HOW TO: DIY algae scrubber - No more nitrates

The SUPER CHARGED version: Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► In this video, i show you how to build a do it yourself algae scrubber. This will be beneficial to your aquarium in that it will eliminate high nitrates and phosphates. In turn, giving your fish better water and combating algae in the main aquarium.

HOW TO: DIY algae scrubber - No more nitrates sentiment_very_dissatisfied 218

Discus 11 years ago 512,982 views

The SUPER CHARGED version: Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► In this video, i show you how to build a do it yourself algae scrubber. This will be beneficial to your aquarium in that it will eliminate high nitrates and phosphates. In turn, giving your fish better water and combating algae in the main aquarium.

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: DIY algae scrubber - No more nitrates

ASHISH KUMAR - 7 years ago
Sir many neon tetra can I kept in a 40 gallon tank of size 36*12*24 inches length breath height respectively
Joycie - 7 years ago
Wow .. can't believe I only just found this super idea. Will watch the Super Charged version next. Thanx Joey xox
Auttum-marie Richards
Auttum-marie Richards - 7 years ago
Thanks! This is so helpful!
Josh's Room
Josh's Room - 7 years ago
Joey looks so young here!!
_Paws_ - 7 years ago
My stiphodon would love this or I could just get a couple more and forget about algae issues.
Dean Woodward
Dean Woodward - 7 years ago
Which one will works better a bio logical filtration or algae scrubbers?
Dean Woodward
Dean Woodward - 7 years ago
Just made one too. this is a Great idea indeed
EnVision - 7 years ago
You really are king of DIY. Can't wait to see the progression of the new Tank/office.
Tene Alvrui
Tene Alvrui - 7 years ago
hablas mucho para explicar las cosas!! videos aburridos!!

10. comment for HOW TO: DIY algae scrubber - No more nitrates

Freeyourmind - 7 years ago
Oh, how Joey has changed. lol
Hayden Animates
Hayden Animates - 7 years ago
Is this for freshwater or saltwater
Isa'ac Ha'Israeli
Isa'ac Ha'Israeli - 8 years ago
Hi! thanks for the video. how can i add this to a sump? if i already grow plants in my sump i need this scrubber?
aquadragon1 - 8 years ago
Oh i want No3 and Po4 in there. actually ad that stuff regularly.
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 8 years ago
Let me scrapped off the algae using my driver's lisence as Joey said :')
Duilio Biccari
Duilio Biccari - 8 years ago
Why to use the air pump? For me it works just with normal water movement.
Neko Lust Sans Pun Master
Neko Lust Sans Pun Master - 8 years ago
cool video
Dodgy Bishop
Dodgy Bishop - 8 years ago
Not only are CFL and some LED's (Depending on how they are manufactured) low wattage, but normal incandescent, halogen lights etc have little to no usable light to plants, thus, photosynthesis cannot run its course properly.
Robert Pothier
Robert Pothier - 8 years ago
this seems to be a strange theory that I don't believe works: how can the promotion of angea growth in one part of your tank reduce the amount that grows in the rest? 2ndly: angea floats in small quantities we cannot see with our natural eyes; so this strong growing area is promoting as it "flakes" off into the water.
brent245 - 8 years ago
Yes there is always algae in the tank, but it grows where it is easy for it to grow. It will grow where there is good light and will consume available nitrates. So if you provide an area with good light and a source of nitrates, the algae will grow there and not elsewhere. If you keep the lighting in your main tank low, and the algae scrubber is working, there is not enough available light and nitrates/nutrients for the algae to grow in the main tank.
Squirrel Attackspidy
Squirrel Attackspidy - 8 years ago
What's the reason for putting the screen in a box?
gabby smith
gabby smith - 7 years ago
Squirrel Attackspidy I
Krysi Carter
Krysi Carter - 8 years ago
Squirrel Attackspidy It's also to keep the algae from spreading to other parts of your aquarium. Algae is unsightly in most aquariums, so keeping it concentrated to one place and mostly hidden away is ideal. The lighting is because the more light and heat your tank has, the more likely it is that you'll get Algae growth on your glass or decorations.
Al B
Al B - 8 years ago
My guess is to limit light spread, considering he mentioned that it's better to have a darker colored container to prevent light from getting through it.

20. comment for HOW TO: DIY algae scrubber - No more nitrates

Khanh Nguyen
Khanh Nguyen - 8 years ago
Will this size work for my 55 gallon reef tank?
Colin - 8 years ago
could you do a video of a waterfall algae scrubber? I've been working on one but can't seem to get the water to flow over the screen in a consistent sheet. Thank you videos are awesome! keep up the good work.
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
Colin a thought on that, a reservoir on the top that overflows onto the sheet should give a pretty uniform flow. I have no idea how to make one, just tossing ideas for you to try.
debabrata das
debabrata das - 8 years ago
no green Algae?
rhys young
rhys young - 8 years ago
Do plants absorb nitrates (sorry if I spelt it wrong)
LadySphinx - 8 years ago
Yes they do, as they use Nitrites as food in order to grow
Colin pierce
Colin pierce - 8 years ago
awesome videos! I just binge watched a ton of them.. you do a great job making the demo's and its awesome how you always do it as cheap as possible. thanks!
Dara Nguon
Dara Nguon - 8 years ago
hi Joey...I have my close to the window, lot of sun light go in, if I close the blind so the room wil get too dark. is this algae scrubber would help?
Majoris S
Majoris S - 8 years ago
I read 20-25 pages on reef central on ATS. Came here and see that this is by far the best way to go without messing with my plumbing. Thanks!
ChiLLaXin MaN
ChiLLaXin MaN - 8 years ago
still having algae growth on glass.. i have a good skimmer, algae scrubber twice this size with led flood lights on either side with water trickling down screen above my sump glaceria. lights on sump and algae scrubber for 16hrs .. MDsply lights on for 10hrs only.. i use RODI water only.. how can i get this algae on glass situation under control??? HEEEELLPPP PLZ. i have a LINE act or email if you like to communicate that way.. thx for anytime u give me.. Chillz
Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller - 8 years ago
if your tank is subjected to sunlight, do you need the light for the algee scrubber still?

just trying to set the tank up as minimalistic as possible
Timbo Slice
Timbo Slice - 8 years ago
Well, except that sunlight is going to create more maintenance for your DT in the sense that you will be having to physically scrape it off the DT glass. An algae scrubber might be even better in your situation, but choking out the other algae that could be created by the natural sunlight, but instead are choked for nutrients because of the algae scrubber>.
Nuclear Elevator
Nuclear Elevator - 8 years ago
Would an algae scrubber outcompete floating plants?

