Recent in 9. page - Betta aquarium



4,176 likes 51,774 views 6 years ago

× DIY Betta Fish BIN Aquarium on a LOW Budget... PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: P.O BOX: 8293 Jupiter FL, 33468 Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE:...


NEW Betta Male Fish Video 2018- TOP collection...

248 likes 24,713 views 6 years ago

× NEW Betta Male Fish Video 2018- TOP collection fighting fish | fish videos ||Complete Documentary Best breeding betta fish tanks supe colour full betta fish tanks Round This tail is rounded and has no sharp Corners. Spadetall spade shaped Veiltail most common long tail. Plakat Short tail. Delta Straight edges fan away from...


Betta Fish Retirement Tank | Fish Fan Friday...

638 likes 23,781 views 6 years ago

× I am trying out a new betta fish retirement setup using the medium size critter keeper that is about 2.5 gallons.. realistically I think its more like 2 gallons. Some fish do better in large tanks while others do well in smaller setups so it is best to choose what works for your individual betta fish. Similar Kritter Keeper:


Feeding all my Betta Fish | 31 fish!

556 likes 26,977 views 6 years ago

× In this video, I show you how I feed all 31 of my betta fish! How many betta fish do you have? ------------------- Want to support CreativePetKeeing on Patreon? ★AFFILIATE LINKS CreativePetKeeping Wishlist- Filming Equipment - Products we reviewed-...


$20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

858 likes 36,249 views 6 years ago

× I hope you guys like the video! $20 fish tank challenge ad it worked out well! Follow me on Instagram (If you want to) : (Or if you like my videos because I’m sure you’d like my Instagram) What camera do I use- Sony a 6300 With a Rode Mic Thank you guys for watching this video, I really hope I inspired...



859 likes 24,473 views 6 years ago

× VISIT MY WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: WANT TO SUPPORT DEXTER'S WORLD CHANNEL? Paypal Link: Your support will highly be appreciated. In association with : Nathan Cornella CTI Media (web & Advertising) "BETTA FISH" is a popular...


My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

884 likes 22,607 views 6 years ago

× Download Amino and join me in the Betta Keepers community! iOS and Google Play: Search "Betta" on the Explore Page to join the Betta Keepers community! Follow Me: AQUAPROS How to participate in GIVEAWAY: 1.) Download Amino App 2.) Join the "Betta Keepers" Amino group 3.) Follow Me: AQUAPROS 4.) Like and...


Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup!...

821 likes 23,775 views 6 years ago

× Tank I bought -


BETTA FISH FOR FREE - INSANE high qaulity betta...

1,523 likes 40,776 views 6 years ago

× VISIT MY WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: Dexter's World JR- I am glad to share this once in a life time offer of my friend his quality breeder betta's for free. Ricky is one of the top betta breeders in my place. He wanted to help me improved...


New breeds collection Betta fish tank

345 likes 63,113 views 6 years ago

× Top 05 most beautiful Betta fishes breeding of types

Most popular in Betta


Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot

319 likes 28,182 views 8 years ago

× In this video I show you guys the update on the fin regrowth on my 4 male bettas as well as the recovery of one of my males that had fin rot. FISH PLAYLIST: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤My Pets: Banana - Female Border Collie...


Betta and Neon Tetra in 10-gallon tank (peaceful!)

318 likes 62,424 views 11 years ago

× Betta, Neon Tetras, Snails, Shrimps, and some plants with DIY filter. Music from The Last of the Mohicans soundtrack. follow me on twitter: @spacedustisme


My Betta Fish Tank Setup UPDATE

318 likes 21,376 views 8 years ago

× Since you guys requested an update here is my betta fish tank set up. I have a community 20 gallon fancy guppy and male betta tank. I also have a split 5.5 tank with two male bettas. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤My Pets:...


Fish Aquarium Home Shop Delhi LIVE

317 likes 10,900 views 7 years ago

× 9910656969 Ish Sachdeva. Minimum order amount ₹5000


My Guppies Fish Edited Video FISH TANK...

