 5 years....
also can i over filter water? i use a Fluval 303ghp and 2 power heads for current, and a whisper 800 with biowheel....i have 23 fish and my water is ph of 5.5 to 6.5 and my ppm run around 100 with using RO water... i also have a 18 watt 790 gallon air pump connected to 6 airstones. all for 20 gallon fresh water...BTW. MY WATER HAS ZERO SMELL AND IS CRYSTAL CLEAR, I HONESTLY THIS I COULD DRINK THE WATER..
LaLa Lee
LaLa Lee - 8 years ago
Love the videos. you really care about your fish and it shows. sorry to hear they were late and some died and got sick. I liked and subscribed !!! I used to work at a pet store and would love to have all those aquariums like you. maybe one day =)
parkj215 - 8 years ago
your sideburns are longer then mine. wow
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+parkj215 then you have new aspirations ;)
parkj215 - 8 years ago
bad things happen to people that deserve it. karma's a biatch. hope you can revive your almost dead fish
E. grey
E. grey - 7 years ago
Are you saying she deserves it or the people who shipped the fish wrong ? Im just a little confused .
Jacky Lee
Jacky Lee - 8 years ago
I'll be sure not to get fish posted to me! Couldn't take losing so many fish! Plus I feel it was my fault being the consumer
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Jacky Lee this was from overseas, not at all typical
Harminder Singh
Harminder Singh - 8 years ago
you are a hottie
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 8 years ago
Great job !!!!! Could not believe how cool you were with your shipment. You are all about the fish and that is what it takes in our hobby. GREAT JOB !!!
Giobel Koi Center
Giobel Koi Center - 8 years ago
there is a better way in shipping live fish putting it to sleep
Giobel Koi Center
Giobel Koi Center - 8 years ago
I see thank you
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
sedation is not necessary for small fish or invertebrates
Hillary for President
Hillary for President - 8 years ago
It was January this year I bought some shrimp for a 2 day shipping and the shipment got delayed for 4 days due to a snowstorm and all my shrimp were frozen to death.There was a heater pad but it was expired. I got a full refund from my supplier. I won't buy any live animals online during the hottest or the coldest months of the year again, not worth the risks.
suraj raut
suraj raut - 8 years ago
u r recording from so far away that we couldn't even see which fish they r
Bond's Aquarium
Bond's Aquarium - 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss :/ Its a very unfortunate event, but I'm glad you worked to keep the survivors alive instead of letting them rot alive with the dead ones, not a lot of people see fish as living creatures, but I'm glad you do!
Extarys - 8 years ago
I'm glad you take care of your fish like that, it's not only stock it's a living thing. <3
Sebastian Arias
Sebastian Arias - 8 years ago
Kinda felt like click bait.
Amber - 8 years ago
You're such an inspiration and I love your style. Looking forward to following your adventures.
Moontanman - 8 years ago
I have fish due today, I hope they arrive on time...
DespAir Ron
DespAir Ron - 8 years ago
Loved this video usually don't subscribe after the first video can tell you have a passion for fish and that you have a great personality
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Aaron padilla thanks aaron
Thomas Medina
Thomas Medina - 8 years ago
Rachel just subbed up sorry about the shipping fiasco but it looks like it all worked out very cool video.
Lu Wagner
Lu Wagner - 8 years ago
so the fish were late because of the shipping company losing the tracking correct and the seller is to blame? So if 200 fish are lost...that's $5 wholesale per fish (Ouch). what do you sell them for once ready?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
no. this was sirport to airport international, not a simple
fedex/ups/usps transaction. The flights got messed up, then paperwork
didn't match- that is the sellers fault.
Ben Werner
Ben Werner - 8 years ago
Do you do goldfish
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Ben Werner not really. I have some outside
Ben Werner
Ben Werner - 8 years ago
That's horrible
aquadragon1 - 8 years ago
Did you find out what the surprise fish are ?
Chelsea's Channel
Chelsea's Channel - 8 years ago
The mail carriers have been delaying my shipments a lot lately! 1-2 days extra than usual! why is this happening! :(
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I am sure they will say weather, but the reason I don't ship via the mail system is that its really, really, really unreliable and not held accountable at all. I use fedex because I can get live clearances, have real tracking, and most importantly get refunds and make claims for late/damaged boxes. Are they perfect? hell no, but its better.
Francisco Mayorga
Francisco Mayorga - 8 years ago
do you have a website to order from you? I'm looking for some fish in particular some Roseline sharks.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Francisco Mayorga I don't have any roselines in stock right now though
Captain Savage Aquatics
Captain Savage Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great video! I'm sorry about the loss of your fish!! Although very stressful in the end everything seems to be working out! Sorry again for your loss!
reptiles and fish
reptiles and fish - 8 years ago
Your tanks are extremely green
Stale Milo
Stale Milo - 7 years ago
reptiles and fish driftwood can alter the colour of tanks
hm G
hm G - 8 years ago
new sub.. once you said im putting fish in without pics.. id rather lose money to relieve their stress..
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+hm G luckily my source cut me some slack
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 8 years ago
What is the foam material you were putting into the tanks?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Michael Wells thanks. I like to add it to tanks to absorb any possible ammonia in between water changes
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 8 years ago
Why were you putting pieces of it into some of the tanks? Thanks for posting this video. It opened my eyes as to what a business like yours is about. It also shows what a very good fish keeper you are. You're one of my favorite you tubers.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
it is a chemical media called polyfilter
ELKFILMZ - 8 years ago
Wow that's crazy
Robo Nerd7
Robo Nerd7 - 8 years ago
I have no words, other than thanks for sharing, even it was a bad experience, hurts to see fish loss, but remaining fish can't be in better hands
Broman1978 - 8 years ago
Rachel, the fishes that you dont know what it is looks alot like Danio albolineatus :)
Broman1978 - 8 years ago
Nope, nevermind i was wrong, lol. just watched your other video and i was wrong
Broman1978 - 8 years ago
In sweden were i live its not so common fish, dont know how it is were you live :)
burningfyra - 8 years ago
really sad to see a order go bad, hope things get better. unrelated question have you ever kept desert goby's (or Chlamydogobius eremius)?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+burningfyra nope
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 8 years ago
Hopefully in the future technology would advance and there would be less risk with shipping fish
Susan Peterson
Susan Peterson - 8 years ago
awesome video on the reality of fish pimping. Your ability to really focus on what the fish need is amazing vs bitching about the event. You are such a trooper and my hero.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Susan Peterson hope I see you at bfd susan!
Aquatasy - 8 years ago
Wow. I am so sorry you had to go through all that, but I am glad to hear that the fish supplier is going to give you a credit. And it's pretty awesome of you to make this video for us in the midst of all that difficulty. I for one really appreciate it. I gotta ask, have you been able to ID the mystery fish that you didn't order?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Aquatasy devario chrostaeniatus
Jerry Dixon
Jerry Dixon - 8 years ago
Hey,I love watching all your videos they really help me with my fish keeping,I have all different species of goldfish,and I am a very picky fish keep,I would love you help,I bought some red cap oranda from petco,they originally had swimmers bladder,I got them all better but now I'm fighting ick and blood fin.I have been treating them with melafix but they don't seem to be getting better,I'm doing water changes and everything else I know too do. please help Thank you for your time.
boss bully boy
boss bully boy - 8 years ago
what a shit show... this sucks to hear.