30. comment for HOW TO: DIY algae scrubber - No more nitrates

TANMAN47TANMAN - 9 years ago
where could i get a food grade sheet for the scrubber? its hard to find them ime
Evan Gangle
Evan Gangle - 9 years ago
I adapted your idea and cut a slot in my hang on back filter for the media, i got a decent colonie after about 6 weeks i found that of you stay on top of removing algae from the rest of your tank you will develpoe a stronger colonie faster.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
The SUPER CHARGED version:
Lud Ovic
Lud Ovic - 9 years ago
pas mal l'astuce merci
Daniel Regan
Daniel Regan - 9 years ago
from your experience do you feel a pothos plant or an algae scrubber is better for removing nitrates from the water.  I have used pothos but never an algae scrubber, so im a little new to it.  Which ever will go in wet dry sump Tank: freshwater 480 with wet dry sump underneath
unknown cuyler
unknown cuyler - 9 years ago
dude, really. there is no way you just found all these ideas somewhere. you must be very creative.
unknown cuyler
unknown cuyler - 9 years ago
also would it be a good idea to double up or more on the mesh inside to give algae more space to grow.
Dan Mackinnon
Dan Mackinnon - 9 years ago
I used a 6" LED light, this is an excellent idea. thanks dude
Polaris Raven
Polaris Raven - 9 years ago
I'm wondering, I have a 60 gallon acrylic tank, and the back is 1.5x4 feet or 18x48 inches, all solid black. If I just let the algae grow on that part of the aquarium, would anyone know how effective it is compared to this DIY algae scrubber? I also have a Biomax filter insert in use (it claims each ceramic bead provides around 100 square feet for beneficial bacteria to grow on). Anyone know or can guess about how effective this is compared to the above Algae Scrubber?
John M
John M - 9 years ago
Thanks! As always great information.
Chong Li Herng
Chong Li Herng - 9 years ago
Joey, i think last life you were an aquarium ==
Hamza shahid
Hamza shahid - 9 years ago
do u have a degree in fish keeping ??? ur the best man i must say
The Western Trapper
The Western Trapper - 9 years ago
how do you keep all the walls of the tank so clean and algea free?
Jake Carpenter
Jake Carpenter - 9 years ago
OK This is awesome! though this isn't the prettiest ways of doing it, who cares if it's places in a sump. Great job! I like this a lot!
Randy Leal
Randy Leal - 9 years ago
how will this affect an algae eat like a pelco
Evan Gangle
Evan Gangle - 9 years ago
it isn't 100% efficient so there is more than anough for your pelco unless it's massive. this will definetly increase oxygen levels because algae is good at producing oxygen. Algae is responsible for more than 75% of the 02 we breathe.
Randy Leal
Randy Leal - 9 years ago
also will this help disolve more oxygen into the water
Robert Maz
Robert Maz - 9 years ago
Hey, thinking of starting my first tank, low tech planted... Do think that this would be useful in my tank... It's a 20 long. Thank you and great work on your videos!
Pedro V
Pedro V - 9 years ago
What size air pump do I need?
Ben C
Ben C - 9 years ago
If I made this 5" thick would that mean I could clean it less or does it become less effective the fuller it gets?
John C
John C - 9 years ago
will this make it so i don't need to run gfo anymore? generally speaking of course.
Kurtis M
Kurtis M - 9 years ago
Thanks! This is the best advice about aquariums I've gotten to date. I'll be building one this week. Count me, Subscribed!
Captain Van
Captain Van - 9 years ago
Is it for non planted tank or can you put it in planted tanks as well? seems like a non-planted tank thingy...
Captain Van
Captain Van - 9 years ago
Wow...that's some good advise right there. Have been looking for ways to keep it balanced...Being a geeky one, found a lot of stuff...Gonna keep experimenting for now. To be honest, this hobby's helping me a lot with life stress as well. I sleep way better now, & it's whole new dimension of fun & knowledge. Love it...Again, thanks for replying. Have a warm christmas & great year ahead. ; )
Francisco Traverzo
Francisco Traverzo - 9 years ago
You can found liquid tests that measure the nitrate levels like the 'Nitrate Test Kit' from API brand. I am using this kit and monitor this levels. You are doing well begining with a small tank. Remember, plants use nitrates but if you have a lot of nitrate production (e.g. too much fish, or too much wastes) the plants wouldn't be able to absorb all the nitrates. Create a balance!
Captain Van
Captain Van - 9 years ago
Thanks buddy...Just one more thing...i'm a newbie to this hobby (2 months & going pretty constant ; ) , have 3 tanks, one small (10 gallons) planted-dirted tank for experiment before i go ahead & plant out the 35 gallon one. Umm how exactly can i tell the level of nitrates in my tank? the best method (guessing there'd be more than one) ?i know i'd just google it out but i'd like to know from people who have experience here.
Francisco Traverzo
Francisco Traverzo - 9 years ago
+Captain Van If you have a planted tank and the nitrate levels are above the recommended you can have an algae scrubber. The plants use the nitrates as a nutrient and usually the algae scrubber are not used in planted tanks.

50. comment for HOW TO: DIY algae scrubber - No more nitrates

Toriless - 9 years ago
What grit was your sand paper?
Bryan Cesar
Bryan Cesar - 9 years ago
can i use for feed african cichilds?
mef1975 - 9 years ago
Couldn't the algae scrubber eventually become the source of blooms that lead to algae infections on plants? Is that why you suggest cleaning/scrapping it with a credit card? Probably better a thing for non-planted tanks? It's an interesting concept, like the reverse of using an inline UV light, which is good for getting rid of algae blooms that are suspended in the water column (blue green algae), but doing so (turning on the UV light and killing that bloom) then leaves the nutrients that bloom was using up, available for algal problems to develop on plants (rocks, glass, and even the silicone too, not suspended in the water column), and that is what this algae scrubber you're showing us will help avoid, by providing that patch of algae more light than the rest of the tank, it uses up the excess nutrient (out-competes all other algae), great for a heavily stocked tank, but I do wonder, couldn't it become the source of algae blooms, if not cleaned regularly?
mef1975 - 9 years ago
+Johnny Smith
Thanks!  Of course, they have it down to species, I should've known.  Apparently a sort of macroalgae.
Toriless - 9 years ago
+mef1975 You are best using certain algae culture when will not spread. They would be the same ones use for a refugium but I do not know the specific species but just look as starter kits for refugiums and what algae they use. The kit I saw list three species.
Gord Marshall
Gord Marshall - 9 years ago
Joey, I am just curious.... can I use a power head to make water flow past the screen or is it essential to have bubbles going over the screen to move the water up and past?
Gord Marshall
Gord Marshall - 9 years ago

Interesting, if that is the case then using a old protein skimmer pump with needle wheel should give me all the CO2 I need. Thank you Francisco Traverzo...