315 likes 91,657 views 8 years ago

× My Guppies Fish Edited Video MY FISH TANK AQUARIUMS CHANNEL VIDEOS ? IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS & YOU WANTS MORE SUB HERE THIS IS MY FISH CHANNEL FOR ALL FISH AND FISHTANK aquarium fish tropical fish types of fish freshwater fish fish aquarium fish tank fish bowl Relaxing Aquarium Fish The king of DIY FISH Nature Aquarium FISH ideasaquarium...


Betta Fish Growth From Birth to One Month Old

311 likes 6,720 views 7 years ago

× Betta fish growth from birth to a month old. Our Betta fish are a month old. The Betta fry eat Micro worms, Banana worms and Baby Brine Shrimp 3 times a day. They have a huge appetite. There is a big size difference in some of the fry and their colors are now starting to show. Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with...


Betta splendens in natural scaped tank

310 likes 103,167 views 13 years ago

× Meine Kampffische (1/2) in ihrem naturnah gestalteten Becken.


How to make aqurium betta fish cool in indonesia

309 likes 48,984 views 8 years ago

× You fans betta fish ? want to see how to make aquarium betta fish popular in indonesia ? this the video


How To Do a Water Change on a Betta Fish Tank...

309 likes 9,338 views 7 years ago

× How to do a water change a betta fish tank. Water changes ideally need to be done once a week. Filters should be cleaned every 4-6 weeks depending on the stocking level of the fish. When cleaning the filter it should be done in aquarium water otherwise the bacteria that lives in the sponge will be killed off. If you don't have a filter in the tank...


How to NOT Set Up a Betta Fish Tank!!!

307 likes 27,717 views 8 years ago

× DO NOT DO THIS!!!! THIS WAS A JOKE!!!!! I hope you guys like this video, I had so much fun filming and editing it!!! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe today!!! And remember, THIS WAS A JOKE!!! BYEEE!!!!! -Tyla


Follow Me Around Vlog: Getting My New Betta Fish!

307 likes 30,425 views 10 years ago

× Hey It's CJ. Thank You Sooo Much For 41 Subscribers!!! This video is about Follow Me Around Vlog: Getting My New Betta Fish! So This is my first vlog and it was really fun to make. Do you want more?! I'm Thinking of getting a bigger tank so please don't tell me the tank is small I no! What tank should I get? Want more vlogs like and subscribe. Ok...



307 likes 61,125 views 8 years ago

× Today i show you my new betta tank setup. I will be making a couple more of these in the future. Stay tuned for many different betta care videos:)! ***FIY*** A heater was added in when the tank was set in its final place. The plants are SILK. I know that bettas can rip their find, ive seen it in pet shops believe me - The music is a karaoke version....



307 likes 22,600 views 7 years ago

× In this video we introduce a new member of our YouTube family. We show you which type of animal we chose & even include an unboxing & haul for the pet! dont forget to follow our social medias: SC: M_J views Jeremiahs Twitch: THANK YOU...


Oscar Fish VS Cockroaches

306 likes 138,161 views 7 years ago

× Oscar Fish VS Cockroaches MY FISH TANK AQUARIUMS CHANNEL VIDEOS ? IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS & YOU WANTS MORE SUB HERE THIS IS MY FISH CHANNEL FOR ALL FISH AND FISHTANK aquarium fish tropical fish types of fish freshwater fish fish aquarium fish tank fish bowl Relaxing Aquarium Fish The king of DIY FISH Nature Aquarium FISH ideasaquarium...


5th NEW BETTA FISH TANK | Guess what kind of...

305 likes 14,550 views 8 years ago

× Hi! Happy NEW YEAR and thank you for helping me reach 16,000 subscribers! I took out my old aquastyle tank and figured I could set it up for the copper metallic male. Since he is a halfmoon male I would like for him to be in a setup where he can no longer get his fins caught on decorations. Here is the video of the tank when I first got it:...


Keeping Betta Fish Q and A

299 likes 16,846 views 8 years ago

× Live on a Sunday baby - talking about keeping betta fish, the history of the betta fish, how to feed betta fish. Betta fish are actually a type of gourami, and can be kept with a lot of types of community aquarium fish. Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week !


Tank Size for Betta Fish? Aquarium Size

298 likes 82,345 views 11 years ago

× - The most popular aquarium for Betta fish is the Fluval Spec! It’s the ultimate setup. It has a filter, light and everything needed. Fluval Spec: What size tank should I buy for my betta fish? Got sent this question and I'm answering it here. It's always cool to see people actually researching this...