did you ever find out what the mystery fish are?
boss bully boy
boss bully boy - 8 years ago
Oh schweet
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+boss bully boy redtailed giant Burmese danio
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+boss bully boy yep, devario chrysotaeniatus
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Jennifer Choi I have been shutting down the dehumidifiers while I shoot. Cuts down on a lot of the background humming. Thabks for noticing
AquaStudent - 8 years ago
So sorry about the losses. At least you are covered. :/
It's amazing there were so many that did make it.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Wow, you've had a rough week, but you've handled it so professionally.
SecularSoutherner504 - 8 years ago
Damn! Sorry :(.  Good to see your supplier is willing to help with the situation.
Hilário Rosa
Hilário Rosa - 8 years ago
Love your vídeos and your fishroom . Best of luck .
Tyrell Stthomas
Tyrell Stthomas - 8 years ago
Slowly but surely getting my animal channel up and running. Check it our when ever anyone gets a chance, and subb me!!!
Gregg Martin
Gregg Martin - 8 years ago
Very sorry for your loss! As you suggested I learned from it as well. Have my first ever shipment of live fish due today, least killifish from Zimmerman's, now I really hope all is well there. You handled that as well as anyone could, again, I am sorry and hope it is not replicated anytime soon, if ever,

John Quinn
John Quinn - 8 years ago
I feel your pain Rachel, I've had this happen to me a couple of times. And my focus like yourself, is to save as many fish as possible. Sometimes I do save a lot other times I've lost them.
Wight Queen
Wight Queen - 8 years ago
so sad so small such a shame!
aquaticdiver1 - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary you seem like you are a beautiful , genuine and an amazing spirit.
Your enthusiasm for what you do and how you share it with us here is quite touching.

Thank You

David From Canada
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+islanddave1 thanks dave
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Pauls Planted Aquariums I don't have any place in particular that I am loyal to for buying it
Ryan Amado
Ryan Amado - 8 years ago
Well I started Co2 on my 5 gallon Spec. Plants look like they're already loving it!! And the icing...I bought 6 CPD's from you a few months ago, and all are alive, and healthy!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Ryan Amado hurray!!!
Victor Monaco
Victor Monaco - 8 years ago
Tough beak. You can see through the video that you were visibly upset. Also, I think you did the entire industry a tremendous service by documenting the "occupational hazards" that come with the biz. Kudos.
blahboi27 - 8 years ago
Unpredictable life of a fish pimp. I hope you get a lot of survivors. Those poor red lungs :( Please keep us updated.

