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Pets & Animals

8 week old (new) aquascape!

0 likes 2,935 views 7 years ago

× 8 weeks in!! Really proud of this. Fish are all doing fantastic, I added the 8 baby guppies in, they are big enough and LOVE it in here. All the shrimp are super busy and happy. More info below..... 15 gallon Fluval Flex UV sterilizer ADA products No Co2 Inhabitants: 8 baby purple cobra guppies 2 longfin guppies 1 lemon cobra guppy 1 pearl danio 1...

Pets & Animals

2.5 Gallon Aquascape

0 likes 2,531 views 7 years ago

× Scaping my 2.5 gallon aquarium. Equipment: AZOO Mignon filter 60 Hardscape: Malaysian driftwood Plants: Rotala rotundifolia 'green' Alternanthera reineckii 'mini' Staurogyne repens Anubias barteri var. nana 'petite' If you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe!

Pets & Animals


21 likes 2,895 views 7 years ago

× New aquascape of my 20 gallon fish aquarium. Dutch style aquascape. I know it isn't EXACTLY Dutch (yet), but give me time :) Equipment/Plants (Listed in my PlantedTank thread): Discord: Welcome fish people to...
× An amateur aquascaping video of my new setup. ...................................................................................... "Sweet", composed and performed by Bensound from Gentle folk-pop acoustic music. The acoustic guitars brings a Beautiful soft mood to the composition. Direct link:...
× I go over my redone aquascape for this tank as well as some possible new additions to it.

Pets & Animals

Sump On A Budget What Equipment I Use

50 likes 3,883 views 7 years ago

× It can be hard when building a sump on a budget. These are the choices for equipment I have made in building mine and they have served well for the 6 years I have been in the hobby. All the links to them on Amazon are down below. Equipment Clamp Light...
× A PERFECT AQUASCAPE (PART X) [colours of the autumn] Special Thanks to: Grygoriy Polishchuk → you would do me a favor, if you could visit his awesome channel:
× Aquamania
× Chris Roma finally setups up his auto water top off setup for his Shrimp Room / Fish Room. He Bought the float values and tees in bulk from at the cheapest he could find, so leaks are to be expected. However it turned out amazing. No more leaks and it is running perfecting. No more top offs for that shelve. Stuff in Fish / Shrimp Room: Shrimp:...

Pets & Animals


0 likes 1,874 views 7 years ago

× Tank kontes IAPLC 2017

Most popular in Pets & Animals

Pets & Animals

Il pesce rosso

170 likes 63,179 views 13 years ago

× Il pesce rosso Oltre 300 differenti speci rendono il mondo del pesce rosso un affascinante viaggio senza eguali. Di facile gestione e con poche pretese, il pesce rosso rappresenta spesso "l'inizio" di un'esperienza che porta poi, nel tempo, a diventare "acquariofili" esperti. Ma attenzione, il pesce rosso ha ancora molti segreti da svelarci...

Pets & Animals

DISCUS FISH feeding secrets

168 likes 70,922 views 7 years ago

× Discus Fish Secrets, Discus Fish Care And Breeding NEW 2017 Big discus fish tanks looking thanks

Pets & Animals

Gli Acquari di Roberto

168 likes 66,629 views 11 years ago

× Nei suoi acquari Roberto, collezionista di pesci, alleva numerose diverse varietà pregiate di "pesci rossi": "Fantail", "Chicchi di riso", "Oranda", "Occhi a bolla", "Black Moor", "Ranchu", "Veiltail" e "Bristol Shubunkin".
× FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: SITE: The purpose of this video is to serve as an inspiration for all the aquarists and aquascapers who are interested in natural underwater biotopes. This is how karst spring looks like. There are almost no...
× FROZEN DISNEY AQUARIUM SET UP: In this video tutorial you can see how to set up a tank with ice kingdom, Elsa, Anna and olaf in the snow near the ice castle, for your kids!!! Tank size (61 x 30 x 44 h 70L). SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER:...

