Recent in 5. page - discous aquarium


Arowana Fish, Shark Fish, Oscar Fish, Pacu Fish...

734 likes 55,043 views 5 years ago

× Arowana Fish, Shark Fish, Oscar Fish, Pacu Fish at Dolphin Aquarium Watch the various aquarium fish types at Dolphin Aquarium. The dolphin aquarium is a public aquarium at vile parle west in mumbai. Dolphin aquarium is a house to various types of freshwater fish. In this video, we get to watch different varieties of exotic fish and tropical...


Betawi " DISCUS" Aquarium - Discusnya Emang TOP

113 likes 6,746 views 5 years ago

× Kali ini saya mau mereview toko ikan hias " BETAWI AQUARIUM" Di centra ikan Hias Sumenep menteng Jakarta Pusat, Tentunya Discus yang di Jual di sini ada discus kualitas nomer 1 dan memiliki keindahan yang memukau dengan harga yang kompetitif Kios no 053 Centra Ikan Hias Sumenep Menteng Jakarta Pusat betawi aquarium :081288555989


The Discus are Gone?!

422 likes 8,013 views 5 years ago

× I tried discus for the first time, and it has not gone well at all. A few of the discus have died, and I am left with two that seem to be doing well. This is an establish planted aquariums and only the discus have died. The corydoras, shrimp, apistos and tetras have all been fine. Link to where I buy my aquarium lights, plants, fertilizers and other...
× Koi Fish, Flowerhorn Fish, Discus Fish at AMart Aquatic World Fish Shop Here are the aquarium fish types at the amart aquatic world fish shop. We take a look at each aquarium fish displayed in different fish tank. AMart Aquatic World Fish Shop is located at Kurla and deals in various freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish. We watch some...


Weekend with Aquarium Co-Op: Behind The Scenes

456 likes 13,669 views 5 years ago

× I was lucky enough to spend the weekend traveling across Florida with Cory from Aquarium Co-op. We made stops at Rainbow River, Bio Aquatix Fish Farm, Jack Wattley Discus Hatchery and more! Shop at Aquarium Co-op and Support the Channel: Tip Jar: Here at Wild Fish Tanks aquarium...
× Gold Fish, Cichlid Fish, Guppy Fish, Tetra Fish at Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop Watch the various aquarium fish types at the lovely aquarium fish shop. The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of exotic fish, tropical fish and other types of freshwater fish. In this video we have divided all the aquarium fish of the fish shop in large...


Wild Discus From Amazon River (Santarem Discus)

582 likes 14,543 views 5 years ago

× Here is the latest shipment of Wilds from Santarem Discus straight from the Amazon river. We don't acclimate them because we match the pH to what Santarem Discus has. But watch to see our secret to keeping them healthy after a 2 day journey! Shop: Instatram: Facebook:...


Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market

254 likes 13,545 views 5 years ago

× Pari Aquarium Fish Shop at Kurla Fish Market Watch the aquarium fish stock of pari aquarium fish shop located at Kurla Fish Market. The pari aquarium fish shop of kurla deals in wholesale and retail of aquarium fish. Pari aquarium deals in freshwater fish and other aquarium fish varieties. Due to issues faced by the fish shop keepers related to...


Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop

305 likes 8,734 views 5 years ago

× Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop Watch the lovely aquarium fish varieties at the lovely aquarium fish shop. The Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop is located at Kalyan in Mumbai. The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of aquarium fish as in freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish. The lovely aquarium fish shop also deals in aquarium fish...


Planted Discus Tank owned by Paul Grand (France)

88 likes 8,245 views 5 years ago

× Planted Discus Tank owned by Paul Grand (France) Size arround 1000 Liters. A Masterpiece. Enjoy !!!

Most popular in Discus


Aquarium Fish Types at Farhat Fisheries Fish...

393 likes 15,901 views 6 years ago

× Aquarium Fish Types at Farhat Fisheries Fish Store Kurla Watch the various Aquarium Fish Types at Farhat Fisheries Fish Store Kurla. The owner of Farhat Fisheries Mr. Mohsin Patel shows us all the varieties of aquarium fish at his aquarium fish store. The aquarium fish shop has a wide collection of american and african cichlid fish. The fish shop...