On a happier note, I noticed this morning one of my shrimp is berried. First time!
Jesus Echevarria
Jesus Echevarria - 8 years ago
DAMN DUDE!!!! hopefully most of it survives....
Chris Wu
Chris Wu - 8 years ago
i wish yhe best
pecktec - 8 years ago
Sorry you had to deal with all that mess. Glad to see your update comment. A pimps love is different from the love of a square.
Sakari Starlight
Sakari Starlight - 8 years ago
Best of luck. I'm so sorry you've had such a terrible week with these shipping ordeals.
Here's hoping they all pull through! Can't wait to see those Kubotai's go up in your shop!
BigRalphSmith - 8 years ago
Sorry about the fish.
Do the best you can do and keep on keepin' on.
Glad for the rock shipment and the credit on the dead fish.
At least it wasn't all gloom and doom.
Jax A
Jax A - 8 years ago
sorry that you have had a crappy time recently, thanks so much for taking the time to share with us, you work so hard. look forward to the updates, but no pressure.
Eric K
Eric K - 8 years ago
What happened with Fish and Game that delayed it more?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Eric K paperwork, dates were off because of the shipping delay
Nanci-Griffin's Aquatics
Nanci-Griffin's Aquatics - 8 years ago
so sorry about your week!
HaoSs - 8 years ago
what was the name of those milky shrimps ?
HaoSs - 8 years ago
if is not to much truble.That should help the new guys a lot :D
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+HaoSs I will try and put captions for the fish names in the futire. Great point
HaoSs - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary thank you. you are awesome. English is not my first language and sometime y have troubles understanding those names with your accent. You also speak fast :D
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+HaoSs caridina gracilirostrus
Thomas Chanthavong
Thomas Chanthavong - 8 years ago
I hope you at least get some replacement fish. There has to be a bullet proof way to ship the little dudes
Joe Berger
Joe Berger - 8 years ago
Sorry for the losses, and extra fish you didn't order.. However we do appreciate you showing us the good and bad that comes along with this hobby. Hope the "sardine cichlids" are doing good?
Looking forward to the next video!
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 8 years ago
wow that sucks. your doing all you can. im glad you did a video like this. it shows the not so fun side of keeping fish it happens sometimes.
The Fish Beast
The Fish Beast - 8 years ago
As a hillstream loach lover, seeing those borneo suckers make me sad... They are in your capable hands though. Good luck!
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 8 years ago
Can you hold the shipping company accountable? You did pay for a certain arrival time of shipping and that did not happen. Can you get money from the shipping company?
Dante Hammons
Dante Hammons - 8 years ago
My Dwarf puffers are eating frozen bloodworms
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
Wow, what a week. First UPS screws up your rock delivery, now this! Can you at least get compensation from the carrier for the delay that cost you so many fish?
Dante Hammons
Dante Hammons - 8 years ago
maan that sucks..i feel the pain..i hate losing fish
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 8 years ago
I thought this was a great Tuesday Tip. I certainly learned a great deal. So sorry for the loss of the fish that didn't make it. I'm glad they were shipped to you, someone who is knowledgeable enough to minimize the loss and as well as how to treat those fish who are stressed by the extended transport. I hope that you are pleasantly surprised and most of those who don't look well end up perking up and surviving.
Ruthlyss Targaryen
Ruthlyss Targaryen - 8 years ago
Damn Rachel, this has been one hrlluva week for you! Sorry to hear that those little animals died, but I'm glad you'll at least get credit to try again later.
gutsanglory1 - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear of the crappy shipping incident. Guess that happens. I'm sure if anyone can save those fish, you will offer them the best chances for any success.
Hope things get a little smoother.
Recon9143 - 8 years ago
Why in your video thumbnail you said you had 200 dead fish. I failed to see 200? More like 20 max
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Recon9143 I didn't show you the bag of all dead fish
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 8 years ago
Good lunch with them Rachel, they are in good hands. Can hear the disappointment in your voice I feel bad for you.
bryangulledge - 8 years ago
16:10 " This whole SHIT-ment was a disaster" LOL

Good luck and I hope the rest survive! You really gave it all you could give!
Greggerman - 8 years ago
I am sorry for your difficulties and the loss of the fish. Poor blighters. If it makes you feel any better, I am impressed with your presence of mind to film this and take care of the fish and shrimp all the while. It is a real service to hobbyists to see how a professional handles bad days and learn about what you know to lessen the burden on the animals. You are definitely one-of-a-kind and I mean that with the greatest respect.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Greggerman thanks
Laura W
Laura W - 8 years ago
I am so sorry you had to endure this. I especially hate it for the fish. I know it made you sad. You are "wonder woman"!
You handled this with such grace. I don't think I could have.
You are a rock star in my eyes.
My wish for you is only excellent days ahead. Hang in there!
Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson - 8 years ago
Sorry for the bad luck. But your video was great and telling us how to deal with adversity. Cheers.
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette - 8 years ago
So sorry for your problem. Thanks for uploading this, keeping our heads up that when dealing with live creatures shits like this bound to happen sometimes, respect to you :)
Joseph Pinkston
Joseph Pinkston - 8 years ago
Dang good luck and I hope you can get some rest
mummaV2 - 8 years ago
I learnt the importance of water changes from you in this video and to persist. I thought medication first but I can see the sense of not doing this first up with stressed fish struggling to survive. Thank you for sharing.
Tin Goose
Tin Goose - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry, if anyone can save these fish it would be you. good luck!
Shaden0040 - 8 years ago
how to preseve these fish was a great tip. Sorry for he losses. The mystery fish look like shiners. Potential food for Cranky pants and the gar once they pass quarantine? Do yu ever raise fresh water clams? either in your tanks or as part of a sump system?
Shay Mistwolf
Shay Mistwolf - 8 years ago
Shaden0040 they also look like large Pearl Danios O.o
heckz cheapskate
heckz cheapskate - 8 years ago
Where did you order these fish from?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Tito Brozzi
Tito Brozzi - 8 years ago
You look hot ..
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Tito Brozzi yes, it is linked in the description and my pinned post
Tito Brozzi
Tito Brozzi - 8 years ago
Do you have FB page ?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
ha! i take that as a joke! I had been up for over 36 hours during most of this video.
Stephanie Ball
Stephanie Ball - 8 years ago
So sorry! That was rough, I hope the rest of your week you can find peace!
Nathan Lewis
Nathan Lewis - 8 years ago
From that short clip I saw of the unknown fish, they look like pearl danios
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
they were 3", they are red tailed giant danios
Paul Estrada
Paul Estrada - 8 years ago
Hope you're ok Rachel. I had a similar shipping mishap - not at the scale that you had, but it was still horrible to lose half of the fish. Glad to hear the shipper is issuing you a credit. Look forward to hearing how the fish are doing. Take care!
Heather M
Heather M - 8 years ago
As for good news...based on your glowing recommendation of green neon tetras, I placed an order through my LFS (who had never had them in store) and received 12 little beauties last week. I love them, and they are doing great! Also, last week purchased your book about the 101 Best Freshwater Nano fish, and I LOVE that, as well! I read it cover to cover with a glass of red wine, a bowl of Cheez Its, and a cozy blanket (it's cold here in Michigan!).

