Fishing you Win some you Lose some!
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 16,514 views
This is exactly what fishing is all about! Sometimes you catch a fish and sometimes you lose a fish... That's what keeps us fisherman coming back for more and more. By far the biggest edit I have done, the titles themselves took hours and hours haha, but I really like the way this video turned out, has to be one of my favourite edits so far. If you too liked this video drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts. Watch the full fight of Briggsy's Fish MorningTide Fishing Merch Cheers for watching legends! Cavy
what happened...
greetings from Ecuador
10. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!
Well worth all your hard work mate. One to remember there i think. Wish i was there it would be incredible.
Steve in Scotland.
20. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!
30. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!
What shoes are u wearing?
50. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!
Those waves in front of you when you were getting smoked by that king were craaazy looking mate. You guys make it look like nothing. Ha!
"I think we might die!"
Guess everything's out to kill yah in Straya
Cav Dog .... SMOKED ...........................
Look at this on eBay
100. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!