The Team of Sams Discus India Fish Farm

388 likes 18,669 views 6 years ago

× The Team of Sams Discus India Fish Farm Contact No. - Mr. Sanjay Khandagale :8999009253 89990 96673 Address - Mangrul Village, Pen - Khopoli Highway Road, Maharashtra, India. In this Video, the owner of Sams Discus India - Mr. Sanjay Khandagale interacts with us and introduces The Team of...


The Amount of Money Spent in this Fish Room...

387 likes 11,815 views 7 years ago

× This was the fish room the started it all. From the custom made stands to the unique inhabitants of all the aquariums, this was the fish room that changed everything. It isn't the most beautiful fish room and it won't win any awards, but this one is truly special! In this fish room you will find some of the most expensive aquarium livestock in the...


How to Keep Discus 101 | The Basics (New Remake)

387 likes 53,122 views 9 years ago

× How to Keep Discus 101 | The Basics (New Remake) I've been wanting to remake this series and finally got around to doing it. Hope you enjoy the short and sweet version of how to keep Discus 101. Store - Facebook - Channel -...


Aquarium Fish Room of a Legend Mike Barber,...

378 likes 43,902 views 9 years ago

× Fishroom of a Legend, These aquarium of Mike are amazing. Having been on a tropical fish collecting boat with Mike makes it extra special. He loves his Cory Cats and actually sent me home with some from Peru. Check out the TOURS MIKES with GO Wild Peru Fish Room of a Legend Mike Hellweg's Fish Room Tour...


Albino Discus Fish - Albino Pigeon Tiger

377 likes 6,006 views 12 years ago

× A pair of red eye pupil to match its body red tiger stripes, this is no ordinary discus fish pigeon strain. Having a few of these in your aquarium fish tank will definitely set you apart from the rest. Related Videos: Discus Fish for Sales,...


High Tech CO2 Aquarium Plant Tips: Glosso...

376 likes 34,908 views 11 years ago

× You can grow some killer plants in a high tech aquarium with CO2. Glosso is one of the plants that thrive in the high tech aquarium with CO2. Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video HOW TO Run CO2 In a Planted Tank Why I don't Use CO2 & How to...



366 likes 105,450 views 11 years ago

× One of the things that has made Discus Hans a household name in the tropical fish industry is the fact that he sells proven breeding pairs of Discus from his fish house in Baltimore Maryland. In this video Hans was nice enough to show us how he finds breeding pairs of Discus, he also discusses some of the things to look for if you are trying to find...


Feeding My Discus Fish in My Garden Aquarium

366 likes 35,055 views 9 years ago



Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend...

364 likes 51,406 views 11 years ago

× Ivan Mikolji interviews Marc Weiss, a famous aquarium hobbyist who specializes in Discus fish. Please help us improve the subtitles by going to Website:, Facebook: Marc Weiss:...


DISCUS HANS INTERVIEW PART 1 Fish house tour,...

361 likes 73,529 views 11 years ago

× Discus Hans has quickly become one of the most respected figures in the aquarium/tropical fish industry. For the first time on YouTube you will meet Hans and hear him discuss where he's from and how he got started in the industry. Discus Hans is the exclusive importer of Stendker Discus from Germany. In the last decade Stendker has exploded in...


New Gourami's!

360 likes 71,116 views 12 years ago

× Buy Plants Here! → Support Jacob's Aquarium on Patreon! → Like Jacobs's Aquarium on FaceBook → Check Out My Instagram! → Tweet Me on Twitter! →


Discus Medication - Internal Parasites

357 likes 27,936 views 7 years ago

× Some of my discus are showing signs of internal parasites or infection. In this video I went ahead and treated with API General Cure for internal parasites. I treat the entire tank (240G and 75G) to make sure all inhabitants are medicated. Medication Used: API General Cure for internal parasites: Epsom Salt (laxative):...


Unheated Aquariums - REAL FISH TALK 13

351 likes 9,289 views 7 years ago

× Today we are fielding a questions from a fan in the comment section and talking about unheated aquariums. If you're wondering where are all the other episodes of real fish talk? They are on our podcast! Make sure you check it out with your favorite podcast app. Our Website: Our Main Channel: Support...


10 Pro Planted Tank Tips in 10 Minutes

351 likes 7,171 views 7 years ago

× My Top 10 tips for a planted aquarium based on my own experiences. Follow these and have a great chance of success. Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff - Follow my aquascaping journey... Instagram Facebook Twitter UKAPS (superb resource for hobbyists)...