Pets & Animals

Planted Nano Tank Setup

164 likes 26,430 views 8 years ago

× Long awaited nano tank setup. It took me awhile but its finally here and the snowballs are doing good for now. There was even a batch of babies released. I moved the Hydrocotyle to the right as it made more sense and moved the filter to the left. If you liked the video please give it a like and also subscribe for more video like this one. Thank...
× In Dortmund fand das ENAC Aquascaping Wettbewerb statt. Viele schöne kleine Scapes sind entstanden und auch der erste Platz war verdient. Alle Teilnehmer hatten die aufgäbe in einem Flex Mini ein schönes Scape zu gestalten, was auch alles gelungen ist. AQUA EXPO TAGE VIDEO: Shrimp Contest:...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of Red...
× Paludario de 3 años de antigüedad

Pets & Animals

Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Iwagumi Rocks...

154 likes 16,975 views 8 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Si ringrazia AQUARISTICA - Produzione e distribuzione Aquascaping Lab - Tutorial Iwagumi Aquarium,...
× Aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi, presents a video on description and management of aquatic plant Vallisneria describing more variety (Vallisneria Gigantea, Vallisneria Spiralis, Vallisneria Rubra, Vallisneria Nana, Vallisneria torta). It comes from Hydrocharitaceae family and it is the most common variety of aquatic plant, its...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FORUM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present video...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab - Iwagumi Aquarium stone and meadow "Fantasitc Garden" (size 61 x 30 x 44 h 70L) Tutorial Takashi Aamano ADA...
× The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2017 aquascaping contest was held during Tierwelt Messe in Magdeburg, Germany, on 7-9 April 2017. In this video I present aquariums no. 23-25 of the Nano category. Subscribe: Like: Bookmark:

Pets & Animals

Ikan Arwana Termahal Super Red, Ikan Hias...

152 likes 178,017 views 7 years ago

× Ikan arwana super red atau arwana merah yang termahal dan tercantik pada jenisnya adalah ikan arwana yang berasal dari Indonesia. Jenis ikan arwana ini lebih mudah ditemui di daerah Kalimantan Barat seperti di Sungai Kapuas dan Danau Sentarum. Ikan arwana merah memiliki empat jenis yaitu merah cabe, merah orange, merah darah, dan merah emas. Keempat...
× In this video I talk about choosing a location, cleaning out your tank, and protecting the glass bottom of your Fluval EVO tank. Follow me on Twitter! @RealFishTankGuy
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of...
× The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2017 aquascaping contest was held during Tierwelt Messe in Magdeburg, Germany, on 7-9 April 2017. In this video I present aquariums no. 10-13 of the Nano category. Subscribe: Like: Bookmark:
× Viele Aquarianer tun sich schwer ihr Aquarium ansprechend einzurichten. Der Aquascaper Rene Türckheim zeigt wie leicht es gehen kann.

Pets & Animals

Planted aquariums of Heimtiermesse 2015,...

142 likes 25,956 views 9 years ago

× Best planted aquariums of the fair Heimtiermesse 2015, organized evey year in Hannover, Germany. In the first part I show small tanks at the booth of Aqua Design Amano Deutschland company :) Enjoy!
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi presenta un video su come gestire la temperatura in acquario...
× FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Short video presenting planted aquarium arranged by Adrie Baumann from Aquascaping Symphony for the Tropica company at their booth at Heimtiermesse 2013 in Hannover, Germany. The dimensions of the aquarium are...
× En Allemagne comme en France, les poissons d’ornement sont très appréciés. Mais, dans le monde entier, les bonnes pratiques en matière de pêche et d’élevage sont loin d’être respectées, ce qui diminue leur espérance de vie. Comment protéger ces poissons ? En Allemagne comme en France, les poissons d’ornement sont des animaux de compagnie très...
× attraverso le immagini di questo documentario Rai conosceremo più a fondo il business di un allevamento di carpe koi tramandato da generazione in generazione