Your passion and the way you take very seriously the science of fish keeping is very inspiring to me as a newbie. Thanks!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Feel free to reach out if I can help. My advice is not dependent on sales! I am so glad you have an LFS that is flexible. Green neons are awesome
Robert Sevo
Robert Sevo - 8 years ago
the care that you give them will help them and you will learn a lot more form this and you are doing a great job for them
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
Oh no, im getting a fish shipment tomorrow and dont want that to happen. Luckilly it's not that many fish it's only 2 but it would still suck.
Summer Rose
Summer Rose - 8 years ago
how did it go?
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 8 years ago
Winter shipping always sucks but good luck.
Donna - 8 years ago
What a bummer!! really hope the remaining fish make it through and hopefully you get some sort of credit/refund for the loss.

I've just come across these, I thought since you ship they may interest you! (breathable bags) science behind this is 100%

Not been a good week for me this week, upgraded the cichlids and left one big bully peacock (red zebra) in a tank alone, he's having time out, I thought the others got on well but unfortunately today, I found my blue boy ( Sciaenochromis ahli/electric blue hap) badly beaten up, he has a lot of scales missing and muscle showing on his side. I've quarantined and treating him, he's still feeding so fingers crossed that it justs looks worse than what it really is..
Donna - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary That's another bummer, you'd think they would be made more durable given the science behind them. Thanks for the info about them.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
breather bags have gone down the tubes the past few years. I used to use them a lot, but over 60% in the past year would burst in transit, so back to poly bags I went.
Downfall - 8 years ago
Nice videos keep em up
David L
David L - 8 years ago
The down sides of our hobby when your knowledge of the fish comes in handy for sure
Lynne R
Lynne R - 8 years ago
Aww, I'm sorry Rachel. I feel sad for you and the fish. I'm glad some of them made it though.
Monica R
Monica R - 8 years ago
Rachel is such a cool headed admirable person
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+D K he has a playlist on my youtube channel. No apology necessary!
D K - 8 years ago
+Rachel O'leary
 My apologies. Does your husband have a social media presence - be it youtube, twitter, instagram, tumblr, an email etc? Thank you for your time Rachel
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
D K my husband and I had them the old fashioned way
D K - 8 years ago
Me and my wife want children. Did you and your partner go the adoption route or possibly in-vitro through a sperm bank?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
tell that to my teenaged daughters! LOL :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Thank you very much!
Sasi Mallik
Sasi Mallik - 8 years ago
Really feel bad for your fish loss. The most important thing is you maintained your cool in such a stressful situation. All people have faced it but all do not take it in positive way and move ahead. I see your eagerness to save what can be saved. I feel bit annoyed about the shipment. At least the shipping people should have added more heat packs to prepare for delay in deliveries. This could have greatly increased the survival rates of the fish. I am a big fan of Borneo suckers. Hope you do a video once they all survive and acting all normal.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I sure will do a video! I really don't think this delay was at all normal. Flight issues, then paperwork (dates have to match for fish and game) issues- just let to a giant mess. They have given me a credit, so that helps.
Carlos Torres
Carlos Torres - 8 years ago
Get that reimbursement
Ne Ne Zilla
Ne Ne Zilla - 8 years ago
so sorry!
Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson - 8 years ago
I love the way you handled the adversity!!  Rock Star!!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Why thank you! The older I get, the more even keel I get. The world is a better place when I don't lose my temper, hahaha
caelcynndarr - 8 years ago
Those mystery fish look like giant danios to me.

Loving Kubotais!

Do you have any tricks for catching the borneo suckers? They are quite clingy.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+caelcynndarr I drop the waterline and thry climb above the net then scoot in
AKorigami - 8 years ago
Joseph Krug
Joseph Krug - 8 years ago
You covered the stressful situation very well, thanks for sharing, sorry it happened :(
Steven Royer
Steven Royer - 8 years ago
so sorry Rachel for the loss
Tony Cooper
Tony Cooper - 8 years ago
No idea how you got fish out yesterday. Who said pimpin was easy? Well done!!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Tony Cooper and again today. And I took my kids to a dodge ball tournament tonight. 39 hours awake and counting. Bound to crash soon lol
Angelo's Fish Tanks
Angelo's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Well that really sucked. Sorry to hear hope the fish you did save are doing better..
33alwright - 8 years ago
you handled it well and stayed calm. well done
TheOverkillWill - 8 years ago
hope you're able to bounce back from the past week Rachel!
ilookafter thewater
ilookafter thewater - 8 years ago

Just cannot reiterate strongly enough how greatly I admire the breadth and width of your knowledge. Sincerely. And beyond that, the value of your skills to people who exist across all levels of experience in aquatic management. The advice you offer is always sound and solid and for what it's worth (which I know isn't really a lot) you're one of the few humans on this planet I'd trust 100% to look after my tanks.