Jacobs Plant Guide: Banana Plant

346 likes 23,493 views 8 years ago

× Buy Plants Here! → Support Jacob's Aquarium on Patreon! → Like Jacobs's Aquarium on FaceBook → Check Out My Instagram! → Tweet Me on Twitter! →


New Year New Fish at Naaz Aquarium Fish Store

345 likes 9,800 views 6 years ago

× New Year New Fish at Naaz Aquarium Fish Store This New Year New Fish Stock arrives at Naaz Aquarium Fish Store located at Kurla east. Parvez shows us all their new year new fish stock at thier fish shop. He also tells us the price of each aquarium fish at their aquarium fish store. Naaz aquarium is located in kurla east at the kurla fish market....


Discus Fish Tank Aquarium

345 likes 583,505 views 18 years ago

× A tank full of fish, what can I say?


TOT Rare Yellow Rili and a HOB Mod trick...

337 likes 4,123 views 7 years ago

× TOT Rare Yellow Rili and a HOB Mod trick featured in my 40g Breeder Yellow Neocaridina Shrimp Main. In this episode of This Old Tank I feature my Yellow x Goldenback Neocaridina Shrimp tank and also show some really rare Yellow Rili Neocaridina Shrimp. Also, I share an old mod trick I used to use on my hang on the back HOB filters that fixed the...


Jose Fisheries Aquarium Fish Shop Bhandup

332 likes 11,521 views 6 years ago

× Jose Fisheries Aquarium Fish Shop Bhandup Watch the Jose Fisheries Aquarium Fish Shop located at Bhandup in Mumbai. The aquarium fish shop deals in aquarium fish, fish food, fish tanks, aquarium accessories and other aquarium products. The owner of Jose Fisheries Aquarium Fish Shop Bhandup shows us all the aquarium fish available at their fish...


How to collect fish. Tropical Fish Collecting...

331 likes 42,500 views 8 years ago

× Yes- this was a good time for me. I was loving riding past these ponds and seeing the fish swimming in them.... Like 500 Angels in one pond. This place is missing only one thing. an arapaima gigas. yes- that is what I want to buy for them and keep in one of those ponds..... So this is how it is done. Make sure you check out EVERY TUESDAY this...


Aakar Aquarium Fish Store Borivali

330 likes 18,318 views 6 years ago

× Aakar Aquarium Fish Store Borivali The Aakar Aquarium Fish Store is located in Borivali East in Western Mumbai. The owner of aakar aquarium borivali - Rajan Patil shows us all the aquarium fish available for sale at his aquarium fish shop. He guides us regarding the fish keeping of each particular fish at aakar aquarium fish store. He also tells...


VLOG - Aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs

325 likes 8,704 views 7 years ago

× Aquascaping at Tropica with Jurijs. Tropica is a world-leading aquarium plant grower that exhibits at the Interzoo trade show every two years. I was invited to help aquascape seven planted tank nature aquariums in a couple of days. We used a huge range of plants and styles to create showcases for the show. The aquascapes will be grown in from now...


Best Water Parameters for Discus!! Talkin...

325 likes 34,034 views 9 years ago

× So you saw Discus at your local pet store or on one of MY videos and you really wanna start a Discus tank but you’ve heard they are really hard to keep because they are very picky about their water parameters, but are they? That’s coming up…. Hey everyone it’s Lisa with, Discus aren’t as picky about their water parameters as so many...


Aquarium Fish Keeping LEGEND is DEAD

323 likes 5,594 views 6 years ago

× Aquarium Fish Keeping LEGEND is DEAD! Jack Wattley, the discus legend has passed. We discuss his discus and his contributions to the aquarium hobby. R.I.P. Jack Wattley. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video...


Whats The Best Tank Size For Discus? Talkin...

320 likes 49,122 views 9 years ago

× What’s the best size aquarium for Discus, I’ll answer that next on the Ultimate Discus Guide Hey everyone it’s Lisa with and today we’re talking about aquarium size for Discus. If you look around online you’ll find a bunch of videos showing Discus in tanks from 30 gallons and up but what’s the best size and what’s the minimum size?...


So Many Fish!

319 likes 9,357 views 7 years ago

× We have had a huge population explosion of guppy fry. Our 20 gallon long guppy tank is overrun! Today we take a look at doing water changes in several of our tanks including our guppy fry tank, divided betta fish tank and several more. Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code...


