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16 Litros total, com Betta, Lebiste, 2 Platy, 4,Coridora, 3 Paulistinha, 5 Tanicts.
Substrato 1/3 pedra de rio, 1/3 basalto, 1/3 dolomita.
Plantas cabomba, sigonio, alface d'água, ludwigia.
Ração spirulina, shaimp, bottom fish, Betta pellets terra e Alcon.
Filtro tipo sump circulando a metade do volume de água com bomba de 250l/h.
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Here's a short video showing my Corydoras coriatae tank, plus some details about their recent spawnings and how I'm recovering the eggs and raising the fry. There are also some fry of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus in the video, and there might be fry from Corydoras C089 (which share a tank with the Aspidoras). I know my Aspidoras have spawned, but I don't...
I visited Sergeant Tank when I spoke in Michigan last month. It was great to hang out and finally see his fish room as I had only see it through his videos. Lots of cool tips and tricks in this one. Make sure you check out his channel.
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Most popular in Coridoras
I had such a great time hanging out with Eric Bodrock of Alloddballaquatics. Eric has a lot of experience breeding rare plecos and corydoras. As you can see in the video, he seems to be able to spawn almost anything he touches! A true master breeder with tons of good tips. He is breeding Zebra Plecos, Leopard Frog Plecos, Queen Arabesque Plecos, L333...
Aquarium Fish Unboxing. Rare Plecos, Puffer Fish, Corydoras, Cardinal Tetras, and Rice Fish. L264 Sultan Plecos, L190 Roytal Plecos, Pinestripe Panaque, Schoudenti Puffer, Mbu Puffers, Pea Puffers. Sterbai Corydoras, Julii Corydoras, Kuhli Loaches, Reticulated Hillstream Loaches, Japanese Rice fish and a lot more.
Here is our previous unboxing video:...
My top 5 Bottom Dweller Freshwater fish. Catfish, loaches, geophagus, shrimp, and Corydoras!
A requested video. Top 5 Nano Fish. Our list includes Pea puffers, Gold White clouds, Exclamation point rasboras, pygmy corydoras and brigittae rasboras. Nano aquarium fish have become very popular. Everyone needs a nano fish tank.
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Fish Unboxing that is a collection of a shipment coming into my retail store. As well as other things like Gold Nugget plecos and cardinal plecos, corydoras etc.
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Fish Room Tours:
Filmed in October 2007 at near Manaus city Brazil.
This is not the only way, but this is the way I do it. In this video I am showing how to breed and raise Cory Catfish from eggs to young adults. The Corydoras that I mainly used for this video are Albino. I currently have 3 types of Cory Catfish: Three- Lined (Corydoras Trilineatus), Peppered (Corydoras Paleatus) , and Albino (Corydoras Aeneus). I...
I visited Sergeant Tank when I spoke in Michigan last month. It was great to hang out and finally see his fish room as I had only see it through his videos. Lots of cool tips and tricks in this one. Make sure you check out his channel.
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Hi Everyone!
In this video I explain that I'm starting a new fish care series called 5 minute fish facts in which I try to give a lot of facts about one type of fish in less than 5 minutes. I'n this video I talk about Cory cats or Corydoras Catfish.
cory catfish corycatfish corydoras pygmy how to care for keep look after fish aquarium fish...
Thank you so much to Eric and Cataclysm for letting us record this so we could all share it with you. Please consider attending the next Cataclysm so you can see all of the amazing talks. Also contact Eric at to book him to speak at your local club.
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Corydoras Barbatus Eggs and Japanese Rice Fish Eggs. With a throw back to the old Fish Room Update series. It's a long one so grab your lunch.
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Mais um vídeo da série “Minha Fauna”. Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre as carismáticas Corydoras!
Wiggly, durable, and versatile, salt and pepper cories are an exceptional addition to a planted community tank of many sizes. One of my all time favorites, they will always have a place in my fish room.
Corydoras habrosus- “salt and pepper dwarf cory”
pH: 5.5-7.5
Pez Corydora, Corydora bronce, gato bronce, corydora albina (en su forma albina). Coridora, coridoras, coridora golden. Nótese que la forma correcta para el singular es Corydoras y que además el género es masculino (así, se dice “un Corydoras” y no “una corydora” o “una coridora”.)
En muchas ocasiones se ha usado el...
