Fishing you Win some you Lose some!

This is exactly what fishing is all about! Sometimes you catch a fish and sometimes you lose a fish... That's what keeps us fisherman coming back for more and more. By far the biggest edit I have done, the titles themselves took hours and hours haha, but I really like the way this video turned out, has to be one of my favourite edits so far. If you too liked this video drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts. Watch the full fight of Briggsy's Fish MorningTide Fishing Merch Cheers for watching legends! Cavy

Fishing you Win some you Lose some! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 16,514 views

This is exactly what fishing is all about! Sometimes you catch a fish and sometimes you lose a fish... That's what keeps us fisherman coming back for more and more. By far the biggest edit I have done, the titles themselves took hours and hours haha, but I really like the way this video turned out, has to be one of my favourite edits so far. If you too liked this video drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts. Watch the full fight of Briggsy's Fish MorningTide Fishing Merch Cheers for watching legends! Cavy

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Most popular comments
for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!

Brenton Narcis
Brenton Narcis - 7 years ago
Slow the video down to 0.5 speed and sit back and enjoy hahahahahaha gold
Blue Flag Series Golf
Blue Flag Series Golf - 7 years ago
why all the text and overlays?!, way way to many cav-dog ! stick with what works ! your videos are so so sick without it.. ruined the video for me.. roll on the next vid
The Fishing Style
The Fishing Style - 7 years ago
B roll, give it to me
Dean Smith
Dean Smith - 7 years ago
madddddnnesss cav! wherz these mullaz vids??? u been promising for ages
Cesar Vasquez
Cesar Vasquez - 7 years ago
I think you should keep calm do not pull it suddenly especially in the location that you are with these waves is difficult but do not pull it off at all keep it and play it with the resistance of the rod so that you feel sure to pull it the same mistake I have seen jhonny bronks
Cesar Vasquez
Cesar Vasquez - 7 years ago
I would like to know what happened with the group your adventures in groups because ° the morning shoot fishing ° there are no videos I would like to know I liked watching the videos together making is how I met them
what happened...

greetings from Ecuador
Bens Maui
Bens Maui - 7 years ago
Come in my country, one cast = one GT, no fake!
DEMNTD1 - 7 years ago
Awesome video filled with action. Looks like you tossing lighter weight lures, but gear (line/leader/reel/rod) looks pretty heavy setup, what is the setup you running? What the distance you getting?
thorben staubesand
thorben staubesand - 7 years ago
Why do you cry like a baby ???? Not cool

10. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!

Stevie D
Stevie D - 7 years ago
Great Filming Cavy,
Well worth all your hard work mate. One to remember there i think. Wish i was there it would be incredible.
Steve in Scotland.
Vladof - 7 years ago
I love watching you (and morningtide's) videos so much because I feel like i'm part of the trip, I feel like i'm hanging out with you guys, which is very unique! I've been a huge fan since day 1, can't wait to see what is to come! hopefully a billfish from the rocks caught on tape hahaha
CS Chanthavong
CS Chanthavong - 7 years ago
Holy! Dropping you a sub for that! Hit me back
ESGAR MONTALVO - 7 years ago
Why are you adding captions (words) to almost everything you’re saying? Well I just want to say we appreciate that even tho I like your accent sometimes I can’t understand what you say the wind and waves don’t help the sound either. So good idea Do you guys deliver gear to the states? I wanna buy a hat from y’all
Tacklecentral Fishing
Tacklecentral Fishing - 7 years ago
Lewis Maker
Lewis Maker - 7 years ago
If I ever get to fish there I'm going to make sure it's an outgoing tide.
beegers outdoors
beegers outdoors - 7 years ago
These videos off the rocks, are 10 times better to watch than videos in a boat. Please keep them coming, they make my day. I just woke up, having coffe watching Cavy and Briggsy!! Perfect!
TheBluePanda - 7 years ago
Love your work cavy!! Absolute legend
beegers outdoors
beegers outdoors - 7 years ago
Hell yeah guys!! Thats funny you do tile too. Ive been doing tile my whole life. So sick of it! Lmao. Great vid man!
Will Macaluso
Will Macaluso - 7 years ago
Wow! That as Psycho!

20. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!

