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Konnijiwa! Kali ini aku jalan2 bareng temen-temen di korean town Jepang! Semoga bermanfaat dan menghibur yah! Mantappu jiwa!! Video edited by: @kingmrpz @yudhasaputra_22
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gua bakal upload keseruan gua di in game dalam channel ini.
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Guys, pernah kebayang gak untuk terbang tinggi pake balon helium ala ala film animasi Up?
Kalian tau gak sih, sebenernya udah ada banyak loh orang-orang yang nyoba terbang pake balon helium.
Mau tau kaya apa aja? Tontonin terus sampe abis ya guys!
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Most popular in Kayak
In this video Dave from Fergs kayaks Wellington NZ shows us a few tips on how to get back into your sit on top kayak in the case of a capsize...NOTE: this video is just a quick reference, it is highly recomended that you take a course to get the full understanding of how to self rescue quickly and safely. for more info on courses see the following...
If you kayak a lot you know your paddle is important, in this video I team up with Dan from Headwaters Kayak in Lodi, CA for a basic overview of various paddles made of different materials at a variety of cost points. Dan is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to paddle sports and he shares some great info with us. Choosing a paddle is often an...
This is the orignal video! Copyright Samantha Burmeister. Ok Everyone, Check out this video I filmed while Kayaking in Port San Luis today! The real action starts at 20 secs, the video is 31 sec long. If your speakers are on TURN them DOWN. I scream in the end twice..
My name is Samantha, My mother and I went to Avila Beach,Ca (Port San...
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105 pound black marlin hooked and landed by Rob Wong Yuen on the Big Island of Hawaii from his OCEAN KAYAK Trident 15 Angler, using PENN gear and KNOT2KINKY wire from AQUATEKO. All kayak accessories are from HOOK1 Kayak Fishing Gear! JusBoost!!!
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I get a lot of questions about selecting a fishing kayak at all levels, so I decided that I should do a video that covered the levels of fishing kayaks and what to look for in each.
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This video is about what NOT to do in a Kayak. I talk about some of my worst Ideas when in a kayak. I hope someone can learn from my kayaking mistakes and kayak fishing mistakes. Here are my TOP 5 Things not to do. Everything from Passes, Bridges, Sharks and storms.
Follow me of Facebook and Instagram @yakmotley.
I did this video as a public Service to save one life out there in the kayak and kayak fishing world. This is a "How To Kayak Rescue " video where I put my thoughts into a video in hopes that someone actually watches this whole safety video! Do not be a tough guy! Learn how to self rescue yourself in a kayak! I know this video is long! But just...
Our 'Close Encounter of the Otter Kind' happened (and fortunately was documented) on Monterey Bay, California in October 2017. Nature is so incredible how it shows up and connects in our lives. Simply kayaking in Monterey Bay above the kelp forest and seeing sea otters was a peak experience in my life. Then - we had a Sea Otter jump in our kayak...
I got a chance to get a full walkthrough of Pelican's new budget-friendly pedal drive kayak. This kayak uses a fin-style drive almost identical to the Hobie Mirage Drive, whose patent has expired, allowing other manufacturers to now produce this proven pedal drive system.
This boat boasts a ton of features and a premium pedal drive for the low price...
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Meet Mexican extreme kayak athlete Rafael Ortiz. Ortiz is known for his breathtaking expeditions in waterfalls. Tune in to see what he loves about nature and professional kayaking through some of the most dangerous waters in the world.
Experience the...
Every Kayaker worst nightmare. Cant believe this is happening but gotta move and think fast.
WOW!!! Can we take a break after this weekend? Jackson runs a PR with a surprise ending!! Jayden, Jordan, & Tyson play football in the rain. Abe & Jackson go to Utah. Juliana & Jayden audition for SeaWorld's Spooktacular! The kids go kayaking in the swamp behind our house... and JORDAN ENDS UP IN THE ER!
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I head out with my buddy Jake to winter sea kayak and attempt to spend the night on an island in Lake Superior. We have fun trying to paddle around ice to find our way. Shenanigans ensue.
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SunJoe 40 Volt Cordless leaf blower/vacuum, iONBV, being used to power my Pescadore Pro 120 Kayak in Tampa Bay. (sort of)
Here is the blower, it's neat:
I will pick the winner from comments here (must also be subscribed). Contest ends Sept 4, 2016 10PM EST
Thanks for watching, I'll see you in the lawn again soon, I promise....
