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× Get 100's of FREE Video Templates, Music, Footage and More at Motion Array: Get this here: The Aquarium In Slow Motion 3 stock video is a great piece of video that contains small fresh water tropical fish swimming inside of a home aquarium. You can use this...


41 Laura Street Merrylands

0 likes 0 views 6 years ago

× If you're looking for an exemplary residence that delivers the ultimate in opulent living, then 41 Laura Street must be at the top of your list. Completed to the highest standards in solid full-brick construction, this uniquely presented five bedroom family home with bonus self-contained studio delivers everything you need plus a whole lot more. The...


World of Plankton Touch Pool

0 likes 0 views 6 years ago

× At the confluence of game design, art, and science is The World of Plankton, a virtual touch-pool aquarium that explains the role of plankton in freshwater ecology. In an installation at the ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, The World of Plankton allows up to four players to gather around a giant digital touch table to capture and explore...


Cichlids of Lake Malawi Trailer

0 likes 0 views 7 years ago

× Ever wondered where fresh-water aquarium fish actually come from? If they're cichlids, chances are good they're originally from Lake Malawi, one of the most important breeding grounds for these fish. Cichlids are also experts at adapting to the most micro of environments and the've got some truly unique habits to help them survive. In this new HD...


Aquarium Fish Room Tour of ALL OUR Tanks

37 likes 4,160 views 7 years ago

× Aquarium Fish Room Tour of ALL OUR Tanks 🐟 Monster Cichlids & Aquascapes 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟 Today we finally show everyone a fish room tour of all our current aquarium setups. It's long overdue some may say but we hope you enjoy getting an update on all of our fish tanks as well as a tour of our new aquascape projects. We start off our...


Blue Realm: Lions of the Deep

0 likes 0 views 7 years ago

× Since the 1970's, sea lion populations have declined more than 80% along the North Pacific coast. Scientists at the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver Aquarium are working together to help save Canada’s iconic and largest pinniped – the stellar sea lion. To help understand why their numbers are dropping, researchers work with the highly...
× Robert Cameron, PhD Biofilters such as living roofs, living walls, and constructed wetlands have many applications for the outdoor built environment. Opportunities for indoor applications exist but require special considerations. Dr. Robert D. Cameron has designed and constructed exterior and interior biofilters for many applications on several...
× My Aquarium Box Freshwater March 2017 Unboxing: A brief look at what is in the Marchs box for all those interested. For $24.99 freshwater and/or $29.99 saltwater each month you will receive a box. Thanks for watching! Get it here:

Most popular in Freshwater

× large aquarium aquatic fish and plant life under the sea views.2 Park "Marine life" Aquarium, situated in Singapore, on the island of Sentosa, which is now taken into consideration the biggest around the world. The park was opened up on 22 November 2012. Contain two parts: the oceanarium SEA Aquarium as well as water park Adventure Cove Waterpark....
× Das Müritzeum versteht sich als das Schaufenster des Müritz-Nationalparks. Es zeigt Einblicke in die Lebensräume Wald, Wasser, Moor und Luft. Erleben Sie Deutschlands größtes Aquarium für heimische Süßwasserfische. Erkunden Sie den Müritz-Nationalpark aus der Vogelperspektive, begegnen Sie 1000-jährigen Baumgiganten, nehmen Sie die Eiszeit unter die...


Monterey Bay Aquarium by Morgan Rees

0 likes 0 views 11 years ago

× Join Morgan Rees in watching this video on the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was founded in 1984 and is located on the Pacific Ocean shoreline in Monterey,California. It has an annual attendance of 1.8 million visitors. It holds thousands of plants and animals, representing more than 600 species on display. The aquarium benefits from a high circulation...


CineMarine - Sea For Yourself

0 likes 0 views 11 years ago

× CineMarine brings the full, underwater 3D experience, of an in home aquarium, to life. Learn how to take your marine or fresh water aquarium to new depths . . with the CineMarine 3D aquarium kit.
× Robert Cameron, PhD Biofilters such as living roofs, living walls, and constructed wetlands have many applications for the outdoor built environment. Opportunities for indoor applications exist but require special considerations. Dr. Robert D. Cameron has designed and constructed exterior and interior biofilters for many applications on several...

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