Pets & Animals

Nano Mulmsauger - Demo

129 likes 96,389 views 12 years ago

× » Folge DENNERLE auf anderen Plattformen: ● Webseite: ● Facebook: ● Instagram: Anhand eines Beispiels zeigt Ihnen Christian Homrighausen die Verwendungsmöglichkeiten des DENNERLE Nano Mulmsaugers. Mit diesem gelingt es Ihnen dank der integrierten...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ITALIANO: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi, è stato presente al Petsfestival Acquafestival di Piacenza il 17/18...
× Second part of a compilation of planted aquariums of the Nano category, arranged for the final of The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015 live aquascaping contest, organized in Hannover Germany during Heimtiermesse 2015. Aquariums used are Dennerle Scaper's Tanks, dimensions 40x32x28 cm - very good proportions for aquascaping, and very elegant design....
× Buying stone to Aquascape my fish aquariums is killing my pocket book. After some research I figured out its a lot cheaper to just buy it yourself at home improvement stores. Stores like lowes and Home Depot are great places (if you live in the U.S.) You can also check out stores that specialize in tile and flooring. Buying a piece of slate for your...

Pets & Animals

New 210 Gallon | Discus Hardscape 4K

123 likes 21,089 views 7 years ago

× New 210 Gallon | Discus Hardscape 4K ADA Soil - ADA Additives - Facebook - Channel - Facebook -
× CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: ‪‬ Like: ‪‬ Bookmark: ‪‬ The Art of the Planted Aquarium is a famous German aquascaping contest, organized every two years in Hannover during Heimtiermesse. The next edition will be held in...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FORUM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video...

Pets & Animals

A Closer Look At The Dwarf Pea Puffer Fish

120 likes 17,434 views 8 years ago

× I've had these fish for two weeks now, and I'm completely amazed! They spend their entire day hunting for Malaysian trumpet snails; thus I never have to feed them! Overall so far so good, an amazing fish episode will be uploaded once I learn a bit more and when they reach full size! As Always, thank You all for watching, be sure to subscribe for...
× Setting up process of Dennerle Scaper's Tank no. 26 for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015 live aquascaping contest :) The designer is Patrick Tillich. If you have any questions - ask me in the Comments :) Music: "Eko" Jonathan Atkins Subscribe: Like:...
× The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2017 aquascaping contest was held during Tierwelt Messe in Magdeburg, Germany, on 7-9 April 2017. In this video I present aquariums no. 14-16 of the Nano category. Subscribe: Like: Bookmark:

Pets & Animals

Aquascape Aquarium Setup Manten Stone ADA

117 likes 45,736 views 11 years ago

× News Here: Vasca autocostruita 30x30x45h avviata il 26/02/2014 Fondo: 9l New Amazonia Rocce: Manten stone ADA Luci: Solaris 11w Filtro esterno: Eheim professional III 2075 Riscaldatore: No Flora:Fissidens Fontanus-Flame moss Fauna:Taiwan bee Blue bolt Fertilizzanti:No...
× Tutorial su come effettuare la manutenzione per acquario di acqua dolce, il cambio dell'acqua, la potatura e la pulizia dei vetri. Tutte le guide più complete dalla scelta della vasca, all'illuminazione, ai prodotti indispensabili… La scelta della vasca e il posizionamento 1/7: La composizione del filtro...
× As a long time fish keeper, the idea of using fish waste to grow something always fascinated me and one day I got the idea of building an aquaponics system that could easily be placed indoors and look good. I decided to use goldfish because of the amount of waste they produce which will be an excellent nutrient source for the plants I will be...
× SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of...
× Aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi, presents a video on description and management of aquatic plant ALTERNANTHERA. ( Alternanthera Cardinalis, Alternanthera Ocipus "tf", Alternanthera Reineckii Purple, Alternanthera Reineckii Mini ). It comes from South America and spread to Africa and Asia, is called Alternanthera because the...

Pets & Animals

Infamous Beauty 90 Gallon Reef Tank Build...

114 likes 23,870 views 10 years ago

× It has finally happened! The reef tank Beauty is finally filled up, and aquascape. I will go over what rock i used, why i used dry live rock, and how I got this rock. Hope you enjoy the video. It has officially begun! Check out all of the social networks we take part in. Lots a stuff going on outside of YouTube Fish Tank Hooligans...

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