+Francisco Traverzo
Gord Marshall
Gord Marshall - 9 years ago
Interesting, if that is the case then using a old protein skimmer pump with needle wheel should give me all the CO2 I need. Thank you Francisco Traverzo...
Francisco Traverzo
Francisco Traverzo - 9 years ago
+Gord Marshall Bubbles may have more CO2 needed for photosynthesis, but if you use a powerhead will function well. The purpose is constant supply of nutrients for the algae.
John Kelley
John Kelley - 9 years ago
I have several marimo moss balls in my tank, these will also remove nitrates
John Kelley
John Kelley - 9 years ago
I don't actually know. I have had them for several years and they have not. They do grow in size slowly. You can split them and they. Will eventually grow from that split.
mef1975 - 9 years ago
+John Kelley Aren't those capable of going thru some sort of cycle in which they bloom and spread throughout the tank? How long have you kept them?
The Raul Guerrero G
The Raul Guerrero G - 9 years ago
can I use one of those lamps to grow plants?
Robert Fernandez
Robert Fernandez - 9 years ago
Thanks for the vid bro!
Squirrel Attackspidy
Squirrel Attackspidy - 9 years ago
Would you mind sharing the dimensions of the screen?
Toriless - 9 years ago
+Squirrel Attackspidy He said 4" x 8" for a 100 gallon tank.
Squirrel Attackspidy
Squirrel Attackspidy - 9 years ago
What wattage and light spectrum for cfl bulb? Thanks for info!
Kizzy - 9 years ago
ur genius!
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
Great idea and video. Thanks bruv. Later.
Ben Nossiter
Ben Nossiter - 9 years ago
Can you do this with an inline UV filter?
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
Great video I will have to try this one out
PianoUniverse - 9 years ago
Where are you guys getting your rubber feet?
GamingMom2004 - 9 years ago
Algae would be great if it wasn't brown :-\ . I can't seem to get green to grow in any of my tanks.
Ben Clarkson
Ben Clarkson - 9 years ago
LOVE LOVE LOVEEE... the spinning drill bit
Filekv5 - 9 years ago
I don't know, seems like would create a lot of salt creep.. :(
Toriless - 9 years ago
+PrincessLollyGag Venturi pump
GamingMom2004 - 9 years ago
+Filekv5 Maybe use a power head?
Akshith Krishna
Akshith Krishna - 9 years ago
did u say airstone??
Dean B
Dean B - 9 years ago
Nice!! I use a algae scrubber !!
AQUA NUT - 9 years ago
+Dean B How does it work for you?
Eric Ramos
Eric Ramos - 9 years ago
Can this algae scrubber be install in my sump?
Eric Ramos
Eric Ramos - 9 years ago
+Eric Ramos never mind. I watched your video again and heard you say it can go in the sump. So where would you put in the sump
seven seas aquarium pros
seven seas aquarium pros - 9 years ago
Je Coy
Je Coy - 9 years ago
Hi Joey. which do you think would be the best way to remove/reduce nitrates in the tank? I know water changes is the most common practice but i am looking for a way to reduce the frequency of my water change. I really like the simplicity of an algae scrubber, are they better than having refugium in removing nitrates?
Je Coy
Je Coy - 9 years ago
A drip system would be a bit difficult because of the location of my tank. I will try the scrubber it seems easy enough for me to do. Thanks. Your videos are awesome.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
You are commenting on a video that helps with that. A drip system is the best way though, but plants will help as well. Look around on my videos, I have many methods. Pick the one right for you.
ghos282 - 10 years ago
Have one question: Does the Plastic Canvas, or the algae scrubber have to be oriented vertically rather than flat in a shallow tray at the top of the tank where the normal tank lighting is most intense? (I understand from your video that the purpose of an algae scrubber is to 'scrub' or reduce Nitrates and Phosphates.) Some time ago I have made a (4" shallow) DIY 1/4" Black Acrylic (Smoked Glass Translecent color) 'Skimmer' (which works in conjunction with my cannister filter intake, and 'siphon vaccum brake' auto top off,) that spans the short end of a tank, and has top flanges on three sides by which it sits on the internal bezel rim, (Picture a very narrow, only 4" wide, plastic cake pan that fits perfectly inside and across the short end of the tank.) ..With a layer of glass marbles in it as ballast against bouyancy. ..Up until now I have been cleaning all the algae growth off of those marbles about once every couple of weeks. OOPS!!
 (P.S. I used '7 count' Plastic canvas to create a virtically slotted Weir. that is retained by grooves slotted into both the top of the shorter 'Wier Wall' and the Higher 'Side walls' of the skimmer tray. (Used Dremel in a stand with a Wheel to do the shallow retaining slots before assembling the tray.)
TheRetiredtrucker - 9 years ago
Like to see a pic of that. I built the one described here, works great, External one be nice tho
Diana Diehl
Diana Diehl - 10 years ago
Thanks for a great idea! Did I miss it or did you show a picture of a thriving, mature algae scrubber in place in a tank? I'd love to see what a healthy algae bed looks like.
James Brassill
James Brassill - 10 years ago
So if you want to reduce but not eliminate algae simply reducing the size of the scrubber will allow some to grow out in the main tank correct? 
Jorden Watkins
Jorden Watkins - 10 years ago
Awesome vid Joey. Could one of these be put in an aquaclear 70 HOB? I was going to do a diy Aquaclear refugium but I like this idea just can't have that ugly box in my 37 gal display
C Quinn
C Quinn - 10 years ago
@The king of DIY Can this be placed in the sump?
Steve Glasser
Steve Glasser - 10 years ago
where can i find led's for the scrubber?
James Brassill
James Brassill - 10 years ago
Ikea generally has little plug in LEDs that you can configure in various ways.
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 10 years ago
This wpuld be bad for a heavily planted tank right cause it outcompetes for nutrients.
Krysi Carter
Krysi Carter - 8 years ago
Quantum Aquatic Yes and no. It depends on your bioload, where your plants feed from, etc. If you have mostly plants that feed from the substrate and not the water column, this wouldn't compete as much as you might think. Also, with both, after a few weeks to make sure they are keeping things in acceptable ranges, you could feasibly start adding a fish or 2 at a time until it balances, and you have a beautiful, active aquarium with lots to look at.
Brian Sohl
Brian Sohl - 10 years ago
can you place this in your refugium or in the over flow where the filter sock and skimmer are at? 
ggin nj
ggin nj - 10 years ago
Are there any freshwater fish that will eat this algae? Plecoptera and algae eaters won't touch the stuff, snails seem to be ok with it, but my parrot fish love the snails! I've got this stuff all over. I once tried to scrape it most of it off, and learned the benefits of the algae the hard way by losing most of the fish, I did an almost 100 percent change, and saved the ones that survived, since then I only scrape one section at a time, and use a corner filter with just ammo chips. I love the idea of the pottos plant and will add that to the mix. Aside from a scrubber, I'd like to try to use fish, but...more fish, more ammonia...more algae....damn.
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
Johnathon H. Fish really aren't a solution to algae. You could get a few nerite snails and they will go to town on most but the hardest algae giving you a lighter load on the scraping. In my tank I don't bother scraping the sides or the back of the tank, I prefer to have plants that hide it.

