Recent in 7. page - Betta aquarium



4,176 likes 51,774 views 6 years ago

× DIY Betta Fish BIN Aquarium on a LOW Budget... PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: P.O BOX: 8293 Jupiter FL, 33468 Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE:...


NEW Betta Male Fish Video 2018- TOP collection...

248 likes 24,713 views 6 years ago

× NEW Betta Male Fish Video 2018- TOP collection fighting fish | fish videos ||Complete Documentary Best breeding betta fish tanks supe colour full betta fish tanks Round This tail is rounded and has no sharp Corners. Spadetall spade shaped Veiltail most common long tail. Plakat Short tail. Delta Straight edges fan away from...


Betta Fish Retirement Tank | Fish Fan Friday...

638 likes 23,781 views 6 years ago

× I am trying out a new betta fish retirement setup using the medium size critter keeper that is about 2.5 gallons.. realistically I think its more like 2 gallons. Some fish do better in large tanks while others do well in smaller setups so it is best to choose what works for your individual betta fish. Similar Kritter Keeper:


Feeding all my Betta Fish | 31 fish!

556 likes 26,977 views 6 years ago

× In this video, I show you how I feed all 31 of my betta fish! How many betta fish do you have? ------------------- Want to support CreativePetKeeing on Patreon? ★AFFILIATE LINKS CreativePetKeeping Wishlist- Filming Equipment - Products we reviewed-...


$20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

858 likes 36,249 views 6 years ago

× I hope you guys like the video! $20 fish tank challenge ad it worked out well! Follow me on Instagram (If you want to) : (Or if you like my videos because I’m sure you’d like my Instagram) What camera do I use- Sony a 6300 With a Rode Mic Thank you guys for watching this video, I really hope I inspired...



859 likes 24,473 views 6 years ago

× VISIT MY WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: WANT TO SUPPORT DEXTER'S WORLD CHANNEL? Paypal Link: Your support will highly be appreciated. In association with : Nathan Cornella CTI Media (web & Advertising) "BETTA FISH" is a popular...


My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

884 likes 22,607 views 6 years ago

× Download Amino and join me in the Betta Keepers community! iOS and Google Play: Search "Betta" on the Explore Page to join the Betta Keepers community! Follow Me: AQUAPROS How to participate in GIVEAWAY: 1.) Download Amino App 2.) Join the "Betta Keepers" Amino group 3.) Follow Me: AQUAPROS 4.) Like and...


Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup!...

821 likes 23,775 views 6 years ago

× Tank I bought -


BETTA FISH FOR FREE - INSANE high qaulity betta...

1,523 likes 40,776 views 6 years ago

× VISIT MY WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: Dexter's World JR- I am glad to share this once in a life time offer of my friend his quality breeder betta's for free. Ricky is one of the top betta breeders in my place. He wanted to help me improved...


New breeds collection Betta fish tank

345 likes 63,113 views 6 years ago

× Top 05 most beautiful Betta fishes breeding of types

Most popular in Betta


Betta fish basic care Hindi \ Urdu

484 likes 27,272 views 7 years ago

× join whats app group by this link


Colorful Aquarium Fish GIVEAWAY

477 likes 14,598 views 7 years ago

× Fellow Exotic Cichlid Enthusiast @sck_cichlids contacted me about helping me build my TANK STAND and show me some of his prized pets that are available for his giveaway! To Enter the GIVEAWAY be sure to follow @sck_cichlids on instagram and download cash app! more specific details will be posted on his instagram:...


DIY How to Build a Betta Barracks Rack System -...

477 likes 31,159 views 9 years ago

× Today I teach you how I build this betta barracks system. It's a rack system that uses a sump to circulate the water between all the bettas slowly. I plan to build an even larger system after this one. Using rain gutters and a small pump you two could be housing 20 bettas! Matala Mat: Valves: If you've...


Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish To...

477 likes 178,469 views 10 years ago

× Will It Be Love At First Sight ? Lol


Betta Breeding Tank Setup and moving the...

474 likes 30,905 views 8 years ago

× I was running out of room and I have to admit..the loud bubble sounds and the air pump were starting to get very loud in the bedroom so I had a crazy idea... move everything to the kitchen!? I already had my 20gal long in there with my male betta and guppies. I love how it was so easy to control the light in there because there are no windows (which...


How to set up a Betta fish tank . How to set up...

474 likes 21,338 views 6 years ago

× Betta Lover


Cleaning my Betta Tank | Fluval Spec III 2.6...

473 likes 63,810 views 9 years ago

× Cleaning a Betta Tank | Fluval Spec III | In this video I demonstrate how I clean my Bettas Tank. It has a heater and filter. It is near the window so it grows a lot of algae. My Bettas name is Jewels, he is a Platinum Betta. This Aquarium is a Fluval Spec III 2.6 U.S. Gallon Fluval Spec III:...


Pothos DESTROYED my aquarium!

