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Pets & Animals

8 week old (new) aquascape!

0 likes 2,935 views 7 years ago

× 8 weeks in!! Really proud of this. Fish are all doing fantastic, I added the 8 baby guppies in, they are big enough and LOVE it in here. All the shrimp are super busy and happy. More info below..... 15 gallon Fluval Flex UV sterilizer ADA products No Co2 Inhabitants: 8 baby purple cobra guppies 2 longfin guppies 1 lemon cobra guppy 1 pearl danio 1...

Pets & Animals

2.5 Gallon Aquascape

0 likes 2,531 views 7 years ago

× Scaping my 2.5 gallon aquarium. Equipment: AZOO Mignon filter 60 Hardscape: Malaysian driftwood Plants: Rotala rotundifolia 'green' Alternanthera reineckii 'mini' Staurogyne repens Anubias barteri var. nana 'petite' If you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe!

Pets & Animals


21 likes 2,895 views 7 years ago

× New aquascape of my 20 gallon fish aquarium. Dutch style aquascape. I know it isn't EXACTLY Dutch (yet), but give me time :) Equipment/Plants (Listed in my PlantedTank thread): Discord: Welcome fish people to...
× An amateur aquascaping video of my new setup. ...................................................................................... "Sweet", composed and performed by Bensound from Gentle folk-pop acoustic music. The acoustic guitars brings a Beautiful soft mood to the composition. Direct link:...
× I go over my redone aquascape for this tank as well as some possible new additions to it.

Pets & Animals

Sump On A Budget What Equipment I Use

50 likes 3,883 views 7 years ago

× It can be hard when building a sump on a budget. These are the choices for equipment I have made in building mine and they have served well for the 6 years I have been in the hobby. All the links to them on Amazon are down below. Equipment Clamp Light...
× A PERFECT AQUASCAPE (PART X) [colours of the autumn] Special Thanks to: Grygoriy Polishchuk → you would do me a favor, if you could visit his awesome channel:
× Aquamania
× Chris Roma finally setups up his auto water top off setup for his Shrimp Room / Fish Room. He Bought the float values and tees in bulk from at the cheapest he could find, so leaks are to be expected. However it turned out amazing. No more leaks and it is running perfecting. No more top offs for that shelve. Stuff in Fish / Shrimp Room: Shrimp:...

Pets & Animals


0 likes 1,874 views 7 years ago

× Tank kontes IAPLC 2017

Most popular in Pets & Animals

Pets & Animals


5,140 likes 213,944 views 7 years ago

× ▼ LOTS OF INFO ▼ Issues in my fish room have led me to completely tear everything down, throw tons of stuff away, and sterilize everything that remained. I still have most of my goldfish, but I have suffered many losses as their treatment continues. Everyone's favorite, Clyde the butterfly telescope, passed away on May 14th. New videos are uploaded...

Pets & Animals

Bonsai Aquarium Acquario Bonsai Step by Step

5,114 likes 1,629,951 views 10 years ago

× Se avete domande da fare o chiarimenti qui trovate tutto quello che cercate: Video di un allestimento passo a passo con suggerimenti su come impostare un classico dell'aquascaping: l'alberello in acquario.
× Acuario "paludario" de peces guppy y cangrejos geosesarma vampire. Suscríbete para no perderte nada. Click aquí: ********* PODEIS ENCONTRARME EN ********* Contacto privado:

Pets & Animals

Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners

4,912 likes 867,886 views 8 years ago

× Fluval's aquatic experts have weighed in and created their Top 10 list of fish that are best suited for beginners just entering the hobby.

Pets & Animals

This was an IMPRESSIVE Aquarium!!

4,833 likes 321,050 views 7 years ago

× I was pleasantly surprised by the downtown Denver aquarium! Based on the mixed reviews i heard, i wasn’t expecting much. However, I was certainly impressed! Maybe it was because I love and keep some of the freshwater fish there, or because i got to play around with some rays… Ultimately, this was much larger and far more impressive than i thought it...

Pets & Animals

2,000G completed - Aquarium gallery UPDATE!

4,780 likes 212,869 views 7 years ago

× Today I recap the week and show you how i built a few things in the aquarium gallery. SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects,...

Pets & Animals

HOW TO: Build a plywood aquarium | Part 1 |...

4,646 likes 662,484 views 9 years ago

× Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to build a plywood aquarium. Sounds fishy right? Building a wooden tank? Have no fear... I will show you how to build a plywood aquarium, while keeping it affordable, simple, LOOK GREAT and what i like to call: Bullet proof. This is part 1 of a 6 part...