The two main causes of algae is nutrients in the water and the amount of light given. If you do not have plants competing with the algae you should not have the lights on more than 6 hours a day, this includes "moon lights" which are a bit of a misnomer, they still produce more than enough light for algae to grow. You could attempt to disrupt the algae nutrients by doing daily water changes of 10 percent for about a week, but unless your fish are very firmly established and resistant to drastic water changes I wouldn't recommend it.
Another thing you could try is blacking out the aquarium, put a light blocking sheet over it and leave the lights off for a day or two.
The third thing to try is to learn to accept your new diatomic overlords and scrape it off as it gets too unsightly. Algae in of itself isn't harmful, just a sign of plenty of nutrients in the water. Regardless, check your water parameters and make sure you don't have an excessive amount of nitrates in the water. Anything above 40ppm is stressful to fish. You will have to remedy that immediately.
a1hardwood - 10 years ago
cut down on the light
HaloToday - 10 years ago
+ggin nj if your tank is growing that much algae then there might be other underlying problems.  There is a chance that you might either be over feeding the fish or the tank is heavily stocked.  I have a 55 gallon tank and with my sump it holds just about 55 gallons with the substrate and decorations, I have about 45-50 inches of fish in it and do weekly 25% water changes and I have very little to no algae in my tank. 
Johnathon H.
Johnathon H. - 10 years ago
If you haven't found a fish that fits your needs yet take a look at the Otocinclus species. I picked up 2 of the little guys from my LFS and they devour the algae in my tank. They are fairly inexpensive and peaceful to other fish as well. (only problem is they poop proportionately to what they eat so an efficient water change schedule may be needed)
a1hardwood - 10 years ago
talapia are algae eaters and they taste good too
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 10 years ago
Haha I Prettt much have this Shit in my tank. I have a java moss wall, with a powerhead flowing on it from the side, and the green algae loves to just smother the javamoss, but it doesn't kill it either. I let algae grown on this piece of wood I have but when it gets too much I just use a toothbrush and scrub, it comes off quick, and my green neons And shrimp will pluck off the bushy algae area when they havent been fed. Can't wait to aquascape my 20 gallon when I get it
rc dela cruz
rc dela cruz - 10 years ago
hi joey, can i put this in the k1 compartment of my sump
Donald Looker
Donald Looker - 10 years ago
How do you combat the Salt Creep on a SW system??
R Dog
R Dog - 10 years ago
Man U smart lil dude I like watching some of your videos very well explained thank you for the inspiration
Mab0r0shi - 10 years ago
The way you find all your stuff for all your projects make me think you are from quebec or ontario. Am i right?
Mab0r0shi - 10 years ago
+The King of DIY™ (Aquariums) ok great, im from quebec and your diy are awesome. thanks
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Nova Scotia
pohaku69 - 10 years ago
Hi Joey, I built a algae scrubber and the algae is brown is this good? Thanks
guitarman10000005 - 10 years ago
Brown algae is also known as diatoms, it's not really good or bad it's just pretty much annoying. The algae should go away in its own eventually. I still have some in my tank too
NCmike1969 - 10 years ago
Great video.  Got to try this one, thanks Joey!
Jimmy Smith
Jimmy Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks for the vid. Just made one hopefully will be all good
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 10 years ago
Another benefit is that micro-organisms will inhabit the protected area, and feed on detritus that could've created more nitrate.
Zane Deering
Zane Deering - 10 years ago
is there a reason why the light has to tern off every day could u set it up to run 24/7
meneope - 10 years ago
Wow this is an amazing idea!
Cono Savino
Cono Savino - 10 years ago
hi joey like your video on algae scrubber but was wondering what size would I need for a 180 gallon reef tank ????? my nitrates are around 10 to 20 on red see test kit . it is a new setup with dry rock and dry sand... would you steer me in the right dirction