469 likes 86,460 views 8 years ago

× Adding a second cultivar of Pothos, a common house plant, to my hang on back filter KILLED my algae! It had the desired effect of aiding in filtration, but also the undesirable effect of killing off my prized black beard algae. Sad day in the fish room! Fish are happy but now I have to come up with a new decorating strategy.


How to heat up multiple betta cups and bowls...

463 likes 34,964 views 8 years ago

× Here is my DIY temporary set up for my female bettas. All the containers that inside are heated using ONE heater as the heat is transferred through the water. The female Bettas will all go into a sorority tank soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★...


Guppies Bettas Plecos Shrimp

460 likes 6,717 views 7 years ago

× I was asked to show an update on all my Betta fish. Not many left but you will see all my guppy fish and shrimp and plecos. All...


PRODUCT REVIEW | Aqueon Betta Falls Black Fish...

460 likes 73,236 views 8 years ago

× Please watch this video! it will help you on deciding what to do with your future betta fish purchases! also, if you wanna support what i do, please check out my etsy shop!


How to do a Water Change on a Betta Fish Tank

450 likes 21,621 views 7 years ago

× How we do a water change on a 2.5 gallon Betta fish tank and our 10 gallon divided tank. We do water changes on all our betta tanks once a week. Depending on the tank we do 25-50% water change. There are many ways of doing a water change and this is what works for us. We don't remove the betta from the tank as we find it stress them out more to...


Clelia Aquascaping her first Nano tank

448 likes 13,119 views 9 years ago

× My youngest, Clelia (age 11) came back from the Aquatic Experience inspired to plant her first tank. This is her experience doing so!



446 likes 48,530 views 9 years ago

× hey duudes! this is the first part to my aqueon mini bow 2.5 gallon aquarium review. filmed this is august and was planning to finish it in the same month, but as you know, i am a procrastinator.. SO stay tuned for next week when i upload my full review and thoughts on this tank and whether or not you should buy it. as always, thanks for watching!! :-)


Betta Community Tank Update

444 likes 34,277 views 8 years ago

× Female betta community tank update. Our 75 gallon planted female betta community tank is doing well. The bettas have settled with their tank mates and each other. The tank houses Betta fish, Clown loaches, Dension barbs, Harlequin Rasboras, Julii Corys, and Platys. We do have issues with Algae and are working on dealing with the problem. Want to...


ALL IN ONE NANO TANK - Imagitarium Betta Fish...

441 likes 11,062 views 7 years ago

× Take two of setting up a nano aquarium for a Betta fish. The Imagitarium PRO Delux Freshwater Aquarium 3.7 gallon kit. Find it here:


What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta...

440 likes 59,908 views 9 years ago

× Can Bettas live with other fish? What kind of fish can live with Bettas? Can I keep Betta fish with goldfish? These are questions I get very commonly..but there is one ..above all that I hear the most.. watch the video to find our what it is! Here are some suggestions for good tankmates for betta fish: Apple Snails African Dwarf Frogs Ghost Shrimp...


New Betta Fish!-SURPRISE!:)

439 likes 76,310 views 11 years ago

× Here is my new betta fish that I just got today! I don't know a name so comment one! He is housed in a 2.5 gallon aquarium and it is the perfect size. If you want to see more videos of him or any other pet comment below;)!!


Setting Up TWO New 20-Gallon Betta Grow-Out...

439 likes 8,555 views 7 years ago

× I set up two of the seven new tanks I got at Petco a few days in my fish room. They're for betta babies to grow out in. They're a little bare but I'll get some plants in there! This is the fourth video in my "Feb Daily Video Challenge", here is a link to the playlist with all of them so far! Instagram:...


Putting my Betta Fish in His New Tank! | Alyssa...

437 likes 20,747 views 7 years ago

× Merch: Instagram- alyssa.nicoleyt Twitter- anyoutube Camera: Canon Rebel T5i Editor: IMovie


How to add a Betta Fish to a Community Tank.

430 likes 25,232 views 8 years ago

× How to add a Betta fish to a Community tank. When planning on putting a betta in a community tank you need to do a lot of research as to what tank mates are suitable. We chose White Cloud Mountain Minnows. The tank is a 20 gallon long planted tank. Our Betta fish Murphy accepted them with no problems at all. The plants are Amazon sword, Green...


Betta Fish Tank Tour February 2015

429 likes 103,375 views 10 years ago

× Today I decided to film a aquarium tour of my Betta fish Topaz's tank. He is a male Dumbo Betta, and I've had him for around 6 months now. Please leave videos requests and any questions about Betta fish that you may have in the comments below!


Betta Meeting New Freshwater crab

429 likes 78,669 views 8 years ago

× Betta inspecting new tank mate freshwater crab UPDATE! I Forgot about this video until recently, and have seen so much interest! Thank you! To clear up a lot of the question you have, Horace the ( freshwater Crab ) & Jasper the ( Betta ) Lived together very peacefully after this video for several months until Horace decided to escape and completely...


Two Week Old Baby Betta Fish | STARTING WATER...