Jack Newberry
Jack Newberry - 7 years ago
Achielles - 7 years ago
VeritasEIREAequitas - 7 years ago
Cavdog putting in the work!! Sick hookups man.... we definitely need a new rod prank video... lol
Fishing The Surf
Fishing The Surf - 7 years ago
Can you guys do a video where you fish with live bait from the rocks. It would be interesting cause I'm from Florida and I've never seen Australian baitfish and how the bigger ones react to live bait. Just a suggestion.
Del Vecks
Del Vecks - 7 years ago
These guys have the best fishin’ vids. Keep up awesome work
Ahmed A
Ahmed A - 7 years ago
What happend to the fish briggsy caught? Is he posting up a vid ;)
David Collins
David Collins - 7 years ago
My favorite fishing show... Keep bringing us great content!!
Anh Tran
Anh Tran - 7 years ago
Another video another lure lost aha
Anh Tran
Anh Tran - 7 years ago
This guy is nut. My balls are not big enough to fish there
Owen Jansen
Owen Jansen - 7 years ago

30. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!

SEQ Fishing Adventures
SEQ Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
Yeh man the text looks good in ur vid, great fish bro yewwww!!
Panda Puddin
Panda Puddin - 7 years ago
Nice!!! What's that pink lure pretty dope!
Slow burn_172
Slow burn_172 - 7 years ago
Cavy's face @639!!! Absolutely priceless
Josh Hanna
Josh Hanna - 7 years ago
I love the editing
Mitchell McClelland
Mitchell McClelland - 7 years ago
actually too happy i found your personal channel because you and the boys are too much fun to watch!
random vids chanel
random vids chanel - 7 years ago
fuck yes cavy
hydroman114 - 7 years ago
love it
Slowrise Fishing
Slowrise Fishing - 7 years ago
RIP the Xrap :( The little geets are good fun eh, we hook them up on the kayak and they can pull you around at that size so no shame in getting reefed by one on a ledge.
Sami Moursy
Sami Moursy - 7 years ago
Loose the text dude
Jack Rinehart
Jack Rinehart - 7 years ago
Well worth the wait haha psycho vid yewwww
Ethan A
Ethan A - 7 years ago
Great vid keep em coming how do you connect your lures to your leader do you use a swivel to your split ring if so what type of swivels do you use?
B.Roberts - 7 years ago
hey kids don't do this without a life jacket or a friend nearby these guys should be teaching anglers how to fish safely..
SWE Fish
SWE Fish - 7 years ago
Crazy nature movie so beautiful,,, Thx for sharing all that happiness and keep up that hard work
Dos Tos
Dos Tos - 7 years ago
Great video man,
What shoes are u wearing?
Juan Aspi
Juan Aspi - 7 years ago
Mate the new channel picture is the face of pure froth! Yewww
Named Person
Named Person - 7 years ago
Please link up with Lawson Lindsey he is in Australia and do some bass fishing with him and some rock fishing.
Radish - 7 years ago
Thanks for the quality videos Cavy, Osu! ;)
PENRITHSNIPER - 7 years ago
Love your vids my new fav channel
PENRITHSNIPER - 7 years ago
Why dislike
Theo S-Y
Theo S-Y - 7 years ago

50. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!

Coy Montales
Coy Montales - 7 years ago
Made my day Cavy...
Niall Cameron
Niall Cameron - 7 years ago
Kingies are the best. Even the little ones pull like you've hooked a jet ski.

