Hier beschreibe ich euch wie ich mein Nano - Becken einrichte. Gerne könnt ihr mitmachen, oder euch auch Anregungen holen, Viel spass
Pflanzen: http://www.amazon.de/Wasserflora-Rubinrote-Ludwigie-Ludwigia-repens/dp/B008TQ00ZW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1454083338&sr=8-1&keywords=wasserflora
Scaping - Set:...
Menemukan ikan terbaik yang sesuai dengan aquascape merupakan tantangan tersendiri. Berikut ini adalah 5 pilihan ikan terbaik yang sering digunakan dari waktu ke waktu oleh para profesional maupun hanya sekedar penghobi di dunia aquascaping.
Ingin tau tentang ikan dan aquascaping, kunjungi saja http://duniaair.com
The xl tanks of the international aquascaping competition "The Art of the Planted Aquarium" 2014. The results are on a high level although many of the participants are newcomers. The winner Florian Neumann created an aquascape for the second time in his life.
In all 3 videos about the contest
Part 1: about the event...
Quick maintenance and update about 'The Island'. I have changed the sand over for more natural looking one, Fiji sand. White sand looked good on day one and never since.. I had to constantly siphon layers after layers to get it cleaned and in the end I gave up :) Also fish looked washed out every time they got close to the bottom.
If you want to...
This aquascape gets it's inspiration from a trip to Iceland one of our team members back in March. One of the regions he visited was Vik, Iceland, famous for it's basalt formations on their black sand beaches.
Although we chose to forego the use of black sand, the natural formations of the Seiryu stone do a good job in mimicking the details of the...
Garnelen Kescher: http://amzn.to/2wUyDNf *
Selektierpfeife für Garnelen: http://amzn.to/2w8hx1L *
Futterrohr aus Glas: http://amzn.to/2piRYrI *
Futterschale aus Glas: http://amzn.to/2pyCvzu *
Dennerle Shrimp King Color: http://amzn.to/2r0VJz9 *
Heute will ich dir meine 4 Must Have Tools zur Garnelenpflege vorstellen. Diese Werkzeuge helfen mir,...
I've been doing some aquascaping today and decided to share what I was doing..Added some Manzanita driftwood..It does float initially and needs to be held down somwhow..I just used rocks to wedge the wood in place..it's the quickest way..Within a couple weeks the wood will be waterlogger and sink..The Manzanita wood I sell is ready to go right from...
Première présentation d'un bac de 50L en Aquascaping avec un pro du domaine, vous pourrez suivre toutes les étapes de ce montage avec toute les explication du pro
Une occasion également de poser des questions en directe à l'aide du Tchat attaché a ce live
Aquascape Indonesia Lebih Kreatif
Negara Indonesia dengan potensi Alam yang melimpah, masyarakat Indonesia pun sudah semakin kreatif dalam banyak hal salah satunya adalah membuat aquascape.
Here is a tank which is in the "easy" category in terms of aquatic plant growth. No CO2 has been used and this tank is 90 days old. Success is possible with quality plants, good fertilisers and the right plant choice. For more info visit www.tropica.com and www.ukaps.org
Wir präsentieren: Scaper's Tank - Das neue Aquascaping-Aquarium von Dennerle.
Durch seine besonderen Maße (45 x 31 x 36 cm -BxHxT) läßt sich damit eine beeindruckende Tiefenwirkung erzielen.
Scaper's Flow -
Ein Hang-On-Filter - einzigartig in Funktion (Lily-Pipe, etc.) und Kompaktheit
Scaper's Light -
24 Watt, 8000 Kelvin: strahlend helles, klares...
I number the plants and show a corresponding list of plant names. Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below.
Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below....
this is my juwel vision 260 L oriental inspired aquarium. I have a internal filter along with a fulval 405 the external filter. I'm currently maturing the filter with four shubunkins then I'm going to stock 15 orandas.
Volker Jochum ist einer der besten Unterwasser-Gärtner Europas. Er gestaltet edle Ziergärten für Aquarien. "Aquascaping" heißt diese kunstvolle Technik. Erfunden wurde diese Art der Aquarien-Verschönerung in den 90er Jahren in Japan. Doch auch in Europa hat sich mittlerweile eine Aquascaping-Szene entwickelt. Lesen Sie weiter unter:...
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV
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PAGE: http://definiteaquascape.tv
Several planted aquariums displayed at the booth of the Dennerle company during Heimtiermesse 2013 in Hannover, Germany. Altogether 8 aquariums were displayed, four NanoCubes, two Scaper's Tanks, and 2...
FAN PAGE:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Acuariotvcom/410349585706530
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Gimana para scaper sudah bisa membuat air terjun di aquascape belum? ayo belajar bersama cara membuat air terjun di aquarium
batu gung ddepan, belakang WF itu batu koral camper semen truzz d cat merah + itam Air Terjun Aquascape Terindah
this contest is about aquascaping at JCC ( jakarta cenayan central )
song "The Eagles - Hotel California - Fingerstyle Guitar"
photos by "Dick Antonio"
event " Aquajaya Challenge "
Indonesia United
http://www.aquascapeinc.com - Aquascape presents our new 2012 Create a Paradise video featuring inspirational footage of some of the most beautiful water features in North America. In this segment, we bring you to the wonderful world of lighting. With today's busy lifestyle, it can be difficult to enjoy your pond during the day. Underwater lights...
A planted 2 m aquarium is decorated with tigers and gorillas. More residents are scalars and jewel tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques).
What do you think? Is it aquascaping or not?
The 240 has been feeling a little neglected after the 150 got it's shrimp, so let's check in on the beast!
Walstads book: http://amzn.to/2ycEl0k
Stratum: http://amzn.to/2yDh60r
Camera: http://amzn.to/2gaalvg