WHISTLE VOICE. Mari belajar.
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A walk through of the gear I carry on my Jackson Big Rig fishing kayak.
In my latest episode, I'm teaming up with Bubba Bedre from Garzilla Guide Service ( to try and tackle one of the world's true river monsters: giant alligator gar from his kayak. Bubba is a world renowned alligator gar guide who has put the likes of Jeremy Wade on monster gator gar during an episode of River Monsters on...
Convert your ordinary kayak into a sailing rig for under a hundred bucks. Detailed description and plastic welding demonstration. Geocities website at the end of the video has changed. It can now be found at
Boats are expensive so we decided to visit Walmart and pickup our first Kayak, we had two brands and models in mind the Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 & Sundolphin Bali 10 SS. We ended buying the Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 Kayak and took it to Biscayne National Park for an on the water review. Hope you all enjoyed this Vlog remember to Like, Comment,...
Troling motor:
Foldable kayak:
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Kadupul by Nihilore...
The 3 Golden Rules of Recreational Kayaking are a set of rules that let you paddle the most efficiently, comfortably and safely.
Check out the latest kayaks at
Check out all our Paddling TV YouTube channels:
Kayak Fishing Tales
Kayak Bass Fishing...
Check out these 34 fishing kayak setup ideas that show many fishing kayak accessories as well as the fishing kayak modifications I made to optimize my Jackson Coosa FD setup and you can apply these to your fishing kayak as well; proving fishing kayak mods do not have to be complicated or costly.
Stand up assist strap:
Popping cork isn't my favorite technique to use but sometimes the conditions call for it!
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Popping Cork (overpriced)-
Good popping cork lure-
Vexento -
JayTea - The last of it's kind -...
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In this episode, Ken Whiting takes an in depth look at how to roll a kayak. This episode looks at both the C to C roll, and the sweep roll techniques, and identifies the strengths and weaknesses of both.
Produced by The Heliconia Press
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Repair and modify a kayak using a polyethylene welder. Other tools used : propane torch, heat gun, utility knife, small hand planer, serrated knife to cut polyethylene foam.
This crudely modified kayak had a trolling motor mounted on the front, battery in the back, PVC fishing rod holders attached with caulking through ragged holes and other crudely...
Ver. 2.0 Fixed Audio Here:
Turn your Volume UP! - The Gear we take/took for a 3 day 2 night kayak camping trip around & on the barrier islands of everglades national park. How to/we set up camp for a beach camping site.
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Semakin kesini barang-barang itu selalu dipenuhi dengan "elektrik" ataupun ukurannya semakin mengecil. Sama halnya dengan sepeda, yang sekarang ini menjadi semakin canggih. Baik dari fitur yang dulunya ga ada, sekarang malah uda sering dipakai di sepeda sepeda yang dijual dipasaran. Oleh karena itu kali ini kita akan kasih liat kalian, 8 Sepeda Luar...
For this video, I am using Kristie to show you just how easy it is to load your kayak on a car or SUV. It is really more about technique than strength, so don't be intimidated about loading a fishing kayak and don't think that you have to be able to lift the weight of the entire kayak....
Pilot Collective Media and crew paddling in Chile. The run highlights many of Chile's famous waterfalls and some of the top runs from the rio claro, to many of the Pucon area favorites and many more.
Pretty Lights
"If I Could Feel Again"
Free Download at
This video is about how to choose a kayak for kayak fishing and kayaking here on the Gulf coast of Florida. Choosing the right kayak can be a very stressful decision. I go through my thoughts on what you should look for when purchasing a kayak. I talk about inshore kayak fishing, kayaking in general and offshore big game kayaking. I personally have...
Te mostramos como entrar el mar en kayak en zona de olas o mar abierto, y te damos algunos consejos que a nosotros nos han ayudado mucho para ingresar al mar. Igualmente el mejor que te podemos dar es que practiques mucho el reingreso, cuides tu seguridad y que tengas sentido común... cuando el mar no quiere no hay que forzarlo.
Alaska Extreme Store:
Learn about traditional Inuit culture from this fascinating series. This series documents cultural practices, skills, and values in Nunavut in northern Canada. Each episode focuses on a different topic, and does a good job of...
This is Part 2 from an incredible offshore kayak fishing trip that I went on over the 4th of July. It was my first time going deep sea fishing in the kayak, and it was an experience I will never forget. In Part 2 we head back out to the Mayan Princess oil rigs...