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Reef tank

The Meticulous SPS Reef of Faisal Ali, Abu Dhabi

1,068 likes 31,040 views 6 years ago

× Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Visit the website: Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show Send fan mail, gear and art to: Jake Adams  P.O. Box 467  Golden CO 80402

Reef tank

$2,000 FISH Aquarium Now Thriving — What...

2,108 likes 50,554 views 6 years ago

× Saltwater #Fish Tank Reef #Aquarium Success: Fish and Coral Growth in my Red Sea Max C-250. ALSO: Coral Farmer's Market, and More! [CORGI MERCH] [MY WEBSITE] [FACEBOOK] [TWITTER] [INSTAGRAM]...
× Someone told me I had been off YouTube so a bit. Here's where I've been and how my tank has fared while I've been gone

Reef tank

Air Tank/Diving Tank Back Bling on 145 Outfits...

1,486 likes 68,204 views 6 years ago

× Here is the Air Tank and Diving Tank Back Bling on 145 different outfits! They came out with the Wreck Raider and Reef Ranger in Fortnite Battle Royale! Follow the stream below! -PIZO's Social Media- TwitchTV: Twitter: Merch: -GFX Artist- Twitter:...

Reef tank

A Reef in Taiwan, Jimmy Huang

1,137 likes 52,080 views 6 years ago

× Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Visit the website: Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show Send fan mail, gear and art to: Jake Adams  P.O. Box 467  Golden CO 80402

Reef tank

$146 Nano Reef: Equipment You Need (Part 1)

850 likes 33,275 views 6 years ago

× Okay, so the math was wrong but let's roll with it! Setting up a successful reef tank does not need to cost a lot, here is one way of setting up a 10g nano reef tank that costs under $200. List of equipments for this build: Hipargero / Aqua Knight A029 Light (Amazon): Aqua Clear 70 HOB Filter (Amazon):...

Reef tank

Reef tank Magnesium supplements. Which one is...

242 likes 29,171 views 6 years ago

× Have you heard of using driveway ice-melter for your reef tank magnesium 2-part supplementing? Today we not only test these options for dosing your aquarium, but put them head-to-head with common hobby grade additives and our very own BRS Pharma grade magnesium material. Link to certified ICP-MS and other Magnesium testing analysis....

Reef tank

Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold...

2,972 likes 66,749 views 6 years ago

× Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Welcome back to Emzotic! Today I have a reef tank update for you! Also, Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics stopped by to give some of her amazing fish keeping advice. Show her some love int he...

Reef tank

NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My...

3,703 likes 85,676 views 6 years ago

× Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Hey Creatures! Today I'm sharing with you part 1 of my 2 part series focusing on my nano saltwater aquarium. DISCLAIMER: Nano saltwater aquariums are NOT easier to look after than a larger...

Reef tank

675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

2,808 likes 201,593 views 6 years ago

× 1,200 gallon total water volume. SPS dominate reef tank. 5 - Ecotech MP60's , 2 MP40's, 3 - Gyre 280. 15 Radion Pros. 7 month old reef.

Most popular in Reef tank

Reef tank Youtubers' Tank Show Off...

89 likes 2,407 views 6 years ago

× Like many hobbyists out there, I watch other youtubers to catch the trends, how my friends' tanks are doing and to see what I can incorporate into my setup. With this new series, I'm calling out to all my youtuber friends to share their tanks with us so we can see everything about your setup. To start off the series, I called Mok-yi. His youtube name...

Reef tank

Sump system for my 300 gallon reef tank

88 likes 29,954 views 11 years ago

× Total build time approximately 7 months. Special thanks to "Peppie" for his carpentry expertise. And endless hours of splitting hairs with me.
× This Copperband Butterfly fish was one of the very first saltwater fish I ever bought and today I noticed him being really thin. To the rescue I went and started feeding him in isolation. If this method does not work I will have to pull him out of the tank and put him in quarantine to fatten him up.

Reef tank

Reef Tank Clean Up Crew (Day 37)

87 likes 65,020 views 14 years ago

× added clean up crew. 2 Red Scarlet Hermit Crab 1 Nerite Snail 1 Nassarius Snail 2 Cerith Snail 2 Red-Striped Trochus Snail 2 Astrea Snail 3 Bumblebee Snail

Reef tank

30 gallon reef tank set up

85 likes 33,334 views 14 years ago

× Photos and videos of how to set up a 30 gallon reef tank.

Reef tank

Live Rock Aquascape

85 likes 46,396 views 13 years ago

× This is a video of the aquascape I have come up with. Be sure to watch until the end for additional information.
× Different Walmart location may yield different result, this is from their Germantown, MD location. I used the HM TDS Meter (Amazon: to test for disolved organic. I already feel like an Appropriate Reefer just by rattling off all those big words...

