Top 5 Aquarium Schooling Fish - Best Beginner Schooling Fish
Tropical fishing 8 years ago 217,692 views
This is the list of my Top 5 Aquarium Schooling fish. I surely like Rummynose Tetras, Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Ember Tetras, and Rasbora hets. Most of these are great for beginner schooling fish depending on what your water parameters are. Support us by buying here: Playlists: Fish Room Tours: Breeding Fish For Profit: Fish Room Updates: How to Quarantine Fish: How to Build a Fish Room: DIY Videos: Fish and Plant Profiles: Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: Itunes: Android: Facebook:
10. comment for Top 5 Aquarium Schooling Fish - Best Beginner Schooling Fish
If in case, do you have any suggestions when it comes to scavenger fishes?
20. comment for Top 5 Aquarium Schooling Fish - Best Beginner Schooling Fish
30. comment for Top 5 Aquarium Schooling Fish - Best Beginner Schooling Fish
I think everyone out here hate barbs not fair ..
What do you think about Black Phantom tetras?
For a bigger species, what do you think about Congo tetras? What would be the minimum you would suggest for Black Phantoms and Congos? (fyi I'm not thinking to put them together. I think Congos are too big and would be for another tank)
Tiger barbs are a tight schooler too
50. comment for Top 5 Aquarium Schooling Fish - Best Beginner Schooling Fish
Have you considered dwarf neon rainbowfish? They are pretty little things and I think would fit in with the fish you have. Guppies and platies would also work. Another school of small mellow fish like anything mentioned in the video above would work.
A bolivian ram may be a nice "centerpiece" fish. They tend to stay in the bottom half of the tank, so it may need to be fed sinking foods. My ram learned to come to the surface to eat, though.
Glowfish Tetras are a genetically modified form of Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
100. comment for Top 5 Aquarium Schooling Fish - Best Beginner Schooling Fish
And congratulations Cubs fans!
looked around everywhere no fish. tested water no ammonia, no nitrites, no nitrates. i feed them about 3 pinches of dry food a day, sometimes wafers, sometimes frozen foods, depend what i have time for. couldnt imagine them being hungry. 6 cherry barbs, 8 danios (now 6) and 3 cory cats in a 37 shouldnt be starving especially in a 37 gallon right?
I'm thinking of adding an additional blue led on top of the led for the plants but I am worried if it would bring algae or something?
plants going to use -
- Hygrophila SP Pinnadifida
- Java Fern
I did get to hold him in the store, he told me to hold my hands out and he poured him into my hands, it feels so crazy! I'm not worried about him being with really any of my fish but my Cories. My Cories are still on the smaller side, and he could easily eat them.
I'm not sure about asking questions though, because I asked him every question in the book lol, like:
How big will he get?
What are suitable water parameters and temperatures for him?
How well would he do with my other fish (listed my fish)?
Would he do good with them in the 55?
Will he stun/shock any of the other fish?
He said he's only seen them get around 6", He's a great community fish, will do great with my fish in the 55, and he will only let out a little shock when he gets picked on, but it will only make the fish leave him alone, and they sell out extremely fast on the rare occasion that they get them in.
Coming home and doing some research of my own (Which I realize I should have done in the first place before making the purchase), I read they get between 1 ft and 4 ft long, they use their "ability" to stun/shock their prey (any small fish that can fit in it's mouth), which btw it also said they have much larger mouths than you think they do by just looking at them, they shouldn't have any tank mates, etc. Then, for dwarfs, there's almost no information about them except that they aren't imported very often and they get around 6".
Now, for that matter, if it is in fact a dwarf, as he stated it only gets around 6" long, then I would like to know if maybe it is compatible with my fish, but the thing isn't even listed on AqAdvisor, I've asked a few different people I'm in contact with that have experience with fish like this, and I've posted everywhere on the forums, and the few people that did respond haven't the slightest clue.... I would like to know, if he is a dwarf, if he is more peaceful and would leave my fish alone. I would like to try it out, but on the off chance that he is aggressive, I don't want to lose my cories (I have Bronze Corydoras which are more on the rare side where I live, I had to buy them online).
Great schooling fish, I love them!
I have a question/problem, my plants are not doing great: What can I do?!
I showed them in my video:
Thumbs up Cory!