Which is saying something: I'd have let wolves babysit my kids, and pirates guard the family treasure :o)

And are those other fish giant rasboras?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+ilookafter thewater giant red tail danios. They are lovely, but quite a surprise lol
sedriensmorgasbord - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry this happened. Those poor fish. :c And poor you! I can only imagine the stress you've been under during this whole mess, and missing sleep over it. I hope those mystery fish pull through so it's not a complete loss, and that the rest improve. At least their chances are better now that they're being cared for by someone who knows what she's doing. Best wishes to you!
Brittney wade
Brittney wade - 8 years ago
good news in my tanks, my Jack Dempseys started courting. My corys are also showing breeding behavior, and I have a ton of guppy fry. my husband recently purchased a pink Jack Dempsey for me for an early Valentine's day present.
Brittney wade
Brittney wade - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry about your fish. I hope everything survives the next couple of days.
Jon Snow
Jon Snow - 8 years ago
you are talking to much in your all video and this is kinda boring i d rather more tank plan.
colinbarsby - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing. This hobby has so many possible downsides, to go with the stuff we enjoy. Importers carry so much of a risk, and we owe them (you) our thanks for so much hard work and effort.
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
well the good news i did not fall into my tank and turn into a fish lol do we know what the mystery fish are?
with your tlc i have hope stay well
ps drink a cup of java for me
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 8 years ago
Sorry Rachel. Hope your week gets better.
BB's Back to Basics
BB's Back to Basics - 8 years ago
Rachel, so sorry to here of your loss. I noticed in my tank lastnight my guppies looked so ready to give birth, so I took her out of tank and placed in birthing tank. And sure enough, I woke to about 30 (babies, this morning. just wanted to share some good news :) Im praying for ya, good luck & God bless ~♡~
Vincent marceau
Vincent marceau - 8 years ago
is a full recovery is possible?
Vincent marceau
Vincent marceau - 8 years ago
Nice i cross my finger for you
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Vincent Marceau yes, f
Joel 127
Joel 127 - 8 years ago
You are like the best fish keeper/pimp I now,how can you keep your cool like that I would have lost my shit if that was me
wyzemann - 8 years ago
Another tough it out bts upload. I just hope your money losses are replenished through healthy sales.
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 8 years ago
On the brighter side of fishy things:
I did my usual 90% water changes on my tanks on Sunday - and I didn't overfill any of them on to the floor. Spouse very happy!
My Sewllia lineolata sucked onto my hand for a few seconds while I was gravel vacuuming - a first!
One of my albino LF bushy noses (over 3 yrs old), has started to increase its points on its rack (to borrow the deer terminology). Some of the bristles have split into 8 points or more. Looks sooooo cool! The other male has longer bristles, but only 1 or 2 points.
Jackie R
Jackie R - 8 years ago
I feel bad for what happened but so happy that it all ended well for you. Love your vids!
TechGuru4U - 8 years ago
What are those green neon looking fish ? Do you sell them ?
TechGuru4U - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary
Are they compatible with Neons, guppies, rummynose tetras, glolight tetras, cherry barbs ?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+TechGuru4U microdevario kubotai and yes
Michelle Lucia
Michelle Lucia - 8 years ago
Bless your heart.
Alan Howard
Alan Howard - 8 years ago
Glad you shared what wasn't a great day and i feel for you about your shipping disaster. Fingers crossed on your Borneo suckers!! I really hope they pull through.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Alan Howard me too. Added a 2nd powered and just did a massive water change. They are eating so there is a chance
AquaLars FishNShrimps
AquaLars FishNShrimps - 8 years ago
Sorry for your fish loss.
What's that yellow fish? You called it something like Cuba tie? It looked really beautiful.
AquaLars FishNShrimps
AquaLars FishNShrimps - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary wow what a beautiful fish. Will read up on it and hopefully it's possible to get a hold on to here in Sweden.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Microdevario kubotai- Neon green/yellow rasbora
PilleR - 8 years ago
Oh no, I'm so sorry you are having such an incredibly rough time :(
Mark William Chapman
Mark William Chapman - 8 years ago
Mail guys just do not give a shit, we have the same problem with the mail in the UK. I feel for you.xx
Zugie Kostyal
Zugie Kostyal - 8 years ago
Poor fishies and poor you :'C Gah, I can't imagine losing that many fish... I hope the survivors heal up quickly <3
Joseph Imbat
Joseph Imbat - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about your shipment. I live in Guam the middle of Pacific Ocean where fish shipment do at times comes in 3 or 5 days late. I required only breather bags for them. And it works, fish are healthy and eating. The longest shipment was 14 days by post office priority mail. All survived. Wish you the best.
Rob Hicks Aquariums
Rob Hicks Aquariums - 8 years ago
I always look farwerd in seeing your vids im sorry to hear and see about your bad week
but i am clad you shared it with us keep on smiling and remember without the bad the good never seems that important take care cant wait to see your update vid on the fish in the shipment
joechill1 - 8 years ago
Thumbs up for support, but many thumbs down for terrible shipping!
chikibug - 8 years ago
Holy heartbreak Batman. The dark side of fish keeping. I'm so sorry. I have a guppy who almost died due to parasites and now he's almost three inches long! I had no idea they could get so long! GMO guppy, lol.
Lacifer TV
Lacifer TV - 8 years ago
I get stressed waiting on my guppy trios (just getting back into the hobby after a four year hiatus). I think my hair would fall out if I was waiting on shipments like that. You need a spa day. You've earned it this week!
Day5 Aquatics
Day5 Aquatics - 8 years ago
Did you ever positively id the mystery fish?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Day5 Aquatics yes Devario chrysotaeniatus
xsub4146 - 8 years ago
Survivors could not be in better hands, good luck Rachel.
WhattaDay - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry :( Did you figure out what those big guys are?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+WhattaDay yes, devario chrysotaeniatus
Byron Dare
Byron Dare - 8 years ago
Thank you for sharing
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
Good news! My rock shipper is reshipping the missing rocks at no cost to me (they are handling UPS who are being, erm, difficult). My fish supplier is issuing a credit. So while stressful, this week is not as bad as it seemed at 7am after being up for 27 hours.
denis avdic
denis avdic - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary you are awsome
appe abbe
appe abbe - 7 years ago
fish dont have lungs
Andrew Folek
Andrew Folek - 7 years ago
Talia Polo I know hes a fu*king dickhead
Andrew Folek
Andrew Folek - 7 years ago
yodaddy82 daddy yo that's mean bro dont do that mate
appe abbe
appe abbe - 7 years ago
ur so sexy wen ur stessed<3
meliah polo
meliah polo - 7 years ago
yodaddy82 daddy you will get so much hate b**ch
yodaddy82 daddy
yodaddy82 daddy - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary No wonder they died dumbass
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
That's good news that everyone is working together to make it better for u
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Hanniel Kohen I use FedEx for fish
Ae86 Hachi
Ae86 Hachi - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary I think I love you. Marry me!
carina nøddebo
carina nøddebo - 8 years ago
its hard at times!
LOKE Amir - 8 years ago
Rachel O'lea
MyChemical182 - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary

Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon united states
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary where oQr what countries do you ship in?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon sorry, I do not
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary how t-o buy? Do u ship to the Philippines?
Natalia Podunavac
Natalia Podunavac - 8 years ago
Glad to hear you will getting the missing rocks and credit for those poor fish.
theAmdisen391 - 8 years ago
shayqbomb - 8 years ago
Sorry for your fish loss. I appreciate you remaining positive. I don't know what I would actually do because I love the hobby and my fish are very much my pets. They even have names lol. I was thinking of ordering a long finned oscar but now I have seen this I am kind of weary. Hustle on Fish Pimp.
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 8 years ago
A bad day in the fish room beats a good day driving a desk =)  Just sayin.  Love your vids ya fish []D [] []V[] []D
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry Rachel, I could cry for you and your poor fishies!!
hatnixzuverlirn - 8 years ago
well done
Jerry Dixon
Jerry Dixon - 8 years ago
I am sorry for your loss of the fish,I hope that things will turn around for you, l enjoy your videos and it helps me learn more about my own personal hobby ,I keep fish tanks of different types of goldfish,they are my favorite types of aquarium fish. Thanks again for helping us improve our fishes lives.
paulition klee
paulition klee - 8 years ago
I may sound cold hearted but I would love a video of what you did get and didn't order! looks mysterious. hope as many come through as possible. stay positive :)

positive: I'm building a 3d background for small Asian stream tank.
Jesse Lopez
Jesse Lopez - 8 years ago
I came for the love of fish and THICC
Magickal Crafts
Magickal Crafts - 8 years ago
It sounds like the shipping gods are frowning upon you recently! I am hoping the remaining fish will thrive despite the shock. Is there any possibility in filing a complaint with the actual shipping/freight company since they did not uphold the service that was paid for? That may depend if you had insurance on the delivery though. In any case, I hope your losses are minimal and you get back to good times soon. :) "Just keep swimming."
Sarkazmo Loafy
Sarkazmo Loafy - 8 years ago
Despite the obvious fatigue, Rachel, your perky, upbeat self still shines through at times. I hope shitty days like that a few and far between for you.
RelaxYo - 8 years ago
sorry for your losses, thanks for the great videos. I am curious about the Microrasbora Kubotai, why don't you breed them? i have had quite a bit of success breeding them myself and was just wondering why you wouldn't be breeding them as well. Take care
RelaxYo - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary ok cool, figured that , just making sure I didn't discover something special , so much for that, keep up the great videos and take care
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Shawn Cotie I do, but mainly in the summer months
Mia Gata
Mia Gata - 8 years ago
Stephen Bamber
Stephen Bamber - 8 years ago
UPS Again? Looks Like some of your fish bags have been opened and tryed up again?? Fish & Game idiots?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Stephen Bamber airport to airport. And yes. Fish and game
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
...maybe a red bull...I hear it gives you
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 8 years ago
well my RTM's & Dovi's have spawned and sorry to hear the bad news
DanMcLeod Mcleod
DanMcLeod Mcleod - 8 years ago
How much did it cost for the hole shipment
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+DanMcLeod Mcleod a lot
Ruben - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about the fish Rachel. It was hard for me to listen to you describing how the fish was doing and weather they were going to make it. At the end of the video I was also drinking coffee. Good luck.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
damn Rachel im sorry doll. Thats crazy i hate this happend. We all dread this in the hobby those of us who order through shipping through plane. Its unfortunate also a bag wasnt even your fish. Blood disease is something we can fix with fish.
Philthy Phil
Philthy Phil - 8 years ago
here is a video that will cheer you up.
Shadowstar1917 - 8 years ago
the fish you didn't order looks like a albino giant Danio (fun to watch cuties)
Atul Shenoy
Atul Shenoy - 8 years ago
I hope having a fan all the way in Dubai cheers u up. The concern u have for ur fish is inspirational. Thank u for everything u do for the hobby. Big hug from the desert :) and hope ur fish recover and thrive.
becca ogburn
becca ogburn - 8 years ago
awe, sad day :(
Charles' Fish Tanks
Charles' Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about your losses, Rachel. Did the seller reimburse you for the dead fish? Did they put any kind of ammonia neutralizers in the bags, like zeolite or pieces of sponge with nitrifying bacteria?
Just your average Bill
Just your average Bill - 8 years ago
Much respect Rachel, thanks for letting us know it's not all eating rainbows and pooping butterflies being a fish keeper. Something my first Albino pleco spawn, only (1) that I see for now, but pretty cool.
TriciaTheSav - 8 years ago
I am so sorry you are having a hellish week! Positives in my aquarium this week, I seem to have won the battle against pest snails. (Knock on wood!) I now have a very fat dwarf crayfish though. Also my betta blew his first bubble nest after plucking leaves from my favorite fens and sword plants for it. Lucky for him he's super cute!
Allison Behringer
Allison Behringer - 8 years ago
I am sorry. Hitting the thumbs up sort of felt strange today - but SO much respect, support and love to you.
Matt AdRev
Matt AdRev - 8 years ago
just me or that sound like a lot of snails in one bag???
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Matt Whitmire 250
MrLooZee - 8 years ago
I'm sending some love from far away Germany :x Keep up your great work!
MrLooZee - 8 years ago
I once lost 20 Otocinclus sent from Czech Rebublic and got my money back. But what is money compared to 20 lives lost? So sad.
Erik Clark
Erik Clark - 8 years ago
hey there. big fan. sorry about the rough night. i dont have a bussiness or as many fish as you but have had some worry some night up with sick fish. good luck!

