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16 Litros total, com Betta, Lebiste, 2 Platy, 4,Coridora, 3 Paulistinha, 5 Tanicts.
Substrato 1/3 pedra de rio, 1/3 basalto, 1/3 dolomita.
Plantas cabomba, sigonio, alface d'água, ludwigia.
Ração spirulina, shaimp, bottom fish, Betta pellets terra e Alcon.
Filtro tipo sump circulando a metade do volume de água com bomba de 250l/h.
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Here's a short video showing my Corydoras coriatae tank, plus some details about their recent spawnings and how I'm recovering the eggs and raising the fry. There are also some fry of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus in the video, and there might be fry from Corydoras C089 (which share a tank with the Aspidoras). I know my Aspidoras have spawned, but I don't...
I visited Sergeant Tank when I spoke in Michigan last month. It was great to hang out and finally see his fish room as I had only see it through his videos. Lots of cool tips and tricks in this one. Make sure you check out his channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCWen-q--FO6kap1UZXGt8A
Our Website: http://www.aquariumcoop.com
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GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
🔵GT: SC⚪️⚪️PLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
ITS PLAY TIME GUYS! Message Scoople on xbox live for an invite
Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
TRACKER: FFA https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=10381
GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
🔴GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
Acuario con escalares, coridoras enanas y albinas, todo muy colorido como podreis ver en el video, el filtro es externo y va muy muy bien, tiene un aireador, termometro, iluminacion y calentador...
Aquário 30L, humus lavado, fervido, lavado de novo, peneirado, areia de construção lavada, fervida, lavada de novo, peneirada e seca, pedra de rio, por enquanto não é plantado, mas pretendo plantá-lo total.
en mi pecera de aproximadamente 4 galones con espacios distribuidos para que mis peces: corydora albino, coridora petracinii, tres tetra limon, guramy, platy blanco, dos molly uno macho otro hembra, un guppy hembra, un pez tigreton (no aparece en el video),y otros. EL CAMARON DEL ULTIMO VIDEO FUE SEPARADO DE LA PECERA DEBIDO A QUE SE PRESENTO UN...
Americki ciklidi : Nigrosi sa malcima, Nikaragvenzisi, Dzek dempsiji, Oskar i ekipa za ciscenje ancitrusi,koriji , plekostomus plus Helene
American cichlids:Nigrofasciatus, Niquaraguensis, Jack Dempsey,
Astronatus Ocealatus a.k. Oscar and cleaning crew ancistrus, coridoras,plecostomus + helena killer snails
Vídeozinho subaquático do meu aquário.
Configuração atual:
Aquário: 100x35x35 de 120 litros.
Substrato fértil MBreda e Basalto como camada inerte.
Luminária Boyu STB-100 - 2x20W
Filtro HF600 + HF300 com SIPORAX e 100ml de Purigen (Estou providenciando um Canister FVM com bomba de 1000L/H)
Termostato de 100W
Plantas LowTec,02 troncos de Aroeira,...