Breeding Fish for Profit Aquarium, Betta Fish...

297 likes 14,646 views 8 years ago

× Doing some aquarium maintenance on my 55 gallon breeding fish for profit aquarium. Checking in on my Red Delta Guppy fish, including my Red Delta Breeding colony, and my new Golden Red tail Neon Guppies. Also Checking in on my Halfmoon Dumbo Ear Betta fish. Lifewithpets:


My Bettas Fish Setup!Tank Tours!

297 likes 25,913 views 9 years ago

× OPEN FOR MORE CJ!!!! Hi! In this video I will be showing you my Fish tank set up! I have 2 tanks in my bed room!! 1 10 gallons and 1 2.5 Gallon. Each Of my betas have a heater and a 2.5 tank. not all of my betas have filters because of fin and stress problems... . . FOLLOW ME! Instagram- TheCJWay_ Snap Chat- TheCJWay01 . . FAQ Camera- Canon T3i...


Worst Aquarium fishes you must avoid(Tamil)

297 likes 15,180 views 7 years ago

× This video is all about the worst aquarium fishes and its only my personal opinion. I have a lot of experience with these fishes from my childhood and I like to give my suggestion to the people who is looking to buy a good aquarium fishes. I don't have this experience overnight, infract I did a lot of mistakes in this and I don't want you people to...


Top Fin Intrigue 2 gallon color changing LED...

291 likes 5,042 views 7 years ago

× In this video I unbox the: Top Fin Intrigue 2 gal changing LED Aquarium. I got this tank as a gift and thought I should share my initial impressions while taking a look at the .different parts it comes with. It is sold at PetSmart for $19.99 This video is NOT sponsored....


Betta fish -kolathur

290 likes 45,692 views 9 years ago

× Amazing Betta shop in Kolathur, chennai....


My Three New Bettas

289 likes 47,108 views 9 years ago

× Betta | PLEASE READ before jumping to conclusions! They are in a tank now. These are my three new Bettas. These bowls are their temporary homes until my tank comes in that I ordered. One Betta is not feeling well, it looks like Swim Bladder Disease. Watch this video of their new divided tank #LoveofPets Products I...


PetStore employees BEST betta tank

288 likes 88,522 views 12 years ago

× 2.5 gallon tank gravel and flourite all live plants and driftwood Marina .5 gal breeder box w/ plastic bio balls Seachem Purigen (bag treats up to 100 gallons) Marina 10w heater Marina S15 motor/filter (pumps up to 70 gph) 20 gallons per hour is sufficient for a 2.5 gallon tank. this is pumping closer to 50 gallons per hour but is not disturbing the...


SIMPLY AMAZING- Florida's First Aquarium Fish...

287 likes 8,853 views 7 years ago

× Florida's FIRST Tropical Fish Farm! (History Lesson of the Aquaculture Industry) On my recent Florida visit I got to Eureka Springs Park and get a tour of the wonderful Fish farm that Albert Greenberg put together. We see the springs that feed all the water to the wonderful plants that Greenberg has planted around the property. Subscribe...


STUDENTS working on their Aquarium Fish...

286 likes 7,833 views 7 years ago

× I continue my visit at the University of Florida Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory. I interview a couple of students that are a part of the program and we check out the projects that they are working on. Part 2. Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check...


5 Gallon Betta Fish Tank Setup | Star Wars The...

282 likes 4,406 views 7 years ago

× This is a Star Wars: The Last Jedi themed 5 gallon betta fish tank. It is inspired by the dark side of the force with the red and black theme and has an element of sci-fi with real moss in a glass jar. I tried to keep Kylo Ren and Darth Vader in mind when setting this up but also wanted to include things that are betta fish friendly such as floating...


HOW TO Set Up a Natural Betta Breeding Aquarium...

282 likes 4,412 views 7 years ago

× How to set up a natural Betta breeding aquarium using Indian almond leaves in a 5 gallon tank. Indian Almond LEAVES EXTRACT: Materials Used: Catappa Indian Almond Leaves Sponge Filter (you need an air pump to power it) Aquarium Heater Aquarium Salt...


All Our Tanks in Depth. Betta Fish, Guppies,...