Reef tank


84 likes 12,051 views 7 years ago

× Hey all wellcome to Reef Gang Aquarium's. Please like and subscribe to my channel and I will post more videos in the future. This video explains how to keep your fish alive long after ich has died off. Minimizing the threat to your fish stock. If caught early, whitespot / ich is easily treated and should result in full recovery for all fish affected...

Reef tank

Tiger pistol shrimp attacks sand sifting...

83 likes 44,031 views 13 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE: LIKE on Facebook: FOLLOW on Twitter: Shrimp popping sound @ how the shrimp pushes sand out in an attempt to make more room to pull the starfish all the way in. This was his third attempt. After filming, I...

Reef tank

BiOrb marine reef tank - Meerwasseraquarium

82 likes 34,799 views 9 years ago

× 45l BiOrb Marine Aquarium

Reef tank

The ULTIMATE Aquascape

82 likes 14,497 views 10 years ago

× PRIMO REEF ACRYLICS Facebook: Primo Reef & Acrylics Email: Web: Instagram: #primoreefacrylics Custom: Sumps / Refugium Nano Tanks Frag Tanks Shallow Reef Tanks Commercial Aquariums Acrylic Aquariums and More!
× The $10 LED light has arrived. I do a quick overview. Also have a new blue tuxedo urchin in the tank. Here's an ebay link to the light unit. It actually ships from NJ so it only takes a week on normal shipping. Recommended for the tank: Fluval Spec III Aquarium: Finnex FugeRay LED: Rio Plus 600 Pump:...

Reef tank

Reef Tank lighting, T5 or LED with REEF BRITE!

81 likes 10,840 views 7 years ago

× Reefapalooza New york is now June 24th and 25th 2017. Even though I couldn't make it I stopped by the Reef Brite booth at Reefapalooza Orlando last month and spoke with Tullio of Reef Brite about T5 and LED lighting. Reef Brite creates stunning high quality lighting and aquatic environment solutions, Reef Brite also provides the hobbyist and...

Reef tank

Shallow Reef Tank Update - ReefDudes 6'...

81 likes 3,839 views 7 years ago

× The corals are happy and encrusting, the fish are nice and fat.. seems like i'm far over due for a good old fashion tank update! Sit back and crack open your favorite bevvy well you enjoy a spur of the moment tank update! Want to win a skimmer: Want to win a flipper Cleaner:...

Reef tank

Reef Tank 60g Cube

81 likes 53,914 views 15 years ago

× Created on December 12, 2009 using FlipShare.
× Hi All, See a short video just taken of our display tank. It has been setup for about 18 months and full of mainly SPS corals. We have a large number of acroporas and plating montipora. You will see we are growing a number of SPS frags from our prize colonies. You can find most of what you see in our display tank on our website at...

Reef tank

Marine Depot Featured Tank: Bret's Mature 55...

81 likes 22,019 views 10 years ago

× With all of the hard work that goes into keeping a reef tank, a certain level of appreciation is found in seeing an established aquarium filled with healthy corals and animals. All of us here at Marine Depot find great satisfaction in hearing and reading about the success of our customers so today we decided to spotlight one of our favorite tanks....

Reef tank

400 gallon Reef tank growing out of control!

81 likes 38,159 views 15 years ago

× Saltwater reef tank established 1 year is growing out of control! 150 gallon sump with jauber plenum, live rock filtration, and huge protein skimmer; return plumbed through 40 watt UV sterilizer. Includes both soft and hard corals, leathers, and various reef fishes. Supplement daily doses of Bionic 2 part solution and 800 watts of metal halides....
× Owning your own Saltwater reef tank is an exciting way to being a chunk of ocean into your home. Starting out with an all in one kit such as the Red Sea Max Nano is an easy way to get started as it comes with the Tank, Stand, Pumps, Filters and Lights! The only additional things i had to add was a heater, sand rock and of course livestock! If your...
× Copepods and amphipods are a group of small crustaceans found in the sea and all reef tank aquariums. algae barn pods. these are the white bugs you see crawling on your rock, glass and sand, mainly at night. Some species are planktonic (drifting in sea waters), some are benthic (living on the ocean floor.) I get my copepods and phytoplankton from...
× After refilling my alkalinity jug, I inadvertently caused a loop in the supply line and thus cut off all alkalinty to the reef tank. This of course crashed my alkalinity but also spiked my calcium! In this video I take you through the steps I used to remedy the problem. Here is the Randy article:

Reef tank

How to Build a Large Reef Tank

79 likes 19,130 views 9 years ago

× Large Reef tank build with powder coated steel structure, in wall build, coral reef tank, Radion Pro LED lights, Tunze 6255, Vortech MP60s, sea swirls, stony corals, etc.