thank you
Gary Cooper
Gary Cooper - 10 years ago
The plastic mesh is for needlepoint projects, not knitting.
I've usually seen it labeled "plastic needlepoint canvas."
If you've ever knitted, or watched someone else knit, you'll understand why that stuff wouldn't work for knitting.
Mr Nice
Mr Nice - 10 years ago
Lol u fanny!!!!
Pedro Duarte
Pedro Duarte - 10 years ago
Hi do you have any videos showing algae scrubber working?
R Dog
R Dog - 10 years ago
She probably means when u have algae starting to grow lol
Pedro Duarte
Pedro Duarte - 10 years ago
+The King of DIY™ sorry I missed.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Yup, you just watched... Or skipped through it im guessing.
Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 10 years ago
very usefull, (should be) essential, and actually kinda rare information! even though the name rather suggests the sponge i clean my glass with. ;) 
two thoughts on the thing, though. for once: covering the inside of the housing with self adhesive aluminum tape, or other reflective malterial, could boost the efficiency and prevent almost any light from leaking into the tank itself. maybe two or more layers of grid could be fine too with that addidion. 
my other though/question: is there any reason, not to have the scrubber lit 24/7, other than it may bug the fishes, if the light isnt properly shielded?
magicaquarium - 10 years ago
How much nitrates will reduce from fish tank ?
Yin Kean Chin
Yin Kean Chin - 11 years ago
Wont that consume up the nutrient for a plated tank?
A_ Vasquez_ lift_laugh_love_n_bbq
A_ Vasquez_ lift_laugh_love_n_bbq - 11 years ago
Great video, I have a request... maybe you've done it already but can you give me an idea on how to make a diy gfo reactor. Pls tnx
Elaine Watson
Elaine Watson - 11 years ago
New subscriber! Like that you have done this for inside your tank. I'm going to give this a go once I've installed my juwel protein skimmer. I've had a problem with Cyanobacteria so I'm hoping this & the skimmer might help. Thanks. I'll post a video when I've out both in.

100. comment for HOW TO: DIY algae scrubber - No more nitrates

M Kruger
M Kruger - 11 years ago
Is this Algae scrubber for marine tank or for fresh water thank you great Diy 
M Kruger
M Kruger - 11 years ago
Thank you i see in the beginning it say for both 
FangBlah - 11 years ago
Watch the video again. I'll give you hint to your question; start at 0:08...
adzyhany - 11 years ago
would this system be beneficial while running a drip system? I'm in the planning stages of a big tank similar to your large tank. different dimensions but same amount of gallons. I'm planning a filter a lot like your fluidized bed only have the second stage (heater barrel) a glass tank apposed to a second barrel. would it be a good idea to do an 8"x16" algae scrubber in the heater tank? also, I was reading somewhere that using hot water with the drip system and dropping some heaters is cheaper monthly then running cold water with more heaters. what do you think?
Sumner Bob
Sumner Bob - 11 years ago
I love your vids. and can you tell me why the sides of my tank is sometimes slimy is it normal if yes tell me how to solve the problem it would be great help.
Matt Radel
Matt Radel - 11 years ago
I keep a few brisle noses catfish never had a problem with agle
pwilliams98 - 11 years ago
I made a quick (and ugly) test version of this last month, and it works great.  Will be making a more presentable one this week.  Great idea!
Walking With Christ
Walking With Christ - 11 years ago
But it's not a algae scrubber, it's a algae grower!
Chris Evers
Chris Evers - 7 years ago
Graham Hall, thank God somebody said it.
Graham Hall
Graham Hall - 7 years ago
In correct English, a vowel (algae) should be preceded with an an, not an a.
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
Um... are you talking about a way to physically remove algae from your display tank? It's called a utility straight razor. Most people don't have a way to make those in their homes.
Ricardo DLT
Ricardo DLT - 7 years ago
pwilliams98 you... scrub the algae off of it
jonwolfie1 - 11 years ago
+pwilliams98 It's not a misnomer.
pwilliams98 - 11 years ago
Technically you are correct... The idea is that while it does grow algae, it will reduce the amount of algae growing in other areas of your tank (hence the misnomer of scrubber).
tommy b
tommy b - 11 years ago
Just made one last night!
Drogrant - 11 years ago
Love your passion for the hobby! I'm making this tonight and definitely subscribing! Thanks so much for posting such helpful videos. This hobby is expensive and being able to DIY is perfect! Thanks Joey!!
eric wetzel
eric wetzel - 11 years ago
Does anybody no if that would work
Eddie Alv
Eddie Alv - 11 years ago
Nice idea but is there a way to improve on this idea and make it like a over head sump type
eric wetzel
eric wetzel - 11 years ago
Can't I just stick a light above my sump below my tank and grow it in my plastic sump
Matt Cabral
Matt Cabral - 11 years ago
Hell yea I'm doing this tonight!
David Bergeron
David Bergeron - 11 years ago
instead of using this I would get some macro algae which would probly be cheaper to get and you can put it in a lil basket in the back of your your tank or put it directly on the bottom of your tank
nathan federico
nathan federico - 11 years ago
Have you ever thought of making a turtle tank
Julio Leon
Julio Leon - 11 years ago
Thanks for this great vid Joey! I think this may be useful to cultivate of algae to feed a culture of brine shrimp.
Steven Chancey
Steven Chancey - 11 years ago
Thank you, I shall give it a try.
Brandon Havro
Brandon Havro - 11 years ago
Can you do a video off all your tanks?
Would love to see your whole collection.
Sophearith Tip
Sophearith Tip - 11 years ago
please show more with illustration rater show your photo...however thank for your showing....
Earl Harman
Earl Harman - 11 years ago
I used a hole saw and scraped the plastic canvas sideways with the teeth of the hole saw and that really roughed up the plastic canvas.
Timmy  Milligan
Timmy Milligan - 11 years ago
I'll be making me one thanks
tempemonkey - 11 years ago
I have an assload of Cheato growing in my sump... Would this scrubber be unnecessary in my system?
Earl Harman
Earl Harman - 11 years ago
I have alot of chaeto too in my sump but chaeto still won't get all of the nitrates out, this really helps it do the job.
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
If u used a later or 3 or 4 sheets of mesh that would multiply your algae growth
Brian Reedy
Brian Reedy - 11 years ago
Golly, I'
d never heard of algae scrubbers before I watched this video, with 15 or so years in aquaristics. Maybe Sweden is behind in such matters, or maybe I don't read enough magazines or books about the hobby.