425 likes 13,953 views 8 years ago

× The Baby Betta Fish Fry are over two weeks old. This means that it is time to start performing water changes daily. This is my second water change and I think I am getting better at it. Its stressful because I don't want to accidentally siphon up the tiny baby bettas... so I have to be very very careful. Water changes are important for two reasons....



424 likes 22,844 views 9 years ago

× To set up a new Betta Fish tank you need to cycle it first to make it a safe place for your new pet. The nitrogen cycle (also known as the nitration cycle) is the process that breaks toxic ammonia, nitrate, and nitrogen waste products in an aquarium into less harmful components. For this cycle to happen, beneficial bacteria that feed on these waste...


Orange Laser Corydoras and Lots of Baby Bettas...

421 likes 6,507 views 7 years ago

× The CW010 orange laser corydora is a beautiful and amazing little catfish, here is my breeding group of 18 fish which includes a few albinos. And here is why I'm finding them a new home. I adore these little guys, but I need the space to focus on other things. I have struggled with the idea of selling them for a long time now and have finally...


How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)

418 likes 12,935 views 7 years ago

× Setting up a Betta fish tank. For this Betta fish tank we chose the 5.5 gallon tank from the thrift store. We've added Fluval stratum as substrate and some basic live plants. These live plants need low light for them to thrive. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? LIVE...


New 75 Gallon Tank Set Up (Part one)

413 likes 43,107 views 8 years ago

× How to set up a 75 Betta fish community tank. We have had a few problems as we've gone through the set up process and will share them as we go along. The 75 gallon tank is a Marineland tank from Petsmart and came with tank, stand , glass lid and LED lights. We are using an Aquaclear 70 for filtration. Aquaclear 70 Filter


FAQ on Snails Part 1

411 likes 34,031 views 8 years ago

× Today I will answer the most FAO on Mystery snails and Nerite snails. I have Horned Nerite snails, Zebra nerites and Tiger Nerites. I also have a Golden mystery snails. They do a great job taking care of the algae in the tank. Snails are not suitable in tanks under 2.5 gallons because they produce so much waste. Filtered tanks over 2.5 gallons are...


Betta tank setup

409 likes 74,981 views 8 years ago



Compatible Tank mates for Betta Fish (Collab)

408 likes 25,060 views 7 years ago

× Today we look at what fish are compatible for betta fish to live with. Not all Bettas will accept tank mates but many will. These fish are my top 5 fish to live with betta fish. Platies, Cory, Harlequin Rasboras, Otocinclus and clown plecos. These fish have all lived peacefully with many of my betta fish. Want to support us?...


Why do Betta Fish NEED a heater for their tank...

408 likes 26,312 views 9 years ago

× While some people say that Bettas will be "fine" without an aquarium heater ..unless you live in a tropical country it is recommended to have one. A Bettas metabolism is affected by the change in water temperature because they are cold blooded. This in turn makes them lethargic, constipated, and more prone to getting sick....


Betta Colour Patterns - Live tropical fish |...

407 likes 179,104 views 7 years ago

× Betta Colour Patterns - Live tropical fish | Betta fish tank New betta fish tanks looking thanks


BETTA fish Aquarium UPGRADED finally!!

407 likes 12,332 views 7 years ago

× I end up FINALLY getting the fish tank Phoenix deserves and naming my MONSTER DRAGON FISH (The Arowana) Leave a comment, Like, & DON'T forget to SUBSCRIBE if you haven't already! BOOYAH! SUBSCRIBE to my CHANNEL here!: Follow my Instagram @Joey_Slay_Em:...



404 likes 9,127 views 7 years ago

× On my Florida trip I got to take a tour of Segrest Farms and be shown around by the wonderful Sandy Moore. She is the operations manager there at Segrest. 4K Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale:...


Starting a female BETTA SORORITY TANK with...

402 likes 27,674 views 8 years ago

× The wait is finally over! The famale Bettas are finally ready to go into their community fish tank. I hope Autumn gets better soon! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE):...


Fancy Guppy Fish Tank Talk. Ep. 19 - 2 HOUR...

401 likes 6,134 views 7 years ago

× Joel and I have a passion for guppies. We are going to do an extended show and cover many topics such as where to get great ones, why we love them, how to breed them, different techniques etc. Our Personal Channels: Joel's Channel: Cory's Channel: Jimmy's Channel:...


Sneak Peak at Golden Betta Babies and Feeding...

398 likes 6,901 views 7 years ago

× Here is another quick video about my bettas in my fish room, including a sneak peek at some gold-colored babies I have growing out! I added two more 20-gallon tanks to one of my shelves and gave everyone a good feeding of tasty grindal worms. This is the fifth video in my "Feb Daily Video Challenge", here is a link to the playlist with all of them...



396 likes 4,745 views 7 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE: My Pet Store Online Support me so I can keep making videos. Amazon Wish List Patreon Merch H2Oplants 20% off or use the code Challenger20 MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) MY...


Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish...

390 likes 208,916 views 11 years ago

× Me introducing my male and female betta fish together in the same tank. Male starts chasing female later in the video. Be sure to watch in the highest quality, rate, comment, and subscribe for more betta videos.

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