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8 week old (new) aquascape!

0 likes 2,934 views 7 years ago

× 8 weeks in!! Really proud of this. Fish are all doing fantastic, I added the 8 baby guppies in, they are big enough and LOVE it in here. All the shrimp are super busy and happy. More info below..... 15 gallon Fluval Flex UV sterilizer ADA products No Co2 Inhabitants: 8 baby purple cobra guppies 2 longfin guppies 1 lemon cobra guppy 1 pearl danio 1...

Pets & Animals

2.5 Gallon Aquascape

0 likes 2,530 views 7 years ago

× Scaping my 2.5 gallon aquarium. Equipment: AZOO Mignon filter 60 Hardscape: Malaysian driftwood Plants: Rotala rotundifolia 'green' Alternanthera reineckii 'mini' Staurogyne repens Anubias barteri var. nana 'petite' If you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe!

Pets & Animals


21 likes 2,893 views 7 years ago

× New aquascape of my 20 gallon fish aquarium. Dutch style aquascape. I know it isn't EXACTLY Dutch (yet), but give me time :) Equipment/Plants (Listed in my PlantedTank thread): Discord: Welcome fish people to...
× An amateur aquascaping video of my new setup. ...................................................................................... "Sweet", composed and performed by Bensound from Gentle folk-pop acoustic music. The acoustic guitars brings a Beautiful soft mood to the composition. Direct link:...
× I go over my redone aquascape for this tank as well as some possible new additions to it.

Pets & Animals

Sump On A Budget What Equipment I Use

50 likes 3,881 views 7 years ago

× It can be hard when building a sump on a budget. These are the choices for equipment I have made in building mine and they have served well for the 6 years I have been in the hobby. All the links to them on Amazon are down below. Equipment Clamp Light...
× A PERFECT AQUASCAPE (PART X) [colours of the autumn] Special Thanks to: Grygoriy Polishchuk → you would do me a favor, if you could visit his awesome channel:
× Aquamania
× Chris Roma finally setups up his auto water top off setup for his Shrimp Room / Fish Room. He Bought the float values and tees in bulk from at the cheapest he could find, so leaks are to be expected. However it turned out amazing. No more leaks and it is running perfecting. No more top offs for that shelve. Stuff in Fish / Shrimp Room: Shrimp:...

Pets & Animals


0 likes 1,874 views 7 years ago

× Tank kontes IAPLC 2017

Most popular in Pets & Animals

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1,310 likes 297,187 views 10 years ago

× [ADAview] THE MOVIE OF AQUA DESIGN AMANO [side:concept] -English sub. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In April 2014, ADA Special Movie was released coinciding with the distribution of the latest ADA Comprehensive Catalog. Part1 of the Movie introduces the concept of Nature Aquarium, product development policy,...

Pets & Animals

Dwarf Puffers- Small and Sassy!

1,303 likes 74,751 views 8 years ago

× Dwarf puffers are great little fish, but need a well structured tank to thrive. They take a range of parameters, and care should be taken with their stocking, as they can be a bit nippy. Adult size 1" pH 6.8-8 Temp 72-82 Diet: Small snails, crustaceans, or frozen/live/freeze dried worms

Pets & Animals

HOW TO setup a 20 Gallon Planted Aquarium

1,302 likes 113,348 views 8 years ago

× Since my previous tank cracked and was leaking.. I decided to go ahead and buy a new one. The tank that I got was the Aqueon 20 gallon tall and was pretty much the same exact tank size I had previously. The only difference is the black finish on the rim vs the previous brown one. I really wanted a rimless tank like my aquastyle 5 gal...BUT those...

Pets & Animals

Singapore River Safari (LARGEST Freshwater...

1,275 likes 297,912 views 11 years ago

× Please visit: AND subscribe to my youtube channel for updates :)

Pets & Animals

Layout 74 by Tropica

1,269 likes 279,269 views 12 years ago

× Symphony of light green Eleocharis parvula, Hottonia and Nymphoides with Microsorum 'Trident' and small stones with Spiky moss as a deep green contrast. The close, deep green wall of moss makes the overall impression soft and fertile, and it's actually not so hard to do (see video). The wall of moss also works as a "filter" inside the aquarium, since...

Pets & Animals

All Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species

1,248 likes 866,743 views 10 years ago

× We love aquairum tanks and we made a video about all freshwater aquairum fish species. Time of this video 39;09. You will see all freshwater fish species in this video. Subscribe: Species of freswater aquairum fish: 1 American Cichlids (Cichlasomas, acaras,angelfish, discuses and others) 00:07 2 Barbs...

Pets & Animals

Refilling our Bass Pond Expansion - Stocking...