Anyway, I'm impressed by the simple, effective design. You do us all a great service by sharing your DIY ideas. Will now go have a look at this book you\re selling!
Aimane Chouhaibi
Aimane Chouhaibi - 11 years ago
Thanksss man you are the bezt
Bryant Pribadi
Bryant Pribadi - 11 years ago
Just want to share another thought, perhaps this could be combined with an overflow and using the water flow over a sponge with an intense lighting.
Jesus Camacho
Jesus Camacho - 11 years ago
Couldn't you just buy a alge eater?
Matthew dimon
Matthew dimon - 10 years ago
I have a marimo moss ball witch take up the nutrients before the algae can form
Jesus Camacho
Jesus Camacho - 11 years ago
K thanks
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
+Jeffery Holden And the most common algea eaters (gibbi's and pleco's) grow way too big for an average tank
Jeffery Holden
Jeffery Holden - 11 years ago
no, an algae eaters do not remove anything from the system just recycles it turn it back into waste. but when you clean the screen you remove the algae thus removing the wastes.
Jesus Fraire
Jesus Fraire - 11 years ago
Hey you should make a video on how to modify hob filters that would be great awsome videos helped me alot thanks
Phat Rat
Phat Rat - 11 years ago
If I built an algae scrubber and put it in-line with my overflow, would the water flow be sufficient?
Gustavo Penteado
Gustavo Penteado - 11 years ago
Hi! I have a question: Instead of eliminate the excess os algae with a plastic card, Can I let the fish eats the algae?
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 11 years ago
I try to work with my algae rather than against it. I think it's a great thing and this video just proves that. I think it also looks nice if you cultivate it. I like to leave algae on the back of my aquarium so that it covers up the cords and stuff, and it looks really nice on driftwood. Also if you can get the green hair algae to grow on the back and set a powerhead to blow against it, it makes a really pretty effect of the undulating algae blowing in the water current.
Claude Johnson
Claude Johnson - 11 years ago
Excellent vid... I wonder if its possible to integrate this into your above the tank sump idea?
laura sutton
laura sutton - 11 years ago
Great idea but doint think I want something that is ugly in my tank no offense it is a good concept though.
mikevla8097 - 11 years ago
Hey bud, ive never built aquarium myself, and i wont for a long time (no private space) but i found your channel pretty cool. I subscribed to you and ur doing great work. One thing id be really curious to see is your BEST aquarium that you keep at home and you are the most proud of. Thanks!
Robert Jango
Robert Jango - 11 years ago
You demonstrated the power needed for plants - not for algae. Algae is different than a plant and does a different job. A CFL is a florescent bulb and therefore cannot be more or less efficient than a florescent bulb. A CFL will produce the same amount of lumens (light) as a tube of the same wattage. If you place the CFL sideways along the surface the same amount of light will reach the water. A reflector reflects light; it doesn't block light. Reflectors are used along with tubes and CFLs.
TopNotchTanks - 11 years ago
Joey, can you plz do a vid on how to make a multi level aquarium stand? I'm talking about a stand that can hole two tanks, one on top and one on bottom. Plz help; I need a stand for my angelfish breeding tanks
pleure retroish
pleure retroish - 11 years ago
ok so i made it just as you have it on the vid but the algae end up growing on the aquarium glass rather than the mesh inside any idea why and how i can remedy this issue?
Robert Jango
Robert Jango - 11 years ago
Plants go for ammonia first, nitrites second and finally nitrates as a last resort -- and they're not even that good at it. Algae, on the other hand, consumes nitrates in concentrations as low as 10ppm. Its a pretty amazing plant (for something that isn't a plant). Not sure what you mean by a 20 watt compact florescent bulb being less efficient than a 4 foot florescent bulb. The 4 footer is certainly larger and brighter (has more lumens) but its not more efficient than the CFL.
Gustavo Penteado
Gustavo Penteado - 11 years ago
Hi! I have a question: Instead of eliminate the excess os algae with a plastic card, Can I let the fish eats the algae?
canuckgame - 11 years ago
Hey Joey i dont know how to contact you, but i really need some advice, i bought a 75 Gallon tank with no lid, it also has no center brace on top so i cant purchase the glass tops as they sit on the center brace. i have the plastic rim on top, but no center brace. any suggestions on a DIY lid that will look good? i was praying you had a video i could follow, but no luck. im hoping to start up my tank next week, so i really hope you can give me some advice on a lid for the tank!
Marcelo Jerez
Marcelo Jerez - 11 years ago
joey do you have any idea for hair algae? will this work with hair algae? thx man keep up the good work!
ThomasVisionReef - 11 years ago
Joey, this was a very good video! Very simple to follow! Would this work for SW and FW?
Robert Jango
Robert Jango - 11 years ago
That's the size bulb Joey uses in the algae scrubber above (a 20 watt CFL). In the video he says it will consume all the nitrates in a normally stocked 55 gallon tank. I can't confirm that either way but it would be an interesting subject to take up with him. Thanks for the reply.
UPSIPO - 11 years ago
If you believe 20 watts bulb will create enough algae for a 55 Gallon tank - for example, I think you are wrong.
Robert Jango
Robert Jango - 11 years ago
Algae is the base of the food chain and at the base of my breeding operation. - When the water in my unused backyard pool turned into Pea Soup I added an 8¢ Goldfish/Comet. A year later the fishes scales looked like goldleaf. Only then did I realize how the "goldfish" got its name. In a 20,000 gallon green water pond, I had Discus that survived temps from 95F to 58F and ph swings from 5.4 to 9.0. My prettiest plant: a lawn of brilliant green hair algae on the backside of a 29 gallon tank
Robert Jango
Robert Jango - 11 years ago
A 20 watt bulb consumes about 2¢ per day in electricity or 50¢ a month. The air pump consumes about 10¢ per month and is probably needed in the aquarium anyway.
Steve Herrick
Steve Herrick - 11 years ago
You could consider on demand publishing for a printed book, then when you make changes the new orders would get the updates and you don't have to deal with any of the warehousing and storage issues. Just upload the new PDF to the publisher.
curtismaximus123 - 11 years ago
Awesome vid Joey thanks! What is the best flow to produce algae the fastest? Slow or fast? Thanks again!
UPSIPO - 11 years ago
If you found a way to cover the inside box with mirrors (the tank has to be from inverted thick mirrors as an idea) your creation is going to be 4 times more efficient
UPSIPO - 11 years ago
your turtles do not care about nitrate, I guarantee you when all fish die because of Amonia/Nitrites/Nitrates, your turtles will be alive and kicking.
UPSIPO - 11 years ago
Well I would have liked to see the whole set up working as a final note on the video. This is a constructive criticism.