Discus Diskuszucht Stendker video aquarium fish

318 likes 285,399 views 13 years ago

× Discus a ZooMark video monitorato da - Breeader allevatore Jorg Stendker. Siamo il più grande allevamento di pesci disco d'Europa e siamo conosciuti ben oltre i confini europei per la primissima qualità e la grande brillantezza cromatica dei nostri pesci disco. Attraverso il nostro sito internet desideriamo offrirvi...


Parrot Fish, Oscar Fish, Gourami Fish, Cichlid...

316 likes 16,686 views 5 years ago

× Parrot Fish, Oscar Fish, Gourami Fish, Cichlid Fish at AMart Aquatic World Watch the various aquarium fish available at AMart Aquatic World Aquarium Fish Store The aquarium fish store deals in freshwater fish exotic fish and tropical fish. In this video, we take a glimpse of each fish tank with different aquarium fish varieties. Each single fish...


Update on the 75 Gallon Discus Aquarium ~...

315 likes 81,450 views 11 years ago

× This is my 75 gallon discus aquarium. Just doing an update on it. Discus species include: Albino Carnation Turquoise (Hid during the whole video) Albino Golden Crystal (Smallest, yellow colored) Albino Golden Melon (Orange) Albino Red Spotted Green intermediate (Blue with red throughout) Albino White Butterfly (White with orange) Blue Diamond...


My Discus Aquarium @ 19-10-2011

310 likes 105,103 views 13 years ago

× My Tank setup Discus
× Daily Dustin Video 037. In today's daily video, I tell my top 5 what the heck were they thinking stories! Hope you enjoy ;) there are some really good ones! Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video



308 likes 7,547 views 7 years ago

× Aquarium Fish Unboxing- WOW- Daily Dustin Video 006. In this part 1 of a two part series, I travel to Segrest and get to experience a 20 box Aquarium fish unboxing. Let me tell you, I was freaking out. Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out...


What Happened to the New Discus QT Aquarium

307 likes 5,662 views 5 years ago

× Wanted to share with you all what is going on with the discus tank and what the plan of action is and how I go about it. Hopefully they all turn out alright. Want to support or represent, snag up a LRB Aquatics Mad Scientist Shirt here is the link: Patreon:


Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop

305 likes 8,734 views 5 years ago

× Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop Watch the lovely aquarium fish varieties at the lovely aquarium fish shop. The Lovely Aquarium Fish Shop is located at Kalyan in Mumbai. The lovely aquarium fish shop deals in various types of aquarium fish as in freshwater fish, exotic fish and tropical fish. The lovely aquarium fish shop also deals in aquarium fish...


Aakar Aquarium Fish Store Kurla

305 likes 8,238 views 6 years ago

× Aakar Aquarium Fish Store Kurla Watch the variety of aquarium fish at the aakar aquarium fish store kurla. Aakar aquarium fish shop kurla deals in variety of freshwater fish and exotic fish. Aakar aquarium fish store is located in kurla east at the kurla fish market. The store manager tells us about each aquarium fish at their fish store and also...


Keeping healthy discus

304 likes 6,512 views 6 years ago

× A lot goes around the internet and you can't take any single piece of information as holy grail. Being in the discus hobby, these tips have led me to the best success Let us know what you'd like to see in the upcoming videos and leave all of your questions below! Shop:


Beautiful Marine Fish At Utekar Fisheries...

304 likes 15,556 views 7 years ago

× UTEKAR FISHERIES PVT LTD 4 & 5 ESSPEE TOWER, DATTAPADA ROAD, RAJENDRA NAGAR, BORIVALI EAST, MUMBAI 400066 Contact : 022-29690000 (88 lines)                       022-28708684                       022-28548684 Email :     Website :


Planted Discus tank

303 likes 185,194 views 13 years ago

× Planted Discus Tank


Aquarium Equipment Good, Ghetto and Classic...

299 likes 24,520 views 10 years ago

× GET ON THE FREE LIVE 'MAKE IT EASY' WEBINAR & GET A 50% OFF COUPON! GET AN AWESOME TANK! -BUY PLANTS HERE ;) How to get a Clearer Aquarium- Gas Exchange Happy Friday! What fish tank equipment can YOU NOT live without?...

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