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Pets & Animals

8 week old (new) aquascape!

0 likes 2,935 views 7 years ago

× 8 weeks in!! Really proud of this. Fish are all doing fantastic, I added the 8 baby guppies in, they are big enough and LOVE it in here. All the shrimp are super busy and happy. More info below..... 15 gallon Fluval Flex UV sterilizer ADA products No Co2 Inhabitants: 8 baby purple cobra guppies 2 longfin guppies 1 lemon cobra guppy 1 pearl danio 1...

Pets & Animals

2.5 Gallon Aquascape

0 likes 2,531 views 7 years ago

× Scaping my 2.5 gallon aquarium. Equipment: AZOO Mignon filter 60 Hardscape: Malaysian driftwood Plants: Rotala rotundifolia 'green' Alternanthera reineckii 'mini' Staurogyne repens Anubias barteri var. nana 'petite' If you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe!

Pets & Animals


21 likes 2,895 views 7 years ago

× New aquascape of my 20 gallon fish aquarium. Dutch style aquascape. I know it isn't EXACTLY Dutch (yet), but give me time :) Equipment/Plants (Listed in my PlantedTank thread): Discord: Welcome fish people to...
× An amateur aquascaping video of my new setup. ...................................................................................... "Sweet", composed and performed by Bensound from Gentle folk-pop acoustic music. The acoustic guitars brings a Beautiful soft mood to the composition. Direct link:...
× I go over my redone aquascape for this tank as well as some possible new additions to it.

Pets & Animals

Sump On A Budget What Equipment I Use

50 likes 3,883 views 7 years ago

× It can be hard when building a sump on a budget. These are the choices for equipment I have made in building mine and they have served well for the 6 years I have been in the hobby. All the links to them on Amazon are down below. Equipment Clamp Light...
× A PERFECT AQUASCAPE (PART X) [colours of the autumn] Special Thanks to: Grygoriy Polishchuk → you would do me a favor, if you could visit his awesome channel:
× Aquamania
× Chris Roma finally setups up his auto water top off setup for his Shrimp Room / Fish Room. He Bought the float values and tees in bulk from at the cheapest he could find, so leaks are to be expected. However it turned out amazing. No more leaks and it is running perfecting. No more top offs for that shelve. Stuff in Fish / Shrimp Room: Shrimp:...

Pets & Animals


0 likes 1,874 views 7 years ago

× Tank kontes IAPLC 2017

Most popular in Pets & Animals

Pets & Animals

Quello che NON SAI sui PESCI ROSSI

233 likes 21,269 views 8 years ago

× Il pesce rosso, Carassius Auratus è probabilmente la specie ittica piu' bistrattata di sempre. Probabilmente non è mai nemmeno stato considerato come essere vivente ma piu' come oggetto ornamentale (nemmeno come fonte di cibo). Vi racconto alcune curiosità tremende su questo povero animale, le sue caratteristiche peculiari e come andrebbe trattato...

Pets & Animals

Guppies - Green Heaven

233 likes 25,461 views 10 years ago

× Happy guppies in planted freshwater tank Be sure to subscribe for more videos!
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of...

Pets & Animals

Layout 45 (180L) by Ed Gercog

230 likes 64,410 views 12 years ago

× A natural layout with a focus on different shapes and colours. Even though the aquarium is full of colours, the plants used are relatively easy to care for. The aquarium is maintenance-friendly and will reach balance fast owing to many plants and a good composition of fast-growing plants at the back and front, and stable, easy plants in the middle of...

Pets & Animals

Aquascaping Lab - Oscar Fish, Astronotus...

229 likes 37,845 views 9 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of...
× САМЫЕ КРАСИВЫЕ АКВАРИУМЫ. АКВАСКЕЙП. The most beautiful aquariums. Aquascape Акваскейп (англ. Aquascape, от aqua — «вода» и scape — «пейзаж») — искусство аквариумной композиции, один из видов декоративно-прикладного искусства. Некоторое время акваскейп развивался как локальное явление, связанное с концепцией «природного аквариума», выдвинутого...
× I finally get a chance to aquascape my rimless 75 gallon tank! In this episode, I work on the hardscape...the substrate, rocks, and driftwood all for less than $100. Part 2 ( will focus on the low tech plants both emersed and submersed. Music: Bay Breeze by FortyThr33 Frontier by Thomas VX Previous Videos: 75 gallon...