dontget madbro
dontget madbro - 11 years ago
will this help remove algae from a planted aquarium?
Marcin P
Marcin P - 11 years ago
Joey, again thanks for the copy of the book.. Now I got a question.. it's off the topic.. my heater just broke.. I had a Fluval E series heater and the digital screen is hardly to read hence difficult to set the temperature... I need your help.. what heater do you recommend? Eheim Jager? or should I give it a second try with Fluval? or any other brands? I have a 55 gallon tank.. planning of upgrading to a 125g. Thanks!!!!
Placido Pacifio
Placido Pacifio - 11 years ago
Joey you are the best. Thanks.
Placido Pacifio
Placido Pacifio - 11 years ago
Joey you are the best. Thanks.
jhon galvan
jhon galvan - 11 years ago
nice idea!!!
Gustavo Penteado
Gustavo Penteado - 11 years ago
Instead of eliminate the excess os algae with a plastic card, I can let the fish eats?
Wes-Fish Care
Wes-Fish Care - 11 years ago
You should do a review of the Sunsun/Aquatop/Grech/Perfect canister filters. They're rising in popularity in the hobby from what ive seen, thinking of getting one myself!
Patrick Doyle
Patrick Doyle - 11 years ago
How did i get here?
AquaPorn - 11 years ago
If it starts working properly an algae scrubber will out compete your macro's for nutrients, and you will see die-off.
Soulrider2012 - 11 years ago
You could probably do that but the case or basket provides some other benefits. The dark color of the case will help block the light being shined on the mesh/scrubber from being seen in the tank (although hiding it behind something will help). Also, the case provides another surface on which the algae will grow. In addition, the case provides a path to help to cause the bubbles from the airstone & fresh water to rise up uniformly through the mesh/algae & not get disturbed by a power head, etc.
woodshop2300 - 11 years ago
I think this could be modified a bit more and compined with the last video ( over head sump ) and a 2' floriesent under cabinet light to create an over head alge scrubber that keeps almost everything out of the display tank.
Shawnie Says
Shawnie Says - 11 years ago
Is this beneficial for my turtle too?
Janet Diaz
Janet Diaz - 11 years ago
Cool idea. I bought one n it works great. After watching ur vid I building one for my other tank.
The Axolotl Whisperer
The Axolotl Whisperer - 11 years ago
Thanks for the quick response! That makes sense. I'll definitely still be picking it up then!
The Axolotl Whisperer
The Axolotl Whisperer - 11 years ago
Is it possible to buy a physical copy of your book?
Bigmunoz11 - 11 years ago
Thats pretty bad ass joey. awesome vid
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams - 11 years ago
Would having an algae scrubber effect my macro algae I havein my refug??
Helveteshit - 11 years ago
The case is there to make a suction possibility. Without it you won't have a suction which in turn wont make the water flow through THAT algae. You want it to work like... any other natural filter. It sucks water and pushes it out the other end. Basically, the case causes the airstone to work as a water vacuum. Sucking in water, pushing it out with the bubbles on the top, feeding the algae on the scrubber the nitrates and such.
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 11 years ago
yeah after watching it im making my own acrlic one.
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 11 years ago
For an algae scrubber like me this was a great video. Love the concept. Simple and effective.
DIY Sensei
DIY Sensei - 11 years ago
Good video ! Well explained
Arvinas Labas
Arvinas Labas - 11 years ago
Aaaaaaawesome! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !
Wes Keown
Wes Keown - 11 years ago
Top notch video :)
birdbrain5381 - 11 years ago
Great idea! I love your channel. Maybe you could put something like this on top of an air powered filter or on an output of a power head? That way the water would already be mechanically filtered so your mesh would stay cleaner of gunk, and hold more algae? Isn't the mesh in danger of getting gunky if the water isn't pre-filtered?
pleure retroish
pleure retroish - 11 years ago
this is awesome! as soon as i finish the vid i made the algae scrubber right away. a couple of questions how ever, whats the best lighting and duration for the maximum growth? i use a 15W bulb and plan to have it on 24hrs a day(electric is not an issue for me)
Paul M
Paul M - 11 years ago
I made something like that several years ago using a hang on the back filter and putting mesh inside it I just rolled it up and put it in with it smooth I used a small hoppi lamp with a cone to shore the light into the filter it worked ok but I still had Algiers growing all offer my plants too.
ShrimpMage - 11 years ago
I never scrub off the algae on my aquarium unless it's on the front glass or getting excessive. I find moderate amounts nice and natural looking, plus the fish I keep enjoy it as a snack.
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
Nice twist on an old idea
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 11 years ago
Good video and concept. Do you have any concrete evidence that a 8 x 4 inch scrubber will handle a 100 gallon tank? What is the relationship between bio-load and algae scrubber size.
Pitdawg2007 - 11 years ago
And here I am scrubbing off the algae
Yenneth Ianson
Yenneth Ianson - 11 years ago
maybe a later more developed scrubber? I don't even own an aquarium I just like the engineering of this project.
Damon Gaskin
Damon Gaskin - 11 years ago
Nice and informative vid as always. As I have built and used my own, this is the cheapest and most interesting scrubber design I have ever seen. Very clever in concept and space also. Is it possible Joey for you to think of and do a video on a recirculating media reactor? That is a fairly new concept(so to speak) to most people, but it works extremly well with pellets on salt(I run them) and from what I hear on fresh systems also.
Rafael H
Rafael H - 11 years ago
Here's a vide of one in action. It's not this one specifically but it's the exact same concept
aleksandarlazio - 11 years ago
Hi from Bulgaria. Thank you for your videos, they are very helpful. What do you think about the same setup without the air pump? Just putting the blue box where the water is flowing fast from the canister filter? Is it going to work or the idea is the bubbles, not the water flow.
The G-Man
The G-Man - 11 years ago
Hey man, u are such a legend. I love your channel and i would love to see the updates on how your tanks are doing. In two weeks i am starting to build my own DIY aquarium (as per your series on how to build an acrylic aquarium and stand), similar size as yours but glass. Acrylic is really expensive in my country. Thanks for all the help and VIDS, keep them coming!
raul31081989 - 11 years ago
ohh yeah...i was waiting for this vid since you put it on facebook...thanx bro
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 11 years ago
You should have more people from asia viewing, i love all these cheap projects. Espically the overhood sump
JayWho - 11 years ago
Could you place the plastic mesh in between the baffles of a sump (for water flow without using an air pump)? This would probably promote just as much algae growth on the glass/acrylic though unless it was angled and the light placed above somehow? (just throwing out ideas)
