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Arowana Fish, Shark Fish, Oscar Fish, Pacu Fish at Dolphin Aquarium
Watch the various aquarium fish types at Dolphin Aquarium.
The dolphin aquarium is a public aquarium at vile parle west in mumbai.
Dolphin aquarium is a house to various types of freshwater fish.
In this video, we get to watch different varieties of exotic fish and tropical...
Kali ini saya mau mereview toko ikan hias " BETAWI AQUARIUM" Di centra ikan Hias Sumenep menteng Jakarta Pusat, Tentunya Discus yang di Jual di sini ada discus kualitas nomer 1 dan memiliki keindahan yang memukau dengan harga yang kompetitif
Kios no 053 Centra Ikan Hias Sumenep Menteng Jakarta Pusat
betawi aquarium :081288555989
I tried discus for the first time, and it has not gone well at all. A few of the discus have died, and I am left with two that seem to be doing well. This is an establish planted aquariums and only the discus have died. The corydoras, shrimp, apistos and tetras have all been fine.
Link to where I buy my aquarium lights, plants, fertilizers and other...
Koi Fish, Flowerhorn Fish, Discus Fish at AMart Aquatic World Fish Shop
Here are the aquarium fish types at the amart aquatic world fish shop.
We take a look at each aquarium fish displayed in different fish tank.
AMart Aquatic World Fish Shop is located at Kurla and deals in various freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish.
We watch some...
I was lucky enough to spend the weekend traveling across Florida with Cory from Aquarium Co-op. We made stops at Rainbow River, Bio Aquatix Fish Farm, Jack Wattley Discus Hatchery and more!
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Here at Wild Fish Tanks aquarium...
Gold Fish, Cichlid Fish, Guppy Fish, Tetra Fish at Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop
Watch the various aquarium fish types at the lovely aquarium fish shop.
The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of exotic fish, tropical fish and other types of freshwater fish.
In this video we have divided all the aquarium fish of the fish shop in large...
Here is the latest shipment of Wilds from Santarem Discus straight from the Amazon river. We don't acclimate them because we match the pH to what Santarem Discus has. But watch to see our secret to keeping them healthy after a 2 day journey!
Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market
Watch the aquarium fish stock of pari aquarium fish shop located at Kurla Fish Market.
The pari aquarium fish shop of kurla deals in wholesale and retail of aquarium fish.
Pari aquarium deals in freshwater fish and other aquarium fish varieties.
Due to issues faced by the fish shop keepers related to...
Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop
Watch the lovely aquarium fish varieties at the lovely aquarium fish shop.
The Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop is located at Kalyan in Mumbai.
The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of aquarium fish as in freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish.
The lovely aquarium fish shop also deals in aquarium fish...
Planted Discus Tank owned by Paul Grand (France) Size arround 1000 Liters. A Masterpiece. Enjoy !!!
Most popular in Discus
Planted Discus Tank owned by Paul Grand (France) Size arround 1000 Liters. A Masterpiece. Enjoy !!!
Hi guys. Just thought i would share a video on what I have found to be my favourite fish that I've kept so far.
By no means is this definitive, it's just the fish that i have found I have enjoyed the most.
Let me know your top 3 fish in the comments and why.
Music: Close To You by Mark Tyner is licensed under a Creative...
A few hours after adding the harlequin rasbora and rummy nose tetra. They'll look much better once they colour up :)
In the aquarium hobby more than 100 of coloration available of discus but some are looking very similar to each other so i chose some of those.
If u know more kind of discus plz inform me in my comments section ...........
Thanks for watching 🙏
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Types of Gar-...
Progress in the fish Room! Aquarium Fishroom VLOG. I have made some progress on the new rack and organizing the fishroom. Take a look and let me know what you think!
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Water pure confusion which water is use for Aquarium tank? Which one is best ? What is mean by freshwater?
Which water to use and how
Tap water , well water , distilled water , mineral water or lake water is best for Aquarium watch to know all details
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Fish Room Tour on a Friday Night! Need to get some maintenance done on all the fish tanks! Some of these aquariums are gross!
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In this video i do a quick update on a few of the fry tanks and the 75 gallon 2 tank rack. I show my magical killifish that survived the odds, and also my purple spotted gudgeon Fry that are growing fast!! then the video ends with my fahaka puffer. Hope you enjoy!
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Are you tired of having your mated discus pairs eating their fry, spawn after spawn? Here's a simple solution that should stop most fighting, discus breeding pairs from eating their eggs, wrigglers or fry.
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Discus fish unboxing - adding 15 new fish to my custom aquarium, and finally getting the panels fitted to complete my custom discus display tank. I talk a little about how I selected my Discus and the acclimatisation process, and how I acclimatise new discus fish with the 'drop and plop' method.
**Stuff I use**
Evolution Aqua pure aquarium balls -...