Those waves in front of you when you were getting smoked by that king were craaazy looking mate. You guys make it look like nothing. Ha!
Sayyed Ibad
Sayyed Ibad - 7 years ago
love you cavy bro
Jack Beattie
Jack Beattie - 7 years ago
what Rapalas are they? like longcast or what
Jack Beattie
Jack Beattie - 7 years ago
yer saw that. any others?
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
I say it in the vid brother hahaha
Hazza Turk
Hazza Turk - 7 years ago
Awesome video Cavy! So many hits and misses but seems like the fish are on at your joint!
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
sounds like there on much further down the coast!!
Samuel J Thomas
Samuel J Thomas - 7 years ago
Fuken sick cavy! Watching in hospital, everyones like why am i so happy this morning! Made my fuken day mate! Peace xxx
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Any time mate, hope all is well though, and you can get out fishing soon bro yew!
Samuel J Thomas
Samuel J Thomas - 7 years ago
Thanks cavy, that means a lot to me man xxx
Andrej Saule
Andrej Saule - 7 years ago
Skitzy as cavvyy!!
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Ahh brother glad your stoked man. Hopefully you recover soon mate!
David OA
David OA - 7 years ago
What leader are you using?
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
80lb varivas shock leader
dj mervin goa noronha
dj mervin goa noronha - 7 years ago
How can u fish in the rocks guys ?
Erik Carpenter
Erik Carpenter - 7 years ago
water looked too good! no wonder you kept jumping in haha
Tim Bynum
Tim Bynum - 7 years ago
You and Your mates are savage
Earl Pasay
Earl Pasay - 7 years ago
Psycho sesh brah!
"I think we might die!"
Guess everything's out to kill yah in Straya
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
ken oath mate , its a deadly country down here!
Fishing_pro 69
Fishing_pro 69 - 7 years ago
Who gets the most psycho out of the morningtide squad
Fishing_pro 69
Fishing_pro 69 - 7 years ago
Cavy Fishing id say Jonny he went wild in the Oman videos
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
have a stab
Casey Read
Casey Read - 7 years ago
Psycho mini gt hahaha
Nelson Ho
Nelson Ho - 7 years ago
what's your tackle setting?
Mike Friedman
Mike Friedman - 7 years ago
Something I haven't seen touched on but I'm generally curious. I know you guys are all about educating the masses on catch n release, flattening barbs and general 'fishing conservation'. But what happens when you get smoked/reefed by a fish? Is that fish a goner? Sort of a hard thing to gauge but is it easy for a fish to throw a lure without any pressure on the line? Will the barbs eventually rust away? Kind of feels like a double edged sword when rock fishing, you can get a super tall rod, stand as high as possible, use 200lb leader and lock your drag but simply because of the vacinity to the rocks, you're bound to get reefed from time to time and that might mean the fish ultimately suffers. Not hating or anything as I love the content but it's something I haven't seen touched on even in the MTF instructional dvd.
Mike Friedman
Mike Friedman - 7 years ago
Fair point Cavy and cheers for replying brother!
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Nothing fun in fishing with rope and a winch mate... yes hooks rust... and why single out rock fishing haha, pretty sure many many more people lose fish in boats... AND yes like you said fish are very good at throwing hook when there is not pressure... Even with pressure they still can. Until you can fish with hookless biodegradable lures you just have to do the best you can! Cheers mate
aaron bruno
aaron bruno - 7 years ago
You guys got to try skishing ( ski fishing) I feel like you Bros would be good at it
flipside76 - 7 years ago
Whats would be a decent lure spinning setup but doesn't break the bank.. current setups a 5000 penn battle 2 and with 10ft 6in shimano classic surf i believe it is..
flipside76 - 7 years ago
Obviously asking because its time for an upgrade
Dexter Teng
Dexter Teng - 7 years ago
Skitsy Cav Dog!!! Yeeewwwww
Wesley Parrish
Wesley Parrish - 7 years ago
If your not subscribed go ahead and do dat
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
haha hell yeah
Christopher 95
Christopher 95 - 7 years ago
Dont like the text
Christopher 95
Christopher 95 - 7 years ago
Cavy Fishing hahha the footage speaks for itself bro
Gabriel Luongo
Gabriel Luongo - 7 years ago
One line a vid is usually a good amount. Like 'blind mullet' or 'Ragnar Lothbrok' :)
Gabriel Luongo
Gabriel Luongo - 7 years ago
Works really well for certain parts, like they've done in the past. Especially if the accent is difficult to understand for us USA peeps XD
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
won't be doing it again because it took me like 24hrs hahahahaha
fishing addict with Cheyne darcy
fishing addict with Cheyne darcy - 7 years ago
Yeew cavster love you vids man keep it coming
john Barry
john Barry - 7 years ago