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 11 years ago
Good video bro. Typically the use of macro algae like chaeto is used for sw aquariums. I can see this working in a cichlid aquarium or simple substrate aquarium
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 11 years ago
You wouldn't need this in a planted aquarium and he didn't refer this for a planted aquarium, so you would be correct lol. These are for aquariums that have high nitrate issues and phos issues that don't have any way of removing it other then growing unsightly algae, this simply confines it to one location or atleast should according to theory.
Arya Putra
Arya Putra - 11 years ago
It's too short..can you please show it a little bit longer pleaseee?
Arya Putra
Arya Putra - 11 years ago
Arya Putra
Arya Putra - 11 years ago
Super duper creative sir..double thumbs up.. (y) (y)
iSeize - 11 years ago
Have you ever thought of doing a video blog too? kinda like dustins' ramblings
Ross Ellis
Ross Ellis - 11 years ago
Joe has done it again very nice.
Ravi Sant
Ravi Sant - 11 years ago
Got it
TheVjay86 - 11 years ago
why cant i just grow some nice looking plants instead? Plants consume nitrates too as their food source. What am I missing here? Help?
Centar Bob
Centar Bob - 11 years ago
I just want to thank you for all the new videos
Ravi Sant
Ravi Sant - 11 years ago
At what time frame?
Ravi Sant
Ravi Sant - 11 years ago
It would have been nice to see it in action in a tank
Aquatic Creations
Aquatic Creations - 11 years ago
Joey you are the bomb. Not just for this but for all of your DIYs. I sure hope you don't plan on quitting these videos, lol im sure you won't anytime soon :) keep it up man!
Yenneth Ianson
Yenneth Ianson - 11 years ago
i would love to see one of these in action
Greg Jones
Greg Jones - 11 years ago
typical algae scrubbers are above the water line to maximize the oxygen hitting the algae to increase the rate of growth, have you noticed a difference in growth rate because of this in-tank approach?
TehLogician - 11 years ago
Wow very cool idea. Will definitely add one of these to my next non planted tank. I had a 55 with a mating pair of jaquar cichlids and left the algae in the tank do to the benefits of the algae. Wish I would have thought of this.. Very cool stuff.
Willian César Borges
Willian César Borges - 11 years ago
what are the cons points ?
Mix Fun
Mix Fun - 11 years ago
Sorry man i am confuse. Do i need it or my bio filter is ok & enough
e schmidt
e schmidt - 11 years ago
To you think that would change the PH in a saltwater tank?
Helge Dirdal
Helge Dirdal - 11 years ago
This is not a replacement for a bio filter, it's an addition :)
TheCajun25 - 11 years ago
Love the videos. I've recently purchased a 55 gallon freshwater aquarium and I'm loving it. Keep up the good work.
Mix Fun
Mix Fun - 11 years ago
thank you very much.....but is it better then Bio filter....?
HAPKAH - 11 years ago
Try finding any algae inside an aquarium with extremely low phosphates and nitrates. Even with high concentrations of fertilizers and CO2 in the water. Does that answer your question? :-P
King Cong
King Cong - 11 years ago
Antanas Mingėla
Antanas Mingėla - 11 years ago
Great video. I use fertilizers in my tank. Won't algae absorve these great nutrients as well?
HAPKAH - 11 years ago
Thank you very much for the idea Joey! Kind of was just floating around you in the air, but never thought about that myself for over 20 years that I've had an aquarium. Will definitely try that once done with room redecoration and relocation of my 110l and 200l aquarium tanks.
Money - 11 years ago
awesome idea man
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 11 years ago
This is a great idea, however, I'm worried that my plecos would use this like an all you can eat salad bar. Have you ever tried it in a tank with plecos? If so how would I stop them from eating my good algae?
Tom Elbourn
Tom Elbourn - 11 years ago
Awesome. So much easier than any other DIY algae scrubber I have seen. I have some ideas for this. Video to come when I get around to it.
MrRvbrown - 11 years ago
Simply Nice!! :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
What about incorporating this idea into the overhead sump? I am sure it works because of the extra light, but still I wouldn't want to keep the light on 24/7 which, IMO is what you should do to get any real results. Great tip nonetheless.
Tim Dobert
Tim Dobert - 11 years ago
Very cool idea. Making my own.
King Lyon Tha Gamer
King Lyon Tha Gamer - 11 years ago
I got you going put one in my tanks today
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
Love how clean the design is, great work joey
Rajesh kesavan Menon
Rajesh kesavan Menon - 11 years ago
Nice . Informative Joey best wishes on your book launch
Sherif Kishk
Sherif Kishk - 11 years ago
Your next upload will be your 100th. Congrats, bud. Thanks for all your help.
supernewt - 11 years ago
Oh and just to ask another question, if i wanted to put it into a sump similar to the one you made for the K1...would u put it in the section where the water comes out or where the pump takes it out. Personally id be tempted to put it where it comes in due to the chances of algea breaking off it can get caught in the sponge...but i wonder if it would be more efficient to have it the other side where the nitrates are likley highest?
Winston Larry
Winston Larry - 11 years ago
You are truly the King of DIY in the Fish Keeping business buddy.
Winston Larry
Winston Larry - 11 years ago
Hi Joey I need some advice man my tank my trickle filter my pvc overflow everything I done through watching your videos I live in South Africa we don't have the varieties of stuff that you guys have bro but I made due I am just struggling with one thing man my water would be clear one moment than cloudy the next what can I do buddy.
9385dee7 - 11 years ago
Woold a uv sterilizer also work?
supernewt - 11 years ago
I think i may be making one of these when i get home...though out of interest would an RO filter do the same thing by removing the Phosphates..though i understand you wouldnt have the addition benefit of reduced nitrates?
Christian Hammarström
Christian Hammarström - 11 years ago
Great video and I like how you explained the benefits of the algae scrubber so well!
Brian Wilson
Brian Wilson - 11 years ago
Great video as always!
Haig James Toutikian
Haig James Toutikian - 11 years ago
Great DIY :) Very informative. I am thinking about adding that plastic mesh in one of the back chambers of my Nanocube. The flow of the backchamber is already bottom to top, so dunno if I'll need the airstone? I also have a light that I can use. Thanks
C Math
C Math - 11 years ago
It is a good idea, but the fact that it uses two electrical components (pump and light) is a no no to me. Actually, I have a heavily planted 55g tank so this is not necessary.
Kim Brinch
Kim Brinch - 11 years ago
Thanks for a great video Joey, keep them coming :)
Andy Milliner
Andy Milliner - 11 years ago
You can use red LEDs and it will make it grow like crazy

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