Pets & Animals

Rondje Nederlandse aquaria

221 likes 62,391 views 10 years ago

× Enkele van de mooiste vivaria van Nederland werden bezocht door de Belgische vrienden.
× Hey Shrimp Keepers, This year at the 2016 Aquatic Experience, there have been some absolutely amazing planted tanks. Whether it is businesses or the aquascaping contest, there is inspiration everywhere you look. I wanted to do a video on all the aquascaping tanks from the 2016 AE Aquascaping Contest. These are absolutely amazing and the inspiration...

Pets & Animals

Fish from Mauritius in an acrylic tank of...

219 likes 63,264 views 10 years ago

× At the INTERZOO 2014 the German company Schuran Seawater Equipmen exhibits a new aquaria idea of acrylic glass. The fish in it were collected round the island of Mauritius. Some species are endemic there. The exporter Ornamental Marine World Ltd explains his mission and vision.

Pets & Animals


219 likes 20,648 views 8 years ago

× Pour me joindre: Mon instagram: Ma page Facebook: Twitter: @NehoxReptile N'hésitez pas à regarder toutes mes autres vidéos et à vous abonner!

Pets & Animals

Impianto fai da te CO2 acquario

218 likes 65,576 views 11 years ago

× Video su come costruire un impianto artigianale di anidride carbonica CO2 per acquario. PLAYLIST: 🐠 Guida per allestire un acquario di acqua dolce: 🐟 L'allestimento e la maturazione di un acquario di acqua dolce:...
× Il pesce rosso è stato per un mese nella sua bella boccia. Però... poverino, non è che avesse troppo spazio e così abbiamo deciso di "regalargli" un monolocale un po' più grande. E devi vedere adesso quanto nuota tutto il giorno! Per spostare però un pesce dalla boccia all'acquario c'è stato detto di farlo seguendo questi passaggi: 1) Svuota di metà...

Pets & Animals

Aquascaping THE ISLANDS - Adding Fish &...

209 likes 19,203 views 7 years ago

× Aquarium 100x45x40h cm Plant list: Hemianthus micranthemoides Hemianthus callitrichoides Hydrocotyle dissecta Micranthemum Monte Carlo Alternanthera mini Substrate -Tropica aquarium soil Hardscape - Dragon stone Lighting T5 4x39w Canister filter Atman ef4 900l/h Pressurized CO2 3b/s Music by Ehrling and Waltz Of The...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi presenta un video tutorial sulle rocce e pietre che possiamo inserire in...

Pets & Animals

come ci vedono i nostri pesciolini rossi

203 likes 16,957 views 10 years ago

× vediamo sempre i pesci dall' esterno dell' acquario ecco in questo video potrai vedere cosa vedono loro

Pets & Animals


202 likes 38,963 views 8 years ago

× En el vídeo de hoy os enseño de una manera fácil y sencilla como enraizar plantas de acuario en troncos. Espero que os guste y suscribiros al canal. El contenido del canal sera sobre todo dedicado a los acuarios, habrá tutoriales , unboxings y muchos proyectos dedicados a este mundillo que quiero compartir con todos vosotros.
× This is my new project. In this layout i use the soil , fertile soil and accesories from Cal Aqua Labs. Let see how it works. Hope u like my new video. Faqs : ADA 90P 2 x Easy LED Eheim Prof 3 2 kg co2 Tower Eheim Skim Plants: Bucephalandra sp. "Mini Needle Leaf" Bucephalandra pygmaea "Bukit Kelam / Sintang" Bucephalandra sp. 'Kedagang'...
× This stunning L-shaped reef display tank is in Seahorse Aquariums, Dublin, Ireland. If you ever are in or near Dublin I highly recommend a visit. It holds a total of 3500 litres and is just 6 months old at the time of filming. It's one of the best reef tanks I've ever seen. Keep on 'scaping, George

Pets & Animals

Scheda del Carassius Auratus (pesce rosso)

199 likes 46,656 views 12 years ago

× *Scheda tecnica del pesce rosso: -NOME SCENTIFICO E COMUNE Specie: Carassius auratus Nomi comuni: Pesce rosso, Pesce dorato, Carassio dorato, Ciprino dorato -VALORI OTTIMALI DELL'ACQUA pH 7,5 kH 8-12 gH 10-16 nitriti 0 nitrati minori di 20 temperatura 22°-24° -ERRORI COMUNI La prima cosa da tener presente è che, al contrario di quello che...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SPECIAL THANKS TO "Fastpond": ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a...

Pets & Animals

Aquascaping Lab - Garra Rufa Doctor Fish...