another note. did you figure out what those big mystery fish were?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Erik Clark yea, devario chrysotaeniatus
SamanthaR - 8 years ago
Woof, that's a rough one:( An important side of fish keeping for people to see though and lots to be learned from this video regarding crisis planning, post care etc. Here's to better days ahead (coffee cup clink!)
Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 8 years ago
sorry about your problems. If anyone can save them you can. good luck.
Mark's Ark Aquarium's
Mark's Ark Aquarium's - 8 years ago
That has to be awful waiting for a late shipment.The poor little fish.and the money loss.I've never got a fish shipped to me.when I sell Guppies I load the bag's right before I leave and Put a airstone in the bag.I have a Battery air pump.the store's are over a hour from me so I get there asap and stay till they acclimate them.Fish On
Susan for SLC Aquatics
Susan for SLC Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing with us even in this bad time for you. I do hope it works out well for you and you get some much needed rest. Love ya Rachel!
Renaissance Gurl
Renaissance Gurl - 8 years ago
Also, the Tuesday Tip was great given the situation you had to work with. You're awesome! I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all that you do for the hobby. Thank you for sharing your experiences, and your knowledge as well.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+erbadkitten my pleasure
Kyle Paeth
Kyle Paeth - 8 years ago
That really sucks, but at least you could save some of the fish. On a brighter note my endler Colony finally started to produce fry again after moving them into my new house them little buggers had me worried there for a while
Nicole Vernet
Nicole Vernet - 8 years ago
My cherry shrimp also had fry! So, that's my good news. Just curious, what are your thoughts on using methylene blue for ammonia burn? So sorry for your losses :(
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Nicole Vernet I like to use clean water for ammonia burn best.
Ryan Miklusak
Ryan Miklusak - 8 years ago
who shipped your freight ?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Ryan Miklusak a supplier in singapore
fedor111111111 - 8 years ago
What do you do when your done with a net? Let it dry? Clean it? Throw it away?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
fedor111111111 - 8 years ago
Clean it with ????
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+fedor111111111 clean it then air dry
Corona Ken
Corona Ken - 8 years ago
Rachel, sorry to learn about your bad luck. The concern and care you you gave the fish is awesome. Be strong.
Tony D
Tony D - 8 years ago
Damn, that sucks. So sorry.
I can't think of anything especially good that happened with my fish this week but nothing bad (knock on wood) has so I'll take that as a good thing.
Chin up and get some rest ;-)
Allison H
Allison H - 8 years ago
So sorry this happened to you! :'(
You really put things into perspective. It's really eye-opening to see the ups and downs of the hobby. Hope things turn around soon! And I thought I had it bad when all my ludwigia repens died ;"(
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Ah that sucks Rachel!
I hope next time they'll be alive!
I never have ordered fish before!
Anyways...great video!
Thumbs up!
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
Danny's Aquariums you have some amazing fish im jealous! All my fish imported because of the area im in. But im going to fix that and become a seller just watch lol
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
I hope I can do it at least once! XD!
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
Danny's Aquariums what really!
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
Abhilash bs
Abhilash bs - 8 years ago
hold on strong and hopefully everything goes well ... all the best
Penni Penni
Penni Penni - 8 years ago
that is so messed up I had the same thing when I had some snail shipped here too stressful I'll never order fish because of that. I'm so sorry for your losses.
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith - 8 years ago
Surely taking the fish from complete darkness what they were in for like 2-3 days to light will shock them ?? And acclimatising the fish to new water surely that's a must ?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Daniel Smith I did a whole video on that, it's linked at the end
Renaissance Gurl
Renaissance Gurl - 8 years ago
So sorry that you're having such a rough week!
My shrimp had fry this week!
( our first batch ever!)
So that's my good news to share.
Hope things get better immediately, if not sooner.
Jennifer Martinez
Jennifer Martinez - 7 years ago
Wdym your fish had fry lol did ya cook em
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+erbadkitten hurray and congrats!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I have had one hell of a week! Tell me something good that happened in your aquarium this week!
My website:
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VampySlayer - 7 years ago
This was 5 months ago but why not haha, I went to Walmart with my grandma and me being myself, I went to check the fish because every time I do, I end up seeing tons of dead fish. I looked at all of them and there were 6 dead Oscars and that really set me off, I looked at the goldfish as well and the filters were clogged with dead ones. I called the manager and told them to clean it up because what the heck, they shouldn't sell fish! They can't take care of them :-( I didn't want to support the place by buying from them but I didn't want to leave the Oscars as i've had them before so I bought them. They're luckily healthier than they were and seem to be doing okay. So now I've got two wonderful fish. (I also had to end up cleaning out the dead fish myself because the employees weren't helping, so I did my little good deed) But yeah, I wish stores like that wouldn't sell fish.
The lost Comment
The lost Comment - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary this is a ban thing ; my Fisk croaked and died
Funny Fish
