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Reef tank

The Meticulous SPS Reef of Faisal Ali, Abu Dhabi

1,068 likes 31,165 views 6 years ago

× Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Visit the website: Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show Send fan mail, gear and art to: Jake Adams  P.O. Box 467  Golden CO 80402

Reef tank

$2,000 FISH Aquarium Now Thriving — What...

2,108 likes 50,837 views 6 years ago

× Saltwater #Fish Tank Reef #Aquarium Success: Fish and Coral Growth in my Red Sea Max C-250. ALSO: Coral Farmer's Market, and More! [CORGI MERCH] [MY WEBSITE] [FACEBOOK] [TWITTER] [INSTAGRAM]...
× Someone told me I had been off YouTube so a bit. Here's where I've been and how my tank has fared while I've been gone

Reef tank

Air Tank/Diving Tank Back Bling on 145 Outfits...

1,486 likes 68,332 views 6 years ago

× Here is the Air Tank and Diving Tank Back Bling on 145 different outfits! They came out with the Wreck Raider and Reef Ranger in Fortnite Battle Royale! Follow the stream below! -PIZO's Social Media- TwitchTV: Twitter: Merch: -GFX Artist- Twitter:...

Reef tank

A Reef in Taiwan, Jimmy Huang

1,137 likes 52,190 views 6 years ago

× Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Visit the website: Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show Send fan mail, gear and art to: Jake Adams  P.O. Box 467  Golden CO 80402

Reef tank

$146 Nano Reef: Equipment You Need (Part 1)

850 likes 33,410 views 6 years ago

× Okay, so the math was wrong but let's roll with it! Setting up a successful reef tank does not need to cost a lot, here is one way of setting up a 10g nano reef tank that costs under $200. List of equipments for this build: Hipargero / Aqua Knight A029 Light (Amazon): Aqua Clear 70 HOB Filter (Amazon):...

Reef tank

Reef tank Magnesium supplements. Which one is...

242 likes 29,276 views 6 years ago

× Have you heard of using driveway ice-melter for your reef tank magnesium 2-part supplementing? Today we not only test these options for dosing your aquarium, but put them head-to-head with common hobby grade additives and our very own BRS Pharma grade magnesium material. Link to certified ICP-MS and other Magnesium testing analysis....

Reef tank

Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold...

2,972 likes 66,902 views 6 years ago

× Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Welcome back to Emzotic! Today I have a reef tank update for you! Also, Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics stopped by to give some of her amazing fish keeping advice. Show her some love int he...

Reef tank

NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My...

3,703 likes 85,813 views 6 years ago

× Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Hey Creatures! Today I'm sharing with you part 1 of my 2 part series focusing on my nano saltwater aquarium. DISCLAIMER: Nano saltwater aquariums are NOT easier to look after than a larger...

Reef tank

675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

2,808 likes 201,723 views 6 years ago

× 1,200 gallon total water volume. SPS dominate reef tank. 5 - Ecotech MP60's , 2 MP40's, 3 - Gyre 280. 15 Radion Pros. 7 month old reef.

Most popular in Reef tank

Reef tank

Top 10 Invertebrates for a Reef Tank

217 likes 12,364 views 7 years ago

× In this video we take a look at the Top 10 Invertebrates for a Reef Tank. Weather you are starting a saltwater aquarium or a full reef tank this video covers some of the best inverts you can add to your aquarium. How to add sponges to a reef tank: ►Subscribe: ----Support MHR---- ►My Patreon...

Reef tank

30 Gallon Reef Tank

216 likes 103,321 views 15 years ago

× Updated with new Corals and a Bellus Angel Open Sun Flower Corals and Blue lollipop Coral all maintained with a HO refugium & 350 fluval canister filter with inline 300w heater and in line UV See my New 90 Gallon on danbran67

Reef tank

240 Gallon Reef Tank CRASHED! No Power for 3...

212 likes 112,848 views 12 years ago

× It has taken me over 4 months to be able to piece this together without crying the whole time. It was devastating!!! Make sure you have a power back up plan!!!

