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Arowana Fish, Shark Fish, Oscar Fish, Pacu Fish...

734 likes 55,043 views 5 years ago

× Arowana Fish, Shark Fish, Oscar Fish, Pacu Fish at Dolphin Aquarium Watch the various aquarium fish types at Dolphin Aquarium. The dolphin aquarium is a public aquarium at vile parle west in mumbai. Dolphin aquarium is a house to various types of freshwater fish. In this video, we get to watch different varieties of exotic fish and tropical...


Betawi " DISCUS" Aquarium - Discusnya Emang TOP

113 likes 6,746 views 5 years ago

× Kali ini saya mau mereview toko ikan hias " BETAWI AQUARIUM" Di centra ikan Hias Sumenep menteng Jakarta Pusat, Tentunya Discus yang di Jual di sini ada discus kualitas nomer 1 dan memiliki keindahan yang memukau dengan harga yang kompetitif Kios no 053 Centra Ikan Hias Sumenep Menteng Jakarta Pusat betawi aquarium :081288555989


The Discus are Gone?!

422 likes 8,013 views 5 years ago

× I tried discus for the first time, and it has not gone well at all. A few of the discus have died, and I am left with two that seem to be doing well. This is an establish planted aquariums and only the discus have died. The corydoras, shrimp, apistos and tetras have all been fine. Link to where I buy my aquarium lights, plants, fertilizers and other...
× Koi Fish, Flowerhorn Fish, Discus Fish at AMart Aquatic World Fish Shop Here are the aquarium fish types at the amart aquatic world fish shop. We take a look at each aquarium fish displayed in different fish tank. AMart Aquatic World Fish Shop is located at Kurla and deals in various freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish. We watch some...


Weekend with Aquarium Co-Op: Behind The Scenes

456 likes 13,669 views 5 years ago

× I was lucky enough to spend the weekend traveling across Florida with Cory from Aquarium Co-op. We made stops at Rainbow River, Bio Aquatix Fish Farm, Jack Wattley Discus Hatchery and more! Shop at Aquarium Co-op and Support the Channel: Tip Jar: Here at Wild Fish Tanks aquarium...
× Gold Fish, Cichlid Fish, Guppy Fish, Tetra Fish at Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop Watch the various aquarium fish types at the lovely aquarium fish shop. The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of exotic fish, tropical fish and other types of freshwater fish. In this video we have divided all the aquarium fish of the fish shop in large...


Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

582 likes 14,543 views 5 years ago

× Here is the latest shipment of Wilds from Santarem Discus straight from the Amazon river. We don't acclimate them because we match the pH to what Santarem Discus has. But watch to see our secret to keeping them healthy after a 2 day journey! Shop: Instatram: Facebook:...


Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market

254 likes 13,545 views 5 years ago

× Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market Watch the aquarium fish stock of pari aquarium fish shop located at Kurla Fish Market. The pari aquarium fish shop of kurla deals in wholesale and retail of aquarium fish. Pari aquarium deals in freshwater fish and other aquarium fish varieties. Due to issues faced by the fish shop keepers related to...


Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop

305 likes 8,734 views 5 years ago

× Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop Watch the lovely aquarium fish varieties at the lovely aquarium fish shop. The Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop is located at Kalyan in Mumbai. The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of aquarium fish as in freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish. The lovely aquarium fish shop also deals in aquarium fish...


Planted Discus Tank owned by Paul Grand (France)

88 likes 8,245 views 5 years ago

× Planted Discus Tank owned by Paul Grand (France) Size arround 1000 Liters. A Masterpiece. Enjoy !!!

Most popular in Discus


Discus fish care and maintenance tips in hindi

159 likes 10,408 views 7 years ago

× My WhatsApp number is 7257000228 My email I'd - Facebook -- Join WhatsApp group- Follow me....................


RTG Arowana Fish | 2.5 feet Red Tail Gold At...

159 likes 8,296 views 7 years ago

× Fish Aquarium Home is located at Laxmi Nagar in New Delhi.


Sorry.... but I had to do this.....

159 likes 7,820 views 7 years ago

× About time! If your fish is sick, use melafix to treat internal bacteria infections. Signs that your fish is sick. (see below) Not eating. Clear white poop. Fish isolates itself from tank mates and owner (you). Fish not greeting you to the front of your tank or not being active. Click the link here to buy melafix from amazon. Click the link....


How to breed Discus - My breeding setup

159 likes 15,036 views 6 years ago

× This is my discus breeding setup. My Discus Breeding Setup kit; Breeding cone: Filter: Heater: Lid materiel: ☕Buy me a coffee!: #️⃣Follow me on Twitter: 📸Follow me on Instagram :...


2. Discus Bare Bottom Tank

158 likes 26,043 views 11 years ago

× If you like what you see please Subscribe! Check back for new videos weekly! Please leave any suggestions for video topics below.


