Recent in 8. page - Betta aquarium



4,176 likes 51,774 views 6 years ago

× DIY Betta Fish BIN Aquarium on a LOW Budget... PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: P.O BOX: 8293 Jupiter FL, 33468 Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE:...


NEW Betta Male Fish Video 2018- TOP collection...

248 likes 24,713 views 6 years ago

× NEW Betta Male Fish Video 2018- TOP collection fighting fish | fish videos ||Complete Documentary Best breeding betta fish tanks supe colour full betta fish tanks Round This tail is rounded and has no sharp Corners. Spadetall spade shaped Veiltail most common long tail. Plakat Short tail. Delta Straight edges fan away from...


Betta Fish Retirement Tank | Fish Fan Friday...

638 likes 23,781 views 6 years ago

× I am trying out a new betta fish retirement setup using the medium size critter keeper that is about 2.5 gallons.. realistically I think its more like 2 gallons. Some fish do better in large tanks while others do well in smaller setups so it is best to choose what works for your individual betta fish. Similar Kritter Keeper:


Feeding all my Betta Fish | 31 fish!

556 likes 26,977 views 6 years ago

× In this video, I show you how I feed all 31 of my betta fish! How many betta fish do you have? ------------------- Want to support CreativePetKeeing on Patreon? ★AFFILIATE LINKS CreativePetKeeping Wishlist- Filming Equipment - Products we reviewed-...


$20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

858 likes 36,249 views 6 years ago

× I hope you guys like the video! $20 fish tank challenge ad it worked out well! Follow me on Instagram (If you want to) : (Or if you like my videos because I’m sure you’d like my Instagram) What camera do I use- Sony a 6300 With a Rode Mic Thank you guys for watching this video, I really hope I inspired...



859 likes 24,473 views 6 years ago

× VISIT MY WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: WANT TO SUPPORT DEXTER'S WORLD CHANNEL? Paypal Link: Your support will highly be appreciated. In association with : Nathan Cornella CTI Media (web & Advertising) "BETTA FISH" is a popular...


My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

884 likes 22,607 views 6 years ago

× Download Amino and join me in the Betta Keepers community! iOS and Google Play: Search "Betta" on the Explore Page to join the Betta Keepers community! Follow Me: AQUAPROS How to participate in GIVEAWAY: 1.) Download Amino App 2.) Join the "Betta Keepers" Amino group 3.) Follow Me: AQUAPROS 4.) Like and...


Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup!...

821 likes 23,775 views 6 years ago

× Tank I bought -


BETTA FISH FOR FREE - INSANE high qaulity betta...

1,523 likes 40,776 views 6 years ago

× VISIT MY WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: Dexter's World JR- I am glad to share this once in a life time offer of my friend his quality breeder betta's for free. Ricky is one of the top betta breeders in my place. He wanted to help me improved...


New breeds collection Betta fish tank

345 likes 63,113 views 6 years ago

× Top 05 most beautiful Betta fishes breeding of types

Most popular in Betta


How To Slow Your Filters Current Or Your Bettas

387 likes 68,093 views 11 years ago

× So this is what I do to spread out the pressure for letting water out of the filter so it's not going in one spot creating a waterfall. This will help is your betta keeps being tossed around his/her tank due to a strong filter current.


Setting up a New 10 Gallon divided Betta Fish Tank

386 likes 14,521 views 8 years ago

× Setting up a new divided 10 gallon Betta Fish tank. We used Sintra PVC for the divider. For substrate we used Fluval Stratum and a thin layer of black gravel. The decorations and plants came from Petsmart and the stones came from Michaels. For filtration we used two sponge filters powered by an air pump. Our two new Betta fish are now enjoying their...


New Bettas - Fish Care - Acclimation and Tips

385 likes 25,058 views 8 years ago

× Betta fish care - some basic 101 info on how I acclimate fish and treat illness or sickly looking fish to help rehabilitate them. I ► Check out my first fish room video here: ►Intro Music remix by: Akira the Don ( ►Follow me on Twitter!...


Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up

385 likes 17,749 views 7 years ago

× Our 75 Gallon Betta fish community tank need a major clean. The tank is covered in Algae and the filters need some much needed maintenance. The filters are a hang on the Back Aqua clear 70 and a large sponge filter. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? Use our coupon...


Betta Aquarium Tips - Your Betta with Other...

383 likes 63,223 views 11 years ago

× Betta Aquarium Tips - Get instant access to our famous "Betta Fish Secrets" mini-course at ! Worried about what other fish should occupy your Betta aquarium? Before you put your Betta into a tank, watch this video. If your Betta aquarium contains the wrong fish, your fish may starve or suffer harm. In this video, we will give...


How to Keep Betta Fish: BettaTank at Preschool;...

383 likes 32,663 views 9 years ago

× This is an EASY Betta Tank that I setup at my daughters preschool. The trick is that it has a SUPER HIGH fishload making it an EASY to maintain Betta tank for a Preschool class. TOP 10 TIPS (GET ON THE WEBINARS, get the TIPS!) Angelfish, Freshwater Angelfish Species Sunday Beginner Aquarium...


How to Set Up A Basic Betta Tank

381 likes 138,560 views 11 years ago

× HOW TO SET UP A BASIC BETTA TANK. This tank setup can be used for many other fish, not only bettas. I used a 30 litre tank, and the water has already been conditioned. Gmail -


New Betta Fish Unboxing and Tank Set Up

378 likes 32,759 views 8 years ago

× An unboxing video of our new Betta fish generously given to us by Bettas and Art. We were asked to do an honest review of the whole buying and shipping process from this company. Bettas and Art answered all our questions very quickly and the Betta arrived with no issues and in very good health. She is a fancy HM koi plakat imported from Thailand and...


Setting up a Fish Tank for my new Betta

377 likes 68,630 views 10 years ago

× I am getting a beta fish tomorrow. He or she will be kept in this 10 gallon tank. Follow Bandit on Instagram:


Culligan the Betta Fish in his 5 Gallon Eclipse...

376 likes 119,584 views 16 years ago

× Here is Culligan, my first betta fish (well, first fish, period). I got him as a gift from my boyfriend about two weeks ago. He was in a tiny cup and I didn't know anything about fish so I went out and got a pretty 1 gallon glass vase and kept him in there for about a week. Then, I read up on bettas and went out and bought him this 5 gallon aquarium....


Stingray, Flowerhorn & Koi At Shark Point Fish...

373 likes 24,725 views 7 years ago

× Call at the number give to order in bulk. They won't deliver one or two pieces..


Breeding Containers for Betta Fish

369 likes 29,627 views 8 years ago

× I wanted to show you different types of breeding containers for fish. These are containers that float inside your aquarium. They separate your fish from other fish while still giving it access to filtered water and stable temperature. They are great temporary or permanent options for betta fish to live in although I always recommend that a betta...


Sneak Peek! Betta Barracks Recirculating...

364 likes 5,763 views 7 years ago

× Here is a sneak peek at some cool projects I have been working on, including a recirculating betta "barracks" system, a breeding for profit rack, and an emmersed plant tank. I've been busy actually doing the projects too much to finish editing the final videos, haha. They will be coming up soonish ;) This is the seventh video in my "Feb Daily Video...


Betta fish eating blood worms

356 likes 138,301 views 12 years ago

× Just feeding Fotomaki, my betta fish some blood worms. He could identify this particular box as opposed to the other one which had pellets in it.


Cycling A Betta Fish Tank (Episode 4)

352 likes 10,613 views 7 years ago

× How to cycle a tank. Cycling a Betta fish takes time and patience. Cycling a tank is important as you need the beneficial bacteria to build up in the tank making the water safe for fish. To begin cycling a tank you need to add an ammonia source. That can be put ammonia or fish food. If your adding pure ammonia you need to follow the direction on the...


Daily Fish Video Challenge! Day 1 - Intro and...