Reef tank

Feng Shui Living Reef Tank | Tanked!

211 likes 63,540 views 12 years ago

× One of the most memorable tanks at ATM was the Feng Shui Living Reef tank. Tune in Saturdays @ 9pm | Watch more Tanked videos at

Reef tank

My SPS and LPS reef tank

210 likes 120,414 views 14 years ago


Reef tank

The Benefits of Using T5/LED Hybrid Lighting...

209 likes 53,632 views 9 years ago

× A hybrid of T5 and LED lighting is considered by many hobbyists to be the ultimate reef aquarium lighting solution because you get the best of both technologies: the rich features, efficiency, control and fluorescence of LED combined with the proven color-enhancing performance of T5. In today's episode, we'll take a closer...

Reef tank

An update on Paul's 240-gallon SPS Reef Tank

208 likes 47,016 views 10 years ago

× I think this is part IV? I thought I'd give everyone a quick update on Paul's tank. After a lot of thought, he decided to change from the five Aquaillumination Vegas to an ATI power module which is a combination of T5 fluorescents and LED's. Take a look at the online store at Advanced Reef Aquarium: ‪ Follow us...
× 1:01 Equipment 3:40 Cleaning Back Glass With Razor Blade 12:02 Cleaning Silicone With Razor Blade 13:51 Cleaning Front Glass With Razor Blade 14:12 Removing Pulsating Xenia 15:45 Turkey Basting Rocks 21:54 Mixing Tank With Powerhead 23:10 Removing Water 28:08 Filling The Reef Back Up With RO/DI Water 30:39 Starting Tank 30:58 Leveling The Sump Water...
× I don’t get a lot of time to tune in to live streams and recently in what little chance I have had to listen, the talk has been of Miracle Mud. This stuff has been around for a couple of decades and there must be something to it because it has inspired some knock-offs in recent years. EcoSystem Miracle Mud is the “real thing” and after hearing rave...
× Laminar,surge,turbulence water flow in reef tank. Whats the difference between water movement and water flow, and discuses the benefits of how water flow could be more important than lighting.

Reef tank

Copps Amazing Reef Tank

201 likes 74,810 views 14 years ago

× Copps' Angelfish dominated reef tank . See more information here: Copps' amazing reef tank was included in the French version of Kiyoshi Endoh's Angelfishes of the World Book. Shot with with Canon EOS 500d (T1i) @1080p using Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM. Music: Hocus Pocus.

Reef tank

33 Gallon Long | Planted Reef Tank | 2016...

200 likes 28,298 views 8 years ago

× 33 Gallon Long | Planted Reef Tank | 2016 August | Unsuccessful 4K Store - Facebook - Channel - Facebook -

Reef tank

My 55 Gallon Reef Tank 720HD

198 likes 98,398 views 14 years ago

× Lighting: 1 48" Coralife T5 1 48" Coralife HO T5 (both dual fixture) Filtration: 2 HOB filters (Working on getting sump) Tank: ~40lbs live rock (~15 DIY rock) 50lbs live sand Fish: 1 Tomini Tang 1 ORA Maroon Clownfish 2 Pajama Cardinals 1 Purple Firefish 1 Target Mandarin Dragonet 1 Yasha Hasa Goby Inverts: 1 Rose Bubble...

Reef tank

Checking out Mike's SPS Reef Tank

195 likes 39,092 views 13 years ago

× Taking a look at my friend's 300-gallon SPS reef tank. Check out for information or if you want to buy corals for your reef tank. Follow us on Facebook if you can't get enough reef-related shenanigans: Follow us on twitter ( @tidalgardens We...

Reef tank

600 total SPS Reeftank

194 likes 15,640 views 8 years ago


Reef tank

10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank | Algae Reactor |...

