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Pets & Animals

8 week old (new) aquascape!

0 likes 2,935 views 7 years ago

× 8 weeks in!! Really proud of this. Fish are all doing fantastic, I added the 8 baby guppies in, they are big enough and LOVE it in here. All the shrimp are super busy and happy. More info below..... 15 gallon Fluval Flex UV sterilizer ADA products No Co2 Inhabitants: 8 baby purple cobra guppies 2 longfin guppies 1 lemon cobra guppy 1 pearl danio 1...

Pets & Animals

2.5 Gallon Aquascape

0 likes 2,531 views 7 years ago

× Scaping my 2.5 gallon aquarium. Equipment: AZOO Mignon filter 60 Hardscape: Malaysian driftwood Plants: Rotala rotundifolia 'green' Alternanthera reineckii 'mini' Staurogyne repens Anubias barteri var. nana 'petite' If you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe!

Pets & Animals


21 likes 2,895 views 7 years ago

× New aquascape of my 20 gallon fish aquarium. Dutch style aquascape. I know it isn't EXACTLY Dutch (yet), but give me time :) Equipment/Plants (Listed in my PlantedTank thread): Discord: Welcome fish people to...
× An amateur aquascaping video of my new setup. ...................................................................................... "Sweet", composed and performed by Bensound from Gentle folk-pop acoustic music. The acoustic guitars brings a Beautiful soft mood to the composition. Direct link:...
× I go over my redone aquascape for this tank as well as some possible new additions to it.

Pets & Animals

Sump On A Budget What Equipment I Use

50 likes 3,883 views 7 years ago

× It can be hard when building a sump on a budget. These are the choices for equipment I have made in building mine and they have served well for the 6 years I have been in the hobby. All the links to them on Amazon are down below. Equipment Clamp Light...
× A PERFECT AQUASCAPE (PART X) [colours of the autumn] Special Thanks to: Grygoriy Polishchuk → you would do me a favor, if you could visit his awesome channel:
× Aquamania
× Chris Roma finally setups up his auto water top off setup for his Shrimp Room / Fish Room. He Bought the float values and tees in bulk from at the cheapest he could find, so leaks are to be expected. However it turned out amazing. No more leaks and it is running perfecting. No more top offs for that shelve. Stuff in Fish / Shrimp Room: Shrimp:...

Pets & Animals


0 likes 1,874 views 7 years ago

× Tank kontes IAPLC 2017

Most popular in Pets & Animals

× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi:presenta un video sulla descrizione quantità e qualità del...

Pets & Animals

Avviare un acquario di acqua dolce...

369 likes 90,376 views 9 years ago

× Avviare un acquario di acqua dolce "ALLESTIMENTO dal fondo fertile, alle piante, al filtro" Tutorial su come allestire al meglio un acquario di acqua dolce, tutta la procedura passo passo per non sbagliare il primo avvio. (Il calorifero a fianco all'acquario è sempre spento) SECONDA PARTE: "LA MATURAZIONE, dai primi batteri, al picco dei nitriti, ai...

Pets & Animals

Nano Cube 30l

369 likes 141,400 views 12 years ago

× Nano Cube 30l Besatz: 4Stk Amanogarnelen, 4Stk Endlers Guppys, 2Stk Geweihschnecken, 1Stk Helmschnecke
× [ADAview] Interview with Takayuki Fukada, the Grand Prix Winner of IAPLC2015 The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2015 updated the past record by receiving 2,545 entries in total from 69 countries and areas. Takayuki Fukada who is based in Tokyo is the first Japanese champion in 12 years. After the announcement of world rankings, ADAview...
× FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: The Art of the Planted Aquarium is a live aquascaping contest, organized every year during Heimtiermesse in Hannover, Germany. There are two categories of aquariums at the contest, XL aquariums (100x50x50 cm)...
× this film is dedicated to Takashi Amano 天野尚. It was shot over a number of months by Sharkebite Communications and shows the initial project planning stage through to the scope and finalization of the Aquarium some months later. It was a lot of fun to make and shows how great Aquascaping is whether you are doing it for a smaller tank or bigger...
× ANIMALISCH war an der Eröffnung vom ersten Aquascaping Shop der Schweiz in Münchenstein bei Andi Hofstetter. Wir zeigen wie man ein Aquarium professionell einrichtet. Mit Andi Hofstetter / ADA Partner, Oliver Knott, Jurijs Jutjajevs, Matthias Kessel, Jan Simon Knispel, Annika Reinke, Keith Eckart.
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of...

