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Il pesce più GRANDE che abbia MAI PRESO! -...

1,039 likes 152,277 views 7 years ago

× Belle emozioni al lago dei Cedri (Pedaso, FM) con una delle tecniche a mio avviso più divertenti: la pesca a mosca alle carpe. Dopo aver preso qualche carpa sui 4-5 kg ecco che, nonostante si sia alzato un vento di tempesta improvviso, riesco a ferrare un MOSTRO. Guardate in HD, mettete un like, iscrivetevi e COMMENTATE! GoPro Hero4 Black. Luglio 2017.


Kayak Fishing Arowana Topwater Saratoga...

307 likes 52,020 views 9 years ago

× I'm very happy with this episode. All Saratoga or Arowana as they are known globally were caught on Surface lures or topwater lures fished from my Bass kayak. I caught heaps of big Saratoga that look and act just like Arowana. Catching them on topwater baits like Kokoda Bat, a cicada chitter bug style lure, also catch them on river 2 sea soft...


First Aquascape

5 likes 2,743 views 11 years ago

× Tank 30L Light: 11W Plants: Microsorum, Anubia nana, lilaeposis, java moss Fish: 4 Guppy, 1 gastromyzon, 8 caridina red cherry Music: sigur ros


6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

4,701 likes 2,559,862 views 11 years ago

× After catching a huge hammerhead, we went out to catch some tarpon. Reed was the first angler to catch a tarpon. The fish was bigger than him! He is only 6 years old! I was very impressed on how he handled and fought the tarpon. His tarpon weighed over 100lbs! GEAR USED: Bait Used --- Mullet Hook --- 7/0 Eagle Claw circle hook Leader --- 60lb...
× شرح عمل نافورة بطريقة سهلة ومبسطة في اقل من ساعة لمشاهدة المزيد من مقاطع الفيديو واعمال احمد العزاني تفضل بزيارة الموقع الرسمي اوعلى تويتر AAlazzani@ انستقرام AlazzaniAhmed@

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6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

4,701 likes 2,559,862 views 11 years ago

× After catching a huge hammerhead, we went out to catch some tarpon. Reed was the first angler to catch a tarpon. The fish was bigger than him! He is only 6 years old! I was very impressed on how he handled and fought the tarpon. His tarpon weighed over 100lbs! GEAR USED: Bait Used --- Mullet Hook --- 7/0 Eagle Claw circle hook Leader --- 60lb...
× شرح عمل نافورة بطريقة سهلة ومبسطة في اقل من ساعة لمشاهدة المزيد من مقاطع الفيديو واعمال احمد العزاني تفضل بزيارة الموقع الرسمي اوعلى تويتر AAlazzani@ انستقرام AlazzaniAhmed@


Il pesce più GRANDE che abbia MAI PRESO! -...

1,039 likes 152,277 views 7 years ago

× Belle emozioni al lago dei Cedri (Pedaso, FM) con una delle tecniche a mio avviso più divertenti: la pesca a mosca alle carpe. Dopo aver preso qualche carpa sui 4-5 kg ecco che, nonostante si sia alzato un vento di tempesta improvviso, riesco a ferrare un MOSTRO. Guardate in HD, mettete un like, iscrivetevi e COMMENTATE! GoPro Hero4 Black. Luglio 2017.


Kayak Fishing Arowana Topwater Saratoga...

307 likes 52,020 views 9 years ago

× I'm very happy with this episode. All Saratoga or Arowana as they are known globally were caught on Surface lures or topwater lures fished from my Bass kayak. I caught heaps of big Saratoga that look and act just like Arowana. Catching them on topwater baits like Kokoda Bat, a cicada chitter bug style lure, also catch them on river 2 sea soft...


First Aquascape

5 likes 2,743 views 11 years ago

× Tank 30L Light: 11W Plants: Microsorum, Anubia nana, lilaeposis, java moss Fish: 4 Guppy, 1 gastromyzon, 8 caridina red cherry Music: sigur ros

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