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Arowana Fish, Shark Fish, Oscar Fish, Pacu Fish at Dolphin Aquarium
Watch the various aquarium fish types at Dolphin Aquarium.
The dolphin aquarium is a public aquarium at vile parle west in mumbai.
Dolphin aquarium is a house to various types of freshwater fish.
In this video, we get to watch different varieties of exotic fish and tropical...
Kali ini saya mau mereview toko ikan hias " BETAWI AQUARIUM" Di centra ikan Hias Sumenep menteng Jakarta Pusat, Tentunya Discus yang di Jual di sini ada discus kualitas nomer 1 dan memiliki keindahan yang memukau dengan harga yang kompetitif
Kios no 053 Centra Ikan Hias Sumenep Menteng Jakarta Pusat
betawi aquarium :081288555989
I tried discus for the first time, and it has not gone well at all. A few of the discus have died, and I am left with two that seem to be doing well. This is an establish planted aquariums and only the discus have died. The corydoras, shrimp, apistos and tetras have all been fine.
Link to where I buy my aquarium lights, plants, fertilizers and other...
Koi Fish, Flowerhorn Fish, Discus Fish at AMart Aquatic World Fish Shop
Here are the aquarium fish types at the amart aquatic world fish shop.
We take a look at each aquarium fish displayed in different fish tank.
AMart Aquatic World Fish Shop is located at Kurla and deals in various freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish.
We watch some...
I was lucky enough to spend the weekend traveling across Florida with Cory from Aquarium Co-op. We made stops at Rainbow River, Bio Aquatix Fish Farm, Jack Wattley Discus Hatchery and more!
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Here at Wild Fish Tanks aquarium...
Gold Fish, Cichlid Fish, Guppy Fish, Tetra Fish at Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop
Watch the various aquarium fish types at the lovely aquarium fish shop.
The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of exotic fish, tropical fish and other types of freshwater fish.
In this video we have divided all the aquarium fish of the fish shop in large...
Here is the latest shipment of Wilds from Santarem Discus straight from the Amazon river. We don't acclimate them because we match the pH to what Santarem Discus has. But watch to see our secret to keeping them healthy after a 2 day journey!
Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market
Watch the aquarium fish stock of pari aquarium fish shop located at Kurla Fish Market.
The pari aquarium fish shop of kurla deals in wholesale and retail of aquarium fish.
Pari aquarium deals in freshwater fish and other aquarium fish varieties.
Due to issues faced by the fish shop keepers related to...
Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop
Watch the lovely aquarium fish varieties at the lovely aquarium fish shop.
The Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop is located at Kalyan in Mumbai.
The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of aquarium fish as in freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish.
The lovely aquarium fish shop also deals in aquarium fish...
Planted Discus Tank owned by Paul Grand (France) Size arround 1000 Liters. A Masterpiece. Enjoy !!!
Most popular in Discus
What I Use For Everything @STARBRIGHT
In this episode Joel and I aquascape two aquariums and give our Aquascaping Tips and Tricks that we use to help guide our way. I myself went with a blackwater biotope and Joel with a seiryu stone scape. Place a vote for who wins this aquascaping contest.
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This covers
- checking the temperature,
- checking for leaks,
- using a test strips to check water chemistry,
- feed the discus some frozen food,
- topping up the automatic feeder,
- giving some Cory catfish tablets,
- adding plant fertilizer,
- skimming for debris
We and our fish community thank you.
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Links to Plant Profiles Below. In part 3 of the Beginner's Primer to Planted Tanks, we talk about some easy low light plants you can start growing as a beginner in a low light environment.
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An update on a few aquaruims in the fish room and also some new stuff. Fair warning most of my tanks are covered in algae and are not very clean. Some of you know its been a pretty hectic last few months and my tanks have suffered from it.
Check out Flip Aquatics and Michaels Fish Room here:
Ikan Discus sering dikenal sebagai rajanya aquarium karena gerakannya yang anggun dan warnanya yang indah. Merupakan jenis ikan hias yang populer asli amerika selatan, tepatnya di sungai amazon. Dan saat ini ikan discus menjadi salah satu jenis ikan hias akuarium air tawar termahal.
Ikan discus mempunyai penampilan yang bisa dikenali dengan mudah....
Breeding time and Love is in the air..err water! A lot of mate searching, territory disputing, egg laying and of course...dancing
Discus community aquarium 7 months after setup. 9 discus, 1 angel fish, 4 clown loaches, 26 cardinal tetras, 6 corydoras, 1 bristlenose pleco, 3 SAE, 4 oto cats and 2 bolivian rams
Eheim 2180 and Fluval fx5 Filters
(English below) Super Nahaufnahmen vom Fessverhalten der Jungfische! ---- Super close ups of baby fish eating secretion from parents bodys.
blood parrot fish tank,
blood parrot tank,
blood parrot tank mates,
blood parrot eating fish,
blood parrot fish care,
blood parrot food,
blood parrot community tank,
blood parrot and oscar,
blood parrot fish aquarium,
blood parrot male or female,
blood parrot,
blood parrot fish,
blood parrot aquarium,
blood parrot and flowerhorn,
blood parrot and...
This thing is massive and could easily strangle you.
Hi everyone! This is part 2 of visiting the world aquarium. IF you missed part 1, check it out here
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That is right! I finally got Discus thanks to my friend Phil (Philthy Tanks). In addition to trying discus cichlids for the first time, I also am going to be making changes to my fish room. I want to have mire fun with different tank and fish, like I have had in creating the mudskipper habitat. I want to make my fish room easier to manage, with more...
