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16 Litros total, com Betta, Lebiste, 2 Platy, 4,Coridora, 3 Paulistinha, 5 Tanicts.
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Here's a short video showing my Corydoras coriatae tank, plus some details about their recent spawnings and how I'm recovering the eggs and raising the fry. There are also some fry of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus in the video, and there might be fry from Corydoras C089 (which share a tank with the Aspidoras). I know my Aspidoras have spawned, but I don't...
I visited Sergeant Tank when I spoke in Michigan last month. It was great to hang out and finally see his fish room as I had only see it through his videos. Lots of cool tips and tricks in this one. Make sure you check out his channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCWen-q--FO6kap1UZXGt8A
Our Website: http://www.aquariumcoop.com
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🔵GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
GT: SCOOPLE* Subscribe and join in the fun. Invite 6+ players to start Custom Games
➤DROPSWORD https://youtu.be/phRNKJkRWok?t=15983
➤Plasmactic Slayer Frist game played. https://youtu.be/k1_pcikmLlI?t=146
➤THE WHEEL: Ramdom Slayer https://youtu.be/U3UG4qD06uQ?t=2049
➤Q-BIX: King of the hall https://youtu.be/qDKJe5V73kk?t=9582
En este video podéis observar a mis corydoras pimienta comiendo una pastilla de fondo, así como a un montón de gambas red cherry que se reproducen rapidísimo. De hecho, se puede ver como una de las gambas esta cargada de huevos.
Here's a short video showing my Corydoras coriatae tank, plus some details about their recent spawnings and how I'm recovering the eggs and raising the fry. There are also some fry of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus in the video, and there might be fry from Corydoras C089 (which share a tank with the Aspidoras). I know my Aspidoras have spawned, but I don't...
Corydoras Similis, Corydoras Sterbai, Nannostomus Beckfordi, Apistogramma Erythrura and Otocinclus
Music credit : Martin Musaubach - Blues for Labrusca
◇前の動画/Previous Video
コリドラス水槽をつくろう!/Setting up a Corydoras Tank Part 1
コリドラス水槽をつくろう!!/Setting up a Corydoras Tank Part 2
BGM: MusMus様
Vídeo gravado do meu aquário em casa...Setup: 120x30x50; Layout amazônico, peixes 7 acarás disco (2 de 15cm, 4 de 18cm e 1 de 4cm), 2 coridoras e 3 tetras-negro e 2 rosas, várias ampulárias e camarão.
Meu primeiro aquário e seus primeiros habitantes, 4 coridoras bronze (Corydora aeneus), capturadas no Córrego que corta a cidade de Tangará da Serra, MT
via Capture YouTube