351 likes 6,510 views 7 years ago

× Hey guys, I'm trying the Feb daily fish vlog challenge that some awesome people did last year. I really enjoyed watching others in the aquatic community try to make daily videos, so here I go! Teespring: Instagram: Facebook: Web...


How to clean a 5 gallon BETTA FISH tank |...

350 likes 30,296 views 8 years ago

× In this video I am going to show you how I clean my tank and prepare it for my male betta fish. This tank got to a pretty bad even smelled bad because my pet-sitter overfed my fish and there was a lot of rotting fish food in the tank. I decided that the best thing to do would be to start over ALMOST from scratch. I did not want to have...


7 Best Fish Tanks 2016

349 likes 99,953 views 9 years ago

× CLICK FOR WIKI ►► Fish Tanks Reviewed In This Wiki: Back-to-the-Roots Garden Tetra Waterfall Globe KollerCraft Aquaview 360 Fluval Chi II GloFish 29045 Umbra FishHotel Fluval Edge


Betta Tank Tours

348 likes 46,714 views 9 years ago

× Sorry about the first upload of this video. My music was being weird on imovie so I changed it and forgot to make the music not as loud. I thought I was done editing, but I guess I wasn't. Sorry about that. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this video:) Music: sunset lover- petit biscuit


Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! //...

346 likes 34,176 views 8 years ago

× I got some new fish!!! I'll be teaching y'all how to introduce tankmates to an established betta, and meeting my new fishies c: make sure to like and subscribe ily all. sorry the water is so low, topped it up right after the video!!


Betta Fish Filters

345 likes 15,855 views 8 years ago

× Sponge filters for Betta fish. Sponge filters are perfect for betta fish tanks. They provide the beneficial bacteria needed to keep the tank healthy and also promote good gas exchange. You can make a DIY filter or buy one. They work by attaching an air pump with air line tubing and can run 2-3 filters off one air pump. Due to the low water movement...


New breeds collection Betta fish tank

345 likes 63,113 views 6 years ago

× Top 05 most beautiful Betta fishes breeding of types


How to Sex your Veiltail Betta - Male or Female?

343 likes 50,375 views 8 years ago

× Curious to know how to identify your veiltail betta's sex? Here are the most physical features used to identify the sex of your betta. Most of these tips apply to all betta fin types, but because not every single one applies, I'm covering my bases and basing these off veiltails only, as those are the only types of bettas I am using in my...


Betta Fish Play Time, Games, Tricks, & Interaction

339 likes 48,328 views 11 years ago

× - Feed your Betta a high quality food because they’re lots of bad foods on the market. I highly advise this brand (Amazon link). Omega One Betta Buffet: Question: What are some things I can do with my betta fish? He seems like he is always kind of bored and hating his life. What can I do to cheer him up?...


Red rose tail HM Halfmoon male Betta fish.

337 likes 87,445 views 10 years ago

× This beautiful young male is SOLD OUT if interested in more beauties like this one visit our store and check out what we have on sale at the moment by visiting our website


First time Soldering! Fish Room Shelving LED...

335 likes 6,647 views 7 years ago

× My LED light strips on my betta shelf in my fish room has been busted for a little while - when I built it originally I tried to avoid soldering by using these cheap little "quick clips" to connect the strips to the wires. Surprise surprise, they didn't do the job! So I bought myself a beginners soldering kit and took some time to learn it. I'm glad...


Pet Fish & Aquarium Care Tips : How to Breed...

335 likes 303,453 views 16 years ago

× Items needed to breed Betta fish include at least a 10 gallon tank, sponge filter, and a heater to maintain the water at 70 to 72 degrees. Breed Betta fish with tips from an aquarium shop owner in this free video on aquariums. Expert: Chris Simms Contact: Bio: Chris Simms owns Aquatic Central in San Francisco, Calif....


At Least My Pothos are Pretty - Daily Video...

334 likes 4,613 views 7 years ago

× It is tough to create daily vlog content and also have decent production value... especially when everything goes WRONG. To top it all off the audio on this video messed up so this is my second time uploading it - arg! This is the eighth video in my "Feb Daily Video Challenge", here is a link to the playlist with all of them so far!...