Sometimes, it has to be about the experience. Mastery never comes from constant success....If we crushed it every day, and caught MONSTERS all of the time, our skin would be paper thin. The greatest thing is that you will never know what busted you off, but you can spend the rest of your available days trying to figure it out. Another fantastic adventure....#happiness
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Very very true mate! I like the analogy of the paper thin skin! a diamond isn't made in a day that's for sure. If you only go fishing to catch a fish then you will be let down many times, and most likely give up. But if you go fishing for the love of the adventure, the sound of the ocean, the fresh air, the walks to and from the rocks etc that's what will keep you coming back forever... Cheers for the comment mate
Michael Shaw
Michael Shaw - 7 years ago
INSANE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cav Dog .... SMOKED ...........................
Roedentio Quinte
Roedentio Quinte - 7 years ago
Nice 1 cavy..16k subs
Roedentio Quinte
Roedentio Quinte - 7 years ago
Cavy Fishing im your fan..always watch your new video...from philippines
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
yeah can't believe it mate, stoked!
Rowan Le Sueur
Rowan Le Sueur - 7 years ago
how's all the action!!!! siiick
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Hahaha I can only imagine!
Rowan Le Sueur
Rowan Le Sueur - 7 years ago
always is hahha!! frothing to get out
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
this was very few and far between session bro
Matthew. Rizzi
Matthew. Rizzi - 7 years ago
You make awesome videos
S.O.F FISHING - 7 years ago
Hey man what brand are your gloves?
jonnywaselectric - 7 years ago
Have a crack at some of the Daiwa Salt Pro Minnows Cavy, they have solid trebles and cast awesome, if ya buy 2 or more they only cost about $13 each, they have bigger sizes too
Look at this on eBay
heysogo - 7 years ago
What gloves you wearing Cav?
time tracked
time tracked - 7 years ago
yeah cav dog! another awesome video but, next time you shouldn't put the text in because if how much effort is required on your behalf, the vids are just as good without so save your editing time & go fishing!
balaclava351 - 7 years ago
Skitsy ledge fishing! Great vid!
Pej Jam
Pej Jam - 7 years ago
Common you tubers. Such A+ videos and 16k subscribers you deserve better good job BIG:)
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
just have to keep doing your best I guess! will pay off in the end , I'm very happy with how its going so far though :)
FlickinLures - 7 years ago
Buddy hell just being out there would be so nice keep it up Cavy
Named Person
Named Person - 7 years ago
Yeeeew cavy great vid
luke mackie
luke mackie - 7 years ago
south spinner
south spinner - 7 years ago
so funny guys,,,,,hahahaha!!
Fish With Mitch
Fish With Mitch - 7 years ago
Really like the word overlay even if it took a lot longer
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
so long man hahaha, so I'm happy you liked it
Phil Ash
Phil Ash - 7 years ago
Nice one Cavy, looks like a cracking morning. Just so lucky to be on the fish even if they didn't get shore side! Its all about those smiles though!
401_josh - 7 years ago
RIP to all xraps
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
how did you becoem mates with brooks and briggs mate if you dont mind me asking
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
brooks because he heckled the shit out of me to come fishing, took a while because I wasn't keen on teaching someone to catch pelagic's off the rocks.... and briggs I've been friends with since primary school
Born Lucky
Born Lucky - 7 years ago
Fishing always win!!
Lucas Rael
Lucas Rael - 7 years ago
love the videos yeee
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Haha love the froth mate!
Kaimana Kreutz
Kaimana Kreutz - 7 years ago
Bro I'm stoked your video got posted glad to watch your videos they always make me laugh and they're always sick keep it up bro you're doing a great job at making videos
Fishing Queensland Waters
Fishing Queensland Waters - 7 years ago
yewwww! Clicked it as soon as notification came up.
Aaron Moses
Aaron Moses - 7 years ago
Rushed back from work so i could see this vid. Love your work Cav
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Like Casey Neistat on his electric skateboard ;)
Matthew Rad
Matthew Rad - 7 years ago
Never clicked off another video so fast cavy takes priority
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
that's very impressive especially if the video hard hot females in it hahaha
Deakin Gough
Deakin Gough - 7 years ago
0whc - 7 years ago
The Dark Load
The Dark Load - 7 years ago

100. comment for Fishing you Win some you Lose some!

Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
thats dedication! you must with froth on them, if you want something bad enough you can always achieve it, I want to see it when you get it mate!
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
used to own a legacy wagon, Jap spec was sick.. Nice cars aye... What do you have?
WRX 7 - 7 years ago
Haha Yh I love subaru
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
is WRX as in Subaru?

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