194 likes 20,680 views 8 years ago

× This is a 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank that I built for my 2 sons, 8 & 4. Stocking 2 Clownfish and a small Pajama Cardinal, couple snails and Blue Leg micro hermit crabs and a Coral Banded Shrimp. Lighting - Kessil A80 with Kessil Spectral Controller Fluval Aquaclear 50 Apex Jr Macroalgea Reactor Aquamaxx Reactor -...

Reef tank

Tips For Dosing A Reef Tank. SPS & LPS corals

194 likes 44,335 views 9 years ago

× Tips on how to dose a lps and sps reef tank using two part and jebao dp4 dosing pumps. Im currently using brs two part and red sea color program as well as red sea reef energy program. I dose seachem reef plus along with live phytoplankton all dosed from an external refrigerator. Thank You for watching my videos, If you feel they are helpful please...

Reef tank

Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June...

193 likes 20,857 views 7 years ago

× Video taken with Samsung S8 and a orange plastic filter infront of the lens. Below the tracks in no running order from the video. All music from this link 1) Mendum - Stay With Me (Krys Talk Remix) 2) Electro Light feat. Kathryn MacLean - The Edge 3) Umpire - Gravity (feat. Liz...

Reef tank

HOW TO: The Best Way to DIY Aquarium Sump...

193 likes 45,854 views 7 years ago

× How to Make Your Own Fish Tank How to Make a Beautiful Aquarium at Home - DIY Complete Tutorial HOW TO: Build A Glass Aquarium TUTORIAL Aquarium Science - Water Flow Management Building a monster aquarium HOW TO: $10 DIY aquarium overflow - UPGRADED and MODIFIED TUTORIAL Setup the tank: Tank DIY:...

Reef tank

Reef Tank Maintenance and Water Changes

192 likes 47,914 views 10 years ago

× Reef Tank Maintenance and Water Changes

Reef tank

Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium Setup &...

191 likes 135,156 views 11 years ago

× Easy to Setup and Maintain Artificial Coral Reef Aquarium. INSTANT REEF Aquarium Decorations are Realistic Looking, Easy to Maintain. Part 1) How to setup a Saltwater Fish Aquarium with artificial coral reef inserts. Part 2) Freshwater Reef Tank with African cichlids. Part 3) Easy algae cleaning with bleach. Reef Tank Reef...

Reef tank

10 Gallon Reef Tank Setup

189 likes 55,990 views 10 years ago

× Just a quick video of my 10 gallon reef tank to give some of you guys an idea of how to set one up. If you want to go saltwater go for it! But make sure you are prepared, have a system, and do your research!!! And again, don't be selfish to any animal :)

Reef tank

Custom Fish Room 1,100 Gallon Moray Eel Reef Tank

189 likes 50,097 views 13 years ago

× Behind the scenes footage of a custom 1,100 gallon salt water fish tank and its fish room. We walk you through the whole system.

Reef tank

Reef tank 2017

189 likes 38,130 views 8 years ago


Reef tank

Adding Frag Tank To Main Display | Reef Tank

188 likes 15,399 views 8 years ago

× In this video I will be adding a 10 gallon frag tank to the main display tank. I will show you everything i did step by step so you can do this on your own. Adding this frag tank has allowed me to store up to 200 frags without any of them being inside my main display. Please enjoy the video. Come Join & Ask Your Questions On Our Facebook Group:...

Reef tank

My 29 gallon Biocube reef tank

187 likes 36,616 views 13 years ago

× First attempt at making a video of my 2-year old 29 gallon Oceanic Biocube reef tank. Livestock and corals listed at the end of the movie. Music is "Almost" by Harmonia 76.

Reef tank

10 gallon nuvo reef tank

187 likes 28,225 views 8 years ago

× 10 gallon nuvo aquarium that i started on december 2015, added sps February, and its been going since then. Live stock: pair Black Ice Clowns, Atlantic Pygmy Angelfish, Tail Spot Blenny, Helfrichi Firefish inverts: porcelain crab, acro crabs, red/blue leg crabs, 1 nassarious snail, Blue tuxedo Urchin coral softies: assorted zoa Lps: purple w/ green...