Pets & Animals

Setting up planted nano aquarium - timelapse

4,516 likes 1,051,472 views 11 years ago


Pets & Animals

My Waterfall Aquarium

4,464 likes 1,000,239 views 11 years ago

× This is my aquarium 3 feet

Pets & Animals


4,287 likes 212,963 views 7 years ago

× this took me several days to film lol....i failed epicly at first but in the end i think it looks ok, but best of all my goldfish have tons of swimming room now! yay. Enjoy me clowning around throughout the entire process :) LINKS: My online store: (buying anything from there helps support and rescue animals) Send...
× I am sure these animals will make you laugh so hard that you will roll on the floor laughing! The hardest try not to laugh challenge ever! Just look how all these dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, goats, horses,... behave, play, fail, make funny sounds, react to different things,... So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favorite clip? :) Hope you...

Pets & Animals

Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly...

4,202 likes 914,761 views 8 years ago

× Brand new weekly theme compilation featuring hilarious home videos of the cutest kids versus the funniest pets and animals. Check out more Funny Animal videos ► SUBSCRIBE TO KYOOT!: Watch More Animal Videos at:...

Pets & Animals

EPIC Dandy Orandas Live Goldfish Unboxing

3,981 likes 425,527 views 9 years ago

× ▼ LOTS OF INFO ▼ I got TONS of beautiful new butterfly telescope goldfish from Dandy Orandas and I literally could not be happier right now. Watch me unbox my new fish and squeal in delight over each and every one of these adorable little cuties. FISH DAY FRIDAYS ► New videos are uploaded every Friday! Subscribe ►...

Pets & Animals

HOW TO: Build an underwater waterfall sandfall...

3,901 likes 906,073 views 10 years ago

× Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to build the underwater waterfall - sandfall. A basic example on how to do it and some simply tips to make it work and look good. Part 1- Part 2-

Pets & Animals


3,714 likes 1,104,800 views 12 years ago

× A series of short documentary films featuring the creation of giant Nature Aquarium layouts by Takashi Amano, exhibited inside Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Sky Tree Town, is now broadcasted at ADA View. (4 Episodes) The episode 2 features making of 7m tank layout!

Pets & Animals

Aquarium Ideas from InterZoo 2012 - AquaEl (pt. 4)

3,631 likes 1,955,814 views 12 years ago

× Like my FACEBOOK page at - you will help me in developing my television! :) 4th part of my report from InterZoo 2012 pet trade fair in Nürnberg, Germany. I present the booth of Polish company AquaEl, with some planted nanoaquariums, with two marine ReefMax aquariums, and with one original aquarium inspired...

Pets & Animals


3,449 likes 221,078 views 8 years ago

× Unboxing and setting up the aquarium ► Stocking and aquascaping the aquarium ► Follow me on Facebook for LIVE videos! ► Get the ultimate DIY book ►

Pets & Animals

Planting my nano aquarium!!

3,404 likes 248,897 views 8 years ago

× Planting my nano aquarium with growth and progression over the first 40 days! LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: PART 1: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The...

Pets & Animals

Setting up a Goldfish Aquarium

3,384 likes 1,993,654 views 14 years ago

× For further information please visit Please note that we cannot answer questions via this site- please call one of our stores for any queries you may have regarding this video or any other aquatic topic. Thank you.

Pets & Animals

DIY Aquarium Fish Bridge

3,360 likes 816,150 views 8 years ago

× This DIY was done purely because I saw a similar video with a bridge made from glass, and I wanted to do a smaller version made with clear pvc piping. Please check out these guys channels: Chefcoop69 Cooper - Robert Reese - The materials I used for the...

Pets & Animals

Hand Feeding Koi

3,354 likes 1,009,574 views 8 years ago

× My Daughter Love Koi

Pets & Animals

My HUGE goldfish aquarium UPDATE!

3,333 likes 338,800 views 8 years ago

× My fancy goldfish aquarium update! THE UPDATE: Get the ultimate DIY book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Unboxing the goldfish ► aquascaping the tank ► How to build aquariums:...

Pets & Animals

500 Gallon Fish Tank SetUp with Underwater...

3,310 likes 443,806 views 9 years ago

× You Can find an Update to the tank on as well as a New DYI automatic Feeder. A 500 Gallon Fresh water set up... with Guppies... Ha ha Two tanks and a sump mounted into the wall. Wet dry Filtration, a 400 gal an hour pump. Guppies, Betta, Mystery Snails, Bristle Nose Plecostamus.

Pets & Animals

HOW TO: Never do water changes

3,229 likes 1,595,889 views 12 years ago

× I REMADE THIS VIDEO: Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► Learn more about why i keep my fish like this: The stingrays in the video are freshwater rays. The entire video focuses on freshwater. This is not...

Pets & Animals

Ernst-Otto von Drachenfels, Aquarianer mit...

3,193 likes 857,151 views 11 years ago

× Eine große Aquarienanlage im Keller ist der Traum vieler Aquarianer. Ernst-Otto von Drachenfels hat nicht nur einen großen Fischkeller, sein Wohnzimmer wird von einem 4 m Aquarium geschmückt. Er besitzt auch einen eigenen Wasserflohpool im Garten.