× - Red Devil cichlids can be super aggressive. I highly advise you keep your fish well fed. One of my favorite foods is the Northfin Cichlid brand. Here is a link:
Northfin Cichlid Food:
Additional talk:
I do not get why people try and cycle with fish food. It takes so much longer since you have to...
Many people think that discus fish are only for advanced fish keepers.
They couldn’t be more wrong. Taking care of discus fish is easy if you
only know how to do it properly. Discus fish are very sensitive when
it comes to water condition and food quality. Here are some basic tips
you need to follow in order to properly take care and breed discus...
Setting up a Grow out tank for Discus Fry. This Video is about when is the ideal time to separate the Discus Fry from their parents.
Rio 400 met Alenquer en Blue Diamond en Snakeskin.
Plants: Anubias heterophylla and Hygrophila difformis.
Light: Akvastabil Lumax Plant.
Driftwood: Mopani.
Filter: Air pump Eheim 400.
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#1 | Discus Fry and New Fish Room Update 4K
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Discus fish breeding setup. Water change is 20 liters a day straight tap water dechlorinated with prime .This is a simple low tech setup with peat moss to help acidify and soften water that works, keep it simple and enjoy your success.
Discus Fish - Cinematic
My beautiful discus fish tank and amazing anubias aquarium plants.
Plants: Anubias Coffeefolia, anubias,Anubias barteri var. anubias nana, Eleocharis parvula, Bacopa caroliniana, Hygrophila difformis
Soil: Aquasoil amazonia
light: 150 W MH
Co2: Presurized
Fertilizer : Liquid 5ml daily
Music by Epidemic Sound...
Here is where you can find our Wild Discus
Here is where you can find our Wild Discus Food
20% Off Until The End Of March!
use this code at check: wildwattley20%
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PH of around 7.0 and is hard. Water changes every 3 days 50%.
No CO2 , flourish 5 ml per week
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60 Gallon Discus Cube Update 12.9.16
Here is a quick update on the planted 60 gallon discus tank build.
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How To Care Discus Fish | Urdu/Hindi
Hello all, I have comprised a caresheet on Discus fish after a lot of research. The intention of this care sheet is to invite others to share in our love of this peaceful, beautiful species of Cichlid. I want to be able to inform others that the care of these fish is not as mysterious and...
I've been gradually adjusting the pH in my 10gallon tank for the new inhabitants. Over the past few weeks, I've added a pair of angelfish and also a pair of discus. The crawfish have been removed for the safety of the fish, but they are doing well in my other tanks. More changes to follow.
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As requested by some of my YT friends, I visited Jackson's house and recorded this update video of the flowerhorn & Wild Oscar to share. From this video you will know how much time , money and effort he spending on his pets. Those turtle boxes are special made to house baby terrapins/box turtle during night time or bad weather (day time will be in a...
This video is a short introduction on how to keep discus fish I will be making a few videos on how to keep them and try and help out beginners get started with keeping discus fish I will be just showing people the way I keep discus If you need any more help then just comment on this video and I will try to help
Today we talk about Discus fish, the king of freshwater fishes. I will tell you all about them, how to keep discus, what to feed discus and also how to breed discus!
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The state of the tank in April 2015 (about a year from setting it up). The water is crystal clear, from a mechanical/chemical/biological point of view. This is the biggest tank I can fit in my living room, so please spare me your lectures on tank size. As you can see, my discus are quite happy and healthy. All the best :)
Dave Palumbo showcases his 110 Gallon High Angelfish and Discus community tank. Check out the Koi Angels, Albino Altum Angel, Black Lace Angel, Long fin Serpae Tetras, Candy Cane tetras, Albino Geophagus, Cory Catfish, curviceps cichlids, and more
Last week we toured his fish room and today we'll open up the fish I got from Tom a/k/a Coral Bandit!
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Have I mentioned how much I love dwarf cichlids? Rams in particular?...
Just got this new tank and the present inhabitants include:
7 discus (red and blue turquoise, red melon, yellow cristal, pigeon blood, blue diamond)
4 clown loaches
1 pleco
11 neon tetras
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Akvaryum, Akvaryum Balıkları, Süs Balıkları, Tv Akvaryum, Akvaryum Tv, Kum Şelalesi, Balık Çeşitleri, Canlı Doğuranlar, beyaz benek hastalığı, artemya, artemia, hastalıklı balıklar, akvaryum bitkisi,...
Here are some Discus fish I'm growing out. Beautiful color! They look great in a large school.
55g Long
3 sponge medium sized sponge filters
Fluval 306
Aquaclear 30
200w Aqueon Heater
chuckbam, Discus Fish, Fishroom, 11-03-09
Fish Store Tour of Mississauga Aquariums | Flowerhorn & Discus Cichlid Shop Remastered
Today we look at a fish store tour of Mississauga Aquariums again with better, clearer remastered footage. The original video made it a bit difficult to check out the amazing stock found in this flowerhorn and discus shop. Today we...