I Clean 8 Of My 10 Fish Tanks Every Sunday!!!

157 likes 3,412 views 7 years ago

× How long this it take me to clean my fishroom? Part 1 of 2. Yes I still use buckets😅 Music: Fun Time by Dj Quads: Music promoted by Audio Library As Always, thank You all for watching, be sure to subscribe for more! Also, I'm expanding beyond YouTube; check out some other sites...


Amazing Discus Fish Room! Martin Ng Discus...

157 likes 14,641 views 6 years ago

× Fish room tour around Corban Discus - a Martin Ng Discus specialist. Check out Corban Discus: YouTube: FaceBook: Website: ☕Buy me a coffee!: #️⃣Follow me on Twitter:...


Using Potassium Permanganate for Aquarium...

156 likes 13,309 views 12 years ago

× About Discus Tropical Fish - Potassium Permanganate is effective for treating gill flukes in Discus Fish as well as other bacterial and fungal infections. It is relatively safe when applied correctly, will not overdose and can be reapplied until discus fish recovers. Related Videos:...


King Kong Yellow Parrot Fish At Delhi's Fish...

156 likes 10,153 views 7 years ago

× Ish Sachdeva is loaded with knowledge about fish that he sells and he was kind enough to share his knowledge with our viewers. His shop is located near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station in Delhi.


[HD] German Solid Red Discus at Sydney Discus...

156 likes 55,839 views 10 years ago

× Our Premium 12-13cm imported German Solid Red Discus for sale at our store. Purchase online We safely ship all over Australia and accept Bank Deposit, Credit Card and Paypal. Call us +61 02 8746 0225 for all enquiries. Our shop is open 7 days 9:30am-5pm Why buy from us? *We have been...


Beamswork FSPEC Aquarium LED Light Freshwwater...

155 likes 19,813 views 8 years ago

× I take a look at the PAR Data on the Beamswork FSPEC Aquarium LED Light Freshwwater Plant Extendable. Buy the light here: If you've enjoyed this video and haven't already subscribed to our channel, please click that subscribe button now.



154 likes 125,257 views 14 years ago



Discus fish tank Care guide & basic...

154 likes 12,729 views 8 years ago

× Discus fish tank Care guide & basic information Discuss & Breeding In Hindi Urdu English Subtitle Top 10 tips for discus fish keeping Watch my videos on fishes diseases and. Treatment Please Subscribe To My Channel By clicking here...
× Kurla Aquarium shop


Premium Crossback Arowana Fish For Sale At...

151 likes 7,873 views 7 years ago

× UTEKAR FISHERIES PVT LTD 4 & 5 ESSPEE TOWER, DATTAPADA ROAD, RAJENDRA NAGAR, BORIVALI EAST, MUMBAI 400066 Contact : 022-29690000 (88 lines)                       022-28708684                       022-28548684 Email :     Website :


Dealing with discus aggression

151 likes 4,295 views 6 years ago

× Sometimes discus get feisty... here is how I have successfully reduced aggression. Keep your questions coming for future videos! Shop: Instagram: Facebook:


3. Discus Water Quality and Filtration

151 likes 36,345 views 11 years ago

× Sorry about the video quality guys! My phone updated and switched to lo-res. If you like what you see please Subscribe! Check back for new videos weekly! Please leave any suggestions for video topics below.


Inti Aquarium, World's Largest Discus Fish...

151 likes 138,033 views 14 years ago

× Website: Like Us on Facebook: Peter Thode's 2007 visit to Inti Aquarium in Medan, Indonesia. They are the largest discus fish hatchery in the world. Thanks for watching!


Top 10 Tips To Keep Discus With Ease | The...

150 likes 14,863 views 7 years ago

× Here are my top 10 tips to keep discus fish with ease. Hindi Subtitle available. How To Keep Discus Easily: Mechanical, Biological, Chemical Filtration Explained: How To Get A Breeding Pair Of Discus Fish?: How To Add New Fish: Deworming Fish Using Metro For...


Discus Fish Tank Maintenance || Aquarium...

150 likes 8,157 views 6 years ago

× This Video is about cleaning and maintaining a bare bottom Discus Fish tank / Aquarium. Reduce Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate in the Aquarium with regular water change. These are few steps that every hobbyist needs to follow to keep your fishes HAPPY !! Our Channel : Our Instagram Page :...



149 likes 3,051 views 7 years ago

× New details on the Fish room.


2 years on YouTube! Feed The Fish with Me!

148 likes 3,060 views 7 years ago

× Two years on youtube! Your Betta fish questions answered. Feeding betta fish and much more! Our online store Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Filming Equipment Macro Lens. iPhone...


ADA Aquarium Setup | Natural Fish Aquarium At...