1,233 likes 502,981 views 11 years ago

× One week after filling the new expansion to our bass pond, we returned to find that it did not hold water to the level of the original pond - it had lost at least 1.5 feet in depth. It took the entire weekend pumping water from a nearby stream using two pumps to restore the depth achieved the week before. I was expecting a certain amount of water...

Pets & Animals

Solar Thermal Geothermal large pond heating...

1,222 likes 282,530 views 10 years ago

× This simple water delivery solution to cold spells worked wonderful this year. The large koi fish were/are 10 years old introduced in 2002. They usually hide most of the time and were impossible to capture because the pond center approaches 15 feet deep.

Pets & Animals

Setting Up a 10-Gallon Aquarium : Aquariums &...

1,209 likes 347,914 views 11 years ago

× Subscribe Now: Watch More: Setting up a 10-gallon aquarium is something you can do on your own, but it does require you to follow a few important steps. Set up a 10-gallon aquarium with help from an aquarium professional in this free video clip. Expert: Paul...

Pets & Animals

Popular Fish For The Planted Aquarium -...

1,190 likes 218,938 views 9 years ago

× Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos...

Pets & Animals

Aquael NANOREEF - setting up a nano reef

1,134 likes 856,372 views 14 years ago

× Setting up a nano reef aquarium in few minutes. See how easy and fast you can enjoy having a small piece of tropical nature. Aquael NANOREEF aquarium sets are fully equipped in order to successfully maintain marine tank. The product line consists of four versions: 20 and 30 litres, both in black and white colour.
× Аквариумы на заказ: Подробнее смотрите на нашем сайте: Из этого видео Вы узнаете, как сделать бескаркасный аквариум своими руками и получите ответы на следующие вопросы: • Какое стекло выбрать для сборки аквариума?...

Pets & Animals

20L Dennerle Nano-Cube Einrichten - 5 Gallon...

1,120 likes 482,820 views 13 years ago

× 20L Dennerle Nanobecken Einrichten - The emergence

Pets & Animals

Aquarium Ideas - ZooExpo 2011, Warsaw

1,113 likes 720,925 views 13 years ago

× Like me on FACEBOOK: SUBSCRIBE to Bookmark my website: MORE INFO:

Pets & Animals

How to care for red cherry shrimp.

1,099 likes 300,725 views 13 years ago

× This is just an intro to red cherry shrimp. It covers some of the basics of keeping and breeding them. If you have any more questions feel free to let me know. I'll be adding more videos like about other plants, fish, and inverts. So if you like this video than subscribe, comment, or whatever. Enjoy :D

Pets & Animals


1,082 likes 238,684 views 10 years ago

× In der Natur existierende, aquatische Lebensräume möglichst exakt im Aquarium abzubilden, ist das Ziel der Biotop-Aquaristik. Die erste Frage, die sich stellt, ist eine ganz einfache: Wie sehen natürliche Biotope von Aquarienfischen überhaupt aus? Ziehen tatsächlich immer Schwärme von Salmlern durch einen Wald von Wasserpflanzen? Kann man ein Biotop...

Pets & Animals

Restocking the 240 Gallon Planted Tank with...

1,075 likes 140,535 views 8 years ago

× After six weeks of quarantine, the super red melon juvies and super red checkerboard pigeons are ready for the show tank. Related Videos: Building my 240 Gallon Fish Tank - A Closer Look at my 240 G Fish Tank -

Pets & Animals

How to Set Up A Freshwater Aquarium...

1,072 likes 634,261 views 16 years ago

× Our aquarium experts guide you step-by-step through how to set up a thriving freshwater aquarium! Shop Now: Looking for expert information on all types of pets? Visit
× Zapraszam do obejrzenia relacji na gorąco z wystawy The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2011 w Hanoverze. Gościliśmy tam z wizytą podziwiając konkursowe prace uczestników imprezy, w tym również reprezentantów z Polski, których prace moim zdaniem były bezdyskusyjnie na medal. Zapraszam serdecznie do obejrzenia filmów z wystawy Argus Akwarystyka - Salon...

Pets & Animals

How to set up beautiful nano aquarium | DIVERSA |

1,042 likes 450,423 views 12 years ago

× a guide to setting up a nano tank | poradnik jak założyć nano akwarium

Pets & Animals

Koi Pond | Carp Pond | Fish Pond | Koiteich |...

1,019 likes 374,184 views 13 years ago

× Videos und Bilder von unserem Koiteich der ein Schwimmteich Anschluss bekommt. Beim Baden im Schwimmteich, haben die Kois hier die Möglichkeit sich in ein separaten Koiteich zurück zu ziehen. Vielen Kois macht das baden der Menschen schon nach kurzer Zeit nichts mehr aus, und die Kois schwimmen neben einem her. Der obere Bereich vom Koiteich wird mit...

Pets & Animals

Basics of Maintaining a Fresh Water Planted...