Reef tank


79 likes 19,336 views 8 years ago

× A lot of changes in the Saltwater Reef tanks. First I have Taken most of the Bulk Reef Supply Kalkwasser out of the Auto Top Off Reservoir. I am trying to get my Parameters Dialed in. With Kalkwasser I really didnt have a lot of control. Kalkwasser is great, but I had so much that didnt dissolve. I had a Tunze pump that would kick on and stir the...

Reef tank

40 Gallon Reef Tank Equipment

79 likes 21,418 views 9 years ago

× Hello Youtube just showing the equipment I use to keep my reef tank running! If you missed my first reef update, check it out here: My equipment include: Galaxy Hydor LED Light Aquaclear 70 Hydor Heater Hydor Circulation Pump Super Coralife Protein Skimmer Refractometer TDS meter Barracuda RODI Unit...

Reef tank

Nano Reef Build

78 likes 8,813 views 9 years ago

× This video demonstrates how to effectively set up a Nano Reef aquarium with a used Fluval Spec 5 gallon. In this video I will take you all the way through the process from the unboxing to a nano reef aquarium. I show you how to setup a Nano Reef aquarium. I will also provide some advice on new aquariums and How to aquascape your nano reef aquarium as...

Reef tank

Vortech MP10 in 29g reef tank

78 likes 72,316 views 13 years ago

× A quick video showing how to make a wave inside of a standard 29g glass aquarium with a Vortech MP10wES. From start to finish with some helpful directions paraphrased from Ecotech Marine's guide.

Reef tank

Micro Scrubbing Bubbles in the Reef Tank -...

78 likes 7,869 views 7 years ago

× The benefits of Micro scrubbing bubbles or nano scrubbing bubbles in the reef tank. The benefits include higher PH, cleaner water, and potential removal of organic into your mechanical filtration. If you are interested in trying this out and what to use the same parts i did, then please support the channel by purchasing through the amazon affiliate...

Reef tank

Mounting a Sponge in a Reef Tank

77 likes 6,933 views 8 years ago

× In this episode I talk about some of the dos and don'ts when mounting a sponge in a reef tank.

Reef tank

REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 4 Ian's...

77 likes 20,911 views 10 years ago

× REEF TANK ADDICTION Season 1 Episode 4 Ian's 150 Gallon Reef Final in this episode I will be reviewing Ians 150 gallon reef fish tank and the initial set up of the system over 11 months ago when it was first set up. some items that you will see in this video will be fish tank wood stand glass sump return pump refugium live rock liverock live sand...

Reef tank

Reef Tank Update

77 likes 2,161 views 6 years ago

× ▶ Check out my gear on Kit: The Reef Tank update for February is all about new coral and coral growth. FishofHex channel Reefspy Youtube Channel Reefing With Billy Pipes Youtube page:...

Reef tank

Rico's Reeftank

76 likes 3,245 views 8 years ago


Reef tank

My SPS reef tank

76 likes 59,270 views 17 years ago

× 15 months old SPS tank

Reef tank

1000l Meerwasseraquarium / 265gal Reef Tank

75 likes 23,569 views 9 years ago

× Mehr Infos auf: Mehr Fotos auf: Zusammenschnitt verschiedener kleiner Detail-Videos aus meinem Meerwasseraquarium mit verschiedensten Steinkorallen: SPS wie Acropora, Montipora, Pocillopora, Seriatopora und Stylophora. LPS wie Acanthastrea, Caulastraea, Cycloseris, Duncanopsammia,...

Reef tank

10 gallon reef tank

75 likes 47,674 views 14 years ago

× 10 gallon reef tank with two false percs
× Im going to share with you my ALGEA DISASTER! I have the great new frags in my Reef Tank. They have been over run with Algae because of several factors. 1) Over Feeding an Aquarium 2) Not Enough Flow 3) Not Having a Good Protein Skimmer 4) To Much Light 5)Not Enough Live Rock 6)Not Enough Beneficial Bacteria that Lives in Live Rock 7)Not Enough...

Reef tank

ReefDudes 6' Shallow Reef tank Update May...

75 likes 4,840 views 7 years ago

× 13 months into my new custom shallow reef and time for an update! I picked up a new mandarin (a lady for my male) and some new coral! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Vertex Somatic 60s skimmer giveaway! - ReefDudes 3K Subscriber Contest!!" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
× This video belongs to my "V.I.F = Very Important Fish" lol Tank model: Boyu EA100 (tuned, with 100 liters sump).

Reef tank

2017-02/26 Reef tank New record

74 likes 18,082 views 7 years ago

× 80cm x 80cm x35cm replace 80cm x 80cm x50cm

Reef tank

Reducing Flow In Reef Tank Sump Refugium

73 likes 14,805 views 9 years ago

× Today on BRStv Spotlight we show off the Neptune Systems DOS Fluid Metering System for all your needs from dosing your saltwater reef tank with very small additives, larger portions of things like 2-part, or even robust tasks like conducting an automatic water change! Pickup your Neptune DOS at the link below and get to dosing!...

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