Recent in Science & Technology

× In this video I will watch you you, yess youuu... how to make aquarium from plastic bottles used soft drinks. Many ways of processing plastic bottles become useful and useful items for our lives, and this is done to reduce plastic bottle waste. The materials used for the manufacture of this aquarium are: - plastic bottles - Fire fire - glue -...

Science & Technology


0 likes 3,588 views 7 years ago

× Come fare una trappola di pesce in 30 secondi ___ Benvenuti al mio canale romanursu Italian dove potrete imparare come manualmente costruire dell’artigianato, regali e giocattoli ect. La cosa più importante è che si può fare a casa e con le proprie mani. Vi interessate per il lavoro manuale, artigianato, o semplicemente non avete niente di meglio...
× beginilah cara merawat aquascape
× How to build a fish pond with plastic sheets. how to start small scale fish farm | Step by step procedures for building a fish tank in backyard. Moodayil Fish farm Ernakulam Building a fish pond with plastic sheet is little harder but low cost. A 200 Gsm silpaulin sheet can last upto 7 years. so its preferable for a artificial fish pond. Here in...
× Galiff Street Pet Market is a pet lover’s paradise. Located in North Kolkata at stone’s throw distance from the Shyambazar 5 point crossing off B T Road. Originally developed at Hatibagan in North Kolkata the market was shifted to Galiff Street due to space constraints. This is the oldest pet market of west bengal and one of the oldest in India. The...
× Mini paludarium setup, with final results. Update here:

Science & Technology

Nano reef 30 L

404 likes 160,930 views 10 years ago

× Mi pequeño acuario marino de 30 litros cuenta ya con casi 3 años de existencia y cada dia esta más interesante, los corales han crecido muchisimo desde que los meti como pequeños esquejes, los peces estan bien aclimatados y todo funciona perfectamente, hace más de un año que elimine el skimer y solo funciona con una pequeña bomba de movimiento de...
× Haciendo ecoesferas y miniestanques de observación y facil mantenimiento...
× 1º Capitulo de la serie de TVE Biobricolaje, incluye entrevista en plató sobre los contenidos e udeas de la serie completa.

Most popular in Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Til-Aqua Natural Male Tilapia Hatchery

4,367 likes 2,809,403 views 14 years ago

× Til-Aqua International is specialized in producing All Male Tilapia WITHOUT the use of hormones. The so-called Super Male Technology. Worldwide sales of these NMT and the special brood stock producing these NMT. Specialist in Red Tilapia (pure O. niloticus). All Male Tilapia - without hormones: - No hormones in consumption fish - No daily...
× Come fare una trappola di pesce in 30 secondi ___ Benvenuti al mio canale romanursu Italian dove potrete imparare come manualmente costruire dell’artigianato, regali e giocattoli ect. La cosa più importante è che si può fare a casa e con le proprie mani. Vi interessate per il lavoro manuale, artigianato, o semplicemente non avete niente di meglio...
× How to build a fish pond with plastic sheets. how to start small scale fish farm | Step by step procedures for building a fish tank in backyard. Moodayil Fish farm Ernakulam Building a fish pond with plastic sheet is little harder but low cost. A 200 Gsm silpaulin sheet can last upto 7 years. so its preferable for a artificial fish pond. Here in...
× Galiff Street Pet Market is a pet lover’s paradise. Located in North Kolkata at stone’s throw distance from the Shyambazar 5 point crossing off B T Road. Originally developed at Hatibagan in North Kolkata the market was shifted to Galiff Street due to space constraints. This is the oldest pet market of west bengal and one of the oldest in India. The...
× In this video I will watch you you, yess youuu... how to make aquarium from plastic bottles used soft drinks. Many ways of processing plastic bottles become useful and useful items for our lives, and this is done to reduce plastic bottle waste. The materials used for the manufacture of this aquarium are: - plastic bottles - Fire fire - glue -...
× 1º Capitulo de la serie de TVE Biobricolaje, incluye entrevista en plató sobre los contenidos e udeas de la serie completa.
× Haciendo ecoesferas y miniestanques de observación y facil mantenimiento...

Science & Technology

Nano reef 30 L

404 likes 160,930 views 10 years ago

× Mi pequeño acuario marino de 30 litros cuenta ya con casi 3 años de existencia y cada dia esta más interesante, los corales han crecido muchisimo desde que los meti como pequeños esquejes, los peces estan bien aclimatados y todo funciona perfectamente, hace más de un año que elimine el skimer y solo funciona con una pequeña bomba de movimiento de...
× Mini paludarium setup, with final results. Update here:

Science & Technology

Der Wahnsinn.

54 likes 23,298 views 12 years ago

× Ich habe vor nichtmal zwei Wochen ein paar Tomaten, Salat und eine Paprika umgetopft und lasse diese unter einer Kombination aus roten, blauen und weißen LEDs wachsen. Heute war ich regelrecht schockiert darüber, dass vor allem unter den weißen LEDs die Wurzeln regelrecht unten aus dem Topf schießen.
× beginilah cara merawat aquascape

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