Funny Fish - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary my molly just had babies
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Roselynn Falcon congrats
Roselynn Falcon
Roselynn Falcon - 8 years ago
I just got my first goldfish (Which is to say, my first fish ever)
Jiggy TimeGal
Jiggy TimeGal - 8 years ago
got 2 apple snails to share in the joy of my tankmates! Blue and Black.
Mark Patrick
Mark Patrick - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary nothing good to tell you my Crawfish ate my green sunfish. However my 120 is holding water so my big tank will be up soon.
Nicole !!
Nicole !! - 8 years ago
just started a new tank with dalmation mollies. one is pregnant and due very soon. really looking forward to that
Leigh Kuglin
Leigh Kuglin - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary we got a massive albino bristle nose pleco to add to our 150 gallon planted aquarium. he was donated by a friend who is moving and can no longer keep fish. he is currently in quarantine and loving life.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Genesis Mallanao hurray!!!
Genesis Mallanao
Genesis Mallanao - 8 years ago
I have my first berried shrimp! So excited!
R H - 8 years ago
Dead fish make me sad.
stella's cool styles and pets 2005
stella's cool styles and pets 2005 - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary My betta guve birth
Tengu3000 - 8 years ago
really sorry to hear about the problems you've had this week, hope things start looking up
Lindsey Sharon
Lindsey Sharon - 8 years ago
My aquarium is finally cycled and I'm going to purchase fish in the morning! It'll be my first non beta/frog/turtle tank and I'm super excited to start a little nano collection!!
Ruthlyss Targaryen
Ruthlyss Targaryen - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary my female sky blue swordtail is finally pregnant!
neufy123456 - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary Devario chrysotaeniatus are a nice looking hillstream species
Jesse Tompkins
Jesse Tompkins - 8 years ago
I got my first five Wanamensis fry
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+Sharon Wyly they are a great fish
Sharon Wyly
Sharon Wyly - 8 years ago
I got an order of 20 baby least killifish! Can't wait to move them from quarantine to my main tank.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+ilookafter thewater why thank you.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+segagenesis1989 mop spawn or move plants frequently when they hit maturity. Rainbows are prolific. And thanks
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+mylyingeyes recliners are the bees knees
Bryon Mcgowan
Bryon Mcgowan - 8 years ago
I added 12 zebra danios to my 55 with my 9. white clouds
mylyingeyes - 8 years ago
I put a recliner in my fishroom! Red tail platys are giving birth this week, over 40 fry in the 135g
segagenesis1989 - 8 years ago
Rachel sorry to hear that you lost a sizeable amount of fish but thank you for posting the good, the bad, and the ugly about the hobby/business side of things. It gives people a good dose of reality of what you might contend with when purchasing fish overseas! With respect to your question, one good thing that happened this week was that I managed to finally picked up some juvenile turquoise rainbow fish. Even at 1 and half inches, the fish possess such a nice color. I am extremely happy to finally own these lovely fish and hopefully I'll be able to breed these fish successfully! P.S. You rock!!!
NothingPosted905 - 8 years ago
No adult guppies have died during the week :D Unlike last week, when three of them died...
ilookafter thewater
ilookafter thewater - 8 years ago
One coffee, coming up :o)
Omar Monsif
Omar Monsif - 8 years ago
hey rachel :/ ive been a fan of you vids for a while now. so sorry for your loss... could you possible contact ups or whoever the shipper was and ask for compensation. a letter/email would probably be best. side note feed them garlic and peas if possible add another air stone. best of luck !
Kicx14 - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary i just found Some torpedo barbs in a lokal fish store wrongly named for half The price
Sorry for Your losses
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary my tanks after this last water change......are clear! I did something right this time! Yay! So sorry for the losses of your new fish, not that it means anything but it will get better! Your doing so well, it won't stay down long!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+RaptorPlayzGames RPG they ate giant retailed danio, Devario chrysotaeniatus
Tonguç Endem
Tonguç Endem - 8 years ago
wow. Thnx a lot for sharing your experiences. really learning a lot. I am sorry though :-| first the rocks then the fish, amazing...
RaptorPlayzGames RPG
RaptorPlayzGames RPG - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary I think the fish you didn't order are some type of Rainbowfish or Giant danios
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary I purchased 5 more neons! RACHEL I'M GOING TO BEAT YOUR RECORD OF 12ISH YEARS OLD NEONS! Haha let's do this!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
I get a credit for any that are DOA, nothing for those taht get sick because of the delay.
hatnixzuverlirn - 8 years ago
Rachel O'leary i saw my Micro crab first time after gettin them into the tank. my son was so happy, before he realised (he is 5 years old) that he has none of them in his tank. which gives me a hard ride... :)

besides . you had those crabs on video once... don't know the name....
Aquatic Plant Savage
Aquatic Plant Savage - 8 years ago
Rachel sorry about your fish. what happens when this goes on? do you hey reimbursed? I made a small grow thank yesterday for my trimming so that's good. also made a small sponge Bob 2 gallon fishtank for my girlfriend s 9 year old. getting the new generation into science rules
rurutu M
rurutu M - 8 years ago
congrats, time to buy an airline to ship fish from asia and south america direct to hobbyist
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 8 years ago
+electric water lol. I know a gal who wants a fish building

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