147 likes 5,658 views 7 years ago

× UTEKAR FISHERIES PVT LTD 4 & 5 ESSPEE TOWER, DATTAPADA ROAD, RAJENDRA NAGAR, BORIVALI EAST, MUMBAI 400066 Contact : 022-29690000 (88 lines)                       022-28708684                       022-28548684 Email :     Website :


Filter Aquarium Untuk Discus

146 likes 60,580 views 7 years ago

× Akhirnya saya memilih untuk menambahkan aksesoris tanaman,kayu dan batuan kembali di akuarium saya,karna sayang tanaman dan kayunya jadi rusak saat saya taruh di aqua sementara yg kecil tempat wadah cupang sekarang.Seperti yg terlihat di atas,kayu banyak yg patah dan tanamannya rusak. Sekalian saya perlihatkan filter saya agak detail karna banyak yg...


Chili Red Arowana At Fish Aquarium Home In Delhi

145 likes 8,277 views 7 years ago

× Ish showed us a Chili Red Arowana certified by Qian Hu Fish farm.


Sarah and Gerrard's Discus Aquarium 1st Year

144 likes 99,668 views 13 years ago

× August 29th was the one year anniversary of our 72 Gallon planted Discus tank. We've made a lot of mistakes and learned a whole lot. The number one thing we learned is that it doesn't really make sense to grow out juvenile discus in a planted tank. Enjoy! For updates, check out my blog:


Take a Complete Tour of My Fishroom. One Fish...

143 likes 4,629 views 7 years ago

× Take a tour of my fishroom and get to see every fish in every tank. plenty of new updates to see 12% Off Anything at by entering promo code ADAMC 10% Off Fish at by entering promo code ADAMC my Instagram is AdamCSolo my email is


Aquarium fish wholesaler in Iquitos Peru....

143 likes 18,823 views 12 years ago

× GET AN AWESOME TANK! Amazon River Fish, Largest Freshwater Fish Arapaima Gigus, Paiche LIVE From the Amazon River. The Jungle Series Hatchet Fish Species Sunday Amazon River Dolphins The Jungle Series...


150+ Discus Fish Babies Unboxing || Discus Fry...

143 likes 4,624 views 6 years ago

× 150+ Baby/Fry Discus unboxing. Very excited about this whole project. My breeding pair stopped breeding and have been fighting since few months. So I decided to get some babies and Grow them out. 2 Types of varieties RED COVER BLUE SCORPION I picked them up from CV Discus, Kerala. You can contact Vineeth - +919037418647 Hope you guys like our...


Adding 300 fish! 600 gallon planted discus tank

142 likes 31,133 views 8 years ago

× Adding 200 harlequin rasboras and 100 rummy nose tetra :)


Talking About Betta & Discus with Subh's Betta..

140 likes 4,110 views 6 years ago

× Subh's Betta - 7980038463 Facebook - My channel is about various aquarium fish breeding feeding and care. 👉STRESS HEAL - 👉Flowerhorn Head growth - 👉Flowerhorn Color growth - 👉Dried Bloodworm for...



139 likes 14,382 views 7 years ago

× This video is for all those fish keepers who are deciding upon keeping Discus Fish as their new pet for their awesome freshwater tank. It will definitely help you to identify and figure out your most favourite varieties of Discus Fish among so many different varieties available in the market. Clips of best & relevant videos available on YouTube are...


Discus Fish’s Male and Female

138 likes 11,887 views 7 years ago

× This video will give you a complete knowledge about differences in male and female in Discus Fish. So please if you like this video then please like,share,subscribe and support me and my channel Thankyou.


Delhi fish aquarium home LIVE

137 likes 7,188 views 7 years ago



Treat Sick Fish || Metro Treatment Discus Fish...

137 likes 9,363 views 6 years ago

× This Video focuses on using Metronidazole for Deworming your fish, HEX treatment for Discus Fish. More commonly know as Metro Treatment. Lot of discus fish keepers feed heart mix which is mostly Home made, Discus fish tend to have internal issues. To over come these issues Metronidazole is one of the best medications. This Video shows you steps...


Leopard Gourami Or Spotted Leaf Fish For Sale

135 likes 5,954 views 7 years ago

× Leopard Gourami is for sale at Kurla Fish Aquarium Shop Aqua Planet in Mumbai.


Saddar Karachi Aquarium Shop Guppy Carp Gold...

135 likes 6,485 views 7 years ago

× Video by S M Jamshed Asmi Jamshed Asmi Informative Channel



135 likes 3,562 views 6 years ago

× I'm excited to bring you all this discus hatchery tour where they are breeding discus fish and importing wild caught discus. Jack Wattley's name is synonymous with quality discus fish and even though he is no longer with us, Gabe and the rest of the team at Jack Wattley discus have been carrying the torch. I admittedly know nothing about keeping...


Discus fish tank

134 likes 57,841 views 13 years ago

× 400 liter planted fish tank.I have 11 discus, 3 botia, 4 ancitrus, neons, ramirez and siamese, and so on.I made the design of the tank.This was filmed in Oradea Romania.Enjoy!

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