1,002 likes 301,838 views 11 years ago

× Here's a kind of overview of maintaining a fresh water tank, which for many new hobbyists can be a bit of a nightmare. Things can go wrong rather rapidly and it's hard initially to get a handle on things. Fundamentally, I've found you need: frequent water changes, good lighting for plant growth, a good substrate for plant roots, good filtration...

Pets & Animals

Best Arowana Breeding Farm ( Aquarium fish)

991 likes 665,877 views 7 years ago

× Super breeding farm & arowa fish feed times Big arowana fish tanks looking thanks

Pets & Animals

Aquarium Installation, Beverly Hills

973 likes 580,032 views 14 years ago

× A 180 gallon saltwater "island" aquarium installed in the middle of a room in a Beverly Hills home.

Pets & Animals

My Paludarium

945 likes 214,563 views 12 years ago

× My naturalistic paludarium in a 75 gallon bow front tank. As well as many species of aquatic and terrestrial plants, it is home to Amano shrimp, White Cloud Minnows, Red Phantom Tetras, Dwarf African frogs and Fire Bellied newts, which all make appearances toward the end of the video. With thanks to Armands Končus for his inspiration and help:...

Pets & Animals

Construction 2600 litres Tanganyika

925 likes 163,283 views 9 years ago

× Water changes in your saltwater aquarium play a major role in the health of your reef tank. In today's episode of BRStv, we discuss ways to make changing the water easier so you do it more often. Let's face it, water changes are not the highlight of owning a reef tank. It can be time consuming, waiting for your RO system to...

Pets & Animals

Nature Aquarium Store!

818 likes 81,808 views 7 years ago

× Buy Plants Here! → Like Jacobs's Aquarium on FaceBook → Check Out My Instagram! → Tweet Me on Twitter! →

Pets & Animals

Another Paludarium Update

815 likes 157,788 views 10 years ago

× ....NEW scape change in the water feature.... innovating, adapting and modifying this AWESOME habitat.... Thanks to all my Subscribers & Friends..... Tank On!

Pets & Animals

Mancing Casting Dapet Ikan Arwana Besar

803 likes 902,861 views 9 years ago

× Mancing Casting Dapet Ikan Arwana Besar

Pets & Animals

Akwaria targów InterZoo 2012 - część 1

795 likes 420,443 views 12 years ago

× Polub mnie na FACEBOOKU, pomożesz mi w rozwoju mojej telewizji akwarystycznej :) Pierwsza część reportażu z targów InterZoo 2012 w Norymberdze w Niemczech. Mówiłem że będzie też polska wersja? ;P W filmie obejrzymy stoiska firm Sera, Hagen, AquaEl, Stoffels International, Schuran i Aquarium Systems/Newa....

Pets & Animals

Breeding Freshwater Angelfish

777 likes 306,072 views 15 years ago

× This is a video and photo journal of breeding my freshwater angelfish. This is just a little project I started and have documented along the way. Hope you enjoy!
× is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Mike's Killer Nano Reef: Elite Reef Featured on Denver Shop Tour:

Pets & Animals

HOW TO: Making a NANO Crystal Red Shrimp...

746 likes 201,695 views 8 years ago

× An update will come very soon showing how the plants have grown and which fish I add! Subscribe to keep up! This is an extremely simple aquascaped aquarium with only 2 types of carpeting plants. I used my custom CO2 setup to give the plants an extra growth boost so that I can show you guys an update soon! I haven't chosen which fish/shrimp I want to...

Pets & Animals

Einrichten (step by step) eines...

728 likes 157,022 views 10 years ago

× Alexander Krohn gehört inzwischen zur Topriege der deutschen Aquariengestalter. Sein Biotop-Paludarium bei der Panta Rhei wird später schwankende Wasserstände aufweisen wie in natürlichen Gewässern, ähnlich Hoch- und Niedrigwasser bei Regen- und Trockenzeit.

Pets & Animals

Top 10 Fresh Water Pet Fish

726 likes 233,738 views 8 years ago

× Brought back many memories making this video! This video includes footage of the top 10 fish that I've kept out of the 100's that I've housed in my aquariums! From dwarfs to monsters, aggressive bullies to schooling top 10! As Always, thank You all for watching, be sure to subscribe for more! Also, I'm expanding beyond YouTube; check out...

Pets & Animals

Underwater world of Discus

725 likes 489,514 views 13 years ago

× lago grande underwater vídeos
× 120x50x50 cm (300l) Step-by-Step with Seiryu Stone, Elos Terra, Amazonia Soil Powder and two plants: Eleocharis sp. mini. and Hemianthus Micranthemoides
× Loved the idea of using these black rock strips to raise certain parts of the aquarium (as I did in my previous video) so I decided to do it in a larger aquarium. I bought some plants at an online store but sadly got very few of what looked like aquarium trimmings... Not exactly what I was expecting but had to work with it and will have to...

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