Friday Night Q&A Freshwater Fish Plants and...

333 likes 6,022 views 7 years ago

× Friday Night Q&A Freshwater Fish Plants and Shrimp Aquarium Keeping. Ask me he community and I questions about keeping freshwater Aquarium Fish, Shrimp, and Plants. ________________________________________________________________ Get to Know Me: 100+ Planted Tanks:...


How To Clean the 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon Aquarium

331 likes 35,978 views 8 years ago

× Today, I show you how I clean my 3 Gallon Tetra half moon aquarium that my female (longfin veiltail) betta Journey lives in. Although this video is geared towards this aquarium, the steps I do for this tank are the exact same steps I use to clean my other aquariums. I did not scrub down the sides of my aquarium because there was no algae buildup. If...


Fishtank Tales, I ADMIT IT, Aquarium fish I...

330 likes 6,842 views 7 years ago

× Daily Dustin Video 036. In today's daily video I give you Fishtank Tales Tuesday, I ADMIT IT! I talk about the old Pacu that I used to have. Hope you enjoy today's Fishtank Tales. Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video...



326 likes 7,089 views 7 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE: Check out the plants here: And use the code Challenger20 for 20% OFF Or check out my merch! Today I show you how to make a DIY Aquarium Christmass tree for your nano or large aquarium. It was very easy I used X Mas moss but you can use java moss or even moss from a...


75 Gallon Betta Fish Tank Mini Makeover

325 likes 9,485 views 7 years ago

× Betta fish tank makeover. We have added and moved around the decorations in our 75 gallon tank. The betta fish seem to like all the new plants. The plants are Anacharis, Amazon Sword, Green Crytocoryne and Cambomba. There are all easy plants that require low to medium light. NEW Merchandise Want to...


All of my Betta fish and Tanks

324 likes 33,168 views 9 years ago

× email: Instagram: purplebettafish Hey everyone! Here is a video of all of my bettas. If you have any video requests please let me know! Thanks for watching!


All Our Current Tanks and Betta Fish Death.

323 likes 7,486 views 7 years ago

× All our current Betta fish tanks. We have 7 tanks set up ranging from 5 gallons to 75 gallons. We have betta fish, Goldfish, Amazon puffer fish, guppies and many more! Our online store Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15...


Koi Betta Fry Update

322 likes 5,616 views 7 years ago

× An update on my Koi Betta Fry in my 30 gallon long planted aquarium. Other residents include Pseudomugil Luminatus, Ember Tetra, Neon Green Rasboras, Green Fire Tetra and Blue Pearl Shrimp.


Guppy Fish - Betta Fish - Fish Room Update -...

322 likes 11,382 views 7 years ago

× Today is just a typical day in the fish room. I start off by trying to get a project done and get distracted by all my aquariums. Updates on quite a few aquarium setups and fish. Including my Gold Face Electric Blue rams, Apistogramma Panduro, Pom Pom Crabs, Betta Fish, Guppy Fish, Yellow Shrimp, Mascara Barbs and a lot more, with a special surprise...


Color Glass Fish At Kurla Pari Aquarium Shop

321 likes 15,911 views 7 years ago

× The colour glass fish is available at pari Aquarium store. I have given their number on screen ...



320 likes 5,751 views 7 years ago

× This was a popular topic last year so we thought we'd bring it back. What types of creatures can we keep in our tanks to help with maintenance or help keep it clean? What fish can clean the bottom of the tank? Our Personal Channels: Joel's Channel: Cory's Channel:


#DIY Divider Tank | Fish Tank Ideas | How to...

320 likes 20,606 views 9 years ago

× Need fish tank inspiration? Do you want to try setting up your very own Betta tank? I hope that this video will help you out! Beautiful Male Betta: DIY Filter Video: Debunking Betta Fish Myths: Materials: Canvas Mesh (for divider): Aquarium...

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