Pets & Animals

How To Setup A Low Tech Planted Aquarium

336 likes 91,337 views 9 years ago

× Wood/Stone/Substrate/Plants(COAST GEM usa) Subscribe to stay updated and see more aquarium videos (In 6 easy steps I'll show you how easy it is to setup a low tech planted tank.This video will show you how to dirt your tank. there is a lot of ways to setup a low tech planted tank this is the way it work for me.) Namaste by Audionautix is licensed...
× First part of a compilation of planted aquariums of the Nano category, arranged for the final of The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015 live aquascaping contest, organized in Hannover Germany during Heimtiermesse 2015. I had to divide this video into two parts, becasue there were round 30 tanks in this category :) Aquariums used are Dennerle Scaper's...
× Here are some recommendations on how to remove nitrites, nitrates and ammonia from your freshwater aquarium. If you have any other problems or would like help with your freshwater aquarium, please visit my blog at:
× Everybody likes friendly fish in aquariums and some like weird or beautiful one. Now there are some giant fish in the world and in the forest rivers there are many called river monsters. Some hobbyist keep these fish in aquariums and ponds. Some of them are very dangerous and attack humans while some others don't. People do keep these fish in...
× Here is a timelapse video of my putting together my rare plants aquascape for my wild betta tank. These are the plants that I unboxed in my last video. My new social media accounts! What is your verdict on that chihuahua of mine? Instagram: Facebook: Thanks for...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi presenta un video tutorial sull' illuminazione degli acquari di acqua...
× Conheça o fórum SETUP Aquário: 200 Litros - 100 x 40 x 50 cm Iluminação: Odyssea Quad Series 4 x T5HO 39w Fotoperíodo: 9 horas/dia Filtro: Canister Atman 3337 (1000L/h) CO2: 2 bolhas/segundo Substrato Fértil: MBreda Amazônia Substrato Inerte: MBreda Black Blue Flora: Hemianthus Micranthemoides, Blyxa Japonica, Hemianthus...
× Hoy os traigo otro curso muy interesante en el cual osvoy a contar mis secretos sobre la composición artística empleada para realizar este acuario inspirado en Alien: Covenant, os contaré las mejores técnicas para realizar un buen aquascaping basandome en la estética, os invito a seguir este proyecto que tanto me ha costado. ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ ENLACES A MIS...
× This video documents some maintenance I do on the tank including trimming, scrubbing algae, and water change. I have moved some things around in the aquascape since the last video as well. After just 30 days the plants have been growing so much! I am very pleased with how much the mosses are growing especially the fissidens, I have never had...
× Einblicke in die Einrichtung von einem Dennerle Nano Cube 30L. Weitere Informationen und Fotos unter:

Pets & Animals

My Fresh Water Clam (12x Speed)

299 likes 223,708 views 16 years ago

× My fresh water clam trying to hide under aquarium sand :)
× The 4m- and 7m-Nature Aquarium layouts are currently displayed inside the Tokyo Sky Tree Town. They are, indeed, "living aquascapes" made by well-functioning ecosystem exists inside the aquariums.

The creation of the world's largest Nature Aquarium layouts was received as sensational news in the aquarium industry because nobody had ever tried...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi presenta un video dove vengono spiegati i valori PH KH GH...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of Ram...

Pets & Animals

Fish Tank Talk - Pea Puffers

288 likes 57,558 views 11 years ago

× Some info. on the Pea Puffers. Share with us what you think about is fish and as always please rate comment and subscribe for more fish videos.