Keep on watching the video to discover more about the10 Most Colorful Freshwater Fish For Your home Aquarium, as well some of the most beautiful fish for freshwater fish tank aquariums.
1. Male Betta Fish - Commonly known as the betta, is a popular fish in the aquarium trade. They are also one of the oldest known freshwater fish to be kept in...
THE FISH ARE SAFE! Don't worry :)
I woke up in the morning only to find my aquarium in a severely compromised state. Luckily all the fish are safe, but since I can't afford another tank right now I had to make a tough decision....
GERMAN BLUE RAMS- I miss my German Blue Rams. These Rams were kept in my old 125. I bought these German Blue Rams at the American Cichlid Association back when it was in Indy. Love me some Peaceful and colorful Rams
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Breeding Discus Fish is a Question that every one have. This is a Video that I made about the Steps and things that I have done and also learnt from my experienced friends Mr. Al Castro ( From California, USA) , Mr. Nadeem and Mr. Vinay to get success with Breeding Discus.
It is a long video which starts of with how to get a breeding pair or how to...
Adding fish in the no maintenance tank! What's up everybody, Dustin here with Dustin's Fish Tanks! In this video we will be visiting the NO MAINTENANCE TANK and we are adding some new fish in this bad boy! If you like what we are doing here, SUBSCRIBE by clicking the link below.
You can watch the entire series on this tank here:...
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I was lucky enough to spend the weekend traveling across Florida with Cory from Aquarium Co-op. We made stops at Rainbow River, Bio Aquatix Fish Farm, Jack Wattley Discus Hatchery and more!
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Here at Wild Fish Tanks aquarium...
How to put sand in your tank without making clouds of sand in your water Powered By Loopster Apps
Hans has set up an incredible system in his fish house. He can do a water change in 48 tanks in less then 20 minutes. In this video he demonstrates how he does it.
Here it is a Japanese Fish Store Tour of Paupau Ginza. This is a two floor aquarium shop in Japan. This fish store in in Japan has freshwater and saltwater and ADA planted tanks.
If you have any questions or would like to buy any fish, please email me at
Check out my Amazon Store! Here you can buy most of the items I use...
This video shows my Discus, Angel fish, and German Blue Rams. Whilst filming this my Angel fish started to lay eggs.
Please watch: "420 Gallon Reef aka The Wife Week 3: Let's Relax"
Catching wild discus fish in the Amazon is something few people get to experience - and definitely one I won't forget. I literally woke up from a nap and saw the nets out going for Discus Fish. Pretty fun to see this discus collecting going down.
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This movie covers about 12 hours total, from 2pm till 2am
Putting the Discus in the tanks:
This is called "the drop & plop" way, our water is very close to the quality of water they come from. Many moons ago we did the "drip" method. The Discus are too long in the dirty shipping water, we always lost more Discus as we wanted. The way we do it now...
Today I feed my discus fish! I hope you enjoy the planted aquarium and the relaxing and smooth shots of the aquarium and my discus! The discus tank setup video will be coming soon as well as a couple more discus videos! I feed the fish black worms and blood worms which is a very nutritious food that they love eating!
Do you like aquariums and betta...
Discus fish are very interesting and beautiful fish for aquarium tanks. They are very colorful and incradible fish. We find all species of discus fish photos and share with you.
Informations about discus fish:
Symphysodon, colloquially known as discus, is a genus of cichlids native to the Amazon...
I tried discus for the first time, and it has not gone well at all. A few of the discus have died, and I am left with two that seem to be doing well. This is an establish planted aquariums and only the discus have died. The corydoras, shrimp, apistos and tetras have all been fine.
Link to where I buy my aquarium lights, plants, fertilizers and other...
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Lets talk about keeping Discus with Discus Hans. Over the years Discus have unfortunately developed a reputation for being difficult to keep. In this episode Hans and I discuss how Stendker Discus has changed the way we look at these beautiful and majestic fish.
Discus Hans has quickly become one of the most respected figures in the...
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More information on our discus hatchery as well as videos and pictures of our discus under:
On our last Malaysia journey, we visited together with Jeffrey Tan from IP Discus (Tony Tan) this beautiful discus hatchery. This discus farm is quite amazing,...
Anciennement appelé Microrasbora Galaxy, le Danio margaritatus est un très petit poisson d'aquarium de moins de 3cm. Originaire d'Asie et vivant en banc, il convient aux petits aquariums. Découvrez comment s'en occuper, quel aquarium, comment le nourrir, comment il se reproduit.
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Discus Fish are one type of fish that I am not trying to keep any time soon. Discus tanks are Steve's main thing. Check out my other videos of Steve's Discus fish as well.
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How to set up a Nature Aquarium planted tank aquascape using an Aquascaper 600. This aquarium was aquascaped for my friend, Steven. It's a classic Nature Aquarium style aquascape and I'm really excited to see how it develops.
Stay tuned for future updates!
Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff -
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NO MAINTENANCE Tank FAIL- Yep, I am not afraid to do a little Maintenance on the No Maintenance tank....We have a little algae. It happens. In this video I talk about how I am battling algae in this aquarium.
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This is the maintenance that I do on my 450L discus planted tank every weekend. Some trimming, glass cleaning and 30% water change. I make another 30% water change in the middle of week without trimming or cleaning the glass.
Filtration maintenance is separate matter. I will make videos of that in the future. Please, stay tuned and thanks for watching.