Reef tank

Costs of a Saltwater Reef Tank | Aquarium Care

187 likes 73,549 views 11 years ago

× Watch more How to Take Care of an Aquarium videos: When setting up a reef tank they are not cheap. You can get a turnkey small nano setup for several hundred dollars that has most of the equipment you would need. It has the protein skimmer, a good light, stands,...

Reef tank

ZEOvit Reef Tank

185 likes 83,395 views 11 years ago

× New Project 1 NAME: TK FROM: Japan TANK SIZE: 600×450×450(mm) UPDATE:04/11/2013

Reef tank

How to remove cyano (red slime algae) from a...

184 likes 122,128 views 10 years ago

× All you need to know about cyano. You need 20-30 times your tank volume per hour of flow. If power heads are old, and not giving the flow you need then replace them. I can't tell you which methord or methords to use, that is the difficult choice you have to make. Magnesium levels of 1,600 can kill the cyano, but it can take upto 3 months....

Reef tank


183 likes 41,285 views 9 years ago

× MY buddy Kevin let me come out to his house to film his awesome Reef Tank. Corals are just doing great, very easy and simple set up, with healthy thriving fish. Very cool, I sold Kevin some frags and its good to see that they are taking off in his tank! The next video will be of Kevin's Fresh water Planted fish tanks. Both High tech and low tech...
× One year and the tank gets a new filter upgrade. I also go over some little snails that are in the tank and pineapple sponges that are appearing in the rocks. I hope to get the green hair algae under control also. Fluval Aqua Clear filter: Fluval C2 Filter (newer models): CurrentUSA Orbit Marine LED:...

Reef tank

My 90 Gallon 4 foot reef tank (sump under house)

182 likes 36,971 views 11 years ago

× The system is overall 160 gallons, excluding piping. Rate and subscribe

Reef tank

Mizune Reef Tank-September 2015

181 likes 65,603 views 9 years ago

× ZEOvit 900×600×450(mm) ATI Sun Power DimmT5 39wx8 TUNZE stream6105 ×2 TUNZE ComlineWavebox6208

Reef tank

Alveopora - The Other Flower Pot Coral

181 likes 3,806 views 7 years ago

× Alveopora is a large polyp stony coral that has a beautiful flower-like appearance. Is this a type of coral you can envision in your next reef tank? Video: Camera Gear List on Amazon Canon C200 Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS macro Canon EF MP-E 65mm f/2.8 macro Sigma Art 18-35mm f/1.8 Free Fly Movi Pro Stabilizer Copyright Information: This video was...

Reef tank

MJ's Custom Reef Tank Sump

181 likes 22,083 views 12 years ago

× This is a walk through of my new custom sump for my 234 gallon reef tank. This sump was built by Elite Aquatics to my exact specifications and I could not be any happier with it! Amazing craftsmanship and terrific fit and finish! Sump is 44x18x20 Stay Tuned

Reef tank

2015-10/01....New reef tank 80*80*35

181 likes 36,450 views 9 years ago


Reef tank

full tour of stunning large SPS reef tank

180 likes 44,092 views 8 years ago

× This video may be a bit long, but that is just what it takes to show this tank in it's full beauty and all the systems that run it. This tank is owned and maintained by Greg of Be sure to add me on social media to see a more in depth look into my life.
× Hey folks, here's episode 3 in how to set up a SW REEF TANK. Enjoy. Please comment and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. Don't forget to come join MASS Aquariums Facebook page at the link below. Get the AquaClear 70: Fluval Heater: WaveMaker: MASS...

Reef tank

How to Add Sponges to a Reef Tank

179 likes 13,005 views 8 years ago

× How to add sponges to a reef tank. In this video, We take a look at how to add a sponge to an established reef tank. This video covers How to add sponges to a Reef Tank. How to: add a sponge to a reef aquarium - cheap, clean and safe! ►Subscribe: ►Aquarium DIY Projects Playlist: ►Aquarium Equipment...

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