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16 Litros total, com Betta, Lebiste, 2 Platy, 4,Coridora, 3 Paulistinha, 5 Tanicts.
Substrato 1/3 pedra de rio, 1/3 basalto, 1/3 dolomita.
Plantas cabomba, sigonio, alface d'água, ludwigia.
Ração spirulina, shaimp, bottom fish, Betta pellets terra e Alcon.
Filtro tipo sump circulando a metade do volume de água com bomba de 250l/h.
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Here's a short video showing my Corydoras coriatae tank, plus some details about their recent spawnings and how I'm recovering the eggs and raising the fry. There are also some fry of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus in the video, and there might be fry from Corydoras C089 (which share a tank with the Aspidoras). I know my Aspidoras have spawned, but I don't...
I visited Sergeant Tank when I spoke in Michigan last month. It was great to hang out and finally see his fish room as I had only see it through his videos. Lots of cool tips and tricks in this one. Make sure you check out his channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCWen-q--FO6kap1UZXGt8A
Our Website: http://www.aquariumcoop.com
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Watch me feed my Albino Corydoras sinking fish food from New Life Spectrum. You can observe their foraging behavior. :)
Follow Nicolas' Aquariums on:
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This is my former home tank with a Black Arowana & Discus fish wich I had to sell once I knew that I was going on my trip to Suriname.
The aquarium contains 10 Discus fish from Wayne Ng. Wayne Ng is a great breeder from Hong Kong. Besides the discus it contained a wild caught Amazonian Black Arowana, a school of Mikrogeophagus Altisipinosa and...
Some of my cory sterbai, there part of a breeding group, shame I didn't catch them spawning, at the end of the clip, there are a couple of young killifish swimming by gardeni variety.
I did a quick Monday video since I had my phone handy and noticed new Cory eggs on the glass. Cory cats will lay eggs in random locations. Usually aquarium glass, tank ornaments of even on plants. The key is to get them out as soon as you are them and get them into a tumbler because the adult fish will egg them! I just use a cup of ages aquarium...
Os presento un nuevo canal de acuariofilia donde aprenderemos desde lo más básico a lo más avanzado. Subscribiros, dale a like, comenta y no olvidéis de compartirlo!!!!
Cualquier duda: acuariosesp@gmail.com
Acuario, acuariofilia, guppy, agua dulce, agua...
This a video on the essentials for keeping aquatic turtles and cory catfish. I hope it benefits someone out there. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
I moved my Peppered Cory from my Pea Puffer Tank to my Living Room Tank a day ago, and already I have eggs in this 10 gallon freshwater planted tank.
Here's a short video of my 2 footer. The highlight of the tank would be my shoal of Peppered Corys, the first Corys i've ever kept. You'll notice that i have other fishes inside the tank. There is absolutely no aggression between any of the fishes. They're fed a healthy dose of Hikari Cichlid Gold once in the morning and just before i go to bed. And...
Coridora Pimenta (Corydoras Paleatus)
Tamanho Max 6,0 Cm
PH: 6,0~8-0
Temperatura : 18~23 °C
Litros Min: 20 L (lembrando quando colocado em aquários grandes eles sempre ficam em cardumes, no caso pode considerar 10 litros para cada nesse caso)
Edição de Imagens: Lissiany Oliveira
Realização Assessoria de Comunicação da Polícia Civil/RN
Ein Blick in mein 200 Liter Aquarium - Fütterung der Antennenwelse - auch die Panzerwelse und Apfelschnecken wollen etwas abhaben, sogar die Turmdeckelschnecken.
Look in my 53 gallon Fish tank.
Feeding my Bristlenose catfishes
Bronze catfish
Apple snails
Trumpet Snail
Blaue Antennenwelse ancistrus dolichopterus Bristlenose...
Panda Corydoras need high protein food, and like all other fish, a varied diet. My Corys have a mixture of high protein pellets, a long with left over fish flake, and micro pellets that my other fish have left over, and also some shrimp pellets and frozen blood worms.
Check out my Aquarium blog site: http://kierans.fish
Eles nunca brigam. Só o betta que as vezes tenta intimidar a colisa, mas ela nem dá bola. Na verdade é ele que sai do caminho quando ela tá passando. Agora.. Os dois implicam com a coridora.
Enter the aquarium with my sterbai, julii, and green corydoras, red cherry shrimp, and black neon tetras. Plants seen: crypt, anubias, java moss, marimo moss ball, and hair grass.
Song: "Tara" by The Sushi Club
I keep sterbai, juli, and salt and pepper corydora catfish in my 55 gallon tank with angelfish, rosy barbs, and otocinclus. The tank is very peaceful. Ive had my sterbai cory for over 3 years now and he is going strong.