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Soltando peixes no lago
Here is a look at the fish room of a successful breeder of Corydoras and other armored catfish.
Some part of my Corydoras panda eating tablet food.
The albino cory cat is an amazing addition to any south american aquarium. The cory cats like to school in a group of six or more. These cat fish come from the amazon river and tributaries. water temperature should be in the mid to high 70's. The most important feature of a cory cat are its barbs or whiskers. They use their barbs to shift through the...
16 Gallon nano aquatic scape housing Corydoras pygmaeus, Boraras brigittae (Chili Rasboras), RCS, Ramshorn snails & Assassin snails.
I caught Orange Laser Corydoras spawning on video! Awesome! Worked all day on my fish room build. Be sure to check back often for fish room updates.
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Abre esto, es importante
En este vídeo hablamos de los posibles tapizados que podemos realizar teniendo Ancistrus y Coridoras. Hablamos de las plantas mas fáciles y más difíciles para tapizar.
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I thought it would be fun to share how I raise my cories from egg, fry to adult. I have done this successfully before with Bronze Cories. I will show you my method for doing it with peppered cories.
It is not a hard process if you follow the events in the video.
Some tips are:
1. Maintain excellent water quality. Replace fry container water with...
3ft, mainly corydoras with a few dither fish. The small container contains a few sterbai and metae fry :)
There are dozens of known species of Corydoras or Cory catfish. these beloved little scavengers seem to find a home in our aquariums, whether they are huge hobbyist tanks or the 10 gallon set-up in the grandkids' bedroom. In this Fincast, John explores our need as humans to collect things including rare fish like the veil finned Cory cats he...
***watch in HD***
Added 2 albino and 2 peppered corydora catfish to the betta tank. They are living peacefully together.So far my betta ( siamese fighting fish ) haven't shown any aggression towards them
O Corydora paleatus é totalmente indicado para aquaristas iniciantes, visto sua estrema resistência o que lhes permitem tolerar bem aos erros cometidos pelos aquaristas. Também são indicados para aquários comunitários tendo em vista sua beleza e sociabilidade, pois são peixes muito pacíficos e quando se sentem seguros e confiantes, ficam vasculhando...
This is the method I use for breeding with Corydoras. The video is an example of the Corydoras black venezuela. It's the method I use, not the only one, but a method wich is succesful for me.
I use a seperate tank with only the breeding's much more difficult in a community tank, because the eggs will be eaten - if not by the corydoras -...
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Realizamos vídeos de promocionales de canales pequeños que consideremos que son merecedores de ello. Espero que te guste el formato. SI tienes algún canal propuesto para el próximo vídeo lo puedes dejar en la descripción!
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Coletei direto da natureza, porque com o tempo vou ter que repor por causa da sifonagem que retira o cascalho fino tbm, e por ser próximo de casa fica mas fácil de repor sendo o mesmo cascalho e sem custo nenhum o que é melhor ainda, e assim o meu Aqua ficando cada vez mas próximo da NATUREZA ...
In this video you will see me set up my new tank to breed sterbai corydoras catfish. I talk about the tank I used, the substrate, the lighting, and more. I also reveal a very special surprise! Enjoy the video!
Sashimi Whiskey-
120 cm(L)X 60 cm(W)X 45 cm(H)
Rummy-nose Tetra
Crossocheilus reticulatus
Malabar pufferfish
Cory Cat Care
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Intro Music: Electro - Swing || Jamie Berry Ft. Octavia Rose - Delight
Creator: Me
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Addition of 8x c. eques - these lovely cories swim effortlessly in my tank and other members swim together with them, too!
fish spotlight on the corydoras super schwartzi, one of the most majestic and highly sought after cories.
max length: 3"
temp: 78-82f
ph: 6-7
gh: 3-5dh
they develop an elongated high dorsal fin that sets them apart from all the rest!
I have 11 Aquariums right now, and this is one of my favourites! Easy to maintaine because of the huge pothos plant and the really big microsorum plants in the tank.
Links to moe of my videos below.
Unboxing Videos:
Long Fishroom videos:...
This is my 60x30x36cm acrylic set-up. It was set up on the 16th of October 2012 and is currently a month and a bit old. I just added the Corys yesterday but they're already behaving like they've been in there all their life. Looking to add more of each species in the near future. This is my first planted aquarium....
corydoras sp. zebrina
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These vulcan corydoras are dead.
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