281 likes 4,689 views 7 years ago

× We currently have 8 tanks set up. We have betta fish tanks, divided betta fish tanks, Amazon Puffer community tank, a goldfish tank several guppy tanks and of course our betta fry tank. Our tanks range from 5.5 gallons to 75 gallons and require a lot of water changes! Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with...


How to maintain Aquarium Water temperature in...

278 likes 16,163 views 7 years ago

× How to maintain Aquarium Water temperature in winters Aquarium heater-Fluval M 50-Watt Submersible Heater heater -AQUEON Aqen Heater Submersible 200 Watts thermometer -Aeoss ® Digital Mini LCD...


Betta Fish - Fun Facts

278 likes 59,968 views 9 years ago

× Betta Fish - Fun Facts: The Warrior 'Bettah' Betta fish derived their name from an ancient warrior group from Thailand, and were given the name in the 1800s once they became popular for their fighting skills. In those times Betta fish fights were a popular sport - so popular, in fact, that the King of Siam decided to have them regulated and taxed....


Divided 10 Gallon Betta Fish Tank Tour ( New...

274 likes 21,505 views 8 years ago

× A divided 10 gallon Betta fish tank tour. If you would like to see how we made the divider please click the information card in the right hand corner of the video. This months tank theme is Finding Dory. We used a plastic table cloth from Walmart and cut it to the size of the aquarium. We attached it to the back using gift tape. Most of the...


How To Make Fish Tank At Home | DIY | The...

274 likes 33,918 views 8 years ago

× This video show how I build an aquarium at home. Starting from glass dimensions to adding live stock, this video covers it all. This tank now has 40 + African cichlids - electric yellow labs. Watch it to build your own. Buy silicone here (affiliate) I have used Fevicryl Acrylic Colour. You can buy it here...


Betta Fish Commuity Tank Divider | REVIEW

271 likes 8,020 views 8 years ago

× Many of you might have seen the DIY tank dividers that Lifewithpets on youtube made. Well now you YOU can buy them! They fit 10 gallon & 20 gallon long Aqueon basic tanks. Shipping USA ONLY. Here is a tutorial on how to install it correctly: Don't forget to check out all of...


How to set up a betta fish tank?!

270 likes 43,768 views 9 years ago

× Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the video and maybe learned something :) DISCLAIMER: Betta fish are freshwater fish and do not need salt. I used a little aquarium salt because he was a new fish being treated for fin rot.


Betta Fish and Guppy Community Tank Vlog

270 likes 15,914 views 8 years ago

× Here is an update on my Betta Fish and Guppy Community Tank in more of a vlog format. I have two male bettas as well as multiple fancy guppies in this aquarium. Be sure to check out LifeWithPets on youtube! Here is her channel: I think its very important to support fellow pet youtubers especially in the...


STEP BY STEP: How to Setup a Betta Fish Tank

270 likes 38,039 views 9 years ago

× *DISCLAIMER: HE IS PERFECTLY FINE. HE WAS ONLY TEMPERORIALLY IN THERE FOR 2 MONTHS. HE IS NOW IN A 5 GALLON SOON TO BE 10 GALLON* Hey everyone! Thanks so much for 16k views! This is my beginners guide on how to setup a betta fish tank! I hope this helped:D CAMERA: iPhone 6 EDITER: iMovie (Can only be purchased on Apple) FAQ: How Many Bettas Do...



270 likes 12,401 views 7 years ago

× Hi guys. On this episode of Marks Aquatics i'll be making a micro habitat from start till finish. DIY air lift filter, a perfect mini aquarium to build with your kids on a weekend. PLEASE CHECK OUT MY NEW ACRYLIC SHRIMP / FISH TANK BUILD ON


Female Betta Fish Care Guide & "Together Behavior"

269 likes 42,110 views 11 years ago

× I have had a lot of luck taking care of female betta fish. What is different about the female is the fact that a person can keep a lot of them together versus a male betta. That was enough for me to be wanting some of these really cool fish. What is interesting to me is the fact that they are carnivores and many don't know that. People at the pet...


UNBALANCED - Aquariums

269 likes 8,536 views 7 years ago

× Daily Dustin Video 035. In today's daily video, I go over mistakes in the past that I have made with unbalanced aquariums. Hope you enjoy these tips ;) Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support...

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