Pets & Animals

Fish hatching from eggs (under the microscope)

3,135 likes 907,512 views 12 years ago

× Here are minnows, the gulf killi fish, hatching under the microscope. In the wild they lay their eggs on marsh grasses at a full moon high tide and then 30 days later when the next full moon high tide comes they get wet and hatch. Any questions or comments feel free to ask below! Toadfish Eggs Hatching:

Pets & Animals

DIY planted aquarium LED light

3,048 likes 313,461 views 8 years ago

× How to build a planted aquarium LED light the cheap and easy way. LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► More lighting projects:...

Pets & Animals

Petco and Animal Planet's Tanked Present: My...

3,026 likes 623,372 views 12 years ago

× Subscribe to our channel: TRUST THE SHARK. Get ATM professional products for professional results guaranteed! Petco teams up with Wayde and Brett from ATM (Acrylic Tank Manufacturing) and Animal Planet's hit show Tanked to show you how to get started with your first fish...

Pets & Animals

A Hardscape for Discus

3,018 likes 852,036 views 13 years ago

× Featured in Tropical Fish Hobbyist's (TFH) September 2011 issue in the Adventures in Aquascaping column, we take you through the creation and final setup of this inspired Discus hardscape aquarium. Using the Aqua Design Amano (ADA) Cube Garden 120-H, Horn Wood and Manten Stone, Jeff Senske created an aquascape that centers foremost around the...

Pets & Animals

Iwagumi set up

2,902 likes 1,265,474 views 13 years ago


Pets & Animals

Green&Grey Aquarium - Day 98 - sp. mini trimming

2,877 likes 681,170 views 11 years ago

× 120x50x50 cm (300l) Step-by-Step with Seiryu Stone, Elos Terra, Amazonia Soil Powder and two plants: Eleocharis sp. mini. and Hemianthus Micranthemoides Video from day 98 with sp. trimming using a ADA scissor. Music from Mark Neil - Talk Me Down - under Creative Commons Licence.

Pets & Animals

John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

2,827 likes 939,621 views 11 years ago

× Credits goes to and Not my video but this is very cool! "John Marcus' Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium John Marcus of Los Angeles doesn't park cars in his garage — nope, he uses it to house his positively gigantic home aquarium. This bad boy is so huge that it makes Heathcote's 4,800 gallon aquarium look...

Pets & Animals

Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Nano Cube Aquarium...

2,810 likes 546,603 views 10 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: https: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab By Tommaso Perini feat serena Sacchi - Nano Aquarium (size 20 x 20 x 25H 10L) "Grass and wood style"....

Pets & Animals

ANIMALISCH die Tiersendung Nr.09 10`000 Liter...

2,797 likes 1,022,530 views 11 years ago

× Andi Hofstetter richtet ein 10`000 Liter Aquarium ein. ANIMALISCH begleitet Andi Hofstetter beim einrichten eines 10`000 Liter Aquariums. Mit Andi Hofstetter und Jan Alexander Epple

Pets & Animals

The MOST Important Aquarium Video to watch....

2,783 likes 243,899 views 12 years ago

× water chemistry explained and the water cycle explained. no more crashing tanks!!!

Pets & Animals

Tips and tricks for handling plants in the...

2,733 likes 1,130,494 views 16 years ago

× How to handle the plants when planting them into the tank. Produced by Tropica Aquarium Plants in collaboration with aquadesigner Oliver Knott. More about getting the right start with your tank:

Pets & Animals

Aquarium that requires NO water changes!

2,714 likes 449,072 views 12 years ago

× Aquarium that requires no water changes - In this video I give a tour of my low maintenance 29 gallon aquarium that houses 5 large goldfish that has had perfect water conditions for over a year, despite never performing any water changes or gravel cleaning...find out how by watching! Please like,...

Pets & Animals


2,686 likes 903,035 views 12 years ago

× A series of short documentary films featuring the creation of giant Nature Aquarium layouts by Takashi Amano, exhibited inside Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Sky Tree Town, is now broadcasted at ADA View. (4 Episodes) The final episode is explanation of 4m and 7m tank by Takashi Amano. Sumida Aquarium -- the Challenge of managing the world's largest...

Pets & Animals

The Clean Up Crew And Best Choices For Your...

2,544 likes 395,904 views 10 years ago

× In this video I talk about what are the best choices for your clean up crew in your planted Aquarium. It is very important to have a clean up crew in your planted aquarium or Aquascape because they help to break down organic matter and they also help to eat algae. Adu aquascaping is here to help you decide which members of the clean up crew are best...

Pets & Animals

Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山...

2,543 likes 397,170 views 9 years ago

× Thomas Giblin, founder and CEO of Sharkebite Communications presents the first leg on our journey on The Road to White Mountain. On the 27th of February , a talented and well known Aquascaper and an avid fan of Amano, spent a day taking our fans and followers on a journey creating an Aquarium landscape from scratch using ADA products, plants and the...

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