Pets & Animals

CO2-Düngung Mehrweg-System

285 likes 307,053 views 13 years ago

× » Folge DENNERLE auf anderen Plattformen: ● Webseite: ● Facebook: ● Instagram: Christian Homrighausen zeigt Ihnen auf verständliche Art und Weise den Aufbau einer CO2-Anlage. Darüber hinaus erklärt er auch alle Bauteile vom Druckminderer bis hin zum...
× MUSIC: 1. Lostboy & Slashtaq - Elysium [NCS Release] 2. BVRNOUT - Take It Easy (feat. Mia Vaile) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi presenta un video tutorial su tutti i tipi di legno e radici che possiamo...

Pets & Animals

Aquascaping Lab - Parassiti in Acquario,...

279 likes 28,133 views 9 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi presenta un video tutorial sui parassiti che generalmene si possono trovare...

Pets & Animals

ADA 90p Aquascape "Running Up That Hill"...

277 likes 50,283 views 8 years ago

× 80 days are done. In this part i clean the glass, cut the plants and change over 50% water. Later at this day i added the fertilizer. I changed the background a bit. And add/remove some plants. The Cal Aqua Labs products are very good and the plants looks very healthy. I can recommend! greetz BD check my facebook site ;)...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab - Ryoboku Aquarium Aquascaping tutorial, wood stone Natural Undergrowth underbrush tank "Enchanted Forest "...
× This is an update to my 5.5 Gallon low light freshwater tank with a male Copper Metallic Halfmoon. I am in the process of aquascaping it and am not sure what to do yet. I have a few ideas in mind and have a few cool plants I could use. I also need to get an new aquarium light for my 20gal tank so that I may get it back on track with the plant...
× This video is of a nature aquarium Aquascape by Adu aquascaping. Adu aquascaping is an artist that resides in Utah who specializes in advanced aquascapes. This Aquascape is a symbol of Iceland. Only a artist representation and of course manifestation. Aquascaping is a very rewarding hobby because it is very challenging. I hope you enjoy the Cinematic...

Pets & Animals

ZooZajac - Das Aquarium

260 likes 24,004 views 7 years ago

× Gemeinsam mit dem erfolgreichen Aquascaper Oliver Lindemann und der Fachberaterin Nadin Petersen präsentiert Ihnen Norbert Zajac in einzelnen Schritten die Entstehung eines 360 l Aquariums vom Aufbau, Installation der Technik, Einrichtung und Dekoration bis hin zum Einsetzen der Fische.
× Pour me soutenir n'oubliez pas de liker et commenter la vidéo !!! L'aquascaping c'est quoi ? Vous êtes nombreux à me demander ou j'ai eu mon aquarium à bord arrondis : et bien il viens de la boutique tenus par 2 champions d'aquascaping. Dont Swee que je connais depuis des années, il nous présente ici l'aquascaping, et...
× Our client's 280 gallon discus fish tank is amazing. I encourage you to watch the entire video for a therapeutic relaxation session. The video takes you through the startup all the way to after two months of community living. His fish tank looks like a living display of skittles candy! And enjoy the Wattley Discus quality....
× The Forbidden Forest by Yoyo Prayogi Bronze Prize 6th IAPLC 2016
× Este acuario lo tenía mi esposo hace varios años atrás. Ahora tiene uno de 60 galones sobre una mesa que vino con el acuario, así que despreocúpense por la "sobrepoblación" y el lugar donde se ve puesto este ;) This aquarium was of my husband several years ago. He now has a 60 gallon aquarium on a table that came with it, so you don't worry about...
× Video acquari 3/4 ALLESTIMENTO - Come allestire e mantenere l'acquario d'acqua dolce e marina Per maggori informazioni potete contattarci al 3388417722 ALLESTIMENTO ACQUARIO, materiale di fondo dell'acquario, fertilizzante per piante acquario, crescita delle piante, ghiaetto per acquario, ARREDAMENTO ACQUARIO,...

Pets & Animals

Setting up a Tropical Freshwater Aquarium

242 likes 76,519 views 14 years ago

× For further information please visit Please note that we cannot answer questions via this site- please call one of our stores for any queries you may have regarding this video or any other aquatic topic. Thank you.

Pets & Animals

Sumida Aquarium(Skytree Tower) Tokyo Japan

241 likes 50,651 views 9 years ago

× Video from Tokyo's Sumida Aquarium. Featuring the Late Takashi Amano's most famous works.

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