198 likes 12,533 views 8 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of...
× Die Aqua Expo Tage in Dortmund hatte dieses Jahr wieder viel zu bieten, neben dem ENAC (European Nano Aquascaping Competition) auch das "The German International Shrimp Contest". Der berühmte YouTube Star Izzi war auch am Start und wir konnten ihn Interviewn. Izzi Interview: ENAC Aquascpaing:...
× Stap voor stap meekijken met het ontstaan van deze aquascape. Planten: Eleocharis sp. minima -In Vitro cup, Anubias nana Bonsai, Microsorum pteropus Trident, Rotala Yao Yai, Ammannia praetermissa, Hydrocotyle verticillata, Limnophila sp. Vietnam mini, Micranthenum micranthemoides

Pets & Animals

Avviare un acquario di acqua dolce "LA...

190 likes 38,309 views 9 years ago

× Avviare un acquario di acqua dolce "LA MATURAZIONE, dai primi batteri, al picco dei nitriti, ai primi ospiti" Tutorial su come allestire al meglio un acquario di acqua dolce, tutta la procedura passo passo per non sbagliare il primo avvio. Tutti i cambiamenti che il vostro acquario avrà durante i 30 giorni di maturazione, la formazione dei batteri, i...

Pets & Animals

Aquascaping Lab - Fertilizzazione piante...

189 likes 22,685 views 9 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi presenta un video tutorial sulla fertilizzazione delle piante...
× FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: First part of the report about planted aquariums displayed at PetFair 2013 - 13th edition of the zoological fair, organized every two years in the city of Łódź in Poland. There were several exhibitiors of the...
× [ADAview] DOOA Wabi-kusa Wall 60 Making layout In this clip, installation of Wabi-kusa Wall 60 will be introduced. Why not creating new and unique layouts with Wabi-kusa mats and Wabi-kusa (9φ). ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ADA Website
× OFFICIAL WEBSITE : TROPLANT AQUATIC PLANTS : Aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini feat Serena Sacchi present a video Tutorial on aquascaping and setup of a natural planted aquarium (size 40 x 25 x 25h 25 L). In this layout there is a rappresentation of an Scottish grass...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of...

Pets & Animals

[ADAview] 180cm Aquarium Layout: Iwagumi...

183 likes 19,264 views 9 years ago

× [ADAview] 180cm Aquarium Layout: Iwagumi Composition with Manten Stones This video shows a layout creation process at the Nature Aquarium gallery in Aqua Design Amano. This layout is an Iwagumi composition by arranging powerful Manten Stones dynamically. The short-height plants mark the presence of stones. Happy aquascaping! * This video was...

Pets & Animals

Aquascaping of a BIG tank!

183 likes 32,870 views 9 years ago

× Here's a video of a large scale aquascaping project that took place in 2013. A big tank (4.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 m) was aquascaped by a team of dedicated helpers and UKAPS scapers during a weekend at the Pets at Home store in New Malden, UK.
× After my Sumo red died on Christmas Eve, I have no intention to keep anymore arowana. However, my friend Mr Chia invited me to visit fish farm (he want to buy red arowana). Beside choosing his own fish, he also recommended a few red aro to me. Those are good fish but none of it can replace my late Sumo. As such, I selected a normal grade crossback...
× FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Fourth video with aquascapes from Aquatics Live 2012, an aquarium and terrarium show held in London. I present planted aquariums arranged for live aquascaping contest. Most of the tanks are arranged as "two...
× Acesse e confira o Aquacast o seu podcast de aquarismo Um sonho que virou realidade, junto com o staff da Aquabase realizamos esta viagem ao Japão para participarmos do 10º aniversário da ADA Nature Aquarium Party 2010. ( Facebook - Fernando Francischelli / Twitter -...

Pets & Animals

New Lake Malawi Mbuna Fish Tank | How to...

173 likes 40,499 views 9 years ago

× This is the new home for my Pseudotropheus Saulosi group, 2M and 6F. It is an Lake Malawi Dwarf Mbuna cichlid setup. Tips and Tricks on setting up and aquascaping an Mbuna tank: 1. if you already have fish in the tank, taking water out always helps to catch the fish easier and may help reduce stress on the fish while you try to catch them. 2. If...

Pets & Animals

Emersed Aquarium Plants

172 likes 14,084 views 7 years ago

× In this video, I talk about the emersed Anubias Frazeri in my 240 gallon tank as well as my emersed tank project in my fish room. Emersed Plants: 240 Gallon Tank - Anubias Frazeri 40 Gallon Tank - Anubias nana gold, Anubias Hastifolia, Anubias Heterophylla, Anubias Afzeli, Anubias Nangi, Anubias Barteri, Anubias Minima, Anubias Congensis, Java Fern...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present video tutorial on description and technical sheet of...

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